Update key frequency table

This commit is contained in:
Gergely Polonkai 2023-10-15 05:14:16 +02:00
parent 857d01b3d0
commit d6e8e7000f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 2D2885533B869ED4
1 changed files with 195 additions and 186 deletions

View File

@ -1,26 +1,116 @@
(((minibuffer-mode . find-file) . 256)
((minibuffer-mode . vertico-insert) . 136)
((minibuffer-mode . self-insert-command) . 145993)
((minibuffer-mode . vertico-next) . 927)
(((org-mode . set-mark-command) . 2565)
((org-mode . kill-region) . 2066)
((org-mode . hungry-delete-forward) . 4325)
((org-mode . org-cycle) . 5962)
((org-mode . org-insert-structure-template) . 129)
((org-mode . forward-list) . 146)
((org-mode . forward-char) . 8555)
((org-mode . org-yank) . 1143)
((minibuffer-mode . describe-package) . 27)
((org-mode . vertico-exit) . 423)
((org-mode . end-of-buffer) . 671)
((org-mode . flyspell-auto-correct-word) . 34)
((org-mode . scroll-down-command) . 628)
((org-mode . scroll-up-command) . 903)
((org-mode . backward-word) . 9510)
((org-mode . kill-word) . 3191)
((org-mode . kill-sexp) . 38)
((org-mode . backward-char) . 4982)
((minibuffer-mode . find-file) . 275)
((minibuffer-mode . backward-kill-word) . 435)
((minibuffer-mode . vertico-insert) . 160)
((markdown-mode . find-file) . 20)
((org-mode . mouse-drag-region) . 1082)
((org-mode . mouse-set-point) . 1028)
((python-mode . lsp-ui-doc--handle-mouse-movement) . 122544)
((python-mode . ignore-preserving-kill-region) . 4)
((python-mode . kill-this-buffer) . 6701)
((sh-mode . kill-this-buffer) . 126)
((sh-mode . find-file) . 2)
((sh-mode . next-line) . 33130)
((sh-mode . abort-minibuffers) . 2)
((minibuffer-mode . forward-char) . 16)
((python-mode . backward-char) . 76540)
((python-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-end-of-line) . 80974)
((emacs-lisp-mode . org-edit-special) . 199)
((emacs-lisp-mode . indent-for-tab-command) . 239)
((emacs-lisp-mode . mark-whole-buffer) . 14)
((emacs-lisp-mode . org-edit-src-save) . 254)
((org-mode . org-edit-src-exit) . 215)
((org-mode . org-toggle-link-display) . 85)
((org-mode . org-insert-heading-respect-content) . 135)
((emacs-lisp-mode . forward-char) . 810)
((emacs-lisp-mode . set-mark-command) . 400)
((emacs-lisp-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-end-of-line) . 724)
((emacs-lisp-mode . self-insert-command) . 22027)
((emacs-lisp-mode . backward-list) . 116)
((emacs-lisp-mode . newline) . 1253)
((emacs-lisp-mode . forward-list) . 217)
((emacs-lisp-mode . sp-backward-delete-char) . 1452)
((emacs-lisp-mode . sp-kill-region) . 147)
((emacs-lisp-mode . quoted-insert) . 206)
((emacs-lisp-mode . eval-last-sexp) . 144)
((org-mode . set-goal-column) . 23)
((dashboard-mode . kill-this-buffer) . 480)
((dashboard-mode . describe-package) . 21)
((dashboard-mode . dashboard-next-line) . 834)
((help-mode . backward-word) . 37)
((help-mode . set-mark-command) . 16)
((help-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-end-of-line) . 70)
((help-mode . kill-ring-save) . 16)
((dashboard-mode . quit-window) . 72)
((magit-status-mode . magit-status) . 3121)
((magit-status-mode . zygospore-toggle-delete-other-windows) . 3563)
((magit-status-mode . magit-section-backward) . 66292)
((magit-status-mode . magit-section-forward) . 84845)
((magit-status-mode . magit-stage) . 23726)
((magit-status-mode . magit-commit) . 6073)
((fundamental-mode . magit-commit-create) . 2578)
((text-mode . magit-commit-create) . 2576)
((text-mode . self-insert-command) . 289804)
((text-mode . hungry-delete-backward) . 21771)
((magit-status-mode . with-editor-finish) . 8411)
((minibuffer-mode . describe-function) . 15)
((magit-status-mode . describe-function) . 17)
((help-mode . mouse-drag-region) . 288)
((emacs-lisp-mode . push-button) . 78)
((emacs-lisp-mode . vertico-exit) . 3)
((emacs-lisp-mode . beginning-of-buffer) . 63)
((magit-status-mode . kill-this-buffer) . 7683)
((magit-status-mode . magit-next-line) . 220237)
((magit-status-mode . magit-previous-line) . 125126)
((special-mode . ace-window) . 65)
((special-mode . previous-line) . 179)
((special-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-end-of-line) . 3)
((special-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-beginning-of-line) . 4)
((fundamental-mode . ace-window) . 638)
((org-mode . goto-last-change) . 93)
((org-mode . git-gutter:next-hunk) . 39)
((dashboard-mode . forward-char) . 11)
((org-mode . bookmark-menu) . 1)
((minibuffer-mode . bookmark-jump) . 1)
((org-mode . bookmark-jump) . 1)
((dashboard-mode . zone-leave-me-alone) . 516)
((help-mode . beginning-of-buffer) . 26)
((minibuffer-mode . kill-region) . 8)
((org-mode . isearch-forward-regexp) . 864)
((org-mode . isearch-printing-char) . 5441)
((org-mode . isearch-repeat-forward) . 2125)
((org-mode . isearch-exit) . 739)
((minibuffer-mode . bookmark-set) . 1)
((org-mode . exit-minibuffer) . 213)
((org-mode . projectile-speedbar-toggle) . 2)
((org-mode . isearch-repeat-backward) . 88)
((emacs-lisp-mode . find-file) . 5)
((minibuffer-mode . consult-line) . 251)
((minibuffer-mode . hungry-delete-backward) . 7950)
((emacs-lisp-mode . abort-minibuffers) . 6)
((emacs-lisp-mode . keyboard-quit) . 73)
((fundamental-mode . end-of-buffer) . 160)
((special-mode . ace-window) . 64)
((special-mode . end-of-buffer) . 3)
((minibuffer-mode . consult-buffer) . 494)
((special-mode . vertico-exit) . 2)
((special-mode . next-line) . 447)
((special-mode . previous-line) . 178)
((minibuffer-mode . describe-variable) . 20)
((minibuffer-mode . vertico-previous) . 328)
((special-mode . abort-minibuffers) . 1)
((special-mode . beginning-of-buffer) . 6)
((fundamental-mode . ace-window) . 637)
((minibuffer-mode . backward-kill-word) . 423)
((org-mode . keyboard-quit) . 725)
((special-mode . scroll-up-command) . 44)
((fundamental-mode . zygospore-toggle-delete-other-windows) . 25)
((fundamental-mode . abort-minibuffers) . 5)
@ -34,31 +124,17 @@
((conf-unix-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-beginning-of-line) . 112)
((conf-unix-mode . set-mark-command) . 146)
((conf-unix-mode . kill-ring-save) . 24)
((org-mode . ace-window) . 1230)
((org-mode . undo) . 1119)
((emacs-lisp-mode . forward-word) . 1291)
((emacs-lisp-mode . backward-word) . 712)
((emacs-lisp-mode . backward-char) . 897)
((emacs-lisp-mode . newline) . 1251)
((emacs-lisp-mode . forward-list) . 216)
((emacs-lisp-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-beginning-of-line) . 1108)
((emacs-lisp-mode . yank) . 139)
((emacs-lisp-mode . set-mark-command) . 398)
((emacs-lisp-mode . sp-kill-region) . 146)
((emacs-lisp-mode . undo) . 190)
((minibuffer-mode . consult-man) . 4)
((minibuffer-mode . quoted-insert) . 6)
((org-mode . org-toggle-link-display) . 83)
((emacs-lisp-mode . mc/edit-lines) . 9)
((emacs-lisp-mode . quoted-insert) . 204)
((emacs-lisp-mode . sp-delete-char) . 256)
((emacs-lisp-mode . forward-char) . 808)
((emacs-lisp-mode . multiple-cursors-mode) . 2)
((emacs-lisp-mode . delete-indentation) . 122)
((magit-status-mode . mwheel-scroll) . 630)
((text-mode . find-file) . 16)
((text-mode . self-insert-command) . 289721)
((text-mode . hungry-delete-backward) . 21767)
((text-mode . newline) . 3067)
((text-mode . eshell-C-d) . 1)
((text-mode . backward-kill-word) . 3546)
@ -95,23 +171,16 @@
((lisp-interaction-mode . newline) . 1034)
((lisp-interaction-mode . self-insert-command) . 27037)
((lisp-interaction-mode . sp-backward-delete-char) . 3168)
((minibuffer-mode . describe-function) . 14)
((lisp-interaction-mode . describe-function) . 15)
((lisp-interaction-mode . backward-word) . 520)
((lisp-interaction-mode . eval-last-sexp) . 93)
((lisp-interaction-mode . embark-act) . 2)
((lisp-interaction-mode . sp-backward-kill-word) . 297)
((minibuffer-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-end-of-line) . 50)
((lisp-interaction-mode . keyboard-quit) . 239)
((magit-status-mode . ace-window) . 1898)
((magit-status-mode . magit-refresh) . 11123)
((magit-status-mode . set-mark-command) . 10897)
((magit-status-mode . magit-stage) . 23723)
((magit-status-mode . magit-commit) . 6071)
((fundamental-mode . magit-commit-create) . 2576)
((text-mode . magit-commit-create) . 2574)
((text-mode . abort-minibuffers) . 5)
((magit-status-mode . with-editor-finish) . 8409)
((magit-status-mode . magit-rebase) . 18175)
((magit-status-mode . transient-update) . 5861)
((magit-status-mode . transient:magit-rebase:--interactive) . 13)
@ -137,23 +206,13 @@
((org-mode . describe-key) . 16)
((org-mode . org-forward-heading-same-level) . 1)
((minibuffer-mode . org-roam-node-find) . 106)
((org-mode . kill-region) . 1863)
((org-mode . hungry-delete-forward) . 4265)
((emacs-lisp-mode . forward-sexp) . 30)
((emacs-lisp-mode . sp-backward-delete-char) . 1448)
((emacs-lisp-mode . self-insert-command) . 21996)
((emacs-lisp-mode . org-edit-src-save) . 248)
((minibuffer-mode . consult-projectile) . 1)
((minibuffer-mode . magit-discard) . 331)
((magit-status-mode . magit-discard) . 1619)
((minibuffer-mode . abort-minibuffers) . 6)
((org-mode . scroll-down-command) . 618)
((org-mode . exchange-point-and-mark) . 45)
((dashboard-mode . vertico-exit) . 3)
((dashboard-mode . revert-buffer) . 27)
((markdown-mode . find-file) . 18)
((markdown-mode . next-line) . 10087)
((org-mode . org-insert-heading-respect-content) . 134)
((org-mode . toggle-char-case) . 312)
((minibuffer-mode . org-roam-node-insert) . 15)
((fish-mode . find-file) . 9)
@ -204,14 +263,12 @@
((mu4e-headers-mode . mu4e-headers-prev) . 3188)
((org-mode . mu4e-quit) . 39)
((org-mode . mouse-set-region) . 29)
((org-mode . downcase-region) . 26)
((magit-refs-mode . magit-show-refs) . 1744)
((magit-refs-mode . magit-section-forward) . 1026)
((magit-refs-mode . magit-section-backward) . 711)
((magit-refs-mode . magit-branch) . 1501)
((minibuffer-mode . magit-checkout) . 554)
((magit-refs-mode . magit-checkout) . 1293)
((magit-status-mode . magit-mode-bury-buffer) . 9816)
((minibuffer-mode . magit-rebase-onto-upstream) . 9)
((magit-status-mode . magit-branch) . 4095)
((minibuffer-mode . magit-branch.<branch>.merge/remote) . 30)
@ -242,14 +299,12 @@
((magit-status-mode . mouse-drag-region) . 1882)
((magit-status-mode . mouse-set-point) . 1820)
((text-mode . kill-ring-save) . 121)
((dashboard-mode . zone-leave-me-alone) . 514)
((fundamental-mode . vertico-exit) . 5)
((mu4e-view-mode . next-line) . 11983)
((mu4e-view-mode . previous-line) . 1848)
((mu4e-view-mode . forward-word) . 122)
((text-mode . vertico-exit) . 16)
((text-mode . kill-region) . 1371)
((org-mode . split-window-right) . 14)
((org-mode . recenter-top-bottom) . 753)
((org-mode . delete-blank-lines) . 9)
((minibuffer-mode . nerd-icons-insert-ipsicon) . 1)
@ -283,12 +338,9 @@
((text-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-beginning-of-line) . 1648)
((org-mode . dabbrev-completion) . 7)
((org-mode . end-of-defun) . 726)
((org-mode . backward-list) . 32)
((text-mode . forward-char) . 1545)
((text-mode . backward-char) . 875)
((text-mode . undo) . 659)
((markdown-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-beginning-of-line) . 645)
((markdown-mode . end-of-buffer) . 65)
((markdown-mode . scroll-down-command) . 70)
((markdown-mode . scroll-other-window) . 1)
((markdown-mode . delete-duplicate-lines) . 1)
@ -318,10 +370,8 @@
((lisp-interaction-mode . sp-delete-char) . 1350)
((help-mode . mwheel-scroll) . 162)
((markdown-mode . vertico-exit) . 8)
((markdown-mode . self-insert-command) . 75436)
((help-mode . mouse-set-point) . 81)
((help-mode . forward-char) . 62)
((emacs-lisp-mode . push-button) . 77)
((magit-revision-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-end-of-line) . 115)
((magit-revision-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-beginning-of-line) . 92)
((magit-revision-mode . ace-window) . 708)
@ -360,7 +410,6 @@
((minibuffer-mode . backward-char) . 97)
((minibuffer-mode . hungry-delete-forward) . 10)
((org-mode . mouse-yank-primary) . 30)
((python-mode . lsp-ui-doc--handle-mouse-movement) . 122538)
((python-mode . mouse-drag-region) . 10800)
((python-mode . mouse-set-point) . 10253)
((python-mode . sp-unwrap-sexp) . 5823)
@ -377,7 +426,6 @@
((lisp-interaction-mode . previous-buffer) . 1)
((dashboard-mode . backward-kill-word) . 3)
((org-mode . gpolonkai/isearch-regexp) . 5)
((org-mode . isearch-printing-char) . 5431)
((org-mode . isearch-delete-char) . 259)
((ag-mode . ace-window) . 13)
((ag-mode . abort-minibuffers) . 2)
@ -471,7 +519,6 @@
((org-mode . default-indent-new-line) . 2)
((org-mode . browse-url-at-point) . 8)
((org-mode . org-table-move-column-right) . 10)
((org-mode . set-goal-column) . 22)
((org-mode . toggle-debug-on-error) . 4)
((org-mode . toggle-debug-on-quit) . 2)
((org-mode . org-table-fedit-finish) . 3)
@ -508,9 +555,7 @@
((org-mode . org-clock-out) . 13)
((org-mode . org-clock-goto) . 6)
((org-mode . eval-print-last-sexp) . 1)
((org-mode . isearch-repeat-forward) . 2101)
((org-mode . isearch-backward-regexp) . 30)
((org-mode . isearch-repeat-backward) . 86)
((org-mode . org-agenda-todo) . 31)
((org-mode . describe-function) . 34)
((org-mode . helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer) . 619)
@ -558,7 +603,6 @@
((org-mode . org-insert-todo-heading) . 8)
((org-mode . idm-list-mode-quit) . 1)
((org-mode . er/expand-region) . 1)
((org-mode . cookie) . 1)
((org-mode . exit-splash-screen) . 1)
((org-mode . mc/mark-next-like-this) . 6)
((org-mode . org-clock-jump-to-current-clock) . 1)
@ -639,7 +683,6 @@
((org-mode . magit-rebase-autosquash) . 1)
((org-mode . magit-push-current-to-pushremote) . 3)
((org-mode . xterm-paste) . 5)
((org-mode . mu4e) . 7)
((org-mode . quelpa-upgrade-all-maybe) . 1)
((org-mode . kmacro-start-macro) . 2)
((org-mode . yas-expand) . 30)
@ -651,8 +694,6 @@
((org-mode . helm-keyboard-quit) . 173)
((org-mode . View-quit) . 3)
((org-mode . counsel-ag-popup) . 1)
((org-mode . describe-variable) . 108)
((org-mode . isearch-forward-regexp) . 860)
((org-mode . eval-expression) . 11)
((org-mode . org-kill-note-or-show-branches) . 9)
((org-mode . split-line) . 1)
@ -674,7 +715,6 @@
((org-mode . org-transpose-element) . 1)
((org-mode . org-force-cycle-archived) . 30)
((org-mode . kill-current-buffer) . 1)
((org-mode . isearch-exit) . 735)
((org-mode . isearch-forward) . 2)
((org-mode . ace-jump-done) . 1)
((org-mode . org-shiftdown) . 1)
@ -691,7 +731,6 @@
((org-mode . upcase-region) . 7)
((org-mode . org-delete-indentation) . 29)
((org-mode . kill-sentence) . 1)
((org-mode . dashboard-return) . 3)
((org-mode . move-to-window-line-top-bottom) . 2)
((org-mode . org-todo) . 237)
((org-mode . backward-up-list) . 3)
@ -708,7 +747,6 @@
((org-mode . paradox-quit-and-close) . 4)
((org-mode . org-open-at-mouse) . 26)
((org-mode . customize-set-value) . 2)
((org-mode . kill-sexp) . 34)
((org-mode . gpolonkai/toggle-bright-mode) . 1)
((org-mode . customize-set-variable) . 5)
((org-mode . gpolonkai/enable-dark-mode) . 1)
@ -727,7 +765,6 @@
((org-mode . dabbrev-expand) . 10)
((org-mode . hidden-mode-line-mode) . 1)
((org-mode . which-key-C-h-dispatch) . 1)
((org-mode . git-gutter:next-hunk) . 36)
((org-mode . delete-window) . 19)
((org-mode . what-cursor-position) . 2)
((org-mode . golden-ratio-mode) . 2)
@ -789,9 +826,6 @@
((help-mode . y-or-n-p-insert-y) . 20)
((help-mode . set-goal-column) . 1)
((help-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-beginning-of-line) . 11)
((help-mode . set-mark-command) . 15)
((help-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-end-of-line) . 69)
((help-mode . kill-ring-save) . 15)
((help-mode . kill-this-buffer) . 24)
((help-mode . magit-mode-bury-buffer) . 4)
((help-mode . scroll-down-command) . 25)
@ -858,7 +892,6 @@
((help-mode . rainbow-mode) . 3)
((help-mode . ivy-done) . 21)
((dashboard-mode . describe-variable) . 18)
((dashboard-mode . describe-package) . 20)
((dashboard-mode . mu4e-quit) . 93)
((dashboard-mode . dashboard-section-1) . 1)
((dashboard-mode . delete-current-buffer-file) . 2)
@ -886,13 +919,11 @@
((dashboard-mode . kill-buffer-and-window) . 4)
((dashboard-mode . kmacro-end-macro) . 1)
((dashboard-mode . exchange-point-and-mark) . 2)
((dashboard-mode . forward-char) . 8)
((dashboard-mode . open-line-below) . 1)
((dashboard-mode . ivy-backward-delete-char) . 1)
((dashboard-mode . ivy-dispatching-done) . 9)
((dashboard-mode . dashboard-refresh-buffer) . 63)
((dashboard-mode . split-window-below) . 1)
((dashboard-mode . dashboard-jump-to-bookmarks) . 1)
((dashboard-mode . save-buffers-kill-emacs) . 1)
((dashboard-mode . delete-frame) . 1)
((dashboard-mode . ivy-yasnippet) . 1)
@ -1011,19 +1042,16 @@
((dashboard-mode . ivy-done) . 17)
((dashboard-mode . describe-prefix-bindings) . 3)
((dashboard-mode . y-or-n-p-insert-y) . 14)
((dashboard-mode . quit-window) . 71)
((dashboard-mode . bury-buffer) . 87)
((emacs-lisp-mode . left-char) . 190)
((emacs-lisp-mode . right-char) . 159)
((emacs-lisp-mode . ivy-done) . 168)
((emacs-lisp-mode . kill-ring-save) . 57)
((emacs-lisp-mode . debugger-quit) . 4)
((emacs-lisp-mode . eval-last-sexp) . 143)
((emacs-lisp-mode . replace-string) . 59)
((emacs-lisp-mode . scroll-down-command) . 94)
((emacs-lisp-mode . sort-lines) . 47)
((emacs-lisp-mode . dired-find-alternate-file) . 2)
((emacs-lisp-mode . backward-list) . 115)
((emacs-lisp-mode . y-or-n-p-insert-y) . 3)
((emacs-lisp-mode . y-or-n-p-insert-n) . 1)
((emacs-lisp-mode . gpolonkai/dark-mode) . 1)
@ -1758,7 +1786,6 @@
((python-mode . end-of-defun) . 18761)
((python-mode . backward-paragraph) . 49)
((python-mode . forward-paragraph) . 21)
((python-mode . kill-ring-save) . 7338)
((python-mode . beginning-of-defun) . 25538)
((python-mode . ace-window) . 15145)
((python-mode . scroll-down-command) . 4628)
@ -1779,7 +1806,6 @@
((sh-mode . sp-kill-word) . 262)
((sh-mode . flyspell-auto-correct-word) . 2)
((sh-mode . y-or-n-p-insert-n) . 2)
((sh-mode . kill-this-buffer) . 125)
((sh-mode . goto-line) . 108)
((sh-mode . revert-buffer-quick) . 2)
((sh-mode . open-line-above) . 55)
@ -1885,7 +1911,6 @@
((sh-mode . helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer) . 42)
((sh-mode . isearch-repeat-forward) . 823)
((sh-mode . isearch-delete-char) . 113)
((sh-mode . find-file) . 1)
((sh-mode . electric-newline-and-maybe-indent) . 1)
((sh-mode . kill-sexp) . 2)
((sh-mode . dashboard-return) . 1)
@ -3218,8 +3243,6 @@
((special-mode . eshell-C-d) . 1)
((special-mode . describe-variable) . 4)
((special-mode . save-buffer) . 1)
((special-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-beginning-of-line) . 3)
((special-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-end-of-line) . 2)
((special-mode . revert-buffer) . 2)
((special-mode . magit-mode-bury-buffer) . 3)
((special-mode . keyboard-quit) . 10)
@ -9358,7 +9381,6 @@
((fundamental-mode . eval-last-sexp) . 3)
((fundamental-mode . left-char) . 433)
((fundamental-mode . newline) . 1287)
((fundamental-mode . zone-leave-me-alone) . 19)
((fundamental-mode . forward-word) . 3200)
((fundamental-mode . open-line-below) . 28)
((fundamental-mode . minibuffer-keyboard-quit) . 149)
@ -9898,7 +9920,6 @@
((magit-status-mode . helm-keyboard-quit) . 1362)
((magit-status-mode . isearch-delete-char) . 76)
((magit-status-mode . isearch-forward-regexp) . 266)
((magit-status-mode . describe-function) . 16)
((magit-status-mode . magit-stash-clear) . 1)
((magit-status-mode . ement-disconnect) . 1)
((magit-status-mode . display-line-numbers-mode) . 3)
@ -9920,7 +9941,6 @@
((magit-status-mode . forward-sentence) . 2)
((magit-status-mode . what-cursor-position) . 3)
((magit-status-mode . describe-key) . 9)
((magit-status-mode . describe-package) . 29)
((magit-status-mode . magit-commit-add-log) . 1)
((magit-status-mode . make-frame-command) . 4)
((magit-status-mode . whitespace-cleanup) . 1)
@ -10048,7 +10068,6 @@
((minibuffer-mode . swiper-C-s) . 1980)
((minibuffer-mode . replace-string) . 7)
((minibuffer-mode . ediff-files) . 3)
((minibuffer-mode . kill-region) . 7)
((minibuffer-mode . next-line-or-history-element) . 7)
((minibuffer-mode . mouse-buffer-menu) . 1)
((minibuffer-mode . magit-diff-show-or-scroll-up) . 11)
@ -10263,7 +10282,6 @@
((minibuffer-mode . magit-reset-mixed) . 21)
((minibuffer-mode . ispell-word) . 1)
((minibuffer-mode . kill-word) . 2)
((minibuffer-mode . backward-word) . 98)
((minibuffer-mode . rename-current-buffer-file) . 39)
((minibuffer-mode . insert-file) . 15)
((text-mode . org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c) . 2)
@ -10309,36 +10327,29 @@
((messages-buffer-mode . end-of-buffer) . 7)
((org-mode . view-echo-area-messages) . 18)
((org-mode . server-edit) . 34)
((sh-mode . next-line) . 33118)
((mu4e-view-mode . mu4e-scroll-up) . 24)
((mu4e-view-mode . scroll-up-command) . 342)
((eshell-mode . save-some-buffers) . 2)
((python-mode . quoted-insert) . 3125)
((python-mode . python-shell-send-buffer) . 24)
((python-mode . keyboard-quit) . 7242)
((eshell-mode . eshell-C-d) . 18)
((python-mode . end-of-buffer) . 7032)
((python-mode . kill-this-buffer) . 6698)
((python-mode . sp-kill-hybrid-sexp) . 4013)
((python-mode . indent-for-tab-command) . 18744)
((eshell-mode . pcomplete-reverse) . 1)
((python-mode . eshell-C-d) . 7)
((python-mode . goto-last-change) . 3168)
((python-mode . sp-backward-kill-word) . 48563)
((python-mode . beginning-of-buffer) . 11963)
((eshell-mode . beginning-of-buffer) . 3)
((eshell-mode . sort-lines) . 1)
((python-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-beginning-of-line) . 83072)
((python-mode . open-line-below) . 23764)
((python-mode . forward-char) . 72448)
((python-mode . sp-delete-char) . 28465)
((python-mode . yank) . 14657)
((python-mode . sp-kill-region) . 35806)
((python-mode . forward-list) . 5933)
((python-mode . set-mark-command) . 55084)
((python-mode . backward-word) . 89351)
((python-mode . python-indent-dedent-line-backspace) . 222699)
((python-mode . backward-char) . 76538)
((org-mode . right-char) . 1872)
((magit-process-mode . magit-section-forward) . 227)
((magit-process-mode . transient:magit-rebase:--interactive) . 1)
@ -10350,12 +10361,10 @@
((magit-process-mode . magit-section-toggle) . 599)
((magit-status-mode . magit-commit-create) . 307)
((magit-status-mode . magit-section-forward-sibling) . 5172)
((python-mode . abort-minibuffers) . 7)
((python-mode . sp-kill-word) . 22131)
((python-mode . forward-word) . 106540)
((python-mode . undo) . 12737)
((python-mode . newline) . 92267)
((python-mode . vertico-exit) . 43)
((org-mode . back-to-indentation) . 4)
((org-mode . transpose-chars) . 14)
((text-mode . magit-commit-amend) . 363)
@ -10395,16 +10404,13 @@
((magit-process-mode . magit-process-buffer) . 1286)
((magit-revision-mode . magit-previous-line) . 23794)
((magit-revision-mode . magit-next-line) . 61419)
((magit-revision-mode . magit-show-commit) . 4178)
((markdown-mode . split-window-right) . 2)
((markdown-mode . abort-minibuffers) . 6)
((markdown-mode . sort-lines) . 1)
((help-mode . mouse-drag-region) . 287)
((minibuffer-mode . open-line-below) . 31)
((lisp-interaction-mode . flyspell-auto-correct-word) . 1)
((markdown-mode . zygospore-toggle-delete-other-windows) . 11)
((markdown-mode . ace-window) . 92)
((emacs-lisp-mode . mark-whole-buffer) . 11)
((minibuffer-mode . mouse-set-point) . 5)
((minibuffer-mode . mouse-drag-region) . 1)
((emacs-lisp-mode . kill-buffer-and-window) . 2)
@ -10418,8 +10424,6 @@
((emacs-lisp-mode . delete-window) . 2)
((emacs-lisp-mode . split-window-below) . 12)
((minibuffer-mode . xref-find-references) . 9)
((emacs-lisp-mode . end-of-buffer) . 39)
((emacs-lisp-mode . beginning-of-buffer) . 62)
((emacs-lisp-mode . expand-abbrev) . 4)
((lisp-interaction-mode . gpolonkai/numeric-sort-lines) . 4)
((lisp-interaction-mode . yank) . 422)
@ -10431,8 +10435,6 @@
((mu4e-view-mode . mu4e--view-browse-url-from-binding) . 1)
((org-mode . upcase-word) . 6)
((org-mode . count-words-region) . 9)
((org-mode . mark-whole-buffer) . 18)
((org-mode . save-some-buffers) . 42)
((minibuffer-mode . magit-push-current-to-pushremote) . 9)
((magit-status-mode . magit-stash) . 136)
((lisp-interaction-mode . right-char) . 221)
@ -10441,7 +10443,6 @@
((eshell-mode . forward-sexp) . 4)
((eshell-mode . set-mark-command) . 18)
((mu4e-view-mode . abort-minibuffers) . 1)
((org-mode . exit-minibuffer) . 212)
((minibuffer-mode . org-insert-link) . 135)
((org-mode . with-editor-finish) . 18)
((git-rebase-mode . git-rebase-move-line-down) . 805)
@ -10468,19 +10469,12 @@
((org-mode . ispell-buffer) . 35)
((minibuffer-mode . ispell-buffer) . 43)
((text-mode . keyboard-quit) . 191)
((python-mode . ignore-preserving-kill-region) . 2)
((python-mode . save-buffer) . 88171)
((python-mode . dabbrev-expand) . 266)
((python-mode . self-insert-command) . 3012852)
((python-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-end-of-line) . 80973)
((python-mode . previous-line) . 1033697)
((python-mode . next-line) . 1337918)
((python-mode . exit-minibuffer) . 36)
((minibuffer-mode . consult-goto-line) . 5)
((python-mode . find-file) . 30)
((mu4e-view-mode . shr-maybe-probe-and-copy-url) . 2)
((org-mode . org-insert-structure-template) . 80)
((org-mode . flyspell-auto-correct-word) . 33)
((dashboard-mode . ace-window) . 64)
((lisp-interaction-mode . zygospore-toggle-delete-other-windows) . 16)
((lisp-interaction-mode . kill-this-buffer) . 90)
@ -10493,11 +10487,8 @@
((dashboard-mode . projectile-kill-buffers) . 4)
((org-mode . mwheel-scroll) . 1754)
((org-mode . org-appear-mode) . 1)
((org-mode . quit-window) . 92)
((help-mode . push-button) . 131)
((minibuffer-mode . push-button) . 2)
((help-mode . forward-button) . 2)
((org-mode . describe-package) . 118)
((org-mode . gpolonkai/org-insert-current-timestamp) . 10)
((org-mode . org-end-of-line) . 17)
((json-mode . backward-word) . 457)
@ -10532,40 +10523,20 @@
((fish-mode . kill-this-buffer) . 13)
((fish-mode . kill-ring-save) . 41)
((org-mode . split-window-below) . 62)
((org-mode . kill-word) . 3180)
((minibuffer-inactive-mode . vertico-exit) . 1)
((org-mode . sachachua/fill-or-unfill-paragraph) . 580)
((org-mode . kill-this-buffer) . 418)
((org-mode . forward-sexp) . 534)
((minibuffer-mode . previous-history-element) . 16)
((minibuffer-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-beginning-of-line) . 50)
((minibuffer-mode . org-self-insert-command) . 6)
((org-mode . consult-line) . 6)
((org-mode . backward-sexp) . 33)
((org-mode . org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c) . 796)
((org-mode . org-capture-finalize) . 23)
((org-mode . revert-buffer-quick) . 13)
((minibuffer-mode . revert-buffer-quick) . 6)
((org-mode . mouse-set-point) . 1020)
((org-mode . mouse-drag-region) . 1074)
((org-mode . org-kill-line) . 381)
((org-mode . objed-quit) . 16)
((org-mode . objed-activate) . 30)
((dashboard-mode . abort-minibuffers) . 7)
((minibuffer-mode . xref-find-definitions) . 22)
((dashboard-mode . kill-this-buffer) . 479)
((markdown-mode . gpolonkai/numeric-sort-lines) . 5)
((markdown-mode . scroll-up-command) . 118)
((markdown-mode . set-mark-command) . 444)
((markdown-mode . beginning-of-buffer) . 102)
((markdown-mode . save-buffer) . 765)
((markdown-mode . sp-delete-char) . 319)
((markdown-mode . previous-line) . 7216)
((markdown-mode . undo) . 70)
((markdown-mode . yank) . 257)
((markdown-mode . markdown-enter-key) . 1745)
((markdown-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-end-of-line) . 1097)
((markdown-mode . sp-kill-region) . 270)
((lisp-interaction-mode . forward-char) . 2087)
((lisp-interaction-mode . sp-kill-word) . 479)
((help-mode . vertico-exit) . 2)
@ -10577,7 +10548,6 @@
((finder-mode . finder-by-keyword) . 4)
((lisp-interaction-mode . lisp-interaction-mode) . 5)
((json-mode . vertico-exit) . 1)
((help-mode . beginning-of-buffer) . 25)
((help-mode . abort-minibuffers) . 5)
((help-mode . keyboard-quit) . 29)
((help-mode . scroll-up-command) . 109)
@ -10590,9 +10560,6 @@
((minibuffer-mode . consult-projectile-switch-project) . 24)
((magit-status-mode . mu4e-quit) . 237)
((org-mode . zygospore-toggle-delete-other-windows) . 170)
((org-mode . end-of-buffer) . 662)
((org-mode . beginning-of-buffer) . 445)
((org-mode . scroll-up-command) . 900)
((eshell-mode . quit-window) . 4)
((Custom-mode . Custom-newline) . 20)
((Custom-mode . widget-backward) . 4)
@ -10630,12 +10597,7 @@
((Custom-mode . next-line) . 478)
((Custom-mode . push-button) . 28)
((help-mode . backward-char) . 180)
((help-mode . backward-word) . 36)
((help-mode . forward-word) . 71)
((help-mode . previous-line) . 1189)
((help-mode . next-line) . 2739)
((conf-unix-mode . find-file) . 7)
((minibuffer-mode . forward-char) . 14)
((minibuffer-mode . embark-act) . 10)
((eshell-mode . undo) . 48)
((eshell-mode . describe-variable) . 2)
@ -10651,44 +10613,13 @@
((eshell-mode . eshell-send-input) . 678)
((eshell-mode . self-insert-command) . 8390)
((eshell-mode . eshell) . 131)
((org-mode . org-edit-src-exit) . 210)
((emacs-lisp-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-end-of-line) . 722)
((emacs-lisp-mode . next-line) . 7747)
((emacs-lisp-mode . previous-line) . 6753)
((emacs-lisp-mode . indent-for-tab-command) . 235)
((emacs-lisp-mode . org-edit-special) . 194)
((org-mode . backward-char) . 4941)
((org-mode . quoted-insert) . 154)
((org-mode . backward-kill-word) . 6750)
((org-mode . backward-word) . 9469)
((org-mode . org-yank) . 1070)
((org-mode . goto-last-change) . 92)
((org-mode . kill-ring-save) . 219)
((org-mode . forward-list) . 100)
((org-mode . set-mark-command) . 2348)
((org-mode . forward-char) . 8515)
((org-mode . hungry-delete-backward) . 47898)
((org-mode . org-return) . 10275)
((magit-status-mode . kill-this-buffer) . 7682)
((org-mode . eval-last-sexp) . 98)
((org-mode . forward-word) . 25254)
((magit-status-mode . magit-kill-this-buffer) . 21)
((org-mode . magit-diff-visit-file) . 111)
((magit-status-mode . magit-previous-line) . 125117)
((magit-status-mode . magit-next-line) . 220225)
((magit-status-mode . magit-section-toggle) . 27707)
((magit-status-mode . magit-section-forward) . 84831)
((magit-status-mode . magit-section-backward) . 66284)
((magit-status-mode . zygospore-toggle-delete-other-windows) . 3561)
((magit-status-mode . magit-status) . 3119)
((minibuffer-mode . magit-status) . 17)
((dashboard-mode . keyboard-quit) . 170)
((dashboard-mode . undefined) . 148)
((dashboard-mode . dashboard-previous-line) . 804)
((dashboard-mode . dashboard-next-line) . 806)
((dashboard-mode . zygospore-toggle-delete-other-windows) . 307)
((dashboard-mode . dashboard-open) . 1)
((minibuffer-mode . execute-extended-command) . 110)
((messages-buffer-mode . scroll-down-command) . 132)
((messages-buffer-mode . scroll-up-command) . 32)
((messages-buffer-mode . undefined) . 4)
@ -10700,7 +10631,6 @@
((messages-buffer-mode . ace-window) . 66)
((fundamental-mode . view-echo-area-messages) . 17)
((special-mode . quit-window) . 10)
((help-mode . ace-window) . 335)
((help-mode . quit-window) . 9)
((emacs-lisp-compilation-mode . zone-leave-me-alone) . 1)
((emacs-lisp-compilation-mode . next-line) . 4)
@ -10712,17 +10642,96 @@
((fundamental-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-end-of-line) . 2136)
((fundamental-mode . previous-line) . 12360)
((fundamental-mode . undefined) . 4)
((org-mode . save-buffer) . 5796)
((org-mode . org-self-insert-command) . 486903)
((org-mode . org-space-key) . 94452)
((org-mode . abort-minibuffers) . 148)
((minibuffer-mode . describe-package) . 18)
((org-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-end-of-line) . 6058)
((org-mode . previous-line) . 51721)
((org-mode . next-line) . 77181)
((org-mode . org-cycle) . 5855)
((org-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-beginning-of-line) . 4407)
((org-mode . vertico-exit) . 405)
((org-mode . find-file) . 121)
((minibuffer-mode . save-buffers-kill-terminal) . 20)
((magit-status-mode . magit-mode-bury-buffer) . 9817)
((magit-revision-mode . magit-show-commit) . 4179)
((minibuffer-mode . save-buffers-kill-terminal) . 23)
((minibuffer-mode . consult-projectile) . 2)
((org-mode . dashboard-return) . 5)
((dashboard-mode . dashboard-jump-to-bookmarks) . 2)
((dashboard-mode . abort-minibuffers) . 8)
((minibuffer-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-beginning-of-line) . 51)
((org-mode . mu4e) . 8)
((fundamental-mode . zone-leave-me-alone) . 20)
((org-mode . mark-whole-buffer) . 19)
((org-mode . find-file) . 129)
((minibuffer-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-end-of-line) . 52)
((minibuffer-mode . backward-word) . 99)
((org-mode . split-window-right) . 16)
((help-mode . previous-line) . 1197)
((help-mode . push-button) . 133)
((help-mode . forward-word) . 83)
((help-mode . next-line) . 2818)
((org-mode . magit-diff-visit-file) . 112)
((magit-status-mode . magit-section-toggle) . 27713)
((magit-status-mode . describe-package) . 30)
((org-mode . save-some-buffers) . 43)
((org-mode . quoted-insert) . 156)
((org-mode . backward-list) . 33)
((org-mode . backward-sexp) . 34)
((org-mode . forward-sexp) . 537)
((emacs-lisp-mode . backward-char) . 899)
((emacs-lisp-mode . end-of-buffer) . 40)
((emacs-lisp-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-beginning-of-line) . 1113)
((emacs-lisp-mode . yank) . 140)
((emacs-lisp-mode . next-line) . 7799)
((emacs-lisp-mode . previous-line) . 6776)
((org-mode . eval-last-sexp) . 99)
((org-mode . quit-window) . 95)
((help-mode . ace-window) . 342)
((org-mode . describe-variable) . 121)
((minibuffer-mode . describe-variable) . 35)
((org-mode . keyboard-quit) . 734)
((org-mode . org-kill-line) . 385)
((org-mode . downcase-region) . 28)
((minibuffer-mode . org-insert-structure-template) . 1)
((python-mode . kill-ring-save) . 7339)
((python-mode . set-mark-command) . 55085)
((python-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-beginning-of-line) . 83075)
((python-mode . vertico-exit) . 45)
((python-mode . keyboard-quit) . 7243)
((python-mode . previous-line) . 1033741)
((python-mode . abort-minibuffers) . 10)
((python-mode . next-line) . 1337956)
((python-mode . find-file) . 34)
((python-mode . beginning-of-buffer) . 11964)
((org-mode . describe-package) . 121)
((org-mode . kill-ring-save) . 222)
((org-mode . undo) . 1136)
((org-mode . cookie) . 2)
((org-mode . kill-this-buffer) . 420)
((markdown-mode . gpolonkai/numeric-sort-lines) . 6)
((minibuffer-mode . execute-extended-command) . 122)
((markdown-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-beginning-of-line) . 647)
((markdown-mode . previous-line) . 7255)
((markdown-mode . scroll-up-command) . 136)
((markdown-mode . next-line) . 10275)
((markdown-mode . set-mark-command) . 454)
((markdown-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-end-of-line) . 1099)
((markdown-mode . beginning-of-buffer) . 106)
((markdown-mode . save-buffer) . 770)
((markdown-mode . yank) . 270)
((markdown-mode . self-insert-command) . 75446)
((markdown-mode . markdown-enter-key) . 1754)
((markdown-mode . end-of-buffer) . 67)
((markdown-mode . markdown-previous-link) . 1)
((markdown-mode . sp-kill-region) . 279)
((org-mode . beginning-of-buffer) . 451)
((minibuffer-mode . hungry-delete-backward) . 7994)
((org-mode . next-line) . 79645)
((org-mode . ace-window) . 1510)
((org-mode . save-buffer) . 5974)
((org-mode . abort-minibuffers) . 171)
((minibuffer-mode . vertico-previous) . 367)
((minibuffer-mode . vertico-next) . 1015)
((minibuffer-mode . self-insert-command) . 146799)
((minibuffer-mode . consult-line) . 290)
((org-mode . backward-kill-word) . 6786)
((org-mode . forward-word) . 25296)
((org-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-beginning-of-line) . 4632)
((org-mode . hungry-delete-backward) . 48217)
((org-mode . org-space-key) . 94906)
((org-mode . org-self-insert-command) . 490466)
((org-mode . org-return) . 10542)
((org-mode . gpolonkai/move-to-end-of-line) . 6139)
((org-mode . previous-line) . 53613)