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;;; helm-adaptive.el --- Adaptive Sorting of Candidates. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Original Author: Tamas Patrovics
;; Copyright (C) 2007 Tamas Patrovics
;; Copyright (C) 2012 ~ 2016 Thierry Volpiatto <>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'helm)
(defgroup helm-adapt nil
"Adaptative sorting of candidates for Helm."
:group 'helm)
(defcustom helm-adaptive-history-file
"Path of file where history information is stored."
:type 'string
:group 'helm-adapt)
(defcustom helm-adaptive-history-length 50
"Maximum number of candidates stored for a source."
:type 'number
:group 'helm-adapt)
;; Internal
(defvar helm-adaptive-done nil
"nil if history information is not yet stored for the current
(defvar helm-adaptive-history nil
"Contains the stored history information.
(defun helm-adaptive-done-reset ()
(setq helm-adaptive-done nil))
(define-minor-mode helm-adaptive-mode
"Toggle adaptive sorting in all sources."
:group 'helm-adapt
:require 'helm-adaptive
:global t
(if helm-adaptive-mode
(unless helm-adaptive-history
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'helm-adaptive-save-history)
;; Should run at beginning of `helm-initial-setup'.
(add-hook 'helm-before-initialize-hook 'helm-adaptive-done-reset)
;; Should run at beginning of `helm-exit-minibuffer'.
(add-hook 'helm-before-action-hook 'helm-adaptive-store-selection)
;; Should run at beginning of `helm-select-action'.
(add-hook 'helm-select-action-hook 'helm-adaptive-store-selection))
(setq helm-adaptive-history nil)
(remove-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'helm-adaptive-save-history)
(remove-hook 'helm-before-initialize-hook 'helm-adaptive-done-reset)
(remove-hook 'helm-before-action-hook 'helm-adaptive-store-selection)
(remove-hook 'helm-select-action-hook 'helm-adaptive-store-selection)))
(defun helm-adapt-use-adaptive-p (&optional source-name)
"Return current source only if it use adaptive history, nil otherwise."
(when helm-adaptive-mode
(let* ((source (or source-name (helm-get-current-source)))
(adapt-source (or (assoc-default 'filtered-candidate-transformer source)
(assoc-default 'candidate-transformer source))))
(if (listp adapt-source)
(and (member 'helm-adaptive-sort adapt-source) source)
(and (eq adapt-source 'helm-adaptive-sort) source)))))
(defun helm-adaptive-store-selection ()
"Store history information for the selected candidate."
(unless helm-adaptive-done
(setq helm-adaptive-done t)
(let ((source (helm-adapt-use-adaptive-p)))
(when source
(let* ((source-name (or (assoc-default 'type source)
(assoc-default 'name source)))
(source-info (or (assoc source-name helm-adaptive-history)
(push (list source-name) helm-adaptive-history)
(car helm-adaptive-history))))
(selection (helm-get-selection nil t))
(selection-info (progn
(setcdr source-info
(let ((found (assoc selection (cdr source-info))))
(if (not found)
;; new entry
(list selection)
;; move entry to the beginning of the
;; list, so that it doesn't get
;; trimmed when the history is
;; truncated
(setcdr source-info
(delete found (cdr source-info)))
(cdr source-info)))
(cadr source-info)))
(pattern-info (progn
(setcdr selection-info
(let ((found (assoc helm-pattern (cdr selection-info))))
(if (not found)
;; new entry
(cons helm-pattern 0)
;; move entry to the beginning of the
;; list, so if two patterns used the
;; same number of times then the one
;; used last appears first in the list
(setcdr selection-info
(delete found (cdr selection-info)))
(cdr selection-info)))
(cadr selection-info))))
;; increase usage count
(setcdr pattern-info (1+ (cdr pattern-info)))
;; truncate history if needed
(if (> (length (cdr selection-info)) helm-adaptive-history-length)
(setcdr selection-info
(cl-subseq (cdr selection-info) 0 helm-adaptive-history-length))))))))
(defun helm-adaptive-maybe-load-history ()
"Load `helm-adaptive-history-file' which contain `helm-adaptive-history'.
Returns nil if `helm-adaptive-history-file' doesn't exist."
(when (file-readable-p helm-adaptive-history-file)
(load-file helm-adaptive-history-file)))
(defun helm-adaptive-save-history (&optional arg)
"Save history information to file given by `helm-adaptive-history-file'."
(interactive "p")
";; -*- mode: emacs-lisp -*-\n"
";; History entries used for helm adaptive display.\n")
(prin1 `(setq helm-adaptive-history ',helm-adaptive-history)
(insert ?\n)
(write-region (point-min) (point-max) helm-adaptive-history-file nil
(unless arg 'quiet))))
(defun helm-adaptive-sort (candidates source)
"Sort the CANDIDATES for SOURCE by usage frequency.
This is a filtered candidate transformer you can use with the
`filtered-candidate-transformer' attribute."
(let* ((source-name (or (assoc-default 'type source)
(assoc-default 'name source)))
(source-info (assoc source-name helm-adaptive-history)))
(if source-info
(let ((usage
;; Assemble a list containing the (CANDIDATE . USAGE-COUNT) pairs.
(cl-loop with count = 0
for (sn . infos) in (cdr source-info)
do (cl-loop for (pattern . score) in infos
if (not (equal pattern helm-pattern))
do (cl-incf count score)
else return
;; If current pattern is equal to the previously
;; used one then this candidate has priority
;; (that's why its count is boosted by 10000) and
;; it only has to compete with other candidates
;; which were also selected with the same pattern.
(setq count (+ 10000 score)))
and collect (cons sn count) into results
;; Sort the list in descending order, so candidates with highest
;; priority come first.
finally return (sort results (lambda (first second)
(> (cdr first) (cdr second)))))))
(if (consp usage)
;; Put those candidates first which have the highest usage count.
(cl-loop for (info . _freq) in usage
for mlinfo = (and (assq 'multiline source)
(replace-regexp-in-string "\n\\'" "" info))
for member = (cl-member (or mlinfo info) candidates
:test 'helm-adaptive-compare)
when member collect (car member) into sorted
and do
(setq candidates (cl-remove (or mlinfo info) candidates
:test 'helm-adaptive-compare))
finally return (append sorted candidates))
(message "Your `%s' is maybe corrupted or too old, \
you should reinitialize it with `helm-reset-adaptive-history'"
(sit-for 1)
;; if there is no information stored for this source then do nothing
(defun helm-reset-adaptive-history ()
"Delete all `helm-adaptive-history' and his file.
Useful when you have a old or corrupted `helm-adaptive-history-file'."
(when (y-or-n-p "Really delete all your `helm-adaptive-history'? ")
(setq helm-adaptive-history nil)
(delete-file helm-adaptive-history-file)))
(defun helm-adaptive-compare (x y)
"Compare candidates X and Y taking into account that the
candidate can be in (DISPLAY . REAL) format."
(equal (if (listp x) (cdr x) x)
(if (listp y) (cdr y) y)))
(provide 'helm-adaptive)
;; Local Variables:
;; byte-compile-warnings: (not cl-functions obsolete)
;; coding: utf-8
;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
;; End:
;;; helm-adaptive.el ends here