Gergely Polonkai 0e26478bea Update packages
2016-10-20 15:36:55 +02:00

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;;; helm-dabbrev.el --- Helm implementation of dabbrev. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2012 ~ 2016 Thierry Volpiatto <>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Code:
(require 'helm)
(require 'helm-lib)
(require 'helm-help)
(require 'helm-elisp) ; For show-completion.
(defgroup helm-dabbrev nil
"Dabbrev related Applications and libraries for Helm."
:group 'helm)
(defcustom helm-dabbrev-always-search-all t
"Always search in all buffers when non--nil.
Note that even if nil, a search in all buffers
will occur if the length of candidates is <= than
:group 'helm-dabbrev
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom helm-dabbrev-max-length-result 20
"Max length of candidates before searching in all buffers.
If number of candidates found in current-buffer is <= to this,
search in all buffers.
Have no effect when `helm-dabbrev-always-search-all' is non--nil."
:group 'helm-dabbrev
:type 'integer)
(defcustom helm-dabbrev-ignored-buffers-regexps
'("\\*helm" "\\*Messages" "\\*Echo Area" "\\*Buffer List")
"List of regexps matching names of buffers that helm-dabbrev should not check."
:group 'helm-dabbrev
:type '(repeat regexp))
(defcustom helm-dabbrev-related-buffer-fn #'helm-dabbrev--same-major-mode-p
"A function that decide if a buffer to search in is related to `current-buffer'.
This is actually determined by comparing `major-mode' of the buffer to search
and the `current-buffer'.
The function take one arg, the buffer which is current, look at
`helm-dabbrev--same-major-mode-p' for example.
When nil all buffers are considered related to `current-buffer'."
:group 'helm-dabbrev
:type 'function)
(defcustom helm-dabbrev-major-mode-assoc nil
"Major mode association alist.
This allow helm-dabbrev searching in buffers with the associated `major-mode'.
e.g \(emacs-lisp-mode . lisp-interaction-mode\)
will allow searching in the lisp-interaction-mode buffer when `current-buffer'
is an `emacs-lisp-mode' buffer and vice versa i.e
no need to provide \(lisp-interaction-mode . emacs-lisp-mode\) association.
When nil check is the searched buffer have same `major-mode'
than the `current-buffer'.
This have no effect when `helm-dabbrev-related-buffer-fn' is nil or of course
bound to a function that doesn't handle this var."
:type '(alist :key-type symbol :value-type symbol)
:group 'helm-dabbrev)
(defcustom helm-dabbrev-lineno-around 30
"Search first in this number of lines before an after point."
:group 'helm-dabbrev
:type 'integer)
(defcustom helm-dabbrev-cycle-threshold nil
"Number of time helm-dabbrev cycle before displaying helm completion.
When nil or 0 disable cycling."
:group 'helm-dabbrev
:type '(choice (const :tag "Cycling disabled" nil) integer))
(defcustom helm-dabbrev-case-fold-search 'smart
"Set `case-fold-search' in `helm-dabbrev'.
Same as `helm-case-fold-search' but for `helm-dabbrev'.
Note that this is not affecting searching in helm buffer,
but the initial search for all candidates in buffer(s)."
:group 'helm-dabbrev
:type '(choice (const :tag "Ignore case" t)
(const :tag "Respect case" nil)
(other :tag "Smart" 'smart)))
(defvar helm-dabbrev-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(set-keymap-parent map helm-map)
(define-key map (kbd "M-/") 'helm-next-line)
(define-key map (kbd "M-:") 'helm-previous-line)
;; Internal
(defvar helm-dabbrev--exclude-current-buffer-flag nil)
(defvar helm-dabbrev--cache nil)
(defvar helm-dabbrev--data nil)
(defvar helm-dabbrev--regexp "\\s-\\|\t\\|[(\[\{\"'`=<$;.]\\|\\s\\\\|^")
(cl-defstruct helm-dabbrev-info dabbrev limits iterator)
(defun helm-dabbrev--buffer-list ()
(cl-loop with lst = (buffer-list)
for buf in (if helm-dabbrev--exclude-current-buffer-flag
(cdr lst) lst)
unless (cl-loop for r in helm-dabbrev-ignored-buffers-regexps
thereis (string-match r (buffer-name buf)))
collect buf))
(defun helm-dabbrev--same-major-mode-p (start-buffer)
"Decide if current-buffer is related to START-BUFFER."
(helm-same-major-mode-p start-buffer helm-dabbrev-major-mode-assoc))
(defun helm-dabbrev--collect (str limit ignore-case all)
(let* ((case-fold-search ignore-case)
(buffer1 (current-buffer)) ; start buffer.
(minibuf (minibufferp buffer1))
result pos-before pos-after
(lambda (pattern direction)
(while (cl-case direction
(1 (search-forward pattern nil t))
(-1 (search-backward pattern nil t))
(2 (let ((pos
(setq pos-after pos)
(search-forward pattern pos t)))
(-2 (let ((pos
(- helm-dabbrev-lineno-around))
(setq pos-before pos)
(search-backward pattern pos t))))
(let* ((replace-regexp (concat "\\(" helm-dabbrev--regexp "\\)\\'"))
(match-1 (helm-aif (thing-at-point 'symbol)
;; `thing-at-point' returns
;; the quote outside of e-lisp mode,
;; e.g in message mode,
;; `foo' => foo'
;; but in e-lisp like modes:
;; `foo' => foo
;; so remove it [1].
"" (substring-no-properties it))))
(match-2 (helm-aif (thing-at-point 'filename)
;; Same as in [1].
"" (substring-no-properties it))))
(lst (if (string= match-1 match-2)
(list match-1)
(list match-1 match-2))))
(cl-loop for match in lst
unless (or (string= str match)
(member match result))
do (push match result)))))))
(cl-loop for buf in (if all (helm-dabbrev--buffer-list)
(list (current-buffer)))
do (with-current-buffer buf
(when (or minibuf ; check against all buffers when in minibuffer.
(if helm-dabbrev-related-buffer-fn
(funcall helm-dabbrev-related-buffer-fn buffer1)
;; Start searching before thing before point.
(goto-char (- (point) (length str)))
;; Search the last 30 lines before point.
(funcall search-and-store str -2)) ; store pos [1]
;; Search the next 30 lines after point.
(funcall search-and-store str 2)) ; store pos [2]
;; Search all before point.
(goto-char pos-before) ; start from [1]
(funcall search-and-store str -1))
;; Search all after point.
(goto-char pos-after) ; start from [2]
(funcall search-and-store str 1))))
when (> (length result) limit) return (nreverse result)
finally return (nreverse result))))
(defun helm-dabbrev--get-candidates (abbrev)
(cl-assert abbrev nil "[No Match]")
(with-current-buffer (current-buffer)
(let* ((dabbrev-get (lambda (str all-bufs)
str helm-candidate-number-limit
(cl-case helm-dabbrev-case-fold-search
(smart (helm-set-case-fold-search-1 abbrev))
(t helm-dabbrev-case-fold-search))
(lst (funcall dabbrev-get abbrev helm-dabbrev-always-search-all)))
(if (and (not helm-dabbrev-always-search-all)
(<= (length lst) helm-dabbrev-max-length-result))
;; Search all but don't recompute current-buffer.
(let ((helm-dabbrev--exclude-current-buffer-flag t))
(append lst (funcall dabbrev-get abbrev 'all-bufs)))
(defun helm-dabbrev-default-action (candidate)
(let* ((limits (helm-bounds-of-thing-before-point
(beg (car limits))
(end (point)))
0.01 nil
beg end candidate))))
(defun helm-dabbrev ()
"Preconfigured helm for dynamic abbreviations."
(let ((dabbrev (helm-thing-before-point nil helm-dabbrev--regexp))
(limits (helm-bounds-of-thing-before-point helm-dabbrev--regexp))
(enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
(cycling-disabled-p (or (null helm-dabbrev-cycle-threshold)
(zerop helm-dabbrev-cycle-threshold)))
(helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one t)
(lambda ()
(message "[Helm-dabbrev: No expansion found]"))))
(cl-assert (and (stringp dabbrev) (not (string= dabbrev "")))
nil "[Helm-dabbrev: Nothing found before point]")
(when (and
;; have been called at least once.
(helm-dabbrev-info-p helm-dabbrev--data)
;; But user have moved with some other command
;; in the meaning time.
(not (eq last-command 'helm-dabbrev)))
(setq helm-dabbrev--data nil))
(when cycling-disabled-p
(setq helm-dabbrev--cache (helm-dabbrev--get-candidates dabbrev)))
(unless (or cycling-disabled-p
(helm-dabbrev-info-p helm-dabbrev--data))
(setq helm-dabbrev--cache (helm-dabbrev--get-candidates dabbrev))
(setq helm-dabbrev--data
:dabbrev dabbrev
:limits limits
(cl-loop for i in helm-dabbrev--cache when
(and i (string-match
(concat "^" (regexp-quote dabbrev)) i))
collect i into selection
when (and selection
(= (length selection)
;; When selection len reach
;; `helm-dabbrev-cycle-threshold'
;; return selection.
return selection
;; selection len never reach
;; `helm-dabbrev-cycle-threshold'
;; return selection.
finally return selection)))))
(let ((iter (and (helm-dabbrev-info-p helm-dabbrev--data)
(helm-dabbrev-info-iterator helm-dabbrev--data)))
;; Cycle until iterator is consumed.
(helm-aif (and iter (helm-iter-next iter))
(car (helm-dabbrev-info-limits helm-dabbrev--data))
(cdr limits) it)
;; Move already tried candidates to end of list.
(setq helm-dabbrev--cache (append (remove it helm-dabbrev--cache)
(list it))))
;; If the length of candidates is only one when computed
;; that's mean the unique matched item have already been
;; inserted by the iterator, so no need to reinsert the old dabbrev,
;; just let helm exiting with "No expansion found".
(let ((old-dabbrev (if (helm-dabbrev-info-p helm-dabbrev--data)
(helm-dabbrev-info-dabbrev helm-dabbrev--data)
(unless (cdr (all-completions old-dabbrev helm-dabbrev--cache))
(setq cycling-disabled-p t))
;; Iterator is now empty, reset dabbrev to initial value
;; and start helm completion.
(unless cycling-disabled-p
(setq dabbrev old-dabbrev
limits (helm-dabbrev-info-limits helm-dabbrev--data))
(setq helm-dabbrev--data nil)
(delete-region (car limits) (point))
(insert dabbrev))
(with-helm-show-completion (car limits) (cdr limits)
(helm :sources (helm-build-in-buffer-source "Dabbrev Expand"
:data helm-dabbrev--cache
:persistent-action 'ignore
:persistent-help "DoNothing"
:keymap helm-dabbrev-map
:action 'helm-dabbrev-default-action)
:buffer "*helm dabbrev*"
:input (concat "^" dabbrev " ")
:resume 'noresume
:allow-nest t)))))))
(provide 'helm-dabbrev)
;; Local Variables:
;; byte-compile-warnings: (not cl-functions obsolete)
;; coding: utf-8
;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
;; End:
;;; helm-dabbrev.el ends here