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;;; alert.el --- Growl-style notification system for Emacs
;; Copyright (C) 2011-2013 John Wiegley
;; Author: John Wiegley <jwiegley@gmail.com>
;; Created: 24 Aug 2011
;; Updated: 16 Mar 2015
;; Version: 1.2
;; Package-Version: 20160824.821
;; Package-Requires: ((gntp "0.1") (log4e "0.3.0"))
;; Keywords: notification emacs message
;; X-URL: https://github.com/jwiegley/alert
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
;; your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; Alert is a Growl-workalike for Emacs which uses a common notification
;; interface and multiple, selectable "styles", whose use is fully
;; customizable by the user.
;; * For module writers
;; Just use `alert' instead of `message' as follows:
;; (require 'alert)
;; ;; This is the most basic form usage
;; (alert "This is an alert")
;; ;; You can adjust the severity for more important messages
;; (alert "This is an alert" :severity 'high)
;; ;; Or decrease it for purely informative ones
;; (alert "This is an alert" :severity 'trivial)
;; ;; Alerts can have optional titles. Otherwise, the title is the
;; ;; buffer-name of the (current-buffer) where the alert originated.
;; (alert "This is an alert" :title "My Alert")
;; ;; Further, alerts can have categories. This allows users to
;; ;; selectively filter on them.
;; (alert "This is an alert" :title "My Alert" :category 'debug)
;; * For users
;; For the user, there are several variables to control when and how alerts
;; are presented. By default, they appear in the minibuffer much the same
;; as a normal Emacs message. But there are many more possibilities:
;; `alert-fade-time'
;; Normally alerts disappear after this many seconds, if the style
;; supports it. The default is 5 seconds.
;; `alert-default-style'
;; Pick the style to use if no other config rule matches. The
;; default is `message', but `growl' works well too.
;; `alert-reveal-idle-time'
;; If a config rule choose to match on `idle', this is how many
;; seconds idle the user has to be. Defaults to 5 so that users
;; don't miss any alerts, but 120 is also good.
;; `alert-persist-idle-time'
;; After this many idle seconds, alerts will become sticky, and not
;; fade away more. The default is 15 minutes.
;; `alert-log-messages'
;; By default, all alerts are logged to *Alerts* (and to *Messages*,
;; if the `message' style is being used). Set to nil to disable.
;; `alert-hide-all-notifications'
;; Want alerts off entirely? They still get logged, however, unless
;; you've turned that off too.
;; `alert-user-configuration'
;; This variable lets you control exactly how and when a particular
;; alert, a class of alerts, or all alerts, get reported -- or if at
;; all. Use this to make some alerts use Growl, while others are
;; completely silent.
;; * Programmatically adding rules
;; Users can also programmatically add configuration rules, in addition to
;; customizing `alert-user-configuration'. Here is one that the author
;; currently uses with ERC, so that the fringe gets colored whenever people
;; chat on BitlBee:
;; (alert-add-rule :status '(buried visible idle)
;; :severity '(moderate high urgent)
;; :mode 'erc-mode
;; :predicate
;; #'(lambda (info)
;; (string-match (concat "\\`[^&].*@BitlBee\\'")
;; (erc-format-target-and/or-network)))
;; :persistent
;; #'(lambda (info)
;; ;; If the buffer is buried, or the user has been
;; ;; idle for `alert-reveal-idle-time' seconds,
;; ;; make this alert persistent. Normally, alerts
;; ;; become persistent after
;; ;; `alert-persist-idle-time' seconds.
;; (memq (plist-get info :status) '(buried idle)))
;; :style 'fringe
;; :continue t)
;; * Builtin alert styles
;; There are several builtin styles, and it is trivial to create new ones.
;; The builtins are:
;; fringe - Changes the current frame's fringe background color
;; mode-line - Changes the current frame's mode-line background color
;; gntp - Uses gntp, it requires gntp.el (see https://github.com/tekai/gntp.el)
;; growl - Uses Growl on OS X, if growlnotify is on the PATH
;; ignore - Ignores the alert entirely
;; libnotify - Uses libnotify if notify-send is on the PATH
;; log - Logs the alert text to *Alerts*, with a timestamp
;; message - Uses the Emacs `message' facility
;; notifications - Uses notifications library via D-Bus
;; notifier - Uses terminal-notifier on OS X, if it is on the PATH
;; osx-notifier - Native OSX notifier using AppleScript
;; toaster - Use the toast notification system
;; * Defining new styles
;; To create a new style, you need to at least write a "notifier", which is
;; a function that receives the details of the alert. These details are
;; given in a plist which uses various keyword to identify the parts of the
;; alert. Here is a prototypical style definition:
;; (alert-define-style 'style-name :title "My Style's title"
;; :notifier
;; (lambda (info)
;; ;; The message text is :message
;; (plist-get info :message)
;; ;; The :title of the alert
;; (plist-get info :title)
;; ;; The :category of the alert
;; (plist-get info :category)
;; ;; The major-mode this alert relates to
;; (plist-get info :mode)
;; ;; The buffer the alert relates to
;; (plist-get info :buffer)
;; ;; Severity of the alert. It is one of:
;; ;; `urgent'
;; ;; `high'
;; ;; `moderate'
;; ;; `normal'
;; ;; `low'
;; ;; `trivial'
;; (plist-get info :severity)
;; ;; Whether this alert should persist, or fade away
;; (plist-get info :persistent)
;; ;; Data which was passed to `alert'. Can be
;; ;; anything.
;; (plist-get info :data))
;; ;; Removers are optional. Their job is to remove
;; ;; the visual or auditory effect of the alert.
;; :remover
;; (lambda (info)
;; ;; It is the same property list that was passed to
;; ;; the notifier function.
;; ))
;;; Code:
(require 'cl))
(require 'gntp nil t)
(require 'notifications nil t)
(require 'log4e nil t)
(defgroup alert nil
"Notification system for Emacs similar to Growl"
:group 'emacs)
(defcustom alert-severity-faces
'((urgent . alert-urgent-face)
(high . alert-high-face)
(moderate . alert-moderate-face)
(normal . alert-normal-face)
(low . alert-low-face)
(trivial . alert-trivial-face))
"Faces associated by default with alert severities."
:type '(alist :key-type symbol :value-type color)
:group 'alert)
(defcustom alert-severity-colors
'((urgent . "red")
(high . "orange")
(moderate . "yellow")
(normal . "green")
(low . "blue")
(trivial . "purple"))
"Colors associated by default with alert severities.
This is used by styles external to Emacs that don't understand faces."
:type '(alist :key-type symbol :value-type color)
:group 'alert)
(defcustom alert-log-severity-functions
'((urgent . alert--log-fatal)
(high . alert--log-error)
(moderate . alert--log-warn)
(normal . alert--log-info)
(low . alert--log-debug)
(trivial . alert--log-trace))
"Log4e logging functions"
:type '(alist :key-type symbol :value-type color)
:group 'alert)
(defcustom alert-log-level
"Minimum level of messages to log"
:type 'symbol
:group 'alert)
(defcustom alert-reveal-idle-time 15
"If idle this many seconds, rules will match the `idle' property."
:type 'integer
:group 'alert)
(defcustom alert-persist-idle-time 900
"If idle this many seconds, all alerts become persistent.
This can be overriden with the Never Persist option (:never-persist)."
:type 'integer
:group 'alert)
(defcustom alert-fade-time 5
"If not idle, alerts disappear after this many seconds.
The amount of idle time is governed by `alert-persist-idle-time'."
:type 'integer
:group 'alert)
(defcustom alert-hide-all-notifications nil
"If non-nil, no alerts are ever shown to the user."
:type 'boolean
:group 'alert)
(defcustom alert-log-messages t
"If non-nil, all alerts are logged to the *Alerts* buffer."
:type 'boolean
:group 'alert)
(defcustom alert-default-icon
(concat data-directory
"Filename of default icon to show for libnotify-alerts."
:type 'string
:group 'alert)
(defvar alert-styles nil)
(defun alert-styles-radio-type (widget-name)
(list widget-name :tag "Style")
(mapcar #'(lambda (style)
(list 'const
:tag (or (plist-get (cdr style) :title)
(symbol-name (car style)))
(car style)))
(setq alert-styles
(sort alert-styles
#'(lambda (l r)
(string< (symbol-name (car l))
(symbol-name (car r)))))))))
(defcustom alert-default-style 'message
"The style to use if no rules match in the current configuration.
If a configured rule does match an alert, this style is not used;
it is strictly a fallback."
:type (alert-styles-radio-type 'radio)
:group 'alert)
(defun alert-configuration-type ()
(list 'repeat
'list :tag "Select style if alert matches selector"
:tag "Selector"
(cons :tag "Severity"
(const :format "" :severity)
(set (const :tag "Urgent" urgent)
(const :tag "High" high)
(const :tag "Moderate" moderate)
(const :tag "Normal" normal)
(const :tag "Low" low)
(const :tag "Trivial" trivial)))
(cons :tag "User Status"
(const :format "" :status)
(set (const :tag "Buffer not visible" buried)
(const :tag "Buffer visible" visible)
(const :tag "Buffer selected" selected)
(const :tag "Buffer selected, user idle" idle)))
(cons :tag "Major Mode"
(const :format "" :mode)
(cons :tag "Category"
(const :format "" :category)
(cons :tag "Title"
(const :format "" :title)
(cons :tag "Message"
(const :format "" :message)
(cons :tag "Predicate"
(const :format "" :predicate)
(cons :tag "Icon"
(const :format "" :icon)
(alert-styles-radio-type 'choice)
'(set :tag "Options"
(cons :tag "Make alert persistent"
(const :format "" :persistent)
(choice :value t (const :tag "Yes" t)
(function :tag "Predicate")))
(cons :tag "Never persist"
(const :format "" :never-persist)
(choice :value t (const :tag "Yes" t)
(function :tag "Predicate")))
(cons :tag "Continue to next rule"
(const :format "" :continue)
(choice :value t (const :tag "Yes" t)
(function :tag "Predicate")))
;;(list :tag "Change Severity"
;; (radio :tag "From"
;; (const :tag "Urgent" urgent)
;; (const :tag "High" high)
;; (const :tag "Moderate" moderate)
;; (const :tag "Normal" normal)
;; (const :tag "Low" low)
;; (const :tag "Trivial" trivial))
;; (radio :tag "To"
;; (const :tag "Urgent" urgent)
;; (const :tag "High" high)
;; (const :tag "Moderate" moderate)
;; (const :tag "Normal" normal)
;; (const :tag "Low" low)
;; (const :tag "Trivial" trivial)))
(defcustom alert-user-configuration nil
"Rules that determine how and when alerts get displayed."
:type (alert-configuration-type)
:group 'alert)
(defvar alert-internal-configuration nil
"Rules added by `alert-add-rule'.
For user customization, see `alert-user-configuration'.")
(defface alert-urgent-face
'((t (:foreground "Red" :bold t)))
"Urgent alert face."
:group 'alert)
(defface alert-high-face
'((t (:foreground "Dark Orange" :bold t)))
"High alert face."
:group 'alert)
(defface alert-moderate-face
'((t (:foreground "Gold" :bold t)))
"Moderate alert face."
:group 'alert)
(defface alert-normal-face
"Normal alert face."
:group 'alert)
(defface alert-low-face
'((t (:foreground "Dark Blue")))
"Low alert face."
:group 'alert)
(defface alert-trivial-face
'((t (:foreground "Dark Purple")))
"Trivial alert face."
:group 'alert)
(defun alert-define-style (name &rest plist)
"Define a new style for notifying the user of alert messages.
To create a new style, you need to at least write a \"notifier\",
which is a function that receives the details of the alert.
These details are given in a plist which uses various keyword to
identify the parts of the alert. Here is a prototypical style
\(alert-define-style 'style-name :title \"My Style's title\"
(lambda (info)
;; The message text is :message
(plist-get info :message)
;; The :title of the alert
(plist-get info :title)
;; The :category of the alert
(plist-get info :category)
;; The major-mode this alert relates to
(plist-get info :mode)
;; The buffer the alert relates to
(plist-get info :buffer)
;; Severity of the alert. It is one of:
;; `urgent'
;; `high'
;; `moderate'
;; `normal'
;; `low'
;; `trivial'
(plist-get info :severity)
;; Whether this alert should persist, or fade away
(plist-get info :persistent)
;; Data which was passed to `alert'. Can be
;; anything.
(plist-get info :data))
;; Removers are optional. Their job is to remove
;; the visual or auditory effect of the alert.
(lambda (info)
;; It is the same property list that was passed to
;; the notifier function.
(add-to-list 'alert-styles (cons name plist))
(put 'alert-user-configuration 'custom-type (alert-configuration-type))
(put 'alert-define-style 'custom-type (alert-styles-radio-type 'radio)))
(alert-define-style 'ignore :title "Ignore Alert"
:notifier #'ignore
:remover #'ignore)
(defun* alert-add-rule (&key severity status mode category title
message predicate icon (style alert-default-style)
persistent continue never-persist append)
"Programmatically add an alert configuration rule.
Normally, users should custoimze `alert-user-configuration'.
This facility is for module writers and users that need to do
things the Lisp way.
Here is a rule the author currently uses with ERC, so that the
fringe gets colored whenever people chat on BitlBee:
\(alert-add-rule :status \\='(buried visible idle)
:severity \\='(moderate high urgent)
:mode \\='erc-mode
#\\='(lambda (info)
(string-match (concat \"\\\\`[^&].*@BitlBee\\\\\\='\")
#\\='(lambda (info)
;; If the buffer is buried, or the user has been
;; idle for `alert-reveal-idle-time' seconds,
;; make this alert persistent. Normally, alerts
;; become persistent after
;; `alert-persist-idle-time' seconds.
(memq (plist-get info :status) \\='(buried idle)))
:style \\='fringe
:continue t)"
(let ((rule (list (list t) style (list t))))
(if severity
(nconc (nth 0 rule)
(list (cons :severity
(if (listp severity)
(list severity))))))
(if status
(nconc (nth 0 rule)
(list (cons :status
(if (listp status)
(list status))))))
(if mode
(nconc (nth 0 rule)
(list (cons :mode
(if (stringp mode)
(concat "\\`" (symbol-name mode)
(if category
(nconc (nth 0 rule) (list (cons :category category))))
(if title
(nconc (nth 0 rule) (list (cons :title title))))
(if message
(nconc (nth 0 rule) (list (cons :message message))))
(if predicate
(nconc (nth 0 rule) (list (cons :predicate predicate))))
(if icon
(nconc (nth 0 rule) (list (cons :icon icon))))
(setcar rule (cdr (nth 0 rule)))
(if persistent
(nconc (nth 2 rule) (list (cons :persistent persistent))))
(if never-persist
(nconc (nth 2 rule) (list (cons :never-persist never-persist))))
(if continue
(nconc (nth 2 rule) (list (cons :continue continue))))
(setcdr (cdr rule) (list (cdr (nth 2 rule))))
(if (null alert-internal-configuration)
(setq alert-internal-configuration (list rule))
(if append
(nconc alert-internal-configuration (list rule))
(setq alert-internal-configuration
(cons rule alert-internal-configuration))))
(alert-define-style 'ignore :title "Don't display alerts")
(defun alert-log-notify (info)
(let* ((mes (plist-get info :message))
(sev (plist-get info :severity))
(len (length mes))
(func (cdr (assoc sev alert-log-severity-functions))))
(if (not (featurep 'log4e))
(alert-legacy-log-notify mes sev len)
;; when we get here you better be using log4e or have your logging
;; functions defined
(if (fboundp func)
(apply func (list mes))
(when (fboundp 'log4e:deflogger)
(log4e:deflogger "alert" "%t [%l] %m" "%H:%M:%S")
(when (functionp 'alert--log-set-level)
(alert--log-set-level alert-log-level)))))))
(defun alert-legacy-log-notify (mes sev len)
(get-buffer-create "*Alerts*")
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert (format-time-string "%H:%M %p - "))
(insert mes)
(set-text-properties (- (point) len) (point)
(list 'face (cdr (assq sev
(insert ?\n)))
(defun alert-log-clear (info)
(if (functionp 'alert--log-clear-log)
(if (bufferp "*Alerts*")
(get-buffer-create "*Alerts*")
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert (format-time-string "%H:%M %p - ")
"Clear: " (plist-get info :message)
(alert-define-style 'log :title "Log to *Alerts* buffer"
:notifier #'alert-log-notify
;;:remover #'alert-log-clear
(defun alert-message-notify (info)
;; the message text might contain `%' and we don't want them to be
;; interpreted as format specifiers:
(message "%s" (plist-get info :message))
;;(if (memq (plist-get info :severity) '(high urgency))
;; (ding))
(defun alert-message-remove (info)
(message ""))
(alert-define-style 'message :title "Display message in minibuffer"
:notifier #'alert-message-notify
:remover #'alert-message-remove)
(copy-face 'fringe 'alert-saved-fringe-face)
(defun alert-fringe-notify (info)
(set-face-background 'fringe (cdr (assq (plist-get info :severity)
(defun alert-fringe-restore (info)
(copy-face 'alert-saved-fringe-face 'fringe))
(alert-define-style 'fringe :title "Change the fringe color"
:notifier #'alert-fringe-notify
:remover #'alert-fringe-restore)
(defun alert-mode-line-notify (info)
(copy-face 'mode-line 'alert-saved-mode-line-face)
(set-face-background 'mode-line (cdr (assq (plist-get info :severity)
(set-face-foreground 'mode-line "white"))
(defun alert-mode-line-restore (info)
(copy-face 'alert-saved-mode-line-face 'mode-line))
(alert-define-style 'mode-line :title "Change the mode-line color"
:notifier #'alert-mode-line-notify
:remover #'alert-mode-line-restore)
(defcustom alert-growl-command (executable-find "growlnotify")
"Path to the growlnotify command.
This is found in the Growl Extras: http://growl.info/extras.php."
:type 'file
:group 'alert)
(defcustom alert-growl-priorities
'((urgent . 2)
(high . 2)
(moderate . 1)
(normal . 0)
(low . -1)
(trivial . -2))
"A mapping of alert severities onto Growl priority values."
:type '(alist :key-type symbol :value-type integer)
:group 'alert)
(defsubst alert-encode-string (str)
(encode-coding-string str (keyboard-coding-system)))
(defun alert-growl-notify (info)
(if alert-growl-command
(let ((args
(list "--appIcon" "Emacs"
"--name" "Emacs"
"--title" (alert-encode-string (plist-get info :title))
"--message" (alert-encode-string (plist-get info :message))
"--priority" (number-to-string
(cdr (assq (plist-get info :severity)
(if (and (plist-get info :persistent)
(not (plist-get info :never-persist)))
(nconc args (list "--sticky")))
(apply #'call-process alert-growl-command nil nil nil args))
(alert-message-notify info)))
(alert-define-style 'growl :title "Notify using Growl"
:notifier #'alert-growl-notify)
(defcustom alert-libnotify-command (executable-find "notify-send")
"Path to the notify-send command.
This is found in the libnotify-bin package in Debian based
:type 'file
:group 'alert)
(defcustom alert-libnotify-priorities
'((urgent . critical)
(high . critical)
(moderate . normal)
(normal . normal)
(low . low)
(trivial . low))
"A mapping of alert severities onto libnotify priority values."
:type '(alist :key-type symbol :value-type symbol)
:group 'alert)
(defun alert-libnotify-notify (info)
"Send INFO using notify-send.
and :MESSAGE keywords from the INFO plist. :CATEGORY can be
passed as a single symbol, a string or a list of symbols or
(if alert-libnotify-command
(let* ((args
(list "--icon" (or (plist-get info :icon)
"--app-name" "Emacs"
"--hint" "int:transient:1"
"--urgency" (let ((urgency (cdr (assq
(plist-get info :severity)
(if urgency
(symbol-name urgency)
(category (plist-get info :category)))
(if (and (plist-get info :persistent)
(not (plist-get info :never-persist)))
(nconc args (list "--expire-time 0")))
(when category
(nconc args
(list "--category"
(cond ((symbolp category)
(symbol-name category))
((stringp category) category)
((listp category)
(mapconcat (if (symbolp (car category))
category ","))))))
(nconc args (list
(alert-encode-string (plist-get info :title))
(alert-encode-string (plist-get info :message))))
(apply #'call-process alert-libnotify-command nil
(list (get-buffer-create " *libnotify output*") t) nil args))
(alert-message-notify info)))
(alert-define-style 'libnotify :title "Notify using libnotify"
:notifier #'alert-libnotify-notify)
(defcustom alert-gntp-icon
"Icon file using gntp."
:type 'string
:group 'alert)
(when (featurep 'gntp)
(defun alert-gntp-notify (info)
(gntp-notify 'alert
(alert-encode-string (plist-get info :title))
(alert-encode-string (plist-get info :message))
gntp-server nil
(cdr (assq (plist-get info :severity)
(if (eq (plist-get info :icon) nil)
(plist-get info :icon)))
(alert-message-notify info))
(alert-define-style 'gntp :title "Notify using gntp"
:notifier #'alert-gntp-notify))
(defcustom alert-notifications-priorities
'((urgent . critical)
(high . critical)
(moderate . normal)
(normal . normal)
(low . low)
(trivial . low))
"A mapping of alert severities onto Growl priority values."
:type '(alist :key-type symbol :value-type integer)
:group 'alert)
(when (featurep 'notifications)
(defun alert-notifications-notify (info)
(notifications-notify :title (plist-get info :title)
:body (plist-get info :message)
:app-icon (plist-get info :icon)
:urgency (cdr (assq (plist-get info :severity)
(alert-message-notify info))
(alert-define-style 'notifications :title "Notify using notifications"
:notifier #'alert-notifications-notify))
(defcustom alert-notifier-command (executable-find "terminal-notifier")
"Path to the terminal-notifier command.
From https://github.com/alloy/terminal-notifier."
:type 'file
:group 'alert)
(defun alert-notifier-notify (info)
(if alert-notifier-command
(let ((args
(list "-title" (alert-encode-string (plist-get info :title))
"-sender" "org.gnu.Emacs"
"-message" (alert-encode-string (plist-get info :message)))))
(apply #'call-process alert-notifier-command nil nil nil args))
(alert-message-notify info)))
(alert-define-style 'notifier :title "Notify using terminal-notifier"
:notifier #'alert-notifier-notify)
(defun alert-osx-notifier-notify (info)
(apply #'call-process (format "osascript -e 'display notification %S with title %S'"
(alert-encode-string (plist-get info :message))
(alert-encode-string (plist-get info :title))))
(alert-message-notify info))
(alert-define-style 'osx-notifier :title "Notify using native OSX notification" :notifier #'alert-osx-notifier-notify)
(defun alert-frame-notify (info)
(let ((buf (plist-get info :buffer)))
(if (eq (alert-buffer-status buf) 'buried)
(let ((current-frame (selected-frame)))
(make-frame '((width . 80)
(height . 20)
(top . -1)
(left . 0)
(left-fringe . 0)
(right-fringe . 0)
(tool-bar-lines . nil)
(menu-bar-lines . nil)
(vertical-scroll-bars . nil)
(unsplittable . t)
(has-modeline-p . nil)
(minibuffer . nil)))
(switch-to-buffer buf)
;;(set (make-local-variable 'mode-line-format) nil)
(nconc info (list :frame (selected-frame))))
(select-frame current-frame)))))
(defun alert-frame-remove (info)
(unless (eq this-command 'handle-switch-frame)
(delete-frame (plist-get info :frame) t)))
(defcustom alert-toaster-default-icon
(let ((exec-bin (executable-find "emacs.exe")))
(cond (exec-bin
(concat (file-name-directory exec-bin) "../share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/emacs.png"))
(t nil)))
"Icon file using toaster."
:type 'string
:group 'alert
(defcustom alert-toaster-command (executable-find "toast")
"Path to the toast command.
This is found at https://github.com/nels-o/toaster."
:type 'file
:group 'alert
(defun alert-toaster-notify (info)
(if alert-toaster-command
(let ((args (list
"-t" (alert-encode-string (plist-get info :title))
"-m" (alert-encode-string (plist-get info :message))
"-p" (expand-file-name (or (plist-get info :icon) alert-toaster-default-icon))
(apply #'call-process alert-toaster-command nil nil nil args))
(alert-message-notify info)))
(alert-define-style 'toaster :title "Notify using Toaster"
:notifier #'alert-toaster-notify)
;; jww (2011-08-25): Not quite working yet
;;(alert-define-style 'frame :title "Popup buffer in a frame"
;; :notifier #'alert-frame-notify
;; :remover #'alert-frame-remove)
(defun alert-buffer-status (&optional buffer)
(with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
(let ((wind (get-buffer-window)))
(if wind
(if (eq wind (selected-window))
(if (and (current-idle-time)
(> (float-time (current-idle-time))
(defvar alert-active-alerts nil)
(defun alert-remove-when-active (remover info)
(let ((idle-time (and (current-idle-time)
(float-time (current-idle-time)))))
((and idle-time (> idle-time alert-persist-idle-time)))
((and idle-time (> idle-time alert-reveal-idle-time))
(run-with-timer alert-fade-time nil
#'alert-remove-when-active remover info))
(funcall remover info)))))
(defun alert-remove-on-command ()
(let (to-delete)
(dolist (alert alert-active-alerts)
(when (eq (current-buffer) (nth 0 alert))
(push alert to-delete)
(if (nth 2 alert)
(funcall (nth 2 alert) (nth 1 alert)))))
(dolist (alert to-delete)
(setq alert-active-alerts (delq alert alert-active-alerts)))))
(defun alert-send-notification
(alert-buffer info style-def &optional persist never-per)
(let ((notifier (plist-get style-def :notifier)))
(if notifier
(funcall notifier info)))
(let ((remover (plist-get style-def :remover)))
(add-to-list 'alert-active-alerts (list alert-buffer info remover))
(with-current-buffer alert-buffer
(add-hook 'post-command-hook #'alert-remove-on-command nil t))
(if (and remover (or (not persist) never-per))
(run-with-timer alert-fade-time nil
remover info))))
(defun* alert (message &key (severity 'normal) title icon category
buffer mode data style persistent never-persist)
"Alert the user that something has happened.
MESSAGE is what the user will see. You may also use keyword
arguments to specify additional details. Here is a full example:
\(alert \"This is a message\"
:severity \\='high ;; The default severity is `normal'
:title \"Title\" ;; An optional title
:category \\='example ;; A symbol to identify the message
:mode \\='text-mode ;; Normally determined automatically
:buffer (current-buffer) ;; This is the default
:data nil ;; Unused by alert.el itself
:persistent nil ;; Force the alert to be persistent;
;; it is best not to use this
:never-persist nil ;; Force this alert to never persist
:style \\='fringe) ;; Force a given style to be used;
;; this is only for debugging!
If no :title is given, the buffer-name of :buffer is used. If
:buffer is nil, it is the current buffer at the point of call.
:data is an opaque value which modules can pass through to their
own styles if they wish.
Here are some more typical examples of usage:
;; This is the most basic form usage
(alert \"This is an alert\")
;; You can adjust the severity for more important messages
(alert \"This is an alert\" :severity \\='high)
;; Or decrease it for purely informative ones
(alert \"This is an alert\" :severity \\='trivial)
;; Alerts can have optional titles. Otherwise, the title is the
;; buffer-name of the (current-buffer) where the alert originated.
(alert \"This is an alert\" :title \"My Alert\")
;; Further, alerts can have categories. This allows users to
;; selectively filter on them.
(alert \"This is an alert\" :title \"My Alert\"
:category \\='some-category-or-other)"
(alert-buffer current-major-mode current-buffer-status
(with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
(list (current-buffer)
(or mode major-mode)
(let ((base-info (list :message message
:title (or title current-buffer-name)
:icon icon
:severity severity
:category category
:buffer alert-buffer
:mode current-major-mode
:data data))
(if alert-log-messages
(alert-log-notify base-info))
(unless alert-hide-all-notifications
(catch 'finish
(dolist (config (append alert-user-configuration
(let* ((style-def (cdr (assq (or style (nth 1 config))
(options (nth 2 config))
(persist-p (or persistent
(cdr (assq :persistent options))))
(persist (if (functionp persist-p)
(funcall persist-p base-info)
(or never-persist
(cdr (assq :never-persist options))))
(never-per (if (functionp never-persist-p)
(funcall never-persist-p base-info)
(continue (cdr (assq :continue options)))
(setq info (if (not (memq :persistent base-info))
(append base-info (list :persistent persist))
info (if (not (memq :never-persist info))
(append info (list :never-persist never-per))
(or style ; :style always "matches", for testing
#'(lambda (condition)
(case (car condition)
(memq severity (cdr condition)))
(memq current-buffer-status (cdr condition)))
(cdr condition)
(symbol-name current-major-mode)))
(and category (string-match
(cdr condition)
(if (stringp category)
(symbol-name category)))))
(and title
(string-match (cdr condition) title)))
(string-match (cdr condition) message))
(funcall (cdr condition) info))
(string-match (cdr condition) icon))))
(nth 0 config)))))
(alert-send-notification alert-buffer info style-def
persist never-per)
(setq matched t)
(if (or style (not (if (functionp continue)
(funcall continue info)
(throw 'finish t)))))))
(if (and (not matched) alert-default-style)
(alert-send-notification alert-buffer base-info
(cdr (assq alert-default-style
(provide 'alert)
;;; alert.el ends here