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;;; powerline-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "powerline" "powerline.el" (22505 14729 850040
;;;;;; 880000))
;;; Generated autoloads from powerline.el
(autoload 'powerline-hud "powerline" "\
Return an XPM of relative buffer location using FACE1 and FACE2 of optional WIDTH.
\(fn FACE1 FACE2 &optional WIDTH)" nil nil)
(autoload 'powerline-mouse "powerline" "\
Return mouse handler for CLICK-GROUP given CLICK-TYPE and STRING.
(autoload 'powerline-concat "powerline" "\
Concatonate STRINGS and pad sides by spaces.
\(fn &rest STRINGS)" nil nil)
(autoload 'defpowerline "powerline" "\
Create function NAME by wrapping BODY with powerline padding an propetization.
\(fn NAME BODY)" nil t)
(autoload 'powerline-raw "powerline" "\
Render STR as mode-line data using FACE and optionally PAD import on left (l) or right (r).
\(fn STR &optional FACE PAD)" nil nil)
(autoload 'powerline-fill "powerline" "\
Return empty space using FACE and leaving RESERVE space on the right.
\(fn FACE RESERVE)" nil nil)
(autoload 'powerline-major-mode "powerline")
(autoload 'powerline-minor-modes "powerline")
(autoload 'powerline-narrow "powerline")
(autoload 'powerline-vc "powerline")
(autoload 'powerline-buffer-size "powerline")
(autoload 'powerline-buffer-id "powerline")
(autoload 'powerline-process "powerline")
(autoload 'powerline-selected-window-active "powerline")
;;;### (autoloads nil "powerline-themes" "powerline-themes.el" (22505
;;;;;; 14729 822040 906000))
;;; Generated autoloads from powerline-themes.el
(autoload 'powerline-default-theme "powerline-themes" "\
Setup the default mode-line.
\(fn)" t nil)
(autoload 'powerline-center-theme "powerline-themes" "\
Setup a mode-line with major and minor modes centered.
\(fn)" t nil)
(autoload 'powerline-vim-theme "powerline-themes" "\
Setup a Vim-like mode-line.
\(fn)" t nil)
(autoload 'powerline-nano-theme "powerline-themes" "\
Setup a nano-like mode-line.
\(fn)" t nil)
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("powerline-pkg.el" "powerline-separators.el")
;;;;;; (22505 14729 838040 890000))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; End:
;;; powerline-autoloads.el ends here