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;;; helm-mode.el --- Enable helm completion everywhere. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2012 ~ 2016 Thierry Volpiatto <thierry.volpiatto@gmail.com>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'helm)
(require 'helm-lib)
(require 'helm-files)
(defgroup helm-mode nil
"Enable helm completion."
:group 'helm)
(defcustom helm-completing-read-handlers-alist
'((describe-function . helm-completing-read-symbols)
(describe-variable . helm-completing-read-symbols)
(describe-symbol . helm-completing-read-symbols)
(debug-on-entry . helm-completing-read-symbols)
(find-function . helm-completing-read-symbols)
(disassemble . helm-completing-read-symbols)
(trace-function . helm-completing-read-symbols)
(trace-function-foreground . helm-completing-read-symbols)
(trace-function-background . helm-completing-read-symbols)
(find-tag . helm-completing-read-with-cands-in-buffer)
(org-capture . helm-org-completing-read-tags)
(org-set-tags . helm-org-completing-read-tags)
(ffap-alternate-file . nil)
(tmm-menubar . nil)
(find-file . nil)
(execute-extended-command . nil))
"Alist of handlers to replace `completing-read', `read-file-name' in `helm-mode'.
Each entry is a cons cell like \(emacs_command . completing-read_handler\)
where key and value are symbols.
Each key is an Emacs command that use originaly `completing-read'.
Each value maybe an helm function that take same arguments as
`completing-read' plus NAME and BUFFER, where NAME is the name of the new
helm source and BUFFER the name of the buffer we will use.
This function prefix name must start by \"helm\".
See `helm-completing-read-symbols' for example.
Note that this function will be reused for ALL the `completing-read'
of this command, so it should handle all cases, e.g
If first `completing-read' complete against symbols and
second `completing-read' should handle only buffer,
your specialized function should handle the both.
If the value of an entry is nil completion will fall back to
emacs vanilla behavior.
e.g If you want to disable helm completion for `describe-function':
\(describe-function . nil\).
Ido is also supported, you can use `ido-completing-read' and
`ido-read-file-name' as value of an entry or just 'ido.
e.g ido completion for `find-file':
\(find-file . ido\)
same as
\(find-file . ido-read-file-name\)
Note that you don't need to enable `ido-mode' for this to work."
:group 'helm-mode
:type '(alist :key-type symbol :value-type symbol))
(defcustom helm-comp-read-case-fold-search helm-case-fold-search
"Default Local setting of `helm-case-fold-search' for `helm-comp-read'.
See `helm-case-fold-search' for more info."
:group 'helm-mode
:type 'symbol)
(defcustom helm-mode-handle-completion-in-region t
"Whether to replace or not `completion-in-region-function'.
This enable support for `completing-read-multiple' and `completion-at-point'
when non--nil."
:group 'helm-mode
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom helm-mode-reverse-history t
"Display history source after current source in `helm-mode' handled commands."
:group 'helm-mode
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom helm-mode-no-completion-in-region-in-modes nil
"A list of modes that do not want helm for `completion-in-region'."
:group 'helm-mode
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom helm-completion-in-region-fuzzy-match nil
"Whether `helm-completion-in-region' use fuzzy matching or not.
Affect among others `completion-at-point', `completing-read-multiple'."
:group 'helm-mode
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom helm-mode-fuzzy-match nil
"Enable fuzzy matching in `helm-mode' globally.
Note that this will slow down completion and modify sorting
which is unwanted in many places.
This affect only the functions with completing-read helmized by helm-mode.
To fuzzy match `completion-at-point' and friends see
:group 'helm-mode
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom helm-mode-minibuffer-setup-hook-black-list '(minibuffer-completion-help)
"Incompatible `minibuffer-setup-hook' functions go here.
A list of symbols.
Helm-mode is rejecting all lambda's, byte-code fns
and all functions belonging in this list from `minibuffer-setup-hook'."
:group 'helm-mode
:type '(repeat (choice symbol)))
(defvar helm-comp-read-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(set-keymap-parent map helm-map)
(define-key map (kbd "<C-return>") 'helm-cr-empty-string)
(define-key map (kbd "<M-RET>") 'helm-cr-empty-string)
"Keymap for `helm-comp-read'.")
(defvar helm-comp-read-must-match-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET")
"Keymap use as must-match-map in `helm-comp-read' and `helm-read-file-name'.")
;;; Internal
;; Flag to know if `helm-pattern' have been added
;; to candidate list in `helm-comp-read'.
(defvar helm-cr-unknown-pattern-flag nil)
;;; Helm `completing-read' replacement
(defun helm-cr-empty-string ()
"Return empty string."
(lambda (_candidate)
(identity "")))))
(put 'helm-cr-empty-string 'helm-only t)
(defun helm-mode--keyboard-quit ()
;; Use this instead of `keyboard-quit'
;; to avoid deactivating mark in current-buffer.
(let ((debug-on-quit nil))
(signal 'quit nil)))
(cl-defun helm-comp-read-get-candidates (collection &optional test sort-fn alistp (input ""))
"Convert COLLECTION to list removing elements that don't match TEST.
See `helm-comp-read' about supported COLLECTION arguments.
SORT-FN is a predicate to sort COLLECTION.
ALISTP when non--nil will not use `all-completions' to collect
candidates because it doesn't handle alists correctly for helm.
i.e In `all-completions' the car of each pair is used as value.
In helm we want to use the cdr instead like \(display . real\),
so we return the alist as it is with no transformation by all-completions.
\(setq A '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)))
==>((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
\(helm-comp-read \"test: \" A :alistp nil
:exec-when-only-one t
:initial-input \"a\")
==>\"a\" Which is not what we expect.
\(helm-comp-read \"test: \" A :alistp t
:exec-when-only-one t
:initial-input \"1\")
See docstring of `all-completions' for more info.
If COLLECTION is an `obarray', a TEST should be needed. See `obarray'."
;; Ensure COLLECTION is computed from `helm-current-buffer'
;; because some functions used as COLLECTION work
;; only in the context of current-buffer (Issue #1030) .
(let ((cands
(cond ((vectorp collection)
(all-completions input collection test))
((and (symbolp collection) (boundp collection)
;; Issue #324 history is let-bounded and given
;; quoted as hist argument of completing-read.
;; See example in `rcirc-browse-url'.
(symbolp (symbol-value collection)))
;; When collection is a symbol, most of the time
;; it should be a symbol used as a minibuffer-history.
;; The value of this symbol in this case return a list
;; of string which maybe are converted later as symbol
;; in special cases.
;; we treat here commandp as a special case as it return t
;; also with a string unless its last arg is provided.
;; Also, the history collections generally collect their
;; elements as string, so intern them to call predicate.
((and (symbolp collection) (boundp collection) test)
(let ((predicate (lambda (elm)
(condition-case _err
(if (eq test 'commandp)
(funcall test (intern elm))
(funcall test elm))
(funcall test (intern elm)))))))
(all-completions input (symbol-value collection) predicate)))
((and (symbolp collection) (boundp collection))
(all-completions input (symbol-value collection)))
;; Normally file completion should not be handled here,
;; but special cases like `find-file-at-point' do it.
;; Handle here specially such cases.
((and (functionp collection) minibuffer-completing-file-name)
(cl-loop for f in (funcall collection helm-pattern test t)
unless (member f '("./" "../"))
if (string-match ffap-url-regexp helm-pattern)
collect f
collect (concat (file-name-as-directory
(helm-basedir helm-pattern)) f)))
((functionp collection)
(funcall collection input test t))
((and alistp (null test)) collection)
;; Next test ensure circular objects are removed
;; with `all-completions' (Issue #1530).
(t (all-completions input collection test)))))
(if sort-fn (sort cands sort-fn) cands))))
(defun helm-cr-default-transformer (candidates _source)
"Default filter candidate function for `helm-comp-read'."
(cl-loop for c in candidates
for cand = (if (stringp c) (replace-regexp-in-string "\\s\\" "" c) c)
for pat = (replace-regexp-in-string "\\s\\" "" helm-pattern)
if (and (equal cand pat) helm-cr-unknown-pattern-flag)
(cons (concat (propertize
" " 'display
(propertize "[?]" 'face 'helm-ff-prefix))
into lst
else collect (if (and (stringp c)
(string-match "\n" c))
(cons (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" "->" c) c)
into lst
finally return (helm-fast-remove-dups lst :test 'equal)))
(defun helm-comp-read--move-to-first-real-candidate ()
(helm-aif (helm-get-selection nil 'withprop)
(when (string= (get-text-property 0 'display it) "[?]")
(defun helm-cr-default (default cands)
(delq nil
(cond ((and (stringp default) (not (string= default "")))
(cons default (delete default cands)))
((consp default)
(append (cl-loop for d in default
;; Don't convert
;; nil to "nil" (i.e the string)
;; it will be delq'ed on top.
collect (if (null d) d (helm-stringify d)))
(t cands))))
(cl-defun helm-comp-read (prompt collection
(buffer "*Helm Completions*")
(requires-pattern 0)
(case-fold helm-comp-read-case-fold-search)
(del-input t)
(persistent-action nil)
(persistent-help "DoNothing")
(mode-line helm-comp-read-mode-line)
(keymap helm-comp-read-map)
(name "Helm Completions")
(volatile t)
(fc-transformer 'helm-cr-default-transformer)
(alistp t)
(candidate-number-limit helm-candidate-number-limit))
"Read a string in the minibuffer, with helm completion.
It is helm `completing-read' equivalent.
- PROMPT is the prompt name to use.
- COLLECTION can be a list, vector, obarray or hash-table.
It can be also a function that receives three arguments:
the values string, predicate and t. See `all-completions' for more details.
Keys description:
- TEST: A predicate called with one arg i.e candidate.
- INITIAL-INPUT: Same as input arg in `helm'.
- PRESELECT: See preselect arg of `helm'.
- DEFAULT: This option is used only for compatibility with regular
Emacs `completing-read' (Same as DEFAULT arg of `completing-read').
- BUFFER: Name of helm-buffer.
- MUST-MATCH: Candidate selected must be one of COLLECTION.
- FUZZY: Enable fuzzy matching.
- REVERSE-HISTORY: When non--nil display history source after current
source completion.
- REQUIRES-PATTERN: Same as helm attribute, default is 0.
- HISTORY: A list containing specific history, default is nil.
When it is non--nil, all elements of HISTORY are displayed in
a special source before COLLECTION.
- INPUT-HISTORY: A symbol. the minibuffer input history will be
stored there, if nil or not provided, `minibuffer-history'
will be used instead.
- CASE-FOLD: Same as `helm-case-fold-search'.
- DEL-INPUT: Boolean, when non--nil (default) remove the partial
minibuffer input from HISTORY is present.
- PERSISTENT-ACTION: A function called with one arg i.e candidate.
- MODE-LINE: A string or list to display in mode line.
Default is `helm-comp-read-mode-line'.
- KEYMAP: A keymap to use in this `helm-comp-read'.
(the keymap will be shared with history source)
- NAME: The name related to this local source.
- EXEC-WHEN-ONLY-ONE: Bound `helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one'
to non--nil. (possibles values are t or nil).
- VOLATILE: Use volatile attribute.
- SORT: A predicate to give to `sort' e.g `string-lessp'
Use this only on small data as it is ineficient.
If you want to sort faster add a sort function to
Note that FUZZY when enabled is already providing a sort function.
- FC-TRANSFORMER: A `filtered-candidate-transformer' function
or a list of functions.
- HIST-FC-TRANSFORMER: A `filtered-candidate-transformer'
function for the history source.
- MARKED-CANDIDATES: If non--nil return candidate or marked candidates as a list.
- NOMARK: When non--nil don't allow marking candidates.
- ALISTP: \(default is non--nil\) See `helm-comp-read-get-candidates'.
- CANDIDATES-IN-BUFFER: when non--nil use a source build with
`helm-source-in-buffer' which is much faster.
Argument VOLATILE have no effect when CANDIDATES-IN-BUFFER is non--nil.
- MATCH-PART: Allow matching only one part of candidate.
See match-part documentation in `helm-source'.
Any prefix args passed during `helm-comp-read' invocation will be recorded
in `helm-current-prefix-arg', otherwise if prefix args were given before
`helm-comp-read' invocation, the value of `current-prefix-arg' will be used.
That's mean you can pass prefix args before or after calling a command
that use `helm-comp-read' See `helm-M-x' for example."
(when (get-buffer helm-action-buffer)
(kill-buffer helm-action-buffer))
(let ((action-fn `(("Sole action (Identity)"
. (lambda (candidate)
(if ,marked-candidates
(identity candidate)))))))
;; Assume completion have been already required,
;; so always use 'confirm.
(when (eq must-match 'confirm-after-completion)
(setq must-match 'confirm))
(let* ((minibuffer-completion-confirm must-match)
(must-match-map (when must-match helm-comp-read-must-match-map))
(loc-map (if must-match-map
must-match-map (or keymap helm-map))
(or keymap helm-map)))
(minibuffer-completion-predicate test)
(minibuffer-completion-table collection)
(replace-regexp-in-string "helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer"
(lambda ()
(let ((cands (helm-comp-read-get-candidates
collection test sort alistp)))
(setq helm-cr-unknown-pattern-flag nil)
(unless (or (eq must-match t)
(string= helm-pattern "")
(assoc helm-pattern cands)
(assoc (intern helm-pattern) cands)
(member helm-pattern cands)
(member (downcase helm-pattern) cands)
(member (upcase helm-pattern) cands))
(setq cands (append (list
;; Unquote helm-pattern
;; when it is added
;; as candidate.
"\\s\\" "" helm-pattern))
(setq helm-cr-unknown-pattern-flag t))
(helm-cr-default default cands))))
(lambda ()
(let ((cands (helm-comp-read-get-candidates
history test nil alistp)))
(when cands
(delete "" (helm-cr-default default cands))))))
(src-hist (helm-build-sync-source (format "%s History" name)
:candidates history-get-candidates
:fuzzy-match fuzzy
:match-part match-part
(append '((lambda (candidates sources)
(cl-loop for i in candidates
;; Input is added to history in completing-read's
;; and may be regexp-quoted, so unquote it
;; but check if cand is a string (it may be at this stage
;; a symbol or nil) Issue #1553.
when (stringp i)
collect (replace-regexp-in-string "\\s\\" "" i))))
(and hist-fc-transformer (helm-mklist hist-fc-transformer)))
:persistent-action persistent-action
:persistent-help persistent-help
:mode-line mode-line
:help-message help-message
:action action-fn))
(src (helm-build-sync-source name
:candidates get-candidates
:match-part match-part
:filtered-candidate-transformer fc-transformer
:requires-pattern requires-pattern
:persistent-action persistent-action
:persistent-help persistent-help
:fuzzy-match fuzzy
:mode-line mode-line
:help-message help-message
:action action-fn
:volatile volatile))
(src-1 (helm-build-in-buffer-source name
:data get-candidates
:match-part match-part
:filtered-candidate-transformer fc-transformer
:requires-pattern requires-pattern
:persistent-action persistent-action
:fuzzy-match fuzzy
:persistent-help persistent-help
:mode-line mode-line
:help-message help-message
:action action-fn))
(src-list (list src-hist
(if candidates-in-buffer
src-1 src)))
(helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one exec-when-only-one)
(helm-quit-if-no-candidate quit-when-no-cand)
(when nomark
(setq src-list (cl-loop for src in src-list
collect (cons '(nomark) src))))
(when reverse-history (setq src-list (nreverse src-list)))
(add-hook 'helm-after-update-hook 'helm-comp-read--move-to-first-real-candidate)
(setq result (helm
:sources src-list
:input initial-input
:default default
:preselect preselect
:prompt prompt
:resume 'noresume
:candidate-number-limit candidate-number-limit
:case-fold-search case-fold
:keymap loc-map
:history (and (symbolp input-history) input-history)
:buffer buffer))
(remove-hook 'helm-after-update-hook 'helm-comp-read--move-to-first-real-candidate))
;; Avoid adding an incomplete input to history.
(when (and result history del-input)
(cond ((and (symbolp history) ; History is a symbol.
(not (symbolp (symbol-value history)))) ; Fix Issue #324.
;; Be sure history is not a symbol with a nil value.
(helm-aif (symbol-value history) (setcar it result)))
((consp history) ; A list with a non--nil value.
(setcar history result))
(t ; Possibly a symbol with a nil value.
(set history (list result)))))
(or result (helm-mode--keyboard-quit)))))
;; Generic completing-read
;; Support also function as collection.
;; e.g M-x man is supported.
;; Support hash-table and vectors as collection.
;; NOTE:
;; Some crap emacs functions may not be supported
;; like ffap-alternate-file (bad use of completing-read)
;; and maybe others.
;; Provide a mode `helm-mode' which turn on
;; helm in all `completing-read' and `read-file-name' in Emacs.
(defvar helm-completion-mode-string " Helm")
(defvar helm-completion-mode-quit-message
"Helm completion disabled")
(defvar helm-completion-mode-start-message
"Helm completion enabled")
;;; Specialized handlers
(defun helm-completing-read-symbols
(prompt _collection test _require-match init
hist default _inherit-input-method name buffer)
"Specialized function for fast symbols completion in `helm-mode'."
(require 'helm-elisp)
:sources (helm-build-in-buffer-source name
:init (lambda ()
(helm-apropos-init (lambda (x)
(and (funcall test x)
(not (keywordp x))))
(or (car-safe default) default)))
:filtered-candidate-transformer 'helm-apropos-default-sort-fn
:fuzzy-match helm-mode-fuzzy-match
(lambda (candidate)
candidate name))
:persistent-help (helm-lisp-completion-persistent-help))
:prompt prompt
:buffer buffer
:input init
:history hist
:resume 'noresume
:default (or default ""))
;;; Generic completing read
(defun helm-completing-read-default-1
(prompt collection test require-match
init hist default _inherit-input-method
name buffer &optional cands-in-buffer exec-when-only-one)
"Call `helm-comp-read' with same args as `completing-read'.
Extra optional arg CANDS-IN-BUFFER mean use `candidates-in-buffer'
method which is faster.
It should be used when candidate list don't need to rebuild dynamically."
(let ((history (or (car-safe hist) hist))
(alistp cands-in-buffer)
(initial-input (helm-aif (pcase init
((pred (stringp)) init)
;; INIT is a cons cell.
(`(,l . ,_ll) l))
(if minibuffer-completing-file-name it
(regexp-quote it)))))
prompt collection
:test test
:history history
:reverse-history helm-mode-reverse-history
:input-history history
:must-match require-match
:alistp alistp
:name name
:requires-pattern (if (and (stringp default)
(string= default "")
(or (eq require-match 'confirm)
(eq require-match
1 0)
:candidates-in-buffer cands-in-buffer
:exec-when-only-one exec-when-only-one
:fuzzy helm-mode-fuzzy-match
:buffer buffer
;; If DEF is not provided, fallback to empty string
;; to avoid `thing-at-point' to be appended on top of list
:default (or default "")
;; Fail with special characters (e.g in gnus "nnimap+gmail:")
;; if regexp-quote is not used.
;; when init is added to history, it will be unquoted by
;; helm-comp-read.
:initial-input initial-input)))
(defun helm-completing-read-with-cands-in-buffer
(prompt collection test require-match
init hist default inherit-input-method
name buffer)
"Same as `helm-completing-read-default-1' but use candidates-in-buffer."
;; Some commands like find-tag may use `read-file-name' from inside
;; the calculation of collection. in this case it clash with
;; candidates-in-buffer that reuse precedent data (files) which is wrong.
;; So (re)calculate collection outside of main helm-session.
(let ((cands (all-completions (or init "") collection)))
(helm-completing-read-default-1 prompt cands test require-match
init hist default inherit-input-method
name buffer t)))
(cl-defun helm--completing-read-default
(prompt collection &optional
predicate require-match
initial-input hist def
"An helm replacement of `completing-read'.
This function should be used only as a `completing-read-function'.
Don't use it directly, use instead `helm-comp-read' in your programs.
See documentation of `completing-read' and `all-completions' for details."
(let* ((current-command (or (helm-this-command) this-command))
(str-command (helm-symbol-name current-command))
(buf-name (format "*helm-mode-%s*" str-command))
(entry (assq current-command
(def-com (cdr-safe entry))
(str-defcom (and def-com (helm-symbol-name def-com)))
(def-args (list prompt collection predicate require-match
initial-input hist def inherit-input-method))
;; Append the two extra args needed to set the buffer and source name
;; in helm specialized functions.
(any-args (append def-args (list str-command buf-name)))
helm-completion-mode-start-message ; Be quiet
;; Be sure this pesty *completion* buffer doesn't popup.
;; Note: `minibuffer-with-setup-hook' may setup a lambda
;; calling `minibuffer-completion-help' or other minibuffer
;; functions we DONT WANT here, in these cases removing the hook
;; (a symbol) have no effect. Issue #448.
;; Because `minibuffer-completion-table' and
;; `minibuffer-completion-predicate' are not bound
;; anymore here, these functions should have no effect now,
;; except in some rare cases like in `woman-file-name',
;; so remove all incompatible functions
;; from `minibuffer-setup-hook' (Issue #1205, #1240).
;; otherwise helm have not the time to close its initial session.
(cl-loop for h in minibuffer-setup-hook
unless (or (consp h) ; a lambda.
(byte-code-function-p h)
(memq h helm-mode-minibuffer-setup-hook-black-list))
collect h))
;; Disable hack that could be used before `completing-read'.
;; i.e (push ?\t unread-command-events).
(when (eq def-com 'ido) (setq def-com 'ido-completing-read))
(unless (or (not entry) def-com)
;; An entry in *read-handlers-alist exists but have
;; a nil value, so we exit from here, disable `helm-mode'
;; and run the command again with it original behavior.
;; `helm-mode' will be restored on exit.
(cl-return-from helm--completing-read-default
(helm-mode -1)
(apply completing-read-function def-args))
(helm-mode 1))))
;; If we use now `completing-read' we MUST turn off `helm-mode'
;; to avoid infinite recursion and CRASH. It will be reenabled on exit.
(when (or (eq def-com 'completing-read)
;; All specialized functions are prefixed by "helm"
(and (stringp str-defcom)
(not (string-match "^helm" str-defcom))))
(helm-mode -1))
(cond (;; An helm specialized function exists, run it.
(and def-com helm-mode)
(apply def-com any-args))
(;; Try to handle `ido-completing-read' everywhere.
(and def-com (eq def-com 'ido-completing-read))
(setcar (memq collection def-args)
(all-completions "" collection predicate))
(apply def-com def-args))
(;; User set explicitely `completing-read' or something similar
;; in *read-handlers-alist, use this with exactly the same
;; args as in `completing-read'.
;; If we are here `helm-mode' is now disabled.
(apply def-com def-args))
(t ; Fall back to classic `helm-comp-read'.
prompt collection predicate require-match
initial-input hist def inherit-input-method
str-command buf-name)))
(helm-mode 1)
;; When exiting minibuffer, `this-command' is set to
;; `helm-exit-minibuffer', which is unwanted when starting
;; on another `completing-read', so restore `this-command' to
;; initial value when exiting.
(setq this-command current-command))))
;;; Generic read-file-name
(cl-defun helm-read-file-name
(name "Read File Name")
(initial-input default-directory)
(buffer "*Helm file completions*")
(case-fold helm-file-name-case-fold-search)
(candidate-number-limit helm-ff-candidate-number-limit)
(alistp t)
(persistent-action 'helm-find-files-persistent-action)
(persistent-help "Hit1 Expand Candidate, Hit2 or (C-u) Find file")
(mode-line helm-read-file-name-mode-line-string))
"Read a file name with helm completion.
It is helm `read-file-name' emulation.
Argument PROMPT is the default prompt to use.
Keys description:
- NAME: Source name, default to \"Read File Name\".
- INITIAL-INPUT: Where to start read file name, default to `default-directory'.
- BUFFER: `helm-buffer' name default to \"*Helm Completions*\".
- TEST: A predicate called with one arg 'candidate'.
- CASE-FOLD: Same as `helm-case-fold-search'.
- PRESELECT: helm preselection.
- HISTORY: Display HISTORY in a special source.
- MUST-MATCH: Can be 'confirm, nil, or t.
- MARKED-CANDIDATES: When non--nil return a list of marked candidates.
- NOMARK: When non--nil don't allow marking candidates.
- ALISTP: Don't use `all-completions' in history (take effect only on history).
- PERSISTENT-ACTION: a persistent action function.
- PERSISTENT-HELP: persistent help message.
- MODE-LINE: A mode line message, default is `helm-read-file-name-mode-line-string'."
(when (get-buffer helm-action-buffer)
(kill-buffer helm-action-buffer))
;; Assume completion have been already required,
;; so always use 'confirm.
(when (eq must-match 'confirm-after-completion)
(setq must-match 'confirm))
(mapc (lambda (hook)
(add-hook 'helm-after-update-hook hook))
(let* ((action-fn `(("Sole action (Identity)"
. (lambda (candidate)
(if ,marked-candidates
(helm-marked-candidates :with-wildcard t)
(identity candidate))))))
;; Be sure we don't erase the underlying minibuffer if some.
(and helm-ff-auto-update-initial-value
(not (minibuffer-window-active-p (minibuffer-window)))))
(hist (and history (helm-comp-read-get-candidates
history nil nil alistp)))
(minibuffer-completion-confirm must-match)
(must-match-map (when must-match helm-comp-read-must-match-map))
(cmap (if must-match-map
must-match-map helm-read-file-map)
(minibuffer-completion-predicate test)
(minibuffer-completing-file-name t)
(replace-regexp-in-string "helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer"
;; History source.
(helm-build-sync-source (format "%s History" name)
:header-name (lambda (name)
(concat name (substitute-command-keys
:mode-line mode-line
:candidates hist
:nohighlight t
:persistent-action persistent-action
:persistent-help persistent-help
:nomark nomark
:action action-fn)
;; Other source.
(helm-build-sync-source name
:header-name (lambda (name)
(concat name (substitute-command-keys
:init (lambda ()
(setq helm-ff-auto-update-flag
(setq helm-ff--auto-update-state
:mode-line mode-line
:help-message 'helm-read-file-name-help-message
:nohighlight t
(lambda ()
(append (and (not (file-exists-p helm-pattern))
(list helm-pattern))
(if test
(cl-loop with hn = (helm-ff-tramp-hostnames)
for i in (helm-find-files-get-candidates
when (or (member i hn) ; A tramp host
(funcall test i)) ; Test ok
collect i)
(helm-find-files-get-candidates must-match))))
:filtered-candidate-transformer 'helm-ff-sort-candidates
:filter-one-by-one 'helm-ff-filter-candidate-one-by-one
:persistent-action persistent-action
:persistent-help persistent-help
:volatile t
:cleanup 'helm-find-files-cleanup
:nomark nomark
:action action-fn)))
;; Helm result.
(result (helm
:sources src-list
:input (expand-file-name initial-input)
:prompt prompt
:keymap cmap
:candidate-number-limit candidate-number-limit
:resume 'noresume
:case-fold-search case-fold
:default default
:buffer buffer
:preselect preselect)))
(cond ((and result (stringp result)
(string= result "") ""))
((and result
(stringp result)
(file-equal-p result initial-input)
(if (listp default) (car default) default))
((and result (stringp result))
(expand-file-name result))
((and result (listp result))
(mapcar #'expand-file-name result))
(t result))
(defun helm-mode--default-filename (fname dir initial)
(unless dir (setq dir default-directory))
(unless (file-name-absolute-p dir)
(setq dir (expand-file-name dir)))
(unless (or fname (consp fname))
(setq fname (expand-file-name
(or initial buffer-file-name dir)
(if (and fname (consp fname))
(setq fname (cl-loop for f in fname
collect (expand-file-name f dir)))
(if (file-name-absolute-p fname)
fname (expand-file-name fname dir))))
(cl-defun helm--generic-read-file-name
(prompt &optional dir default-filename mustmatch initial predicate)
"Generic helm replacement of `read-file-name'.
Don't use it directly, use instead `helm-read-file-name' in your programs."
(let* ((init (or initial dir default-directory))
(current-command (or (helm-this-command) this-command))
(str-command (helm-symbol-name current-command))
(cons str-command
(remove str-command helm--file-completion-sources)))
(buf-name (format "*helm-mode-%s*" str-command))
(entry (assq current-command
(def-com (cdr-safe entry))
(str-defcom (and def-com (helm-symbol-name def-com)))
(def-args (list prompt dir default-filename mustmatch initial predicate))
;; Append the two extra args needed to set the buffer and source name
;; in helm specialized functions.
(any-args (append def-args (list str-command buf-name)))
(ido-state ido-mode)
helm-completion-mode-start-message ; Be quiet
helm-completion-mode-quit-message ; Same here
(setq default-filename (helm-mode--default-filename
default-filename dir initial))
;; Some functions that normally call `completing-read' can switch
;; brutally to `read-file-name' (e.g find-tag), in this case
;; the helm specialized function will fail because it is build
;; for `completing-read', so set it to 'incompatible to be sure
;; we switch to `helm-read-file-name' and don't try to call it
;; with wrong number of args.
(when (eq def-com 'ido)
(setq def-com 'ido-read-file-name) (ido-mode 1))
(when (and def-com (> (length (help-function-arglist def-com)) 8))
(setq def-com 'incompatible))
(unless (or (not entry) def-com)
(cl-return-from helm--generic-read-file-name
(helm-mode -1)
(apply read-file-name-function def-args))
(helm-mode 1))))
;; If we use now `read-file-name' we MUST turn off `helm-mode'
;; to avoid infinite recursion and CRASH. It will be reenabled on exit.
(when (or (eq def-com 'read-file-name)
(eq def-com 'ido-read-file-name)
(and (stringp str-defcom)
(not (string-match "^helm" str-defcom))))
(helm-mode -1))
(setq fname
(cond (;; A specialized function exists, run it
;; with the two extra args specific to helm..
(and def-com helm-mode
(not (eq def-com 'ido-read-file-name))
(not (eq def-com 'incompatible)))
(apply def-com any-args))
(;; Def-com value is `ido-read-file-name'
;; run it with default args.
(and def-com (eq def-com 'ido-read-file-name))
(ido-mode 1)
(apply def-com def-args))
(;; Def-com value is `read-file-name'
;; run it with default args.
(eq def-com 'read-file-name)
(apply def-com def-args))
(t ; Fall back to classic `helm-read-file-name'.
:name str-command
:buffer buf-name
:default default-filename
:initial-input (expand-file-name init dir)
:alistp nil
:must-match mustmatch
:test predicate))))
(helm-mode 1)
(ido-mode (if ido-state 1 -1))
;; Same comment as in `helm--completing-read-default'.
(setq this-command current-command))
(if (eq predicate 'file-directory-p) ; Using `read-directory-name'.
(file-name-as-directory fname) fname)))
(defun helm-mode--advice-lisp--local-variables (old--fn &rest args)
(apply old--fn args)))
(defun helm--completion-in-region (start end collection &optional predicate)
"Helm replacement of `completion--in-region'.
Can be used as value for `completion-in-region-function'."
(cl-declare (special require-match prompt))
(if (memq major-mode helm-mode-no-completion-in-region-in-modes)
(funcall helm--old-completion-in-region-function
start end collection predicate)
:around #'helm-mode--advice-lisp--local-variables)
(let* ((enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
(input (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
(current-command (or (helm-this-command) this-command))
(str-command (helm-symbol-name current-command))
(buf-name (format "*helm-mode-%s*" str-command))
(require-match (or (and (boundp 'require-match) require-match)
;; If prompt have not been propagated here, that's
;; probably mean we have no prompt and we are in
;; completion-at-point or friend, so use a non--nil
;; value for require-match.
(not (boundp 'prompt))))
;; `completion-extra-properties' is let-bounded in `completion-at-point'.
;; `afun' is a closure to call against each string in `data'.
;; it provide the annotation info for each string.
;; e.g "foo" => "foo <f>" where foo is a function.
;; See Issue #407.
(afun (plist-get completion-extra-properties :annotation-function))
(metadata (completion-metadata
(buffer-substring-no-properties start (point))
collection predicate))
(data (completion-all-completions
(buffer-substring start end)
(- (point) start)
;; `completion-all-completions' store the base-size in the last `cdr',
;; so data looks like this: '(a b c d . 0) and (last data) == (d . 0).
(last-data (last data))
(base-size (helm-aif (cdr (last data))
(prog1 it
(setcdr last-data nil))
(init-space-suffix (unless (or helm-completion-in-region-fuzzy-match
(string-suffix-p " " input)
(string= input ""))
" "))
(file-comp-p (or (eq (completion-metadata-get metadata 'category) 'file)
;; Assume that when `afun' and `predicate' are null
;; we are in filename completion.
(and (null afun) (null predicate))))
;; Completion-at-point and friends have no prompt.
(result (if (stringp data)
(or (and (boundp 'prompt) prompt) "Pattern: ")
(if file-comp-p
(cl-loop for f in data unless
(string-match "\\`\\.\\{1,2\\}/\\'" f)
collect f)
(if afun
(mapcar (lambda (s)
(let ((ann (funcall afun s)))
(if ann
" " 'display
'face 'completions-annotations)))
:name str-command
:fuzzy helm-completion-in-region-fuzzy-match
:nomark t
(cond ((and file-comp-p
(not (string-match "/\\'" input)))
(concat (helm-basename input)
((string-match "/\\'" input) nil)
((or (null require-match)
(stringp require-match))
(t (concat input init-space-suffix)))
:buffer buf-name
:fc-transformer (append (list 'helm-cr-default-transformer)
(unless helm-completion-in-region-fuzzy-match
(list (lambda (candidates _source)
(sort candidates 'helm-generic-sort-fn)))))
:exec-when-only-one t
(lambda ()
;; Delay message to overwrite "Quit".
0.01 nil
(lambda ()
(message "[No matches]")))
t) ; exit minibuffer immediately.
:must-match require-match))))
(when result
result (current-buffer)
(list (+ start base-size) end)
(advice-remove 'lisp--local-variables
(defun helm-mode--in-file-completion-p ()
(run-hook-with-args-until-success 'file-name-at-point-functions)))
(when (boundp 'completion-in-region-function)
(defconst helm--old-completion-in-region-function completion-in-region-function))
(define-minor-mode helm-mode
"Toggle generic helm completion.
All functions in Emacs that use `completing-read'
or `read-file-name' and friends will use helm interface
when this mode is turned on.
However you can modify this behavior for functions of your choice
with `helm-completing-read-handlers-alist'.
Called with a positive arg, turn on unconditionally, with a
negative arg turn off.
You can turn it on with `helm-mode'.
Some crap emacs functions may not be supported,
e.g `ffap-alternate-file' and maybe others
You can add such functions to `helm-completing-read-handlers-alist'
with a nil value.
Note: This mode is incompatible with Emacs23."
:group 'helm-mode
:global t
:lighter helm-completion-mode-string
(cl-assert (boundp 'completing-read-function) nil
"`helm-mode' not available, upgrade to Emacs-24")
(if helm-mode
(if (fboundp 'add-function)
(add-function :override completing-read-function
(add-function :override read-file-name-function
(when helm-mode-handle-completion-in-region
(add-function :override completion-in-region-function
(setq completing-read-function 'helm--completing-read-default
read-file-name-function 'helm--generic-read-file-name)
(when (and (boundp 'completion-in-region-function)
(setq completion-in-region-function #'helm--completion-in-region))
(message helm-completion-mode-start-message))
(if (fboundp 'remove-function)
(remove-function completing-read-function #'helm--completing-read-default)
(remove-function read-file-name-function #'helm--generic-read-file-name)
(remove-function completion-in-region-function #'helm--completion-in-region))
(setq completing-read-function (and (fboundp 'completing-read-default)
read-file-name-function (and (fboundp 'read-file-name-default)
(when (and (boundp 'completion-in-region-function)
(boundp 'helm--old-completion-in-region-function))
(setq completion-in-region-function helm--old-completion-in-region-function))
(message helm-completion-mode-quit-message))))
(provide 'helm-mode)
;; Local Variables:
;; byte-compile-warnings: (not cl-functions obsolete)
;; coding: utf-8
;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
;; End:
;;; helm-mode.el ends here