Gergely Polonkai 437e76ad7d Update packages
2016-10-17 10:11:13 +02:00

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;;; smartparens-ruby.el --- Additional configuration for Ruby based modes.
;; Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Jean-Louis Giordano
;; Author: Jean-Louis Giordano <>
;; Maintainer: Matus Goljer <>
;; Created: 16 June 2013
;; Keywords: abbrev convenience editing
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License:
;; This file is part of Smartparens.
;; Smartparens is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; Smartparens is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with Smartparens. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This file provides some additional configuration for Ruby based
;; modes. To use it, simply add:
;; (require 'smartparens-ruby)
;; into your configuration. You can use this in conjunction with the
;; default config or your own configuration.
;; If you have good ideas about what should be added please file an
;; issue on the github tracker.
;; For more info, see github readme at
;;; Code:
(require 'smartparens)
(defun sp-ruby-forward-sexp ()
(if (boundp 'enh-ruby-forward-sexp)
(defun sp-ruby-backward-sexp ()
(if (boundp 'enh-ruby-backward-sexp)
(defun sp-ruby-maybe-one-space ()
(while (looking-back " ") (backward-char))
(when (or (looking-at-p " ")
(looking-at-p "}")
(looking-back "{"))
(save-excursion (just-one-space)))
(when (and (not (looking-back "^.?"))
(backward-char 2)
(or (looking-at-p ".[^:] [.([,;]")
(looking-at-p ".. ::")
(looking-at-p ".[.@$] ")
(looking-at-p ":: "))))
(delete-char 1)))
(defun sp-ruby-delete-indentation (&optional arg)
"Better way of joining ruby lines"
(delete-indentation arg)
(defun sp-ruby-block-post-handler (id action context)
"Handler for ruby block-like inserts"
(when (equal action 'insert)
(sp-ruby-post-handler id action context))
(defun sp-ruby-def-post-handler (id action context)
"Handler for ruby def-like inserts"
(when (equal action 'insert)
(insert "x")
(delete-char 1))
(sp-ruby-post-handler id action context))
(defun sp-ruby-post-handler (id action context)
(when (equal action 'barf-backward)
(sp-ruby-delete-indentation 1)
(sp-backward-sexp) ; move to begining of current sexp
(sp-backward-sexp arg)
(when (equal action 'barf-forward)
(sp-get enc
(let ((beg-line (line-number-at-pos :beg-in))
(end-line (line-number-at-pos :end-in)))
(sp-forward-sexp arg)
(when (not (= (line-number-at-pos) beg-line))
(sp-ruby-delete-indentation -1))
(defun sp-ruby-pre-handler (id action context)
"Handler for ruby slurp and barf"
(sp-get enc
(let ((beg-line (line-number-at-pos :beg-in))
(end-line (line-number-at-pos :end-in)))
(when (equal action 'slurp-backward)
(when (looking-at-p ";") (forward-char))
(when (not (= (line-number-at-pos) end-line))
(sp-ruby-delete-indentation -1)))
(while (thing-at-point-looking-at "\\.[ \n]*")
(when (looking-back "[@$:&?!]")
(when (looking-back "[@&:]")
(if (= (line-number-at-pos) end-line)
(insert " ")
(when (equal action 'barf-backward)
;; Barf whole method chains
(while (thing-at-point-looking-at "[.([:][ \n]*")
(if (looking-at-p " *$")
(save-excursion (newline))))
(when (equal action 'slurp-forward)
(when (looking-back "\.") (backward-char))
(when (not (= (line-number-at-pos) beg-line))
(if (thing-at-point-looking-at "\\.[ \n]*")
(forward-symbol -1)
(sp-ruby-delete-indentation -1))
(while (looking-at-p "::") (sp-forward-symbol))
(when (looking-at-p "[?!;]") (forward-char))
(if (= (line-number-at-pos) beg-line)
(insert " ")
(when (equal action 'barf-forward)
(when (looking-back "\\.") (backward-char))
(while (looking-back "::") (sp-backward-symbol))
(if (= (line-number-at-pos) end-line)
(insert " ")
(if (looking-back "^ *")
(save-excursion (newline))
(defun sp-ruby-inline-p (id)
(when (looking-back id)
(when (not (or (looking-back "^ *")
(looking-back "= *")))
(or (save-excursion
(forward-symbol -1)
(forward-symbol 1)
(looking-at-p (concat " *" id)))
;; This does not seem to make emacs snapshot happy
(looking-at-p (concat "[^ ]* *" id))))))))
(defun sp-ruby-method-p (id)
(when (looking-back id)
(and (looking-at-p id)
;; fix for def_foo
(looking-at-p (concat id "[_?!:]"))
;; fix for foo_def
(looking-back "[_:@$.]")
;; fix for def for; end
(looking-back "def \\|class \\|module ")
;; Check if multiline method call
;; But beware of comments!
(and (looking-back "\\.[ \n]*")
(not (save-excursion
(search-backward ".")
(defun sp-ruby-skip-inline-match-p (ms mb me)
(or (sp-ruby-method-p ms)
(sp-ruby-inline-p ms)))
(defun sp-ruby-skip-method-p (ms mb me)
(sp-ruby-method-p ms))
(defun sp-ruby-in-string-or-word-p (id action context)
(or (sp-in-string-p id action context)
(and (looking-back id)
(not (looking-back (sp--strict-regexp-quote id))))
(sp-ruby-method-p id)))
(defun sp-ruby-in-string-word-or-inline-p (id action context)
(or (sp-ruby-in-string-or-word-p id action context)
(and (looking-back id)
(sp-ruby-inline-p id))))
(defun sp-ruby-pre-pipe-handler (id action context)
(when (equal action 'insert)
(search-backward id)
(defun sp-ruby-should-insert-pipe-close (id action _ctx)
"Test whether to insert the closing pipe for a lambda-binding pipe pair."
(if (eq action 'insert)
(rx-to-string `(and (or "do" "{") (* space) ,id)))
(defun sp--ruby-skip-match (ms me mb)
(when (string= ms "end")
(or (sp-in-string-p ms me mb)
(sp-ruby-method-p "end"))))
(add-to-list 'sp-navigate-skip-match
'((ruby-mode enh-ruby-mode motion-mode) . sp--ruby-skip-match))
(dolist (mode '(ruby-mode motion-mode))
(add-to-list 'sp-sexp-suffix `(,mode syntax "")))
(sp-with-modes '(ruby-mode enh-ruby-mode motion-mode)
(sp-local-pair "do" "end"
:when '(("SPC" "RET" "<evil-ret>"))
:unless '(sp-ruby-in-string-or-word-p sp-in-comment-p)
:actions '(insert navigate)
:pre-handlers '(sp-ruby-pre-handler)
:post-handlers '(sp-ruby-block-post-handler)
:skip-match 'sp-ruby-skip-method-p
:suffix "")
(sp-local-pair "{" "}"
:pre-handlers '(sp-ruby-pre-handler)
:post-handlers '(sp-ruby-post-handler)
:suffix "")
(sp-local-pair "begin" "end"
:when '(("SPC" "RET" "<evil-ret>"))
:unless '(sp-ruby-in-string-or-word-p sp-in-comment-p)
:actions '(insert navigate)
:pre-handlers '(sp-ruby-pre-handler)
:post-handlers '(sp-ruby-block-post-handler)
:skip-match 'sp-ruby-skip-method-p
:suffix "")
(sp-local-pair "def" "end"
:when '(("SPC" "RET" "<evil-ret>"))
:unless '(sp-ruby-in-string-or-word-p sp-in-comment-p)
:actions '(insert navigate)
:pre-handlers '(sp-ruby-pre-handler)
:post-handlers '(sp-ruby-def-post-handler)
:skip-match 'sp-ruby-skip-method-p
:suffix "")
(sp-local-pair "class" "end"
:when '(("SPC" "RET" "<evil-ret>"))
:unless '(sp-ruby-in-string-or-word-p sp-in-comment-p)
:actions '(insert navigate)
:pre-handlers '(sp-ruby-pre-handler)
:post-handlers '(sp-ruby-def-post-handler)
:skip-match 'sp-ruby-skip-method-p
:suffix "")
(sp-local-pair "module" "end"
:when '(("SPC" "RET" "<evil-ret>"))
:unless '(sp-ruby-in-string-or-word-p sp-in-comment-p)
:actions '(insert navigate)
:pre-handlers '(sp-ruby-pre-handler)
:post-handlers '(sp-ruby-def-post-handler)
:skip-match 'sp-ruby-skip-method-p
:suffix "")
(sp-local-pair "case" "end"
:when '(("SPC" "RET" "<evil-ret>"))
:unless '(sp-ruby-in-string-or-word-p sp-in-comment-p)
:actions '(insert navigate)
:pre-handlers '(sp-ruby-pre-handler)
:post-handlers '(sp-ruby-def-post-handler)
:skip-match 'sp-ruby-skip-method-p
:suffix "")
(sp-local-pair "for" "end"
:when '(("SPC" "RET" "<evil-ret>"))
:unless '(sp-ruby-in-string-or-word-p sp-in-comment-p)
:actions '(insert navigate)
:pre-handlers '(sp-ruby-pre-handler)
:post-handlers '(sp-ruby-def-post-handler)
:skip-match 'sp-ruby-skip-inline-match-p)
(sp-local-pair "if" "end"
:when '(("SPC" "RET" "<evil-ret>"))
:unless '(sp-ruby-in-string-word-or-inline-p sp-in-comment-p)
:actions '(insert navigate)
:pre-handlers '(sp-ruby-pre-handler)
:post-handlers '(sp-ruby-def-post-handler)
:skip-match 'sp-ruby-skip-inline-match-p
:suffix "")
(sp-local-pair "unless" "end"
:when '(("SPC" "RET" "<evil-ret>"))
:unless '(sp-ruby-in-string-word-or-inline-p sp-in-comment-p)
:actions '(insert navigate)
:pre-handlers '(sp-ruby-pre-handler)
:post-handlers '(sp-ruby-def-post-handler)
:skip-match 'sp-ruby-skip-inline-match-p
:suffix "")
(sp-local-pair "while" "end"
:when '(("SPC" "RET" "<evil-ret>"))
:unless '(sp-ruby-in-string-word-or-inline-p sp-in-comment-p)
:actions '(insert navigate)
:pre-handlers '(sp-ruby-pre-handler)
:post-handlers '(sp-ruby-def-post-handler)
:skip-match 'sp-ruby-skip-inline-match-p
:suffix "")
(sp-local-pair "until" "end"
:when '(("SPC" "RET" "<evil-ret>"))
:unless '(sp-ruby-in-string-word-or-inline-p sp-in-comment-p)
:actions '(insert navigate)
:pre-handlers '(sp-ruby-pre-handler)
:post-handlers '(sp-ruby-def-post-handler)
:skip-match 'sp-ruby-skip-inline-match-p
:suffix "")
(sp-local-pair "|" "|"
:when '(sp-ruby-should-insert-pipe-close)
:pre-handlers '(sp-ruby-pre-pipe-handler)
:suffix ""))
(dolist (mode '(ruby-mode motion-mode))
(add-to-list 'sp-navigate-consider-stringlike-sexp mode))
(provide 'smartparens-ruby)
;;; smartparens-ruby.el ends here