Gergely Polonkai b52b2fb212 Update packages
2016-10-10 10:39:36 +02:00

593 lines
25 KiB

;;; magit-apply.el --- apply Git diffs -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2010-2016 The Magit Project Contributors
;; You should have received a copy of the file which
;; lists all contributors. If not, see
;; Author: Jonas Bernoulli <>
;; Maintainer: Jonas Bernoulli <>
;; Magit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; Magit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
;; License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with Magit. If not, see
;;; Commentary:
;; This library implements commands for applying Git diffs or parts
;; of such a diff. The supported "apply variants" are apply, stage,
;; unstage, discard, and reverse - more than Git itself knows about,
;; at least at the porcelain level.
;;; Code:
(require 'magit-core)
(require 'magit-diff)
(require 'magit-wip)
;; For `magit-apply'
(declare-function magit-am-popup 'magit-sequence)
;; For `magit-discard-files'
(declare-function magit-checkout-stage 'magit)
(declare-function magit-checkout-read-stage 'magit)
(defvar auto-revert-verbose)
;; For `magit-stage-untracked'
(declare-function magit-submodule-add 'magit-submodule)
(declare-function magit-submodule-read-name 'magit-submodule)
(require 'dired)
;;; Options
(defcustom magit-delete-by-moving-to-trash t
"Whether Magit uses the system's trash can."
:package-version '(magit . "2.1.0")
:group 'magit
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom magit-unstage-committed t
"Whether unstaging a committed change reverts it instead.
A committed change cannot be unstaged, because staging and
unstaging are actions that are concerned with the differences
between the index and the working tree, not with committed
If this option is non-nil (the default), then typing \"u\"
(`magit-unstage') on a committed change, causes it to be
reversed in the index but not the working tree. For more
information see command `magit-reverse-in-index'."
:package-version '(magit . "2.4.1")
:group 'magit-commands
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom magit-reverse-atomically nil
"Whether to reverse changes atomically.
If some changes can be reversed while others cannot, then nothing
is reversed if the value of this option is non-nil. But when it
is nil, then the changes that can be reversed are reversed and
for the other changes diff files are created that contain the
rejected reversals."
:package-version '(magit . "2.7.0")
:group 'magit-commands
:type 'boolean)
;;; Commands
;;;; Apply
(defun magit-apply (&rest args)
"Apply the change at point to the working tree.
With a prefix argument fallback to a 3-way merge. Doing
so causes the change to be applied to the index as well."
(interactive (and current-prefix-arg (list "--3way")))
(--when-let (magit-apply--get-selection)
(pcase (list (magit-diff-type) (magit-diff-scope))
(`(,(or `unstaged `staged) ,_)
(user-error "Change is already in the working tree"))
(`(untracked ,(or `file `files))
(`(,_ region) (magit-apply-region it args))
(`(,_ hunk) (magit-apply-hunk it args))
(`(,_ hunks) (magit-apply-hunks it args))
(`(,_ file) (magit-apply-diff it args))
(`(,_ files) (magit-apply-diffs it args)))))
(defun magit-apply--section-content (section)
(buffer-substring-no-properties (if (eq (magit-section-type section) 'hunk)
(magit-section-start section)
(magit-section-content section))
(magit-section-end section)))
(defun magit-apply-diffs (sections &rest args)
(setq sections (magit-apply--get-diffs sections))
(magit-apply-patch sections args
(lambda (s)
(concat (magit-diff-file-header s)
(magit-apply--section-content s)))
sections "")))
(defun magit-apply-diff (section &rest args)
(setq section (car (magit-apply--get-diffs (list section))))
(magit-apply-patch section args
(concat (magit-diff-file-header section)
(magit-apply--section-content section))))
(defun magit-apply-hunks (sections &rest args)
(let ((section (magit-section-parent (car sections))))
(when (string-match "^diff --cc" (magit-section-value section))
(user-error "Cannot un-/stage resolution hunks. Stage the whole file"))
(magit-apply-patch section args
(concat (magit-section-diff-header section)
(mapconcat 'magit-apply--section-content
sections "")))))
(defun magit-apply-hunk (section &rest args)
(when (string-match "^diff --cc" (magit-section-parent-value section))
(user-error "Cannot un-/stage resolution hunks. Stage the whole file"))
(magit-apply-patch (magit-section-parent section) args
(concat (magit-diff-file-header section)
(magit-apply--section-content section))))
(defun magit-apply-region (section &rest args)
(unless (magit-diff-context-p)
(user-error "Not enough context to apply region. Increase the context"))
(when (string-match "^diff --cc" (magit-section-parent-value section))
(user-error "Cannot un-/stage resolution hunks. Stage the whole file"))
(magit-apply-patch (magit-section-parent section) args
(concat (magit-diff-file-header section)
(magit-diff-hunk-region-patch section args))))
(defun magit-apply-patch (section:s args patch)
(let* ((files (if (atom section:s)
(list (magit-section-value section:s))
(mapcar 'magit-section-value section:s)))
(command (symbol-name this-command))
(command (if (and command (string-match "^magit-\\([^-]+\\)" command))
(match-string 1 command)
(when (and magit-wip-before-change-mode (not inhibit-magit-refresh))
(magit-wip-commit-before-change files (concat " before " command)))
(insert patch)
"apply" args "-p0"
(unless (magit-diff-context-p) "--unidiff-zero")
"--ignore-space-change" "-"))
(unless inhibit-magit-refresh
(when magit-wip-after-apply-mode
(magit-wip-commit-after-apply files (concat " after " command)))
(defun magit-apply--get-selection ()
(or (magit-region-sections 'hunk 'file)
(let ((section (magit-current-section)))
(pcase (magit-section-type section)
((or `hunk `file) section)
((or `staged `unstaged `untracked
`stashed-index `stashed-worktree `stashed-untracked)
(magit-section-children section))
(_ (user-error "Cannot apply this, it's not a change"))))))
(defun magit-apply--get-diffs (sections)
([file diffstat]
(--map (or (magit-get-section
(append `((file . ,(magit-section-value it)))
(magit-section-ident magit-root-section)))
(error "Cannot get required diff headers"))
(t sections)))
;;;; Stage
(defun magit-stage (&optional intent)
"Add the change at point to the staging area.
With a prefix argument, INTENT, and an untracked file (or files)
at point, stage the file but not its content."
(interactive "P")
(--if-let (and (derived-mode-p 'magit-mode) (magit-apply--get-selection))
(pcase (list (magit-diff-type) (magit-diff-scope))
(`(untracked ,_) (magit-stage-untracked intent))
(`(unstaged region) (magit-apply-region it "--cached"))
(`(unstaged hunk) (magit-apply-hunk it "--cached"))
(`(unstaged hunks) (magit-apply-hunks it "--cached"))
(`(unstaged file) (magit-stage-1 "-u" (list (magit-section-value it))))
(`(unstaged files) (magit-stage-1 "-u" (magit-region-values)))
(`(unstaged list) (magit-stage-1 "-u"))
(`(staged ,_) (user-error "Already staged"))
(`(committed ,_) (user-error "Cannot stage committed changes"))
(`(undefined ,_) (user-error "Cannot stage this change")))
(call-interactively 'magit-stage-file)))
(defun magit-stage-file (file)
"Stage all changes to FILE.
With a prefix argument or when there is no file at point ask for
the file to be staged. Otherwise stage the file at point without
requiring confirmation."
(let* ((atpoint (magit-section-when (file)))
(current (magit-file-relative-name))
(choices (nconc (magit-modified-files)
(default (car (member (or atpoint current) choices))))
(list (if (or current-prefix-arg (not default))
(magit-completing-read "Stage file" choices
nil t nil nil default)
(magit-stage-1 nil (list file))))
(defun magit-stage-modified (&optional all)
"Stage all changes to files modified in the worktree.
Stage all new content of tracked files and remove tracked files
that no longer exist in the working tree from the index also.
With a prefix argument also stage previously untracked (but not
ignored) files.
\('git add --update|--all .')."
(interactive (progn (unless (or (not (magit-anything-staged-p))
(magit-confirm 'stage-all-changes))
(user-error "Abort"))
(list current-prefix-arg)))
(magit-stage-1 (if all "--all" "-u"))))
(defun magit-stage-1 (arg &optional files)
(magit-wip-commit-before-change files " before stage")
(magit-run-git "add" arg (if files (cons "--" files) "."))
(when magit-auto-revert-mode
(mapc #'magit-turn-on-auto-revert-mode-if-desired files))
(magit-wip-commit-after-apply files " after stage"))
(defun magit-stage-untracked (&optional intent)
(let* ((section (magit-current-section))
(files (pcase (magit-diff-scope)
(`file (list (magit-section-value section)))
(`files (magit-region-values))
(`list (magit-untracked-files))))
plain repos)
(dolist (file files)
(if (magit-git-repo-p file t)
(push file repos)
(push file plain)))
(magit-wip-commit-before-change files " before stage")
(when plain
(magit-run-git "add" (and intent "--intent-to-add")
"--" plain)
(when magit-auto-revert-mode
(mapc #'magit-turn-on-auto-revert-mode-if-desired plain)))
(dolist (repo repos)
(goto-char (magit-section-start
`((file . ,repo) (untracked) (status)))))
(let ((default-directory
(file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name repo))))
(magit-get "remote" (or (magit-get-remote) "origin") "url"))
(magit-submodule-read-name repo))))
(magit-wip-commit-after-apply files " after stage")))
;;;; Unstage
(defun magit-unstage ()
"Remove the change at point from the staging area."
(--when-let (magit-apply--get-selection)
(pcase (list (magit-diff-type) (magit-diff-scope))
(`(untracked ,_) (user-error "Cannot unstage untracked changes"))
(`(unstaged ,_) (user-error "Already unstaged"))
(`(staged region) (magit-apply-region it "--reverse" "--cached"))
(`(staged hunk) (magit-apply-hunk it "--reverse" "--cached"))
(`(staged hunks) (magit-apply-hunks it "--reverse" "--cached"))
(`(staged file) (magit-unstage-1 (list (magit-section-value it))))
(`(staged files) (magit-unstage-1 (magit-region-values)))
(`(staged list) (magit-unstage-all))
(`(committed ,_) (if magit-unstage-committed
(user-error "Cannot unstage committed changes")))
(`(undefined ,_) (user-error "Cannot unstage this change")))))
(defun magit-unstage-file (file)
"Unstage all changes to FILE.
With a prefix argument or when there is no file at point ask for
the file to be unstaged. Otherwise unstage the file at point
without requiring confirmation."
(let* ((atpoint (magit-section-when (file)))
(current (magit-file-relative-name))
(choices (magit-staged-files))
(default (car (member (or atpoint current) choices))))
(list (if (or current-prefix-arg (not default))
(magit-completing-read "Unstage file" choices
nil t nil nil default)
(magit-unstage-1 (list file))))
(defun magit-unstage-1 (files)
(magit-wip-commit-before-change files " before unstage")
(if (magit-no-commit-p)
(magit-run-git "rm" "--cached" "--" files)
(magit-run-git "reset" "HEAD" "--" files))
(magit-wip-commit-after-apply files " after unstage"))
(defun magit-unstage-all ()
"Remove all changes from the staging area."
(when (or (and (not (magit-anything-unstaged-p))
(not (magit-untracked-files)))
(magit-confirm 'unstage-all-changes))
(magit-wip-commit-before-change nil " before unstage")
(magit-run-git "reset" "HEAD" "--")
(magit-wip-commit-after-apply nil " after unstage")))
;;;; Discard
(defun magit-discard ()
"Remove the change at point."
(--when-let (magit-apply--get-selection)
(pcase (list (magit-diff-type) (magit-diff-scope))
(`(committed ,_) (user-error "Cannot discard committed changes"))
(`(undefined ,_) (user-error "Cannot discard this change"))
(`(,_ region) (magit-discard-region it))
(`(,_ hunk) (magit-discard-hunk it))
(`(,_ hunks) (magit-discard-hunks it))
(`(,_ file) (magit-discard-file it))
(`(,_ files) (magit-discard-files it))
(`(,_ list) (magit-discard-files it)))))
(defun magit-discard-region (section)
(when (magit-confirm 'discard "Discard region")
(magit-discard-apply section 'magit-apply-region)))
(defun magit-discard-hunk (section)
(when (magit-confirm 'discard "Discard hunk")
(magit-discard-apply section 'magit-apply-hunk)))
(defun magit-discard-apply (section apply)
(if (eq (magit-diff-type section) 'unstaged)
(funcall apply section "--reverse")
(if (magit-anything-unstaged-p
nil (if (eq (magit-section-type section) 'file)
(magit-section-value section)
(magit-section-parent-value section)))
(progn (let ((inhibit-magit-refresh t))
(funcall apply section "--reverse" "--cached")
(funcall apply section "--reverse" "--reject"))
(funcall apply section "--reverse" "--index"))))
(defun magit-discard-hunks (sections)
(when (magit-confirm 'discard
(format "Discard %s hunks from %s"
(length sections)
(magit-section-parent-value (car sections))))
(magit-discard-apply-n sections 'magit-apply-hunks)))
(defun magit-discard-apply-n (sections apply)
(let ((section (car sections)))
(if (eq (magit-diff-type section) 'unstaged)
(funcall apply sections "--reverse")
(if (magit-anything-unstaged-p
nil (if (eq (magit-section-type section) 'file)
(magit-section-value section)
(magit-section-parent-value section)))
(progn (let ((inhibit-magit-refresh t))
(funcall apply sections "--reverse" "--cached")
(funcall apply sections "--reverse" "--reject"))
(funcall apply sections "--reverse" "--index")))))
(defun magit-discard-file (section)
(magit-discard-files (list section)))
(defun magit-discard-files (sections)
(let ((auto-revert-verbose nil)
(type (magit-diff-type (car sections)))
(status (magit-file-status))
files delete resurrect rename discard discard-new resolve)
(dolist (section sections)
(let ((file (magit-section-value section)))
(push file files)
(pcase (cons (pcase type
(`staged ?X)
(`unstaged ?Y)
(`untracked ?Z))
(cddr (assoc file status)))
(`(?Z) (--each (magit-untracked-files nil file)
(push it delete)))
((or `(?Z ?? ??) `(?Z ?! ?!)) (push file delete))
((or `(?Z ?D ? ) `(,_ ?D ?D)) (push file delete))
((or `(,_ ?U ,_) `(,_ ,_ ?U)) (push file resolve))
(`(,_ ?A ?A) (push file resolve))
(`(?X ?M ,(or ? ?M ?D)) (push section discard))
(`(?Y ,_ ?M ) (push section discard))
(`(?X ?A ?M ) (push file discard-new))
(`(?X ?C ?M ) (push file discard-new))
(`(?X ?A ,(or ? ?D)) (push file delete))
(`(?X ?C ,(or ? ?D)) (push file delete))
(`(?X ?D ,(or ? ?M )) (push file resurrect))
(`(?Y ,_ ?D ) (push file resurrect))
(`(?X ?R ,(or ? ?M ?D)) (push file rename)))))
(let ((inhibit-magit-refresh t))
(magit-wip-commit-before-change files " before discard")
(when resolve
(dolist (file (nreverse resolve))
(magit-checkout-stage file (magit-checkout-read-stage file))))
(magit-discard-files--resurrect (nreverse resurrect))
(magit-discard-files--delete (nreverse delete) status)
(magit-discard-files--rename (nreverse rename) status)
(magit-discard-files--discard (nreverse discard)
(nreverse discard-new))
(magit-wip-commit-after-apply files " after discard"))
(defun magit-discard-files--resurrect (files)
(when (magit-confirm-files 'resurrect files)
(if (eq (magit-diff-type) 'staged)
(magit-call-git "reset" "--" files)
(magit-call-git "checkout" "--" files))))
(defun magit-discard-files--delete (files status)
(when (if magit-delete-by-moving-to-trash
(magit-confirm-files 'trash files)
(magit-confirm-files 'delete files))
(let ((delete-by-moving-to-trash magit-delete-by-moving-to-trash))
(dolist (file files)
(if (memq (magit-diff-type) '(unstaged untracked))
(dired-delete-file file dired-recursive-deletes
(pcase (nth 3 (assoc file status))
(? (delete-file file t)
(magit-call-git "rm" "--cached" "--" file))
(?M (let ((temp (magit-git-string "checkout-index" "--temp" file)))
(format "\\(.+?\\)\t%s" (regexp-quote file)) temp)
(rename-file (match-string 1 temp)
(setq temp (concat file ".~{index}~")))
(delete-file temp t))
(magit-call-git "rm" "--cached" "--force" "--" file))
(?D (magit-call-git "checkout" "--" file)
(delete-file file t)
(magit-call-git "rm" "--cached" "--force" "--" file))))))))
(defun magit-discard-files--rename (files status)
(when (magit-confirm 'rename "Undo rename %s" "Undo %i renames"
(mapcar (lambda (file)
(setq file (assoc file status))
(format "%s -> %s" (cadr file) (car file)))
(dolist (file files)
(let ((orig (cadr (assoc file status))))
(if (file-exists-p file)
(magit-call-git "mv" file orig)
(magit-call-git "rm" "--cached" "--" file)
(magit-call-git "reset" "--" orig))))))
(defun magit-discard-files--discard (sections new-files)
(let ((files (mapcar #'magit-section-value sections)))
(when (magit-confirm-files
'discard (append files new-files)
(format "Discard %s changes in" (magit-diff-type)))
(if (eq (magit-diff-type (car sections)) 'unstaged)
(magit-call-git "checkout" "--" files)
(when new-files
(magit-call-git "add" "--" new-files)
(magit-call-git "reset" "--" new-files))
(let ((binaries (magit-staged-binary-files)))
(when binaries
(setq sections
(--filter (not (member (magit-section-value it) binaries))
(cond ((= (length sections) 1)
(magit-discard-apply (car sections) 'magit-apply-diff))
(magit-discard-apply-n sections 'magit-apply-diffs)))
(when binaries
(let ((modified (magit-modified-files t)))
(setq binaries (--separate (member it modified) binaries)))
(when (cadr binaries)
(magit-call-git "reset" "--" (cadr binaries)))
(when (car binaries)
"Cannot discard staged changes to binary files, "
"which also have unstaged changes. Unstage instead.")))))))))
;;;; Reverse
(defun magit-reverse (&rest args)
"Reverse the change at point in the working tree.
With a prefix argument fallback to a 3-way merge. Doing
so causes the change to be applied to the index as well."
(interactive (and current-prefix-arg (list "--3way")))
(--when-let (magit-apply--get-selection)
(pcase (list (magit-diff-type) (magit-diff-scope))
(`(untracked ,_) (user-error "Cannot reverse untracked changes"))
(`(unstaged ,_) (user-error "Cannot reverse unstaged changes"))
(`(,_ region) (magit-reverse-region it args))
(`(,_ hunk) (magit-reverse-hunk it args))
(`(,_ hunks) (magit-reverse-hunks it args))
(`(,_ file) (magit-reverse-file it args))
(`(,_ files) (magit-reverse-files it args))
(`(,_ list) (magit-reverse-files it args)))))
(defun magit-reverse-region (section args)
(when (magit-confirm 'reverse "Reverse region")
(magit-reverse-apply section 'magit-apply-region args)))
(defun magit-reverse-hunk (section args)
(when (magit-confirm 'reverse "Reverse hunk")
(magit-reverse-apply section 'magit-apply-hunk args)))
(defun magit-reverse-hunks (sections args)
(when (magit-confirm 'reverse
(format "Reverse %s hunks from %s"
(length sections)
(magit-section-parent-value (car sections))))
(magit-reverse-apply sections 'magit-apply-hunks args)))
(defun magit-reverse-file (section args)
(magit-reverse-files (list section) args))
(defun magit-reverse-files (sections args)
(-let [(binaries sections)
(let ((bs (magit-staged-binary-files)))
(--separate (member (magit-section-value it) bs) sections))]
(when (magit-confirm-files 'reverse (mapcar #'magit-section-value sections))
(if (= (length sections) 1)
(magit-reverse-apply (car sections) 'magit-apply-diff args)
(magit-reverse-apply sections 'magit-apply-diffs args)))
(when binaries
(user-error "Cannot reverse binary files"))))
(defun magit-reverse-apply (section:s apply args)
(funcall apply section:s "--reverse" args
(and (not magit-reverse-atomically)
(not (member "--3way" args))
(defun magit-reverse-in-index (&rest args)
"Reverse the change at point in the index but not the working tree.
Use this command to extract a change from `HEAD', while leaving
it in the working tree, so that it can later be committed using
a separate commit. A typical workflow would be:
0. Optionally make sure that there are no uncommitted changes.
1. Visit the `HEAD' commit and navigate to the change that should
not have been included in that commit.
2. Type \"u\" (`magit-unstage') to reverse it in the index.
This assumes that `magit-unstage-committed-changes' is non-nil.
3. Type \"c e\" to extend `HEAD' with the staged changes,
including those that were already staged before.
4. Optionally stage the remaining changes using \"s\" or \"S\"
and then type \"c c\" to create a new commit."
(magit-reverse (cons "--cached" args)))
;;; magit-apply.el ends soon
(provide 'magit-apply)
;; Local Variables:
;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
;; End:
;;; magit-apply.el ends here