2016-10-24 08:30:06 +02:00

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;;; helm-utils.el --- Utilities Functions for helm. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2012 ~ 2016 Thierry Volpiatto <thierry.volpiatto@gmail.com>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'helm)
(require 'helm-help)
(require 'compile) ; Fixme: Is this needed?
(require 'dired)
(declare-function helm-find-files-1 "helm-files.el" (fname &optional preselect))
(declare-function popup-tip "ext:popup")
(defvar winner-boring-buffers)
(defgroup helm-utils nil
"Utilities routines for Helm."
:group 'helm)
(defcustom helm-su-or-sudo "sudo"
"What command to use for root access."
:type 'string
:group 'helm-utils)
(defcustom helm-default-kbsize 1024.0
"Default Kbsize to use for showing files size.
It is a float, usually 1024.0 but could be 1000.0 on some systems."
:group 'helm-utils
:type 'float)
(defcustom helm-highlight-matches-around-point-max-lines 15
"Number of lines around point where matched items are highlighted."
:group 'helm-utils
:type 'integer)
(defcustom helm-buffers-to-resize-on-pa nil
"A list of helm buffers where the helm-window should be reduced on persistent actions."
:group 'helm-utils
:type '(repeat (choice string)))
(defcustom helm-resize-on-pa-text-height 12
"The size of the helm-window when resizing on persistent action."
:group 'helm-utils
:type 'integer)
(defcustom helm-sources-using-help-echo-popup '("Moccur" "Imenu in all buffers"
"Ack-Grep" "AG" "Gid" "Git-Grep")
"Show the buffer name or the filename in a popup at selection."
:group 'helm-utils
:type '(repeat (choice string)))
(defcustom helm-html-decode-entities-function #'helm-html-decode-entities-string
"Function used to decode html entities in html bookmarks.
Helm comes by default with `helm-html-decode-entities-string', if you need something
more sophisticated you can use `w3m-decode-entities-string' if available.
In emacs itself org-entities seems broken and `xml-substitute-numeric-entities'
supports only numeric entities."
:group 'helm-utils
:type 'function)
(defvar helm-goto-line-before-hook '(helm-save-current-pos-to-mark-ring)
"Run before jumping to line.
This hook run when jumping from `helm-goto-line', `helm-etags-default-action',
and `helm-imenu-default-action'.
This allow you to retrieve a previous position after using the different helm
tools for searching (etags, grep, gid, (m)occur etc...).
By default positions are added to `mark-ring' you can also add to register
by using instead (or adding) `helm-save-pos-to-register-before-jump'.
In this case last position is added to the register
(defvar helm-save-pos-before-jump-register ?_
"The register where `helm-save-pos-to-register-before-jump' save position.")
(defconst helm-html-entities-alist
'(("&quot;" . 34) ;; "
("&gt;" . 62) ;; >
("&lt;" . 60) ;; <
("&amp;" . 38) ;; &
("&euro;" . 8364) ;; €
("&Yuml;" . 89) ;; Y
("&iexcl;" . 161) ;; ¡
("&cent;" . 162) ;; ¢
("&pound;" . 163) ;; £
("&curren;" . 164) ;; ¤
("&yen" . 165) ;; ¥
("&brvbar;" . 166) ;; ¦
("&sect;" . 167) ;; §
("&uml;" . 32) ;; SPC
("&copy;" . 169) ;; ©
("&ordf;" . 97) ;; a
("&laquo;" . 171) ;; «
("&not;" . 172) ;; ¬
("&masr;" . 174) ;; ®
("&deg;" . 176) ;; °
("&plusmn;" . 177) ;; ±
("&sup2;" . 50) ;; 2
("&sup3;" . 51) ;; 3
("&acute;" . 39) ;; '
("&micro;" . 956) ;; μ
("&para;" . 182) ;; ¶
("&middot;" . 183) ;; ·
("&cedil;" . 32) ;; SPC
("&sup1;" . 49) ;; 1
("&ordm;" . 111) ;; o
("&raquo;" . 187) ;; »
("&frac14;" . 49) ;; 1
("&frac12;" . 49) ;; 1
("&frac34;" . 51) ;; 3
("&iquest;" . 191) ;; ¿
("&Agrave;" . 192) ;; À
("&Aacute;" . 193) ;; Á
("&Acirc;" . 194) ;; Â
("&Atilde;" . 195) ;; Ã
("&Auml;" . 196) ;; Ä
("&Aring;" . 197) ;; Å
("&Aelig" . 198) ;; Æ
("&Ccedil;" . 199) ;; Ç
("&Egrave;" . 200) ;; È
("&Eacute;" . 201) ;; É
("&Ecirc;" . 202) ;; Ê
("&Euml;" . 203) ;; Ë
("&Igrave;" . 204) ;; Ì
("&Iacute;" . 205) ;; Í
("&Icirc;" . 206) ;; Î
("&Iuml;" . 207) ;; Ï
("&eth;" . 208) ;; Ð
("&Ntilde;" . 209) ;; Ñ
("&Ograve;" . 210) ;; Ò
("&Oacute;" . 211) ;; Ó
("&Ocirc;" . 212) ;; Ô
("&Otilde;" . 213) ;; Õ
("&Ouml;" . 214) ;; Ö
("&times;" . 215) ;; ×
("&Oslash;" . 216) ;; Ø
("&Ugrave;" . 217) ;; Ù
("&Uacute;" . 218) ;; Ú
("&Ucirc;" . 219) ;; Û
("&Uuml;" . 220) ;; Ü
("&Yacute;" . 221) ;; Ý
("&thorn;" . 222) ;; Þ
("&szlig;" . 223) ;; ß
("&agrave;" . 224) ;; à
("&aacute;" . 225) ;; á
("&acirc;" . 226) ;; â
("&atilde;" . 227) ;; ã
("&auml;" . 228) ;; ä
("&aring;" . 229) ;; å
("&aelig;" . 230) ;; æ
("&ccedil;" . 231) ;; ç
("&egrave;" . 232) ;; è
("&eacute;" . 233) ;; é
("&ecirc;" . 234) ;; ê
("&euml;" . 235) ;; ë
("&igrave;" . 236) ;; ì
("&iacute;" . 237) ;; í
("&icirc;" . 238) ;; î
("&iuml;" . 239) ;; ï
("&eth;" . 240) ;; ð
("&ntilde;" . 241) ;; ñ
("&ograve;" . 242) ;; ò
("&oacute;" . 243) ;; ó
("&ocirc;" . 244) ;; ô
("&otilde;" . 245) ;; õ
("&ouml;" . 246) ;; ö
("&divide;" . 247) ;; ÷
("&oslash;" . 248) ;; ø
("&ugrave;" . 249) ;; ù
("&uacute;" . 250) ;; ú
("&ucirc;" . 251) ;; û
("&uuml;" . 252) ;; ü
("&yacute;" . 253) ;; ý
("&thorn;" . 254) ;; þ
("&yuml;" . 255) ;; ÿ
("&reg;" . 174) ;; ®
("&shy;" . 173)) ;; ­
"Table of html character entities and values.")
;;; Faces.
(defface helm-selection-line
'((t (:inherit highlight :distant-foreground "black")))
"Face used in the `helm-current-buffer' when jumping to candidate."
:group 'helm-faces)
(defface helm-match-item
'((t (:inherit isearch)))
"Face used to highlight item matched in a selected line."
:group 'helm-faces)
;;; Utils functions
(defun helm-switch-to-buffers (buffer-or-name &optional other-window)
"Switch to buffer BUFFER-OR-NAME.
If more than one buffer marked switch to these buffers in separate windows.
If OTHER-WINDOW is specified keep current-buffer and switch to others buffers
in separate windows."
(let* ((mkds (helm-marked-candidates))
(size (/ (window-height) (length mkds))))
(or (<= window-min-height size)
(error "Too many buffers to visit simultaneously."))
(helm-aif (cdr mkds)
(if other-window
(switch-to-buffer-other-window (car mkds))
(switch-to-buffer (car mkds)))
(cl-loop for b in it
do (progn
(select-window (split-window))
(switch-to-buffer b)))))
(if other-window
(switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer-or-name)
(switch-to-buffer buffer-or-name)))))
(defun helm-switch-to-buffers-other-window (buffer-or-name)
"switch to buffer BUFFER-OR-NAME in other window.
See `helm-switch-to-buffers' for switching to marked buffers."
(helm-switch-to-buffers buffer-or-name t))
(cl-defun helm-current-buffer-narrowed-p (&optional
(buffer helm-current-buffer))
"Check if BUFFER is narrowed.
Default is `helm-current-buffer'."
(with-current-buffer buffer
(let ((beg (point-min))
(end (point-max))
(total (buffer-size)))
(or (/= beg 1) (/= end (1+ total))))))
(defun helm-goto-char (loc)
"Go to char, revealing if necessary."
(goto-char loc)
(when (or (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
(and (boundp 'outline-minor-mode)
(require 'org) ; On some old Emacs versions org may not be loaded.
(defun helm-goto-line (lineno &optional noanim)
"Goto LINENO opening only outline headline if needed.
Animation is used unless NOANIM is non--nil."
(helm-log-run-hook 'helm-goto-line-before-hook)
(unless helm-yank-point (setq helm-yank-point (point))))
(goto-char (point-min))
(helm-goto-char (point-at-bol lineno))
(unless noanim
(defun helm-save-pos-to-register-before-jump ()
"Save current buffer position to `helm-save-pos-before-jump-register'.
To use this add it to `helm-goto-line-before-hook'."
(unless helm-in-persistent-action
(point-to-register helm-save-pos-before-jump-register))))
(defun helm-save-current-pos-to-mark-ring ()
"Save current buffer position to mark ring.
To use this add it to `helm-goto-line-before-hook'."
(unless helm-in-persistent-action
(set-marker (mark-marker) (point))
(push-mark (point) 'nomsg))))
(defun helm-show-all-in-this-source-only (arg)
"Show only current source of this helm session with all its candidates.
With a numeric prefix arg show only the ARG number of candidates."
(interactive "p")
(with-helm-default-directory (helm-default-directory)
(let ((helm-candidate-number-limit (and (> arg 1) arg)))
(list (assoc-default 'name (helm-get-current-source)))))))))
(put 'helm-show-all-in-this-source-only 'helm-only t)
(defun helm-display-all-sources ()
"Display all sources previously hidden by `helm-set-source-filter'."
(helm-set-source-filter nil)))
(put 'helm-display-all-sources 'helm-only t)
(defun helm-displaying-source-names ()
"Return the list of sources name for this helm session."
(with-current-buffer helm-buffer
(goto-char (point-min))
(cl-loop with pos
while (setq pos (next-single-property-change (point) 'helm-header))
do (goto-char pos)
collect (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-at-bol)(point-at-eol))
do (forward-line 1))))
(defun helm-handle-winner-boring-buffers ()
"Add `helm-buffer' to `winner-boring-buffers' when quitting/exiting helm.
Add this function to `helm-cleanup-hook' when you don't want to see helm buffers
after running winner-undo/redo."
(require 'winner)
(cl-pushnew helm-buffer winner-boring-buffers :test 'equal))
(add-hook 'helm-cleanup-hook #'helm-handle-winner-boring-buffers)
(defun helm-quit-and-find-file ()
"Drop into `helm-find-files' from `helm'.
If current selection is a buffer or a file, `helm-find-files'
from its directory."
(require 'helm-grep)
(lambda (f)
;; Ensure specifics `helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one'
;; fns don't run here.
(let (helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one)
(if (file-exists-p f)
(helm-find-files-1 (file-name-directory f)
(if helm-ff-transformer-show-only-basename
(helm-basename f) f))))
(helm-find-files-1 f))))
(let* ((sel (helm-get-selection))
(marker (if (consp sel) (markerp (cdr sel))))
(grep-line (and (stringp sel)
(helm-grep-split-line sel)))
(bmk-name (and (stringp sel)
(not grep-line)
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\`\\*" "" sel)))
(bmk (and bmk-name (assoc bmk-name bookmark-alist)))
(buf (helm-aif (and (bufferp sel) (get-buffer sel))
(buffer-name it)))
(default-preselection (or (buffer-file-name helm-current-buffer)
;; Buffer.
(buf (or (buffer-file-name sel)
(car (rassoc buf dired-buffers))
(and (with-current-buffer buf
(eq major-mode 'org-agenda-mode))
(expand-file-name org-directory))
(with-current-buffer buf default-directory)))
;; imenu (marker).
(or (buffer-file-name (marker-buffer (cdr sel)))
;; Bookmark.
(bmk (helm-aif (bookmark-get-filename bmk)
(if (and ffap-url-regexp
(string-match ffap-url-regexp it))
it (expand-file-name it))
((and (stringp sel) (or (file-remote-p sel)
(file-exists-p sel)))
(expand-file-name sel))
;; Grep.
((and grep-line (file-exists-p (car grep-line)))
(expand-file-name (car grep-line)))
;; Occur.
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer (car grep-line))
(or (buffer-file-name) default-directory)))
;; Url.
((and (stringp sel) ffap-url-regexp (string-match ffap-url-regexp sel)) sel)
;; Default.
(t default-preselection))))))
(put 'helm-quit-and-find-file 'helm-only t)
(defun helm-generic-sort-fn (s1 s2)
"Sort predicate function for helm candidates.
Args S1 and S2 can be single or \(display . real\) candidates,
that is sorting is done against real value of candidate."
(let* ((qpattern (regexp-quote helm-pattern))
(reg1 (concat "\\_<" qpattern "\\_>"))
(reg2 (concat "\\_<" qpattern))
(reg3 helm-pattern)
(split (split-string helm-pattern))
(str1 (if (consp s1) (cdr s1) s1))
(str2 (if (consp s2) (cdr s2) s2))
(score (lambda (str r1 r2 r3 lst)
(+ (if (string-match (concat "\\`" qpattern) str) 1 0)
(cond ((string-match r1 str) 5)
((and (string-match " " qpattern)
(concat "\\_<" (regexp-quote (car lst))) str)
(cl-loop for r in (cdr lst)
always (string-match r str))) 4)
((and (string-match " " qpattern)
(cl-loop for r in lst
always (string-match r str))) 3)
((string-match r2 str) 2)
((string-match r3 str) 1)
(t 0)))))
(sc1 (funcall score str1 reg1 reg2 reg3 split))
(sc2 (funcall score str2 reg1 reg2 reg3 split)))
(cond ((or (zerop (string-width qpattern))
(and (zerop sc1) (zerop sc2)))
(string-lessp str1 str2))
((= sc1 sc2)
(< (length str1) (length str2)))
(t (> sc1 sc2)))))
(defun helm-ff-get-host-from-tramp-invalid-fname (fname)
"Extract hostname from an incomplete tramp file name.
Return nil on valid file name remote or not."
(let* ((str (helm-basename fname))
(split (split-string str ":" t))
(meth (car (member (car split)
(when meth (car (last split)))))
(cl-defun helm-file-human-size (size &optional (kbsize helm-default-kbsize))
"Return a string showing SIZE of a file in human readable form.
SIZE can be an integer or a float depending it's value.
`file-attributes' will take care of that to avoid overflow error.
KBSIZE is a floating point number, defaulting to `helm-default-kbsize'."
(cl-loop with result = (cons "B" size)
for i in '("k" "M" "G" "T" "P" "E" "Z" "Y")
while (>= (cdr result) kbsize)
do (setq result (cons i (/ (cdr result) kbsize)))
finally return
(pcase (car result)
(`"B" (format "%s" size))
(suffix (format "%.1f%s" (cdr result) suffix)))))
(cl-defun helm-file-attributes
(file &key type links uid gid access-time modif-time
status size mode gid-change inode device-num dired human-size
mode-type mode-owner mode-group mode-other (string t))
"Return `file-attributes' elements of FILE separately according to key value.
Availables keys are:
- TYPE: Same as nth 0 `files-attributes' if STRING is nil
otherwise return either symlink, directory or file (default).
- LINKS: See nth 1 `files-attributes'.
- UID: See nth 2 `files-attributes'.
- GID: See nth 3 `files-attributes'.
- ACCESS-TIME: See nth 4 `files-attributes', however format time
when STRING is non--nil (the default).
- MODIF-TIME: See nth 5 `files-attributes', same as above.
- STATUS: See nth 6 `files-attributes', same as above.
- SIZE: See nth 7 `files-attributes'.
- MODE: See nth 8 `files-attributes'.
- GID-CHANGE: See nth 9 `files-attributes'.
- INODE: See nth 10 `files-attributes'.
- DEVICE-NUM: See nth 11 `files-attributes'.
- DIRED: A line similar to what 'ls -l' return.
- HUMAN-SIZE: The size in human form, see `helm-file-human-size'.
- MODE-TYPE, mode-owner,mode-group, mode-other: Split what
nth 7 `files-attributes' return in four categories.
- STRING: When non--nil (default) `helm-file-attributes' return
more friendly values.
If you want the same behavior as `files-attributes' ,
\(but with return values in proplist\) use a nil value for STRING.
However when STRING is non--nil, time and type value are different from what
you have in `file-attributes'."
(let* ((all (cl-destructuring-bind
(type links uid gid access-time modif-time
status size mode gid-change inode device-num)
(file-attributes file string)
(list :type (if string
(cond ((stringp type) "symlink") ; fname
(type "directory") ; t
(t "file")) ; nil
:links links
:uid uid
:gid gid
:access-time (if string
"%Y-%m-%d %R" access-time)
:modif-time (if string
"%Y-%m-%d %R" modif-time)
:status (if string
"%Y-%m-%d %R" status)
:size size
:mode mode
:gid-change gid-change
:inode inode
:device-num device-num)))
(modes (helm-split-mode-file-attributes (cl-getf all :mode))))
(cond (type (cl-getf all :type))
(links (cl-getf all :links))
(uid (cl-getf all :uid))
(gid (cl-getf all :gid))
(access-time (cl-getf all :access-time))
(modif-time (cl-getf all :modif-time))
(status (cl-getf all :status))
(size (cl-getf all :size))
(mode (cl-getf all :mode))
(gid-change (cl-getf all :gid-change))
(inode (cl-getf all :inode))
(device-num (cl-getf all :device-num))
(dired (concat
(cl-getf all :mode) t) " "
(number-to-string (cl-getf all :links)) " "
(cl-getf all :uid) ":"
(cl-getf all :gid) " "
(if human-size
(helm-file-human-size (cl-getf all :size))
(int-to-string (cl-getf all :size))) " "
(cl-getf all :modif-time)))
(human-size (helm-file-human-size (cl-getf all :size)))
(mode-type (cl-getf modes :mode-type))
(mode-owner (cl-getf modes :user))
(mode-group (cl-getf modes :group))
(mode-other (cl-getf modes :other))
(t (append all modes)))))
(defun helm-split-mode-file-attributes (str &optional string)
"Split mode file attributes STR into a proplist.
If STRING is non--nil return instead a space separated string."
(cl-loop with type = (substring str 0 1)
with cdr = (substring str 1)
for i across cdr
for count from 1
if (<= count 3)
concat (string i) into user
if (and (> count 3) (<= count 6))
concat (string i) into group
if (and (> count 6) (<= count 9))
concat (string i) into other
finally return
(if string
(mapconcat 'identity (list type user group other) " ")
(list :mode-type type :user user :group group :other other))))
(defmacro with-helm-display-marked-candidates (buffer-or-name candidates &rest body)
(declare (indent 0) (debug t))
(helm-with-gensyms (buffer window)
`(let* ((,buffer (temp-buffer-window-setup ,buffer-or-name))
(helm-always-two-windows t)
(if (eq helm-split-window-default-side 'same)
'below helm-split-window-default-side))
(with-current-buffer ,buffer
(dired-format-columns-of-files ,candidates))
(setq ,window (temp-buffer-window-show
(window-height . fit-window-to-buffer))))
(progn ,@body))
(quit-window 'kill ,window)))))
;;; Persistent Action Helpers
;; Internal
(defvar helm-match-line-overlay nil)
(defvar helm--match-item-overlays nil)
(defun helm-highlight-current-line (&optional start end buf face)
"Highlight and underline current position"
(let* ((start (or start (line-beginning-position)))
(end (or end (1+ (line-end-position))))
(start-match (if (or (null helm-highlight-matches-around-point-max-lines)
(zerop helm-highlight-matches-around-point-max-lines))
(- helm-highlight-matches-around-point-max-lines))
(end-match (if (or (null helm-highlight-matches-around-point-max-lines)
(zerop helm-highlight-matches-around-point-max-lines))
(args (list start end buf)))
(if (not helm-match-line-overlay)
(setq helm-match-line-overlay (apply 'make-overlay args))
(apply 'move-overlay helm-match-line-overlay args))
(overlay-put helm-match-line-overlay
'face (or face 'helm-selection-line))
(catch 'empty-line
(cl-loop with ov
for r in (helm-remove-if-match
"\\`!" (split-string
;; Needed for highlighting AG matches.
(if (with-helm-buffer
(assq 'pcre (helm-get-current-source)))
(helm--translate-pcre-to-elisp helm-input)
do (save-excursion
(goto-char start-match)
(while (condition-case _err
(if helm-migemo-mode
(helm-mm-migemo-forward r end-match t)
(re-search-forward r end-match t))
(invalid-regexp nil))
(let ((s (match-beginning 0))
(e (match-end 0)))
(if (= s e)
(throw 'empty-line nil)
(push (setq ov (make-overlay s e))
(overlay-put ov 'face 'helm-match-item)
(overlay-put ov 'priority 1)))))))
(defun helm--translate-pcre-to-elisp (regexp)
"Should translate pcre REGEXP to elisp regexp.
Assume regexp is a pcre based regexp."
(insert " " regexp " ")
(goto-char (point-min))
;; match (){}| unquoted
(helm-awhile (and (re-search-forward "\\([(){}|]\\)" nil t)
(match-string 1))
(let ((pos (match-beginning 1)))
(if (eql (char-before pos) ?\\)
(delete-region pos (1- pos))
(replace-match (concat "\\" it) t t nil 1)))))
;; match \s or \S
(helm-awhile (and (re-search-forward "\\S\\?\\(\\s\\[sS]\\)[^-]" nil t)
(match-string 1))
(replace-match (concat it "-") t t nil 1))
(buffer-substring (1+ (point-min)) (1- (point-max)))))
(defun helm-match-line-cleanup ()
(when helm-match-line-overlay
(delete-overlay helm-match-line-overlay)
(setq helm-match-line-overlay nil))
(when helm--match-item-overlays
(mapc 'delete-overlay helm--match-item-overlays)))
(defun helm-match-line-update ()
(when helm-match-line-overlay
(delete-overlay helm-match-line-overlay)
(defun helm-persistent-autoresize-hook ()
(when (and helm-buffers-to-resize-on-pa
(member helm-buffer helm-buffers-to-resize-on-pa)
(eq helm-split-window-state 'vertical))
(set-window-text-height (helm-window) helm-resize-on-pa-text-height)))
(defun helm-match-line-cleanup-pulse ()
(run-with-timer 0.3 nil #'helm-match-line-cleanup))
(add-hook 'helm-after-persistent-action-hook 'helm-persistent-autoresize-hook)
(add-hook 'helm-cleanup-hook 'helm-match-line-cleanup)
(add-hook 'helm-after-action-hook 'helm-match-line-cleanup-pulse)
(add-hook 'helm-after-persistent-action-hook 'helm-match-line-update)
;;; Popup buffer-name or filename in grep/moccur/imenu-all.
(defvar helm--show-help-echo-timer nil)
(defun helm-cancel-help-echo-timer ()
(when helm--show-help-echo-timer
(cancel-timer helm--show-help-echo-timer)
(setq helm--show-help-echo-timer nil)))
(defun helm-show-help-echo ()
(when helm--show-help-echo-timer
(cancel-timer helm--show-help-echo-timer)
(setq helm--show-help-echo-timer nil))
(when (and helm-alive-p
(member (assoc-default 'name (helm-get-current-source))
(setq helm--show-help-echo-timer
1 nil
(lambda ()
(helm-aif (get-text-property (point-at-bol) 'help-echo)
(popup-tip (concat " " (abbreviate-file-name it))
:around nil
:point (save-excursion
(end-of-visual-line) (point)))))))))))
(define-minor-mode helm-popup-tip-mode
"Show help-echo informations in a popup tip at end of line."
:global t
(require 'popup)
(if helm-popup-tip-mode
(add-hook 'helm-after-update-hook 'helm-show-help-echo) ; Needed for async sources.
(add-hook 'helm-move-selection-after-hook 'helm-show-help-echo)
(add-hook 'helm-cleanup-hook 'helm-cancel-help-echo-timer))
(remove-hook 'helm-after-update-hook 'helm-show-help-echo)
(remove-hook 'helm-move-selection-after-hook 'helm-show-help-echo)
(remove-hook 'helm-cleanup-hook 'helm-cancel-help-echo-timer)))
(defun helm-open-file-with-default-tool (file)
"Open FILE with the default tool on this platform."
(let (process-connection-type)
(if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
(helm-w32-shell-execute-open-file file)
(start-process "helm-open-file-with-default-tool"
(cond ((eq system-type 'gnu/linux)
((or (eq system-type 'darwin) ;; Mac OS X
(eq system-type 'macos)) ;; Mac OS 9
(defun helm-open-dired (file)
"Opens a dired buffer in FILE's directory. If FILE is a
directory, open this directory."
(if (file-directory-p file)
(dired file)
(dired (file-name-directory file))
(dired-goto-file file)))
(defun helm-require-or-error (feature function)
(or (require feature nil t)
(error "Need %s to use `%s'." feature function)))
(defun helm-find-file-as-root (candidate)
(let* ((buf (helm-basename candidate))
(host (file-remote-p candidate 'host))
(remote-path (format "/%s:%s:%s"
(or host "")
(if host
(file-remote-p candidate 'localname)
(if (buffer-live-p (get-buffer buf))
(set-buffer buf)
(find-alternate-file remote-path))
(find-file remote-path))))
(defun helm-find-many-files (_ignore)
(let ((helm--reading-passwd-or-string t))
(mapc 'find-file (helm-marked-candidates))))
(defun helm-read-repeat-string (prompt &optional count)
"Prompt as many time PROMPT is not empty.
If COUNT is non--nil add a number after each prompt."
(cl-loop with elm
while (not (string= elm ""))
for n from 1
do (when count
(setq prompt (concat prompt (int-to-string n) ": ")))
collect (setq elm (helm-read-string prompt)) into lis
finally return (remove "" lis)))
(defun helm-html-bookmarks-to-alist (file url-regexp bmk-regexp)
"Parse html bookmark FILE and return an alist with (title . url) as elements."
(let (bookmarks-alist url title)
(insert-file-contents file)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "href=\\|^ *<DT><A HREF=" nil t)
(forward-line 0)
(when (re-search-forward url-regexp nil t)
(setq url (match-string 0)))
(when (re-search-forward bmk-regexp nil t)
(setq title (funcall helm-html-decode-entities-function
(match-string 1))))
(push (cons title url) bookmarks-alist)
(nreverse bookmarks-alist)))
(defun helm-html-entity-to-string (entity)
"Replace an html ENTITY by its string value.
When unable to decode ENTITY returns nil."
(helm-aif (assoc entity helm-html-entities-alist)
(string (cdr it))
(when (string-match "[0-9]+" entity)
(string (string-to-number (match-string 0 entity)))))))
(defun helm-html-decode-entities-string (str)
"Decode entities in the string STR."
(insert str)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "&#?\\([^;]*\\);" nil t)
(helm-aif (helm-html-entity-to-string (match-string 0))
(replace-match it)))
(provide 'helm-utils)
;; Local Variables:
;; byte-compile-warnings: (not cl-functions obsolete)
;; coding: utf-8
;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
;; End:
;;; helm-utils.el ends here