Update packages

This commit is contained in:
Gergely Polonkai 2016-06-29 09:21:54 +02:00
parent 9777493048
commit 1ee823ee92
236 changed files with 5128 additions and 2839 deletions

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
;;;### (autoloads nil "async" "async.el" (22303 19287 502173 365000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "async" "async.el" (22387 29376 289753 380000))
;;; Generated autoloads from async.el
(autoload 'async-start-process "async" "\
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ returns nil. It can still be useful, however, as an argument to
;;;### (autoloads nil "async-bytecomp" "async-bytecomp.el" (22303
;;;;;; 19287 498173 368000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "async-bytecomp" "async-bytecomp.el" (22387
;;;;;; 29376 281759 465000))
;;; Generated autoloads from async-bytecomp.el
(autoload 'async-byte-recompile-directory "async-bytecomp" "\
@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ Async compilation of packages can be controlled by
;;;### (autoloads nil "dired-async" "dired-async.el" (22303 19287
;;;;;; 486173 378000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "dired-async" "dired-async.el" (22387 29376
;;;;;; 261774 676000))
;;; Generated autoloads from dired-async.el
(defvar dired-async-mode nil "\
@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ Do dired actions asynchronously.
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("async-pkg.el" "smtpmail-async.el") (22303
;;;;;; 19287 520307 139000))
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("async-pkg.el" "smtpmail-async.el") (22387
;;;;;; 29376 315816 570000))

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
;;; async-bytecomp.el --- Async functions to compile elisp files async
;;; async-bytecomp.el --- Compile elisp files asynchronously -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@ -65,27 +65,27 @@ All *.elc files are systematically deleted before proceeding."
;; This happen when recompiling its own directory.
(load "async")
(let ((call-back
`(lambda (&optional ignore)
(if (file-exists-p async-byte-compile-log-file)
(let ((buf (get-buffer-create byte-compile-log-buffer))
(n 0))
(with-current-buffer buf
(goto-char (point-max))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(insert-file-contents async-byte-compile-log-file)
(display-buffer buf)
(delete-file async-byte-compile-log-file)
(unless ,quiet
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "^.*:Error:" nil t)
(cl-incf n)))
(if (> n 0)
(message "Failed to compile %d files in directory `%s'" n ,directory)
(message "Directory `%s' compiled asynchronously with warnings" ,directory)))))
(unless ,quiet
(message "Directory `%s' compiled asynchronously with success" ,directory))))))
(lambda (&optional _ignore)
(if (file-exists-p async-byte-compile-log-file)
(let ((buf (get-buffer-create byte-compile-log-buffer))
(n 0))
(with-current-buffer buf
(goto-char (point-max))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(insert-file-contents async-byte-compile-log-file)
(display-buffer buf)
(delete-file async-byte-compile-log-file)
(unless quiet
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "^.*:Error:" nil t)
(cl-incf n)))
(if (> n 0)
(message "Failed to compile %d files in directory `%s'" n directory)
(message "Directory `%s' compiled asynchronously with warnings" directory)))))
(unless quiet
(message "Directory `%s' compiled asynchronously with success" directory))))))
`(lambda ()
(require 'bytecomp)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(define-package "async" "20160425.551" "Asynchronous processing in Emacs" 'nil :keywords
(define-package "async" "20160513.128" "Asynchronous processing in Emacs" 'nil :keywords
:url "http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/async.html")
;; Local Variables:

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
;;; async.el --- Asynchronous processing in Emacs
;;; async.el --- Asynchronous processing in Emacs -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: John Wiegley <jwiegley@gmail.com>
;; Created: 18 Jun 2012
;; Version: 1.6
;; Version: 1.9
;; Keywords: async
;; X-URL: https://github.com/jwiegley/emacs-async
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ as follows:
(unless async-debug
(kill-buffer buf)))))
(defun async-when-done (proc &optional change)
"Process sentinal used to retrieve the value from the child process."
(defun async-when-done (proc &optional _change)
"Process sentinel used to retrieve the value from the child process."
(when (eq 'exit (process-status proc))
(with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
(let ((async-current-process proc))
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ its FINISH-FUNC is nil."
(funcall async-callback args))
(async--transmit-sexp (car args) (list 'quote (cdr args))))))
(defun async-receive (&rest args)
(defun async-receive ()
"Send the given messages to the asychronous Emacs PROCESS."

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
;;; dired-async.el --- Copy/move/delete asynchronously in dired.
;;; dired-async.el --- Asynchronous dired actions -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@
(defvar async-callback))
(defvar dired-async-operation nil)
(defgroup dired-async nil
"Copy rename files asynchronously from dired."
@ -72,6 +71,11 @@ Should take same args as `message'."
"Face used for mode-line message."
:group 'dired-async)
(defface dired-async-failures
'((t (:foreground "red")))
"Face used for mode-line message."
:group 'dired-async)
(defface dired-async-mode-message
'((t (:foreground "Gold")))
"Face used for `dired-async--modeline-mode' lighter."
@ -87,7 +91,7 @@ Should take same args as `message'."
(unless dired-async--modeline-mode
(let ((visible-bell t)) (ding))))
(defun dired-async-mode-line-message (text &rest args)
(defun dired-async-mode-line-message (text face &rest args)
"Notify end of operation in `mode-line'."
(message nil)
(let ((mode-line-format (concat
@ -95,7 +99,7 @@ Should take same args as `message'."
(if args
(apply #'format text args)
'face 'dired-async-message))))
'face face))))
(sit-for 3)
@ -110,28 +114,49 @@ Should take same args as `message'."
(let* ((processes (dired-async-processes))
(proc (car (last processes))))
(delete-process proc)
(and proc (delete-process proc))
(unless (> (length processes) 1)
(dired-async--modeline-mode -1))))
(defun dired-async-after-file-create (len-flist)
(defun dired-async-after-file-create (total operation failures skipped)
"Callback function used for operation handled by `dired-create-file'."
(unless (dired-async-processes)
;; Turn off mode-line notification
;; only when last process end.
(dired-async--modeline-mode -1))
(when dired-async-operation
(when operation
(if (file-exists-p dired-async-log-file)
(pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*dired async*"))
(pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create dired-log-buffer))
(goto-char (point-max))
(setq inhibit-read-only t)
(insert "Error: ")
(insert-file-contents dired-async-log-file)
(delete-file dired-async-log-file))
0.1 nil
dired-async-message-function "Asynchronous %s of %s file(s) on %s file(s) done"
(car dired-async-operation) (cadr dired-async-operation) len-flist))))
(lambda ()
;; First send error messages.
(cond (failures
(funcall dired-async-message-function
"%s failed for %d of %d file%s -- See *Dired log* buffer"
(car operation) (length failures)
total (dired-plural-s total)))
(funcall dired-async-message-function
"%s: %d of %d file%s skipped -- See *Dired log* buffer"
(car operation) (length skipped) total
(dired-plural-s total))))
;; Finally send the success message.
(funcall dired-async-message-function
"Asynchronous %s of %s on %s file%s done"
(car operation) (cadr operation)
total (dired-plural-s total)))))))
(defun dired-async-maybe-kill-ftp ()
"Return a form to kill ftp process in child emacs."
@ -144,19 +169,16 @@ Should take same args as `message'."
(buffer-name b)) b))))
(when buf (kill-buffer buf))))))
(defvar overwrite-query)
(defun dired-async-create-files (file-creator operation fn-list name-constructor
&optional marker-char)
&optional _marker-char)
"Same as `dired-create-files' but asynchronous.
See `dired-create-files' for the behavior of arguments."
(setq dired-async-operation nil)
(let (dired-create-files-failures
failures async-fn-list
skipped (success-count 0)
(total (length fn-list))
(let (to overwrite-query
overwrite-backup-query) ; for dired-handle-overwrite
(setq overwrite-query nil)
(let ((total (length fn-list))
failures async-fn-list skipped callback)
(let (to)
(dolist (from fn-list)
(setq to (funcall name-constructor from))
(if (equal to from)
@ -170,19 +192,12 @@ See `dired-create-files' for the behavior of arguments."
(file-exists-p to)))
(dired-overwrite-confirmed ; for dired-handle-overwrite
(and overwrite
(let ((help-form '(format "\
(let ((help-form `(format "\
Type SPC or `y' to overwrite file `%s',
DEL or `n' to skip to next,
ESC or `q' to not overwrite any of the remaining files,
`!' to overwrite all remaining files with no more questions." to)))
(dired-query 'overwrite-query
"Overwrite `%s'?" to))))
;; must determine if FROM is marked before file-creator
;; gets a chance to delete it (in case of a move).
(cond ((integerp marker-char) marker-char)
(marker-char (dired-file-marker from)) ; slow
(t nil))))
`!' to overwrite all remaining files with no more questions." ,to)))
(dired-query 'overwrite-query "Overwrite `%s'?" to)))))
;; Handle the `dired-copy-file' file-creator specially
;; When copying a directory to another directory or
;; possibly to itself or one of its subdirectories.
@ -214,48 +229,49 @@ ESC or `q' to not overwrite any of the remaining files,
(push (cons from to) async-fn-list))
(push (dired-make-relative from) failures)
(dired-log "%s `%s' to `%s' failed"
(dired-log "%s `%s' to `%s' failed\n"
operation from to)))
(push (cons from to) async-fn-list)))))
;; When failures have been printed to dired log add the date at bob.
(when (or failures skipped) (dired-log t))
;; When async-fn-list is empty that's mean only one file
;; had to be copied and user finally answer NO.
;; In this case async process will never start and callback
;; will have no chance to run, so notify failures here.
(unless async-fn-list
(cond (failures
(funcall dired-async-message-function
"%s failed for %d of %d file%s -- See *Dired log* buffer"
operation (length failures)
total (dired-plural-s total)))
(funcall dired-async-message-function
"%s: %d of %d file%s skipped -- See *Dired log* buffer"
operation (length skipped) total
(dired-plural-s total)))))
;; Setup callback.
(setq callback
`(lambda (&optional ignore)
(dired-async-after-file-create ,total)
(when (string= ,(downcase operation) "rename")
(cl-loop for (file . to) in ',async-fn-list
do (and (get-file-buffer file)
(with-current-buffer (get-file-buffer file)
(lambda (&optional _ignore)
total (list operation (length async-fn-list)) failures skipped)
(when (string= (downcase operation) "rename")
(cl-loop for (file . to) in async-fn-list
for bf = (get-file-buffer file)
for destp = (file-exists-p to)
do (and bf destp
(with-current-buffer bf
(set-visited-file-name to nil t))))))))
;; Handle error happening in host emacs.
(setq failures (nconc failures dired-create-files-failures))
(format "%s failed for %d file%s in %d requests"
operation (length failures)
(dired-plural-s (length failures))
(format "%s failed for %d of %d file%s"
operation (length failures)
total (dired-plural-s total))
(format "%s: %d of %d file%s skipped"
operation (length skipped) total
(dired-plural-s total))
(t (message "%s: %s file%s"
operation success-count (dired-plural-s success-count))))
;; Start async process.
(when async-fn-list
(async-start `(lambda ()
(require 'cl-lib) (require 'dired-aux) (require 'dired-x)
,(async-inject-variables dired-async-env-variables-regexp)
(condition-case err
(let ((dired-recursive-copies (quote always)))
(let ((dired-recursive-copies (quote always))
(setq overwrite-backup-query nil)
;; Inline `backup-file' as long as it is not
;; available in emacs.
(defalias 'backup-file
@ -274,21 +290,24 @@ ESC or `q' to not overwrite any of the remaining files,
(condition-case err
(copy-file from to ok dired-copy-preserve-time)
(push (dired-make-relative from)
(dired-log "Can't set date on %s:\n%s\n" from err)))))))
;; Now run the FILE-CREATOR function on files.
(cl-loop with fn = (quote ,file-creator)
for (from . dest) in (quote ,async-fn-list)
do (funcall fn from dest t)))
(with-temp-file ,dired-async-log-file
(insert (format "%S" err)))))
do (condition-case err
(funcall fn from dest t)
(dired-log "%s: %s\n" (car err) (cdr err)))
(when (get-buffer dired-log-buffer)
(dired-log t)
(with-current-buffer dired-log-buffer
(write-region (point-min) (point-max)
;; Run mode-line notifications while process running.
(dired-async--modeline-mode 1)
(setq dired-async-operation (list operation (length async-fn-list)))
(message "%s proceeding asynchronously..." operation))))
(defadvice dired-create-files (around dired-async)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
;;; smtpmail-async.el --- Send e-mail with smtpmail.el asynchronously
;;; smtpmail-async.el --- Send e-mail with smtpmail.el asynchronously -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ It is called just before calling `smtpmail-send-it'.")
nil "\\`\\(mail-header-format-function\\|smtpmail-address-buffer\\|mail-mode-abbrev-table\\)")
(run-hooks 'async-smtpmail-before-send-hook)
`(lambda (&optional ignore)
(message "Delivering message to %s...done" ,to)))))
(lambda (&optional _ignore)
(message "Delivering message to %s...done" to)))))
(provide 'smtpmail-async)

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
(define-package "buffer-move" "20160108.708" "easily swap buffers" 'nil :url "https://github.com/lukhas/buffer-move" :keywords '("lisp" "convenience"))

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
;;;### (autoloads nil "buffer-move" "buffer-move.el" (22297 19848
;;;;;; 209528 72000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "buffer-move" "buffer-move.el" (22387 29375
;;;;;; 754161 271000))
;;; Generated autoloads from buffer-move.el
(autoload 'buf-move-up "buffer-move" "\

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
(define-package "buffer-move" "20160615.1103" "easily swap buffers" 'nil :url "https://github.com/lukhas/buffer-move" :keywords '("lisp" "convenience"))

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
;; Geyslan G. Bem <geyslan@gmail.com>
;; Mathis Hofer <mathis@fsfe.org>
;; Keywords: lisp,convenience
;; Package-Version: 20160108.708
;; Package-Version: 20160615.1103
;; Version: 0.6.2
;; URL : https://github.com/lukhas/buffer-move
@ -92,6 +92,12 @@
:group 'buffer-move
:type 'symbol)
(defcustom buffer-move-stay-after-swap nil
"If set to non-nil, point will stay in the current window
so it will not be moved when swapping buffers. This setting
only has effect if `buffer-move-behavior' is set to 'swap."
:group 'buffer-move
:type 'boolean)
(defun buf-move-to (direction)
"Helper function to move the current buffer to the window in the given
@ -116,7 +122,9 @@
;; switch other window to this buffer
(set-window-buffer other-win buf-this-buf)
(select-window other-win))))
(when (or (null buffer-move-stay-after-swap)
(eq buffer-move-behavior 'move))
(select-window other-win)))))
(defun buf-move-up ()

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
(define-package "coffee-mode" "20160419.1947" "Major mode for CoffeeScript code" '((emacs "24.1") (cl-lib "0.5")) :url "http://github.com/defunkt/coffee-mode" :keywords '("coffeescript" "major" "mode"))

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
;;;### (autoloads nil "coffee-mode" "coffee-mode.el" (22297 53349
;;;;;; 494925 803000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "coffee-mode" "coffee-mode.el" (22387 29375
;;;;;; 378447 595000))
;;; Generated autoloads from coffee-mode.el
(autoload 'coffee-mode "coffee-mode" "\

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
(define-package "coffee-mode" "20160520.146" "Major mode for CoffeeScript code" '((emacs "24.1") (cl-lib "0.5")) :url "http://github.com/defunkt/coffee-mode" :keywords '("coffeescript" "major" "mode"))

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
;; Copyright (C) 2010 Chris Wanstrath
;; Version: 0.6.3
;; Package-Version: 20160419.1947
;; Package-Version: 20160520.146
;; Keywords: CoffeeScript major mode
;; Author: Chris Wanstrath <chris@ozmm.org>
;; URL: http://github.com/defunkt/coffee-mode
@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ output in a compilation buffer."
"Return the indentation level of the previous non-blank line."
(forward-line -1)
(while (and (looking-at "^[ \t]*$") (not (bobp)))
(while (and (looking-at-p "^[ \t]*$") (not (bobp)))
(forward-line -1))
@ -815,15 +815,16 @@ previous line."
(or (and char-of-eol (memq char-of-eol coffee-indenters-eol))
(looking-at (coffee-indenters-bol-regexp)))))))
(and (looking-at-p (coffee-indenters-bol-regexp))
(not (re-search-forward "\\_<then\\_>" (line-end-position) t))))))))
(defun coffee-previous-line-is-single-line-comment ()
"Return t if the previous line is a CoffeeScript single line comment."
(forward-line -1)
(and (looking-at "#")
(not (looking-at "###\\(?:\\s-+.*\\)?$"))
(and (looking-at-p "#")
(not (looking-at-p "###\\(?:\\s-+.*\\)?$"))
(goto-char (line-end-position))
(nth 4 (syntax-ppss))))))
@ -865,7 +866,7 @@ indented less than COUNT columns."
;; Check that all lines can be shifted enough
(while (< (point) end)
(if (and (< (current-indentation) amount)
(not (looking-at "[ \t]*$")))
(not (looking-at-p "[ \t]*$")))
(error "Can't shift all lines enough"))
(indent-rigidly start end (- amount)))))))
@ -927,7 +928,7 @@ comments such as the following:
(let ((ret (forward-paragraph count)))
(when (and (= count -1)
(looking-at "[[:space:]]*###[[:space:]]*$"))
(looking-at-p "[[:space:]]*###[[:space:]]*$"))
@ -1236,6 +1237,19 @@ comments such as the following:
;; Define Major Mode
(defvar coffee-mode-syntax-table
(let ((table (make-syntax-table)))
;; perl style comment: "# ..."
(modify-syntax-entry ?# "< b" table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\n "> b" table)
;; Treat slashes as paired delimiters; useful for finding regexps.
(modify-syntax-entry ?/ "/" table)
;; single quote strings
(modify-syntax-entry ?' "\"" table)
(define-derived-mode coffee-mode prog-mode "Coffee"
"Major mode for editing CoffeeScript."
@ -1247,18 +1261,9 @@ comments such as the following:
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-line-break-function)
(set (make-local-variable 'normal-auto-fill-function) #'coffee-auto-fill-fn)
;; perl style comment: "# ..."
(modify-syntax-entry ?# "< b" coffee-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\n "> b" coffee-mode-syntax-table)
;; Treat slashes as paired delimiters; useful for finding regexps.
(modify-syntax-entry ?/ "/" coffee-mode-syntax-table)
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "#")
;; single quote strings
(modify-syntax-entry ?' "\"" coffee-mode-syntax-table)
;; indentation
(make-local-variable 'coffee-tab-width)
(make-local-variable 'coffee-indent-tabs-mode)

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company" "company.el" (22303 19286 146174
;;;;;; 415000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company" "company.el" (22387 29374 119407
;;;;;; 928000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company.el
(autoload 'company-mode "company" "\
@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ inserted.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-abbrev" "company-abbrev.el" (22303
;;;;;; 19286 222174 356000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-abbrev" "company-abbrev.el" (22387
;;;;;; 29374 199346 932000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-abbrev.el
(autoload 'company-abbrev "company-abbrev" "\
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ inserted.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-bbdb" "company-bbdb.el" (22303 19286
;;;;;; 206174 368000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-bbdb" "company-bbdb.el" (22387 29374
;;;;;; 179362 181000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-bbdb.el
(autoload 'company-bbdb "company-bbdb" "\
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ inserted.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-css" "company-css.el" (22303 19286
;;;;;; 142174 418000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-css" "company-css.el" (22387 29374
;;;;;; 115410 979000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-css.el
(autoload 'company-css "company-css" "\
@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ inserted.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-dabbrev" "company-dabbrev.el" (22303
;;;;;; 19286 178174 390000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-dabbrev" "company-dabbrev.el" (22387
;;;;;; 29374 151383 530000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-dabbrev.el
(autoload 'company-dabbrev "company-dabbrev" "\
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ dabbrev-like `company-mode' completion backend.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-dabbrev-code" "company-dabbrev-code.el"
;;;;;; (22303 19286 170174 396000))
;;;;;; (22387 29374 139392 679000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-dabbrev-code.el
(autoload 'company-dabbrev-code "company-dabbrev-code" "\
@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ comments or strings.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-elisp" "company-elisp.el" (22303 19286
;;;;;; 242174 341000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-elisp" "company-elisp.el" (22387 29374
;;;;;; 207340 832000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-elisp.el
(autoload 'company-elisp "company-elisp" "\
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ comments or strings.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-etags" "company-etags.el" (22303 19286
;;;;;; 154174 409000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-etags" "company-etags.el" (22387 29374
;;;;;; 127401 829000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-etags.el
(autoload 'company-etags "company-etags" "\
@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ comments or strings.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-files" "company-files.el" (22303 19286
;;;;;; 182174 387000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-files" "company-files.el" (22387 29374
;;;;;; 159377 430000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-files.el
(autoload 'company-files "company-files" "\
@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ File paths with spaces are only supported inside strings.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-gtags" "company-gtags.el" (22303 19286
;;;;;; 114174 440000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-gtags" "company-gtags.el" (22387 29374
;;;;;; 87432 327000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-gtags.el
(autoload 'company-gtags "company-gtags" "\
@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ File paths with spaces are only supported inside strings.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-ispell" "company-ispell.el" (22303
;;;;;; 19286 230174 350000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-ispell" "company-ispell.el" (22387
;;;;;; 29374 203343 882000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-ispell.el
(autoload 'company-ispell "company-ispell" "\
@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ File paths with spaces are only supported inside strings.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-keywords" "company-keywords.el" (22303
;;;;;; 19286 194174 378000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-keywords" "company-keywords.el" (22387
;;;;;; 29374 167371 330000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-keywords.el
(autoload 'company-keywords "company-keywords" "\
@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ File paths with spaces are only supported inside strings.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-nxml" "company-nxml.el" (22303 19286
;;;;;; 210174 365000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-nxml" "company-nxml.el" (22387 29374
;;;;;; 187356 81000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-nxml.el
(autoload 'company-nxml "company-nxml" "\
@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ File paths with spaces are only supported inside strings.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-oddmuse" "company-oddmuse.el" (22303
;;;;;; 19286 134174 424000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-oddmuse" "company-oddmuse.el" (22387
;;;;;; 29374 107417 78000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-oddmuse.el
(autoload 'company-oddmuse "company-oddmuse" "\
@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ File paths with spaces are only supported inside strings.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-semantic" "company-semantic.el" (22303
;;;;;; 19286 122174 434000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-semantic" "company-semantic.el" (22387
;;;;;; 29374 91429 277000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-semantic.el
(autoload 'company-semantic "company-semantic" "\
@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ File paths with spaces are only supported inside strings.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-tempo" "company-tempo.el" (22303 19286
;;;;;; 174174 393000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-tempo" "company-tempo.el" (22387 29374
;;;;;; 147386 580000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-tempo.el
(autoload 'company-tempo "company-tempo" "\
@ -242,8 +242,8 @@ File paths with spaces are only supported inside strings.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-xcode" "company-xcode.el" (22303 19286
;;;;;; 218174 359000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-xcode" "company-xcode.el" (22387 29374
;;;;;; 195349 982000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-xcode.el
(autoload 'company-xcode "company-xcode" "\
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ File paths with spaces are only supported inside strings.
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-yasnippet" "company-yasnippet.el"
;;;;;; (22303 19286 214174 362000))
;;;;;; (22387 29374 191353 32000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-yasnippet.el
(autoload 'company-yasnippet "company-yasnippet" "\
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ shadow backends that come after it. Recommended usages:
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("company-capf.el" "company-clang.el" "company-cmake.el"
;;;;;; "company-eclim.el" "company-pkg.el" "company-template.el")
;;;;;; (22303 19286 253549 387000))
;;;;;; (22387 29374 220274 120000))

View File

@ -41,8 +41,11 @@ buffers with the same major mode. See also `company-dabbrev-time-limit'."
(const :tag "All" all)))
(defcustom company-dabbrev-ignore-buffers "\\`[ *]"
"Regexp matching the names of buffers to ignore."
:type 'regexp)
"Regexp matching the names of buffers to ignore.
Or a function that returns non-nil for such buffers."
:type '(choice (regexp :tag "Regexp")
(function :tag "Predicate"))
:package-version '(company . "0.9.0"))
(defcustom company-dabbrev-time-limit .1
"Determines how many seconds `company-dabbrev' should look for matches."
@ -137,14 +140,16 @@ This variable affects both `company-dabbrev' and `company-dabbrev-code'."
(when other-buffer-modes
(cl-dolist (buffer (delq (current-buffer) (buffer-list)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(when (if (eq other-buffer-modes 'all)
(not (string-match-p company-dabbrev-ignore-buffers
(apply #'derived-mode-p other-buffer-modes))
(setq symbols
(company-dabbrev--search-buffer regexp nil symbols start
limit ignore-comments))))
(unless (if (stringp company-dabbrev-ignore-buffers)
(string-match-p company-dabbrev-ignore-buffers
(buffer-name buffer))
(funcall company-dabbrev-ignore-buffers buffer))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(when (or (eq other-buffer-modes 'all)
(apply #'derived-mode-p other-buffer-modes))
(setq symbols
(company-dabbrev--search-buffer regexp nil symbols start
limit ignore-comments)))))
(and limit
(> (float-time (time-since start)) limit)

View File

@ -89,10 +89,11 @@ eclim can only complete correctly when the buffer has been saved."
(defun company-eclim--project-dir ()
(if (eq company-eclim--project-dir 'unknown)
(setq company-eclim--project-dir
(locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".project"))))
(let ((dir (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".project")))
(when dir
(setq company-eclim--project-dir
(expand-file-name dir)))))
(defun company-eclim--project-name ()

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(define-package "company" "20160424.1521" "Modular text completion framework"
(define-package "company" "20160626.1903" "Modular text completion framework"
'((emacs "24.1")
(cl-lib "0.5"))
:url "http://company-mode.github.io/" :keywords

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
;; Maintainer: Dmitry Gutov <dgutov@yandex.ru>
;; URL: http://company-mode.github.io/
;; Version: 0.9.0-cvs
;; Version: 0.9.0
;; Keywords: abbrev, convenience, matching
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.1") (cl-lib "0.5"))
@ -186,9 +186,13 @@ buffer-local wherever it is set."
(defun company-frontends-set (variable value)
;; Uniquify.
(let ((value (delete-dups (copy-sequence value))))
(and (memq 'company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend value)
(memq 'company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend value)
(error "Pseudo tooltip frontend cannot be used twice"))
(and (or (and (memq 'company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend value)
(memq 'company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend value))
(and (memq 'company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend-with-delay value)
(memq 'company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend value))
(and (memq 'company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend-with-delay value)
(memq 'company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend value)))
(error "Pseudo tooltip frontend cannot be used more than once"))
(and (memq 'company-preview-if-just-one-frontend value)
(memq 'company-preview-frontend value)
(error "Preview frontend cannot be used twice"))
@ -233,6 +237,8 @@ The visualized data is stored in `company-prefix', `company-candidates',
(const :tag "pseudo tooltip, multiple only"
(const :tag "pseudo tooltip, multiple only, delayed"
(const :tag "preview" company-preview-frontend)
(const :tag "preview, unique only"
@ -420,11 +426,11 @@ call is dispatched to the backend the candidate came from. In other
cases (except for `duplicates' and `sorted'), the first non-nil value among
all the backends is returned.
The group can also contain keywords. Currently, `:with' and `:sorted'
The group can also contain keywords. Currently, `:with' and `:separate'
keywords are defined. If the group contains keyword `:with', the backends
listed after this keyword are ignored for the purpose of the `prefix'
command. If the group contains keyword `:sorted', the final list of
candidates is not sorted after concatenation.
command. If the group contains keyword `:separate', the candidates that
come from different backends are sorted separately in the combined list.
Asynchronous backends
@ -465,6 +471,8 @@ without duplicates."
(const :tag "Sort by occurrence" (company-sort-by-occurrence))
(const :tag "Sort by backend importance"
(const :tag "Prefer case sensitive prefix"
(repeat :tag "User defined" (function))))
(defcustom company-completion-started-hook nil
@ -557,6 +565,13 @@ happens. The value of nil means no idle completion."
(const :tag "immediate (0)" 0)
(number :tag "seconds")))
(defcustom company-tooltip-idle-delay .5
"The idle delay in seconds until tooltip is shown when using
:type '(choice (const :tag "never (nil)" nil)
(const :tag "immediate (0)" 0)
(number :tag "seconds")))
(defcustom company-begin-commands '(self-insert-command
@ -720,9 +735,6 @@ keymap during active completions (`company-active-map'):
nil company-lighter company-mode-map
(if company-mode
(when (eq company-idle-delay t)
(setq company-idle-delay 0)
(warn "Setting `company-idle-delay' to t is deprecated. Set it to 0 instead."))
(add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'company-pre-command nil t)
(add-hook 'post-command-hook 'company-post-command nil t)
(mapc 'company-init-backend company-backends))
@ -905,19 +917,19 @@ matches IDLE-BEGIN-AFTER-RE, return it wrapped in a cons."
(let ((backends (cl-loop for b in backends
when (not (and (symbolp b)
(eq 'failed (get b 'company-init))))
collect b)))
collect b))
(separate (memq :separate backends)))
(when (eq command 'prefix)
(setq backends (butlast backends (length (member :with backends)))))
(unless (memq command '(sorted))
(setq backends (cl-delete-if #'keywordp backends)))
(setq backends (cl-delete-if #'keywordp backends))
(pcase command
(company--multi-backend-adapter-candidates backends (car args)))
(`sorted (memq :sorted backends))
(`duplicates t)
(company--multi-backend-adapter-candidates backends (car args) separate))
(`sorted separate)
(`duplicates (not separate))
((or `prefix `ignore-case `no-cache `require-match)
(let (value)
(cl-dolist (backend backends)
@ -931,26 +943,35 @@ matches IDLE-BEGIN-AFTER-RE, return it wrapped in a cons."
(car backends))))
(apply backend command args))))))))
(defun company--multi-backend-adapter-candidates (backends prefix)
(let ((pairs (cl-loop for backend in (cdr backends)
(defun company--multi-backend-adapter-candidates (backends prefix separate)
(let ((pairs (cl-loop for backend in backends
when (equal (company--prefix-str
(funcall backend 'prefix))
collect (cons (funcall backend 'candidates prefix)
(let ((b backend))
(lambda (candidates)
(lambda (str)
(propertize str 'company-backend b))
(when (equal (company--prefix-str (funcall (car backends) 'prefix)) prefix)
;; Small perf optimization: don't tag the candidates received
;; from the first backend in the group.
(push (cons (funcall (car backends) 'candidates prefix)
;; Small perf optimization: don't tag the
;; candidates received from the first
;; backend in the group.
(not (eq backend (car backends))))))))
(company--merge-async pairs (lambda (values) (apply #'append values)))))
(defun company--multi-candidates-mapper (backend separate tag)
(lambda (candidates)
(when separate
(let ((company-backend backend))
(setq candidates
(company--preprocess-candidates candidates))))
(when tag
(setq candidates
(lambda (str)
(propertize str 'company-backend backend))
(defun company--merge-async (pairs merger)
(let ((async (cl-loop for pair in pairs
@ -1017,6 +1038,7 @@ Controlled by `company-auto-complete'.")
(defvar-local company-point nil)
(defvar company-timer nil)
(defvar company-tooltip-timer nil)
(defsubst company-strip-prefix (str)
(substring str (length company-prefix)))
@ -1202,10 +1224,11 @@ can retrieve meta-data for them."
(progn (setq res 'done) nil)))))
(defun company--preprocess-candidates (candidates)
(cl-assert (cl-every #'stringp candidates))
(unless (company-call-backend 'sorted)
(setq candidates (sort candidates 'string<)))
(when (company-call-backend 'duplicates)
(setq candidates (company--strip-duplicates candidates)))
(company--strip-duplicates candidates))
(defun company--postprocess-candidates (candidates)
@ -1216,37 +1239,27 @@ can retrieve meta-data for them."
(company--transform-candidates candidates))
(defun company--strip-duplicates (candidates)
(let* ((annos 'unk)
(str (car candidates))
(ref (cdr candidates))
res str2 anno2)
(while ref
(setq str2 (pop ref))
(if (not (equal str str2))
(push str res)
(setq str str2)
(setq annos 'unk))
(setq anno2 (company-call-backend
'annotation str2))
((null anno2)) ; Skip it.
((when (eq annos 'unk)
(let ((ann1 (company-call-backend 'annotation str)))
(if (null ann1)
;; No annotation on the earlier element, drop it.
(setq annos (list ann1))
(setq annos (list anno2))
(setq str str2))
((member anno2 annos)) ; Also skip.
(push anno2 annos)
(push str res) ; Maintain ordering.
(setq str str2)))))
(when str (push str res))
(nreverse res)))
(let ((c2 candidates)
(annos 'unk))
(while c2
(setcdr c2
(let ((str (pop c2)))
(while (let ((str2 (car c2)))
(if (not (equal str str2))
(setq annos 'unk)
(when (eq annos 'unk)
(setq annos (list (company-call-backend
'annotation str))))
(let ((anno2 (company-call-backend
'annotation str2)))
(if (member anno2 annos)
(push anno2 annos)
(pop c2))
(defun company--transform-candidates (candidates)
(let ((c candidates))
@ -1340,6 +1353,16 @@ from the rest of the backends in the group, if any, will be left at the end."
(let ((b1 (get-text-property 0 'company-backend c1)))
(or (not b1) (not (memq b1 low-priority)))))))))))
(defun company-sort-prefer-same-case-prefix (candidates)
"Prefer CANDIDATES with the exact same prefix.
If a backend returns case insensitive matches, candidates with the an exact
prefix match (same case) will be prioritized."
(cl-loop for candidate in candidates
if (string-prefix-p company-prefix candidate)
collect candidate into same-case
else collect candidate into other-case
finally return (append same-case other-case)))
(defun company-idle-begin (buf win tick pos)
(and (eq buf (current-buffer))
(eq win (selected-window))
@ -1612,11 +1635,13 @@ from the rest of the backends in the group, if any, will be left at the end."
(if company-candidates
(company-call-frontends 'post-command)
(and (numberp company-idle-delay)
(and (or (numberp company-idle-delay)
;; Deprecated.
(eq company-idle-delay t))
(not defining-kbd-macro)
(setq company-timer
(run-with-timer company-idle-delay nil
(run-with-timer (company--idle-delay) nil
(current-buffer) (selected-window)
(buffer-chars-modified-tick) (point))))))
@ -1625,6 +1650,11 @@ from the rest of the backends in the group, if any, will be left at the end."
(defun company--idle-delay ()
(if (memql company-idle-delay '(t 0 0.0))
(defvar company--begin-inhibit-commands '(company-abort
@ -1951,15 +1981,23 @@ With ARG, move by that many elements."
"Select the candidate one page further."
(when (company-manual-begin)
(company-set-selection (+ company-selection
(if (and company-selection-wrap-around
(= company-selection (1- company-candidates-length)))
(company-set-selection 0)
(let (company-selection-wrap-around)
(company-set-selection (+ company-selection
(defun company-previous-page ()
"Select the candidate one page earlier."
(when (company-manual-begin)
(company-set-selection (- company-selection
(if (and company-selection-wrap-around
(zerop company-selection))
(company-set-selection (1- company-candidates-length))
(let (company-selection-wrap-around)
(company-set-selection (- company-selection
(defvar company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
@ -2057,6 +2095,15 @@ With ARG, move by that many elements."
(eq old-tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick)))
(defun company-select-next-if-tooltip-visible-or-complete-selection ()
"Insert selection if appropriate, or select the next candidate.
Insert selection if only preview is showing or only one candidate,
otherwise select the next candidate."
(if (and (company-tooltip-visible-p) (> company-candidates-length 1))
(call-interactively 'company-select-next)
(call-interactively 'company-complete-selection)))
(defun company-complete ()
"Insert the common part of all candidates or the current selection.
@ -2827,6 +2874,30 @@ Returns a negative number if the tooltip should be displayed above point."
(company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend command)))
(defun company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend-with-delay (command)
"`compandy-pseudo-tooltip-frontend', but shown after a delay.
Delay is determined by `company-tooltip-idle-delay'."
(defvar company-preview-overlay)
(when (and (memq command '(pre-command hide))
(cancel-timer company-tooltip-timer)
(setq company-tooltip-timer nil))
(cl-case command
(if (or company-tooltip-timer
(overlayp company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay))
(if (not (overlayp company-preview-overlay))
(company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend command)
(let (company-tooltip-timer)
(company-call-frontends 'pre-command))
(company-call-frontends 'post-command))
(setq company-tooltip-timer
(run-with-timer company-tooltip-idle-delay nil
(company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend command))))
;;; overlay ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defvar-local company-preview-overlay nil)
@ -2901,6 +2972,11 @@ Returns a negative number if the tooltip should be displayed above point."
(or (eq (company-call-backend 'ignore-case) 'keep-prefix)
(string-prefix-p company-prefix company-common))))
(defun company-tooltip-visible-p ()
"Returns whether the tooltip is visible."
(when (overlayp company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
(not (overlay-get company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay 'invisible))))
;;; echo ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defvar-local company-echo-last-msg nil)

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
(define-package "company-shell" "20160212.1139" "Company mode backend for shell functions" '((company "0.8.12") (dash "2.12.0") (cl-lib "0.5")) :url "https://github.com/Alexander-Miller/company-shell" :keywords '("company" "shell"))

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-shell" "company-shell.el" (22297 53347
;;;;;; 354924 555000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "company-shell" "company-shell.el" (22387 29373
;;;;;; 371978 851000))
;;; Generated autoloads from company-shell.el
(autoload 'company-shell-rebuild-cache "company-shell" "\

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
(define-package "company-shell" "20160528.507" "Company mode backend for shell functions" '((company "0.8.12") (dash "2.12.0") (cl-lib "0.5")) :url "https://github.com/Alexander-Miller/company-shell" :keywords '("company" "shell"))

View File

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
;; Author: Alexander Miller <alexanderm@web.de>
;; Package-Requires: ((company "0.8.12") (dash "2.12.0") (cl-lib "0.5"))
;; Package-Version: 20160528.507
;; Homepage: https://github.com/Alexander-Miller/company-shell
;; Version: 1.0
;; Package-Version: 20160212.1139
;; Keywords: company, shell
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
(require 'company)
(require 'dash)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'subr-x)
(defvar company-shell--cache nil
"Cache of all possible $PATH completions. Automatically built when nil. Invoke `company-shell-rebuild-cache' to rebuild manually.")
@ -88,7 +89,9 @@ it in the understanding that you do this AT YOUR OWN RISK.")
(let ((completions (-mapcat
(lambda (dir)
(lambda (file) (propertize file 'origin dir))
(lambda (file)
(propertize (file-name-sans-extension file)
'origin dir))
(directory-files dir)))
(-filter 'file-readable-p exec-path))))
(setq company-shell--cache (sort

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
(define-package "dash" "20160306.1222" "A modern list library for Emacs" 'nil :keywords '("lists"))

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("dash.el") (22297 19836 790973 907000))
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("dash.el") (22387 29373 79163 715000))

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
(define-package "dash" "20160619.611" "A modern list library for Emacs" 'nil :keywords '("lists"))

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
;; Author: Magnar Sveen <magnars@gmail.com>
;; Version: 2.12.1
;; Package-Version: 20160306.1222
;; Package-Version: 20160619.611
;; Keywords: lists
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
@ -72,12 +72,38 @@ special values."
(setq it-index (1+ it-index))
(!cdr ,l)))))
(defmacro -doto (eval-initial-value &rest forms)
"Eval a form, then insert that form as the 2nd argument to other forms.
The EVAL-INITIAL-VALUE form is evaluated once. Its result is
passed to FORMS, which are then evaluated sequentially. Returns
the target form."
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((retval (make-symbol "value")))
`(let ((,retval ,eval-initial-value))
,@(mapcar (lambda (form)
(if (sequencep form)
`(,(-first-item form) ,retval ,@(cdr form))
`(funcall form ,retval)))
(defun -each (list fn)
"Call FN with every item in LIST. Return nil, used for side-effects only."
(--each list (funcall fn it)))
(put '-each 'lisp-indent-function 1)
(defalias '--each-indexed '--each)
(defun -each-indexed (list fn)
"Call (FN index item) for each item in LIST.
In the anaphoric form `--each-indexed', the index is exposed as `it-index`.
See also: `-map-indexed'."
(--each list (funcall fn it-index it)))
(put '-each-indexed 'lisp-indent-function 1)
(defmacro --each-while (list pred &rest body)
"Anaphoric form of `-each-while'."
(declare (debug (form form body))
@ -271,7 +297,7 @@ See also: `-remove', `-map-first'"
Alias: `-reject-last'
See also: `-remove', `-map-last'"
(nreverse (-remove-first pred (nreverse list))))
(nreverse (-remove-first pred (reverse list))))
(defmacro --remove-last (form list)
"Anaphoric form of `-remove-last'."
@ -318,7 +344,9 @@ If you want to select the original items satisfying a predicate use `-filter'."
(defun -map-indexed (fn list)
"Return a new list consisting of the result of (FN index item) for each item in LIST.
In the anaphoric form `--map-indexed', the index is exposed as `it-index`."
In the anaphoric form `--map-indexed', the index is exposed as `it-index`.
See also: `-each-indexed'."
(--map-indexed (funcall fn it-index it) list))
(defmacro --map-when (pred rep list)
@ -362,7 +390,7 @@ See also: `-map-when', `-replace-first'"
"Replace first item in LIST satisfying PRED with result of REP called on this item.
See also: `-map-when', `-replace-last'"
(nreverse (-map-first pred rep (nreverse list))))
(nreverse (-map-first pred rep (reverse list))))
(defmacro --map-last (pred rep list)
"Anaphoric form of `-map-last'."
@ -544,11 +572,8 @@ Alias: `-any'"
(defun -butlast (list)
"Return a list of all items in list except for the last."
(let (result)
(while (cdr list)
(!cons (car list) result)
(!cdr list))
(nreverse result)))
;; no alias as we don't want magic optional argument
(butlast list))
(defmacro --count (pred list)
"Anaphoric form of `-count'."
@ -665,7 +690,9 @@ section is returned. Defaults to 1."
(nreverse new-list)))
(defun -take (n list)
"Return a new list of the first N items in LIST, or all items if there are fewer than N."
"Return a new list of the first N items in LIST, or all items if there are fewer than N.
See also: `-take-last'"
(let (result)
(--dotimes n
(when list
@ -673,7 +700,23 @@ section is returned. Defaults to 1."
(!cdr list)))
(nreverse result)))
(defalias '-drop 'nthcdr "Return the tail of LIST without the first N items.")
(defun -take-last (n list)
"Return the last N items of LIST in order.
See also: `-take'"
(copy-sequence (last list n)))
(defalias '-drop 'nthcdr
"Return the tail of LIST without the first N items.
See also: `-drop-last'")
(defun -drop-last (n list)
"Remove the last N items of LIST and return a copy.
See also: `-drop'"
;; No alias because we don't want magic optional argument
(butlast list n))
(defmacro --take-while (form list)
"Anaphoric form of `-take-while'."
@ -1825,7 +1868,7 @@ Alias: `-uniq'"
(defalias '-uniq '-distinct)
(defun -union (list list2)
"Return a new list containing the elements of LIST1 and elements of LIST2 that are not in LIST1.
"Return a new list containing the elements of LIST and elements of LIST2 that are not in LIST.
The test for equality is done with `equal',
or with `-compare-fn' if that's non-nil."
;; We fall back to iteration implementation if the comparison
@ -2213,6 +2256,8 @@ structure such as plist or alist."
(let ((new-keywords '(

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
(define-package "erlang" "20151013.157" "Erlang major mode" 'nil)
;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End:

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
;;;### (autoloads nil "erlang" "erlang.el" (22297 19833 531790 580000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "erlang" "erlang.el" (22387 29371 497412 949000))
;;; Generated autoloads from erlang.el
(autoload 'erlang-mode "erlang" "\
@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ editing control characters:
;;;### (autoloads nil "erlang-start" "erlang-start.el" (22297 19833
;;;;;; 146797 463000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "erlang-start" "erlang-start.el" (22387 29371
;;;;;; 473431 317000))
;;; Generated autoloads from erlang-start.el
(let ((a '("\\.erl\\'" . erlang-mode)) (b '("\\.hrl\\'" . erlang-mode))) (or (assoc (car a) auto-mode-alist) (setq auto-mode-alist (cons a auto-mode-alist))) (or (assoc (car b) auto-mode-alist) (setq auto-mode-alist (cons b auto-mode-alist))))
@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ editing control characters:
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("erlang-eunit.el" "erlang-flymake.el"
;;;;;; "erlang-pkg.el" "erlang-skels-old.el" "erlang-skels.el" "erlang_appwiz.el")
;;;;;; (22297 19834 170483 735000))
;;;;;; "erlang-pkg.el" "erlang-skels-old.el" "erlang-skels.el" "erlang-test.el"
;;;;;; "erlang_appwiz.el") (22387 29371 532912 630000))

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;; %CopyrightBegin%
;; Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2010. All Rights Reserved.
;; Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2016. All Rights Reserved.
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
(define-package "erlang" "20160615.633" "Erlang major mode" 'nil)
;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End:

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;; %CopyrightBegin%
;; Copyright Ericsson AB 2010. All Rights Reserved.
;; Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2016. All Rights Reserved.
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
"%% Note: This directive should only be used in test suites." n
"-compile(export_all)." n n
"-include_lib(\"test_server/include/test_server.hrl\")." n n
"-include_lib(\"common_test/include/ct.hrl\")." n n
(erlang-skel-separator 2)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;; %CopyrightBegin%
;; Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2014. All Rights Reserved.
;; Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2016. All Rights Reserved.
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
erlang-skel-gen-event erlang-skel-header)
("gen_fsm" "gen-fsm"
erlang-skel-gen-fsm erlang-skel-header)
("gen_statem" "gen-statem"
erlang-skel-gen-statem erlang-skel-header)
("wx_object" "wx-object"
erlang-skel-wx-object erlang-skel-header)
("Library module" "gen-lib"
@ -858,6 +860,122 @@ Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
"*The template of a gen_fsm.
Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
(defvar erlang-skel-gen-statem
'((erlang-skel-include erlang-skel-large-header)
"-behaviour(gen_statem)." n n
"%% API" n
"-export([start_link/0])." n
"%% gen_statem callbacks" n
"-export([init/1, terminate/3, code_change/4])." n
"-export([state_name/3])." n
"-export([handle_event/4])." n
"-define(SERVER, ?MODULE)." n
"-record(data, {})." n
(erlang-skel-double-separator-start 3)
"%%% API" n
(erlang-skel-double-separator-end 3) n
(erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
"%% @doc" n
"%% Creates a gen_statem process which calls Module:init/1 to" n
"%% initialize. To ensure a synchronized start-up procedure, this" n
"%% function does not return until Module:init/1 has returned." n
"%%" n
(erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
"-spec start_link() ->" n>
"{ok, Pid :: pid()} |" n>
"ignore |" n>
"{error, Error :: term()}." n
"start_link() ->" n>
"gen_statem:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], [])." n
(erlang-skel-double-separator-start 3)
"%%% gen_statem callbacks" n
(erlang-skel-double-separator-end 3) n
(erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
"%% @private" n
"%% @doc" n
"%% Whenever a gen_statem is started using gen_statem:start/[3,4] or" n
"%% gen_statem:start_link/[3,4], this function is called by the new" n
"%% process to initialize." n
(erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
"-spec init(Args :: term()) -> " n>
"{gen_statem:callback_mode()," n>
"State :: term(), Data :: term()} |" n>
"{gen_statem:callback_mode()," n>
"State :: term(), Data :: term()," n>
"[gen_statem:action()] | gen_statem:action()} |" n>
"ignore |" n>
"{stop, Reason :: term()}." n
"init([]) ->" n>
"{state_functions, state_name, #data{}}." n
(erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
"%% @private" n
"%% @doc" n
"%% If the gen_statem runs with CallbackMode =:= state_functions" n
"%% there should be one instance of this function for each possible" n
"%% state name. Whenever a gen_statem receives an event," n
"%% the instance of this function with the same name" n
"%% as the current state name StateName is called to" n
"%% handle the event." n
(erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
"-spec state_name(" n>
"gen_statem:event_type(), Msg :: term()," n>
"Data :: term()) ->" n>
"gen_statem:state_function_result(). " n
"state_name({call,Caller}, _Msg, Data) ->" n>
"{next_state, state_name, Data, [{reply,Caller,ok}]}." n
(erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
"%% @private" n
"%% @doc" n
"%% If the gen_statem runs with CallbackMode =:= handle_event_function" n
"%% this function is called for every event a gen_statem receives." n
(erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
"-spec handle_event(" n>
"gen_statem:event_type(), Msg :: term()," n>
"State :: term(), Data :: term()) ->" n>
"gen_statem:handle_event_result(). " n
"handle_event({call,From}, _Msg, State, Data) ->" n>
"{next_state, State, Data, [{reply,From,ok}]}." n
(erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
"%% @private" n
"%% @doc" n
"%% This function is called by a gen_statem when it is about to" n
"%% terminate. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and do any" n
"%% necessary cleaning up. When it returns, the gen_statem terminates with" n
"%% Reason. The return value is ignored." n
(erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
"-spec terminate(Reason :: term(), State :: term(), Data :: term()) ->" n>
"any()." n
"terminate(_Reason, _State, _Data) ->" n>
"void." n
(erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
"%% @private" n
"%% @doc" n
"%% Convert process state when code is changed" n
(erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
"-spec code_change(" n>
"OldVsn :: term() | {down,term()}," n>
"State :: term(), Data :: term(), Extra :: term()) ->" n>
"{ok, NewState :: term(), NewData :: term()}." n
"code_change(_OldVsn, State, Data, _Extra) ->" n>
"{ok, State, Data}." n
(erlang-skel-double-separator-start 3)
"%%% Internal functions" n
(erlang-skel-double-separator-end 3)
"*The template of a gen_statem.
Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
(defvar erlang-skel-wx-object
'((erlang-skel-include erlang-skel-large-header)
"-behaviour(wx_object)." n n
@ -1070,7 +1188,7 @@ Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
"%% Note: This directive should only be used in test suites." n
"-compile(export_all)." n n
"-include_lib(\"test_server/include/test_server.hrl\")." n n
"-include_lib(\"common_test/include/ct.hrl\")." n n
(erlang-skel-separator-start 2)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
;;; erlang-test.el -*- lexical-binding: t; coding: utf-8-unix -*-
;;; Unit tests for erlang.el.
;; Author: Johan Claesson
;; Created: 2016-05-07
;; Keywords: erlang, languages
;; %CopyrightBegin%
;; Copyright Ericsson AB 2016. All Rights Reserved.
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;; limitations under the License.
;; %CopyrightEnd%
;;; Commentary:
;; This library require GNU Emacs 25 or later.
;;; Code:
(require 'ert)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'erlang)
(defvar erlang-test-code
'((nil . "-module(erlang_test).")
(nil . "-import(lists, [map/2]).")
(nil . "-compile(export_all).")
("SYMBOL" . "-define(SYMBOL, value).")
("MACRO" . "-define(MACRO(X), X + X).")
("struct" . "-record(struct, {until,maps,are,everywhere}).")
("function". "function() -> #struct{}."))
"Alist of erlang test code.
Each entry have the format (TAGNAME . ERLANG_CODE). If TAGNAME
is nil there is no definitions in the ERLANG_CODE. The
ERLANG_CODE is a single line of erlang code. These lines will be
concatenated to form an erlang file to test on.")
(ert-deftest erlang-test-tags ()
(let* ((dir (make-temp-file "erlang-test" t))
(erlang-file (expand-file-name "erlang_test.erl" dir))
(tags-file (expand-file-name "TAGS" dir))
tags-file-name tags-table-list erlang-buffer)
(erlang-test-create-erlang-file erlang-file)
(erlang-test-compile-tags erlang-file tags-file)
(setq erlang-buffer (find-file-noselect erlang-file))
(with-current-buffer erlang-buffer
(setq-local tags-file-name tags-file))
;; Setting global tags-file-name is a workaround for
;; GNU Emacs bug#23164.
(setq tags-file-name tags-file)
(erlang-test-xref-find-definitions erlang-file erlang-buffer))
(when (buffer-live-p erlang-buffer)
(kill-buffer erlang-buffer))
(let ((tags-buffer (find-buffer-visiting tags-file)))
(when (buffer-live-p tags-buffer)
(kill-buffer tags-buffer)))
(when (file-exists-p dir)
(delete-directory dir t)))))
(defun erlang-test-create-erlang-file (erlang-file)
(with-temp-file erlang-file
(cl-loop for (_ . code) in erlang-test-code
do (insert code "\n"))))
(defun erlang-test-compile-tags (erlang-file tags-file)
(should (zerop (call-process "etags" nil nil nil
"-o" tags-file
(defun erlang-test-completion-table ()
(let ((erlang-replace-etags-tags-completion-table t))
(setq tags-completion-table nil)
(should (equal (sort tags-completion-table #'string-lessp)
(sort (erlang-expected-completion-table) #'string-lessp))))
(defun erlang-expected-completion-table ()
(append (cl-loop for (symbol . _) in erlang-test-code
when (stringp symbol)
append (list symbol (concat "erlang_test:" symbol)))
(list "erlang_test:" "erlang_test:module_info")))
(defun erlang-test-xref-find-definitions (erlang-file erlang-buffer)
(cl-loop for (tagname . code) in erlang-test-code
for line = 1 then (1+ line)
do (when tagname
(switch-to-buffer erlang-buffer)
(xref-find-definitions tagname)
(erlang-test-verify-pos erlang-file line)
(xref-find-definitions (concat "erlang_test:" tagname))
(erlang-test-verify-pos erlang-file line)))
(xref-find-definitions "erlang_test:")
(erlang-test-verify-pos erlang-file 1))
(defun erlang-test-verify-pos (expected-file expected-line)
(should (string-equal (file-truename expected-file)
(file-truename (buffer-file-name))))
(should (eq expected-line (line-number-at-pos)))
(should (= (point-at-bol) (point))))
(provide 'erlang-test)
;;; erlang-test.el ends here

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
;; %CopyrightBegin%
;; Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2014. All Rights Reserved.
;; Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2016. All Rights Reserved.
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
;; `debug-on-error' to `t'. Repeat the error and enclose the debug
;; information in your bug-report.
;; To set the variable you can use the following command:
;; M-x set-variable RET debug-on-error RET t RET
;; To toggle the variable you can use the following command:
;; M-x toggle-debug-on-error RET
;;; Code:
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
@ -897,6 +897,7 @@ resulting regexp is surrounded by \\_< and \\_>."
@ -970,7 +971,7 @@ resulting regexp is surrounded by \\_< and \\_>."
(defvar erlang-defun-prompt-regexp (concat "^" erlang-atom-regexp "\\s *(")
"Regexp which should match beginning of a clause.")
(defvar erlang-file-name-extension-regexp "\\.[eh]rl$"
(defvar erlang-file-name-extension-regexp "\\.erl$"
"*Regexp which should match an Erlang file name.
This regexp is used when an Erlang module name is extracted from the
@ -1067,8 +1068,14 @@ behaviour.")
"Font lock keyword highlighting a function header.")
(defface erlang-font-lock-exported-function-name-face
'((default (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))
"Face used for highlighting exported functions.")
(if (featurep 'xemacs)
(require 'font-lock)
`((t (:foreground ,(face-foreground 'font-lock-function-name-face))
(:background ,(face-background 'font-lock-function-name-face)))))
'((default (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face))))
"Face used for highlighting exported functions."
:group 'erlang)
(defvar erlang-font-lock-exported-function-name-face
@ -1284,6 +1291,11 @@ Unfortunately, XEmacs hasn't got support for a special Font
Lock syntax table. The effect is that `apply' in the atom
`foo_apply' will be highlighted as a bif.")
(defvar erlang-replace-etags-tags-completion-table nil
"Internal flag used by advice `erlang-replace-tags-table'.
This is non-nil when `etags-tags-completion-table' should be
replaced by `erlang-etags-tags-completion-table'.")
;;; Avoid errors while compiling this file.
@ -1337,14 +1349,22 @@ Lock syntax table. The effect is that `apply' in the atom
(defun erlang-version ()
"Return the current version of Erlang mode."
(if (interactive-p)
(if (erlang-interactive-p)
(message "Erlang mode version %s, written by Anders Lindgren"
(defun erlang-interactive-p ()
(if (fboundp 'called-interactively-p)
(called-interactively-p 'interactive)
(funcall (symbol-function 'interactive-p))))
(unless (fboundp 'prog-mode)
(defun prog-mode ()
(use-local-map (make-keymap))))
(defun erlang-mode ()
(define-derived-mode erlang-mode prog-mode "Erlang"
"Major mode for editing Erlang source files in Emacs.
It knows about syntax and comment, it can indent code, it is capable
of fontifying the source file, the TAGS commands are aware of Erlang
@ -1403,12 +1423,9 @@ and examples of hooks.
Other commands:
(setq major-mode 'erlang-mode)
(setq mode-name "Erlang")
;; Use our own syntax table function
:syntax-table nil
(use-local-map erlang-mode-map)
@ -1417,13 +1434,13 @@ Other commands:
(tempo-use-tag-list 'erlang-tempo-tags)
(when (fboundp 'tempo-use-tag-list)
(tempo-use-tag-list 'erlang-tempo-tags))
(when (boundp 'xref-backend-functions)
(add-hook 'xref-backend-functions #'erlang-etags--xref-backend nil t))
(run-hooks 'erlang-mode-hook)
(if (zerop (buffer-size))
(run-hooks 'erlang-new-file-hook))
;; Doesn't exist in Emacs v21.4; required by Emacs v23.
(if (boundp 'after-change-major-mode-hook)
(run-hooks 'after-change-major-mode-hook)))
(run-hooks 'erlang-new-file-hook)))
(dolist (r '("\\.erl$" "\\.app\\.src$" "\\.escript"
@ -1531,7 +1548,9 @@ Other commands:
(set (make-local-variable 'outline-regexp) "[[:lower:]0-9_]+ *(.*) *-> *$")
(set (make-local-variable 'outline-level) (lambda () 1))
(set (make-local-variable 'add-log-current-defun-function)
(set (make-local-variable 'find-tag-default-function)
(defun erlang-font-lock-init ()
"Initialize Font Lock for Erlang mode."
@ -1542,7 +1561,9 @@ Other commands:
(set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-syntax-table)
(set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function)
(set (make-local-variable (if (boundp 'syntax-begin-function)
(make-local-variable 'font-lock-keywords)
(let ((level (cond ((boundp 'font-lock-maximum-decoration)
@ -2250,6 +2271,7 @@ mode with the command `M-x erlang-mode RET'.")))
;; This code is based on the package `tempo' which is part of modern
;; Emacsen. (GNU Emacs 19.25 (?) and XEmacs 19.14.)
(defvar erlang-skel)
(defun erlang-skel-init ()
"Generate the skeleton functions and menu items.
The variable `erlang-skel' contains the name and descriptions of
@ -2976,8 +2998,9 @@ Return nil if inside string, t if in a comment."
;; Type and Spec indentation
((eq (car stack-top) '::)
(if (looking-at "}")
;; Closing record definition with types
(if (looking-at "[},)]")
;; Closing function spec, record definition with types,
;; or a comma at the start of the line
;; pop stack and recurse
(erlang-calculate-stack-indent indent-point
(cons (erlang-pop stack) (cdr state)))
@ -3748,6 +3771,12 @@ In the future the list may contain more elements."
(if (assoc fk (cdr (car imports)))
(setq mod (car (car imports)))
(setq imports (cdr imports))))
(cond ((eq (preceding-char) ?#)
(setq fk (concat "-record(" fk)))
((eq (preceding-char) ??)
(setq fk (concat "-define(" fk)))
((and (null mod) (not (member fk erlang-int-bifs)))
(setq mod (erlang-get-module))))
(setq res (list mod fk)))))
(store-match-data md)
@ -3818,20 +3847,19 @@ exported function."
(defun erlang-check-module-name-init ()
"Initialize the functionality to compare file and module names.
Unless we have `before-save-hook', we redefine the function
Unless we have `before-save-hook', we advice the function
`set-visited-file-name' since it clears the variable
`local-write-file-hooks'. The original function definition is
stored in `erlang-orig-set-visited-file-name'."
(if (boundp 'before-save-hook)
;; If we have that, `make-local-hook' is obsolete.
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'erlang-check-module-name nil t)
(require 'advice)
(unless (ad-advised-definition-p 'set-visited-file-name)
(defadvice set-visited-file-name (after erlang-set-visited-file-name
(if (eq major-mode 'erlang-mode)
(add-hook 'local-write-file-hooks 'erlang-check-module-name))))
(add-hook 'local-write-file-hooks 'erlang-check-module-name)))
(when (fboundp 'ad-advised-definition-p)
(unless (ad-advised-definition-p 'set-visited-file-name)
(defadvice set-visited-file-name (after erlang-set-visited-file-name
(if (eq major-mode 'erlang-mode)
(add-hook 'local-write-file-hooks 'erlang-check-module-name))))
(add-hook 'local-write-file-hooks 'erlang-check-module-name))))
(defun erlang-check-module-name ()
@ -3908,7 +3936,7 @@ non-whitespace characters following the point on the current line."
(if (condition-case nil
(progn (erlang-indent-line) t)
(error (if (bolp) (delete-backward-char 1))))
(error (if (bolp) (delete-char -1))))
(if (not (bolp))
(insert " ->"))
@ -3920,7 +3948,7 @@ non-whitespace characters following the point on the current line."
(error (if (bolp) (delete-backward-char 1))))))))
(error (if (bolp) (delete-char -1))))))))
(defun erlang-electric-comma (&optional arg)
@ -3950,7 +3978,7 @@ non-whitespace characters following the point on the current line."
(condition-case nil
(error (if (bolp) (delete-backward-char 1))))))
(error (if (bolp) (delete-char -1))))))
(defun erlang-electric-lt (&optional arg)
"Insert a less-than sign, and optionally mark it as an open paren."
@ -4036,7 +4064,7 @@ non-whitespace characters following the point on the current line."
(condition-case nil
(error (if (bolp) (delete-backward-char 1))))))
(error (if (bolp) (delete-char -1))))))
;; Then it's just a plain greater-than.
@ -4076,7 +4104,7 @@ After being split/merged into `erlang-after-arrow' and
(condition-case nil
(error (if (bolp) (delete-backward-char 1)))))))
(error (if (bolp) (delete-char -1)))))))
(defun erlang-electric-newline (&optional arg)
@ -4341,12 +4369,12 @@ works under XEmacs.)"
(require 'etags)
;; Test on a function available in the Emacs 19 version
;; of tags but not in the XEmacs version.
(if (not (fboundp 'find-tag-noselect))
(when (fboundp 'find-tag-noselect)
(erlang-tags-define-keys (current-local-map))
(setq erlang-tags-installed t)))))
;; Set all keys bound to `find-tag' et.al. in the global map and the
;; menu to `erlang-find-tag' et.al. in `map'.
@ -4369,10 +4397,6 @@ works under XEmacs.)"
;; There exists a variable `find-tag-default-function'. It is not used
;; since `complete-tag' uses it to get current word under point. In that
;; situation we don't want the module to be prepended.
(defun erlang-find-tag-default ()
"Return the default tag.
Search `-import' list of imported functions.
@ -4552,6 +4576,11 @@ Tags can be given on the forms `tag', `module:', `module:tag'."
(current-buffer))) ; Return the new buffer.
;; Process interactive arguments for erlang-find-tag-*.
;; Negative arguments work only for `etags', not `tags'. This is not
@ -4645,9 +4674,25 @@ Tags can be given on the forms `tag', `module:', `module:tag'."
(set (make-local-variable 'find-tag-regexp-search-function)
(set (make-local-variable 'find-tag-tag-order)
(mapcar #'erlang-make-order-function-aware-of-modules
(set (make-local-variable 'find-tag-regexp-tag-order)
(mapcar #'erlang-make-order-function-aware-of-modules
(defun erlang-make-order-function-aware-of-modules (f)
`(lambda (tag)
(let (mod)
(when (string-match ":" tag)
(setq mod (substring tag 0 (match-beginning 0)))
(setq tag (substring tag (match-end 0) nil)))
(and (funcall ',f tag)
(or (null mod)
(erlang-tag-at-point-match-module-p mod))))))
(defun erlang-tag-at-point-match-module-p (mod)
(string-equal mod (erlang-get-module-from-file-name
(funcall (symbol-function 'file-of-tag)))))
(defun erlang-tags-remove-module-check ()
@ -4724,61 +4769,34 @@ for a tag on the form `module:tag'."
(funcall erlang-tags-orig-regexp-search-function
tag bound noerror count)))
;; t if point is at a tag line that matches TAG, containing
;; module information. Assumes that all other order functions
;; are stored in `erlang-tags-orig-[regex]-tag-order'.
(defun erlang-tag-match-module-p (tag)
(erlang-tag-match-module-common-p tag erlang-tags-orig-tag-order))
(defun erlang-tag-match-module-regexp-p (tag)
(erlang-tag-match-module-common-p tag erlang-tags-orig-regexp-tag-order))
(defun erlang-tag-match-module-common-p (tag order)
(let ((mod nil)
(found nil))
(if (string-match ":" tag)
(setq mod (substring tag 0 (match-beginning 0)))
(setq tag (substring tag (match-end 0) nil))))
(while (and order (not found))
(setq found
(and (not (memq (car order)
(funcall (car order) tag)))
(setq order (cdr order)))
(and found
(or (null mod)
(string= mod (erlang-get-module-from-file-name
;;; Tags completion, Emacs 19 `etags' specific.
;;; The basic idea is to create a second completion table `erlang-tags-
;;; completion-table' containing all normal tags plus tags on the form
;;; `module:tag'.
;;; `module:tag' and `module:'.
(when (and (fboundp 'etags-tags-completion-table)
;; PENDING - Should probably make use of the
;; `completion-at-point-functions' hook instead of this advice.
(when (and (locate-library "etags")
(require 'etags)
(fboundp 'etags-tags-completion-table)
(fboundp 'tags-lazy-completion-table)) ; Emacs 23.1+
(if (fboundp 'advice-add)
;; Emacs 24.4+
(advice-add 'etags-tags-completion-table :around
(lambda (oldfun)
(if (eq find-tag-default-function 'erlang-find-tag-for-completion)
(if erlang-replace-etags-tags-completion-table
(funcall oldfun)))
(list :name 'erlang-replace-tags-table))
;; Emacs 23.1-24.3
(defadvice etags-tags-completion-table (around erlang-replace-tags-table activate)
(if (eq find-tag-default-function 'erlang-find-tag-for-completion)
(defadvice etags-tags-completion-table (around
(if erlang-replace-etags-tags-completion-table
(setq ad-return-value (erlang-etags-tags-completion-table))
(defun erlang-complete-tag ()
"Perform tags completion on the text around point.
Completes to the set of names listed in the current tags table.
@ -4792,23 +4810,19 @@ about Erlang modules."
(cond ((and erlang-tags-installed
(fboundp 'etags-tags-completion-table)
(fboundp 'tags-lazy-completion-table)) ; Emacs 23.1+
;; This depends on the advice called erlang-replace-tags-table
;; above. It is not enough to let-bind
;; tags-completion-table-function since that will not override
;; the buffer-local value in the TAGS buffer.
(let ((find-tag-default-function 'erlang-find-tag-for-completion))
(let ((erlang-replace-etags-tags-completion-table t))
((and erlang-tags-installed
(fboundp 'complete-tag)
(fboundp 'tags-complete-tag)) ; Emacs 19
(fboundp 'complete-tag)
(fboundp 'tags-complete-tag)) ; Emacs 19-22
(let ((orig-tags-complete-tag (symbol-function 'tags-complete-tag)))
(fset 'tags-complete-tag
(symbol-function 'erlang-tags-complete-tag))
(funcall (symbol-function 'complete-tag))
(fset 'tags-complete-tag orig-tags-complete-tag))))
((fboundp 'complete-tag) ; Emacs 19
(funcall (symbol-function 'complete-tag)))
((fboundp 'tag-complete-symbol) ; XEmacs
(funcall (symbol-function 'tag-complete-symbol)))
@ -4823,19 +4837,22 @@ about Erlang modules."
(buffer-substring-no-properties start (point)))))
;; Based on `tags-complete-tag', but this one uses
;; `erlang-tags-completion-table' instead of `tags-completion-table'.
;; This is the entry-point called by system function `completing-read'.
;; Used for minibuffer completion in Emacs 19-24 and completion in
;; erlang buffers in Emacs 19-22.
(defun erlang-tags-complete-tag (string predicate what)
;; If we need to ask for the tag table, allow that.
(let ((enable-recursive-minibuffers t))
(with-current-buffer (window-buffer (minibuffer-selected-window))
;; If we need to ask for the tag table, allow that.
(let ((enable-recursive-minibuffers t))
(if (eq what t)
(all-completions string (erlang-tags-completion-table) predicate)
(try-completion string (erlang-tags-completion-table) predicate))))
(try-completion string (erlang-tags-completion-table) predicate)))))
;; `tags-completion-table' calls itself recursively, make it
@ -4853,7 +4870,6 @@ about Erlang modules."
(fset 'tags-completion-table
(defun erlang-tags-completion-table-1 ()
(make-local-variable 'erlang-tags-completion-table)
(or erlang-tags-completion-table
@ -4864,59 +4880,190 @@ about Erlang modules."
(setq erlang-tags-completion-table tags-completion-table))))
;; Emacs 25 expects this function to return a list (and it is ok for
;; it to include duplicates). Older emacsen expects an obarray.
(defun erlang-etags-tags-completion-table ()
(if (>= emacs-major-version 25)
(let ((obarray (make-vector 511 0)))
(dolist (tag (erlang-etags-tags-completion-table-list))
(intern tag obarray))
;; Based on `etags-tags-completion-table'. The difference is that we
;; add three symbols to the vector, the tag, module: and module:tag.
;; add three strings to the list, the tag, module: and module:tag.
;; The module is extracted from the file name of a tag. (This one
;; only works if we are looking at an `etags' file. However, this is
;; the only format supported by Emacs, so far.)
(defun erlang-etags-tags-completion-table ()
(let ((table (make-vector 511 0))
(file nil)
(when (fboundp 'make-progress-reporter)
(format "Making erlang tags completion table for %s..." buffer-file-name)
(point-min) (point-max)))))
(defun erlang-etags-tags-completion-table-list ()
(let ((progress-reporter
(format "Making tags completion table for %s..." buffer-file-name)
(point-min) (point-max)))
table module)
(goto-char (point-min))
;; This monster regexp matches an etags tag line.
;; \1 is the string to match;
;; \2 is not interesting;
;; \3 is the guessed tag name; XXX guess should be better eg DEFUN
;; \4 is not interesting;
;; \5 is the explicitly-specified tag name.
;; \6 is the line to start searching at;
;; \7 is the char to start searching at.
(while (progn
(while (and
(eq (following-char) ?\f)
(looking-at "\f\n\\([^,\n]*\\),.*\n"))
(setq file (buffer-substring
(match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
(goto-char (match-end 0)))
(while (and (eq (following-char) ?\f)
(looking-at "\f\n\\([^,\n]*\\),.*\n"))
(let ((file (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
(match-end 1))))
(setq module (erlang-get-module-from-file-name file))
(when module
(push (concat module ":") table)
(push (concat module ":module_info") table))
(forward-line 2)))
;; This regexp matches an explicit tag name or the
;; place where it would start.
"[\f\t\n\r()=,; ]?\177\\\(?:\\([^\n\001]+\\)\001\\)?"
nil t))
(let ((tag (if (match-beginning 5)
(let ((tag (if (match-beginning 1)
;; There is an explicit tag name.
(buffer-substring (match-beginning 5) (match-end 5))
;; No explicit tag name. Best guess.
(buffer-substring (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3))))
(module (and file
(erlang-get-module-from-file-name file))))
(intern tag table)
(buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
;; No explicit tag name. Backtrack a little,
;; and look for the implicit one.
(goto-char (match-beginning 0))
(skip-chars-backward "^\f\t\n\r()=,; ")
(buffer-substring (point) (match-beginning 0)))))
(forward-line 1)
(push tag table)
(when (stringp module)
(intern (concat module ":" tag) table)
;; Only the first ones will be stored in the table.
(intern (concat module ":") table)
(intern (concat module ":module_info") table))
(when progress-reporter
(progress-reporter-update progress-reporter (point))))))
(push (concat module ":" tag) table))
(progress-reporter-update progress-reporter (point)))))
;;; Xref backend erlang-etags
;; In GNU Emacs 25 xref was introduced. It is a framework for cross
;; referencing commands, in particular commands for finding
;; definitions. It does not replace etags. It rather resides on top
;; of it and provides user-friendly commands. The idea is that the
;; user commands should be the same regardless of what backend does
;; the actual finding of definitions.
;; The backend below is a wrapper around the built-in etags backend.
;; It adds awareness of the module:tag syntax in a similar way that is
;; done above for the old etags commands.
(defun erlang-etags--xref-backend () 'erlang-etags)
(defun erlang-soft-require (feature)
(when (locate-library (symbol-name feature))
(require feature)))
(and (erlang-soft-require 'xref)
(erlang-soft-require 'cl-generic)
;; The purpose of using eval here is to avoid compilation
;; warnings in emacsen without cl-defmethod.
(cl-defmethod xref-backend-identifier-at-point
((_backend (eql erlang-etags)))
(cl-defmethod xref-backend-definitions
((_backend (eql erlang-etags)) identifier)
(erlang-xref-find-definitions identifier))
(cl-defmethod xref-backend-apropos
((_backend (eql erlang-etags)) identifier)
(erlang-xref-find-definitions identifier t))
(cl-defmethod xref-backend-identifier-completion-table
((_backend (eql erlang-etags)))
(let ((erlang-replace-etags-tags-completion-table t))
(defun erlang-xref-find-definitions (identifier &optional is-regexp)
(let ((id-list (split-string identifier ":")))
;; Handle "tag"
((null (cdr id-list))
(erlang-xref-find-definitions-tag identifier is-regexp))
;; Handle "module:"
((string-equal (cadr id-list) "")
(erlang-xref-find-definitions-module (car id-list)))
;; Handle "module:tag"
(erlang-xref-find-definitions-module-tag (car id-list)
(cadr id-list)
(defun erlang-xref-find-definitions-tag (tag is-regexp)
"Find all definitions of TAG and reorder them so that
definitions in the currently visited file comes first."
(when (fboundp 'etags--xref-find-definitions)
(let* ((current-file (and (buffer-file-name)
(file-truename (buffer-file-name))))
(xrefs (etags--xref-find-definitions tag is-regexp))
local-xrefs non-local-xrefs)
(while xrefs
(if (string-equal (erlang-xref-truename-file (car xrefs))
(push (car xrefs) local-xrefs)
(push (car xrefs) non-local-xrefs))
(setq xrefs (cdr xrefs)))
(append (reverse local-xrefs)
(reverse non-local-xrefs)))))
(defun erlang-xref-find-definitions-module (module)
(and (fboundp 'xref-make)
(fboundp 'xref-make-file-location)
(let* ((first-time t)
xrefs matching-files)
(while (visit-tags-table-buffer (not first-time))
(setq first-time nil)
(let ((files (tags-table-files)))
(while files
(let* ((file (car files))
(m (erlang-get-module-from-file-name file)))
(when (and m (string-equal m module))
(unless (member file matching-files)
(push file
(push (xref-make file
(xref-make-file-location file 1 0))
(setq files (cdr files))))))
(nreverse xrefs))))
(defun erlang-xref-find-definitions-module-tag (module tag is-regexp)
"Find all definitions of TAG and filter away definitions
outside of MODULE."
(when (fboundp 'etags--xref-find-definitions)
(let ((xrefs (etags--xref-find-definitions tag is-regexp))
(while xrefs
(when (string-equal module (erlang-xref-module (car xrefs)))
(push (car xrefs) xrefs-in-module))
(setq xrefs (cdr xrefs)))
(defun erlang-xref-module (xref)
(erlang-get-module-from-file-name (erlang-xref-file xref)))
(defun erlang-xref-truename-file (xref)
(let ((file (erlang-xref-file xref)))
(and file
(file-truename file))))
(defun erlang-xref-file (xref)
(and (fboundp 'xref-location-group)
(fboundp 'xref-item-location)
(xref-location-group (xref-item-location xref))))
;;; Prepare for other methods to run an Erlang slave process.
@ -5315,8 +5462,7 @@ frame will become deselected before the next command."
(or (inferior-erlang-running-p)
(error "No inferior Erlang shell is running"))
(set-buffer inferior-erlang-buffer)
(with-current-buffer inferior-erlang-buffer
(let ((msg nil))
(while (save-excursion
(goto-char (process-mark inferior-erlang-process))
@ -5336,8 +5482,7 @@ frame will become deselected before the next command."
The empty command resembles hitting RET. This is useful in some
situations, for instance if a crash or error report from sasl
has been printed after the last prompt."
(set-buffer inferior-erlang-buffer)
(with-current-buffer inferior-erlang-buffer
(if (> (point-max) 1)
;; make sure we get a prompt if buffer contains data
(if (save-excursion
@ -5403,7 +5548,7 @@ Return the position after the newly inserted command."
(boundp 'comint-last-output-start))
(if (interactive-p)
(if (erlang-interactive-p)
(symbol-value 'comint-last-input-end)
(symbol-value 'comint-last-output-start)))
(while (progn (skip-chars-forward "^\C-h")
@ -5422,7 +5567,7 @@ Return the position after the newly inserted command."
(let ((pmark (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))))
(if (interactive-p)
(if (erlang-interactive-p)
(symbol-value 'comint-last-input-end)
(symbol-value 'comint-last-output-start)))
(while (re-search-forward "\r+$" pmark t)
@ -5449,23 +5594,21 @@ There exists two workarounds for this bug:
(let* ((dir (inferior-erlang-compile-outdir))
;;; (file (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)))
(noext (substring (erlang-local-buffer-file-name) 0 -4))
(opts (append (list (cons 'outdir dir))
(if current-prefix-arg
(list 'debug_info 'export_all))
(set-buffer inferior-erlang-buffer)
(with-current-buffer inferior-erlang-buffer
(when (fboundp 'compilation-forget-errors)
(setq end (inferior-erlang-send-command
(inferior-erlang-compute-compile-command noext opts)
(sit-for 0)
(set-buffer inferior-erlang-buffer)
(with-current-buffer inferior-erlang-buffer
(setq compilation-error-list nil)
(set-marker compilation-parsing-end end))
(setq compilation-last-buffer inferior-erlang-buffer)))
@ -5505,7 +5648,8 @@ unless the optional NO-DISPLAY is non-nil."
(let ((ccfn erlang-compile-command-function-alist)
(res (inferior-erlang-compute-erl-compile-command module-name opts))
(if (not (null (erlang-local-buffer-file-name)))
(while (and (not done) (not (null ccfn)))
(setq ccfn-entry (car ccfn))
@ -5635,12 +5779,14 @@ unless the optional NO-DISPLAY is non-nil."
(tramp-tramp-file-p (buffer-file-name))))
(defun erlang-tramp-get-localname ()
(let ((tramp-info (tramp-dissect-file-name (buffer-file-name))))
(if (fboundp 'tramp-file-name-localname)
(tramp-file-name-localname tramp-info)
;; In old versions of tramp, it was `tramp-file-name-path'
;; instead of the newer `tramp-file-name-localname'
(tramp-file-name-path tramp-info))))
(when (fboundp 'tramp-dissect-file-name)
(let ((tramp-info (tramp-dissect-file-name (buffer-file-name))))
(if (fboundp 'tramp-file-name-localname)
(tramp-file-name-localname tramp-info)
;; In old versions of tramp, it was `tramp-file-name-path'
;; instead of the newer `tramp-file-name-localname'
(when (fboundp 'tramp-file-name-path)
(tramp-file-name-path tramp-info))))))
;; `next-error' only accepts buffers with major mode `compilation-mode'
;; or with the minor mode `compilation-minor-mode' activated.
@ -5657,16 +5803,14 @@ Capable of finding error messages in an inferior Erlang buffer."
(and (boundp 'compilation-last-buffer)
(if (and (bufferp buf)
(set-buffer buf)
(with-current-buffer buf
(and (eq major-mode 'erlang-shell-mode)
(setq major-mode 'compilation-mode))))
(setq done t)
(next-error argp))
(set-buffer buf)
(with-current-buffer buf
(setq major-mode 'erlang-shell-mode))))
(or done
(next-error argp))))
@ -5769,7 +5913,7 @@ Simplified version of a combination `defalias' and `make-obsolete',
it assumes that NEWDEF is loaded."
(defalias sym (symbol-function newdef))
(if (fboundp 'make-obsolete)
(make-obsolete sym newdef)))
(make-obsolete sym newdef "long ago")))
(erlang-obsolete 'calculate-erlang-indent 'erlang-calculate-indent)
@ -5787,11 +5931,8 @@ it assumes that NEWDEF is loaded."
(erlang-obsolete 'name-of-erlang-function 'erlang-name-of-function)
;; Fixme: shouldn't redefine `set-visited-file-name' anyhow -- see above.
(defconst erlang-unload-hook
(list (lambda ()
(defalias 'set-visited-file-name
(when (featurep 'advice)
(ad-unadvise 'Man-notify-when-ready)
(ad-unadvise 'set-visited-file-name)))))

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ggtags" "ggtags.el" (22297 20828 347968 373000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ggtags" "ggtags.el" (22387 29370 530154 256000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ggtags.el
(autoload 'ggtags-find-project "ggtags" "\

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
(define-package "ggtags" "20151214.1344" "emacs frontend to GNU Global source code tagging system" '((emacs "24") (cl-lib "0.5")) :url "https://github.com/leoliu/ggtags" :keywords '("tools" "convenience"))
(define-package "ggtags" "20160617.1840" "emacs frontend to GNU Global source code tagging system" '((emacs "24") (cl-lib "0.5")) :url "https://github.com/leoliu/ggtags" :keywords '("tools" "convenience"))

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
;;; ggtags.el --- emacs frontend to GNU Global source code tagging system -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: Leo Liu <sdl.web@gmail.com>
;; Version: 0.8.11
;; Package-Version: 20151214.1344
;; Version: 0.8.12
;; Package-Version: 20160617.1840
;; Keywords: tools, convenience
;; Created: 2013-01-29
;; URL: https://github.com/leoliu/ggtags
@ -1942,7 +1942,12 @@ ggtags: history match invalid, jump to first match instead")
"Ligher for `ggtags-navigation-mode'; set to nil to disable it.")
(define-minor-mode ggtags-navigation-mode nil
:lighter ggtags-navigation-mode-lighter
;; If `ggtags-enable-navigation-keys' is set to nil only display the
;; lighter in `ggtags-mode' buffers.
;; See https://github.com/leoliu/ggtags/issues/124
:lighter (:eval (and (or ggtags-enable-navigation-keys
:global t
(if ggtags-navigation-mode

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
(defmethod logito-log ((api gh-api) level tag string &rest objects)
(apply 'logito-log (oref api :log) level tag string objects))
(defmethod constructor :static ((api gh-api) &rest args)
(defmethod initialize-instance ((api gh-api) &rest args)
(defmethod gh-api-set-default-auth ((api gh-api) auth)
@ -107,15 +107,14 @@
(const :tag "OAuth" gh-oauth-authenticator))
:group 'gh-api)
(defmethod constructor :static ((api gh-api-v3) &rest args)
(let ((obj (call-next-method))
(gh-profile-current-profile (gh-profile-current-profile)))
(oset obj :profile (gh-profile-current-profile))
(oset obj :base (gh-profile-url))
(gh-api-set-default-auth obj
(or (oref obj :auth)
(funcall gh-api-v3-authenticator "auth")))
(defmethod initialize-instance ((api gh-api-v3) &rest args)
(let ((gh-profile-current-profile (gh-profile-current-profile)))
(oset api :profile (gh-profile-current-profile))
(oset api :base (gh-profile-url))
(gh-api-set-default-auth api
(or (oref api :auth)
(funcall gh-api-v3-authenticator "auth")))))
(defclass gh-api-request (gh-url-request)
((default-response-cls :allocation :class :initform gh-api-response)))
@ -136,7 +135,8 @@
(call-next-method resp (gh-api-json-decode data)))
(defclass gh-api-paged-request (gh-api-request)
((default-response-cls :allocation :class :initform gh-api-paged-response)))
((default-response-cls :allocation :class :initform gh-api-paged-response)
(page-limit :initarg :page-limit :initform -1)))
(defclass gh-api-paged-response (gh-api-response)
@ -155,13 +155,25 @@
(oset resp :data (append previous-data (oref resp :data)))
(when (and next (not (equal 304 (oref resp :http-status))))
(let ((req (oref resp :-req)))
(oset resp :data-received nil)
(oset req :url next)
(gh-url-run-request req resp)))))
(let* ((req (oref resp :-req))
(last-page-limit (oref req :page-limit))
(this-page-limit (if (numberp last-page-limit) (- last-page-limit 1) -1)))
(oset req :page-limit this-page-limit)
(unless (eq (oref req :page-limit) 0)
;; We use an explicit check for 0 since -1 indicates that
;; paging should continue forever.
(oset resp :data-received nil)
(oset req :url next)
;; Params need to be set to nil because the next uri will
;; already have query params. If params are non-nil this will
;; cause another set of params to be added to the end of the
;; string which will override the params that are set in the
;; next link.
(oset req :query nil)
(gh-url-run-request req resp))))))
(defmethod gh-api-authenticated-request
((api gh-api) transformer method resource &optional data params)
((api gh-api) transformer method resource &optional data params page-limit)
(let* ((fmt (oref api :data-format))
(headers (cond ((eq fmt :form)
'(("Content-Type" .
@ -200,10 +212,11 @@
(gh-api-json-encode data))
(and (eq fmt :form)
(gh-url-form-encode data))
:page-limit page-limit)))))
(cond ((and has-value ;; got value from cache
(not is-outdated))
(gh-api-response "cached" :data-received t :data value))
(make-instance 'gh-api-response :data-received t :data value))
(cache-key ;; no value, but cache exists and method is safe
(let ((resp (make-instance (oref req default-response-cls)
:transform transformer)))

View File

@ -95,11 +95,10 @@
((username :initarg :username :initform nil))
"Abstract authenticator")
(defmethod constructor :static ((auth gh-authenticator) &rest args)
(let ((obj (call-next-method)))
(or (oref obj :username)
(oset obj :username (gh-auth-get-username)))
(defmethod initialize-instance ((auth gh-authenticator) &rest args)
(or (oref auth :username)
(oset auth :username (gh-auth-get-username))))
(defmethod gh-auth-modify-request ((auth gh-authenticator) req)
@ -131,11 +130,10 @@
(2fa-cls :initform gh-auth-2fa-callback :allocation :class))
"Password-based authenticator")
(defmethod constructor :static ((auth gh-password-authenticator) &rest args)
(let ((obj (call-next-method)))
(or (oref obj :password)
(oset obj :password (gh-auth-get-password (oref obj remember))))
(defmethod initialize-instance ((auth gh-password-authenticator) &rest args)
(or (oref auth :password)
(oset auth :password (gh-auth-get-password (oref auth remember)))))
(defmethod gh-auth-modify-request ((auth gh-password-authenticator) req)
(object-add-to-list req :headers
@ -154,11 +152,10 @@
((token :initarg :token :protection :private :initform nil))
"Oauth-based authenticator")
(defmethod constructor :static ((auth gh-oauth-authenticator) &rest args)
(let ((obj (call-next-method)))
(or (oref obj :token)
(oset obj :token (gh-auth-get-oauth-token)))
(defmethod initialize-instance :static ((auth gh-oauth-authenticator) &rest args)
(or (oref auth :token)
(oset auth :token (gh-auth-get-oauth-token))))
(defmethod gh-auth-modify-request ((auth gh-oauth-authenticator) req)
(object-add-to-list req :headers

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-api" "gh-api.el" (22221 60701 548000 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-api" "gh-api.el" (22387 29369 466970 131000))
;;; Generated autoloads from gh-api.el
(require 'eieio)
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-auth" "gh-auth.el" (22221 60701 635000
;;;;;; 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-auth" "gh-auth.el" (22387 29369 526924
;;;;;; 94000))
;;; Generated autoloads from gh-auth.el
(require 'eieio)
@ -28,24 +28,24 @@
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-cache" "gh-cache.el" (22221 60701 606000
;;;;;; 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-cache" "gh-cache.el" (22387 29369 498945
;;;;;; 578000))
;;; Generated autoloads from gh-cache.el
(require 'eieio)
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-common" "gh-common.el" (22221 60701 578000
;;;;;; 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-common" "gh-common.el" (22387 29369 478960
;;;;;; 924000))
;;; Generated autoloads from gh-common.el
(require 'eieio)
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-gist" "gh-gist.el" (22221 60701 536000
;;;;;; 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-gist" "gh-gist.el" (22387 29369 442988
;;;;;; 546000))
;;; Generated autoloads from gh-gist.el
(require 'eieio)
@ -59,23 +59,23 @@
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-issue-comments" "gh-issue-comments.el"
;;;;;; (22221 60701 591000 0))
;;;;;; (22387 29369 490951 716000))
;;; Generated autoloads from gh-issue-comments.el
(require 'eieio)
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-issues" "gh-issues.el" (22221 60701 615000
;;;;;; 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-issues" "gh-issues.el" (22387 29369 502942
;;;;;; 509000))
;;; Generated autoloads from gh-issues.el
(require 'eieio)
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-oauth" "gh-oauth.el" (22221 60701 531000
;;;;;; 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-oauth" "gh-oauth.el" (22387 29369 430997
;;;;;; 753000))
;;; Generated autoloads from gh-oauth.el
(require 'eieio)
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-orgs" "gh-orgs.el" (22221 60701 586000
;;;;;; 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-orgs" "gh-orgs.el" (22387 29369 482957
;;;;;; 854000))
;;; Generated autoloads from gh-orgs.el
(require 'eieio)
@ -96,16 +96,16 @@
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-pull-comments" "gh-pull-comments.el" (22221
;;;;;; 60701 627000 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-pull-comments" "gh-pull-comments.el" (22387
;;;;;; 29369 518930 232000))
;;; Generated autoloads from gh-pull-comments.el
(require 'eieio)
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-pulls" "gh-pulls.el" (22221 60701 621000
;;;;;; 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-pulls" "gh-pulls.el" (22387 29369 506939
;;;;;; 440000))
;;; Generated autoloads from gh-pulls.el
(require 'eieio)
@ -116,8 +116,8 @@
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-repos" "gh-repos.el" (22221 60701 598000
;;;;;; 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-repos" "gh-repos.el" (22387 29369 494948
;;;;;; 647000))
;;; Generated autoloads from gh-repos.el
(require 'eieio)
@ -130,15 +130,15 @@
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-url" "gh-url.el" (22221 60701 497000 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-url" "gh-url.el" (22387 29369 419006 961000))
;;; Generated autoloads from gh-url.el
(require 'eieio)
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-users" "gh-users.el" (22221 60701 569000
;;;;;; 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "gh-users" "gh-users.el" (22387 29369 474963
;;;;;; 993000))
;;; Generated autoloads from gh-users.el
(require 'eieio)
@ -149,8 +149,8 @@
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("gh-pkg.el" "gh-profile.el" "gh.el") (22221
;;;;;; 60701 645865 81000))
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("gh-pkg.el" "gh-profile.el" "gh-search.el"
;;;;;; "gh.el") (22387 29369 541412 67000))

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
(with-slots (url html-url body user created-at updated-at)
(setq url (gh-read data 'url)
html-url (gh-read data 'html-url)
html-url (gh-read data 'html_url)
body (gh-read data 'body)
user (gh-object-read (or (oref comment :user)
(oref comment user-cls))

View File

@ -165,13 +165,13 @@
(gh-issues-milestone-req-to-update milestone)))
(defmethod gh-issues-milestone-req-to-update ((milestone gh-issues-milestone))
(let ((state (oref milestone state) )
(description (oref milestone description))
(due_on (oref milestone due_on))
(to-update `(("title" . ,(oref milestone title)))))
(let ((state (oref milestone :state))
(description (oref milestone :description))
(due-on (oref milestone :due-on))
(to-update `(("title" . ,(oref milestone :title)))))
(when state (nconc to-update `(("state" . ,state))))
(when description (nconc to-update `(("description" . ,description))))
(when due_on (nconc to-update `(("due_on" . ,due_on))))
(when due-on (nconc to-update `(("due_on" . ,due-on))))
(defmethod gh-issues-issue-get ((api gh-issues-api) user repo id)
@ -180,18 +180,18 @@
(format "/repos/%s/%s/issues/%s" user repo id)))
(defmethod gh-issues-issue-req-to-update ((req gh-issues-issue))
(let ((assignee (oref req assignee))
(let ((assignee (oref req :assignee))
;; (labels (oref req labels))
(milestone (oref req milestone))
(to-update `(("title" . ,(oref req title))
("state" . ,(oref req state))
("body" . ,(oref req body)))))
(milestone (oref req :milestone))
(to-update `(("title" . ,(oref req :title))
("state" . ,(oref req :state))
("body" . ,(oref req :body)))))
;; (when labels (nconc to-update `(("labels" . ,(oref req labels) ))))
(when milestone
(nconc to-update `(("milestone" . ,(oref milestone number)))))
(nconc to-update `(("milestone" . ,(oref milestone :number)))))
(when assignee
(nconc to-update `(("assignee" . ,(oref assignee login) ))))
(nconc to-update `(("assignee" . ,(oref assignee :login)))))
(defmethod gh-issues-issue-update ((api gh-issues-api) user repo id req)
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
(defmethod gh-issues-label-update ((api gh-issues-api) user repo req)
api (gh-object-reader (oref api label-cls)) "POST"
(format "/repos/%s/%s/labels/%s" user repo (oref req name))
(format "/repos/%s/%s/labels/%s" user repo (oref req :name))
(gh-issues-label-req-to-update req)))
(defmethod gh-issues-label-delete ((api gh-issues-api) user repo name)
@ -286,17 +286,17 @@
(defun gh-issues--issue-id (issue-or-issue-id)
(if (eieio-object-p issue-or-issue-id)
(oref issue-or-issue-id id)
(oref issue-or-issue-id :id)
(defun gh-issues--milestone-id (milestone-or-milestone-id)
(if (eieio-object-p milestone-or-milestone-id)
(oref milestone-or-milestone-id id)
(oref milestone-or-milestone-id :id)
(defun gh-issues--label-name (label-or-label-name)
(if (eieio-object-p label-or-label-name)
(oref label-or-label-name name)
(oref label-or-label-name :name)

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
(defclass gh-oauth-password-authenticator (gh-password-authenticator)
((remember :allocation :class :initform nil)))
(defmethod constructor :static ((api gh-oauth-api) &rest args)
(defmethod initialize-instance ((api gh-oauth-api) &rest args)
;; force password authentication for this API
(let ((gh-api-v3-authenticator 'gh-oauth-password-authenticator))

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(define-package "gh" "20160222.1811" "A GitHub library for Emacs"
(define-package "gh" "20160626.1349" "A GitHub library for Emacs"
'((emacs "24.4")
(pcache "0.3.1")
(logito "0.1")))

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
created-at updated-at)
(setq url (gh-read data 'url)
html-url (gh-read data 'html-url)
html-url (gh-read data 'html_url)
id (gh-read data 'id)
body (gh-read data 'body)
user (gh-object-read (or (oref comment :user)

View File

@ -70,13 +70,14 @@
(mirror-url :initarg :mirror-url)
(owner :initarg :owner :initform nil)
(id :initarg :id)
(full-name :initarg full-name)
(full-name :initarg :full-name)
(language :initarg :language)
(fork :initarg :fork)
(forks :initarg :forks)
(forks-count :initarg forks-count)
(forks-count :initarg :forks-count)
(watchers :initarg :watchers)
(watchers-count :initarg watchers-count)
(watchers-count :initarg :watchers-count)
(stargazers-count :initarg :stargazers-count)
(size :initarg :size)
(master-branch :initarg :master-branch)
(open-issues :initarg :open-issues)
@ -217,7 +218,7 @@
(defmethod gh-repos-repo-rename ((api gh-repos-api) repo-stub new-name
&optional user)
(let ((new-stub (gh-repos-repo-stub "repo" :name new-name)))
(let ((new-stub (make-instance 'gh-repos-repo-stub :name new-name)))
api (gh-object-reader (oref api repo-cls)) "PATCH"
(format "/repos/%s/%s"
@ -269,7 +270,41 @@
(oref repo :name))))
;;; TODO gh-repos-repo-branch-commits
;;; TODO Collaborators sub-API
;;; Collaborators sub-API
(defmethod gh-repos-collaborators-list ((api gh-repos-api) repo)
api (gh-object-list-reader (oref api user-cls)) "GET" (format "/repos/%s/%s/collaborators"
(oref (oref repo :owner) :login)
(oref repo :name))))
(defmethod gh-repos-collaborators-p ((api gh-repos-api) repo user)
(eq (oref (gh-api-authenticated-request
api nil "GET"
(format "/repos/%s/%s/collaborators/%s"
(oref (oref repo :owner) :login)
(oref repo :name)
(defmethod gh-repos-collaborators-add ((api gh-repos-api) repo user)
api nil "PUT"
(format "/repos/%s/%s/collaborators/%s"
(oref (oref repo :owner) :login)
(oref repo :name)
(defmethod gh-repos-collaborators-delete ((api gh-repos-api) repo user)
api nil "DELETE"
(format "/repos/%s/%s/collaborators/%s"
(oref (oref repo :owner) :login)
(oref repo :name)
;;; TODO Comments sub-API
;;; TODO Commits sub-API
;;; TODO Contents sub-API

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
;;; gh-search.el --- repository search for gh.el
;; Copyright (C) 2016 Ivan Malison
;; Author: Ivan Malison <IvanMalison@gmail.com>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'gh-users)
(require 'gh-repos)
(defclass gh-search-api (gh-api-v3)
((repo-cls :allocation :class :initform gh-repos-repo)
(user-cls :allocation :class :initform gh-users-user)))
(defmacro gh-search-method-builder (method-name uri process-result-function)
`(defmethod ,method-name ((search-api gh-search-api)
query-string &optional page-limit
&rest additional-arguments)
(unless (and (stringp query-string) (> (length query-string) 1))
(error "a non-empty query string must be provided to github search"))
(apply-partially (quote ,process-result-function) search-api)
"GET" ,uri nil
`((q . ,query-string) ,@additional-arguments) page-limit)))
(defmacro gh-search-process-method-builder (method-name class-symbol)
`(defmethod ,method-name ((search-api gh-search-api) data)
(unless (listp data)
(error "Did not recieve a list from the search query"))
(let ((items (assoc 'items data)))
(unless items
(error "Search query did not return items"))
(gh-object-list-read (oref search-api ,class-symbol) (cdr items)))))
(gh-search-process-method-builder gh-process-repo-search-result repo-cls)
(gh-search-process-method-builder gh-process-user-search-result user-cls)
(gh-search-method-builder gh-search-repos "/search/repositories"
(gh-search-method-builder gh-search-users "/search/users"
(provide 'gh-search)
;;; gh-search.el ends here

View File

@ -141,8 +141,8 @@
(set-buffer-multibyte t)
(destructuring-bind (req resp) req-resp
(condition-case err
(oset resp :-req req)
(let ((responses-req (clone req)))
(oset resp :-req responses-req)
(gh-url-response-init resp (current-buffer)))
(let ((num (oref req :num-retries)))

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
;;;### (autoloads nil "git-commit" "git-commit.el" (22303 19285 486174
;;;;;; 926000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "git-commit" "git-commit.el" (22387 29368 875424
;;;;;; 490000))
;;; Generated autoloads from git-commit.el
(defvar global-git-commit-mode t "\

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
(define-package "git-commit" "20160425.430" "Edit Git commit messages" '((emacs "24.4") (dash "20151021.113") (with-editor "20160408.201")) :url "https://github.com/magit/magit" :keywords '("git" "tools" "vc"))
(define-package "git-commit" "20160519.950" "Edit Git commit messages" '((emacs "24.4") (dash "20151021.113") (with-editor "20160408.201")) :url "https://github.com/magit/magit" :keywords '("git" "tools" "vc"))

View File

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
;; Maintainer: Jonas Bernoulli <jonas@bernoul.li>
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4") (dash "20151021.113") (with-editor "20160408.201"))
;; Package-Version: 20160519.950
;; Keywords: git tools vc
;; Package-Version: 20160425.430
;; Homepage: https://github.com/magit/magit
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
;;;### (autoloads nil "git-gutter" "git-gutter.el" (22297 19829 459863
;;;;;; 402000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "git-gutter" "git-gutter.el" (22387 29368 367814
;;;;;; 765000))
;;; Generated autoloads from git-gutter.el
(autoload 'git-gutter:linum-setup "git-gutter" "\

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
(define-package "git-gutter" "20160409.713" "Port of Sublime Text plugin GitGutter" '((cl-lib "0.5") (emacs "24")) :url "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-git-gutter")
(define-package "git-gutter" "20160610.852" "Port of Sublime Text plugin GitGutter" '((cl-lib "0.5") (emacs "24")) :url "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-git-gutter")

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
;; Author: Syohei YOSHIDA <syohex@gmail.com>
;; URL: https://github.com/syohex/emacs-git-gutter
;; Package-Version: 20160409.713
;; Version: 0.87
;; Package-Version: 20160610.852
;; Version: 0.89
;; Package-Requires: ((cl-lib "0.5") (emacs "24"))
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ gutter information of other windows."
"Ask whether commit/revert or not"
:type 'boolean)
(cl-defstruct git-gutter-hunk
type content start-line end-line)
(defvar git-gutter:enabled nil)
(defvar git-gutter:diffinfos nil)
(defvar git-gutter:has-indirect-buffers nil)
@ -204,8 +207,7 @@ gutter information of other windows."
(when (zerop (git-gutter:execute-command "git" t "rev-parse" "--is-inside-work-tree"))
(goto-char (point-min))
(string= "true" (buffer-substring-no-properties
(point) (line-end-position)))))))
(looking-at-p "true")))))
(defun git-gutter:in-repository-common-p (cmd check-subcmd repodir)
(and (executable-find cmd)
@ -230,9 +232,6 @@ gutter information of other windows."
(string-to-number str)))
(defsubst git-gutter:make-diffinfo (type content start end)
(list :type type :content content :start-line start :end-line end))
(defsubst git-gutter:base-file ()
(buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))
@ -265,7 +264,8 @@ gutter information of other windows."
(let ((start (if (zerop new-line) 1 new-line))
(end (if (zerop end-line) 1 end-line)))
(git-gutter:make-diffinfo type content start end))))))
:type type :content content :start-line start :end-line end))))))
(defsubst git-gutter:window-margin ()
(or git-gutter:window-width (git-gutter:longest-sign-width)))
@ -369,21 +369,15 @@ gutter information of other windows."
(let ((gutter-sep (concat sign (git-gutter:gutter-sperator))))
(propertize " " 'display `((margin left-margin) ,gutter-sep))))
(defsubst git-gutter:select-face (type)
(cl-case type
(added 'git-gutter:added)
(modified 'git-gutter:modified)
(deleted 'git-gutter:deleted)))
(defsubst git-gutter:select-sign (type)
(cl-case type
(added git-gutter:added-sign)
(modified git-gutter:modified-sign)
(deleted git-gutter:deleted-sign)))
(defun git-gutter:propertized-sign (type)
(let ((sign (git-gutter:select-sign type))
(face (git-gutter:select-face type)))
(let (sign face)
(cl-case type
(added (setq sign git-gutter:added-sign
face 'git-gutter:added))
(modified (setq sign git-gutter:modified-sign
face 'git-gutter:modified))
(deleted (setq sign git-gutter:deleted-sign
face 'git-gutter:deleted)))
(propertize sign 'face face)))
(defsubst git-gutter:linum-get-overlay (pos)
@ -551,7 +545,7 @@ gutter information of other windows."
(when (and (not git-gutter:update-timer) (> git-gutter:update-interval 0))
(setq git-gutter:update-timer
(run-with-idle-timer 1 git-gutter:update-interval 'git-gutter:live-update))))
(run-with-idle-timer git-gutter:update-interval t 'git-gutter:live-update))))
(when (> git-gutter:verbosity 2)
(message "Here is not %s work tree" (git-gutter:show-backends)))
(git-gutter-mode -1))
@ -590,9 +584,9 @@ gutter information of other windows."
for info in diffinfos
for start-line = (plist-get info :start-line)
for end-line = (plist-get info :end-line)
for type = (plist-get info :type)
for start-line = (git-gutter-hunk-start-line info)
for end-line = (git-gutter-hunk-end-line info)
for type = (git-gutter-hunk-type info)
for sign = (git-gutter:propertized-sign type)
for points = nil
@ -645,7 +639,7 @@ gutter information of other windows."
with cmp-fn = (if is-reverse #'> #'<)
for diffinfo in (if is-reverse (reverse diffinfos) diffinfos)
for index = 0 then (1+ index)
for start-line = (plist-get diffinfo :start-line)
for start-line = (git-gutter-hunk-start-line diffinfo)
when (funcall cmp-fn current-line start-line)
return (if is-reverse
(1- (- (length diffinfos) index))
@ -656,8 +650,8 @@ gutter information of other windows."
(cl-loop with current-line = (line-number-at-pos)
for diffinfo in diffinfos
for start = (plist-get diffinfo :start-line)
for end = (or (plist-get diffinfo :end-line) (1+ start))
for start = (git-gutter-hunk-start-line diffinfo)
for end = (or (git-gutter-hunk-end-line diffinfo) (1+ start))
when (and (>= current-line start) (<= current-line end))
return diffinfo
finally do (error "Here is not changed!!"))))
@ -686,10 +680,10 @@ gutter information of other windows."
(defun git-gutter:do-revert-hunk (diffinfo)
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((start-line (plist-get diffinfo :start-line))
(end-line (plist-get diffinfo :end-line))
(content (plist-get diffinfo :content)))
(cl-case (plist-get diffinfo :type)
(let ((start-line (git-gutter-hunk-start-line diffinfo))
(end-line (git-gutter-hunk-end-line diffinfo))
(content (git-gutter-hunk-content diffinfo)))
(cl-case (git-gutter-hunk-type diffinfo)
(added (git-gutter:delete-added-lines start-line end-line))
(deleted (when (git-gutter:delete-from-first-line-p start-line end-line)
(forward-line start-line))
@ -758,8 +752,8 @@ gutter information of other windows."
(file-name-directory (file-relative-name (git-gutter:base-file) root))))
(defun git-gutter:do-stage-hunk (diff-info)
(let ((content (plist-get diff-info :content))
(type (plist-get diff-info :type))
(let ((content (git-gutter-hunk-content diff-info))
(type (git-gutter-hunk-type diff-info))
(header (git-gutter:extract-hunk-header))
(patch (make-temp-name "git-gutter")))
(when header
@ -790,8 +784,8 @@ gutter information of other windows."
(defun git-gutter:mark-hunk ()
(git-gutter:awhen (git-gutter:search-here-diffinfo git-gutter:diffinfos)
(let ((start (git-gutter:line-point (plist-get it :start-line)))
(end (git-gutter:line-point (1+ (plist-get it :end-line)))))
(let ((start (git-gutter:line-point (git-gutter-hunk-start-line it)))
(end (git-gutter:line-point (1+ (git-gutter-hunk-end-line it)))))
(goto-char start)
(push-mark end nil t))))
@ -800,7 +794,7 @@ gutter information of other windows."
(view-mode -1)
(setq buffer-read-only nil)
(insert (plist-get diffinfo :content))
(insert (git-gutter-hunk-content diffinfo))
(insert "\n")
(goto-char (point-min))
@ -831,7 +825,7 @@ gutter information of other windows."
(if is-reverse (1- len) 0)))
(diffinfo (nth real-index diffinfos)))
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line (1- (plist-get diffinfo :start-line)))
(forward-line (1- (git-gutter-hunk-start-line diffinfo)))
(when (> git-gutter:verbosity 0)
(message "Move to %d/%d hunk" (1+ real-index) len))
(when (buffer-live-p (get-buffer git-gutter:popup-buffer))
@ -946,7 +940,7 @@ start revision."
(when git-gutter:update-timer
(error "Update timer is already running."))
(setq git-gutter:update-timer
(run-with-idle-timer 1 git-gutter:update-interval 'git-gutter:live-update)))
(run-with-idle-timer git-gutter:update-interval t 'git-gutter:live-update)))
(defun git-gutter:cancel-update-timer ()
@ -1032,9 +1026,9 @@ start revision."
(length git-gutter:diffinfos))
(defun git-gutter:stat-hunk (hunk)
(cl-case (plist-get hunk :type)
(cl-case (git-gutter-hunk-type hunk)
(modified (with-temp-buffer
(insert (plist-get hunk :content))
(insert (git-gutter-hunk-content hunk))
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((added 0)
(deleted 0))
@ -1043,8 +1037,8 @@ start revision."
((looking-at-p "\\-") (cl-incf deleted)))
(forward-line 1))
(cons added deleted))))
(added (cons (- (plist-get hunk :end-line) (plist-get hunk :start-line)) 0))
(deleted (cons 0 (- (plist-get hunk :end-line) (plist-get hunk :start-line))))))
(added (cons (- (git-gutter-hunk-end-line hunk) (git-gutter-hunk-start-line hunk)) 0))
(deleted (cons 0 (- (git-gutter-hunk-end-line hunk) (git-gutter-hunk-start-line hunk))))))
(defun git-gutter:statistic ()
"Return statistic unstaged hunks in current buffer."

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
(define-package "go-mode" "20160404.2" "Major mode for the Go programming language" 'nil :url "https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el" :keywords
'("languages" "go"))
;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End:

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
;;; Code:
;;;### (autoloads nil "go-mode" "go-mode.el" (22297 19826 179922
;;;;;; 64000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "go-mode" "go-mode.el" (22387 29367 888183
;;;;;; 643000))
;;; Generated autoloads from go-mode.el
(autoload 'go-mode "go-mode" "\
@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ Tries to look for a URL at point.
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("go-mode-pkg.el") (22297 19826 479482
;;;;;; 139000))
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("go-mode-pkg.el") (22387 29367 902180
;;;;;; 904000))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(define-package "go-mode" "20160512.110" "Major mode for the Go programming language" 'nil :url "https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el" :keywords
'("languages" "go"))
;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End:

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
;; license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
;; Author: The go-mode Authors
;; Version: 1.3.1
;; Version: 1.4.0
;; Keywords: languages go
;; URL: https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el
@ -1329,14 +1329,14 @@ Playground URL."
(buffer-substring-no-properties start end)
(content-buf (url-retrieve
(lambda (arg)
((equal :error (car arg))
(signal 'go-play-error (cdr arg)))
(re-search-forward "\n\n")
(let ((url (format "http://play.golang.org/p/%s"
(let ((url (format "https://play.golang.org/p/%s"
(buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))))
(when go-play-browse-function
(funcall go-play-browse-function url)))))))))))

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
(define-package "helm" "20160425.958" "Helm is an Emacs incremental and narrowing framework"
'((emacs "24.3")
(async "1.7")
(popup "0.5.3")
(helm-core "1.9.4"))
:url "https://emacs-helm.github.io/helm/")
;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End:

View File

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Format: ((SOURCE-NAME (SELECTED-CANDIDATE (PATTERN . NUMBER-OF-USE) ...) ...) ..
(push (list source-name) helm-adaptive-history)
(car helm-adaptive-history))))
(selection (helm-get-selection))
(selection (helm-get-selection nil t))
(selection-info (progn
(setcdr source-info
@ -175,47 +175,43 @@ This is a filtered candidate transformer you can use with the
(source-info (assoc source-name helm-adaptive-history)))
(if source-info
(let ((usage
;; ... assemble a list containing the (CANIDATE . USAGE-COUNT)
;; pairs
(mapcar (lambda (candidate-info)
(let ((count 0))
(cl-dolist (pattern-info (cdr candidate-info))
(if (not (equal (car pattern-info)
(cl-incf count (cdr pattern-info))
;; if current pattern is equal to the previously
;; used one then this candidate has priority
;; (that's why its count is boosted by 10000) and
;; it only has to compete with other candidates
;; which were also selected with the same pattern
(setq count (+ 10000 (cdr pattern-info)))
(cons (car candidate-info) count)))
(cdr source-info))))
(if (and usage (consp usage))
;; sort the list in descending order, so candidates with highest
;; priorty come first
(setq usage (sort usage (lambda (first second)
(> (cdr first) (cdr second)))))
;; put those candidates first which have the highest usage count
(cl-loop for (info . _freq) in usage
for member = (cl-member info candidates
:test 'helm-adaptive-compare)
when member collect (car member) into sorted
and do
(setq candidates (cl-remove info candidates
:test 'helm-adaptive-compare))
finally return (append sorted candidates)))
(message "Your `%s' is maybe corrupted or too old, \
;; Assemble a list containing the (CANDIDATE . USAGE-COUNT) pairs.
(cl-loop with count = 0
for (sn . infos) in (cdr source-info)
do (cl-loop for (pattern . score) in infos
if (not (equal pattern helm-pattern))
do (cl-incf count score)
else return
;; If current pattern is equal to the previously
;; used one then this candidate has priority
;; (that's why its count is boosted by 10000) and
;; it only has to compete with other candidates
;; which were also selected with the same pattern.
(setq count (+ 10000 score)))
and collect (cons sn count) into results
;; Sort the list in descending order, so candidates with highest
;; priority come first.
finally return (sort results (lambda (first second)
(> (cdr first) (cdr second)))))))
(if (consp usage)
;; Put those candidates first which have the highest usage count.
(cl-loop for (info . _freq) in usage
for mlinfo = (and (assq 'multiline source)
(replace-regexp-in-string "\n\\'" "" info))
for member = (cl-member (or mlinfo info) candidates
:test 'helm-adaptive-compare)
when member collect (car member) into sorted
and do
(setq candidates (cl-remove (or mlinfo info) candidates
:test 'helm-adaptive-compare))
finally return (append sorted candidates))
(message "Your `%s' is maybe corrupted or too old, \
you should reinitialize it with `helm-reset-adaptive-history'"
(sit-for 1)
;; if there is no information stored for this source then do nothing
(sit-for 1)
;; if there is no information stored for this source then do nothing
(defun helm-reset-adaptive-history ()

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-adaptive" "helm-adaptive.el" (22303 19284
;;;;;; 902175 378000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-adaptive" "helm-adaptive.el" (22387 29367
;;;;;; 188722 114000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-adaptive.el
(defvar helm-adaptive-mode nil "\
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Useful when you have a old or corrupted `helm-adaptive-history-file'.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-apt" "helm-apt.el" (22303 19284 870175
;;;;;; 403000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-apt" "helm-apt.el" (22387 29367 144755
;;;;;; 961000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-apt.el
(autoload 'helm-apt "helm-apt" "\
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ With a prefix arg reload cache.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-bookmark" "helm-bookmark.el" (22303 19284
;;;;;; 950175 341000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-bookmark" "helm-bookmark.el" (22387 29367
;;;;;; 236685 191000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-bookmark.el
(autoload 'helm-bookmarks "helm-bookmark" "\
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ only if external library addressbook-bookmark.el is available.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-buffers" "helm-buffers.el" (22303 19284
;;;;;; 854175 415000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-buffers" "helm-buffers.el" (22387 29367
;;;;;; 132765 192000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-buffers.el
(autoload 'helm-buffers-list "helm-buffers" "\
@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ Preconfigured `helm' lightweight version (buffer -> recentf).
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-color" "helm-color.el" (22303 19284 930175
;;;;;; 357000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-color" "helm-color.el" (22387 29367 220697
;;;;;; 499000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-color.el
(autoload 'helm-colors "helm-color" "\
@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ Preconfigured `helm' for color.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-command" "helm-command.el" (22303 19284
;;;;;; 806175 452000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-command" "helm-command.el" (22387 29367
;;;;;; 76808 270000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-command.el
(autoload 'helm-M-x "helm-command" "\
@ -95,7 +95,9 @@ Preconfigured `helm' for Emacs commands.
It is `helm' replacement of regular `M-x' `execute-extended-command'.
Unlike regular `M-x' emacs vanilla `execute-extended-command' command,
the prefix args if needed, are passed AFTER starting `helm-M-x'.
the prefix args if needed, can be passed AFTER starting `helm-M-x'.
When a prefix arg is passed BEFORE starting `helm-M-x', the first `C-u'
while in `helm-M-x' session will disable it.
You can get help on each command by persistent action.
@ -103,8 +105,8 @@ You can get help on each command by persistent action.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-config" "helm-config.el" (22303 19284
;;;;;; 942175 347000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-config" "helm-config.el" (22387 29367
;;;;;; 228691 345000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-config.el
(autoload 'helm-configuration "helm-config" "\
@ -114,8 +116,8 @@ Customize `helm'.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-dabbrev" "helm-dabbrev.el" (22303 19284
;;;;;; 882175 394000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-dabbrev" "helm-dabbrev.el" (22387 29367
;;;;;; 156746 731000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-dabbrev.el
(autoload 'helm-dabbrev "helm-dabbrev" "\
@ -125,8 +127,8 @@ Preconfigured helm for dynamic abbreviations.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-elisp" "helm-elisp.el" (22303 19284 934175
;;;;;; 353000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-elisp" "helm-elisp.el" (22387 29367 224694
;;;;;; 422000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-elisp.el
(autoload 'helm-lisp-completion-at-point "helm-elisp" "\
@ -180,7 +182,7 @@ Preconfigured helm for complex command history.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-elisp-package" "helm-elisp-package.el"
;;;;;; (22303 19284 810175 449000))
;;;;;; (22387 29367 80805 193000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-elisp-package.el
(autoload 'helm-list-elisp-packages "helm-elisp-package" "\
@ -196,8 +198,8 @@ Same as `helm-list-elisp-packages' but don't fetch packages on remote.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-elscreen" "helm-elscreen.el" (22303 19284
;;;;;; 794175 462000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-elscreen" "helm-elscreen.el" (22387 29367
;;;;;; 68814 424000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-elscreen.el
(autoload 'helm-elscreen "helm-elscreen" "\
@ -212,8 +214,8 @@ Preconfigured helm to list elscreen in history order.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-eshell" "helm-eshell.el" (22303 19284
;;;;;; 826175 437000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-eshell" "helm-eshell.el" (22387 29367
;;;;;; 100789 808000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-eshell.el
(autoload 'helm-esh-pcomplete "helm-eshell" "\
@ -228,8 +230,8 @@ Preconfigured helm for eshell history.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-eval" "helm-eval.el" (22303 19284 910175
;;;;;; 372000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-eval" "helm-eval.el" (22387 29367 196715
;;;;;; 961000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-eval.el
(autoload 'helm-eval-expression "helm-eval" "\
@ -249,8 +251,8 @@ Preconfigured helm for `helm-source-calculation-result'.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-external" "helm-external.el" (22303 19284
;;;;;; 786175 468000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-external" "helm-external.el" (22387 29367
;;;;;; 56823 655000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-external.el
(autoload 'helm-run-external-command "helm-external" "\
@ -263,8 +265,8 @@ You can set your own list of commands with
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-files" "helm-files.el" (22303 19284 886175
;;;;;; 391000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-files" "helm-files.el" (22387 29367 172734
;;;;;; 423000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-files.el
(autoload 'helm-browse-project "helm-files" "\
@ -291,6 +293,21 @@ and
(autoload 'helm-find "helm-files" "\
Preconfigured `helm' for the find shell command.
Recursively find files whose names are matched by all specified
globbing PATTERNs under the current directory using the external
program specified in `find-program' (usually \"find\"). Every
input PATTERN is silently wrapped into two stars: *PATTERN*.
With prefix argument, prompt for a directory to search.
When user option `helm-findutils-search-full-path' is non-nil,
match against complete paths, otherwise, against file names
without directory part.
The (possibly empty) list of globbing PATTERNs can be followed by
the separator \"*\" plus any number of additional arguments that
are passed to \"find\" literally.
\(fn ARG)" t nil)
(autoload 'helm-find-files "helm-files" "\
@ -322,8 +339,8 @@ Preconfigured `helm' for `recentf'.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-font" "helm-font.el" (22303 19284 830175
;;;;;; 434000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-font" "helm-font.el" (22387 29367 104786
;;;;;; 731000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-font.el
(autoload 'helm-select-xfont "helm-font" "\
@ -338,8 +355,8 @@ Preconfigured helm for `ucs-names' math symbols.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-grep" "helm-grep.el" (22303 19284 954175
;;;;;; 338000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-grep" "helm-grep.el" (22387 29367 240682
;;;;;; 114000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-grep.el
(autoload 'helm-goto-precedent-file "helm-grep" "\
@ -366,8 +383,8 @@ With a prefix arg ARG git-grep the whole repository.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-help" "helm-help.el" (22303 19284 782175
;;;;;; 471000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-help" "helm-help.el" (22387 29367 52826
;;;;;; 733000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-help.el
(autoload 'helm-documentation "helm-help" "\
@ -393,8 +410,8 @@ HELM-ATTRIBUTE should be a symbol.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-id-utils" "helm-id-utils.el" (22303 19284
;;;;;; 862175 409000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-id-utils" "helm-id-utils.el" (22387 29367
;;;;;; 140759 38000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-id-utils.el
(autoload 'helm-gid "helm-id-utils" "\
@ -408,8 +425,8 @@ See <https://www.gnu.org/software/idutils/>.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-imenu" "helm-imenu.el" (22303 19284 846175
;;;;;; 421000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-imenu" "helm-imenu.el" (22387 29367 120774
;;;;;; 423000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-imenu.el
(autoload 'helm-imenu "helm-imenu" "\
@ -418,14 +435,16 @@ Preconfigured `helm' for `imenu'.
\(fn)" t nil)
(autoload 'helm-imenu-in-all-buffers "helm-imenu" "\
Preconfigured helm for fetching imenu entries of all buffers.
Preconfigured helm for fetching imenu entries in all buffers with similar mode as current.
A mode is similar as current if it is the same, it is derived i.e `derived-mode-p'
or it have an association in `helm-imenu-all-buffer-assoc'.
\(fn)" t nil)
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-info" "helm-info.el" (22303 19284 838175
;;;;;; 427000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-info" "helm-info.el" (22387 29367 112780
;;;;;; 578000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-info.el
(autoload 'helm-info "helm-info" "\
@ -441,8 +460,8 @@ With a prefix-arg insert symbol at point.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-locate" "helm-locate.el" (22303 19284
;;;;;; 790175 465000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-locate" "helm-locate.el" (22387 29367
;;;;;; 60820 578000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-locate.el
(autoload 'helm-projects-find-files "helm-locate" "\
@ -469,8 +488,8 @@ Where db_path is a filename matched by
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-man" "helm-man.el" (22303 19284 914175
;;;;;; 369000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-man" "helm-man.el" (22387 29367 200712
;;;;;; 884000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-man.el
(autoload 'helm-man-woman "helm-man" "\
@ -481,8 +500,8 @@ With a prefix arg reinitialize the cache.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-misc" "helm-misc.el" (22303 19284 898175
;;;;;; 381000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-misc" "helm-misc.el" (22387 29367 180728
;;;;;; 268000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-misc.el
(autoload 'helm-browse-menubar "helm-misc" "\
@ -523,8 +542,8 @@ Preconfigured `helm' that provide completion of `comint' history.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-mode" "helm-mode.el" (22303 19284 766175
;;;;;; 484000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-mode" "helm-mode.el" (22387 29366 904940
;;;;;; 675000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-mode.el
(autoload 'helm-comp-read "helm-mode" "\
@ -691,8 +710,8 @@ Note: This mode is incompatible with Emacs23.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-net" "helm-net.el" (22303 19284 926175
;;;;;; 360000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-net" "helm-net.el" (22387 29367 216700
;;;;;; 576000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-net.el
(autoload 'helm-surfraw "helm-net" "\
@ -712,8 +731,8 @@ Preconfigured `helm' for Wikipedia lookup with Wikipedia suggest.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-org" "helm-org.el" (22303 19284 958175
;;;;;; 335000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-org" "helm-org.el" (22387 29367 244679
;;;;;; 37000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-org.el
(autoload 'helm-org-agenda-files-headings "helm-org" "\
@ -744,8 +763,8 @@ Preconfigured helm for org templates.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-regexp" "helm-regexp.el" (22303 19284
;;;;;; 922175 363000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-regexp" "helm-regexp.el" (22387 29367
;;;;;; 208706 730000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-regexp.el
(autoload 'helm-moccur-mode "helm-regexp" "\
@ -784,8 +803,8 @@ The prefix arg can be set before calling
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-ring" "helm-ring.el" (22303 19284 778175
;;;;;; 474000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-ring" "helm-ring.el" (22387 29367 48829
;;;;;; 810000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-ring.el
(defvar helm-push-mark-mode nil "\
@ -842,8 +861,8 @@ This command is useful when used with persistent action.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-semantic" "helm-semantic.el" (22303 19284
;;;;;; 850175 418000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-semantic" "helm-semantic.el" (22387 29367
;;;;;; 128768 269000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-semantic.el
(autoload 'helm-semantic "helm-semantic" "\
@ -865,10 +884,24 @@ Fill in the symbol at point by default.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-sys" "helm-sys.el" (22303 19284 874175
;;;;;; 400000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-sys" "helm-sys.el" (22387 29367 148752
;;;;;; 884000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-sys.el
(defvar helm-top-poll-mode nil "\
Non-nil if Helm-Top-Poll mode is enabled.
See the command `helm-top-poll-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `helm-top-poll-mode'.")
(custom-autoload 'helm-top-poll-mode "helm-sys" nil)
(autoload 'helm-top-poll-mode "helm-sys" "\
Refresh automatically helm top buffer once enabled.
\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
(autoload 'helm-top "helm-sys" "\
Preconfigured `helm' for top command.
@ -886,8 +919,8 @@ Preconfigured helm for xrandr.
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-tags" "helm-tags.el" (22303 19284 822175
;;;;;; 440000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-tags" "helm-tags.el" (22387 29367 92795
;;;;;; 962000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-tags.el
(autoload 'helm-etags-select "helm-tags" "\
@ -906,8 +939,8 @@ This function aggregates three sources of tag files:
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-utils" "helm-utils.el" (22303 19284 798175
;;;;;; 459000))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helm-utils" "helm-utils.el" (22387 29367 72811
;;;;;; 347000))
;;; Generated autoloads from helm-utils.el
(defvar helm-popup-tip-mode nil "\
@ -927,8 +960,8 @@ Show help-echo informations in a popup tip at end of line.
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("helm-easymenu.el" "helm-multi-match.el"
;;;;;; "helm-pkg.el" "helm-plugin.el" "helm-types.el") (22303 19284
;;;;;; 973293 164000))
;;;;;; "helm-pkg.el" "helm-plugin.el" "helm-types.el") (22387 29367
;;;;;; 261328 856000))

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
(declare-function ido-make-buffer-list "ido" (default))
(declare-function ido-add-virtual-buffers-to-list "ido")
(declare-function helm-comp-read "helm-mode")
(declare-function helm-browse-project "helm-files")
(defgroup helm-buffers nil
@ -153,6 +154,7 @@ Only buffer names are fuzzy matched when this is enabled,
;; So use zgrep for both as it is capable to handle non--compressed files.
(define-key map (kbd "M-g s") 'helm-buffer-run-zgrep)
(define-key map (kbd "C-s") 'helm-buffers-run-multi-occur)
(define-key map (kbd "C-x C-d") 'helm-buffers-run-browse-project)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c o") 'helm-buffer-switch-other-window)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o") 'helm-buffer-switch-other-frame)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c =") 'helm-buffer-run-ediff)
@ -186,6 +188,7 @@ Only buffer names are fuzzy matched when this is enabled,
(defvar helm-buffers-list-cache nil)
(defvar helm-buffer-max-len-mode nil)
(defvar helm-buffers-in-project-p nil)
(defun helm-buffers-list--init ()
;; Issue #51 Create the list before `helm-buffer' creation.
@ -842,6 +845,18 @@ Can be used by any source that list buffers."
(put 'helm-buffers-toggle-show-hidden-buffers 'helm-only t)
(defun helm-buffers-browse-project (buf)
"Browse project from buffer."
(with-current-buffer buf
(helm-browse-project helm-current-prefix-arg)))
(defun helm-buffers-run-browse-project ()
"Run `helm-buffers-browse-project' from key."
(if helm-buffers-in-project-p
(user-error "You are already browsing this project")
(helm-exit-and-execute-action 'helm-buffers-browse-project))))
;;; Candidate Transformers
@ -884,6 +899,12 @@ displayed with the `file-name-shadow' face if available."
:ff-transformer-show-only-basename nil
:truncate-lines helm-buffers-truncate-lines))
(defun helm-quit-and-helm-mini ()
"Drop into `helm-mini' from `helm'."
(helm-run-after-exit 'helm-mini)))
(provide 'helm-buffers)
;; Local Variables:

View File

@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ Show all candidates on startup when 0 (default)."
(defvar helm-M-x-input-history nil)
(defvar helm-M-x-prefix-argument nil
"Prefix argument before calling `helm-M-x'.")
(cl-defun helm-M-x-get-major-mode-command-alist (mode-map)
@ -158,6 +160,28 @@ fuzzy matching is running its own sort function with a different algorithm."
(push (substring (helm-cmd--get-current-function-name) 1) results))))
(defvar helm-M-x-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(set-keymap-parent map helm-comp-read-map)
(define-key map (kbd "C-u") nil)
(define-key map (kbd "C-u") 'helm-M-x-universal-argument)
(defun helm-M-x-universal-argument ()
"Same as `universal-argument' but for `helm-M-x'."
(if helm-M-x-prefix-argument
(progn (setq helm-M-x-prefix-argument nil)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(with-selected-window (minibuffer-window)
(goto-char (point-min))
(delete-char (- (minibuffer-prompt-width) (length "M-x "))))))
(message "Initial prefix arg disabled"))
(setq prefix-arg (list 4))
(put 'helm-M-x-universal-argument 'helm-only t)
(defun helm-M-x-read-extended-command (&optional collection history)
"Read command name to invoke in `helm-M-x'.
Helm completion is not provided when executing or defining
@ -187,16 +211,20 @@ than the default which is OBARRAY."
do (set-text-properties 0 (length c) nil c)
and collect c))
(let ((msg "Error: Specifying a prefix arg before calling `helm-M-x'"))
(when current-prefix-arg
(message "%s" msg)
(while (not (sit-for 1))
(user-error msg))
(setq current-prefix-arg nil)
"M-x " (or collection obarray)
(concat (cond
((eq helm-M-x-prefix-argument '-) "- ")
((and (consp helm-M-x-prefix-argument)
(eq (car helm-M-x-prefix-argument) 4)) "C-u ")
((and (consp helm-M-x-prefix-argument)
(integerp (car helm-M-x-prefix-argument)))
(format "%d " (car helm-M-x-prefix-argument)))
((integerp helm-M-x-prefix-argument)
(format "%d " helm-M-x-prefix-argument)))
"M-x ")
(or collection obarray)
:test 'commandp
:requires-pattern helm-M-x-requires-pattern
:name "Emacs Commands"
@ -210,6 +238,7 @@ than the default which is OBARRAY."
:input-history 'helm-M-x-input-history
:del-input nil
:help-message 'helm-M-x-help-message
:keymap helm-M-x-map
:must-match t
:fuzzy helm-M-x-fuzzy-match
:nomark t
@ -220,15 +249,20 @@ than the default which is OBARRAY."
(setq helm--mode-line-display-prefarg nil)))))
(defun helm-M-x (arg &optional command-name)
(defun helm-M-x (_arg &optional command-name)
"Preconfigured `helm' for Emacs commands.
It is `helm' replacement of regular `M-x' `execute-extended-command'.
Unlike regular `M-x' emacs vanilla `execute-extended-command' command,
the prefix args if needed, are passed AFTER starting `helm-M-x'.
the prefix args if needed, can be passed AFTER starting `helm-M-x'.
When a prefix arg is passed BEFORE starting `helm-M-x', the first `C-u'
while in `helm-M-x' session will disable it.
You can get help on each command by persistent action."
(interactive (list current-prefix-arg (helm-M-x-read-extended-command)))
(setq helm-M-x-prefix-argument current-prefix-arg)
(list current-prefix-arg (helm-M-x-read-extended-command))))
(let ((sym-com (and (stringp command-name) (intern-soft command-name))))
(when sym-com
;; Avoid having `this-command' set to *exit-minibuffer.
@ -237,7 +271,7 @@ You can get help on each command by persistent action."
real-this-command sym-com)
;; If helm-M-x is called with regular emacs completion (kmacro)
;; use the value of arg otherwise use helm-current-prefix-arg.
(let ((prefix-arg (or helm-current-prefix-arg arg)))
(let ((prefix-arg (or helm-current-prefix-arg helm-M-x-prefix-argument)))
;; This ugly construct is to save history even on error.
(unless helm-M-x-always-save-history
(command-execute sym-com 'record))
@ -246,7 +280,7 @@ You can get help on each command by persistent action."
(delete command-name extended-command-history)))
(when helm-M-x-always-save-history
(command-execute sym-com 'record))))))
(put 'helm-M-x 'interactive-only 'command-execute)
(provide 'helm-command)

View File

@ -149,7 +149,10 @@
("(\\<\\(define-helm-type-attribute\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-keyword-face)
("(\\<\\(helm-multi-key-defun\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-keyword-face)
("(\\<\\(helm-while-no-input\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-keyword-face)
("(\\<\\(helm-aif\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-keyword-face))))
("(\\<\\(helm-aif\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-keyword-face)
("(\\<\\(helm-awhile\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-keyword-face)
("(\\<\\(helm-acond\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-keyword-face)
("(\\<\\(helm-with-gensyms\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-keyword-face))))
;;; Load the autoload file

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More