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2016-09-15 13:54:46 +02:00
;;; go-board.el --- Smart Game Format GO board visualization
;; Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: Eric Schulte <schulte.eric@gmail.com>
;; Created: 2012-05-15
;; Version: 0.1
;; Keywords: game go sgf
;; This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Code:
(require 'go-util)
(require 'go-api)
(require 'go-board-faces)
(defvar *history* nil "Holds the board history for a GO buffer.")
(defvar *size* nil "Holds the board size.")
(defvar *turn* nil "Holds the color of the current turn.")
(defvar *black* nil "Plist of info on black player.")
(defvar *white* nil "Plist of info on white player.")
(defvar *back-end* nil "Holds the primary back-end connected to a board.")
(defvar *trackers* nil "Holds a list of back-ends which should track the game.")
(defvar *autoplay* nil "Should `*back-end*' automatically respond to moves.")
(defvar black-piece "X")
(defvar white-piece "O")
(defvar go-board-use-images t)
(defvar *go-board-overlays* nil
"List of overlays carrying GO board painting information.")
(defvar go-board-use-move-sound nil)
(defvar go-board-move-sound
`(sound :file ,(expand-file-name "stone.wav"
(or load-file-name (buffer-file-name))))))
;;; Board manipulation functions
(defun make-board (size) (make-vector (* size size) nil))
(defun board-size (board) (round (sqrt (length board))))
(defun go-player-get (color property)
(plist-get (case color (:W *white*) (:B *black*)) property))
(defun go-player-set (color property value)
(let ((player (case color (:W *white*) (:B *black*))))
(plist-put player property value)))
(defsetf go-player-get go-player-set)
(defun move-type (move)
((member (car move) '(:B :W)) :move)
((member (car move) '(:LB :LW)) :label)))
(defun other-color (color)
(if (equal color :B) :W :B))
(defun point-of-pos (pos)
(catch 'found-pos
(dotimes (p (1- (point-max)) (error "go: pos %S not found" pos))
(let ((pos-at-point (get-text-property (1+ p) :pos)))
(when (and pos-at-point (tree-equal pos pos-at-point))
(throw 'found-pos (1+ p)))))))
(defun apply-turn-to-board (moves)
(let ((board (pieces-to-board (car *history*) *size*)))
(clear-labels board)
(when go-board-use-move-sound (play-sound go-board-move-sound))
(dolist (move moves) (apply-move board move))
(push (board-to-pieces board) *history*)
(update-display (current-buffer))))
(defun apply-move (board move)
(cl-flet ((bset (val data)
(let ((data (if (listp (car data)) data (list data))))
(setf (aref board (pos-to-index (aget data :pos)
(board-size board)))
(case val
(:B :B)
(:W :W)
(:LB (aget data :label))
(:LW (aget data :label))
(t nil))))))
(case (move-type move)
(bset (car move) (cdr move))
(let ((color (if (equal :B (car move)) :B :W)))
(remove-dead board (other-color color))
(remove-dead board color)))
(dolist (data (cdr move)) (bset (car move) data))))))
(defun clear-labels (board)
(dotimes (point (length board) board)
(when (aref board point)
(unless (member (aref board point) '(:B :W))
(setf (aref board point) nil)))))
(defun neighbors (board piece)
(let ((size (board-size board))
(when (not (= (mod piece size) (1- size))) (push (1+ piece) neighbors))
(when (not (= (mod piece size) 0)) (push (1- piece) neighbors))
(when (< (+ piece size) (length board)) (push (+ piece size) neighbors))
(when (> (- piece size) 0) (push (- piece size) neighbors))
(defun alive-p (board piece &optional already)
(let* ((val (aref board piece))
(enemy (other-color val))
(neighbors (remove-if (lambda (n) (member n already))
(neighbors board piece)))
(neighbor-vals (mapcar (lambda (n) (aref board n)) neighbors))
(friendly (delete nil (mapcar
(lambda (n) (when (equal (aref board n) val) n))
(already (cons piece already)))
(or (some (lambda (v) (not (or (equal v enemy) ; touching open space
(equal v val))))
(some (lambda (n) (alive-p board n already)) ; touching alive dragon
(defun remove-dead (board color)
;; must remove one color at a time for ko situations
(let (cull)
(dotimes (n (length board) board)
(when (and (equal (aref board n) color) (not (alive-p board n)))
(push n cull)))
(incf (go-player-get (other-color color) :prisoners) (length cull))
(dolist (n cull cull) (setf (aref board n) nil))))
(defun board-to-pieces (board)
(let (pieces)
(dotimes (n (length board) pieces)
(let ((val (aref board n)))
(when val (push (cons val n) pieces))))))
(defun pieces-to-board (pieces size)
(let ((board (make-vector (* size size) nil)))
(dolist (piece pieces board)
(setf (aref board (cdr piece)) (car piece)))))
;;; Visualization
(defun board-header (board)
(cl-flet ((hd (str hd)
(put-text-property 0 1 :type `(,hd . :offboard) str)
(let ((size (board-size board)))
(concat " "
(hd " " :filler)
(mapconcat (lambda (n)
(let ((char (+ ?A n)))
(when (>= char ?I) (setq char (+ 1 char)))
(hd (string char) :header)))
(range size) (hd " " :filler))))))
(defun board-pos-to-string (board pos)
(let ((size (board-size board)))
(cl-flet ((emph (n)
((= size 19)
(or (= 3 n)
(= 4 (- size n))
(= n (/ (- size 1) 2))))
((= size 13)
(or (= 3 n)
(= 9 n)))
((= size 9)
(or (= 2 n)
(= 6 n)))))
(put (str prop val) (put-text-property 0 (length str) prop val str)))
(let* ((val (aref board (pos-to-index pos size)))
(str (cond
((equal val :W) white-piece)
((equal val :B) black-piece)
((and (stringp val) (= 1 (length val)) val))
(t (if (and (emph (car pos)) (emph (cdr pos))) "+" ".")))))
(put str :type
(cons (cond ;; foreground
((string= str white-piece) :white)
((string= str black-piece) :black)
((string= str "+") :hoshi)
((string= str ".") :background-1)
(t :background))
(cond ;; background
((and (= 0 (car pos)) (= 0 (cdr pos))) :bl)
((and (= 0 (car pos)) (= (1- size) (cdr pos))) :br)
((and (= (1- size) (car pos)) (= 0 (cdr pos))) :tl)
((and (= (1- size) (car pos)) (= (1- size) (cdr pos))) :tr)
((= 0 (car pos)) :b)
((= (1- size) (car pos)) :t)
((= 0 (cdr pos)) :l)
((= (1- size) (cdr pos)) :r)
(t nil))))
(put str :pos (cons (cdr pos) (car pos)))
(defun board-row-to-string (board row)
(let* ((size (board-size board))
(label (format "%3d" (1+ row)))
(row-body "")
(filler " "))
(put-text-property 0 1 :type (cons :background nil) filler)
(dotimes (n size)
(setq row-body
(concat row-body
(board-pos-to-string board (cons row n))
(concat label " " (substring row-body 0 (1- (length row-body))) label)))
(defun board-body-to-string (board)
(let ((board (transpose-array board)))
(mapconcat (lambda (m) (board-row-to-string board m))
(reverse (range (board-size board))) "\n")))
(defun board-to-string (board)
(let ((header (board-header board))
(body (board-body-to-string board)))
(mapconcat #'identity (list header body header) "\n")))
(defun go-board-paint (&optional start end)
(interactive "r")
(cl-flet ((ov (point face &optional back)
(let ((ovly (make-overlay point (1+ point))))
(overlay-put ovly 'go-pt point)
(overlay-put ovly 'face (sym-cat 'go-board face))
(when go-board-use-images
(overlay-put ovly 'display
(if (equal face 'filler)
'(space :width (18))
(eval (sym-cat 'go-board 'image face back)))))
(push ovly *go-board-overlays*)))
(hide (point)
(let ((ovly (make-overlay point (1+ point))))
(overlay-put ovly 'invisible t)
(push ovly *go-board-overlays*))))
(let ((start (or start (point-min)))
(end (or end (point-max))))
(dolist (point (range start end))
(if (get-text-property point :turn)
(font-lock-prepend-text-property point (1+ point) 'face 'underline)
(let ((back (case (cdr (get-text-property point :type))
(:tl 'top-left)
(:tr 'top-right)
(:bl 'bottom-left)
(:br 'bottom-right)
(:t 'top)
(:b 'bottom)
(:l 'left)
(:r 'right)
(:offboard 'offboard))))
(case (car (get-text-property point :type))
(:header nil)
(:filler (ov point 'filler back))
(:hoshi (ov point 'hoshi))
(:white (ov point 'white back))
(:black (ov point 'black back))
(:background (if go-board-use-images
(hide point)
(ov point 'background)))
(:background-1 (ov point 'background back)))))))))
(defun player-to-string (color)
(format "%10s: %3d"
(let ((name (go-player-get color :name)))
(put-text-property 0 (length name) :turn (equal *turn* color) name)
(go-player-get color :prisoners)))
(defun update-display (buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(let ((point (point)))
(delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
(insert "\n"
(pieces-to-board (car *history*) *size*)) "\n\n"
(player-to-string :W) "\n"
(player-to-string :B) "\n")
(let ((comment (ignoring-unsupported (go-comment *back-end*))))
(when comment
(insert (make-string (+ 6 (* 2 *size*)) ?=)
(goto-char point)))
(defun go-board (back-end &rest trackers)
(let ((buffer (generate-new-buffer "*GO*")))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(let ((name (go-name back-end)))
(when name
(rename-buffer (ear-muffs name) 'unique)
(mapcar (lambda (tr) (setf (go-name tr) name)) trackers)))
(set (make-local-variable '*back-end*) back-end)
(set (make-local-variable '*turn*) :B)
(set (make-local-variable '*black*) '(:name "black" :prisoners 0))
(set (make-local-variable '*white*) '(:name "white" :prisoners 0))
(set (make-local-variable '*size*) (go-size back-end))
(set (make-local-variable '*autoplay*) nil)
(set (make-local-variable '*go-board-overlays*) nil)
(mapcar (lambda (tr) (setf (go-size tr) *size*)) trackers)
(set (make-local-variable '*history*)
(list (board-to-pieces (make-board *size*))))
(set (make-local-variable '*trackers*) trackers))
(pop-to-buffer buffer)
(plist-put *black* :prisoners 0)
(plist-put *white* :prisoners 0)
(setq truncate-lines t)
(update-display buffer)))
;;; User input
(defmacro with-trackers (sym &rest body)
(declare (indent 1))
(mapcar (lambda (tr) (let ((,sym tr)) ,@body)) *trackers*)))
(defmacro with-backends (sym &rest body)
(declare (indent 1))
(prog1 (let ((,sym *back-end*)) ,@body)
(with-trackers ,sym ,@body)))))
(def-edebug-spec with-backends (sexp body))
(defvar go-board-actions '(move resign undo comment)
"List of actions which may be taken on an GO board.")
(defun go-board-act ()
"Send a command to the current GO board."
(let ((command (go-completing-read
"Action: " (mapcar #'symbol-name go-board-actions))))
(case (intern command)
(move (message "make a move"))
(resign (message "game over"))
(undo (message "loser"))
(comment (message "what?")))))
(defun go-board-move (&optional pos)
(let* ((color (case *turn* (:B "black") (:W "white")))
(pos (or pos (cons (char-to-num
(aref (downcase
(format "[%s] X pos: " color)
(mapcar #'string
(mapcar #'gtp-num-to-char
(range 1 *size*)))))
(1- (string-to-number
(format "[%s] Y pos: " color)
(mapcar #'number-to-string
(range 1 *size*))))))))
(move (cons *turn* (cons :pos pos))))
(with-backends back
(setf (go-move back) move))
(setf *turn* (other-color *turn*))
(apply-turn-to-board (list move)))
(when *autoplay* (go-board-next)))
(defun go-board-refresh ()
(update-display (current-buffer)))
(defun go-board-resign ()
(with-backends back (go-resign back)))
(defun go-board-mark-point (point mark)
(mapc (lambda (ov) (go-board-mark ov mark)) (overlays-at point)))
(defun go-board-pass ()
(with-backends back (go-pass back))
(setf *turn* (other-color *turn*))
(when *autoplay*
(when (equalp :pass (go-board-next))
;; mark open points
(mapc (lambda (move)
(go-board-mark-point (point-of-pos (cddr move))
(go-board-cross (ecase (car move)
(:B 'black)
(:W 'white)))))
(with-backends back (go-territory back)))
;; mark dead stones
(mapc (lambda (move)
(let* ((point (point-of-pos (cddr move)))
(color (car (get-text-property point :type))))
(go-board-mark-point point
(go-board-cross (ecase color
(:black 'white)
(:white 'black))))))
(with-backends back (go-dead back)))
(message "final score: %s" (with-backends back (go-score back)))))))
(defun go-board-undo (&optional num)
(interactive "p")
(with-backends back (go-undo back))
(pop *history*)
(update-display (current-buffer))
(setf *turn* (other-color *turn*)))
(defun go-board-comment (&optional comment)
(interactive "MComment: ")
(with-backends back (setf (go-comment back) comment)))
(defun go-board-level (&optional level)
(interactive "nLevel: ")
(with-backends back (setf (go-level back) level)))
(defun go-board-next (&optional count)
(interactive "p")
(let (move)
(dotimes (n (or count 1) move)
(setf move (go-move *back-end*))
(if (equal move :pass)
(message "pass")
(setf *turn* (other-color *turn*))
(cons move (ignoring-unsupported (go-labels *back-end*)))))
(with-trackers tr (setf (go-move tr) move))
(if (equal move :pass)
(goto-char (point-min))
(goto-char (point-of-pos (cddr move)))))))
(defun go-board-mouse-move (ev)
(interactive "e")
(go-board-move (get-text-property (posn-point (event-start ev)) :pos)))
(defun go-board-quit ()
(when (y-or-n-p "quit: ")
(kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
(defun go-board-safe-quit ()
(ignore-errors (with-backends tr (go-quit tr)))
;;; Display mode
(defvar go-board-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "<mouse-1>") 'go-board-mouse-move)
(define-key map (kbd "m") 'go-board-move)
(define-key map (kbd "r") 'go-board-refresh)
(define-key map (kbd "R") 'go-board-resign)
(define-key map (kbd "u") 'go-board-undo)
(define-key map (kbd "c") 'go-board-comment)
(define-key map (kbd "l") 'go-board-level)
(define-key map (kbd "p") 'go-board-pass)
(define-key map (kbd "<right>") 'go-board-next)
(define-key map (kbd "<left>") 'go-board-undo)
(define-key map (kbd "q") 'go-board-quit)
"Keymap for `go-board-mode'.")
(define-derived-mode go-board-mode nil "GO"
"Major mode for viewing a GO board."
(set (make-local-variable 'kill-buffer-query-functions)
(add-to-list 'kill-buffer-query-functions 'go-board-safe-quit)))
;;; Class and interface
(defclass board ()
((buffer :initarg :buffer :accessor buffer :initform nil)))
(defmacro with-board (board &rest body)
(declare (indent 1))
`(with-current-buffer (buffer ,board) ,@body))
(defmethod go-size ((board board))
(with-board board *size*))
(defmethod set-go-size ((board board) size)
(with-board board (setq *size* size)))
(defmethod go-name ((board board))
(un-ear-muffs (buffer-name (buffer board))))
(defmethod set-go-name ((board board) name)
(with-board board (rename-buffer name 'unique)))
(defmethod go-move ((board board))
(signal 'unsupported-back-end-command (list board :move)))
(defmethod set-go-move ((board board) move)
(with-board board
(setf *turn* (other-color *turn*))
(apply-turn-to-board (list move))
(goto-char (point-of-pos (cddr move)))
(with-trackers tr (setf (go-move tr) move))))
(defmethod go-labels ((board board))
(signal 'unsupported-back-end-command (list board :labels)))
(defmethod set-go-labels ((board board) labels)
(signal 'unsupported-back-end-command (list board :set-labels labels)))
(defmethod go-comment ((board board))
(signal 'unsupported-back-end-command (list board :comment)))
(defmethod set-go-comment ((board board) comment)
(signal 'unsupported-back-end-command (list board :set-comment comment)))
(defmethod go-alt ((board board))
(signal 'unsupported-back-end-command (list board :alt)))
(defmethod set-go-alt ((board board) alt)
(signal 'unsupported-back-end-command (list board :set-alt alt)))
(defmethod go-color ((board board))
(with-board board *turn*))
(defmethod set-go-color ((board board) color)
(with-board board (setq *turn* color)))
(defmethod go-player-name ((board board) color)
(with-board board (go-player-get color :name)))
(defmethod set-go-player-name ((board board) color name)
(with-board board (go-player-set color :name name)))
(defmethod go-player-time ((board board) color)
(with-board board (go-player-get color :time)))
(defmethod set-go-player-time ((board board) color time)
(with-board board (go-player-set color :time time)))
(defmethod go-player-prisoners ((board board) color)
(with-board board (go-player-get color :prisoners)))
(defmethod set-go-player-prisoners ((board board) color prisoners)
(with-board board (go-player-set color :prisoners prisoners)))
;; non setf'able generic functions
(defmethod go-undo ((board board))
(with-board board (go-board-undo)))
(defmethod go-pass ((board board))
(with-board board
(message "pass")
(setf *turn* (other-color *turn*))))
(defmethod go-resign ((board board))
(with-board board (message "%s resign" *turn*)))
(defmethod go-reset ((board board))
(with-board board
(setf *history* nil)
(defmethod go-quit ((board board))
(with-board board (go-quit)))
(provide 'go-board)
;;; go-board.el ends here