2016-09-27 16:23:52 +02:00
;;; magithub.el --- Magit interfaces for GitHub -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2016 Sean Allred
;; Author: Sean Allred <code@seanallred.com>
;; Keywords: git, tools, vc
;; Homepage: https://github.com/vermiculus/magithub
2016-10-14 11:16:35 +02:00
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4") (magit "2.8.0") (git-commit "20160821.1338") (with-editor "20160828.1025") (s "20160711.525"))
2016-09-27 16:23:52 +02:00
;; Package-Version: 0.1
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Magithub is an interface to GitHub using the `hub' utility [1].
;; Integrated into Magit workflows, Magithub allows very easy, very
;; basic GitHub repository management. Supported actions include:
;; - pushing brand-new local repositories up to GitHub
;; - creating forks of existing repositories
;; - submitting pull requests upstream
;; - viewing and creating issues
;; Press `H' in the status buffer to get started -- happy hacking!
;; [1]: https://hub.github.com
;; Requires hub 2.2.8
;;; Code:
(require 'magit)
(require 'magit-process)
(require 'magit-popup)
(require 'git-commit)
(require 'with-editor)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 's)
2016-10-12 10:42:37 +02:00
(require 'dash)
2016-09-27 16:23:52 +02:00
(require 'magithub-core)
(require 'magithub-issue)
(require 'magithub-cache)
(require 'magithub-ci)
(magit-define-popup magithub-dispatch-popup
"Popup console for dispatching other Magithub popups."
:man-page "hub"
:actions '("Actions"
(?H "Browse on GitHub" magithub-browse)
(?c "Create" magithub-create-popup)
(?f "Fork" magithub-fork-popup)
(?i "Issues" magithub-issues-popup)
(?p "Submit a pull request" magithub-pull-request-popup)
2016-09-29 09:33:23 +02:00
(?` "Toggle Magithub-Status integration" magithub-enabled-toggle)
2016-09-27 16:23:52 +02:00
(?g "Refresh all GitHub data" magithub-refresh)
(?& "Request a feature or report a bug" magithub--meta-new-issue)
(?h "Ask for help on Gitter" magithub--meta-help)))
(magit-define-popup-action 'magit-dispatch-popup
?H "Magithub" #'magithub-dispatch-popup ?!)
(define-key magit-status-mode-map
"H" #'magithub-dispatch-popup)
(magit-define-popup magithub-create-popup
"Popup console for creating GitHub repositories."
:man-page "hub"
:switches '((?p "Mark as private" "-p"))
:actions '((?c "Create this repository" magithub-create))
:options '((?d "Description" "--description=")
(?h "Homepage" "--homepage=")))
(magit-define-popup magithub-fork-popup
"Popup console for forking GitHub repositories."
:man-page "hub"
:switches '((?r "Don't add my fork as a remote in this repository" "--no-remote"))
:actions '((?f "Fork the project at origin" magithub-fork)))
(magit-define-popup magithub-pull-request-popup
"Popup console for creating pull requests on GitHub repositories."
:man-page "hub"
:switches '((?f "Ignore unpushed commits" "-f")
(?o "Open in my browser" "-o"))
:options '((?b "Base branch" "--base=" magit-read-branch)
(?h "Head branch" "--head=" magit-read-branch))
:actions '((?P "Submit a pull request" magithub-pull-request))
:default-arguments '("-o"))
(defun magithub-browse ()
"Open the repository in your browser."
(unless (magithub-github-repository-p)
(user-error "Not a GitHub repository"))
(magithub--command-quick "browse"))
(defvar magithub-after-create-messages
'("Don't be shy!"
"Don't let your dreams be dreams!")
"One of these messages will be displayed after you create a
GitHub repository.")
(defun magithub-create ()
"Create the current repository on GitHub."
(message "Creating repository on GitHub...")
(magithub--command "create" (magithub-create-arguments))
(message "Creating repository on GitHub...done! %s"
(nth (random (length magithub-after-create-messages))
(defun magithub-fork ()
"Fork 'origin' on GitHub."
(unless (magithub-github-repository-p)
(user-error "Not a GitHub repository"))
(when (and (s-equals? "master" (magit-get-current-branch))
(y-or-n-p "Looks like master is checked out. Create a new branch? "))
(call-interactively #'magit-branch-spinoff))
(message "Forking repository on GitHub...")
(magithub--command "fork" (magithub-fork-arguments))
(message "Forking repository on GitHub...done"))
(defun magithub-pull-request ()
"Open a pull request to 'origin' on GitHub."
(unless (magithub-github-repository-p)
(user-error "Not a GitHub repository"))
(let (just-pushed)
(unless (magit-get-push-remote)
(when (y-or-n-p "No push remote defined; push now? ")
(call-interactively #'magit-push-current-to-pushremote)
(setq just-pushed t)))
(unless (magit-get-push-remote)
(user-error "No push remote defined; aborting pull request"))
(unless just-pushed
(when (y-or-n-p "Do you want to push any more commits? ")
(magithub--command-with-editor "pull-request" (magithub-pull-request-arguments))))
(defface magithub-issue-warning-face
'((((class color)) :foreground "red"))
"Face used to call out warnings in the issue-create buffer."
:group 'magithub)
(defun magithub-setup-edit-buffer ()
"Perform setup on a hub edit buffer."
(with-editor-mode 1)
nil `((,magithub-hash-regexp (0 'magit-hash t))) t)
(make-local-variable 'with-editor-pre-finish-hook)
(lambda ()
(let ((fill-column (point-max)))
(fill-region (point-min) (point-max))))))
(defun magithub-setup-new-issue-buffer ()
"Setup the buffer created for issue-posting."
nil '(("^# \\(Creating issue for .*\\)" (1 'magithub-issue-warning-face t))) t))
(defvar magithub--file-types
'(("ISSUE_EDITMSG" . issue)
("PULLREQ_EDITMSG" . pull-request))
"File types -- car is the basename of a file in /.git/, cdr is
one of `issue' or `pull-request'.")
(defun magithub--edit-file-type (path)
"Determine the type of buffer this is (if it was created by hub).
Returns `issue', `pull-request', or another non-nil value if
created by hub.
This function will return nil for matches to
2016-10-14 11:16:35 +02:00
(when (and path (magit-inside-gitdir-p))
(let ((basename (file-name-base path)))
(and (not (s-matches? git-commit-filename-regexp basename))
(cdr (assoc basename magithub--file-types))))))
2016-09-27 16:23:52 +02:00
(defun magithub-check-buffer ()
"If this is a buffer created by hub, perform setup."
2016-10-14 11:16:35 +02:00
(-when-let (filetype (magithub--edit-file-type buffer-file-name))
2016-10-12 10:42:37 +02:00
2016-10-14 11:16:35 +02:00
(when (eq filetype 'issue)
2016-10-12 10:42:37 +02:00
2016-09-27 16:23:52 +02:00
(add-hook 'find-file-hook #'magithub-check-buffer)
2016-10-03 13:57:29 +02:00
(defun magithub-clone--get-repo ()
"Prompt for a user and a repository.
Returns a list (USER REPOSITORY)."
(let ((user (getenv "GITHUB_USER"))
(repo-regexp (rx bos (group (+ (not (any " "))))
"/" (group (+ (not (any " ")))) eos))
(while (not (and repo (string-match repo-regexp repo)))
(setq repo (read-from-minibuffer
"Clone GitHub repository "
(if repo "(format is \"user/repo\"; C-g to quit)" "(user/repo)")
": ")
(when user (concat user "/")))))
(list (match-string 1 repo)
(match-string 2 repo))))
(defun magithub-clone (user repo)
Banned inside existing GitHub repositories."
(interactive (if (magithub-github-repository-p)
(user-error "Already in a GitHub repo")
(format "%s clone %s/%s"
user repo)))
2016-09-27 16:23:52 +02:00
(provide 'magithub)
;;; magithub.el ends here