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2016-10-14 11:16:35 +02:00
This is magit.info, produced by makeinfo version 5.2 from magit.texi.
Magit is an interface to the version control system Git, implemented as
an Emacs package. Magit aspires to be a complete Git porcelain. While
we cannot (yet) claim that Magit wraps and improves upon each and every
Git command, it is complete enough to allow even experienced Git users
to perform almost all of their daily version control tasks directly from
within Emacs. While many fine Git clients exist, only Magit and Git
itself deserve to be called porcelains.
Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Jonas Bernoulli <jonas@bernoul.li>
You can redistribute this document and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
* Magit: (magit). Using Git from Emacs with Magit.

magit.info-1: 1222
magit.info-2: 321601

Tag Table:
Node: Top1222
Node: Introduction6446
Node: Installation11169
Node: Updating from an older release11544
Node: Installing from an Elpa archive13139
Node: Installing from the Git repository14478
Node: Post-installation tasks17325
Node: Getting started18714
Node: Interface concepts24443
Node: Modes and Buffers24717
Node: Switching Buffers26462
Node: Naming Buffers31003
Node: Quitting Windows33838
Node: Automatic Refreshing of Magit Buffers35470
Node: Automatic Saving of File-Visiting Buffers38238
Node: Automatic Reverting of File-Visiting Buffers39423
Node: Risk of Reverting Automatically44419
Node: Sections46802
Node: Section movement47743
Node: Section visibility51670
Node: Section hooks55261
Node: Section types and values57542
Node: Section options58812
Node: Popup buffers and prefix commands59284
Node: Completion and confirmation60598
Node: Running Git63504
Node: Viewing Git output63740
Node: Running Git manually64740
Node: Git executable66866
Node: Global Git arguments68873
Node: Inspecting69680
Node: Status buffer70827
Node: Status sections73692
Node: Status header sections79571
Node: Status options82128
Node: Repository list82852
Node: Logging85010
Node: Refreshing logs87748
Node: Log Buffer89133
Node: Select from log92429
Node: Reflog93369
Node: Diffing93847
Node: Refreshing diffs96867
Node: Diff buffer99848
Node: Diff options102442
Node: Revision buffer105808
Node: Ediffing106763
Node: References buffer110353
Node: References sections115063
Node: Bisecting115938
Node: Visiting blobs117677
Node: Blaming118186
Node: Manipulating121616
Node: Repository setup121932
Node: Staging and unstaging122972
Node: Staging from file-visiting buffers127061
Node: Applying128229
Node: Committing130122
Node: Initiating a commit130705
Node: Editing commit messages134017
Node: Branching144413
Node: The two remotes144613
Node: The branch popup147157
Node: The branch config popup156393
Node: Merging162299
Node: Resolving conflicts164467
Ref: orgradiotarget1165552
Node: Rebasing169424
Node: Editing rebase sequences173065
Node: Information about in-progress rebase176095
Ref: Information about in-progress rebase-Footnote-1182931
Node: Cherry picking183517
Node: Reverting185123
Node: Resetting186486
Node: Stashing187998
Node: Transferring191172
Node: Remotes191410
Node: Fetching192696
Node: Pulling194062
Node: Pushing194908
Node: Creating and sending patches199652
Node: Applying patches200347
Node: Miscellaneous201345
Node: Tagging201648
Node: Notes202433
Node: Submodules204958
Node: Listing submodules205173
Node: Submodule popup206992
Node: Subtree208275
Node: Common commands209523
Node: Wip modes211268
Node: Minor mode for buffers visiting files218004
Node: Minor mode for buffers visiting blobs221478
Node: Customizing222283
Node: Per-repository configuration223955
Node: Essential settings225589
Node: Safety225913
Node: Performance227746
Node: Plumbing235708
Node: Calling Git236532
Node: Getting a value from Git238055
Node: Calling Git for effect241159
Node: Section plumbing247663
Node: Creating sections247891
Node: Section selection251790
Node: Matching sections253470
Node: Refreshing buffers258902
Node: Conventions262037
Node: Confirmation and completion262214
Node: Theming Faces263112
Node: FAQ271263
Node: Magit is slow272876
Node: I changed several thousand files at once and now Magit is unusable273077
Node: I am having problems committing273793
Node: Diffs are collapsed after un-/staging274239
Node: I don't understand how branching and pushing work275717
Node: I don't like the key binding in v24276092
Node: I cannot install the pre-requisites for Magit v2276431
Node: I am using an Emacs release older than v244276896
Node: I am using a Git release older than v194278509
Node: I am using MS Windows and cannot push with Magit279496
Node: I am using OS X and SOMETHING works in shell but not in Magit280100
Node: How to install the gitman info manual?280891
Node: How can I show Git's output?283432
Node: Diffs contain control sequences284219
Node: Expanding a file to show the diff causes it to disappear285224
Node: Point is wrong in the COMMIT_EDITMSG buffer285759
Node: The mode-line information isn't always up-to-date286789
Node: Can Magit be used as ediff-version-control-package?287857
Node: How to show diffs for gpg-encrypted files?289901
Node: Emacs 245 hangs when loading Magit290498
Node: Symbol's value as function is void --some291073
Node: Where is the branch manager291407
Node: Keystroke Index291698
Node: Command Index321601
Node: Function Index351610
Node: Variable Index365504

End Tag Table

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