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2016-10-10 14:47:04 +02:00
;;; smartparens-ess.el --- Smartparens Extension for Emacs Speaks Statistics
;; Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Bernhard Pröll
;; Author: Bernhard Pröll
;; Maintainer: Bernhard Pröll
;; URL: https://github.com/Fuco1/smartparens
;; Created: 2015-02-26
;; Version: 0.2
;; Keywords: abbrev convenience editing
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Code:
(require 'smartparens)
(require 'rx)
;; avoid traveling commas when slurping
;; (|a, b), c ---> (|a, b, c)
(dolist (mode '(ess-mode inferior-ess-mode))
(add-to-list 'sp-sexp-suffix (list mode 'regexp "")))
;; `sp-sexp-prefix' for ESS
(add-to-list 'sp-sexp-prefix
(list 'ess-mode 'regexp
(rx (zero-or-more (or word (syntax symbol))))))
;; slurping follows Google's R style guide
;; see https://google.github.io/styleguide/Rguide.xml
(defun sp-ess-pre-handler (id action context)
"Remove spaces before opening parenthesis in a function call.
Remove redundant space around commas."
(when (equal action 'slurp-forward)
(let ((sxp (sp-get-thing 'back)))
(goto-char (sp-get sxp :beg-prf))
;; (|) x ---> (x)
(when (looking-back (rx (syntax open-parenthesis)
(one-or-more space)))
(cycle-spacing 0 nil 'single-shot))
;; (|)if(cond) ---> (|if (cond))
((member (sp-get sxp :prefix) '("if" "for" "while"))
(goto-char (sp-get sxp :beg))
(cycle-spacing 1 nil 'single-shot))
;; (|)v [,2] <- if(x > 1) ---> (v[,2] <- if (x > 1))
(member (sp-get sxp :op) '("[" "("))
(equal (sp-get sxp :prefix) "")
(rx (and (not-char "%" ",")
(not (syntax close-parenthesis)))
(one-or-more space)))
(not (member
(thing-at-point 'word 'noprop))
'("if" "for" "while"))))
(cycle-spacing 0 nil 'single-shot))
;; (|)a , b, c ---> (|a, b, c)
(rx (zero-or-more space) "," (zero-or-more space))
(line-beginning-position) 'greedy)
(replace-match ", "))))))
(when (equal action 'slurp-backward)
(let ((sxp (sp-get-thing)))
(goto-char (sp-get sxp :end))
;; x (|) ---> (x)
(when (looking-at (rx (one-or-more space)
(syntax close-parenthesis)))
(cycle-spacing 0 nil 'single-shot))
;; if(cond){} (|) ---> (if (cond) {}|)
(cond ((member (sp-get sxp :prefix) '("if" "for" "while"))
(goto-char (sp-get sxp :beg))
(cycle-spacing 1 nil 'single-shot))
;; for style reasons there should be a space before curly
;; brackets and binary operators
((and (member (sp-get sxp :op) '("{" "%"))
(not (looking-at (rx (syntax close-parenthesis)))))
(cycle-spacing 1 nil 'single-shot))
;; v[2](|) ---> (v[2]|)
(not (member (thing-at-point 'word 'noprop)
'("if" "for" "while")))
(rx (and (zero-or-more space)
(not-char "{")
(or (syntax close-parenthesis)
(char "(")
(char "["))))))
(cycle-spacing 0 nil 'single-shot))
;; 1 , 2 (|) ---> (1, 2)
(rx (zero-or-more space) "," (zero-or-more space)))
(replace-match ", ")))))))
;; function(x) {|} ---> function(x) {\n|\n}
;; ##' \tabular{rrr}{|} --->
;; ##' \tabular{rrr}{
;; ##' |
;; ##' }
(defun sp-ess-open-sexp-indent (&rest _ignored)
"Open new brace or bracket with indentation."
(if (and (fboundp 'ess-roxy-entry-p) (ess-roxy-entry-p))
(save-excursion (ess-roxy-indent-on-newline))
(when (looking-back ess-roxy-str nil)
(cycle-spacing 3 nil t)))
(forward-line -1)
(defun sp-ess-roxy-str-p (id action context)
(when (and (boundp 'ess-roxy-re) (eq action 'insert))
(sp--looking-back-p ess-roxy-re)))
(sp-with-modes 'ess-mode
(sp-local-pair "{" nil
:pre-handlers '(sp-ess-pre-handler)
;; the more reasonable C-j interferes with default binding for
;; `ess-eval-line'
:post-handlers '((sp-ess-open-sexp-indent "M-j")))
(sp-local-pair "(" nil
:pre-handlers '(sp-ess-pre-handler)
:post-handlers '((sp-ess-open-sexp-indent "M-j")))
(sp-local-pair "[" nil
:pre-handlers '(sp-ess-pre-handler)
:post-handlers '((sp-ess-open-sexp-indent "M-j")))
(sp-local-pair "'" nil
:unless '(sp-ess-roxy-str-p)))
;;; roxygen2 markup
;; see https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/roxygen2/vignettes/formatting.html
(sp-with-modes 'ess-mode
(sp-local-pair "\\strong{" "}"
:when '(sp-in-comment-p)
:trigger "\\strong")
(sp-local-pair "\\emph{" "}"
:when '(sp-in-comment-p)
:trigger "\\emph")
(sp-local-pair "\\code{" "}"
:when '(sp-in-comment-p)
:trigger "\\code")
(sp-local-pair "\\url{" "}"
:when '(sp-in-comment-p)
:trigger "\\url")
(sp-local-pair "\\link{" "}"
:when '(sp-in-comment-p)
:trigger "\\link")
(sp-local-pair "\\href{" "}"
:when '(sp-in-comment-p)
:trigger "\\href"
:suffix "{[^}]*}")
(sp-local-pair "\\email{" "}"
:when '(sp-in-comment-p)
:trigger "\\email")
(sp-local-pair "\\pkg{" "}"
:when '(sp-in-comment-p)
:trigger "\\pkg")
(sp-local-pair "\\item{" "}"
:when '(sp-in-comment-p)
:post-handlers '((sp-ess-open-sexp-indent "M-j"))
:trigger "\\item{")
(sp-local-pair "\\enumerate{" "}"
:when '(sp-in-comment-p)
:post-handlers '((sp-ess-open-sexp-indent "M-j"))
:trigger "\\enumerate")
(sp-local-pair "\\itemize{" "}"
:when '(sp-in-comment-p)
:post-handlers '((sp-ess-open-sexp-indent "M-j"))
:trigger "\\itemize")
(sp-local-pair "\\describe{" "}"
:when '(sp-in-comment-p)
:post-handlers '((sp-ess-open-sexp-indent "M-j"))
:trigger "\\describe")
(sp-local-pair "\\eqn{" "}"
:when '(sp-in-comment-p)
:trigger "\\eqn")
(sp-local-pair "\\deqn{" "}"
:when '(sp-in-comment-p)
:trigger "\\deqn")
(sp-local-pair "\\tabular{" "}"
:when '(sp-in-comment-p)
:trigger "\\tabular"
:post-handlers '((sp-ess-open-sexp-indent "M-j"))
:suffix "{[^}]*}"))
(provide 'smartparens-ess)
;;; smartparens-ess ends here