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# Matrix Client SDK for GLib
This is a Matrix client-server SDK for GLib >= 2.40. As of now it
mostly mimics the official Python SDK.
# Usage
The SDK provides 2 layers of interaction. The low-level layer just wraps the
raw HTTP API calls. The high-level layer wraps the low-level layer and provides
an object model to perform actions on.
## Client
``` c
#include <matrix-glib/matrix-client.h>
gchar *token = NULL;
MatrixClient *client = matrix_client_new("http://localhost:8008", NULL);
matrix_client_register_with_password(client, "foobar", "monkey”);
g_object_get(client, "token", &token, NULL);
room = matrix_client_create_room(client, "my_room_alias");
matrix_room_send_text(room, "Hello!");
## API
#include <matrix-glib/matrix-api.h>
static void
sync_finished(MatrixAPI *api,
MatrixAPIResponse *response,
gpointer data)
/* Do something with the response */
static void
message_sent(MatrixAPI *api,
MatrixAPIResponse *response,
gpointer data)
/* Do something with the response */
matrix = matrix_api_new("", "some_token");
matrix_api_initial_sync(matrix, sync_finished);
matrix_api_send_message(matrix, "!", "Hello!", message_sent);
# Structure
The SDK is split into two modules: `MatrixAPI` and `MatrixClient`.
## API
This contains the raw HTTP API calls and has minimal business logic. You can
set the access token (`token`) to use for requests as well as set a custom
transaction ID (`txn_id`) which will be incremented for each request.
## Client
This encapsulates the API module and provides object models such as `Room`.