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Registering an enum type in GLibs type system
:date: 2013-01-06T02:34:03Z
:category: blog
:tags: c,development,glib
:url: blog/2013/1/6/registering-an-enum-type-in-glib-s-type-system.html
:save_as: blog/2013/1/6/registering-an-enum-type-in-glib-s-type-system.html
:status: published
:author: Gergely Polonkai
I faced a problem in my `GLib <>`_ self-teaching project, `wMUD
<>`_ today. I wanted to register a signal for a
``GObject``, whose handler should accept two ``enum`` parameters for which I had to register a new
``GEnum`` type in the ``GObject`` type system. However, the `documentation on this feature
<>`_ (thanks for pointing
out goes to `hashem` on ``#gnome-hackers``) is not… uhm… obvious. Making the long story short, I
have checked with the ``GIO`` sources for an example, and using that, I have created this small,
working chunk:
.. code-block:: c
#include <glib-object.h>
* WmudClientState:
* @WMUD_CLIENT_STATE_FRESH: Client is newly connected. Waiting for a login
* player name
* @WMUD_CLIENT_STATE_PASSWAIT: Login player name is entered, waiting for a
* login password
* @WMUD_CLIENT_STATE_MENU: Authentication was successful, player is now in the
* main game menu
* @WMUD_CLIENT_STATE_INGAME: Character login was successful, player is now
* in-game
* @WMUD_CLIENT_STATE_YESNO: Player was asked a yes/no question, and we are
* waiting for the answer. client.yesNoCallback MUST be set at this point!
* TODO: if wmudClient had a prevState field, and there would be some hooks
* that are called before and after the client enters a new state, this
* could be a three-state stuff, in which the player can enter e.g ? as
* the answer, so they would be presented with the question again.
* @WMUD_CLIENT_STATE_REGISTERING: Registering a new player. Waiting for the
* e-mail address to be given
* @WMUD_CLIENT_STATE_REGEMAIL_CONFIRM: E-mail address entered séms valid,
* waiting for confirmation
* Game client states.
typedef enum {
} WmudClientState;
GType wmud_client_state_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
#define WMUD_TYPE_CLIENT_STATE (wmud_client_state_get_type())
#endif /* __WMUD_CLIENT_STATE_H__ */
.. code-block:: c
#include "wmudclientstate.h"
wmud_client_state_get_type (void)
static volatile gsize g_define_type_id__volatile = 0;
if (g_once_init_enter(&g_define_type_id__volatile)) {
static const GEnumValue values[] = {
{ 0, NULL, NULL }
GType g_define_type_id = g_enum_register_static(g_intern_static_string("WmudClientState"), values);
g_once_init_leave(&g_define_type_id__volatile, g_define_type_id);
return g_define_type_id__volatile;
Still, it can be made more perfect by using the `glib-mkenums
<>`_ tool. I will read through the
GLib Makefiles tomorrow for some hints on this.
Edit: you can find the glib-mkenums solution `here