This is required for a readable aspect table
The features below are already implemented.
- Calculate planetary positions for any date, time and place on Earth, their aspects and mirrorpoints
- Create natal charts for any date, time and place on earth, with exact planetary locations and their aspects
Upcoming features
The features below will be implemented in the first release of Astrognome.
- Optionally include dwarf planets and comets: Chiron, Pallas, Ceres, Juno and Vesta
- Optionally include Vertex
- Time stepping
- Application settings
- Default display properties (can be overridden per window)
- Traditional view (personal planets and Ptolemaic aspects only)
- Display major (Ptolemaic) aspects
- Display minor aspects
- Display antiscia/contra-antiscia
- Display personal planets
- Display outer planets
- Display dwarf planets and asteroids
- Display fixed stars
- Display hidden ascendent
- Display Vertex/anti-Vertex
- Symbol of Uranus and Pluto to use in charts
- Default display properties (can be overridden per window)
Later features
The features below will become part of Astrognome in later versions.
- Custom location database
- Synastries (Composite charts)
- Transits
- Progression
Astrognome was originally created by Jean-André Santoni, and was hosted on Google Code. The original project is now rewrote from scratch, using the SWE-GLib library (which is actually a wrapper around Swiss Ephemeris library). Several ideas come from the original project, and from others like Placidus and Aquarius2Go.
The project is currently hosted on GitHub. Just fork the repo, make your changes and issue a pull request. Don’t like GitHub? That’s fine with me; in this case, clone the repo, and send your changes, and send me your modifications at as a git-bundle or a patch (in this latter case, you should also mention which commit is your base).
The entire project is written in C, utilizing GTK+ 3.10 (or anything later in the 3.x series) and SWE-GLib 2.0 (which is used for the calculations part). I’m testing my code under Fedora, so even testers from other distributions are welcome!
Astrognome follows a well-defined coding style. If you contribute, please follow that by looking at existing sources, or use Uncrustify with the config file under docs/. The only thing it messes up currently is the alignment of object type #definitions.