from django.apps import AppConfig from django.contrib.auth.models import User def _current_word(self): from .models import Draw # If the user has an undecided draw, return that one try: word = Draw.objects.get(user=self, accepted=None).word return word except Draw.DoesNotExist: pass # If the user has an accepted draw that is unfinished (ie. no work # is uploaded), return that one try: word = Draw.objects.get(user=self, accepted=True, work=None).word return word except Draw.DoesNotExist: pass return None def _last_draw(self): from .models import Draw return Draw.objects.filter(user=self).order_by('-timestamp').first() def _draw_word(self): if self.current_word() is not None: return self.current_word() from .models import Word, Draw # Find all words # Exclude all words that has an accepted draw for this user # Choose a random one # If there are no more words, return None word = Word.objects \ .exclude(draws__accepted=True, draws__user=self) \ .order_by('?') \ .first() if word is None: return None Draw.objects.create(user=self, word=word, accepted=None) return word class WordsConfig(AppConfig): name = 'words' def ready(self): User.current_word = _current_word User.draw_word = _draw_word User.last_draw = _last_draw