2012-03-03 21:35:30 +01:00

280 lines
11 KiB

12000 12099 45 2
* Created by Onivel of Jedi
* Mobiles
M 0 12000 3 12001 Adjudicator
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 3042 100 11 Shield
M 0 12000 3 12001 Adjudicator
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 3042 100 11 Shield
M 0 12000 3 12001 Adjudicator
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 3042 100 11 Shield
M 0 12001 1 12001 Scorekeeper
E 1 3021 100 16 Small Sword
E 1 3042 100 11 Shield
M 0 12003 10 12003 Spectator
M 0 12003 10 12004 Spectator
M 0 12003 10 12008 Spectator
M 0 12003 10 12022 Spectator
M 0 12003 10 12023 Spectator
M 0 12003 10 12003 Spectator
M 0 12003 10 12004 Spectator
M 0 12003 10 12008 Spectator
M 0 12003 10 12022 Spectator
M 0 12003 10 12023 Spectator
M 0 12004 3 12002 Nobleman
E 1 3042 100 11 Shield
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
G 1 12033 1 Key To Judge's Booth
M 0 12004 3 12028 Nobleman
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 12001 3 13 Bronze Belt
M 0 12004 3 12043 Nobleman
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 12000 5 1 Pewter Ring
M 0 12005 5 12021 Slave
E 1 3023 100 16 Club
M 0 12005 5 12021 Slave
E 1 3023 100 16 Club
M 0 12005 5 12021 Slave
E 1 3023 100 16 Club
M 0 12005 5 12006 Slave
E 1 3023 100 16 Club
M 0 12005 5 12049 Slave
E 1 3023 100 16 Club
M 0 12006 5 12010 Gladiator
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
M 0 12006 5 12010 Gladiator
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
M 0 12006 5 12010 Gladiator
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
M 0 12006 5 12009 Gladiator
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
M 0 12006 5 12009 Gladiator
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 12002 2 6 Roman Helmet
M 0 12007 4 12016 Chariot Driver
E 1 3021 100 16 Small Sword
E 1 12008 100 8 Leather Sandals
M 0 12007 4 12009 Chariot Driver
E 1 3021 100 16 Small Sword
E 1 12008 100 8 Leather Sandals
M 0 12007 4 12016 Chariot Driver
E 1 3021 100 16 Small Sword
E 1 12008 100 8 Leather Sandals
M 0 12007 4 12016 Chariot Driver
E 1 3021 100 16 Small Sword
E 1 12008 100 8 Leather Sandals
M 0 12008 1 12009 Coach
E 1 3021 100 16 Small Sword
E 1 3043 100 5 Leather Jacket
G 1 12003 100 Coach's Whistle
M 0 12009 1 12011 Roman Doctor
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 3043 100 5 Leather Jacket
E 1 3042 100 11 Shield
E 1 12004 6 3 Stethoscope
G 1 12028 3 Staff Of Kodarta
M 0 12010 1 12011 Nurse
E 1 3021 100 16 Small Sword
E 1 3043 100 5 Leather Jacket
E 1 12005 3 6 Hairpin
G 1 12027 5 Staff Of Latumfus
M 0 12011 1 12006 Titus' Shopkeeper
G 1 3020 100 Dagger
G 1 3021 100 Small Sword
G 1 3022 100 Long Sword
G 1 3023 100 Wooden Club
G 1 3024 100 Warhammer
G 1 3025 100 Flail
G 1 12008 100 Leather Sandals
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 12008 100 8 Leather Sandals
G 1 12034 1 Key To The Back Room
M 0 12012 1 12032 Peddler
E 1 12008 100 8 Leather Sandals
G 1 12006 100 Apple
G 1 12007 100 Orange
M 0 12013 2 12043 Page
E 1 3020 100 16 Dagger
E 1 12008 100 8 Leather Sandals
M 0 12013 2 12037 Page
E 1 3020 100 16 Dagger
E 1 12008 100 8 Leather Sandals
M 0 12014 1 12050 Plaintiff
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 12011 2 15 Silver And Gold Bracelet
M 0 12015 3 12025 Ticket Master
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
M 0 12015 3 12025 Ticket Master
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
M 0 12015 3 12025 Ticket Master
E 1 12015 1 16 Tempered Sword
M 0 12016 3 12004 Stadium Vendor
G 1 12010 25 Hotdog
M 0 12016 3 12008 Stadium Vendor
G 1 12010 25 Hotdog
M 0 12016 3 12023 Stadium Vendor
G 1 12010 25 Hotdog
M 0 12017 15 12012 Common Citizen
M 0 12017 15 12032 Common Citizen
M 0 12017 15 12021 Common Citizen
M 0 12017 15 12031 Common Citizen
M 0 12017 15 12018 Common Citizen
M 0 12017 15 12032 Common Citizen
M 0 12017 15 12045 Common Citizen
M 0 12017 15 12034 Common Citizen
M 0 12017 15 12039 Common Citizen
M 0 12017 15 12040 Common Citizen
M 0 12017 15 12046 Common Citizen
M 0 12017 15 12033 Common Citizen
M 0 12017 15 12019 Common Citizen
M 0 12017 15 12024 Common Citizen
M 0 12017 15 12013 Common Citizen
M 0 12018 5 12051 Gate Guard
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
M 0 12018 5 12029 Gate Guard
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
M 0 12018 5 12035 Gate Guard
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
M 0 12018 5 12051 Gate Guard
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
M 0 12018 5 12005 Gate Guard
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
M 0 12019 3 12006 Soldier
E 1 3021 100 16 Small Sword
E 1 12008 100 8 Leather Sandals
M 0 12019 3 12042 Soldier
E 1 3021 100 16 Small Sword
E 1 12019 2 8 Combat Boots
M 0 12019 3 12045 Soldier
E 1 3021 100 16 Small Sword
E 1 12008 100 8 Leather Sandals
E 1 12018 2 5 Combat Plate
M 0 12020 1 12036 Julius Caesar
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 12017 1 10 Moorish Bracers
G 1 12024 7 Musty Scroll
M 0 12021 2 12036 Royal Bodyguard
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 3042 100 11 Shield
E 1 3046 100 5 Breast Plate
M 0 12021 2 12036 Royal Bodyguard
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 3042 100 11 Shield
E 1 3046 100 5 Breast Plate
M 0 12022 1 12055 Judge
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 12012 1 2 Sapphire Ring
M 0 12023 1 12043 Master Scheduler
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 12008 100 8 Leather Sandals
E 1 12013 1 4 Jade Necklace
G 1 12035 1 Key To Caesar's Office
G 1 12036 1 Key To The Senate Chambers
M 0 12024 6 12041 Slimeball
M 0 12024 6 12048 Slimeball
M 0 12024 6 12054 Slimeball
M 0 12024 6 12057 Slimeball
M 0 12024 6 12054 Slimeball
M 0 12024 6 12057 Slimeball
G 1 12030 500 Blaze Orange Potion
M 0 12025 1 12049 Froboz
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 3042 100 11 Shield
E 1 12014 10 12 Froboz' Cloak
G 1 12025 10 Ornate Scroll
G 1 12026 10 Plain Scroll
G 1 12029 10 Prototype Wand
M 0 12026 1 12007 Titus Andronicus
E 1 12016 3 17 Quenched Sword
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 3042 100 11 Shield
E 1 3046 100 5 Breast Plate
E 1 12008 100 8 Leather Sandals
M 0 12027 2 12037 Senator
E 1 3021 100 16 Small Sword
E 1 3044 100 5 Studded Leather Jacket
G 1 12037 1 Key To The Common Room
M 0 12027 2 12037 Senator
E 1 3021 100 16 Small Sword
E 1 3044 100 5 Studded Leather Jacket
G 1 3050 500 Scroll Of Identify
M 0 12028 1 12050 Bailiff
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 3042 100 11 Shield
G 1 12039 1 Key To The Judge's Chambers
M 0 12029 1 12050 Defendant
E 1 3024 100 16 Warhammer
E 1 3043 100 5 Leather Jacket
* Gods
M 0 12030 1 12047 Jupiter
E 1 12020 1 16 Thunderbolt
M 0 12031 1 12052 Venus
E 1 12022 1 3 Crystal Necklace
M 0 12032 1 12056 Mars
E 1 12016 3 17 Quenched Sword
E 1 12021 1 13 Loincloth
M 0 12033 1 12059 Mercury
E 1 12023 1 8 Winged Sandals
M 0 12034 1 12042 Froboz' Shopkeeper
G 1 3050 500 Scroll Of Identify
G 1 3051 500 Yellow Potion
G 1 3052 500 Scroll Of Recall
G 1 3053 500 Grey Wand
G 1 3054 500 Gnarled Staff
G 1 12030 10 Blaze Orange Potion
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
E 1 12008 100 8 Leather Sandals
G 1 12038 1 Key To Froboz' Workshop
M 0 12035 1 12061 Executioner
G 1 12031 10 Executioner's Mace
M 0 12036 1 12062 Baker
G 1 3000 100 Beer Barrel
G 1 3001 100 Beer Bottle
G 1 3009 100 Waybread
G 1 3010 100 Bread Loaf
G 1 3011 100 Danish Pastry
G 1 12006 100 Apple
G 1 12007 100 Apple
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
M 0 12037 1 12063 Grocer
G 1 3030 100 Torch
G 1 3031 100 Lantern
G 1 3032 100 Bag
G 1 3033 100 Box
G 1 3036 100 Cashcard
G 1 12003 100 Coach's Whistle
E 1 3022 100 16 Long Sword
* Gates
D 0 12005 3 2 West Gate Of City
D 0 12029 0 2 North Gate Of City
D 0 12035 2 2 South Gate Of City
D 0 12051 1 1 East Gate Of City
D 0 12064 3 1 Outside Of East Gate
* Doors
D 0 12001 5 2 Caesar's Private Box
D 0 12002 4 2
D 0 12006 2 2 Back Room Of Titus Andronicus' Store
D 0 12007 0 2
D 0 12037 0 2 Emperor's Private Office
D 0 12036 2 2
D 0 12037 2 2 House Of Commons
D 0 12038 0 2
D 0 12042 1 2 Froboz' Workshop
D 0 12049 3 2
D 0 12043 3 2 Emperor's Private Office
D 0 12036 1 2
D 0 12044 3 2 Senate Chambers
D 0 12037 1 2
D 0 12050 1 2 Judge's Chambers
D 0 12055 3 2