2012-03-03 21:35:30 +01:00

529 lines
11 KiB

the wizard~
A wizard walks around behind the counter, talking to himself.
The wizard looks old and senile, and yet he looks like a very powerful
wizard. He is equipped with fine clothing, and is wearing many fine
rings and bracelets.
ablno d 900 S
33 2 2 1d1+30000 2d8+18
30000 160000
8 8 1
the baker~
The baker looks at you calmly, wiping flour from his face with one hand.
A fat, nice looking baker. But you can see that he has many scars on his
ablno d 900 S
33 0 -10 1d1+30000 2d8+18
100 160000
8 8 1
the grocer~
A grocer stands at the counter, with a slightly impatient look on his face.
A tall grocer, who moves two 200 pounds bag of flour around on his shoulders.
ablno d 900 S
33 0 -10 1d1+30000 2d8+18
30000 160000
8 8 1
the weaponsmith~
A weaponsmith is standing here.
He is a young weaponsmith, who still has lots to learn but he is still
eager to sell you his latest implements of carnage and destruction.
ablno d 900 S
33 0 -10 1d1+30000 2d8+18
30000 160000
8 8 1
the armourer~
An armourer stands here displaying his new (and previously owned) armours.
An old but very strong armourer. He has made more suits of armour in his
life than you have ever seen.
ablno d 900 S
33 0 -10 1d1+30000 2d8+18
28500 160000
8 8 1
the receptionist~
A receptionist is standing behind the counter here, smiling at you.
You notice a tired look in her face. She looks like she isn't paid well
enough to put up with any crap from mud players with attitudes.
abelnop dfp 900 S
33 0 -10 1d1+30000 2d8+32
0 0
8 8 2
captain stolar~
Captain Stolar~
A retired captain stands here, selling boats.
This captain has eaten more sharks than you have killed peas.
ablno d 900 S
33 2 2 1d1+30000 2d8+12
2000 160000
8 8 1
the sailor~
A sailor stands here, waiting to help you.
He looks like a strong, fit sailor.
blno 0 900 S
33 0 -10 1d1+30000 2d8+12
2000 160000
8 8 1
uncle juan~
Uncle Juan~
Uncle Juan is here ready to take your order.
He looks like he may or may not have a green card.
ablno 0 900 S
33 0 -10 1d1+30000 2d8+18
2000 160000
8 8 1
wally watermaster~
Wally the Watermaster~
Wally the Watermaster is standing behind the counter.
Wally is a bit pudgy but looks very strong. He has a glass of Midgaard
Natural Spring Water in his hand. When he notices you, he proudly
displays his fine collection of contemporary waters.
ablno d 800 S
33 0 -10 1d1+30000 1d8+18
1000 160000
8 8 1
postmaster post master~
the postmaster~
The head postmaster is standing here, waiting to help you with your mail.
The Postmaster seems like a happy old man, though a bit sluggish. He
worries about the reputation of the MMS (Midgaard Mail Service), as many
people seem to think that it is slow. Perhaps if he were to brush the
cobwebs from his uniform it would help to make a better impression.
ablnopr dp 1000 S
33 0 -10 1d1+30000 1d8+18
2000 0
8 8 1
guildmaster master mage~
the mages' guildmaster~
Your guildmaster is studying a spellbook while preparing to cast a spell.
Even though your guildmaster looks old and tired, you can clearly see the
vast amount of knowledge she possesses. She is wearing fine magic clothing,
and you notice that she is surrounded by a blue shimmering aura.
abelnop dh 1000 S
34 0 -10 6d10+640 1d8+24
18794 100000
8 8 2
guildmaster master priest~
the priests' guildmaster~
Your guildmaster is prayer to your God here.
You are in no doubt that this guildmaster is truly close to your God; he
has a peaceful, loving look. You notice that he is surrounded by a white
abelnop dh 1000 S
34 0 -10 6d10+640 1d8+24
18794 100000
8 8 1
guildmaster master beggar thief~
the thieves' guildmaster~
A beggar is sitting here, could she be a guildmaster?
You realize that whenever your guildmaster moves, you fail to notice it -
the way of the true thief. She is to be dressed in poor clothing, having
the appearance of a beggar.
abelnop dh 1000 S
34 0 -10 6d10+640 1d8+34
18794 100000
8 8 2
guildmaster master~
the fighters' guildmaster~
Your guildmaster is standing here sharpening an axe.
This is your master. Big and strong with bulging muscles. Several scars
across his body proves that he was using arms before you were born. He
has a calm look on his face.
abelnop 0 1000 S
34 0 -10 6d10+740 1d8+34
18794 100000
8 8 1
the sorcerer~
A sorcerer is guarding the entrance.
He is an experienced mage who has specialized in the field of Combat Magic.
He is here to guard the Mage's Guild and his superior knowledge of offensive
as well as defensive spells make him a deadly opponent.
ablnop dh 900 S
33 0 -5 6d10+990 1d8+22
2000 60000
8 8 1
knight templar~
the knight templar~
A knight templar is guarding the entrance.
He is a specially trained warrior belonging to the military order of the
Faith. His duty is to protect the faithful from persecution and infidel
attacks and his religious devotion combined with his superior skill makes
him a deadly opponent.
ablnop dh 1000 S
33 0 -5 6d10+990 1d8+22
2000 160000
8 8 1
the assassin~
An assassin is guarding the entrance.
He is a thief who has specialized in killing others as effectively as
possible, using all sorts of weapons. His superior knowledge of how
and where to use them combined with his extraordinary stealth makes
him a deadly opponent.
ablnop dfhst 400 S
33 0 -10 6d10+990 1d8+25
2000 160000
8 8 1
the knight~
A knight is guarding the entrance.
He is an expert warrior who has attained knighthood through countless
chivalrous deeds. His duty is to protect the Guild of Swordsmen and his
extreme skill combined with his experience in warfare makes him a deadly
ablnop dh 800 S
33 0 -8 6d10+990 1d8+40
2000 160000
8 8 1
the bartender~
A bartender watches you calmly, while he skillfully mixes a drink.
A tired looking Bartender who hates trouble in his bar.
bno 0 900 S
24 2 2 6d10+390 1d8+12
2000 80000
8 8 1
the waiter~
A waiter is going around from one place to another.
A tired looking waiter.
bno 0 900 S
23 2 2 6d10+390 1d8+12
2000 80000
8 8 1
the waiter~
A man now leads a quiet, peaceful life as a waiter is standing here.
This man was obviously a famous sorcerer in his younger days as you
instantly recognize his face.
bno 0 600 S
23 1 2 6d10+390 1d8+12
2000 80000
8 8 1
the waiter~
A waiter who seems to have reached contact with his God is standing here.
This waiter almost makes you feel like you should drop to your knees
and begin to worship your God. Naaah.
bno 0 600 S
23 1 2 6d10+390 1d8+12
2000 80000
8 8 1
the waiter~
A waiter who knows where all his customers keep their money is standing here.
Hmmm... wonder where he got that coin he is playing with.
bno 0 600 S
23 1 2 6d10+390 1d8+12
2000 80000
8 8 1
the waiter~
A waiter is here.
This guy looks like he could easily kill you while still carrying
quite a few firebreathers.
bno 0 600 S
23 1 2 6d10+390 1d8+12
2000 80000
8 8 1
Filthy is standing here, eager to serve you a special drink.
Filthy looks real, ehm, dirty. He likes to keep his customers happy,
but do not mess with him or else he'll get upset.
belno d 600 S
33 1 -10 1d1+30000 1d8+22
2000 80000
8 8 1
keeper peacekeeper~
the Peacekeeper~
A Peacekeeper is standing here, ready to jump in at the first sign of trouble.
He looks very strong and wise. Looks like he doesn't answer to ANYONE.
aeglm d 1000 E
17 3 0 5d6+225 3d3+13
2500 30000
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 10
cityguard guard~
the cityguard~
A cityguard stands here.
A big, strong, helpful, trustworthy guard.
aglm d 1000 S
10 10 1 1d12+123 1d8+5
500 9000
8 8 1
the janitor~
A janitor is walking around, cleaning up.
What a tough job he has.
agl 0 800 S
1 20 9 2d6+10 1d5+0
34 100
8 8 1
fido dog~
the beastly fido~
A beastly fido is mucking through the garbage looking for food here.
The fido is a small dog that has a foul smell and pieces of rotted meat
hanging around his teeth.
afghq p -200 E
0 20 10 1d6+4 1d4+0
0 25
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 4
the mercenary~
A mercenary is waiting for a job here.
He looks pretty mean, and you imagine he'd do anything for money.
bl 0 -330 S
5 15 5 2d6+60 1d6+1
87 900
8 8 1
the drunk~
A singing, happy Drunk.
A drunk who seems to be too happy, and to carry too much money.
b 0 400 S
2 19 8 2d6+22 1d6+0
53 200
8 8 1
the beggar~
A beggar is here, asking for a few coins.
The beggar looks like she is fed up with life.
b 0 400 S
1 20 9 2d6+10 1d5+0
0 100
8 8 2
odif yltsaeb~
the odif yltsaeb~
An odif yltsaeb is here, walking backwards.
The odif is a small god that has been reversed by some dog.
afghq p -200 E
0 20 10 1d6+4 1d4+0
0 25
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 4
cityguard guard~
the cityguard~
A cityguard is here, guarding the gate.
A big, strong, helpful, trustworthy guard.
abglm 0 1000 S
10 10 1 1d12+123 1d8+5
500 9000
8 8 1
green gelatinous blob~
the green gelatinous blob~
An oozing green gelatinous blob is here, sucking in bits of debris.
A horrid looking thing; it is huge, greenish, and looks like the blob.
aeghlnopqr d 0 E
20 0 0 1d11+325 3d6+5
1000 40000
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 6
pet shop boy~
the Pet Shop Boy~
There is a Pet Shop Boy standing here cuddleing something furry in his hands.
As you look at him, he opens his hands to reveal a rat!
blno 0 1000 S
10 10 1 1d1+30000 20d4+10
500 9000
8 8 1
the kitten~
A small loyal kitten is here.
The kitten looks like a cute, little, fierce fighter.
bco 0 0 E
1 20 9 1d6+11 1d4+0
0 100
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 8
the puppy~
A small loyal puppy is here.
The puppy looks like a cute, little, fierce fighter.
bco 0 0 E
1 20 9 1d6+13 1d4+0
0 125
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 8
the beagle~
A small, quick, loyal beagle is here.
The beagle looks like a fierce fighter.
bco 0 0 E
2 19 8 1d12+22 1d6+0
0 200
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 4
the rottweiler~
A large, loyal rottweiler is here.
The rottweiler looks like a strong, fierce fighter.
bco 0 0 E
3 18 7 1d12+35 1d7+0
0 800
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 4
the wolf~
A large, trained wolf is here.
The wolf looks like a strong, fearless fighter.
bco 0 0 E
4 17 6 1d12+47 1d8+0
0 1600
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 4
cryogenicist cryo~
the cryogenicist~
The cryogenicist is here, playing with a canister of liquid nitrogen.
You notice a tired look in her face. She looks like she isn't paid well
enough to put up with any crap from mud players with attitudes.
ablno dfp 900 S
33 0 -10 1d1+30000 2d8+32
0 0
8 8 2