CircleMUD - World Files Contained in this lovely archive is the present shape of the world for Circle. Everything should be in the form of ASCII flags for easy addition and removal of flags. All of the shop files are in the CircleMUD style (and they make good examples since there is a bit of everything, from wandering shops through to shops that dislike certain alignments or classes). Feedback on the world is more than welcome. This includes listing things that people like and things that people do not like. Why do you like it or dislike it? The zone files have been formatted into a consistent format with comments and ordering. This allows readers of the files to have a much quicker grasp of what is going on in the file. All of the world files have been indented with three (3) characters to begin all paragraphs. This makes the overall format of the world much more similar. If you are comparing the world to the CircleMUD 2.x world, you will notice that some areas have been removed, others have been added, and some have been shifted about a little bit. Also, please note the 'zone.lst' file in this directory, which shows all of the zone numbers that are currently in use, and what is using them. Finally, full credit should be in all of the zone files (please leave it there in case you ever release your mud code and world), and can also be found in 'info.hlp' under 'AREAS ZONES' which gives a current list of zones used in CircleMUD. Please ensure that all credits in there remain, and if you add new areas, please credit them properly. Furry/Alex Fletcher <>