2012-03-03 21:35:30 +01:00

147 lines
4.6 KiB

/* ************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 - see 'license.doc' for complete information. *
************************************************************************* */
Descriptions of the message-to-character routines of comm.c
void send_to_char(char *messg, struct char_data *ch)
Places messg in the output queue for ch, for later sending.
void send_to_all(char *messg)
Sends a message to all players.
void send_to_except(char *messg, struct char_data *ch)
Sends to all players, except the one pointed to by ch.
void send_to_room(char *messg, int room)
Sends messg to all players in the room.
void send_to_room_except(char *messg, int room, struct char_data *ch)
Send to all in room, with the exception of ch.
The following routine takes the place of all the old perform-routines. It is
to gradually replace these in the old code, and is to be used exclusively in
all additions.
FUNCTION ACT --- Process and send string to characters in a room.
#include "comm.h"
act(string, hide_invisible, ch, obj, vict_obj, type)
char *string; /* the string to send */
int hide_invisible, /* hide the action if vict can't see us? */
type; /* who gets the string */
struct char_data *ch; /* the 'performing' character */
struct obj_data *obj; /* an object */
void *vict_obj; /* an object OR a char OR an ascii string */
This function is used to send a string to one or more characters in a room. The
string may contain certain control characters which are expanded before the
string is sent.
Obj and vict_obj are ignored if no reference is made to them (via CONTROL
CHARACTERS), and if type (see below) is set to TO_ROOM. Thus, null-pointers
may be supplied in this case. Ch should always be defined. If String is a
null-pointer or if string points to a null-character, nothing will be sent.
When the string has been parsed, it is capitalized and a newline is added.
Each control character is preceded by a '$'.
$n - Write name, short description, or "someone", for ch, depending on
whether ch is a PC, a NPC, or an invisible PC/NPC.
$N - Like $n, except insert the text for vict_obj. NOTE: vict_obj must
point to an object of type struct char_data.
$m - "him", "her", or "it", depending on the gender of ch.
$M - Like $m, for vict_obj. NOTE: vict_obj must be a pointer of type
struct char_data.
$s - "his", "her", or "it", depending on the gender of ch.
$S - Like $s, for vict_obj.
$e - "he", "she", "it", depending on the gender of ch.
$E - Like $e, for vict_obj.
$o - Name or "something" for obj, depending on visibility.
$O - Like $o, for vict_obj. NOTE: vict_obj must be a pointer of type
struct obj_data.
$p - Short description or "something" for obj.
$P - Like $p for vict_obj.
$a - "an" or "a", depending on the first character of obj's name.
$A - Like $a, for vict_obj.
$T - Prints the string pointed to by vict_obj.
$F - Processes the string pointed to by vict_obj with fname() prior to
$u - Processes the buffer and uppercases the first letter of the previous
word (the word immediately prior to the control code). If there is
no previous word, no action is taken. -- CircleMUD addition (09/18/00)
$U - Processes the buffer and uppercases the first letter of the following
word (the word immediately after to the control code). If there is
no following word, no action is taken. -- CircleMUD addition (09/18/00)
$$ - Print the character '$'.
If this parameter is nonzero, the action will be hidden to those who are
unable to see ch.
This value determines who the string is sent to. It may take one of four
values (the macros are defined in comm.h).
TO_ROOM - Send the string to everybody in the room, except ch.
TO_VICT - Send the string to the character (!) pointed to by vict_obj.
TO_NOTVICT - Send the string to everybody in the room except ch and vict_obj.
TO_CHAR - Send the string to the ch.
act("$n smiles happily.", TRUE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
(eg: Rainbird smiles happily.)
act("You kiss $M.", FALSE, ch, 0, vict, TO_CHAR);
(eg: You kiss her.)
act("$n gives $p to $N.", TRUE, ch, obj, vict, TO_NOTVICT);
(eg: Dave gives a small sword to the giant.)
act("$n gives you $p.", FALSE, ch, obj, vict, TO_VICT);
(eg: Dave gives you a small sword.)
act("$n puts $p in $s $O.", TRUE, ch, obj1, obj2, TO_ROOM);
(eg: Jones puts a small sword in his sack.)