#6301 spider young~ the young spider~ The young spider is ballooning by you. ~ He looks freshly hatched and sprightly. His young fangs are just growing in as of late. ~ cg dk 0 S 3 18 7 1d12+40 1d7+0 80 350 8 8 1 #6302 yevaud dragon usurper~ Yevaud~ Yevaud, the Usurper of Midgaard is here, grinning evilly at you. ~ Old, scaly, but still with a lot of bite in him left. ~ abcjkl dk -1000 S 24 0 -3 5d4+450 4d7+7 20000 120000 8 8 1 #6303 spider wolf~ the wolf spider~ The wolf spider is here, licking its bloody fangs. ~ The wolf spider is hairy, very hairy. ~ bf 0 -300 S 6 12 6 3d8+70 2d5+3 1250 6000 8 8 2 #6304 orc~ the orc~ The orc is stuck in the web and he can't get out. ~ You notice an evil look in his eyes, but he seems quite drained of life, and all he can do is glare at you while he's stuck in this web. ~ b 0 -400 S 2 19 8 2d10+10 2d3+0 10 300 6 6 1 #6305 wasp queen~ the queen wasp~ The queen wasp is here, thinking how tasty you look. ~ You notice a glazed look in her eyes. ~ bf 0 -800 S 14 7 1 1d12+172 2d8+1 2000 18000 8 8 2 #6306 spider drone~ the drone spider~ A drone spider walks around doing its master's bidding. ~ An ordinary drone spider. ~ cg 0 -200 S 6 14 4 3d8+70 2d4+1 200 1600 8 8 0 #6307 spider ethereal~ the ethereal spider~ An ethereal spider strides here, traveling to different worlds. ~ She winks in and out of reality. It looks like it'd be difficult to hit her without a magical weapon. ~ cg bcfgs 300 S 13 9 -2 1d12+163 2d4+4 1250 16000 8 8 2 #6308 slave human~ the slave~ A human slave of Arachnos works here relentlessly. ~ The slave does not mind you, but will fight like a warrior if attacked. He serves the spider Empress, Arachnos, though whether it is by choice or because he was beguiled, you are not fully certain. ~ cgl 0 -50 S 11 8 4 1d12+130 2d7+1 1000 13500 8 8 1 #6309 quasit~ the quasit~ A quasit blinks in and out, grinning at you. ~ Demoniac in nature, but more mischievous. He twiddles his thumbs and creates a magical treasure! ~ acgh bdfs -300 S 10 1 -10 1d12+47 1d8+0 1500 11000 8 8 1 #6310 spider bird~ the bird spider~ The bird spider snaps its powerful jaws. ~ The Bird Spider has very powerful jaws. ~ bf dk -800 S 14 7 1 1d8+100 2d9+2 1750 18000 8 8 2 #6311 hermit~ the hermit~ The hermit sits here and warns, 'Go back before it is too late!' ~ A dishevelled veteran warrior in disguise is what he is, but he means well. ~ bcl dk 750 S 7 13 4 3d10+90 2d5+2 750 2500 8 8 1 #6312 donjonkeeper keeper~ the Donjonkeeper~ The Donjonkeeper eyes you and wonders how pure your soul is. ~ He delves deeper into you as you stare at him. Only those free of taint will be allowed to remain here safely. ~ abcil dk 1000 S 25 0 -1 1d12+600 2d8+8 16000 125000 8 8 1 #6313 guardian~ the guardian~ The guardian is obviously not doing his job. ~ He looks like a lazy bum who sleeps half the time. ~ fg dks 250 S 17 4 1 1d12+200 2d8+8 1000 24000 4 4 1 #6314 arachnos spider empress~ Arachnos~ Arachnos the Empress of Spiders welcomes you with an evil smile. ~ She is a very attractive spider with an ornate gown. She tempts you into being one of her many slaves. She does not possess the venomous fangs of normal spiders, but then, as you realize, she does not need them. ~ abcjnolq dfhkp -1000 S 26 0 -2 6d10+650 1d8+25 30000 155000 8 8 2 #6315 ki-rin~ the Ki-Rin~ The Ki-Rin smiles good-naturedly to you. ~ She is the last bastion of good in this realm. Her mission is to someday free the slaves of the Empress. She has been trapped here for time eternal, and now the evil power of Arachnos feeds upon her intense magical energies. She will never give up here fight against evil, though, and will continue her work in whatever manner presents itself. ~ abcilno dk 1000 S 26 0 -4 10d8+2500 4d4+22 15000 170000 8 8 2 #6316 dragon wormkin young~ the young wormkin~ A wormkin with no teeth plays here. ~ It is a rather small dragon, and you almost feel sad about killing it. ~ b dk 50 S 9 12 3 5d4+110 2d5+2 1000 6500 8 8 1 #6317 dragon wormkin elder~ the elder wormkin~ A wormkin that has grown a bit stares at you inquisitively. ~ A medium-sized dragon -- seems it hasn't killed anything yet by itself, though there is a first time for everything... ~ b dk -300 S 16 5 1 5d4+210 2d6+4 5000 24000 8 8 1 $