CircleMUD v3.0 Shop File~ #2505~ 2504 2545 2546 3010 3100 3101 -1 2.1 0.5 FOOD LIQ CONTAINER -1 %s Haven't got that in storage, try LIST!~ %s You can't sell what you don't HAVE!~ %s Sorry, I'm not a fence.~ %s I'd love to buy it, I just can't spare the coinage~ %s Bah, come back when you can pay!~ %s That'll be %d coins -- thank you.~ %s I'll give ya %d coins for that!~ 0 2 2505 112 2518 -1 0 28 0 0 #2506~ 3050 3051 3053 -1 2.5 0.3 SCROLL WAND STAFF POTION -1 %s Say again?~ %s You don't have that, try INVENTORY!~ %s What do I look like, a fence?~ %s Sorry, I just can't afford such a costly item.~ %s You can't afford it!~ %s You're getting a bargain for that at only %d!~ %s I guess I could give ya %d for that.~ 0 2 2506 112 2519 -1 0 28 0 0 $~