/* ************************************************************************ * File: act.comm.c Part of CircleMUD * * Usage: Player-level communication commands * * * * All rights reserved. See license.doc for complete information. * * * * Copyright (C) 1993, 94 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University * * CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991. * ************************************************************************ */ #include "conf.h" #include "sysdep.h" #include "structs.h" #include "utils.h" #include "comm.h" #include "interpreter.h" #include "handler.h" #include "db.h" #include "screen.h" /* extern variables */ extern int level_can_shout; extern int holler_move_cost; /* local functions */ void perform_tell(struct char_data *ch, struct char_data *vict, char *arg); int is_tell_ok(struct char_data *ch, struct char_data *vict); ACMD(do_say); ACMD(do_gsay); ACMD(do_tell); ACMD(do_reply); ACMD(do_spec_comm); ACMD(do_write); ACMD(do_page); ACMD(do_gen_comm); ACMD(do_qcomm); ACMD(do_say) { skip_spaces(&argument); if (!*argument) send_to_char(ch, "Yes, but WHAT do you want to say?\r\n"); else { char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH + 12]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "$n says, '%s'", argument); act(buf, FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); if (!IS_NPC(ch) && PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_NOREPEAT)) send_to_char(ch, "%s", OK); else { delete_doubledollar(argument); send_to_char(ch, "You say, '%s'\r\n", argument); } } } ACMD(do_gsay) { struct char_data *k; struct follow_type *f; skip_spaces(&argument); if (!AFF_FLAGGED(ch, AFF_GROUP)) { send_to_char(ch, "But you are not the member of a group!\r\n"); return; } if (!*argument) send_to_char(ch, "Yes, but WHAT do you want to group-say?\r\n"); else { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; if (ch->master) k = ch->master; else k = ch; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "$n tells the group, '%s'", argument); if (AFF_FLAGGED(k, AFF_GROUP) && (k != ch)) act(buf, FALSE, ch, 0, k, TO_VICT | TO_SLEEP); for (f = k->followers; f; f = f->next) if (AFF_FLAGGED(f->follower, AFF_GROUP) && (f->follower != ch)) act(buf, FALSE, ch, 0, f->follower, TO_VICT | TO_SLEEP); if (PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_NOREPEAT)) send_to_char(ch, "%s", OK); else send_to_char(ch, "You tell the group, '%s'\r\n", argument); } } void perform_tell(struct char_data *ch, struct char_data *vict, char *arg) { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; send_to_char(vict, "%s", CCRED(vict, C_NRM)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "$n tells you, '%s'", arg); act(buf, FALSE, ch, 0, vict, TO_VICT | TO_SLEEP); send_to_char(vict, "%s", CCNRM(vict, C_NRM)); if (!IS_NPC(ch) && PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_NOREPEAT)) send_to_char(ch, "%s", OK); else { send_to_char(ch, "%s", CCRED(ch, C_CMP)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "You tell $N, '%s'", arg); act(buf, FALSE, ch, 0, vict, TO_CHAR | TO_SLEEP); send_to_char(ch, "%s", CCNRM(ch, C_CMP)); } if (!IS_NPC(vict) && !IS_NPC(ch)) GET_LAST_TELL(vict) = GET_IDNUM(ch); } int is_tell_ok(struct char_data *ch, struct char_data *vict) { if (ch == vict) send_to_char(ch, "You try to tell yourself something.\r\n"); else if (!IS_NPC(ch) && PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_NOTELL)) send_to_char(ch, "You can't tell other people while you have notell on.\r\n"); else if (ROOM_FLAGGED(IN_ROOM(ch), ROOM_SOUNDPROOF)) send_to_char(ch, "The walls seem to absorb your words.\r\n"); else if (!IS_NPC(vict) && !vict->desc) /* linkless */ act("$E's linkless at the moment.", FALSE, ch, 0, vict, TO_CHAR | TO_SLEEP); else if (PLR_FLAGGED(vict, PLR_WRITING)) act("$E's writing a message right now; try again later.", FALSE, ch, 0, vict, TO_CHAR | TO_SLEEP); else if ((!IS_NPC(vict) && PRF_FLAGGED(vict, PRF_NOTELL)) || ROOM_FLAGGED(IN_ROOM(vict), ROOM_SOUNDPROOF)) act("$E can't hear you.", FALSE, ch, 0, vict, TO_CHAR | TO_SLEEP); else return (TRUE); return (FALSE); } /* * Yes, do_tell probably could be combined with whisper and ask, but * called frequently, and should IMHO be kept as tight as possible. */ ACMD(do_tell) { struct char_data *vict = NULL; char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], buf2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; half_chop(argument, buf, buf2); if (!*buf || !*buf2) send_to_char(ch, "Who do you wish to tell what??\r\n"); else if (GET_LEVEL(ch) < LVL_IMMORT && !(vict = get_player_vis(ch, buf, NULL, FIND_CHAR_WORLD))) send_to_char(ch, "%s", NOPERSON); else if (GET_LEVEL(ch) >= LVL_IMMORT && !(vict = get_char_vis(ch, buf, NULL, FIND_CHAR_WORLD))) send_to_char(ch, "%s", NOPERSON); else if (is_tell_ok(ch, vict)) perform_tell(ch, vict, buf2); } ACMD(do_reply) { struct char_data *tch = character_list; if (IS_NPC(ch)) return; skip_spaces(&argument); if (GET_LAST_TELL(ch) == NOBODY) send_to_char(ch, "You have nobody to reply to!\r\n"); else if (!*argument) send_to_char(ch, "What is your reply?\r\n"); else { /* * Make sure the person you're replying to is still playing by searching * for them. Note, now last tell is stored as player IDnum instead of * a pointer, which is much better because it's safer, plus will still * work if someone logs out and back in again. */ /* * XXX: A descriptor list based search would be faster although * we could not find link dead people. Not that they can * hear tells anyway. :) -gg 2/24/98 */ while (tch != NULL && (IS_NPC(tch) || GET_IDNUM(tch) != GET_LAST_TELL(ch))) tch = tch->next; if (tch == NULL) send_to_char(ch, "They are no longer playing.\r\n"); else if (is_tell_ok(ch, tch)) perform_tell(ch, tch, argument); } } ACMD(do_spec_comm) { char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], buf2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; struct char_data *vict; const char *action_sing, *action_plur, *action_others; switch (subcmd) { case SCMD_WHISPER: action_sing = "whisper to"; action_plur = "whispers to"; action_others = "$n whispers something to $N."; break; case SCMD_ASK: action_sing = "ask"; action_plur = "asks"; action_others = "$n asks $N a question."; break; default: action_sing = "oops"; action_plur = "oopses"; action_others = "$n is tongue-tied trying to speak with $N."; break; } half_chop(argument, buf, buf2); if (!*buf || !*buf2) send_to_char(ch, "Whom do you want to %s.. and what??\r\n", action_sing); else if (!(vict = get_char_vis(ch, buf, NULL, FIND_CHAR_ROOM))) send_to_char(ch, "%s", NOPERSON); else if (vict == ch) send_to_char(ch, "You can't get your mouth close enough to your ear...\r\n"); else { char buf1[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "$n %s you, '%s'", action_plur, buf2); act(buf1, FALSE, ch, 0, vict, TO_VICT); if (PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_NOREPEAT)) send_to_char(ch, "%s", OK); else send_to_char(ch, "You %s %s, '%s'\r\n", action_sing, GET_NAME(vict), buf2); act(action_others, FALSE, ch, 0, vict, TO_NOTVICT); } } /* * buf1, buf2 = MAX_OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH * (if it existed) */ ACMD(do_write) { struct obj_data *paper, *pen = NULL; char *papername, *penname; char buf1[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], buf2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; papername = buf1; penname = buf2; two_arguments(argument, papername, penname); if (!ch->desc) return; if (!*papername) { /* nothing was delivered */ send_to_char(ch, "Write? With what? ON what? What are you trying to do?!?\r\n"); return; } if (*penname) { /* there were two arguments */ if (!(paper = get_obj_in_list_vis(ch, papername, NULL, ch->carrying))) { send_to_char(ch, "You have no %s.\r\n", papername); return; } if (!(pen = get_obj_in_list_vis(ch, penname, NULL, ch->carrying))) { send_to_char(ch, "You have no %s.\r\n", penname); return; } } else { /* there was one arg.. let's see what we can find */ if (!(paper = get_obj_in_list_vis(ch, papername, NULL, ch->carrying))) { send_to_char(ch, "There is no %s in your inventory.\r\n", papername); return; } if (GET_OBJ_TYPE(paper) == ITEM_PEN) { /* oops, a pen.. */ pen = paper; paper = NULL; } else if (GET_OBJ_TYPE(paper) != ITEM_NOTE) { send_to_char(ch, "That thing has nothing to do with writing.\r\n"); return; } /* One object was found.. now for the other one. */ if (!GET_EQ(ch, WEAR_HOLD)) { send_to_char(ch, "You can't write with %s %s alone.\r\n", AN(papername), papername); return; } if (!CAN_SEE_OBJ(ch, GET_EQ(ch, WEAR_HOLD))) { send_to_char(ch, "The stuff in your hand is invisible! Yeech!!\r\n"); return; } if (pen) paper = GET_EQ(ch, WEAR_HOLD); else pen = GET_EQ(ch, WEAR_HOLD); } /* ok.. now let's see what kind of stuff we've found */ if (GET_OBJ_TYPE(pen) != ITEM_PEN) act("$p is no good for writing with.", FALSE, ch, pen, 0, TO_CHAR); else if (GET_OBJ_TYPE(paper) != ITEM_NOTE) act("You can't write on $p.", FALSE, ch, paper, 0, TO_CHAR); else if (paper->action_description) send_to_char(ch, "There's something written on it already.\r\n"); else { /* we can write - hooray! */ send_to_char(ch, "Write your note. End with '@' on a new line.\r\n"); act("$n begins to jot down a note.", TRUE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); string_write(ch->desc, &paper->action_description, MAX_NOTE_LENGTH, 0, NULL); } } ACMD(do_page) { struct descriptor_data *d; struct char_data *vict; char buf2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; half_chop(argument, arg, buf2); if (IS_NPC(ch)) send_to_char(ch, "Monsters can't page.. go away.\r\n"); else if (!*arg) send_to_char(ch, "Whom do you wish to page?\r\n"); else { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\007\007*$n* %s", buf2); if (!str_cmp(arg, "all")) { if (GET_LEVEL(ch) > LVL_GOD) { for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next) if (STATE(d) == CON_PLAYING && d->character) act(buf, FALSE, ch, 0, d->character, TO_VICT); } else send_to_char(ch, "You will never be godly enough to do that!\r\n"); return; } if ((vict = get_char_vis(ch, arg, NULL, FIND_CHAR_WORLD)) != NULL) { act(buf, FALSE, ch, 0, vict, TO_VICT); if (PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_NOREPEAT)) send_to_char(ch, "%s", OK); else act(buf, FALSE, ch, 0, vict, TO_CHAR); } else send_to_char(ch, "There is no such person in the game!\r\n"); } } /********************************************************************** * generalized communication func, originally by Fred C. Merkel (Torg) * *********************************************************************/ ACMD(do_gen_comm) { struct descriptor_data *i; char color_on[24]; char buf1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; /* Array of flags which must _not_ be set in order for comm to be heard */ int channels[] = { 0, PRF_DEAF, PRF_NOGOSS, PRF_NOAUCT, PRF_NOGRATZ, 0 }; /* * com_msgs: [0] Message if you can't perform the action because of noshout * [1] name of the action * [2] message if you're not on the channel * [3] a color string. */ const char *com_msgs[][4] = { {"You cannot holler!!\r\n", "holler", "", KYEL}, {"You cannot shout!!\r\n", "shout", "Turn off your noshout flag first!\r\n", KYEL}, {"You cannot gossip!!\r\n", "gossip", "You aren't even on the channel!\r\n", KYEL}, {"You cannot auction!!\r\n", "auction", "You aren't even on the channel!\r\n", KMAG}, {"You cannot congratulate!\r\n", "congrat", "You aren't even on the channel!\r\n", KGRN} }; /* to keep pets, etc from being ordered to shout */ if (!ch->desc) return; if (PLR_FLAGGED(ch, PLR_NOSHOUT)) { send_to_char(ch, "%s", com_msgs[subcmd][0]); return; } if (ROOM_FLAGGED(IN_ROOM(ch), ROOM_SOUNDPROOF)) { send_to_char(ch, "The walls seem to absorb your words.\r\n"); return; } /* level_can_shout defined in config.c */ if (GET_LEVEL(ch) < level_can_shout) { send_to_char(ch, "You must be at least level %d before you can %s.\r\n", level_can_shout, com_msgs[subcmd][1]); return; } /* make sure the char is on the channel */ if (PRF_FLAGGED(ch, channels[subcmd])) { send_to_char(ch, "%s", com_msgs[subcmd][2]); return; } /* skip leading spaces */ skip_spaces(&argument); /* make sure that there is something there to say! */ if (!*argument) { send_to_char(ch, "Yes, %s, fine, %s we must, but WHAT???\r\n", com_msgs[subcmd][1], com_msgs[subcmd][1]); return; } if (subcmd == SCMD_HOLLER) { if (GET_MOVE(ch) < holler_move_cost) { send_to_char(ch, "You're too exhausted to holler.\r\n"); return; } else GET_MOVE(ch) -= holler_move_cost; } /* set up the color on code */ strlcpy(color_on, com_msgs[subcmd][3], sizeof(color_on)); /* first, set up strings to be given to the communicator */ if (PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_NOREPEAT)) send_to_char(ch, "%s", OK); else send_to_char(ch, "%sYou %s, '%s'%s\r\n", COLOR_LEV(ch) >= C_CMP ? color_on : "", com_msgs[subcmd][1], argument, CCNRM(ch, C_CMP)); snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "$n %ss, '%s'", com_msgs[subcmd][1], argument); /* now send all the strings out */ for (i = descriptor_list; i; i = i->next) { if (STATE(i) == CON_PLAYING && i != ch->desc && i->character && !PRF_FLAGGED(i->character, channels[subcmd]) && !PLR_FLAGGED(i->character, PLR_WRITING) && !ROOM_FLAGGED(IN_ROOM(i->character), ROOM_SOUNDPROOF)) { if (subcmd == SCMD_SHOUT && ((world[IN_ROOM(ch)].zone != world[IN_ROOM(i->character)].zone) || !AWAKE(i->character))) continue; if (COLOR_LEV(i->character) >= C_NRM) send_to_char(i->character, "%s", color_on); act(buf1, FALSE, ch, 0, i->character, TO_VICT | TO_SLEEP); if (COLOR_LEV(i->character) >= C_NRM) send_to_char(i->character, "%s", KNRM); } } } ACMD(do_qcomm) { if (!PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_QUEST)) { send_to_char(ch, "You aren't even part of the quest!\r\n"); return; } skip_spaces(&argument); if (!*argument) send_to_char(ch, "%c%s? Yes, fine, %s we must, but WHAT??\r\n", UPPER(*CMD_NAME), CMD_NAME + 1, CMD_NAME); else { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; struct descriptor_data *i; if (PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_NOREPEAT)) send_to_char(ch, "%s", OK); else if (subcmd == SCMD_QSAY) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "You quest-say, '%s'", argument); act(buf, FALSE, ch, 0, argument, TO_CHAR); } else act(argument, FALSE, ch, 0, argument, TO_CHAR); if (subcmd == SCMD_QSAY) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "$n quest-says, '%s'", argument); else strlcpy(buf, argument, sizeof(buf)); for (i = descriptor_list; i; i = i->next) if (STATE(i) == CON_PLAYING && i != ch->desc && PRF_FLAGGED(i->character, PRF_QUEST)) act(buf, 0, ch, 0, i->character, TO_VICT | TO_SLEEP); } }