#3600 armour black pawn~ some Black Pawn Armour~ A pile of black armour is here.~ ~ 9 j 9 1 0 0 0 13 300 1 #3601 armour white pawn~ some White Pawn Armour~ A pile of white armour is here.~ ~ 9 k 9 1 0 0 0 13 300 1 #3602 sword black pawn~ a Black Pawn's Sword~ The sword of a Black Pawn lies here.~ ~ 5 j 8193 0 3 4 3 10 100 1 #3603 sword white pawn~ a White Pawn's Sword~ The sword of a White Pawn lies here.~ ~ 5 k 8193 0 3 4 3 10 100 1 #3604 armour black rook~ some Black Rook Armour~ Some armour made from the remains of a black rook lies heaped on the floor.~ ~ 9 ahj 9 2 0 0 0 60 17000 5 A 17 2 A 5 1 #3605 armour white rook~ some White Rook Armour~ Some armour made from the remains of a white rook lies heaped on the floor.~ ~ 9 agk 9 2 0 0 0 60 17000 5 A 17 2 A 5 1 #3606 lance black knight~ the Lance of the Black Knight~ The Lance of the Black Knight lies here, waiting to rust.~ ~ 5 bgj 8193 0 3 6 6 18 10000 3 A 19 2 A 23 5 #3607 lance white knight~ the Lance of the White Knight~ The Lance of the White Knight lies here, waiting to rust.~ ~ 5 bgk 8193 0 3 6 6 18 10000 3 A 19 2 A 23 5 #3608 staff black bishop~ the Staff of the Black Bishop~ The Black Bishop's Staff is lying here.~ ~ 4 agj 16385 20 5 5 36 3 20000 6 #3609 staff white bishop~ the Staff of the White Bishop~ The White Bishop's Staff is lying here.~ ~ 4 agk 16385 20 5 5 36 3 20000 6 #3610 crown black queen~ the Crown of the Black Queen~ The Crown of the Black Queen lies here, looking neglected.~ ~ 9 bgj 17 2 0 0 0 4 3000 5 A 3 1 A 4 1 #3611 crown white queen~ the Crown of the White Queen~ The Crown of the White Queen lies here, looking neglected.~ ~ 9 bgk 17 2 0 0 0 4 3000 5 A 3 1 A 4 1 #3612 sceptre black king~ the Black King's Sceptre~ The Sceptre of the Black King lies here, collecting dust.~ ~ 8 bfgj 16385 0 0 0 0 200 85000 1 A 1 1 A 18 1 #3613 sceptre white king~ the White King's Sceptre~ The Sceptre of the White King lies here, collecting dust.~ ~ 8 bfgk 16385 0 0 0 0 300 85000 10 A 1 1 A 18 1 #3614 key black treasury~ The Key to the Black Treasury~ There is a sinister black key lying here.~ ~ 18 cdfq 16385 3614 0 0 0 1 1000 300 #3615 key white treasury~ the Key to the White Treasury~ There is a bright white key lying here.~ ~ 18 cdfq 16385 3615 0 0 0 1 1000 300 #3616 coins gold black royal treasure~ the Black Royal Treasure~ There are a LOT of coins here.~ ~ 20 0 1 10000 0 0 0 10 10000 0 #3617 coins gold white royal treasure~ the White Royal Treasure~ There are a LOT of coins here.~ ~ 20 0 1 10000 0 0 0 10 10000 0 $