! ^ Use ! to repeat the last command typed at the keyboard. Use ^ to replace a string from the last command with a new string. The syntax is the same as in csh: "^old-string^replacement" Examples: > tell rasmusse Hi there, how are you? No-one by that name here. > ^rasmusse^rasmussen You tell Rasmussen, 'Hi there, how are you?' > ^you^you doing^ You tell Rasmussen, 'Hi there, how are you doing?' See also: ALIAS # ALIAS ALIASES Usage: alias [alias name] [command] An alias is a single command used to represent one or more other commands. The ALIAS command can be used to manipulate your character's aliases. Type ALIAS alone to see a list of your currently defined aliases. > alias Type ALIAS to create a new alias. The alias name must be one word. The command can be any string. Aliases may not be nested or used recursively. Any command may be overridden by an alias (other than the ALIAS command itself, of course). > alias gbb get bread bag > alias gac get all corpse Type ALIAS to delete an alias that has already been defined. > alias gbb A semicolon (";") can be used to define multiple actions to be taken with a single alias. > alias eat get bread bag; eat bread Note that the 'eat' contained within the eat alias is interpreted as the MUD's internal eat command; aliases may not be nested or used recursively. The variables $1, $2, ... $9 may be used to represent arguments given with an alias. Examples: > alias killem cast 'fireball' $1; cast 'harm' $2 > killem fido mage Would cast fireball on fido, followed by casting harm on mage. Variables may be used repeatedly and in any order: > alias helpem cast 'heal' $1; cast 'bless' $1; cast 'armor' $1 The special variable $* represents the entire input line after an alias: > alias tr tell rasmussen $* > tr hi there, how are you today? You tell Rasmussen, 'hi there, how are you today?' See also: ! ^ # ANSI COLOR Usage: color [off | sparse | normal | complete] If you have a color-capable terminal and wish to see useful color-coding of information, use the COLOR command to set the level of coloring you see. > color off This command disables all color. > color sparse > color normal > color complete These three commands turn color on to various levels. Experiment to see which level suits your personal taste. 'color' with no argument will display your current color level. Using color will slow down the speed at which you see messages VERY slightly. The effect is more noticeable on slower connections. Even if you have color turned on, non-colorized messages will not be slowed down at all. See also: COLORSPRAY, "COLOR SPRAY" # ASSIST Usage: ASSIST If Quifael is being beaten senseless by a warg and you feel brave enough to help him, type ASSIST QUIFAEL to hit the warg. Note that the warg will keep hitting Quifael; assist only makes you start to fight whomever the person you're assisting is fighting. > assist Doctor See also: FLEE, KILL, RESCUE # AUCTION GOSSIP GRATS NOAUCTION NOGOSSIP NOGRATS Usage: auction gossip grats These are channels reserved for specific purposes. Messages on these channels reach everyone who is monitoring them. You must be at least level three to use these channels. Examples: > auction short sword -- minimum bid 100k > gossip Hey, is that a short sword on your belt or are you happy to see me? > grats LEVEL!!!!!!!! > grats GRATS CATJE!!!!!!!! See also: EMOTE, GSAY, HOLLER, NOREPEAT, SAY, SHOUT # AUTOEXIT Usage: autoexit Toggles the automatic display of currently available exits. Not all possible exits will be displayed, only those immediately available. If a door is closed it will not show up as a possible exit. See also: TOGGLE # BACKSTAB Thief only. Backstab is a way to sneak up on a person and attempt to place your dagger in his back, at exactly the point where it does most damage. A successful backstab gives a damage multiplier, depending on level: Levels Multiplier ------ ---------- 1-7 2 8-13 3 14-20 4 21-30 5 The chance of successfully backstabbing a person depends on how well you have practiced backstab at your guild. You can always backstab sleeping people. # BANK WITHDRAW DEPOSIT BALANCE Commands to take money out of the bank, put money in the bank, or see how much money you have in the bank. Can be used at any branch of the First National Bank of CircleMUD (wherever you see an automatic teller machine). Examples: > deposit 400 > withdraw 1000 > balance See also: GOLD, SCORE # BASH Fighters only. The success of a bash depends upon how well you are learned. To bash someone is to attempt to 'knock' that person over. If you succeed you will inflict minor damage, and cause the victim to fall on it's rear. The victim will be unable to issue any commands for 2 rounds of violence. If you miss you loose your balance and fall. A bash makes you unable to type commands for 2 rounds of violence. Note that hitting a person who is resting/sitting will inflict 1.5 * damage. See also: KICK, RESCUE # BRIEF Usage: brief Toggle "brief mode". When in brief mode, you don't see the descriptions of the room you are in; only the name of the room and the people and objects there. Unless you're very familiar with the area in which you're traveling, however, it is not advisable to use this command. Frequently, you will find small but vital hints in the descriptions of the rooms: An extra peek at your surroundings could mean the difference between life and death! If you explicitly type 'look', you will always see the full room description, even in BRIEF mode. See also: COMPACT, LOOK # BUG TYPO IDEA Usage: bug idea typo For making useful suggestions and reporting problems to the Powers that Be. Examples: > bug the entire game crashes when I type 'put bag in bag' > idea make a restaurant in Midgaard > typo 'sence' should be spelled 'sense' # BUY Usage: buy buy # buy n. buy n buy n # If you'd like to purchase an item from a shop and have the money, you can buy it. Items can be bought by name, or by their number in the shop listing, and can be bought in quantity. Examples: > buy sword (buy the first sword on the list) > buy #3 (buy the third item on the list) > buy 4.sword (buy the fourth sword on the list) > buy 10 bread (buy 10 pieces of bread) > buy 10 #2 (buy 10 of the second item on the list) See also: LIST, SELL, SHOPS, VALUE # CLEAR CLS Clears the screen. # COMMANDS Usage: commands The COMMANDS command gives a canonical list of all the known verbs. Each command listed should have help available by typing "HELP ". See also: SOCIAL, SOCIALS # COMPACT Usage: compact This command toggles the extra blank line output to your screen after each command. Useful if you have a small display. See also: BRIEF # CONSIDER Usage: consider This command will compare your Level with the level. You will then receive a rough estimate, which is by no means exact. Consider does not take hitpoints/special attacks/damage into account. Example: > consider fido See also: HIT, KILL # DIAGNOSE Usage: diagnose [character] The DIAGNOSE command tells you how wounded a character looks. If you are fighting someone, you can use DIAGNOSE with no arguments to diagnose the person you're fighting. Examples: > diagnose > diagnose rasmussen See also: CONSIDER # DISPLAY PROMPT Usage: display < H | M | V | all | auto | off > Modify your prompt to show your hit points, mana, and/or movement points. > display hv Display hit points and movement points > display off Return to normal display > display all Display hit, mana, and move points > display auto Display hit, mana, and move when they are below 30% See also: TOGGLE # DONATE Usage: donate donate coins This command takes an object that you no longer want and deposits it in the donation room of Midgaard to assist newbies in getting started. There is a 75% chance objects donated will wind up in a donation room in Midgaard, and a 25% chance the item will be junked. > donate shield > donate all.bread > donate 500 coins See also: JUNK # DROP Usage: drop drop all. drop all drop coins If you lose interest in a carried item, you can drop it on the ground. > drop bottle > drop all.bread > drop all > drop 1000 coins See also: DONATE, GET, JUNK # EAT DRINK SIP TASTE Usage: eat taste [from] drink [from] sip [from] If you're hungry or thirsty, these commands are for you! > eat bread > taste bread > drink from cup > sip fountain # EMOTE : Usage: emote : Show people what you're feeling. The shorthand is ":". "emote " will display your name, then the string. Example: If your name is "Helt", > emote is feeling very sad today. will display: Helt is feeling very sad today. See also: SOCIALS # ENTER Usage: enter [place] If you type 'enter' while you are outdoors, you'll enter any nearby shelter. You can also follow 'enter' with an argument; for example, 'enter window'. # EQUIPMENT Usage: equipment Gives you a list of all the equipment you're wearing, holding, and wielding. See also: INVENTORY, REMOVE, WEAR # EXAMINE Usage: examine May give you some valuable information about an item or monster. See also: LOOK # EXITS Usage: exits Gives you a list of the obvious exits from your location. Of course, the less obvious ones won't show up here - you have to THINK in order to locate those. See also: AUTOEXIT # FILL Usage: fill If you want to fill a container you're holding with liquid from a fountain in the same room as you. Example: > fill canteen fountain See also: POUR # FLEE Usage: flee If you are in a fight and things are beginning to get a little uncomfortable (maybe you are dying), just type 'flee', and presto! You are out of harms way - that is, IF there is a suitable exit nearby, and IF that exit doesn't simply bring you from the ashes to the fire... but then, who wants to live forever? See also: WIMPY # FOLLOW Usage: follow Use FOLLOW to automatically follow someone else. Examples: > follow ras > follow self See also: GROUP, SNEAK # GET TAKE "Get" and "take" are exactly the same and can be used interchangeably. Usage: get | take get | take all [object] get | take all all. get | take all. all. If you find something interesting on the ground, you may use 'get' to pick it up. 'get' can also be used to extract items from containers. Examples: > get sword corpse > get all corpse > get all all.bag > get all.bread all.bag See also: DROP, PUT # GIVE Usage: give give coins If you feel benevolent, you may give some stuff to someone in need. > give all ras > give bread doctor > give all.bronze mirlen > give 40000 coins nia # GOLD Usage: gold Displays how much gold your carrying. See also: BALANCE, DEPOSIT, WITHDRAW # GRAB HOLD Usage: grab hold For getting a good grip on something; a torch, for example. Examples: > hold torch > grab stone See also: EQUIPMENT, REMOVE, WEAR, WIELD # GROUP Usage: group [player] group all GROUP with no arguments shows the status of your group. GROUP adds or removes from your group. GROUP ALL adds everyone who is following you to your group. If you are a group member, then you will share experience points for killing monsters equally among the group. Experience points will only be shared among group members that are in the same location, at the time of the killing blow. Sharing is regardless of whether the group members have been participating in the fight. Group with no argument shows a list of people with whom you are grouped. "group all" groups all people who are following you. To make a group, a "leader" must be selected. All members of the group must then "follow" the leader using the follow command. The leader should NOT follow anyone at all! The leader can now toggle group membership for each player in the group, by using "group ". The leader should remember to include himself in the group. Example: Quifael and Redferne wishes to group with Dragon. Quifael : "follow dragon" Redferne: "follow dragon" (Dragon should be following no one but himself) Dragon : "group dragon" Dragon : "group redferne" Dragon : "group quifael" Later when Dragon get upset at Quifael (because he is sleeping all the time) he types : "Group Quifael" to kick Quifael out of the group. See also: EXPERIENCE, UNGROUP, XP # GSAY GTELL Usage: gsay gtell Tell something to all the members of your group, even if they're not in the room. See also: GROUP, TELL, SAY # HELP Usage: help [command] Help searches for a partial match of the entered word, including any spaces that may follow the word. Help alone will give a list of the most common commands in the game. Examples: > help magic mis will find the help text for the magic missile spell. > help mag will match 'magic user' or 'magic missile' depending on first occurrence in the help file. See also: COMMANDS, SOCIALS # HIDE Thieves Only. When you type hide there is a chance that you hide in the room. If hidden you can only be "sensed" by the "sense life" spell. Even if sensed your identity will remain hidden. Hide is broken by pressing return, regardless of whether you typed a command or not. Example: > hide Ok. > (you wait for ex. 5 mins and remain hidden for 5 mins) > (You pressed enter and no longer hide) See also: SNEAK # HOUSE The HOUSE command is used to add or remove guests from your house's guest list. You must be standing in your house to use this command. Only the primary owner of a house (not guests) may change the guest list using the HOUSE command. Usage: house [] Typing 'house' with no arguments gives a list of the people currently on your house's guest list. Typing 'house' with the name of a player will add that player to your guest list if the player is not on the list, or will remove the player from the guest list if the player is already on the list. The player specified must be in the player database for the MUD, although he or she does not necessarily have to be logged on at the time. Guests of your house will be able to enter your house until you remove them from the guest list. See also: HOUSES # INFO NEWS POLICY VERSION These commands show you important information about CircleMUD. It is a good idea to read them every once in a while. info - useful information about the game for beginners news - latest changes to the code and areas policy - policies on topics like player killing credits - the people who made CircleMUD possible! version - displays the current CircleMUD version number # INVENTORY Usage: inventory If you're uncertain about what you're carrying, or simply want to check that no thieves have got to your backpack. See also: EQUIPMENT, GRAB, HOLD, REMOVE, WEAR # JUNK Usage: junk junk coins Use JUNK instead of DROP if you want to keep the world a little cleaner. If you JUNK something, it will disappear and you'll get a few coins or experience points, just as if you had dropped it in the dump. Examples: > junk cup > junk all.bronze > junk 500 coins See also: DONATE, DROP # KICK Fighters only. Usage: kick The success of a kick depends upon how well you are learned. The higher level you reach the harder you kick. There is one small catch -- whenever you kick (or miss) you will be unable to type any command for three rounds of 'Violence' -- so be sure that you do not need to flee! See also: BASH, RESCUE # KILL HIT Usage: kill hit A good way to start a fight. Not a good idea to hit other players. See also: FLEE, WIMPY # LEAVE Usage: leave If you feel claustrophobic, typing 'leave' will make you use the nearest obvious exit to the outside. # LEVELS Usage: levels Lists the levels of your class and the experience required to attain each level. # LIST Usage: list [item type] If you'd like to see what items a shop has for sale, take a look at the list. The list contains all of the items currently for sale and in what quantity. The price for each item is also listed. If you are interested in a particular type of item, you can specify which items to list. Examples: > list (list all items for sale) > list sword (list all swords for sale) See also: BUY, SELL, SHOPS, VALUE # LOOK Usage: look look [in | at] [the] look For studying your surroundings. Examples: > look > look AT the angel > look IN the bag > look south (May give some information as to what is south) Note that if you LOOK AT CORPSE you will not see its inventory. To see what's inside a container (i.e. a corpse) use LOOK IN . See also: EXAMINE, GET, READ, TAKE # CHECK MAIL RECEIVE Usage: check mail receive The commands used by the Midgaard Mail System (MMS) are MAIL, CHECK, and RECEIVE. These commands can only be used while in an Official MMS Post Office. You must be at least second level in order to use the MMS. Examples: To check and see if you have any mail waiting: > check To write mail to Niandra: > mail Niandra To ask the Postmaster to give you your mail, if you have any waiting: > receive Stamps cost 150 coins. # MOTD Usage: motd Displays the message of the day. Contains important information regarding the status of the MUD. You should be sure to read it when you login. If you miss it at login, just use this command! # MURDER Usage: murder Kill command to hit another player. To avoid accidental flagging (i.e. trying to type "kiss Nia" but accidentally typing "kill Nia"). Note that it is illegal to kill other players. If you try you will get a KILLER flag. If you are flagged as a killer, you are unable to do damage and other players will be allowed to use the MURDER command to kill you without being flagged themselves. See also: FLAGS # NOREPEAT Usage: norepeat This command toggles whether or not you see your communication echoed back to you (i.e., from commands such as SAY, SHOUT, HOLLER, GOSSIP, etc.) Useful if you have a slow connection or if it just annoys you. See also: TOGGLE # NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST UP DOWN Usage: north south east west up down To travel in a given direction. # NOSHOUT Usage: noshout NOSHOUT toggles whether or not you hear shouts. (deaf) will appear after your name in the WHO list. See also: FLAGS, HOLLER, SHOUT, TOGGLE, WHO # NOSUMMON Usage: nosummon Due to problems we've had with players killing other players by summoning them to Bad Places, all characters now have SUMMON PROTECTION turned on by default. This prevents people from summoning you and gives you a warning message if someone tries. If you want to let someone summon you (i.e. if someone wants to summon you for a legitimate reason), type NOSUMMON to turn off summon protection. You can then type NOSUMMON again to turn protection back on. See also: SUMMON, TOGGLE # NOTELL Usage: notell Use NOTELL if you wish to prevent other players from using "tell" to communicate with you. (notell) will appear after your name in the WHO list if you have notell on. See also: FLAGS, TELL, TOGGLE, WHO # OFFER RENT Usage: offer rent For use in the receptions of inns. Offer makes the innkeeper tell you the cost of storing your belongings for one day. Rent stores you belongings and exits you from the game. When you re-enter, you will start where you rented. There is a daily charge for rent. You may store your things at the CRYOGENIC CENTER for a one-time charge of four days rent. See INNS for details on the rent policy. See also: CRYOGENIC, INN, RECEPTION # OPEN CLOSE LOCK UNLOCK Usage: open | close | lock | unlock [direction] To open, close, lock, and unlock doors, of course. Examples: > open portal > lock door > unlock door south > close gate See also: ENTER, LEAVE # ORDER Usage: order order followers Used for ordering pets and charmed people to do your evil bidding. You can order everyone under your command with "order followers". Examples: > order puppy eat bread > order cityguard sleep See also: CHARM # "PICK LOCKS" Thieves only. Usage: pick [direction] For picking locks. Not all locks can be picked. Examples: > pick door south > pick safe See Also : OPEN, CLOSE, LOCK, UNLOCK # POUR Usage: pour pour out If you want to pour some liquid from one container to another. Pouring out simply empties the contents of the container onto the ground. Examples: > pour canteen cup > pour cup out See also: FILL # PRACTICE PRACTISE Usage: practice [skill or spell name] Practice is the way you improve your spells and skills. You can only do so in your guild, where your guildmaster can help you train. Type "practice " to improve your abilities while in your guild. You can only practice a certain amount for each level you gain. Unused practice sessions will accumulate for use in future levels. If you type practice anywhere other than in your guild, you will get a list of all of the spells and skills you know and your level of proficiency at each. # PUT Usage: put put all. put all For putting items into containers. Examples: > put bread bag > put all.bread bag > put all chest See also: GET # QSAY Usage: qsay To tell something to everyone on the current Quest. See also: QUEST # QUAFF POTION POTIONS Usage: quaff Quaff is used to "drink" a (magical) potion. The magic will take effect immediately, for better or for worse... # QUEST Usage: quest This simple toggle command merely informs the Powers that Be that you wish to participate in the currently running Quest. If an immortal is running a Quest and needs to know who wishes to participate, he/she will ask players to turn on their Quest flags using this QUEST command if they are interested in the Quest. It also allows you to listen in on the quest channel and receive information specific to the quest. See also: QSAY # QUI SHUTDOW Just to prevent accidental quittings and/or shutdowns. This command doesn't DO anything, it simply is. Note to immortals: If you type QUI, you will quit and all your items will drop to the ground. See also: QUIT # QUIT When you get tired of playing, you can leave the game by typing 'quit'. Note that quitting this way may cause any items you might be carrying to simply be left on the ground (Dependant upon how the game is currently configured). If you wish to have your equipment stored, you may have to find an inn and pay rent. See also: INN, OFFER, RENT # READ Usage: read read When you want to read something. READ is also used to read messages on bulletin boards; type HELP BOARDS for more information. Example: > read note See also: BOARDS # RECITE SCROLL SCROLLS Usage: recite [Target] Is used to "read" a magical scroll. Target can be an object, character or nothing (which may be yourself). See also: SPELLS # REMOVE Usage: remove remove all remove all. If you tire of wearing some armor or wielding a weapon. Examples: > remove boots > remove sword > remove all > remove all.bronze See also: GRAB, HOLD, WEAR, WIELD # REPLY Usage: reply This command will send a reply to the last person to send you a message using TELL. It works just as if you had typed 'tell ' but makes it a bit easier. It can also be very useful in case someone invisible sends you a message. Example: Ras tells you, 'Hi!' > reply hey You tell Ras, 'hey' > Someone tells you, 'I am your secret admirer.' > reply Who are you? You tell someone, 'Who are you?' See also: TELL, NOTELL # REPORT Usage: report This command sends a report of your current health to the other people in your group. # RESCUE Fighters Only. Usage: rescue This command is useful if you want to try and make an attacker hit you instead of your poor friend who is being pummeled. You can only 'turn' one monster for each rescue attempt. This is very useful when playing in groups, of course. Example: > rescue Yankee # SAVE Usage: save Save your persona. This includes experience points, strength, gold, etc. Your equipment is also saved in the (unlikely?) event of a crash. The game periodically auto-saves you and your equipment, so it is not necessary to have your client auto-save you as well. You CANNOT load a saved version if you die -- your persona still exists, but you will lose experience, and all your objects stay in the game, with your corpse. Note that the SAVE command only saves your equipment in the event of a crash. If you are leaving the game normally, SAVE will NOT save your equipment -- you must find an Inn to store your belongings. See also: INN, RENT # SAY TELL ASK WHISPER SHOUT YELL HOLLER ' Usage: say | shout | holler tell | whisper | ask If you consider communicating with other beings, you might be understood better if you start your sentences with either say, tell, whisper or shout. Examples: > say Hey, does anyone know how to get to Oz? > tell catje hi, how are you? You can use ' as a shorthand for say, as in: > ' hello there. Shout broadcasts your message to everyone is your geographic zone. Holler broadcasts to everyone in the game but costs 20 movement points. You must be level 2 before you can use shout and yell. See also: AUCTION, GOSSIP, GSAY, NOREPEAT, QSAY, REPLY # SCORE Usage: score Provides useful information on your status such as age, hit points, mana, movement points, armor class, alignment, experience points, gold on hand, how long you've been playing, and your level. See also: AC, EXPERIENCE # SELL Usage: sell [#] sell <#>. If you'd like to sell an item to a shopkeeper, trying selling it to them. Most shops specialize in what they will buy, so you may have to look around to find a buyer for your items. Examples: > sell sword (sell the first sword in your inventory) > sell 3 sword (sell the first three swords in your inventory) See also: BUY, LIST, SHOPS, VALUE # SLEEP SLEEP is both a command and the name of a spell. The SLEEP command puts you to sleep, allowing you to regain your health more quickly. You will be largely unaware of your surroundings while asleep. You can awaken yourself with the WAKE command. The SLEEP spell forces the victim into a magical sleep such that they cannot be awakened until the spell wears off. Usage : cast 'sleep' Accumulative: Yes (Duration) Duration : 4 hours + level/4 Level : Mage level 8. If failing saving throw versus spell, the person will fall asleep. A person who is affected by sleep can only be awakened if attacked. See also: WAKE # SNEAK Thieves Only. Usage: sneak Used for sneaking (moving in and out of rooms without anyone taking notice). When you type sneak, there is no way to know if you're actually sneaking. If you successfully sneak, then you'll continue to sneak for a little while. See also: HIDE # SPLIT Usage: split Split is used to split money among people in your group who are in the same room as you. If you are in a group with 4 other people, all of whom are in the same room with you, and you type SPLIT 100, you will give each of the other 4 group members 20 coins each. (100 coins is split 5 ways; you keep your share and give everyone else their share). See also: FOLLOW, GROUP # STEAL Thief Only. Usage: steal Use steal to steal gold or items from people. The chance of not getting caught depends on how well you have practiced steal, and if the person is asleep. Due to misuse of the steal command, it is now illegal to steal from other players. Doing so will get you a flag for your trouble. Examples: > steal gold drunk > steal sword mercenary (If it's wielded, only possible if he is sleeping) See also: FLAGS # TIME Usage: time Gives you the current game time. Your initial reaction to the output of this command may be one of surprise, but you'll get used to it. You'll have to, at any rate, since certain things in the game depend on this particular notion of time; the opening hours of the shops, for example. # TITLE Usage: title Sets the title people see on the WHO list and when you're in the room with them. You can't use parentheses (the "(" and ")" characters) because those are reserved for flags. Do not abuse this command; if you do, it will be taken from you. See also: FLAGS, WHO # TOGGLE Usage: toggle TOGGLE shows you the current values of various toggles available on the MUD. This command CAN NOT be used to change these values (see related commands.) All of these toggles remain the same until you change them; i.e. they are saved when you quit or rent. See also: BRIEF, COMPACT, DISPLAY, NOSHOUT, NOSUMMON, NOTELL, QUEST REPEAT, WIMP # TRACK Usage: track Used for finding the first step on the shortest route to a monster. Example: > track fido You sense a trail south from here! # UNGROUP Usage: ungroup [group member] UNGROUP can be used by group leaders to disband the entire group, or to kick a specific group member out of the group (and stop him/her from following the leader). Examples: > ungroup > ungroup homer See also: GROUP # USE WAND STAFF STAFFS WANDS Usage: use use Using a staff will automatically target everybody (or everything) in a room, except yourself. Therefore staffs are naturally very powerful, and yet may be very dangerous to use around other players. Using wands require that you point it at a target, which can be either a character or an object. Both staffs and wands must be HELD in the hand prior to use! (Use the grab or hold commands). You must still supply the name of the staff or wand to avoid confusion. See also: RECITE # VALUE Usage: value Before selling an item to a shop, you can ask the shopkeeper how much he or she is willing to pay for it. Example: > value bread See also: BUY, LIST, SELL, SHOPS # VISIBLE Usage: visible Use this command to break your spell of invisibility before it expires. See also: INVISIBILITY # WAKE SLEEPING REST SIT STAND For changing your position. If you feel weary, it's probably a good idea to sit and rest for a while, or maybe even take a nap. # WEAR Usage: wear [location] If you want to wear some clothes, armor or the likes. Also, to wear everything in your inventory (or at least try to, as wearing things like loaves of bread is not a good way to win friends and influence people) you can type "wear all". Optionally, you can specify what part of your body to wear the equipment on. Examples: > wear boots > wear all.bronze > wear all > wear ring finger See also: EQUIPMENT, REMOVE # WEATHER Usage: weather If you're uncertain whether the sun is shining or the rain is pouring down. You'll have to be outside in order to tell however. See also: "CONTROL WEATHER" # WHERE Usage: where Tells you the location of a monster, a player or an object. Mortals can only "where" monsters or players, and only from their own zone. Immortals may type 'where' without arguments to see where everybody is. Example: > where > where torch > where dragon # WHO Usage: who [minlev[-maxlev]] [-n sname] [-c classlist] [-s] [-o] [-q] [-r] [-z] Lists the people currently in the game. Some people may be invisible. Command-line options can be used to limit the listing. The parameters can be specified on the command-line in any order. minlev, maxlev : list only people whose level is at or above minlev, and optionally, at or below maxlev -n : list only people whose names or titles contain sname -c : list only people of a certain class, where classlist is any combination of the letters w, m, c, and t -s : list names in the short form (4 columns of names, without titles or flags) -o : list only outlaws (i.e. people with a killer or thief flag) -q : list only people who are on the Quest -r : list only people who are in your room -z : list only people in your zone Examples: > who -c wc -s -l 20 List, in short form, warriors and clerics at or above level 20 > who 15-25 -o -z List all outlaws between levels 15 and 25 who are in your zone. # WHOAMI Usage: whoami Displays your character's name, if you want to be sure you are who you think you are. # WIELD Usage: wield When you get tired of bashing monsters with your fists, you might consider wielding a weapon. Example: > wield sword > wield 3.sword (Wield the third sword in your inventory) See also: EQUIPMENT, REMOVE, WEAR # WIMPY Usage: wimpy [hp] Use the WIMPY command to automatically flee once your health drops below a certain level. Examples: > wimpy 35 will make your character automatically flee a fight if you have less than 35 hit points. > wimpy 0 will turn off wimpy mode. > wimpy will show you your current wimp status. See also: FLEE, TOGGLE # WIZLIST IMMLIST Usage: wizlist | immlist Lists the most powerful beings on the MUD. These are the people responsible for administering the system. See also: IMPLEMENTOR # WRITE Usage: write write In order to write a note, you need a piece of blank paper (or similar), and a pen of some sort. You can then type something like "write on the paper with the pen", whereupon you'll be asked to type in your note at the keyboard. WRITE is also used to post messages to bulletin boards. Type HELP BOARDS for more information. See also: BOARDS, MAIL # $