#7100 The Edge Of The Water~ The pool side is dimly lit up by your light. You can see absolutely nothing else nearby. The darkness her seems enormously oppressive here. The air is damp and the rock on which you stand is slippery. The pool seems too dark to make anything clear. The pool seems to extend to the east. The rock can be climbed upwards from here. ~ 71 acd 5 D1 The pool extends eastwards, but you cannot find enough room to move in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 -1 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 7000 S #7101 Under The Mudhole~ You stand in a small room with a great big opening in the ceiling. From this opening there is mud dripping down in large lumps. >YUCK<. You can smell the foul stench of the slimy sediment as you try not to get covered by the falling sludge. To the east there is an entryway leading out from here and it seems absolutely impossible to force the muddy descent. ~ 71 acd 5 D1 East. You see nothing of interest. ~ ~ 0 -1 7103 E mud~ You never saw such disgusting matter before, it nearly makes you puke. ~ S #7102 Under The Dark Pit~ Nice place you found yourself in. You stand in the middle of a room with only two exits, up and east. A tall ladder has been left here so that you can climb up through the pit without the use of a rope. ~ 71 ad 1 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 7104 D4 Up. You can't see a thing up there, it is way too dark. ~ ~ 0 -1 7004 D5 ~ trapdoor~ 1 -1 7300 E ladder~ This is funny enough a wooden ladder and, after closer inspection, you discover it is magically held to the wall! You can't, even with your greatest effort, move it at ALL! ~ S #7103 A Muddy Bend In The Sewer System~ You are standing in what looks like a bend in the pipe system of the sewer. The 'floor' is covered completely by mud! This includes covering your legs up to your knees as well. The pipe leads west and south. ~ 71 ad 4 D2 To the south there is less mud than here! It actually seems to end there! You have a felling it would be nice to have your feet free from mud again. ~ ~ 0 -1 7104 D3 You can see a room in which mud drips from the roof onto the floor in great cakes of sludge. There doesn't seem to be any exits from that room apart from in you direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 7101 E mud~ You never saw such disgusting matter before, it nearly makes you puke. ~ S #7104 A Junction In The Sewer Pipes~ You stand in the middle of what looks like a triple junction of pipes going east, west and north. ~ 71 ad 1 D0 You can see a mud area starting in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 7103 D1 East. You can't even make out what it might look like, it is just too dark. ~ ~ 0 -1 7112 D3 West. There is a room with a ladder leading up. ~ ~ 0 -1 7102 S #7105 Down The Old Well~ You are dangling on the slippery sides of the old well leading down and up. The only secure point here is the metal bars that are cemented into the sides, the ones that you cling frantically to so that you don't fall. Who knows how deep this well is? The bars lead down and up and nowhere else. ~ 71 ad 5 D4 There is a slight, dim light from above, or maybe it is just your imagination. Anyway it SEEMS darker down here than up there, if that is possible. ~ ~ 0 -1 7015 D5 Down there nothing at all can be spotted. The darkness that engulfs this decent seems utterly impossible in a mortal world. It is so thick that a torch down there would be utterly useless... or so it seems to you. Not the kind of thing to cheer you up on this voyage, Eh? ~ ~ 0 -1 -1 E bars~ These look like they're pretty slippery, and not very safe, but perhaps safe enough for you to climb down, WITH both hands on them. ~ S #7106 The Northwestern Corner Of The Ledge~ You stand, swaying out from the ledge, with only a couple of inches of safe, solid ledge under your feet. The ledge continues to the east but not back south. It seems that the ledge is too narrow to turn on so you'll have to continue forward. ~ 71 acd 5 D1 The ledge continues east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7113 D2 The ledge continues south. ~ ~ 0 -1 7107 D5 The Abyss lies down there. Who knows what might lurk down there? ~ rock step edge~ 1 -1 7279 E edge odd-looking~ This is truly a weird piece of craftsmanship in your eyes. The edge seems to form a step leading down, but WHAT a STEP DOWN. The Abyss opens down there leading to seemingly total destruction. ~ E step~ A small rock sticks out right under it, otherwise the way is DOWN, DOWN, and SPLAT!!! ~ E rock~ It looks as if it can be opened in a door-like fashion. Maybe this will lead the way down. ~ S #7107 The Narrow Ledge~ You are in the process of walking all the way around the ledge since there is no way of turning around on this all too narrow path. There IS another exit from here but that leads right into mid-air and with high probability of a free fall session afterwards. ~ 71 acd 5 D0 North. The ledge leads into a corner and turns eastward. ~ ~ 0 -1 7106 D1 You stare into mid-air, and right under there is absolutely nothing but darkness. You shiver by the thought of falling an utterly unknown distance. ~ ~ 0 -1 7190 D2 South. The ledge leads further south into utter darkness. ~ ~ 0 -1 7108 S #7108 The Narrow Ledge~ You are in the process of walking all the way around the ledge since there is no way of turning around on this all too narrow path. There IS another exit from here but that leads right into mid-air and with high probability of a free fall session afterwards. ~ 71 acd 5 D0 North. The ledge leads further north. ~ ~ 0 -1 7107 D1 You stare into mid-air, and right under there is absolutely nothing but darkness. You shiver by the thought of falling that distance. ~ ~ 0 -1 7190 D2 The ledge continues further south into darkness. ~ ~ 0 -1 7109 S #7109 The Narrow Ledge~ You are in the process of walking all the way around the ledge since there is no way of turning around on this all too narrow path. There IS another exit from here but that leads right into mid-air and with high probability of a free fall session afterwards. ~ 71 acd 5 D0 North. The ledge leads further north. ~ ~ 0 -1 7108 D1 You stare into mid-air, and right under there is absolutely nothing but darkness. You shiver by the thought of falling that distance. ~ ~ 0 -1 7190 D2 The ledge continues south into darkness. ~ ~ 0 -1 7110 S #7110 The Narrow Ledge~ You are in the process of walking all the way around the ledge since there is no way of turning around on this all too narrow path. There IS another exit from here but that leads right into mid-air and with high probability of a free fall session afterwards. ~ 71 acd 5 D0 North. The ledge leads further north. ~ ~ 0 -1 7107 D1 You stare into mid-air, and right under there is absolutely nothing but darkness. You shiver by the thought of falling that distance. ~ ~ 0 -1 7190 D2 South. You can just make out the south-western corner of this ledge. ~ ~ 0 -1 7111 S #7111 The Southwestern Corner Of The Ledge~ This seems like a ledge that is a little broader than the one just to the north of here. The ledge seems to lead around some sort of Abyss of total darkness. The ledge seems to have an odd-looking edge here. ~ 71 acd 5 D0 North. The ledge leads further north. ~ ~ 0 -1 7110 D1 You see a broad ledge leading eastward. ~ ~ 0 -1 7115 D2 South of here is the exit from the ledge. ~ ~ 0 -1 7112 D5 The Abyss lies down there. Who knows what might lurk down there? ~ rock step edge~ 1 -1 7279 E edge odd-looking~ This is truly a weird piece of craftsmanship in your eyes. The edge seems to form a step leading down, but WHAT a STEP DOWN. The Abyss opens down there leading to seemingly total destruction. ~ E step~ A small rock sticks out right under it, otherwise the way is DOWN, DOWN, and SPLAT!!! ~ E rock~ It looks as if it can be opened in a door-like fashion. Maybe this will lead the way down. ~ S #7112 An Odd Intersection~ You stand in a rather odd intersection of pipes. The pipes actually don't resemble pipes anymore. They look more like a real stone tunnel, or a passageway hewn directly into the rock. The ways from here lead north, east and west. ~ 71 ad 1 D0 North. You see a ledge to something that looks like an abyss. ~ ~ 0 -1 7111 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 7122 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7104 S #7113 The Narrow Ledge Going East To West~ You are in the process of walking all the way around the ledge since there is no way of turning around on this all too narrow path. There IS another exit from here but that leads right into mid-air and with high probability of a free fall session afterwards. ~ 71 acd 5 D1 The ledge leads further east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7116 D2 You stare into mid-air, and right under there is absolutely nothing but darkness. You shiver by the thought of falling that distance. ~ ~ 0 -1 7190 S #7114 Mid-Air~ You've just stepped into the most unlucky position in the whole of CircleMUD. The result of such a foolish act should be punished with death, you know. With an acceleration of approximately 9.82 meters per second squared, you are now descending the Abyss. What awaits you at the bottom will continue to be a mystery. Good-bye cruel world. ~ 71 bd 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 7119 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 7118 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7120 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7117 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 7115 S #7115 The Broad Ledge~ You are standing on a ledge that seems quite a lot larger than the rest of the ledges. This one leads to the west and the east, plus it has an exit going to the south. Though you could jump into mid-air, but it probably wouldn't be such a good idea. The way south is in utter darkness. ~ 71 acd 4 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 7114 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 7121 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7129 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7111 S #7116 The Northeastern Corner Of The Ledge~ You stand, swaying out from the ledge, with only a couple of inches of safe, solid ledge under your feet. The ledge continues to the west and leads south from here into darkness. ~ 71 acd 5 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7117 D3 The ledge continues west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7113 D5 You can just make out the outline of a trapdoor here in the soil. The earth is probably there to conceal a secret entrance. This looks as if it leads down into the seemingly solid rock face of the ledge. ~ trapdoor secret entrance~ 1 -1 7280 E ground ledge rock~ The ground here seems a little different from all the other ledges along the Abyss. There is a kind of soft soil on this ledge, maybe you should look carefully at this. It seems to be of some interest. ~ E soil soft earth~ You can just make out the outline of a trapdoor here in the soil. The earth is probably there to conceal a secret entrance. This looks as if it leads down into the seemingly solid rock face of the ledge. ~ S #7117 The Narrow Eastern Ledge~ You are in the process of walking all the way around the ledge since there is no way of turning around on this all too narrow path. There IS another exit from here but that leads right into mid-air and with high probability of a free fall session afterwards. And THAT is west of here so watch your step. ~ 71 acd 5 D2 The ledge leads further south. ~ ~ 0 -1 7118 D3 You stare into mid-air, and right under there is absolutely nothing but darkness. You shiver by the thought of falling that distance. ~ ~ 0 -1 7114 S #7118 The Narrow Eastern Ledge~ You are in the process of walking all the way around the ledge since there is no way of turning around on this all too narrow path. There IS another exit from here but that leads right into mid-air and with high probability of a free fall session afterwards. And THAT is west of here so watch your step. ~ 71 acd 5 D2 The ledge leads further south. ~ ~ 0 -1 7119 D3 You stare into mid-air, and right under there is absolutely nothing but darkness. You shiver by the thought of falling that distance. ~ ~ 0 -1 7114 S #7119 The Narrow Eastern Ledge~ You are in the process of walking all the way around the ledge since there is no way of turning around on this all too narrow path. There IS another exit from here but that leads right into mid-air and with high probability of a free fall session afterwards. And THAT is west of here so watch your step. ~ 71 acd 5 D2 The ledge leads further south. ~ ~ 0 -1 7120 D3 You stare into mid-air, and right under there is absolutely nothing but darkness. You shiver by the thought of falling that distance. ~ ~ 0 -1 7114 S #7120 The Narrow Eastern Ledge~ You are in the process of walking all the way around the ledge since there is no way of turning around on this all too narrow path. There IS another exit from here but that leads right into mid-air and with high probability of a free fall session afterwards. And THAT is west of here so watch your step. You also see a small opening to the east. ~ 71 acd 5 D1 East. You stare into darkness. ~ ~ 0 -1 7123 D2 The ledge leads further south. ~ ~ 0 -1 7121 D3 You stare into mid-air, and right under there is absolutely nothing but darkness. You shiver by the thought of falling that distance. ~ ~ 0 -1 7114 S #7121 The Southeastern Corner Of The Ledge~ This seems like a ledge that is a little broader than the one just to the north of here. The ledge seems to lead around some sort of abyss of total darkness. ~ 71 acd 5 D0 North of here you can see a ledge. ~ ~ 0 -1 7120 D3 The ledge leads further west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7115 D5 The Abyss lies down there. Who knows what might lurk down there? ~ rock step edge~ 2 -1 7279 E edge odd-looking~ This is truly a weird piece of craftsmanship in your eyes. The edge seems to form a step leading down, but WHAT a STEP DOWN. The Abyss opens down there leading to seemingly total destruction. ~ E step~ A small rock sticks out right under it, otherwise the way is DOWN, DOWN, and SPLAT!!! ~ E rock~ It looks as if it can be opened in a door-like fashion. Maybe this will lead the way down. ~ S #7122 Under The Pit~ You stand in a completely dark cavern leading west. The wall looks weird here. ~ 71 ad 0 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7112 E wall~ There is a crack here that looks like it has been made recently. ~ S #7123 Under The Shaft~ A ladder leads up from here to the Shaft. A small opening leads west from here. ~ 71 ad 5 D3 You can see a narrow ledge going north and south. ~ ~ 0 -1 7120 D4 It is too dark up there. ~ ~ 0 -1 7041 S #7129 The Sewer Line~ You are in a narrow part of the sewer. Down the sewer continues and to the north is the ledge. ~ 72 9 3 D0 You can see the southern part of the ledge. ~ ~ 0 -1 7115 D5 You look deeper down into the drain. ~ ~ 0 -1 7221 S #7190 Mid-Air~ You've just stepped into the most unlucky position in the whole of CircleMUD. The result of such a foolish act should be punished with death, you know. With an acceleration of approximately 9.82 meters per second squared, you are now descending the Abyss. What awaits you at the bottom will continue to be a mystery. Good-bye cruel world. ~ 71 bd 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 7109 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 7108 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7110 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7107 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 7113 S $