#6400 A Mountain Trail~ This trail leads up, up, up into the mountains. You hope you don't fall down, because that would hurt, hurt, hurt! The trail continues to the east, and you can go back down to the small hidden valley to the west. ~ 64 0 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6401 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 4078 S #6401 A Mountain Trail~ You're really high up now. You can keep going even farther up into the mountains to the east, or go back down to the west. ~ 64 0 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6402 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6400 S #6402 A Mountain Trail~ Wispy clouds are beginning to surround you now, and your ears pop due to the altitude. To the east, you see the summit of the mountain, and from the way the nearby mountains are arranged behind it, you believe you're on your way to a big valley. You can also go down to the west. ~ 64 0 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6403 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6401 S #6403 Near The Mountain's Peak~ The peak of this mountain is another couple hundred feet above you, but here is where the trail leads down into the valley... What an odd valley! The valley seems to have been filled up by a hundreds of feet of lava many years ago. It gives the valley an odd, 'flat' look and darkish ground. The path leads down east into the valley, and west back to civilization. ~ 64 0 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6404 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6402 S #6404 The Trail To The Valley~ The trail leads down into the valley, where, by judging by the height of the trees, the lava had cooled tens of decades ago. Down below you see the path lead into the small forest in the valley, and disappear out of sight. East leads into the valley, West back to civilization. ~ 64 0 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6405 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6403 S #6405 In The Valley~ The ground has taken on the texture of dirt on the top, but this valley is far too flat and too rocky to disguise the catastrophe that happened here so long ago. Looking up to the mountains ringing this area, you notice several mountains look as if they had 'exploded', which is strange, considering that they are not volcanos. The path leads into the woods to the east, and back up the mountain to the west. ~ 64 0 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6406 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6404 S #6406 In A Clearing~ You come to a small clearing now, after walking for several minutes through the silent woods. An odd block sticks up here and there in the ground... wait a minute. These stones seem a little too regular, and from the circle formation and size you could almost swear that they were... crenellations? Could some sort of building been buried by the lava here? A rusty ring sticks out of the earth in the center... a trapdoor? This is almost too good to be true! ~ 64 0 3 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6405 D5 An ancient trapdoor, grimed with earth and age. ~ trapdoor trap~ 1 -1 6407 S #6407 A Stairwell~ This small room is the top of a stairwell leading down deep into the tower. A small trapdoor overhead leaks the light of day around its edges. To the south is a wooden door, preserved through the ages by means unknown. To the west is a short hall. ~ 64 ad 0 D2 ~ door~ 1 -1 6408 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6409 D4 An ancient trapdoor, grimed with earth and age. ~ trapdoor trap~ 1 -1 6406 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 6413 S #6408 A Linen Closet~ This small room holds many types of linen on shelves along the walls. They are undoubtedly preserved by magic against the toil of the ages, since they seem freshly washed and folded. You wonder what sort of mage could wield so much power to waste on such little things. ~ 64 ad 0 D0 ~ door~ 1 -1 6407 E linen shelf shelves~ White sheets, pillow-cases, etc. Not really anything that you need, but interesting. ~ S #6409 A Corridor~ This is only a clean corridor, that leads back to the stairwell to the east, and has doors leading to other rooms to the north and south. ~ 64 ad 0 D0 ~ door~ 1 -1 6411 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6407 D2 ~ door~ 1 -1 6410 S #6410 A Bathroom~ This is some sort of bathroom, like you've never seen before... Water appliances leading from nowhere deliver hot and cold running water to basins that drain to... where? How strange! ~ 64 ad 0 D0 ~ door~ 1 -1 6409 S #6411 The Master Bedroom~ This is an opulent room, decorated in silks and gold. There is an ebony desk against one wall, cooled lava rock spilling over its surface from the window it once looked out at. A nice, spacious closet is filled with clothes just cleaned and pressed. ~ 64 ad 0 D2 ~ door~ 1 -1 6409 E desk~ The desk is basically uninteresting, as are the papers on top of it... ~ E closet~ Nice clothes, but not your size at all. ~ S #6412 The Library~ A great mages' library is contained on this floor of the tower. You feel you could learn anything you wanted to if you only looked and read long enough. A door opens up back on the stairwell to the east. ~ 64 ad 0 D1 ~ door~ 1 -1 6413 D3 A big bookcase, that looks rather odd. ~ bookcase~ 1 -1 6414 E book books~ There are lots of books about everything here! ~ S #6413 The Stairwell~ This stairwell continues up and down, and there is a door to the west. ~ 64 ad 0 D3 ~ door~ 1 -1 6412 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 6407 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 6415 S #6414 A Hidden Hall~ This is a small hidden hall with a secret entrance to the library on the north end of the west wall, and a trapdoor on the south end. ~ 64 ad 0 D1 The backside of a movable bookcase. ~ book bookcase~ 1 -1 6412 D5 ~ trapdoor trap~ 1 -1 6416 S #6415 A Stairwell~ This stairwell continues up and down, and there is a door to the west opening up onto this level. ~ 64 ad 0 D3 ~ door~ 1 -1 6417 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 6413 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 6422 S #6416 The Hidden Treasure Room~ Jackpot! A small room filled with treasure chests! Go get them! ~ 64 ad 0 D4 ~ trapdoor trap~ 1 -1 6414 S #6417 A Hallway~ This hall runs through the tower. There's more hall to the west, and doors to your north and south. A door to the east leads back to the stairwell. ~ 64 ad 0 D0 ~ door~ 1 -1 6419 D1 ~ door~ 1 -1 6415 D2 ~ door~ 1 -1 6418 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6420 S #6418 A Servant's Room~ This seems to be a small servant's bedroom, sparsely decorated and outfitted with a bed, nightstand, chair and table, etc. Nothing real important here. ~ 64 ad 0 D0 ~ door~ 1 -1 6417 S #6419 A Servant's Room~ This seems to be a small servant's bedroom, sparsely decorated and outfitted with a bed, nightstand, chair and table, etc. Nothing real important here. ~ 64 ad 0 D2 ~ door~ 1 -1 6417 S #6420 A Hallway~ This hallway continues to the east, and has a door to the north. You could swear that the way this level is arranged... nah, couldn't be. ~ 64 ad 0 D0 ~ door~ 1 -1 6421 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6417 S #6421 A Servant's Room~ This seems to be a small servant's bedroom, sparsely decorated and outfitted with a bed, nightstand, chair and a table, etc. Nothing real important here. ~ 64 ad 0 D2 ~ door~ 1 -1 6420 S #6422 The Stairwell~ This stairwell leads up and down, and there is a big open room to your west. ~ 64 ad 0 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6423 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 6415 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 6425 S #6423 The Dining Hall~ This is a large dining hall, with a long table that runs down the length of it. Chairs are set up along the sides to accomodate approximately 10 people. There are paintings and tapestries on the walls, adding color to the stonework, The cooled lava that had poured in the windows makes the place seem eerie somehow . There is a door to the north, and the stairwell is to the east. ~ 64 ad 0 D0 ~ door~ 1 -1 6424 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6422 E tapestry tapestries painting paintings~ Many of these show scenes of high magic and heroism. Just like almost every tapestry and painting you've seen. ~ S #6424 The Kitchen Area~ This is a well-stocked kitchen, the larders still fresh and full as if by magic. Perhaps this would be a good place to take a break. ~ 64 ad 0 D2 ~ door~ 1 -1 6423 S #6425 The Stairwell~ The stairwell leads up and down here, and there is a hall you can enter to the west. ~ 64 ad 0 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6426 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 6422 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 6429 S #6426 A Hall~ This area of the tower seems dank and oppressive. The hall runs north-south, and there is an empty cell to your west. The stairwell is to your east. ~ 64 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6427 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6425 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6428 E cell cells~ It is open, empty, and uninteresting. ~ S #6427 A Hall~ This is the northern end of the hall. There are cells to your right and left, empty and awaiting occupants. ~ 64 ad 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6426 E cell cells~ It is open, empty, and uninteresting. ~ S #6428 A Hall~ This is the southern end of the hall. There are cells to your right and left, empty and awaiting occupants. ~ 64 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6426 E cell cells~ It is open, empty, and uninteresting. ~ S #6429 A Stairwell~ The stairwell continues up and down here. A large room opens up to the west. ~ 64 ad 0 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6430 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 6425 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 6431 S #6430 A Mage's Office~ A small desk here is cluttered with magically preserved papers and documents. None seem of value, except perhaps to a historian. This place seems vaguely uninteresting... ~ 64 ad 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6429 E paper papers documents document~ Well, one of the papers relate a story about how the mage of this tower, Rand, angered many kings, and relates how they set his armies on him. You wonder if the lava outside was a failed attempt to destroy the armies... ~ E desk~ It is cluttered with all sorts of papers. Some look half interesting, actually. ~ S #6431 The Stairwell~ The stairs go up and down here, and there is a room to the west... ~ 64 ad 0 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6432 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 6429 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 6433 S #6432 A Sitting Room~ This is a simply furnished room, with chairs all about. A fireplace is inset into an inner wall, the chimney undoubtedly directed by magic... This would be a nice place to rest awhile... ~ 64 cd 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6431 S #6433 The Stairwell~ This is where the stairwell finally ends. There is a hall to your west. ~ 64 ad 0 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6434 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 6431 S #6434 A Hallway~ This small hallway on the former 'ground floor' ran north- south. To the east is the stairwell that leads up into the shadowy recesses of the tower. To the west is the entrance way to the tower. The north is completely blocked off by lava, and the way south is still clear. ~ 64 ad 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6433 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6437 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6435 S #6435 The Entranceway~ This is a grand chamber with giant double-doors to the west. To the east is the main floor of the tower. This room is arranged highly attractively and very impressively, with sculptures and tapistries everywhere. The doors seem impenetrable... you don't think you'd be able to get through them if you really had to... ~ 64 ad 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6434 D3 These doors seem incredible. Unfortunately, they're locked. ~ door double~ 1 0 6436 E sculpture tapestry sculptures tapestries~ They look nice, but aren't very valuable. ~ S #6436 The Doorway~ This was the entrance to the tower. Now lava has blocked it up completely. However: It seems when the lava came down a man was outside the doors. He was blasted into the doors, and died instantly, but his skeleton still clutches a staff in perfect condition... ~ 64 ad 0 D1 These double doors have the outline of a man blasted into them... ~ double doors~ 1 0 6435 S #6437 The Hallway~ This is the southern part of the hallway. There is a door to the west, barred with gleaming bands of lights. To the north is more hallway. ~ 64 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6434 D3 ~ door~ 1 -1 6438 S #6438 The Stairs~ Stairs lead down here into the tower's basement, or you can head east into the main floor of the tower. ~ 64 ad 0 D1 ~ door~ 1 -1 6437 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 6439 S #6439 The Stairs~ Stairs lead up here to the main level, or you can go east to the basement of the tower. ~ 64 ad 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6440 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 6438 S #6440 An Alcove~ This alcove leads into a huge room to your north, and to stairs leading down to the east, and stairs going up to your west. ~ 64 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6441 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6442 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6439 S #6441 The Laboratory~ This laboratory has lots of stuff in it. Beakers, flasks, burners, tongs, mortars and pestles, jars filled with normal things, jars filled with abnormal things, jars filled with things you'd rather not think about... A search could reveal many things... ~ 64 ad 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6440 E beaker beakers flask flasks burner burners tong tongs~ Looks like normal, fragile lab equipment to you. ~ E mortar mortars pestle pestles jar jars~ Looks like normal, fragile lab equipment to you. ~ S #6442 The Stairs~ Stairs lead down here to the second level of the basement, or back west to the alcove. ~ 64 ad 0 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6440 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 6443 S #6443 The Stairs~ Stairs lead up here to the first level of the basement, or you can go east to another big room. ~ 64 ad 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6444 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 6442 S #6444 The Summoning Room~ This room is darkly lit by a giant glowing pentagram in the center of the room. Bands of force encircle some sort of being trapped inside. You think that going inside would be an EXTREMELY BAD idea... ~ 64 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6445 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6443 E pentagram~ It is centuries old. You don't think standing close by would be a good idea. ~ E being~ You can't see it clearly through the energy field of the pentagram, but you sense that whatever it is, it is very, very, very, very angry. ~ S #6445 Inside A Pentagram~ The small god entrapped by the wizard looks at you with an insane expression. Four hundred years of imprisonment doesn't do much for one's... OOPS! He killed you! You are dead, R.I.P. ~ 64 bd 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6444 S $