#54 New Thalos~ 5400 5699 20 2 * * Created by Duke and Conner of SillyMud * * Edited and modified for CircleMUD by Furry * * Mobiles M 0 5400 1 5548 Mage Guildmaster M 0 5401 1 5503 Cleric Guildmaster M 0 5402 1 5534 Warrior Guildmaster M 0 5403 1 5546 Thief Guildmaster M 0 5404 1 5401 Receptionist M 0 5405 1 5402 Old Withered Mage/Bartender - Shopkeeper G 1 5467 100 Glass Of Blue Oasis G 1 5468 100 Glass Of Wine G 1 5469 100 Bottle Of Grog M 0 5406 1 5402 Brother John M 0 5407 1 5403 Panhandler M 0 5408 1 5404 Panhandler M 0 5409 20 5410 Beggar M 0 5410 1 5535 Baker - Shopkeeper G 1 5440 100 Hunk Of Cheese G 1 5441 100 Bread G 1 5442 100 Some Dry Rations G 1 5443 100 Some Iron Rations G 1 5445 100 Some Nuts G 1 5491 100 Sesame Seed M 0 5411 1 5528 Shopkeeper - Shopkeeper G 1 5434 100 Sack G 1 5435 100 Oil Lamp G 1 5436 100 Backpack G 1 5437 100 Basket G 1 5438 100 Belt Pouch G 1 5439 100 Candle M 0 5412 1 5521 Banker M 0 5413 1 5514 Ahkeem The Tailor - Shopkeeper G 1 5446 100 Belt G 1 5447 100 Hiking Boots G 1 5448 100 Fur Cloak G 1 5449 100 Girdle G 1 5450 100 Pair Of Hose G 1 5451 100 Common Robe G 1 5452 100 Embroidered Robe G 1 5453 100 Sandals G 1 5454 100 Sash G 1 5455 100 Silk Jacket E 1 5483 100 16 Sewing Shears M 0 5414 1 5515 Vera The Veggie Lady - Shopkeeper G 1 5456 100 Egg G 1 5457 100 Carrot G 1 5458 100 Tomatoe G 1 5459 100 Fig G 1 5460 100 Some Dates M 0 5415 1 5522 Butch The Meatcutter - Shopkeeper G 1 5461 100 Leg Of Lamb G 1 5462 100 Side Of Beef G 1 5463 100 Whole Chicken E 1 5484 100 16 Meat Cleaver M 0 5416 1 5529 Abdul The Armorer - Shopkeeper G 1 5415 100 Suit Of Banded Mail G 1 5416 100 Suit Of Brigandine G 1 5417 100 Suit Of Field Plate G 1 5418 100 Suit Of Ringmail G 1 5419 100 Suit Of Splintmail G 1 5420 100 Wooden Shield G 1 5421 100 Splinted Shield M 0 5417 1 5536 Igor The Weaponsmith - Shopkeeper G 1 5403 100 Morningstar G 1 5404 100 Awl-Pike G 1 5405 100 Bardiche G 1 5406 100 Bec De Corbine G 1 5407 100 Bill-Guisarme G 1 5408 100 Fauchard G 1 5409 100 Glaive G 1 5410 100 Guisarme G 1 5411 100 Sickle G 1 5412 100 Two-Handed Bastard Sword G 1 5413 100 Scimitar G 1 5414 100 Rapier M 0 5418 1 5432 Cassandra - Shopkeeper G 1 5464 20 Salted Herring G 1 5465 20 Muscle M 0 5419 1 5425 Foreman E 1 5485 1 16 Fountain Pen M 0 5420 2 5425 Construction Worker E 1 5486 2 16 Sledge Hammer M 0 5420 2 5425 Construction Worker E 1 5486 2 16 Sledge Hammer M 0 5421 1 5511 Statue Of Brahman M 0 5422 1 5511 Statue Of Siva M 0 5423 1 5511 Statue Of Indra M 0 5424 1 5511 Statue Of Yama M 0 5425 1 5516 Statue Of Surya M 0 5426 1 5516 Statue Of Kali M 0 5427 1 5516 Statue Of Brihaspati M 0 5428 1 5516 Statue Of Puchan M 0 5429 1 5466 Aziz M 0 5430 1 5466 Mustafah M 0 5431 1 5466 Fatima M 0 5432 1 5466 Kareem M 0 5433 12 5406 Nomad Merchant M 0 5433 12 5509 Nomad Merchant M 0 5433 12 5414 Nomad Merchant M 0 5433 12 5426 Nomad Merchant M 0 5433 12 5449 Nomad Merchant M 0 5433 12 5462 Nomad Merchant M 0 5434 4 5589 Sultan's Bodyguard M 0 5434 4 5589 Sultan's Bodyguard M 0 5434 4 5589 Sultan's Bodyguard M 0 5434 4 5589 Sultan's Bodyguard M 0 5435 3 5468 Skinny Kid M 0 5435 3 5468 Skinny Kid M 0 5435 3 5468 Skinny Kid M 0 5436 8 5433 Dockworker M 0 5436 8 5433 Dockworker M 0 5436 8 5433 Dockworker M 0 5436 8 5434 Dockworker M 0 5436 8 5434 Dockworker M 0 5436 8 5435 Dockworker M 0 5436 8 5443 Dockworker M 0 5436 8 5443 Dockworker M 0 5437 2 5406 Taxcollector G 1 5400 1 The Palace Key Of New Thalos M 0 5438 1 5415 Gord M 0 5439 1 5405 Chulainn E 1 5492 1 16 Gae Bolg E 1 5415 60 5 Banded Mail M 0 5440 1 5406 Daghdha M 0 5441 1 5415 Curley GreenLeaf M 0 5442 21 5410 Wandering Prophet M 0 5442 21 5424 Wandering Prophet M 0 5442 21 5508 Wandering Prophet M 0 5442 21 5509 Wandering Prophet M 0 5442 21 5513 Wandering Prophet M 0 5442 21 5513 Wandering Prophet M 0 5442 21 5514 Wandering Prophet M 0 5442 21 5631 Wandering Prophet M 0 5442 21 5631 Wandering Prophet M 0 5443 14 5465 Alley Cat M 0 5443 14 5467 Alley Cat M 0 5443 14 5469 Alley Cat M 0 5443 14 5473 Alley Cat M 0 5443 14 5514 Alley Cat M 0 5443 14 5569 Alley Cat M 0 5443 14 5617 Alley Cat M 0 5444 24 5429 Vulture M 0 5444 24 5430 Vulture M 0 5444 24 5453 Vulture M 0 5444 24 5463 Vulture M 0 5444 24 5507 Vulture M 0 5444 24 5522 Vulture M 0 5444 24 5523 Vulture M 0 5444 24 5524 Vulture M 0 5444 24 5532 Vulture M 0 5444 24 5549 Vulture M 0 5444 24 5555 Vulture M 0 5444 24 5567 Vulture M 0 5444 24 5568 Vulture M 0 5444 24 5692 Vulture M 0 5445 2 5455 Old Man E 1 5490 2 17 Chessboard M 0 5445 2 5455 Old Man E 1 5490 2 17 Chessboard M 0 5446 1 5551 Lugh The Librarian M 0 5447 1 5411 Dirt Devil M 0 5448 1 5411 Lamia M 0 5449 1 5411 Raggety Dervish M 0 5450 1 5589 Sultan M 0 5451 8 5587 Harem Girl M 0 5451 8 5587 Harem Girl M 0 5451 8 5587 Harem Girl M 0 5451 8 5587 Harem Girl M 0 5451 8 5587 Harem Girl M 0 5451 8 5587 Harem Girl M 0 5451 8 5587 Harem Girl M 0 5451 8 5587 Harem Girl M 0 5452 1 5591 Jailor G 1 5493 1 Jail Key M 0 5453 4 5587 Eunich M 0 5453 4 5587 Eunich M 0 5453 4 5587 Eunich M 0 5453 4 5587 Eunich M 0 5454 1 5587 Nichole, The Sultan's Favorite M 0 5455 1 5566 Allah E 1 5496 2 16 The Wrath Of Allah M 0 5456 1 5525 Mage Guildguard M 0 5457 1 5512 Cleric Guildguard M 0 5458 1 5526 Warrior Guildguard M 0 5459 1 5532 Thief Guildguard M 0 5460 2 5561 Servant Boy M 0 5460 2 5561 Servant Boy M 0 5461 20 5412 Sultan's Guard E 1 5413 100 16 Scimitar E 1 5417 53 5 Suit Of Field Plate E 1 5421 52 11 Splinted Shield M 0 5461 20 5418 Sultan's Guard E 1 5413 100 16 Scimitar E 1 5417 43 5 Suit Of Field Plate E 1 5421 42 11 Splinted Shield M 0 5461 20 5419 Sultan's Guard E 1 5413 100 16 Scimitar E 1 5417 43 5 Suit Of Field Plate E 1 5421 42 11 Splinted Shield M 0 5461 20 5420 Sultan's Guard E 1 5413 100 16 Scimitar E 1 5417 43 5 Suit Of Field Plate E 1 5421 42 11 Splinted Shield M 0 5461 20 5444 Sultan's Guard M 0 5461 20 5445 Sultan's Guard M 0 5461 20 5446 Sultan's Guard M 0 5461 20 5447 Sultan's Guard M 0 5461 20 5572 Sultan's Guard M 0 5461 20 5581 Sultan's Guard M 0 5461 20 5582 Sultan's Guard M 0 5461 20 5588 Sultan's Guard M 0 5462 12 5413 Sultan's Guard E 1 5413 100 16 Scimitar E 1 5417 53 5 Suit Of Field Plate E 1 5421 72 11 Splinted Shield M 0 5462 12 5413 Sultan's Guard E 1 5413 100 16 Scimitar E 1 5417 53 5 Suit Of Field Plate E 1 5421 42 11 Splinted Shield M 0 5462 12 5422 Sultan's Guard E 1 5413 100 16 Scimitar E 1 5417 43 5 Suit Of Field Plate E 1 5421 42 11 Splinted Shield M 0 5462 12 5422 Sultan's Guard E 1 5413 100 16 Scimitar E 1 5417 43 5 Suit Of Field Plate E 1 5421 42 11 Splinted Shield M 0 5462 12 5423 Sultan's Guard E 1 5413 100 16 Scimitar E 1 5417 43 5 Suit Of Field Plate E 1 5421 42 11 Splinted Shield M 0 5462 12 5423 Sultan's Guard E 1 5413 100 16 Scimitar E 1 5417 43 5 Suit Of Field Plate E 1 5421 42 11 Splinted Shield M 0 5462 12 5431 Sultan's Guard E 1 5413 100 16 Scimitar E 1 5417 43 5 Suit Of Field Plate E 1 5421 42 11 Splinted Shield M 0 5462 12 5431 Sultan's Guard E 1 5413 100 16 Scimitar E 1 5417 43 5 Suit Of Field Plate E 1 5421 42 11 Splinted Shield M 0 5463 1 5406 Chief Sultan's Guard M 0 5464 1 5531 Mercenary M 0 5465 1 5542 Shipwright - Shopkeeper G 1 3060 100 Raft G 1 3061 100 Canoe M 0 5466 1 5544 Blacksmith - Shopkeeper G 1 5487 100 Horse Shoe G 1 5488 100 Saddle G 1 5489 100 Riding Crop M 0 5467 6 5545 Horse M 0 5467 6 5545 Horse M 0 5467 6 5545 Horse M 0 5467 6 5545 Horse M 0 5467 6 5545 Horse M 0 5467 6 5545 Horse M 0 5468 8 5427 Tourist M 0 5468 8 5428 Tourist M 0 5469 1 5699 Ixitxachitl M 0 5470 1 5600 Cryohydra M 0 5471 1 5604 Minotaur Lizard M 0 5472 5 5599 Death Dog M 0 5472 5 5599 Death Dog M 0 5472 5 5599 Death Dog M 0 5472 5 5599 Death Dog M 0 5472 5 5599 Death Dog M 0 5473 1 5603 Spotted Lion M 0 5474 1 5598 Behir M 0 5475 1 5597 Chimera M 0 5476 1 5602 Couatl M 0 5477 1 5601 Giant Hornet M 0 5478 1 5583 Pegasus M 0 5479 1 5523 Elvria - Shopkeeper G 1 5470 100 Glowing Blue Vial G 1 5471 100 Deep-Green Potion G 1 5472 100 Crystal Clear Potion G 1 5473 100 Off White Potion G 1 5474 100 Dark Blue Potion M 0 5480 1 5524 Braheem - Shopkeeper G 1 5478 100 Scroll Of Recall G 1 5479 100 Grey-Silver Wand G 1 5480 100 Wand Of Glinting Yellow G 1 5481 100 Wand Of Oak G 1 5482 100 Pink Wand M 0 5481 1 5504 High Priest M 0 5482 15 5407 Royal Guard M 0 5482 15 5408 Royal Guard M 0 5482 15 5414 Royal Guard M 0 5482 15 5416 Royal Guard M 0 5482 15 5444 Royal Guard M 0 5482 15 5445 Royal Guard M 0 5482 15 5450 Royal Guard M 0 5482 15 5452 Royal Guard M 0 5483 1 5538 Patch The Bartender - Shopkeeper G 1 5475 100 Flaming Scorpion G 1 5476 100 Barrel Of Beer G 1 5477 100 Shot Of Whisky M 0 5484 1 5537 Stitch, The Leather Dude - Shopkeeper G 1 5422 100 Buckler G 1 5423 100 Leather Jacket G 1 5424 100 Leather Sleeves G 1 5425 100 Leather Cap G 1 5426 100 Leather Pants G 1 5427 100 Leather Gloves G 1 5428 100 Padded Leather Boots G 1 5429 100 Studded Leather Jacket G 1 5430 100 Studded Leather Sleeves G 1 5431 100 Studded Leather Pants G 1 5432 100 Studded Leather Gloves G 1 5433 100 Leather Shield M 0 5485 1 5578 Gardener M 0 5486 1 5583 Nightmare M 0 5487 1 5596 Wolverine E 1 5495 1 16 Wolverine Claw M 0 5488 1 5580 Mimic M 0 5489 1 5554 Mayor G 1 5401 1 Key To The City Of New Thalos M 0 5490 1 5561 Chef * Objects R 0 5521 3034 O 0 3034 10 5521 ATM R 0 5406 5402 O 0 5402 1 5406 Large Central Fountain * Doors D 0 5413 2 2 The South Gate D 0 5411 0 2 D 0 5422 0 2 The North Gate D 0 5567 2 2 D 0 5423 3 2 The West Gate D 0 5569 1 2 D 0 5431 1 2 The East Gate D 0 5568 3 2 D 0 5444 2 2 Jail D 0 5553 0 2 D 0 5459 5 1 Underground D 0 5475 4 1 D 0 5470 5 1 Underground D 0 5478 4 1 D 0 5474 5 1 Underground D 0 5481 4 1 D 0 5483 3 1 Grating On River Ishtar D 0 5484 1 1 D 0 5487 3 1 Grating On River Ishtar D 0 5623 1 1 D 0 5491 4 1 Outside The Wall D 0 5503 1 1 Alley D 0 5517 2 1 Braheem's Magic Shop D 0 5530 1 1 The Thieves' Guild D 0 5532 3 1 D 0 5534 1 1 Alley D 0 5546 2 1 Alley D 0 5558 3 2 The Palace Gate D 0 5550 1 2 D 0 5563 2 1 The Kitchen D 0 5561 0 1 D 0 5565 0 1 The Shrine Of Allah D 0 5566 2 1 D 0 5572 2 1 Dining Hall D 0 5571 0 1 D 0 5574 0 1 Entrance To The Dungeon D 0 5575 2 1 D 0 5575 5 1 Jailer's Room D 0 5591 4 1 D 0 5577 2 1 Guest Room D 0 5576 0 1 D 0 5579 0 1 Art Exhibit D 0 5580 2 1 D 0 5582 2 1 Guest Room D 0 5581 0 1 D 0 5582 3 2 Harem D 0 5587 1 2 D 0 5584 0 1 Guard Room D 0 5585 2 1 D 0 5584 3 1 Throne Room D 0 5589 1 1 D 0 5588 0 1 Throne Room D 0 5589 2 1 D 0 5588 2 1 Harem D 0 5587 0 1 D 0 5589 0 2 Treasury D 0 5590 2 2 D 0 5591 1 1 Tunnel In The Dungeon D 0 5592 3 1 D 0 5592 0 2 Cell D 0 5597 2 2 D 0 5592 2 2 Cell D 0 5601 0 2 D 0 5593 0 2 Cell D 0 5598 2 2 D 0 5593 2 2 Cell D 0 5602 0 2 D 0 5594 0 2 Cell D 0 5599 2 2 D 0 5594 2 2 Cell D 0 5603 0 2 D 0 5595 0 2 Cell D 0 5600 2 2 D 0 5595 1 2 Secret Cell D 0 5596 3 2 D 0 5595 2 2 Cell D 0 5604 0 2 D 0 5653 1 1 Boulder To River D 0 5698 3 1 Lair Of The Ixitxachitl D 0 5699 1 1 S $