/* ************************************************************************ * File: db.c Part of CircleMUD * * Usage: Loading/saving chars, booting/resetting world, internal funcs * * * * All rights reserved. See license.doc for complete information. * * * * Copyright (C) 1993, 94 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University * * CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991. * ************************************************************************ */ #define __DB_C__ #include "conf.h" #include "sysdep.h" #include "structs.h" #include "utils.h" #include "db.h" #include "comm.h" #include "handler.h" #include "spells.h" #include "mail.h" #include "interpreter.h" #include "house.h" #include "constants.h" /************************************************************************** * declarations of most of the 'global' variables * **************************************************************************/ struct room_data *world = NULL; /* array of rooms */ room_rnum top_of_world = 0; /* ref to top element of world */ struct char_data *character_list = NULL; /* global linked list of * chars */ struct index_data *mob_index; /* index table for mobile file */ struct char_data *mob_proto; /* prototypes for mobs */ mob_rnum top_of_mobt = 0; /* top of mobile index table */ struct obj_data *object_list = NULL; /* global linked list of objs */ struct index_data *obj_index; /* index table for object file */ struct obj_data *obj_proto; /* prototypes for objs */ obj_rnum top_of_objt = 0; /* top of object index table */ struct zone_data *zone_table; /* zone table */ zone_rnum top_of_zone_table = 0;/* top element of zone tab */ struct message_list fight_messages[MAX_MESSAGES]; /* fighting messages */ struct player_index_element *player_table = NULL; /* index to plr file */ FILE *player_fl = NULL; /* file desc of player file */ int top_of_p_table = 0; /* ref to top of table */ long top_idnum = 0; /* highest idnum in use */ int no_mail = 0; /* mail disabled? */ int mini_mud = 0; /* mini-mud mode? */ int no_rent_check = 0; /* skip rent check on boot? */ time_t boot_time = 0; /* time of mud boot */ int circle_restrict = 0; /* level of game restriction */ room_rnum r_mortal_start_room; /* rnum of mortal start room */ room_rnum r_immort_start_room; /* rnum of immort start room */ room_rnum r_frozen_start_room; /* rnum of frozen start room */ char *credits = NULL; /* game credits */ char *news = NULL; /* mud news */ char *motd = NULL; /* message of the day - mortals */ char *imotd = NULL; /* message of the day - immorts */ char *GREETINGS = NULL; /* opening credits screen */ char *help = NULL; /* help screen */ char *info = NULL; /* info page */ char *wizlist = NULL; /* list of higher gods */ char *immlist = NULL; /* list of peon gods */ char *background = NULL; /* background story */ char *handbook = NULL; /* handbook for new immortals */ char *policies = NULL; /* policies page */ struct help_index_element *help_table = 0; /* the help table */ int top_of_helpt = 0; /* top of help index table */ struct time_info_data time_info;/* the infomation about the time */ struct weather_data weather_info; /* the infomation about the weather */ struct player_special_data dummy_mob; /* dummy spec area for mobs */ struct reset_q_type reset_q; /* queue of zones to be reset */ /* local functions */ int check_bitvector_names(bitvector_t bits, size_t namecount, const char *whatami, const char *whatbits); int check_object_spell_number(struct obj_data *obj, int val); int check_object_level(struct obj_data *obj, int val); void setup_dir(FILE *fl, int room, int dir); void index_boot(int mode); void discrete_load(FILE *fl, int mode, char *filename); int check_object(struct obj_data *); void parse_room(FILE *fl, int virtual_nr); void parse_mobile(FILE *mob_f, int nr); char *parse_object(FILE *obj_f, int nr); void load_zones(FILE *fl, char *zonename); void load_help(FILE *fl); void assign_mobiles(void); void assign_objects(void); void assign_rooms(void); void assign_the_shopkeepers(void); void build_player_index(void); int is_empty(zone_rnum zone_nr); void reset_zone(zone_rnum zone); int file_to_string(const char *name, char *buf); int file_to_string_alloc(const char *name, char **buf); void reboot_wizlists(void); ACMD(do_reboot); void boot_world(void); int count_alias_records(FILE *fl); int count_hash_records(FILE *fl); bitvector_t asciiflag_conv(char *flag); void parse_simple_mob(FILE *mob_f, int i, int nr); void interpret_espec(const char *keyword, const char *value, int i, int nr); void parse_espec(char *buf, int i, int nr); void parse_enhanced_mob(FILE *mob_f, int i, int nr); void get_one_line(FILE *fl, char *buf); void save_etext(struct char_data *ch); void check_start_rooms(void); void renum_world(void); void renum_zone_table(void); void log_zone_error(zone_rnum zone, int cmd_no, const char *message); void reset_time(void); long get_ptable_by_name(const char *name); /* external functions */ void paginate_string(char *str, struct descriptor_data *d); struct time_info_data *mud_time_passed(time_t t2, time_t t1); void free_alias(struct alias_data *a); void load_messages(void); void weather_and_time(int mode); void mag_assign_spells(void); void boot_social_messages(void); void update_obj_file(void); /* In objsave.c */ void sort_commands(void); void sort_spells(void); void load_banned(void); void Read_Invalid_List(void); void boot_the_shops(FILE *shop_f, char *filename, int rec_count); int hsort(const void *a, const void *b); void prune_crlf(char *txt); void destroy_shops(void); /* external vars */ extern int no_specials; extern int scheck; extern room_vnum mortal_start_room; extern room_vnum immort_start_room; extern room_vnum frozen_start_room; extern struct descriptor_data *descriptor_list; extern const char *unused_spellname; /* spell_parser.c */ /************************************************************************* * routines for booting the system * *************************************************************************/ /* this is necessary for the autowiz system */ void reboot_wizlists(void) { file_to_string_alloc(WIZLIST_FILE, &wizlist); file_to_string_alloc(IMMLIST_FILE, &immlist); } /* Wipe out all the loaded text files, for shutting down. */ void free_text_files(void) { char **textfiles[] = { &wizlist, &immlist, &news, &credits, &motd, &imotd, &help, &info, &policies, &handbook, &background, &GREETINGS, NULL }; int rf; for (rf = 0; textfiles[rf]; rf++) if (*textfiles[rf]) { free(*textfiles[rf]); *textfiles[rf] = NULL; } } /* * Too bad it doesn't check the return values to let the user * know about -1 values. This will result in an 'Okay.' to a * 'reload' command even when the string was not replaced. * To fix later, if desired. -gg 6/24/99 */ ACMD(do_reboot) { char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; one_argument(argument, arg); if (!str_cmp(arg, "all") || *arg == '*') { if (file_to_string_alloc(GREETINGS_FILE, &GREETINGS) == 0) prune_crlf(GREETINGS); file_to_string_alloc(WIZLIST_FILE, &wizlist); file_to_string_alloc(IMMLIST_FILE, &immlist); file_to_string_alloc(NEWS_FILE, &news); file_to_string_alloc(CREDITS_FILE, &credits); file_to_string_alloc(MOTD_FILE, &motd); file_to_string_alloc(IMOTD_FILE, &imotd); file_to_string_alloc(HELP_PAGE_FILE, &help); file_to_string_alloc(INFO_FILE, &info); file_to_string_alloc(POLICIES_FILE, &policies); file_to_string_alloc(HANDBOOK_FILE, &handbook); file_to_string_alloc(BACKGROUND_FILE, &background); } else if (!str_cmp(arg, "wizlist")) file_to_string_alloc(WIZLIST_FILE, &wizlist); else if (!str_cmp(arg, "immlist")) file_to_string_alloc(IMMLIST_FILE, &immlist); else if (!str_cmp(arg, "news")) file_to_string_alloc(NEWS_FILE, &news); else if (!str_cmp(arg, "credits")) file_to_string_alloc(CREDITS_FILE, &credits); else if (!str_cmp(arg, "motd")) file_to_string_alloc(MOTD_FILE, &motd); else if (!str_cmp(arg, "imotd")) file_to_string_alloc(IMOTD_FILE, &imotd); else if (!str_cmp(arg, "help")) file_to_string_alloc(HELP_PAGE_FILE, &help); else if (!str_cmp(arg, "info")) file_to_string_alloc(INFO_FILE, &info); else if (!str_cmp(arg, "policy")) file_to_string_alloc(POLICIES_FILE, &policies); else if (!str_cmp(arg, "handbook")) file_to_string_alloc(HANDBOOK_FILE, &handbook); else if (!str_cmp(arg, "background")) file_to_string_alloc(BACKGROUND_FILE, &background); else if (!str_cmp(arg, "greetings")) { if (file_to_string_alloc(GREETINGS_FILE, &GREETINGS) == 0) prune_crlf(GREETINGS); } else if (!str_cmp(arg, "xhelp")) { if (help_table) free_help(); index_boot(DB_BOOT_HLP); } else { send_to_char(ch, "Unknown reload option.\r\n"); return; } send_to_char(ch, "%s", OK); } void boot_world(void) { log("Loading zone table."); index_boot(DB_BOOT_ZON); log("Loading rooms."); index_boot(DB_BOOT_WLD); log("Renumbering rooms."); renum_world(); log("Checking start rooms."); check_start_rooms(); log("Loading mobs and generating index."); index_boot(DB_BOOT_MOB); log("Loading objs and generating index."); index_boot(DB_BOOT_OBJ); log("Renumbering zone table."); renum_zone_table(); if (!no_specials) { log("Loading shops."); index_boot(DB_BOOT_SHP); } } void free_extra_descriptions(struct extra_descr_data *edesc) { struct extra_descr_data *enext; for (; edesc; edesc = enext) { enext = edesc->next; free(edesc->keyword); free(edesc->description); free(edesc); } } /* Free the world, in a memory allocation sense. */ void destroy_db(void) { ssize_t cnt, itr; struct char_data *chtmp; struct obj_data *objtmp; /* Active Mobiles & Players */ while (character_list) { chtmp = character_list; character_list = character_list->next; free_char(chtmp); } /* Active Objects */ while (object_list) { objtmp = object_list; object_list = object_list->next; free_obj(objtmp); } /* Rooms */ for (cnt = 0; cnt <= top_of_world; cnt++) { if (world[cnt].name) free(world[cnt].name); if (world[cnt].description) free(world[cnt].description); free_extra_descriptions(world[cnt].ex_description); for (itr = 0; itr < NUM_OF_DIRS; itr++) { if (!world[cnt].dir_option[itr]) continue; if (world[cnt].dir_option[itr]->general_description) free(world[cnt].dir_option[itr]->general_description); if (world[cnt].dir_option[itr]->keyword) free(world[cnt].dir_option[itr]->keyword); free(world[cnt].dir_option[itr]); } } free(world); /* Objects */ for (cnt = 0; cnt <= top_of_objt; cnt++) { if (obj_proto[cnt].name) free(obj_proto[cnt].name); if (obj_proto[cnt].description) free(obj_proto[cnt].description); if (obj_proto[cnt].short_description) free(obj_proto[cnt].short_description); if (obj_proto[cnt].action_description) free(obj_proto[cnt].action_description); free_extra_descriptions(obj_proto[cnt].ex_description); } free(obj_proto); free(obj_index); /* Mobiles */ for (cnt = 0; cnt <= top_of_mobt; cnt++) { if (mob_proto[cnt].player.name) free(mob_proto[cnt].player.name); if (mob_proto[cnt].player.title) free(mob_proto[cnt].player.title); if (mob_proto[cnt].player.short_descr) free(mob_proto[cnt].player.short_descr); if (mob_proto[cnt].player.long_descr) free(mob_proto[cnt].player.long_descr); if (mob_proto[cnt].player.description) free(mob_proto[cnt].player.description); while (mob_proto[cnt].affected) affect_remove(&mob_proto[cnt], mob_proto[cnt].affected); } free(mob_proto); free(mob_index); /* Shops */ destroy_shops(); /* Zones */ for (cnt = 0; cnt <= top_of_zone_table; cnt++) { if (zone_table[cnt].name) free(zone_table[cnt].name); if (zone_table[cnt].cmd) free(zone_table[cnt].cmd); } free(zone_table); } /* body of the booting system */ void boot_db(void) { zone_rnum i; log("Boot db -- BEGIN."); log("Resetting the game time:"); reset_time(); log("Reading news, credits, help, bground, info & motds."); file_to_string_alloc(NEWS_FILE, &news); file_to_string_alloc(CREDITS_FILE, &credits); file_to_string_alloc(MOTD_FILE, &motd); file_to_string_alloc(IMOTD_FILE, &imotd); file_to_string_alloc(HELP_PAGE_FILE, &help); file_to_string_alloc(INFO_FILE, &info); file_to_string_alloc(WIZLIST_FILE, &wizlist); file_to_string_alloc(IMMLIST_FILE, &immlist); file_to_string_alloc(POLICIES_FILE, &policies); file_to_string_alloc(HANDBOOK_FILE, &handbook); file_to_string_alloc(BACKGROUND_FILE, &background); if (file_to_string_alloc(GREETINGS_FILE, &GREETINGS) == 0) prune_crlf(GREETINGS); log("Loading spell definitions."); mag_assign_spells(); boot_world(); log("Loading help entries."); index_boot(DB_BOOT_HLP); log("Generating player index."); build_player_index(); log("Loading fight messages."); load_messages(); log("Loading social messages."); boot_social_messages(); log("Assigning function pointers:"); if (!no_specials) { log(" Mobiles."); assign_mobiles(); log(" Shopkeepers."); assign_the_shopkeepers(); log(" Objects."); assign_objects(); log(" Rooms."); assign_rooms(); } log("Assigning spell and skill levels."); init_spell_levels(); log("Sorting command list and spells."); sort_commands(); sort_spells(); log("Booting mail system."); if (!scan_file()) { log(" Mail boot failed -- Mail system disabled"); no_mail = 1; } log("Reading banned site and invalid-name list."); load_banned(); Read_Invalid_List(); if (!no_rent_check) { log("Deleting timed-out crash and rent files:"); update_obj_file(); log(" Done."); } /* Moved here so the object limit code works. -gg 6/24/98 */ if (!mini_mud) { log("Booting houses."); House_boot(); } for (i = 0; i <= top_of_zone_table; i++) { log("Resetting #%d: %s (rooms %d-%d).", zone_table[i].number, zone_table[i].name, zone_table[i].bot, zone_table[i].top); reset_zone(i); } reset_q.head = reset_q.tail = NULL; boot_time = time(0); log("Boot db -- DONE."); } /* reset the time in the game from file */ void reset_time(void) { time_t beginning_of_time = 0; FILE *bgtime; if ((bgtime = fopen(TIME_FILE, "r")) == NULL) log("SYSERR: Can't read from '%s' time file.", TIME_FILE); else { fscanf(bgtime, "%ld\n", &beginning_of_time); fclose(bgtime); } if (beginning_of_time == 0) beginning_of_time = 650336715; time_info = *mud_time_passed(time(0), beginning_of_time); if (time_info.hours <= 4) weather_info.sunlight = SUN_DARK; else if (time_info.hours == 5) weather_info.sunlight = SUN_RISE; else if (time_info.hours <= 20) weather_info.sunlight = SUN_LIGHT; else if (time_info.hours == 21) weather_info.sunlight = SUN_SET; else weather_info.sunlight = SUN_DARK; log(" Current Gametime: %dH %dD %dM %dY.", time_info.hours, time_info.day, time_info.month, time_info.year); weather_info.pressure = 960; if ((time_info.month >= 7) && (time_info.month <= 12)) weather_info.pressure += dice(1, 50); else weather_info.pressure += dice(1, 80); weather_info.change = 0; if (weather_info.pressure <= 980) weather_info.sky = SKY_LIGHTNING; else if (weather_info.pressure <= 1000) weather_info.sky = SKY_RAINING; else if (weather_info.pressure <= 1020) weather_info.sky = SKY_CLOUDY; else weather_info.sky = SKY_CLOUDLESS; } /* Write the time in 'when' to the MUD-time file. */ void save_mud_time(struct time_info_data *when) { FILE *bgtime; if ((bgtime = fopen(TIME_FILE, "w")) == NULL) log("SYSERR: Can't write to '%s' time file.", TIME_FILE); else { fprintf(bgtime, "%ld\n", mud_time_to_secs(when)); fclose(bgtime); } } void free_player_index(void) { int tp; if (!player_table) return; for (tp = 0; tp <= top_of_p_table; tp++) if (player_table[tp].name) free(player_table[tp].name); free(player_table); player_table = NULL; top_of_p_table = 0; } /* generate index table for the player file */ void build_player_index(void) { int nr = -1, i; long size, recs; struct char_file_u dummy; if (!(player_fl = fopen(PLAYER_FILE, "r+b"))) { if (errno != ENOENT) { perror("SYSERR: fatal error opening playerfile"); exit(1); } else { log("No playerfile. Creating a new one."); touch(PLAYER_FILE); if (!(player_fl = fopen(PLAYER_FILE, "r+b"))) { perror("SYSERR: fatal error opening playerfile"); exit(1); } } } fseek(player_fl, 0L, SEEK_END); size = ftell(player_fl); rewind(player_fl); if (size % sizeof(struct char_file_u)) log("\aWARNING: PLAYERFILE IS PROBABLY CORRUPT!"); recs = size / sizeof(struct char_file_u); if (recs) { log(" %ld players in database.", recs); CREATE(player_table, struct player_index_element, recs); } else { player_table = NULL; top_of_p_table = -1; return; } for (;;) { fread(&dummy, sizeof(struct char_file_u), 1, player_fl); if (feof(player_fl)) break; /* new record */ nr++; CREATE(player_table[nr].name, char, strlen(dummy.name) + 1); for (i = 0; (*(player_table[nr].name + i) = LOWER(*(dummy.name + i))); i++) ; player_table[nr].id = dummy.char_specials_saved.idnum; top_idnum = MAX(top_idnum, dummy.char_specials_saved.idnum); } top_of_p_table = nr; } /* * Thanks to Andrey (andrey@alex-ua.com) for this bit of code, although I * did add the 'goto' and changed some "while()" into "do { } while()". * -gg 6/24/98 (technically 6/25/98, but I care not.) */ int count_alias_records(FILE *fl) { char key[READ_SIZE], next_key[READ_SIZE]; char line[READ_SIZE], *scan; int total_keywords = 0; /* get the first keyword line */ get_one_line(fl, key); while (*key != '$') { /* skip the text */ do { get_one_line(fl, line); if (feof(fl)) goto ackeof; } while (*line != '#'); /* now count keywords */ scan = key; do { scan = one_word(scan, next_key); if (*next_key) ++total_keywords; } while (*next_key); /* get next keyword line (or $) */ get_one_line(fl, key); if (feof(fl)) goto ackeof; } return (total_keywords); /* No, they are not evil. -gg 6/24/98 */ ackeof: log("SYSERR: Unexpected end of help file."); exit(1); /* Some day we hope to handle these things better... */ } /* function to count how many hash-mark delimited records exist in a file */ int count_hash_records(FILE *fl) { char buf[128]; int count = 0; while (fgets(buf, 128, fl)) if (*buf == '#') count++; return (count); } void index_boot(int mode) { const char *index_filename, *prefix = NULL; /* NULL or egcs 1.1 complains */ FILE *db_index, *db_file; int rec_count = 0, size[2]; char buf2[PATH_MAX], buf1[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; switch (mode) { case DB_BOOT_WLD: prefix = WLD_PREFIX; break; case DB_BOOT_MOB: prefix = MOB_PREFIX; break; case DB_BOOT_OBJ: prefix = OBJ_PREFIX; break; case DB_BOOT_ZON: prefix = ZON_PREFIX; break; case DB_BOOT_SHP: prefix = SHP_PREFIX; break; case DB_BOOT_HLP: prefix = HLP_PREFIX; break; default: log("SYSERR: Unknown subcommand %d to index_boot!", mode); exit(1); } if (mini_mud) index_filename = MINDEX_FILE; else index_filename = INDEX_FILE; snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s%s", prefix, index_filename); if (!(db_index = fopen(buf2, "r"))) { log("SYSERR: opening index file '%s': %s", buf2, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } /* first, count the number of records in the file so we can malloc */ fscanf(db_index, "%s\n", buf1); while (*buf1 != '$') { snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s%s", prefix, buf1); if (!(db_file = fopen(buf2, "r"))) { log("SYSERR: File '%s' listed in '%s/%s': %s", buf2, prefix, index_filename, strerror(errno)); fscanf(db_index, "%s\n", buf1); continue; } else { if (mode == DB_BOOT_ZON) rec_count++; else if (mode == DB_BOOT_HLP) rec_count += count_alias_records(db_file); else rec_count += count_hash_records(db_file); } fclose(db_file); fscanf(db_index, "%s\n", buf1); } /* Exit if 0 records, unless this is shops */ if (!rec_count) { if (mode == DB_BOOT_SHP) return; log("SYSERR: boot error - 0 records counted in %s/%s.", prefix, index_filename); exit(1); } /* * NOTE: "bytes" does _not_ include strings or other later malloc'd things. */ switch (mode) { case DB_BOOT_WLD: CREATE(world, struct room_data, rec_count); size[0] = sizeof(struct room_data) * rec_count; log(" %d rooms, %d bytes.", rec_count, size[0]); break; case DB_BOOT_MOB: CREATE(mob_proto, struct char_data, rec_count); CREATE(mob_index, struct index_data, rec_count); size[0] = sizeof(struct index_data) * rec_count; size[1] = sizeof(struct char_data) * rec_count; log(" %d mobs, %d bytes in index, %d bytes in prototypes.", rec_count, size[0], size[1]); break; case DB_BOOT_OBJ: CREATE(obj_proto, struct obj_data, rec_count); CREATE(obj_index, struct index_data, rec_count); size[0] = sizeof(struct index_data) * rec_count; size[1] = sizeof(struct obj_data) * rec_count; log(" %d objs, %d bytes in index, %d bytes in prototypes.", rec_count, size[0], size[1]); break; case DB_BOOT_ZON: CREATE(zone_table, struct zone_data, rec_count); size[0] = sizeof(struct zone_data) * rec_count; log(" %d zones, %d bytes.", rec_count, size[0]); break; case DB_BOOT_HLP: CREATE(help_table, struct help_index_element, rec_count); size[0] = sizeof(struct help_index_element) * rec_count; log(" %d entries, %d bytes.", rec_count, size[0]); break; } rewind(db_index); fscanf(db_index, "%s\n", buf1); while (*buf1 != '$') { snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s%s", prefix, buf1); if (!(db_file = fopen(buf2, "r"))) { log("SYSERR: %s: %s", buf2, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } switch (mode) { case DB_BOOT_WLD: case DB_BOOT_OBJ: case DB_BOOT_MOB: discrete_load(db_file, mode, buf2); break; case DB_BOOT_ZON: load_zones(db_file, buf2); break; case DB_BOOT_HLP: /* * If you think about it, we have a race here. Although, this is the * "point-the-gun-at-your-own-foot" type of race. */ load_help(db_file); break; case DB_BOOT_SHP: boot_the_shops(db_file, buf2, rec_count); break; } fclose(db_file); fscanf(db_index, "%s\n", buf1); } fclose(db_index); /* sort the help index */ if (mode == DB_BOOT_HLP) { qsort(help_table, top_of_helpt, sizeof(struct help_index_element), hsort); top_of_helpt--; } } void discrete_load(FILE *fl, int mode, char *filename) { int nr = -1, last; char line[READ_SIZE]; const char *modes[] = {"world", "mob", "obj"}; for (;;) { /* * we have to do special processing with the obj files because they have * no end-of-record marker :( */ if (mode != DB_BOOT_OBJ || nr < 0) if (!get_line(fl, line)) { if (nr == -1) { log("SYSERR: %s file %s is empty!", modes[mode], filename); } else { log("SYSERR: Format error in %s after %s #%d\n" "...expecting a new %s, but file ended!\n" "(maybe the file is not terminated with '$'?)", filename, modes[mode], nr, modes[mode]); } exit(1); } if (*line == '$') return; if (*line == '#') { last = nr; if (sscanf(line, "#%d", &nr) != 1) { log("SYSERR: Format error after %s #%d", modes[mode], last); exit(1); } if (nr >= 99999) return; else switch (mode) { case DB_BOOT_WLD: parse_room(fl, nr); break; case DB_BOOT_MOB: parse_mobile(fl, nr); break; case DB_BOOT_OBJ: strlcpy(line, parse_object(fl, nr), sizeof(line)); break; } } else { log("SYSERR: Format error in %s file %s near %s #%d", modes[mode], filename, modes[mode], nr); log("SYSERR: ... offending line: '%s'", line); exit(1); } } } bitvector_t asciiflag_conv(char *flag) { bitvector_t flags = 0; int is_num = TRUE; char *p; for (p = flag; *p; p++) { if (islower(*p)) flags |= 1 << (*p - 'a'); else if (isupper(*p)) flags |= 1 << (26 + (*p - 'A')); if (!isdigit(*p)) is_num = FALSE; } if (is_num) flags = atol(flag); return (flags); } /* load the rooms */ void parse_room(FILE *fl, int virtual_nr) { static int room_nr = 0, zone = 0; int t[10], i; char line[READ_SIZE], flags[128], buf2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], buf[128]; struct extra_descr_data *new_descr; /* This really had better fit or there are other problems. */ snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "room #%d", virtual_nr); if (virtual_nr < zone_table[zone].bot) { log("SYSERR: Room #%d is below zone %d.", virtual_nr, zone); exit(1); } while (virtual_nr > zone_table[zone].top) if (++zone > top_of_zone_table) { log("SYSERR: Room %d is outside of any zone.", virtual_nr); exit(1); } world[room_nr].zone = zone; world[room_nr].number = virtual_nr; world[room_nr].name = fread_string(fl, buf2); world[room_nr].description = fread_string(fl, buf2); if (!get_line(fl, line)) { log("SYSERR: Expecting roomflags/sector type of room #%d but file ended!", virtual_nr); exit(1); } if (sscanf(line, " %d %s %d ", t, flags, t + 2) != 3) { log("SYSERR: Format error in roomflags/sector type of room #%d", virtual_nr); exit(1); } /* t[0] is the zone number; ignored with the zone-file system */ world[room_nr].room_flags = asciiflag_conv(flags); sprintf(flags, "object #%d", virtual_nr); /* sprintf: OK (until 399-bit integers) */ check_bitvector_names(world[room_nr].room_flags, room_bits_count, flags, "room"); world[room_nr].sector_type = t[2]; world[room_nr].func = NULL; world[room_nr].contents = NULL; world[room_nr].people = NULL; world[room_nr].light = 0; /* Zero light sources */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_OF_DIRS; i++) world[room_nr].dir_option[i] = NULL; world[room_nr].ex_description = NULL; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "SYSERR: Format error in room #%d (expecting D/E/S)", virtual_nr); for (;;) { if (!get_line(fl, line)) { log("%s", buf); exit(1); } switch (*line) { case 'D': setup_dir(fl, room_nr, atoi(line + 1)); break; case 'E': CREATE(new_descr, struct extra_descr_data, 1); new_descr->keyword = fread_string(fl, buf2); new_descr->description = fread_string(fl, buf2); new_descr->next = world[room_nr].ex_description; world[room_nr].ex_description = new_descr; break; case 'S': /* end of room */ top_of_world = room_nr++; return; default: log("%s", buf); exit(1); } } } /* read direction data */ void setup_dir(FILE *fl, int room, int dir) { int t[5]; char line[READ_SIZE], buf2[128]; snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "room #%d, direction D%d", GET_ROOM_VNUM(room), dir); CREATE(world[room].dir_option[dir], struct room_direction_data, 1); world[room].dir_option[dir]->general_description = fread_string(fl, buf2); world[room].dir_option[dir]->keyword = fread_string(fl, buf2); if (!get_line(fl, line)) { log("SYSERR: Format error, %s", buf2); exit(1); } if (sscanf(line, " %d %d %d ", t, t + 1, t + 2) != 3) { log("SYSERR: Format error, %s", buf2); exit(1); } if (t[0] == 1) world[room].dir_option[dir]->exit_info = EX_ISDOOR; else if (t[0] == 2) world[room].dir_option[dir]->exit_info = EX_ISDOOR | EX_PICKPROOF; else world[room].dir_option[dir]->exit_info = 0; world[room].dir_option[dir]->key = t[1]; world[room].dir_option[dir]->to_room = t[2]; } /* make sure the start rooms exist & resolve their vnums to rnums */ void check_start_rooms(void) { if ((r_mortal_start_room = real_room(mortal_start_room)) == NOWHERE) { log("SYSERR: Mortal start room does not exist. Change in config.c."); exit(1); } if ((r_immort_start_room = real_room(immort_start_room)) == NOWHERE) { if (!mini_mud) log("SYSERR: Warning: Immort start room does not exist. Change in config.c."); r_immort_start_room = r_mortal_start_room; } if ((r_frozen_start_room = real_room(frozen_start_room)) == NOWHERE) { if (!mini_mud) log("SYSERR: Warning: Frozen start room does not exist. Change in config.c."); r_frozen_start_room = r_mortal_start_room; } } /* resolve all vnums into rnums in the world */ void renum_world(void) { int room, door; for (room = 0; room <= top_of_world; room++) for (door = 0; door < NUM_OF_DIRS; door++) if (world[room].dir_option[door]) if (world[room].dir_option[door]->to_room != NOWHERE) world[room].dir_option[door]->to_room = real_room(world[room].dir_option[door]->to_room); } #define ZCMD zone_table[zone].cmd[cmd_no] /* * "resulve vnums into rnums in the zone reset tables" * * Or in English: Once all of the zone reset tables have been loaded, we * resolve the virtual numbers into real numbers all at once so we don't have * to do it repeatedly while the game is running. This does make adding any * room, mobile, or object a little more difficult while the game is running. * * NOTE 1: Assumes NOWHERE == NOBODY == NOTHING. * NOTE 2: Assumes sizeof(room_rnum) >= (sizeof(mob_rnum) and sizeof(obj_rnum)) */ void renum_zone_table(void) { int cmd_no; room_rnum a, b, c, olda, oldb, oldc; zone_rnum zone; char buf[128]; for (zone = 0; zone <= top_of_zone_table; zone++) for (cmd_no = 0; ZCMD.command != 'S'; cmd_no++) { a = b = c = 0; olda = ZCMD.arg1; oldb = ZCMD.arg2; oldc = ZCMD.arg3; switch (ZCMD.command) { case 'M': a = ZCMD.arg1 = real_mobile(ZCMD.arg1); c = ZCMD.arg3 = real_room(ZCMD.arg3); break; case 'O': a = ZCMD.arg1 = real_object(ZCMD.arg1); if (ZCMD.arg3 != NOWHERE) c = ZCMD.arg3 = real_room(ZCMD.arg3); break; case 'G': a = ZCMD.arg1 = real_object(ZCMD.arg1); break; case 'E': a = ZCMD.arg1 = real_object(ZCMD.arg1); break; case 'P': a = ZCMD.arg1 = real_object(ZCMD.arg1); c = ZCMD.arg3 = real_object(ZCMD.arg3); break; case 'D': a = ZCMD.arg1 = real_room(ZCMD.arg1); break; case 'R': /* rem obj from room */ a = ZCMD.arg1 = real_room(ZCMD.arg1); b = ZCMD.arg2 = real_object(ZCMD.arg2); break; } if (a == NOWHERE || b == NOWHERE || c == NOWHERE) { if (!mini_mud) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Invalid vnum %d, cmd disabled", a == NOWHERE ? olda : b == NOWHERE ? oldb : oldc); log_zone_error(zone, cmd_no, buf); } ZCMD.command = '*'; } } } void parse_simple_mob(FILE *mob_f, int i, int nr) { int j, t[10]; char line[READ_SIZE]; mob_proto[i].real_abils.str = 11; mob_proto[i].real_abils.intel = 11; mob_proto[i].real_abils.wis = 11; mob_proto[i].real_abils.dex = 11; mob_proto[i].real_abils.con = 11; mob_proto[i].real_abils.cha = 11; if (!get_line(mob_f, line)) { log("SYSERR: Format error in mob #%d, file ended after S flag!", nr); exit(1); } if (sscanf(line, " %d %d %d %dd%d+%d %dd%d+%d ", t, t + 1, t + 2, t + 3, t + 4, t + 5, t + 6, t + 7, t + 8) != 9) { log("SYSERR: Format error in mob #%d, first line after S flag\n" "...expecting line of form '# # # #d#+# #d#+#'", nr); exit(1); } GET_LEVEL(mob_proto + i) = t[0]; GET_HITROLL(mob_proto + i) = 20 - t[1]; GET_AC(mob_proto + i) = 10 * t[2]; /* max hit = 0 is a flag that H, M, V is xdy+z */ GET_MAX_HIT(mob_proto + i) = 0; GET_HIT(mob_proto + i) = t[3]; GET_MANA(mob_proto + i) = t[4]; GET_MOVE(mob_proto + i) = t[5]; GET_MAX_MANA(mob_proto + i) = 10; GET_MAX_MOVE(mob_proto + i) = 50; mob_proto[i].mob_specials.damnodice = t[6]; mob_proto[i].mob_specials.damsizedice = t[7]; GET_DAMROLL(mob_proto + i) = t[8]; if (!get_line(mob_f, line)) { log("SYSERR: Format error in mob #%d, second line after S flag\n" "...expecting line of form '# #', but file ended!", nr); exit(1); } if (sscanf(line, " %d %d ", t, t + 1) != 2) { log("SYSERR: Format error in mob #%d, second line after S flag\n" "...expecting line of form '# #'", nr); exit(1); } GET_GOLD(mob_proto + i) = t[0]; GET_EXP(mob_proto + i) = t[1]; if (!get_line(mob_f, line)) { log("SYSERR: Format error in last line of mob #%d\n" "...expecting line of form '# # #', but file ended!", nr); exit(1); } if (sscanf(line, " %d %d %d ", t, t + 1, t + 2) != 3) { log("SYSERR: Format error in last line of mob #%d\n" "...expecting line of form '# # #'", nr); exit(1); } GET_POS(mob_proto + i) = t[0]; GET_DEFAULT_POS(mob_proto + i) = t[1]; GET_SEX(mob_proto + i) = t[2]; GET_CLASS(mob_proto + i) = 0; GET_WEIGHT(mob_proto + i) = 200; GET_HEIGHT(mob_proto + i) = 198; /* * these are now save applies; base save numbers for MOBs are now from * the warrior save table. */ for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) GET_SAVE(mob_proto + i, j) = 0; } /* * interpret_espec is the function that takes espec keywords and values * and assigns the correct value to the mob as appropriate. Adding new * e-specs is absurdly easy -- just add a new CASE statement to this * function! No other changes need to be made anywhere in the code. * * CASE : Requires a parameter through 'value'. * BOOL_CASE : Being specified at all is its value. */ #define CASE(test) \ if (value && !matched && !str_cmp(keyword, test) && (matched = TRUE)) #define BOOL_CASE(test) \ if (!value && !matched && !str_cmp(keyword, test) && (matched = TRUE)) #define RANGE(low, high) \ (num_arg = MAX((low), MIN((high), (num_arg)))) void interpret_espec(const char *keyword, const char *value, int i, int nr) { int num_arg = 0, matched = FALSE; /* * If there isn't a colon, there is no value. While Boolean options are * possible, we don't actually have any. Feel free to make some. */ if (value) num_arg = atoi(value); CASE("BareHandAttack") { RANGE(0, 99); mob_proto[i].mob_specials.attack_type = num_arg; } CASE("Str") { RANGE(3, 25); mob_proto[i].real_abils.str = num_arg; } CASE("StrAdd") { RANGE(0, 100); mob_proto[i].real_abils.str_add = num_arg; } CASE("Int") { RANGE(3, 25); mob_proto[i].real_abils.intel = num_arg; } CASE("Wis") { RANGE(3, 25); mob_proto[i].real_abils.wis = num_arg; } CASE("Dex") { RANGE(3, 25); mob_proto[i].real_abils.dex = num_arg; } CASE("Con") { RANGE(3, 25); mob_proto[i].real_abils.con = num_arg; } CASE("Cha") { RANGE(3, 25); mob_proto[i].real_abils.cha = num_arg; } if (!matched) { log("SYSERR: Warning: unrecognized espec keyword %s in mob #%d", keyword, nr); } } #undef CASE #undef BOOL_CASE #undef RANGE void parse_espec(char *buf, int i, int nr) { char *ptr; if ((ptr = strchr(buf, ':')) != NULL) { *(ptr++) = '\0'; while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; } interpret_espec(buf, ptr, i, nr); } void parse_enhanced_mob(FILE *mob_f, int i, int nr) { char line[READ_SIZE]; parse_simple_mob(mob_f, i, nr); while (get_line(mob_f, line)) { if (!strcmp(line, "E")) /* end of the enhanced section */ return; else if (*line == '#') { /* we've hit the next mob, maybe? */ log("SYSERR: Unterminated E section in mob #%d", nr); exit(1); } else parse_espec(line, i, nr); } log("SYSERR: Unexpected end of file reached after mob #%d", nr); exit(1); } void parse_mobile(FILE *mob_f, int nr) { static int i = 0; int j, t[10]; char line[READ_SIZE], *tmpptr, letter; char f1[128], f2[128], buf2[128]; mob_index[i].vnum = nr; mob_index[i].number = 0; mob_index[i].func = NULL; clear_char(mob_proto + i); /* * Mobiles should NEVER use anything in the 'player_specials' structure. * The only reason we have every mob in the game share this copy of the * structure is to save newbie coders from themselves. -gg 2/25/98 */ mob_proto[i].player_specials = &dummy_mob; sprintf(buf2, "mob vnum %d", nr); /* sprintf: OK (for 'buf2 >= 19') */ /***** String data *****/ mob_proto[i].player.name = fread_string(mob_f, buf2); tmpptr = mob_proto[i].player.short_descr = fread_string(mob_f, buf2); if (tmpptr && *tmpptr) if (!str_cmp(fname(tmpptr), "a") || !str_cmp(fname(tmpptr), "an") || !str_cmp(fname(tmpptr), "the")) *tmpptr = LOWER(*tmpptr); mob_proto[i].player.long_descr = fread_string(mob_f, buf2); mob_proto[i].player.description = fread_string(mob_f, buf2); GET_TITLE(mob_proto + i) = NULL; /* *** Numeric data *** */ if (!get_line(mob_f, line)) { log("SYSERR: Format error after string section of mob #%d\n" "...expecting line of form '# # # {S | E}', but file ended!", nr); exit(1); } #ifdef CIRCLE_ACORN /* Ugh. */ if (sscanf(line, "%s %s %d %s", f1, f2, t + 2, &letter) != 4) { #else if (sscanf(line, "%s %s %d %c", f1, f2, t + 2, &letter) != 4) { #endif log("SYSERR: Format error after string section of mob #%d\n" "...expecting line of form '# # # {S | E}'", nr); exit(1); } MOB_FLAGS(mob_proto + i) = asciiflag_conv(f1); SET_BIT(MOB_FLAGS(mob_proto + i), MOB_ISNPC); if (MOB_FLAGGED(mob_proto + i, MOB_NOTDEADYET)) { /* Rather bad to load mobiles with this bit already set. */ log("SYSERR: Mob #%d has reserved bit MOB_NOTDEADYET set.", nr); REMOVE_BIT(MOB_FLAGS(mob_proto + i), MOB_NOTDEADYET); } check_bitvector_names(MOB_FLAGS(mob_proto + i), action_bits_count, buf2, "mobile"); AFF_FLAGS(mob_proto + i) = asciiflag_conv(f2); check_bitvector_names(AFF_FLAGS(mob_proto + i), affected_bits_count, buf2, "mobile affect"); GET_ALIGNMENT(mob_proto + i) = t[2]; /* AGGR_TO_ALIGN is ignored if the mob is AGGRESSIVE. */ if (MOB_FLAGGED(mob_proto + i, MOB_AGGRESSIVE) && MOB_FLAGGED(mob_proto + i, MOB_AGGR_GOOD | MOB_AGGR_EVIL | MOB_AGGR_NEUTRAL)) log("SYSERR: Mob #%d both Aggressive and Aggressive_to_Alignment.", nr); switch (UPPER(letter)) { case 'S': /* Simple monsters */ parse_simple_mob(mob_f, i, nr); break; case 'E': /* Circle3 Enhanced monsters */ parse_enhanced_mob(mob_f, i, nr); break; /* add new mob types here.. */ default: log("SYSERR: Unsupported mob type '%c' in mob #%d", letter, nr); exit(1); } mob_proto[i].aff_abils = mob_proto[i].real_abils; for (j = 0; j < NUM_WEARS; j++) mob_proto[i].equipment[j] = NULL; mob_proto[i].nr = i; mob_proto[i].desc = NULL; top_of_mobt = i++; } /* read all objects from obj file; generate index and prototypes */ char *parse_object(FILE *obj_f, int nr) { static int i = 0; static char line[READ_SIZE]; int t[10], j, retval; char *tmpptr; char f1[READ_SIZE], f2[READ_SIZE], buf2[128]; struct extra_descr_data *new_descr; obj_index[i].vnum = nr; obj_index[i].number = 0; obj_index[i].func = NULL; clear_object(obj_proto + i); obj_proto[i].item_number = i; sprintf(buf2, "object #%d", nr); /* sprintf: OK (for 'buf2 >= 19') */ /* *** string data *** */ if ((obj_proto[i].name = fread_string(obj_f, buf2)) == NULL) { log("SYSERR: Null obj name or format error at or near %s", buf2); exit(1); } tmpptr = obj_proto[i].short_description = fread_string(obj_f, buf2); if (tmpptr && *tmpptr) if (!str_cmp(fname(tmpptr), "a") || !str_cmp(fname(tmpptr), "an") || !str_cmp(fname(tmpptr), "the")) *tmpptr = LOWER(*tmpptr); tmpptr = obj_proto[i].description = fread_string(obj_f, buf2); if (tmpptr && *tmpptr) CAP(tmpptr); obj_proto[i].action_description = fread_string(obj_f, buf2); /* *** numeric data *** */ if (!get_line(obj_f, line)) { log("SYSERR: Expecting first numeric line of %s, but file ended!", buf2); exit(1); } if ((retval = sscanf(line, " %d %s %s", t, f1, f2)) != 3) { log("SYSERR: Format error in first numeric line (expecting 3 args, got %d), %s", retval, buf2); exit(1); } /* Object flags checked in check_object(). */ GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj_proto + i) = t[0]; GET_OBJ_EXTRA(obj_proto + i) = asciiflag_conv(f1); GET_OBJ_WEAR(obj_proto + i) = asciiflag_conv(f2); if (!get_line(obj_f, line)) { log("SYSERR: Expecting second numeric line of %s, but file ended!", buf2); exit(1); } if ((retval = sscanf(line, "%d %d %d %d", t, t + 1, t + 2, t + 3)) != 4) { log("SYSERR: Format error in second numeric line (expecting 4 args, got %d), %s", retval, buf2); exit(1); } GET_OBJ_VAL(obj_proto + i, 0) = t[0]; GET_OBJ_VAL(obj_proto + i, 1) = t[1]; GET_OBJ_VAL(obj_proto + i, 2) = t[2]; GET_OBJ_VAL(obj_proto + i, 3) = t[3]; if (!get_line(obj_f, line)) { log("SYSERR: Expecting third numeric line of %s, but file ended!", buf2); exit(1); } if ((retval = sscanf(line, "%d %d %d", t, t + 1, t + 2)) != 3) { log("SYSERR: Format error in third numeric line (expecting 3 args, got %d), %s", retval, buf2); exit(1); } GET_OBJ_WEIGHT(obj_proto + i) = t[0]; GET_OBJ_COST(obj_proto + i) = t[1]; GET_OBJ_RENT(obj_proto + i) = t[2]; /* check to make sure that weight of containers exceeds curr. quantity */ if (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj_proto + i) == ITEM_DRINKCON || GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj_proto + i) == ITEM_FOUNTAIN) { if (GET_OBJ_WEIGHT(obj_proto + i) < GET_OBJ_VAL(obj_proto + i, 1)) GET_OBJ_WEIGHT(obj_proto + i) = GET_OBJ_VAL(obj_proto + i, 1) + 5; } /* *** extra descriptions and affect fields *** */ for (j = 0; j < MAX_OBJ_AFFECT; j++) { obj_proto[i].affected[j].location = APPLY_NONE; obj_proto[i].affected[j].modifier = 0; } strcat(buf2, ", after numeric constants\n" /* strcat: OK (for 'buf2 >= 87') */ "...expecting 'E', 'A', '$', or next object number"); j = 0; for (;;) { if (!get_line(obj_f, line)) { log("SYSERR: Format error in %s", buf2); exit(1); } switch (*line) { case 'E': CREATE(new_descr, struct extra_descr_data, 1); new_descr->keyword = fread_string(obj_f, buf2); new_descr->description = fread_string(obj_f, buf2); new_descr->next = obj_proto[i].ex_description; obj_proto[i].ex_description = new_descr; break; case 'A': if (j >= MAX_OBJ_AFFECT) { log("SYSERR: Too many A fields (%d max), %s", MAX_OBJ_AFFECT, buf2); exit(1); } if (!get_line(obj_f, line)) { log("SYSERR: Format error in 'A' field, %s\n" "...expecting 2 numeric constants but file ended!", buf2); exit(1); } if ((retval = sscanf(line, " %d %d ", t, t + 1)) != 2) { log("SYSERR: Format error in 'A' field, %s\n" "...expecting 2 numeric arguments, got %d\n" "...offending line: '%s'", buf2, retval, line); exit(1); } obj_proto[i].affected[j].location = t[0]; obj_proto[i].affected[j].modifier = t[1]; j++; break; case '$': case '#': check_object(obj_proto + i); top_of_objt = i++; return (line); default: log("SYSERR: Format error in (%c): %s", *line, buf2); exit(1); } } } #define Z zone_table[zone] /* load the zone table and command tables */ void load_zones(FILE *fl, char *zonename) { static zone_rnum zone = 0; int cmd_no, num_of_cmds = 0, line_num = 0, tmp, error; char *ptr, buf[READ_SIZE], zname[READ_SIZE], buf2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; strlcpy(zname, zonename, sizeof(zname)); /* Skip first 3 lines lest we mistake the zone name for a command. */ for (tmp = 0; tmp < 3; tmp++) get_line(fl, buf); /* More accurate count. Previous was always 4 or 5 too high. -gg 2001/1/17 * Note that if a new zone command is added to reset_zone(), this string * will need to be updated to suit. - ae. */ while (get_line(fl, buf)) if ((strchr("MOPGERD", buf[0]) && buf[1] == ' ') || (buf[0] == 'S' && buf[1] == '\0')) num_of_cmds++; rewind(fl); if (num_of_cmds == 0) { log("SYSERR: %s is empty!", zname); exit(1); } else CREATE(Z.cmd, struct reset_com, num_of_cmds); line_num += get_line(fl, buf); if (sscanf(buf, "#%hd", &Z.number) != 1) { log("SYSERR: Format error in %s, line %d", zname, line_num); exit(1); } snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "beginning of zone #%d", Z.number); line_num += get_line(fl, buf); if ((ptr = strchr(buf, '~')) != NULL) /* take off the '~' if it's there */ *ptr = '\0'; Z.name = strdup(buf); line_num += get_line(fl, buf); if (sscanf(buf, " %hd %hd %d %d ", &Z.bot, &Z.top, &Z.lifespan, &Z.reset_mode) != 4) { log("SYSERR: Format error in numeric constant line of %s", zname); exit(1); } if (Z.bot > Z.top) { log("SYSERR: Zone %d bottom (%d) > top (%d).", Z.number, Z.bot, Z.top); exit(1); } cmd_no = 0; for (;;) { if ((tmp = get_line(fl, buf)) == 0) { log("SYSERR: Format error in %s - premature end of file", zname); exit(1); } line_num += tmp; ptr = buf; skip_spaces(&ptr); if ((ZCMD.command = *ptr) == '*') continue; ptr++; if (ZCMD.command == 'S' || ZCMD.command == '$') { ZCMD.command = 'S'; break; } error = 0; if (strchr("MOEPD", ZCMD.command) == NULL) { /* a 3-arg command */ if (sscanf(ptr, " %d %d %d ", &tmp, &ZCMD.arg1, &ZCMD.arg2) != 3) error = 1; } else { if (sscanf(ptr, " %d %d %d %d ", &tmp, &ZCMD.arg1, &ZCMD.arg2, &ZCMD.arg3) != 4) error = 1; } ZCMD.if_flag = tmp; if (error) { log("SYSERR: Format error in %s, line %d: '%s'", zname, line_num, buf); exit(1); } ZCMD.line = line_num; cmd_no++; } if (num_of_cmds != cmd_no + 1) { log("SYSERR: Zone command count mismatch for %s. Estimated: %d, Actual: %d", zname, num_of_cmds, cmd_no + 1); exit(1); } top_of_zone_table = zone++; } #undef Z void get_one_line(FILE *fl, char *buf) { if (fgets(buf, READ_SIZE, fl) == NULL) { log("SYSERR: error reading help file: not terminated with $?"); exit(1); } buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; /* take off the trailing \n */ } void free_help(void) { int hp; if (!help_table) return; for (hp = 0; hp <= top_of_helpt; hp++) { if (help_table[hp].keyword) free(help_table[hp].keyword); if (help_table[hp].entry && !help_table[hp].duplicate) free(help_table[hp].entry); } free(help_table); help_table = NULL; top_of_helpt = 0; } void load_help(FILE *fl) { #if defined(CIRCLE_MACINTOSH) static char key[READ_SIZE + 1], next_key[READ_SIZE + 1], entry[32384]; /* too big for stack? */ #else char key[READ_SIZE + 1], next_key[READ_SIZE + 1], entry[32384]; #endif size_t entrylen; char line[READ_SIZE + 1], *scan; struct help_index_element el; /* get the first keyword line */ get_one_line(fl, key); while (*key != '$') { strcat(key, "\r\n"); /* strcat: OK (READ_SIZE - "\n" + "\r\n" == READ_SIZE + 1) */ entrylen = strlcpy(entry, key, sizeof(entry)); /* read in the corresponding help entry */ get_one_line(fl, line); while (*line != '#' && entrylen < sizeof(entry) - 1) { entrylen += strlcpy(entry + entrylen, line, sizeof(entry) - entrylen); if (entrylen + 2 < sizeof(entry) - 1) { strcpy(entry + entrylen, "\r\n"); /* strcpy: OK (size checked above) */ entrylen += 2; } get_one_line(fl, line); } if (entrylen >= sizeof(entry) - 1) { int keysize; const char *truncmsg = "\r\n*TRUNCATED*\r\n"; strcpy(entry + sizeof(entry) - strlen(truncmsg) - 1, truncmsg); /* strcpy: OK (assuming sane 'entry' size) */ keysize = strlen(key) - 2; log("SYSERR: Help entry exceeded buffer space: %.*s", keysize, key); /* If we ran out of buffer space, eat the rest of the entry. */ while (*line != '#') get_one_line(fl, line); } /* now, add the entry to the index with each keyword on the keyword line */ el.duplicate = 0; el.entry = strdup(entry); scan = one_word(key, next_key); while (*next_key) { el.keyword = strdup(next_key); help_table[top_of_helpt++] = el; el.duplicate++; scan = one_word(scan, next_key); } /* get next keyword line (or $) */ get_one_line(fl, key); } } int hsort(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct help_index_element *a1, *b1; a1 = (const struct help_index_element *) a; b1 = (const struct help_index_element *) b; return (str_cmp(a1->keyword, b1->keyword)); } /************************************************************************* * procedures for resetting, both play-time and boot-time * *************************************************************************/ int vnum_mobile(char *searchname, struct char_data *ch) { int nr, found = 0; for (nr = 0; nr <= top_of_mobt; nr++) if (isname(searchname, mob_proto[nr].player.name)) send_to_char(ch, "%3d. [%5d] %s\r\n", ++found, mob_index[nr].vnum, mob_proto[nr].player.short_descr); return (found); } int vnum_object(char *searchname, struct char_data *ch) { int nr, found = 0; for (nr = 0; nr <= top_of_objt; nr++) if (isname(searchname, obj_proto[nr].name)) send_to_char(ch, "%3d. [%5d] %s\r\n", ++found, obj_index[nr].vnum, obj_proto[nr].short_description); return (found); } /* create a character, and add it to the char list */ struct char_data *create_char(void) { struct char_data *ch; CREATE(ch, struct char_data, 1); clear_char(ch); ch->next = character_list; character_list = ch; return (ch); } /* create a new mobile from a prototype */ struct char_data *read_mobile(mob_vnum nr, int type) /* and mob_rnum */ { mob_rnum i; struct char_data *mob; if (type == VIRTUAL) { if ((i = real_mobile(nr)) == NOBODY) { log("WARNING: Mobile vnum %d does not exist in database.", nr); return (NULL); } } else i = nr; CREATE(mob, struct char_data, 1); clear_char(mob); *mob = mob_proto[i]; mob->next = character_list; character_list = mob; if (!mob->points.max_hit) { mob->points.max_hit = dice(mob->points.hit, mob->points.mana) + mob->points.move; } else mob->points.max_hit = rand_number(mob->points.hit, mob->points.mana); mob->points.hit = mob->points.max_hit; mob->points.mana = mob->points.max_mana; mob->points.move = mob->points.max_move; mob->player.time.birth = time(0); mob->player.time.played = 0; mob->player.time.logon = time(0); mob_index[i].number++; return (mob); } /* create an object, and add it to the object list */ struct obj_data *create_obj(void) { struct obj_data *obj; CREATE(obj, struct obj_data, 1); clear_object(obj); obj->next = object_list; object_list = obj; return (obj); } /* create a new object from a prototype */ struct obj_data *read_object(obj_vnum nr, int type) /* and obj_rnum */ { struct obj_data *obj; obj_rnum i = type == VIRTUAL ? real_object(nr) : nr; if (i == NOTHING || i > top_of_objt) { log("Object (%c) %d does not exist in database.", type == VIRTUAL ? 'V' : 'R', nr); return (NULL); } CREATE(obj, struct obj_data, 1); clear_object(obj); *obj = obj_proto[i]; obj->next = object_list; object_list = obj; obj_index[i].number++; return (obj); } #define ZO_DEAD 999 /* update zone ages, queue for reset if necessary, and dequeue when possible */ void zone_update(void) { int i; struct reset_q_element *update_u, *temp; static int timer = 0; /* jelson 10/22/92 */ if (((++timer * PULSE_ZONE) / PASSES_PER_SEC) >= 60) { /* one minute has passed */ /* * NOT accurate unless PULSE_ZONE is a multiple of PASSES_PER_SEC or a * factor of 60 */ timer = 0; /* since one minute has passed, increment zone ages */ for (i = 0; i <= top_of_zone_table; i++) { if (zone_table[i].age < zone_table[i].lifespan && zone_table[i].reset_mode) (zone_table[i].age)++; if (zone_table[i].age >= zone_table[i].lifespan && zone_table[i].age < ZO_DEAD && zone_table[i].reset_mode) { /* enqueue zone */ CREATE(update_u, struct reset_q_element, 1); update_u->zone_to_reset = i; update_u->next = 0; if (!reset_q.head) reset_q.head = reset_q.tail = update_u; else { reset_q.tail->next = update_u; reset_q.tail = update_u; } zone_table[i].age = ZO_DEAD; } } } /* end - one minute has passed */ /* dequeue zones (if possible) and reset */ /* this code is executed every 10 seconds (i.e. PULSE_ZONE) */ for (update_u = reset_q.head; update_u; update_u = update_u->next) if (zone_table[update_u->zone_to_reset].reset_mode == 2 || is_empty(update_u->zone_to_reset)) { reset_zone(update_u->zone_to_reset); mudlog(CMP, LVL_GOD, FALSE, "Auto zone reset: %s", zone_table[update_u->zone_to_reset].name); /* dequeue */ if (update_u == reset_q.head) reset_q.head = reset_q.head->next; else { for (temp = reset_q.head; temp->next != update_u; temp = temp->next); if (!update_u->next) reset_q.tail = temp; temp->next = update_u->next; } free(update_u); break; } } void log_zone_error(zone_rnum zone, int cmd_no, const char *message) { mudlog(NRM, LVL_GOD, TRUE, "SYSERR: zone file: %s", message); mudlog(NRM, LVL_GOD, TRUE, "SYSERR: ...offending cmd: '%c' cmd in zone #%d, line %d", ZCMD.command, zone_table[zone].number, ZCMD.line); } #define ZONE_ERROR(message) \ { log_zone_error(zone, cmd_no, message); last_cmd = 0; } /* execute the reset command table of a given zone */ void reset_zone(zone_rnum zone) { int cmd_no, last_cmd = 0; struct char_data *mob = NULL; struct obj_data *obj, *obj_to; for (cmd_no = 0; ZCMD.command != 'S'; cmd_no++) { if (ZCMD.if_flag && !last_cmd) continue; /* This is the list of actual zone commands. If any new * zone commands are added to the game, be certain to update * the list of commands in load_zone() so that the counting * will still be correct. - ae. */ switch (ZCMD.command) { case '*': /* ignore command */ last_cmd = 0; break; case 'M': /* read a mobile */ if (mob_index[ZCMD.arg1].number < ZCMD.arg2) { mob = read_mobile(ZCMD.arg1, REAL); char_to_room(mob, ZCMD.arg3); last_cmd = 1; } else last_cmd = 0; break; case 'O': /* read an object */ if (obj_index[ZCMD.arg1].number < ZCMD.arg2) { if (ZCMD.arg3 != NOWHERE) { obj = read_object(ZCMD.arg1, REAL); obj_to_room(obj, ZCMD.arg3); last_cmd = 1; } else { obj = read_object(ZCMD.arg1, REAL); IN_ROOM(obj) = NOWHERE; last_cmd = 1; } } else last_cmd = 0; break; case 'P': /* object to object */ if (obj_index[ZCMD.arg1].number < ZCMD.arg2) { obj = read_object(ZCMD.arg1, REAL); if (!(obj_to = get_obj_num(ZCMD.arg3))) { ZONE_ERROR("target obj not found, command disabled"); ZCMD.command = '*'; break; } obj_to_obj(obj, obj_to); last_cmd = 1; } else last_cmd = 0; break; case 'G': /* obj_to_char */ if (!mob) { ZONE_ERROR("attempt to give obj to non-existant mob, command disabled"); ZCMD.command = '*'; break; } if (obj_index[ZCMD.arg1].number < ZCMD.arg2) { obj = read_object(ZCMD.arg1, REAL); obj_to_char(obj, mob); last_cmd = 1; } else last_cmd = 0; break; case 'E': /* object to equipment list */ if (!mob) { ZONE_ERROR("trying to equip non-existant mob, command disabled"); ZCMD.command = '*'; break; } if (obj_index[ZCMD.arg1].number < ZCMD.arg2) { if (ZCMD.arg3 < 0 || ZCMD.arg3 >= NUM_WEARS) { ZONE_ERROR("invalid equipment pos number"); } else { obj = read_object(ZCMD.arg1, REAL); equip_char(mob, obj, ZCMD.arg3); last_cmd = 1; } } else last_cmd = 0; break; case 'R': /* rem obj from room */ if ((obj = get_obj_in_list_num(ZCMD.arg2, world[ZCMD.arg1].contents)) != NULL) extract_obj(obj); last_cmd = 1; break; case 'D': /* set state of door */ if (ZCMD.arg2 < 0 || ZCMD.arg2 >= NUM_OF_DIRS || (world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2] == NULL)) { ZONE_ERROR("door does not exist, command disabled"); ZCMD.command = '*'; } else switch (ZCMD.arg3) { case 0: REMOVE_BIT(world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info, EX_LOCKED); REMOVE_BIT(world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info, EX_CLOSED); break; case 1: SET_BIT(world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info, EX_CLOSED); REMOVE_BIT(world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info, EX_LOCKED); break; case 2: SET_BIT(world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info, EX_LOCKED); SET_BIT(world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info, EX_CLOSED); break; } last_cmd = 1; break; default: ZONE_ERROR("unknown cmd in reset table; cmd disabled"); ZCMD.command = '*'; break; } } zone_table[zone].age = 0; } /* for use in reset_zone; return TRUE if zone 'nr' is free of PC's */ int is_empty(zone_rnum zone_nr) { struct descriptor_data *i; for (i = descriptor_list; i; i = i->next) { if (STATE(i) != CON_PLAYING) continue; if (IN_ROOM(i->character) == NOWHERE) continue; if (GET_LEVEL(i->character) >= LVL_IMMORT) continue; if (world[IN_ROOM(i->character)].zone != zone_nr) continue; return (0); } return (1); } /************************************************************************* * stuff related to the save/load player system * *************************************************************************/ long get_ptable_by_name(const char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= top_of_p_table; i++) if (!str_cmp(player_table[i].name, name)) return (i); return (-1); } long get_id_by_name(const char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= top_of_p_table; i++) if (!str_cmp(player_table[i].name, name)) return (player_table[i].id); return (-1); } char *get_name_by_id(long id) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= top_of_p_table; i++) if (player_table[i].id == id) return (player_table[i].name); return (NULL); } /* Load a char, TRUE if loaded, FALSE if not */ int load_char(const char *name, struct char_file_u *char_element) { int player_i; if ((player_i = get_ptable_by_name(name)) >= 0) { fseek(player_fl, player_i * sizeof(struct char_file_u), SEEK_SET); fread(char_element, sizeof(struct char_file_u), 1, player_fl); return (player_i); } else return (-1); } /* * write the vital data of a player to the player file * * And that's it! No more fudging around with the load room. * Unfortunately, 'host' modifying is still here due to lack * of that variable in the char_data structure. */ void save_char(struct char_data *ch) { struct char_file_u st; if (IS_NPC(ch) || !ch->desc || GET_PFILEPOS(ch) < 0) return; char_to_store(ch, &st); strncpy(st.host, ch->desc->host, HOST_LENGTH); /* strncpy: OK (s.host:HOST_LENGTH+1) */ st.host[HOST_LENGTH] = '\0'; fseek(player_fl, GET_PFILEPOS(ch) * sizeof(struct char_file_u), SEEK_SET); fwrite(&st, sizeof(struct char_file_u), 1, player_fl); } /* copy data from the file structure to a char struct */ void store_to_char(struct char_file_u *st, struct char_data *ch) { int i; /* to save memory, only PC's -- not MOB's -- have player_specials */ if (ch->player_specials == NULL) CREATE(ch->player_specials, struct player_special_data, 1); GET_SEX(ch) = st->sex; GET_CLASS(ch) = st->chclass; GET_LEVEL(ch) = st->level; ch->player.short_descr = NULL; ch->player.long_descr = NULL; ch->player.title = strdup(st->title); ch->player.description = strdup(st->description); ch->player.hometown = st->hometown; ch->player.time.birth = st->birth; ch->player.time.played = st->played; ch->player.time.logon = time(0); ch->player.weight = st->weight; ch->player.height = st->height; ch->real_abils = st->abilities; ch->aff_abils = st->abilities; ch->points = st->points; ch->char_specials.saved = st->char_specials_saved; ch->player_specials->saved = st->player_specials_saved; POOFIN(ch) = NULL; POOFOUT(ch) = NULL; GET_LAST_TELL(ch) = NOBODY; if (ch->points.max_mana < 100) ch->points.max_mana = 100; ch->char_specials.carry_weight = 0; ch->char_specials.carry_items = 0; ch->points.armor = 100; ch->points.hitroll = 0; ch->points.damroll = 0; if (ch->player.name) free(ch->player.name); ch->player.name = strdup(st->name); strlcpy(ch->player.passwd, st->pwd, sizeof(ch->player.passwd)); /* Add all spell effects */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_AFFECT; i++) { if (st->affected[i].type) affect_to_char(ch, &st->affected[i]); } /* * If you're not poisioned and you've been away for more than an hour of * real time, we'll set your HMV back to full */ if (!AFF_FLAGGED(ch, AFF_POISON) && time(0) - st->last_logon >= SECS_PER_REAL_HOUR) { GET_HIT(ch) = GET_MAX_HIT(ch); GET_MOVE(ch) = GET_MAX_MOVE(ch); GET_MANA(ch) = GET_MAX_MANA(ch); } } /* store_to_char */ /* copy vital data from a players char-structure to the file structure */ void char_to_store(struct char_data *ch, struct char_file_u *st) { int i; struct affected_type *af; struct obj_data *char_eq[NUM_WEARS]; /* Unaffect everything a character can be affected by */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_WEARS; i++) { if (GET_EQ(ch, i)) char_eq[i] = unequip_char(ch, i); else char_eq[i] = NULL; } for (af = ch->affected, i = 0; i < MAX_AFFECT; i++) { if (af) { st->affected[i] = *af; st->affected[i].next = 0; af = af->next; } else { st->affected[i].type = 0; /* Zero signifies not used */ st->affected[i].duration = 0; st->affected[i].modifier = 0; st->affected[i].location = 0; st->affected[i].bitvector = 0; st->affected[i].next = 0; } } /* * remove the affections so that the raw values are stored; otherwise the * effects are doubled when the char logs back in. */ while (ch->affected) affect_remove(ch, ch->affected); if ((i >= MAX_AFFECT) && af && af->next) log("SYSERR: WARNING: OUT OF STORE ROOM FOR AFFECTED TYPES!!!"); ch->aff_abils = ch->real_abils; st->birth = ch->player.time.birth; st->played = ch->player.time.played; st->played += time(0) - ch->player.time.logon; st->last_logon = time(0); ch->player.time.played = st->played; ch->player.time.logon = time(0); st->hometown = ch->player.hometown; st->weight = GET_WEIGHT(ch); st->height = GET_HEIGHT(ch); st->sex = GET_SEX(ch); st->chclass = GET_CLASS(ch); st->level = GET_LEVEL(ch); st->abilities = ch->real_abils; st->points = ch->points; st->char_specials_saved = ch->char_specials.saved; st->player_specials_saved = ch->player_specials->saved; st->points.armor = 100; st->points.hitroll = 0; st->points.damroll = 0; if (GET_TITLE(ch)) strlcpy(st->title, GET_TITLE(ch), MAX_TITLE_LENGTH); else *st->title = '\0'; if (ch->player.description) { if (strlen(ch->player.description) >= sizeof(st->description)) { log("SYSERR: char_to_store: %s's description length: %d, max: %d! " "Truncated.", GET_PC_NAME(ch), strlen(ch->player.description), sizeof(st->description)); ch->player.description[sizeof(st->description) - 3] = '\0'; strcat(ch->player.description, "\r\n"); /* strcat: OK (previous line makes room) */ } strcpy(st->description, ch->player.description); /* strcpy: OK (checked above) */ } else *st->description = '\0'; strcpy(st->name, GET_NAME(ch)); /* strcpy: OK (that's what GET_NAME came from) */ strcpy(st->pwd, GET_PASSWD(ch)); /* strcpy: OK (that's what GET_PASSWD came from) */ /* add spell and eq affections back in now */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_AFFECT; i++) { if (st->affected[i].type) affect_to_char(ch, &st->affected[i]); } for (i = 0; i < NUM_WEARS; i++) { if (char_eq[i]) equip_char(ch, char_eq[i], i); } /* affect_total(ch); unnecessary, I think !?! */ } /* Char to store */ void save_etext(struct char_data *ch) { /* this will be really cool soon */ } /* * Create a new entry in the in-memory index table for the player file. * If the name already exists, by overwriting a deleted character, then * we re-use the old position. */ int create_entry(char *name) { int i, pos; if (top_of_p_table == -1) { /* no table */ CREATE(player_table, struct player_index_element, 1); pos = top_of_p_table = 0; } else if ((pos = get_ptable_by_name(name)) == -1) { /* new name */ i = ++top_of_p_table + 1; RECREATE(player_table, struct player_index_element, i); pos = top_of_p_table; } CREATE(player_table[pos].name, char, strlen(name) + 1); /* copy lowercase equivalent of name to table field */ for (i = 0; (player_table[pos].name[i] = LOWER(name[i])); i++) /* Nothing */; return (pos); } /************************************************************************ * funcs of a (more or less) general utility nature * ************************************************************************/ /* read and allocate space for a '~'-terminated string from a given file */ char *fread_string(FILE *fl, const char *error) { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], tmp[513]; char *point; int done = 0, length = 0, templength; *buf = '\0'; do { if (!fgets(tmp, 512, fl)) { log("SYSERR: fread_string: format error at or near %s", error); exit(1); } /* If there is a '~', end the string; else put an "\r\n" over the '\n'. */ if ((point = strchr(tmp, '~')) != NULL) { *point = '\0'; done = 1; } else { point = tmp + strlen(tmp) - 1; *(point++) = '\r'; *(point++) = '\n'; *point = '\0'; } templength = strlen(tmp); if (length + templength >= MAX_STRING_LENGTH) { log("SYSERR: fread_string: string too large (db.c)"); log("%s", error); exit(1); } else { strcat(buf + length, tmp); /* strcat: OK (size checked above) */ length += templength; } } while (!done); /* allocate space for the new string and copy it */ return (strlen(buf) ? strdup(buf) : NULL); } /* release memory allocated for a char struct */ void free_char(struct char_data *ch) { int i; struct alias_data *a; if (ch->player_specials != NULL && ch->player_specials != &dummy_mob) { while ((a = GET_ALIASES(ch)) != NULL) { GET_ALIASES(ch) = (GET_ALIASES(ch))->next; free_alias(a); } if (ch->player_specials->poofin) free(ch->player_specials->poofin); if (ch->player_specials->poofout) free(ch->player_specials->poofout); free(ch->player_specials); if (IS_NPC(ch)) log("SYSERR: Mob %s (#%d) had player_specials allocated!", GET_NAME(ch), GET_MOB_VNUM(ch)); } if (!IS_NPC(ch) || (IS_NPC(ch) && GET_MOB_RNUM(ch) == NOBODY)) { /* if this is a player, or a non-prototyped non-player, free all */ if (GET_NAME(ch)) free(GET_NAME(ch)); if (ch->player.title) free(ch->player.title); if (ch->player.short_descr) free(ch->player.short_descr); if (ch->player.long_descr) free(ch->player.long_descr); if (ch->player.description) free(ch->player.description); } else if ((i = GET_MOB_RNUM(ch)) != NOBODY) { /* otherwise, free strings only if the string is not pointing at proto */ if (ch->player.name && ch->player.name != mob_proto[i].player.name) free(ch->player.name); if (ch->player.title && ch->player.title != mob_proto[i].player.title) free(ch->player.title); if (ch->player.short_descr && ch->player.short_descr != mob_proto[i].player.short_descr) free(ch->player.short_descr); if (ch->player.long_descr && ch->player.long_descr != mob_proto[i].player.long_descr) free(ch->player.long_descr); if (ch->player.description && ch->player.description != mob_proto[i].player.description) free(ch->player.description); } while (ch->affected) affect_remove(ch, ch->affected); if (ch->desc) ch->desc->character = NULL; free(ch); } /* release memory allocated for an obj struct */ void free_obj(struct obj_data *obj) { int nr; if ((nr = GET_OBJ_RNUM(obj)) == NOTHING) { if (obj->name) free(obj->name); if (obj->description) free(obj->description); if (obj->short_description) free(obj->short_description); if (obj->action_description) free(obj->action_description); if (obj->ex_description) free_extra_descriptions(obj->ex_description); } else { if (obj->name && obj->name != obj_proto[nr].name) free(obj->name); if (obj->description && obj->description != obj_proto[nr].description) free(obj->description); if (obj->short_description && obj->short_description != obj_proto[nr].short_description) free(obj->short_description); if (obj->action_description && obj->action_description != obj_proto[nr].action_description) free(obj->action_description); if (obj->ex_description && obj->ex_description != obj_proto[nr].ex_description) free_extra_descriptions(obj->ex_description); } free(obj); } /* * Steps: * 1: Read contents of a text file. * 2: Make sure no one is using the pointer in paging. * 3: Allocate space. * 4: Point 'buf' to it. * * We don't want to free() the string that someone may be * viewing in the pager. page_string() keeps the internal * strdup()'d copy on ->showstr_head and it won't care * if we delete the original. Otherwise, strings are kept * on ->showstr_vector but we'll only match if the pointer * is to the string we're interested in and not a copy. * * If someone is reading a global copy we're trying to * replace, give everybody using it a different copy so * as to avoid special cases. */ int file_to_string_alloc(const char *name, char **buf) { int temppage; char temp[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; struct descriptor_data *in_use; for (in_use = descriptor_list; in_use; in_use = in_use->next) if (in_use->showstr_vector && *in_use->showstr_vector == *buf) return (-1); /* Lets not free() what used to be there unless we succeeded. */ if (file_to_string(name, temp) < 0) return (-1); for (in_use = descriptor_list; in_use; in_use = in_use->next) { if (!in_use->showstr_count || *in_use->showstr_vector != *buf) continue; /* Let's be nice and leave them at the page they were on. */ temppage = in_use->showstr_page; paginate_string((in_use->showstr_head = strdup(*in_use->showstr_vector)), in_use); in_use->showstr_page = temppage; } if (*buf) free(*buf); *buf = strdup(temp); return (0); } /* read contents of a text file, and place in buf */ int file_to_string(const char *name, char *buf) { FILE *fl; char tmp[READ_SIZE + 3]; int len; *buf = '\0'; if (!(fl = fopen(name, "r"))) { log("SYSERR: reading %s: %s", name, strerror(errno)); return (-1); } for (;;) { if (!fgets(tmp, READ_SIZE, fl)) /* EOF check */ break; if ((len = strlen(tmp)) > 0) tmp[len - 1] = '\0'; /* take off the trailing \n */ strcat(tmp, "\r\n"); /* strcat: OK (tmp:READ_SIZE+3) */ if (strlen(buf) + strlen(tmp) + 1 > MAX_STRING_LENGTH) { log("SYSERR: %s: string too big (%d max)", name, MAX_STRING_LENGTH); *buf = '\0'; fclose(fl); return (-1); } strcat(buf, tmp); /* strcat: OK (size checked above) */ } fclose(fl); return (0); } /* clear some of the the working variables of a char */ void reset_char(struct char_data *ch) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_WEARS; i++) GET_EQ(ch, i) = NULL; ch->followers = NULL; ch->master = NULL; IN_ROOM(ch) = NOWHERE; ch->carrying = NULL; ch->next = NULL; ch->next_fighting = NULL; ch->next_in_room = NULL; FIGHTING(ch) = NULL; ch->char_specials.position = POS_STANDING; ch->mob_specials.default_pos = POS_STANDING; ch->char_specials.carry_weight = 0; ch->char_specials.carry_items = 0; if (GET_HIT(ch) <= 0) GET_HIT(ch) = 1; if (GET_MOVE(ch) <= 0) GET_MOVE(ch) = 1; if (GET_MANA(ch) <= 0) GET_MANA(ch) = 1; GET_LAST_TELL(ch) = NOBODY; } /* clear ALL the working variables of a char; do NOT free any space alloc'ed */ void clear_char(struct char_data *ch) { memset((char *) ch, 0, sizeof(struct char_data)); IN_ROOM(ch) = NOWHERE; GET_PFILEPOS(ch) = -1; GET_MOB_RNUM(ch) = NOBODY; GET_WAS_IN(ch) = NOWHERE; GET_POS(ch) = POS_STANDING; ch->mob_specials.default_pos = POS_STANDING; GET_AC(ch) = 100; /* Basic Armor */ if (ch->points.max_mana < 100) ch->points.max_mana = 100; } void clear_object(struct obj_data *obj) { memset((char *) obj, 0, sizeof(struct obj_data)); obj->item_number = NOTHING; IN_ROOM(obj) = NOWHERE; obj->worn_on = NOWHERE; } /* * Called during character creation after picking character class * (and then never again for that character). */ void init_char(struct char_data *ch) { int i; /* create a player_special structure */ if (ch->player_specials == NULL) CREATE(ch->player_specials, struct player_special_data, 1); /* *** if this is our first player --- he be God *** */ if (top_of_p_table == 0) { GET_LEVEL(ch) = LVL_IMPL; GET_EXP(ch) = 7000000; /* The implementor never goes through do_start(). */ GET_MAX_HIT(ch) = 500; GET_MAX_MANA(ch) = 100; GET_MAX_MOVE(ch) = 82; GET_HIT(ch) = GET_MAX_HIT(ch); GET_MANA(ch) = GET_MAX_MANA(ch); GET_MOVE(ch) = GET_MAX_MOVE(ch); } set_title(ch, NULL); ch->player.short_descr = NULL; ch->player.long_descr = NULL; ch->player.description = NULL; ch->player.time.birth = time(0); ch->player.time.logon = time(0); ch->player.time.played = 0; GET_HOME(ch) = 1; GET_AC(ch) = 100; for (i = 0; i < MAX_TONGUE; i++) GET_TALK(ch, i) = 0; /* * make favors for sex -- or in English, we bias the height and weight of the * character depending on what gender they've chosen for themselves. While it * is possible to have a tall, heavy female it's not as likely as a male. * * Height is in centimeters. Weight is in pounds. The only place they're * ever printed (in stock code) is SPELL_IDENTIFY. */ if (GET_SEX(ch) == SEX_MALE) { GET_WEIGHT(ch) = rand_number(120, 180); GET_HEIGHT(ch) = rand_number(160, 200); /* 5'4" - 6'8" */ } else { GET_WEIGHT(ch) = rand_number(100, 160); GET_HEIGHT(ch) = rand_number(150, 180); /* 5'0" - 6'0" */ } if ((i = get_ptable_by_name(GET_NAME(ch))) != -1) player_table[i].id = GET_IDNUM(ch) = ++top_idnum; else log("SYSERR: init_char: Character '%s' not found in player table.", GET_NAME(ch)); for (i = 1; i <= MAX_SKILLS; i++) { if (GET_LEVEL(ch) < LVL_IMPL) SET_SKILL(ch, i, 0); else SET_SKILL(ch, i, 100); } AFF_FLAGS(ch) = 0; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) GET_SAVE(ch, i) = 0; ch->real_abils.intel = 25; ch->real_abils.wis = 25; ch->real_abils.dex = 25; ch->real_abils.str = 25; ch->real_abils.str_add = 100; ch->real_abils.con = 25; ch->real_abils.cha = 25; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) GET_COND(ch, i) = (GET_LEVEL(ch) == LVL_IMPL ? -1 : 24); GET_LOADROOM(ch) = NOWHERE; } /* returns the real number of the room with given virtual number */ room_rnum real_room(room_vnum vnum) { room_rnum bot, top, mid; bot = 0; top = top_of_world; /* perform binary search on world-table */ for (;;) { mid = (bot + top) / 2; if ((world + mid)->number == vnum) return (mid); if (bot >= top) return (NOWHERE); if ((world + mid)->number > vnum) top = mid - 1; else bot = mid + 1; } } /* returns the real number of the monster with given virtual number */ mob_rnum real_mobile(mob_vnum vnum) { mob_rnum bot, top, mid; bot = 0; top = top_of_mobt; /* perform binary search on mob-table */ for (;;) { mid = (bot + top) / 2; if ((mob_index + mid)->vnum == vnum) return (mid); if (bot >= top) return (NOBODY); if ((mob_index + mid)->vnum > vnum) top = mid - 1; else bot = mid + 1; } } /* returns the real number of the object with given virtual number */ obj_rnum real_object(obj_vnum vnum) { obj_rnum bot, top, mid; bot = 0; top = top_of_objt; /* perform binary search on obj-table */ for (;;) { mid = (bot + top) / 2; if ((obj_index + mid)->vnum == vnum) return (mid); if (bot >= top) return (NOTHING); if ((obj_index + mid)->vnum > vnum) top = mid - 1; else bot = mid + 1; } } /* returns the real number of the zone with given virtual number */ room_rnum real_zone(room_vnum vnum) { room_rnum bot, top, mid; bot = 0; top = top_of_zone_table; /* perform binary search on zone-table */ for (;;) { mid = (bot + top) / 2; if ((zone_table + mid)->number == vnum) return (mid); if (bot >= top) return (NOWHERE); if ((zone_table + mid)->number > vnum) top = mid - 1; else bot = mid + 1; } } /* * Extend later to include more checks. * * TODO: Add checks for unknown bitvectors. */ int check_object(struct obj_data *obj) { char objname[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH + 32]; int error = FALSE; if (GET_OBJ_WEIGHT(obj) < 0 && (error = TRUE)) log("SYSERR: Object #%d (%s) has negative weight (%d).", GET_OBJ_VNUM(obj), obj->short_description, GET_OBJ_WEIGHT(obj)); if (GET_OBJ_RENT(obj) < 0 && (error = TRUE)) log("SYSERR: Object #%d (%s) has negative cost/day (%d).", GET_OBJ_VNUM(obj), obj->short_description, GET_OBJ_RENT(obj)); snprintf(objname, sizeof(objname), "Object #%d (%s)", GET_OBJ_VNUM(obj), obj->short_description); error |= check_bitvector_names(GET_OBJ_WEAR(obj), wear_bits_count, objname, "object wear"); error |= check_bitvector_names(GET_OBJ_EXTRA(obj), extra_bits_count, objname, "object extra"); error |= check_bitvector_names(GET_OBJ_AFFECT(obj), affected_bits_count, objname, "object affect"); switch (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj)) { case ITEM_DRINKCON: { char onealias[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], *space = strrchr(obj->name, ' '); strlcpy(onealias, space ? space + 1 : obj->name, sizeof(onealias)); if (search_block(onealias, drinknames, TRUE) < 0 && (error = TRUE)) log("SYSERR: Object #%d (%s) doesn't have drink type as last alias. (%s)", GET_OBJ_VNUM(obj), obj->short_description, obj->name); } /* Fall through. */ case ITEM_FOUNTAIN: if (GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1) > GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 0) && (error = TRUE)) log("SYSERR: Object #%d (%s) contains (%d) more than maximum (%d).", GET_OBJ_VNUM(obj), obj->short_description, GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1), GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 0)); break; case ITEM_SCROLL: case ITEM_POTION: error |= check_object_level(obj, 0); error |= check_object_spell_number(obj, 1); error |= check_object_spell_number(obj, 2); error |= check_object_spell_number(obj, 3); break; case ITEM_WAND: case ITEM_STAFF: error |= check_object_level(obj, 0); error |= check_object_spell_number(obj, 3); if (GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 2) > GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1) && (error = TRUE)) log("SYSERR: Object #%d (%s) has more charges (%d) than maximum (%d).", GET_OBJ_VNUM(obj), obj->short_description, GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 2), GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1)); break; } return (error); } int check_object_spell_number(struct obj_data *obj, int val) { int error = FALSE; const char *spellname; if (GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, val) == -1) /* i.e.: no spell */ return (error); /* * Check for negative spells, spells beyond the top define, and any * spell which is actually a skill. */ if (GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, val) < 0) error = TRUE; if (GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, val) > TOP_SPELL_DEFINE) error = TRUE; if (GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, val) > MAX_SPELLS && GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, val) <= MAX_SKILLS) error = TRUE; if (error) log("SYSERR: Object #%d (%s) has out of range spell #%d.", GET_OBJ_VNUM(obj), obj->short_description, GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, val)); /* * This bug has been fixed, but if you don't like the special behavior... */ #if 0 if (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj) == ITEM_STAFF && HAS_SPELL_ROUTINE(GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, val), MAG_AREAS | MAG_MASSES)) log("... '%s' (#%d) uses %s spell '%s'.", obj->short_description, GET_OBJ_VNUM(obj), HAS_SPELL_ROUTINE(GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, val), MAG_AREAS) ? "area" : "mass", skill_name(GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, val))); #endif if (scheck) /* Spell names don't exist in syntax check mode. */ return (error); /* Now check for unnamed spells. */ spellname = skill_name(GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, val)); if ((spellname == unused_spellname || !str_cmp("UNDEFINED", spellname)) && (error = TRUE)) log("SYSERR: Object #%d (%s) uses '%s' spell #%d.", GET_OBJ_VNUM(obj), obj->short_description, spellname, GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, val)); return (error); } int check_object_level(struct obj_data *obj, int val) { int error = FALSE; if ((GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, val) < 0 || GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, val) > LVL_IMPL) && (error = TRUE)) log("SYSERR: Object #%d (%s) has out of range level #%d.", GET_OBJ_VNUM(obj), obj->short_description, GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, val)); return (error); } int check_bitvector_names(bitvector_t bits, size_t namecount, const char *whatami, const char *whatbits) { unsigned int flagnum; bool error = FALSE; /* See if any bits are set above the ones we know about. */ if (bits <= (~(bitvector_t)0 >> (sizeof(bitvector_t) * 8 - namecount))) return (FALSE); for (flagnum = namecount; flagnum < sizeof(bitvector_t) * 8; flagnum++) if ((1 << flagnum) & bits) { log("SYSERR: %s has unknown %s flag, bit %d (0 through %d known).", whatami, whatbits, flagnum, namecount - 1); error = TRUE; } return (error); }