#18600 The Entrance To The Newbie Zone~ Ahhh... the entrance to the newbie zone! Just the place you have been looking for. Well, when you've readied yourself you can enter to the north. ~ 186 c 1 D0 You see the start of the newbie zone. ~ ~ 0 -1 18601 D3 Back to the road that way... chickening out already? ~ ~ 0 -1 3061 S #18601 The Beginning Of The Passage~ You find yourself entering a long corridor. You can hear the sound of creatures roaming about, but you can't tell where the sound emanates from exactly. Exits lead to the east along the hallway, and south back to the entrance. ~ 186 d 0 D1 More of the hallway there... how exciting! ~ ~ 0 -1 18602 D2 The entrance to the newbie zone... how dull ~ ~ 0 -1 18600 S #18602 The Dirty Hallway~ You continue wandering down the hallway. Nothing much different here, but you are positive you here noises behind the door to the south, and coming from the east. The walls are a bit slimy and moldy here... yeech, couldn't they hire someone to clean this place? What will the newbies think? Oh well, you can continue along the hallway to the east or west. ~ 186 d 0 D1 More of the hallway there... how exciting! ~ ~ 0 -1 18603 D2 A small room lies to the south... you hear something moving about inside. ~ door~ 1 -1 18606 D3 More of the hallway there... how exciting! ~ ~ 0 -1 18601 S #18603 A Nexus~ Well... you've reached an intersection of two passages, to the north and east, the passage brightens, while the darker hallway continues to the south. ~ 186 d 0 D0 A brighter hallway leads off that way. ~ door~ 1 -1 18644 D1 A brighter hallway leads off that way. ~ door~ 1 -1 18646 D2 More of the hallway there... how exciting! ~ ~ 0 -1 18607 D3 More of the hallway there... how exciting! ~ ~ 0 -1 18602 S #18604 A Narrow Passage~ The thin passage is plain and undecorated, but still clean. It ends abruptly to the south at a small oak door, behind which you here movement... ~ 186 ad 0 D0 A large domed room. ~ ~ 0 -1 18647 D2 A small cluttered room. ~ door~ 1 -1 18612 S #18605 The Dark Pit~ Ick... a dark damp dirty pit. Even worse, what is that dark damp dirty thing looking at you from the corner? Ewww... maybe you should go back up where it is a bit safer, unless you think you can tackle that thing in the corner. ~ 186 ad 0 D4 You see a ladder leading up ~ grate~ 1 18608 18606 S #18606 A Small Room~ Hmmm... this is an interesting little room. Ack, and there is an interesting little creature staring at you too. He looks a bit surprised at your intrusion. You can leave via the doors north or east, or you can stay and annoy him a bit more. There also appears to be some type of well down here also, but it has a rather secure grate covering it. ~ 186 d 0 D0 More of the hallway there... how exciting! ~ door~ 1 -1 18602 D1 More of the hallway there... how exciting! ~ door~ 1 -1 18607 D5 A ladder leads down into darkness. ~ grate~ 1 18608 18605 S #18607 More Of The Hallway~ Oh joy! More of this annoying passage. Perhaps there is something more exciting through that door to the west? Or you can keep searching the hallways to the north or south. ~ 186 d 0 D0 More of the hallway there... how exciting! ~ ~ 0 -1 18603 D2 More of the hallway there... how exciting! ~ ~ 0 -1 18611 D3 ~ door~ 1 -1 18606 S #18608 An Open Field By The Great Field~ Finally, you are in an open field... it is so nice to breathe fresh air again! You can return to that dank, smelly place to the east, or take the exit to the north which appears to lead into a large field. ~ 186 c 0 D0 There appears to be a field road to the north. ~ ~ 0 -1 3061 D1 The end of that darn hallway lies back to the east. ~ ~ 0 -1 18609 S #18609 The End Of The Passage~ Ahhh... at last, the end of the hallway... you can exit into open air to the west,or return to the east and make sure you didn't miss anything. ~ 186 d 0 D1 More of the hallway there... how exciting! ~ ~ 0 -1 18610 D3 An open field near The Great Field of Midgaard can be seen. ~ ~ 0 -1 18608 S #18610 A Brighter Hallway~ The hallway continues on in a east-west direction... and it seems to be brightening up to the west. ~ 186 d 0 D1 A corner in the passage lies to the east. ~ ~ 0 -1 18611 D3 More of the hallway there... how exciting! ~ ~ 0 -1 18609 S #18611 Another Corner~ Another corner of the passage, and just as untidy as the rest of this place (maybe more so?). There is a door to the east though... wonder where that leads? Oh, and the hallway continues west and north. ~ 186 d 0 D0 More of the hallway there... how exciting! ~ ~ 0 -1 18607 D1 You peer into a cluttered little room to the east. ~ door~ 1 -1 18612 D3 More of the hallway there... how exciting! ~ ~ 0 -1 18610 S #18612 The Alchemist's Room~ Lots of bottles and flasks lie about this room, but it all looks like worthless clutter. It appears whatever alchemist has been working here is really very adept at his art. There are a lot of formulae and spells written on the walls too... couldn't he buy some paper? There is a door to the north, and also a dark stairway in the corner leading down, with a large sign next to it that you probably should read... ~ 186 d 0 D0 A nice shiny hallway! ~ door~ 1 -1 18604 D3 A corner in the passage lies to the west. ~ door~ 1 -1 18611 D5 A shadowed stairway leading down. ~ ~ 0 -1 18632 E sign stairs stairway~ The sign next to the stairs says: If you are below level 7 and alone, or below level 4 then bugger off! Or else don't blame me if you die... ~ S #18620 A Turn In The Passage~ This corner is much like all the others... except you see a strange glow coming from the south. Could be an exit... you hope. ~ 186 ad 0 D1 The passage continues east quite a ways. ~ ~ 0 -1 18621 D2 You see an odd red glow from that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 18629 S #18621 A T-Intersection In The Passage~ This is an intersection of a long east-west passage with a corridor leading south. The air seems a bit clearer here though, as if you were approaching an exit. ~ 186 ad 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 18622 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 18633 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 18620 S #18622 Another Corner~ The passage turns from north to west here. The walls are still covered with the same disgusting green fungus you have seen all along, and you hear sounds of creatures moving all around you... ~ 186 ad 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 18628 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 18621 S #18623 A Corner In The Hallway~ You can hear creatures moving all around you... and it is not a comforting sound at all. The furnishing is nothing to speak of either, plain grey brick walls with green fungus (or something) growing on them. ~ 186 ad 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 18624 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 18627 S #18624 Another Turn~ Hmmm... the passage turns south here. You beginning to realize you can easily lose your bearings if you aren't careful, and you don't think you would like spending too much time here... ~ 186 ad 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 18630 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 18623 S #18625 A Large Room~ The passage opens into a large oval room. There really isn't much of interest here though. ~ 186 ad 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 18626 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 18631 S #18626 A Long East-West Passage~ This is a long, narrow passage leading east and west. The walls are damp and covered with mildew and fungus. There is a very unhealthy air about this place and you're beginning to want out of here... soon. ~ 186 ad 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 18627 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 18625 S #18627 A Crossing Of Corridors~ Here a narrow east-west passage crosses with a wider passage to the north and south. The air is dank, and has an odor of decay and debris. Not a nice place at all really... ~ 186 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 18623 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 18628 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 18632 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 18626 S #18628 A Corner Room~ This room is hardly more than a crossing of passages. You do sense a slight breeze wafting down the passage to the north though, but it smells altogether bad... ~ 186 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 18622 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 18627 S #18629 The Red Room~ It takes you a moment to realize that the red glow here is coming from a round portal on the floor. It looks almost as if someone had painted a picture of a dirt running through a field on the floor of this room. Oddly enough, it is so realistic you can feel the wind in the field coming out of the picture. ~ 186 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 18620 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 18630 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 3061 E portal floor~ It looks as if you could go down into it... but you can't be sure of where you will end up, or if you can get back. ~ S #18630 A Branching Passage~ The north-south passage branches to the east here. There is a queer red glow coming from that way as well, along with a faint breeze. ~ 186 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 18624 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 18634 D3 A very odd red glow emanates from that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 18629 S #18631 A Passage~ Ick... this place is just disgusting. You try and stay clear of the walls, but the passage is so narrow you keep bumping them anyway. You are almost convinced that the fungus coating the walls is grabbing at you too. ~ 186 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 18625 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 18632 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 18638 S #18632 The Entrance~ It is dark, dank, disgusting and cold up here. Plus you here the sounds of creatures all around you... and somehow they don't sound friendly. It is probably wise to exercise some degree of caution here... no telling what you may run into here. ~ 186 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 18627 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 18635 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 18631 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 18612 S #18633 Another Corner~ Well... what is there to say. More fungus, more weird sounds, and a slight breeze from the north. Bet you want to sign a lease, don't ya... ~ 186 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 18621 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 18634 S #18634 An Intersection Of Passages~ Cold, smelly, and coated with green fungus... just like last week's left-overs. Furthermore you want nothing to do with either, you just want out right now. ~ 186 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 18630 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 18637 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 18633 S #18635 A Turn In The Passage~ This place is just plain nauseating... it certainly smells as if something (or someone) died in here. You hope you aren't next, but from the sounds you hear all around you, it seems as if something has other ideas about that. ~ 186 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 18632 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 18636 S #18636 A Branch To The South~ The east-west passage branches of to the south here. All around you is the odour of death. Actually, the mold and fungus on the walls is doing great, but otherwise... well... you don't want to think about what else lives here. ~ 186 ad 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 18637 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 18639 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 18635 S #18637 Yet Another Corner~ The passage turns here and heads north. You sense something up ahead that way, but you aren't sure what. You aren't sure if you want to know what either at this point. ~ 186 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 18634 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 18636 S #18638 A Large Room~ You almost stumble as you enter this room... the sudden feeling of no walls on either side of you makes you a bit nervous. Suddenly you are vulnerable on all sides. You can't even tell how big a room this is, because it extends to the east farther than you light will reach... ~ 186 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 18631 D1 The room extends into shadows... ~ ~ 0 -1 18639 S #18639 A Large Room~ As you enter, you light glints of the wall to the east. There appears to be words scrawled on the wall, and a crude picture. To the west the room extends beyond the reach of your light, and the dark shadows make you paranoid... anything could be hiding there. You are painfully aware of how exposed you are without walls around you. ~ 186 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 18636 D3 The room extends as far as (and farther than) you can see... ~ ~ 0 -1 18638 E writing words~ The writing appears to says 'beware the Minotaur...' ~ E wall~ There is a crude picture of a man with the head of a bull with some writing next to it. ~ S #18640 The Statue's Room~ Here, the passage enters a small room. Exits lead to the east and south, and you notice a wonderful, large (and tastefully done) statue to the north. ~ 186 ad 0 D1 A long hallway, ending in a set of steps. ~ ~ 0 -1 18641 D2 The hall extends to the south where it seems to lighten somewhat. ~ ~ 0 -1 18644 E statue~ Upon closer inspection you see that the statue has a small plaque affixed to it. The face looks remarkably familiar also. ~ E plaque nameplate name~ It says: Maynard, Death Jester of the Harlequins ~ S #18641 The Hallway~ As you continue wandering down the hallway, you notice banners, pictures, and other fine decorations adorning the walls all along this passage. It seems very different from the dismal passage where you entered. ~ 186 ad 0 D1 The hallway ends at a grand marble staircase. ~ ~ 0 -1 18642 D3 The passage leads into a small room. ~ ~ 0 -1 18640 S #18642 The North Stairs~ Here, the hall opens into a wide room, with a high domed roof. Now that that you have come clear of the enclosed passage, you can see that the stair leads upward to an open air balcony overlooking the area. To the south the room continues, and another stair is visible matching the one in front of you. ~ 186 ad 0 D2 You see another staircase and two passages leading west and south. ~ ~ 0 -1 18647 D3 An entrance to a bright passage. ~ ~ 0 -1 18641 D4 An open air balcony. ~ ~ 0 -1 18643 E staircase stair stairs~ They are constructed of smooth, beautiful marble ~ S #18643 The Balcony~ Here you can look out and observe the world around. Constructed in a semi-circle around the dome of the room, the balcony allows you to look out in almost any direction. Wandering to the north end, you can see that the Great Fields north of Midgaard continue off towards the Dragonhelm Mountains to the north. ~ 186 ad 0 D2 The south end of the balcony. ~ ~ 0 -1 18645 D5 Down the stairs to a large, domed room. ~ ~ 0 -1 18642 E staircase stair stairs~ They are constructed of smooth, beautiful marble ~ S #18644 A Bright Hallway~ Wow! What a change from the dismal passage to the south. Whoever keeps this room up must really like newbies. The walls and floor are clean, and tastefully decorated. You also notice an interesting design on the floor. ~ 186 ad 0 D0 A small room with a statue in it. ~ ~ 0 -1 18640 D2 A intersection of passages. ~ door~ 1 -1 18603 E floor design~ It appears to be the Crest of the Harlequin Guild. ~ S #18645 The Balcony~ Here you can look out and observe the world around. Constructed in a semi-circle around the dome of the room, the balcony allows you to look out in almost any direction. Wandering to the south end, you can see the great city of Midgaard off to the south-west. ~ 186 ad 0 D0 The north end of the balcony. ~ ~ 0 -1 18643 D5 Back down the south staircase. ~ ~ 0 -1 18647 E staircase stair stairs~ They are constructed of smooth, beautiful marble. ~ S #18646 A Bright Hallway~ Wow! What a change from the dismal passage to the west. Whoever keeps this room up must really like newbies. The walls and floor are clean, and tastefully decorated. You also notice an interesting design on the floor. ~ 186 ad 0 D1 The passage opens into a domed room with a grand marble staircase. ~ ~ 0 -1 18647 D3 A dark intersection of passages. ~ door~ 1 -1 18603 E floor design~ It appears to be the crest of the Harlequin Guild. ~ S #18647 The South Stairs~ Here, the hall opens into a wide room, with a high domed roof. Now that that you have come clear of the enclosed passage, you can see that the stair leads upward to an open air balcony overlooking the area. to the north the room continues, and another stair is visible matching the one in front of you. ~ 186 ad 0 D0 Another stairway is to the north, as well as a passage to the west. ~ ~ 0 -1 18642 D2 A narrow passage to the south, ending in a wood door. ~ ~ 0 -1 18604 D3 Back down the bright hallway. ~ ~ 0 -1 18646 D4 An open air balcony. ~ ~ 0 -1 18645 E staircase stair stairs~ They are constructed of smooth, beautiful marble. ~ S $