/* ************************************************************************ * File: modify.c Part of CircleMUD * * Usage: Run-time modification of game variables * * * * All rights reserved. See license.doc for complete information. * * * * Copyright (C) 1993, 94 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University * * CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991. * ************************************************************************ */ #include "conf.h" #include "sysdep.h" #include "structs.h" #include "utils.h" #include "interpreter.h" #include "handler.h" #include "db.h" #include "comm.h" #include "spells.h" #include "mail.h" #include "boards.h" void show_string(struct descriptor_data *d, char *input); extern struct spell_info_type spell_info[]; extern const char *MENU; extern const char *unused_spellname; /* spell_parser.c */ /* local functions */ void smash_tilde(char *str); ACMD(do_skillset); char *next_page(char *str); int count_pages(char *str); void paginate_string(char *str, struct descriptor_data *d); const char *string_fields[] = { "name", "short", "long", "description", "title", "delete-description", "\n" }; /* maximum length for text field x+1 */ int length[] = { 15, 60, 256, 240, 60 }; /* ************************************************************************ * modification of malloc'ed strings * ************************************************************************ */ /* * Put '#if 1' here to erase ~, or roll your own method. A common idea * is smash/show tilde to convert the tilde to another innocuous character * to save and then back to display it. Whatever you do, at least keep the * function around because other MUD packages use it, like mudFTP. * -gg 9/9/98 */ void smash_tilde(char *str) { #if 0 /* * Erase any ~'s inserted by people in the editor. This prevents anyone * using online creation from causing parse errors in the world files. * Derived from an idea by Sammy (who happens to like * his tildes thank you very much.), -gg 2/20/98 */ while ((str = strchr(str, '~')) != NULL) *str = ' '; #endif } /* * Basic API function to start writing somewhere. * * 'data' isn't used in stock CircleMUD but you can use it to pass whatever * else you may want through it. The improved editor patch when updated * could use it to pass the old text buffer, for instance. */ void string_write(struct descriptor_data *d, char **writeto, size_t len, long mailto, void *data) { if (d->character && !IS_NPC(d->character)) SET_BIT(PLR_FLAGS(d->character), PLR_WRITING); if (data) mudlog(BRF, LVL_IMMORT, TRUE, "SYSERR: string_write: I don't understand special data."); d->str = writeto; d->max_str = len; d->mail_to = mailto; } /* Add user input to the 'current' string (as defined by d->str) */ void string_add(struct descriptor_data *d, char *str) { int terminator; /* determine if this is the terminal string, and truncate if so */ /* changed to only accept '@' at the beginning of line - J. Elson 1/17/94 */ delete_doubledollar(str); if ((terminator = (*str == '@'))) *str = '\0'; smash_tilde(str); if (!(*d->str)) { if (strlen(str) + 3 > d->max_str) { /* \r\n\0 */ send_to_char(d->character, "String too long - Truncated.\r\n"); strcpy(&str[d->max_str - 3], "\r\n"); /* strcpy: OK (size checked) */ CREATE(*d->str, char, d->max_str); strcpy(*d->str, str); /* strcpy: OK (size checked) */ terminator = 1; } else { CREATE(*d->str, char, strlen(str) + 3); strcpy(*d->str, str); /* strcpy: OK (size checked) */ } } else { if (strlen(str) + strlen(*d->str) + 3 > d->max_str) { /* \r\n\0 */ send_to_char(d->character, "String too long. Last line skipped.\r\n"); terminator = 1; } else { RECREATE(*d->str, char, strlen(*d->str) + strlen(str) + 3); /* \r\n\0 */ strcat(*d->str, str); /* strcat: OK (size precalculated) */ } } if (terminator) { if (STATE(d) == CON_PLAYING && (PLR_FLAGGED(d->character, PLR_MAILING))) { store_mail(d->mail_to, GET_IDNUM(d->character), *d->str); d->mail_to = 0; free(*d->str); free(d->str); write_to_output(d, "Message sent!\r\n"); if (!IS_NPC(d->character)) REMOVE_BIT(PLR_FLAGS(d->character), PLR_MAILING | PLR_WRITING); } d->str = NULL; if (d->mail_to >= BOARD_MAGIC) { Board_save_board(d->mail_to - BOARD_MAGIC); d->mail_to = 0; } if (STATE(d) == CON_EXDESC) { write_to_output(d, "%s", MENU); STATE(d) = CON_MENU; } if (STATE(d) == CON_PLAYING && d->character && !IS_NPC(d->character)) REMOVE_BIT(PLR_FLAGS(d->character), PLR_WRITING); } else strcat(*d->str, "\r\n"); /* strcat: OK (size checked) */ } /* ********************************************************************** * Modification of character skills * ********************************************************************** */ ACMD(do_skillset) { struct char_data *vict; char name[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], help[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; int skill, value, i, qend; argument = one_argument(argument, name); if (!*name) { /* no arguments. print an informative text */ send_to_char(ch, "Syntax: skillset '' \r\n" "Skill being one of the following:\r\n"); for (qend = 0, i = 0; i <= TOP_SPELL_DEFINE; i++) { if (spell_info[i].name == unused_spellname) /* This is valid. */ continue; send_to_char(ch, "%18s", spell_info[i].name); if (qend++ % 4 == 3) send_to_char(ch, "\r\n"); } if (qend % 4 != 0) send_to_char(ch, "\r\n"); return; } if (!(vict = get_char_vis(ch, name, NULL, FIND_CHAR_WORLD))) { send_to_char(ch, "%s", NOPERSON); return; } skip_spaces(&argument); /* If there is no chars in argument */ if (!*argument) { send_to_char(ch, "Skill name expected.\r\n"); return; } if (*argument != '\'') { send_to_char(ch, "Skill must be enclosed in: ''\r\n"); return; } /* Locate the last quote and lowercase the magic words (if any) */ for (qend = 1; argument[qend] && argument[qend] != '\''; qend++) argument[qend] = LOWER(argument[qend]); if (argument[qend] != '\'') { send_to_char(ch, "Skill must be enclosed in: ''\r\n"); return; } strcpy(help, (argument + 1)); /* strcpy: OK (MAX_INPUT_LENGTH <= MAX_STRING_LENGTH) */ help[qend - 1] = '\0'; if ((skill = find_skill_num(help)) <= 0) { send_to_char(ch, "Unrecognized skill.\r\n"); return; } argument += qend + 1; /* skip to next parameter */ argument = one_argument(argument, buf); if (!*buf) { send_to_char(ch, "Learned value expected.\r\n"); return; } value = atoi(buf); if (value < 0) { send_to_char(ch, "Minimum value for learned is 0.\r\n"); return; } if (value > 100) { send_to_char(ch, "Max value for learned is 100.\r\n"); return; } if (IS_NPC(vict)) { send_to_char(ch, "You can't set NPC skills.\r\n"); return; } /* * find_skill_num() guarantees a valid spell_info[] index, or -1, and we * checked for the -1 above so we are safe here. */ SET_SKILL(vict, skill, value); mudlog(BRF, LVL_IMMORT, TRUE, "%s changed %s's %s to %d.", GET_NAME(ch), GET_NAME(vict), spell_info[skill].name, value); send_to_char(ch, "You change %s's %s to %d.\r\n", GET_NAME(vict), spell_info[skill].name, value); } /********************************************************************* * New Pagination Code * Michael Buselli submitted the following code for an enhanced pager * for CircleMUD. All functions below are his. --JE 8 Mar 96 * *********************************************************************/ /* Traverse down the string until the begining of the next page has been * reached. Return NULL if this is the last page of the string. */ char *next_page(char *str) { int col = 1, line = 1, spec_code = FALSE; for (;; str++) { /* If end of string, return NULL. */ if (*str == '\0') return (NULL); /* If we're at the start of the next page, return this fact. */ else if (line > PAGE_LENGTH) return (str); /* Check for the begining of an ANSI color code block. */ else if (*str == '\x1B' && !spec_code) spec_code = TRUE; /* Check for the end of an ANSI color code block. */ else if (*str == 'm' && spec_code) spec_code = FALSE; /* Check for everything else. */ else if (!spec_code) { /* Carriage return puts us in column one. */ if (*str == '\r') col = 1; /* Newline puts us on the next line. */ else if (*str == '\n') line++; /* We need to check here and see if we are over the page width, * and if so, compensate by going to the begining of the next line. */ else if (col++ > PAGE_WIDTH) { col = 1; line++; } } } } /* Function that returns the number of pages in the string. */ int count_pages(char *str) { int pages; for (pages = 1; (str = next_page(str)); pages++); return (pages); } /* This function assigns all the pointers for showstr_vector for the * page_string function, after showstr_vector has been allocated and * showstr_count set. */ void paginate_string(char *str, struct descriptor_data *d) { int i; if (d->showstr_count) *(d->showstr_vector) = str; for (i = 1; i < d->showstr_count && str; i++) str = d->showstr_vector[i] = next_page(str); d->showstr_page = 0; } /* The call that gets the paging ball rolling... */ void page_string(struct descriptor_data *d, char *str, int keep_internal) { char actbuf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH] = ""; if (!d) return; if (!str || !*str) return; d->showstr_count = count_pages(str); CREATE(d->showstr_vector, char *, d->showstr_count); if (keep_internal) { d->showstr_head = strdup(str); paginate_string(d->showstr_head, d); } else paginate_string(str, d); show_string(d, actbuf); } /* The call that displays the next page. */ void show_string(struct descriptor_data *d, char *input) { char buffer[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; int diff; any_one_arg(input, buf); /* Q is for quit. :) */ if (LOWER(*buf) == 'q') { free(d->showstr_vector); d->showstr_vector = NULL; d->showstr_count = 0; if (d->showstr_head) { free(d->showstr_head); d->showstr_head = NULL; } return; } /* R is for refresh, so back up one page internally so we can display * it again. */ else if (LOWER(*buf) == 'r') d->showstr_page = MAX(0, d->showstr_page - 1); /* B is for back, so back up two pages internally so we can display the * correct page here. */ else if (LOWER(*buf) == 'b') d->showstr_page = MAX(0, d->showstr_page - 2); /* Feature to 'goto' a page. Just type the number of the page and you * are there! */ else if (isdigit(*buf)) d->showstr_page = MAX(0, MIN(atoi(buf) - 1, d->showstr_count - 1)); else if (*buf) { send_to_char(d->character, "Valid commands while paging are RETURN, Q, R, B, or a numeric value.\r\n"); return; } /* If we're displaying the last page, just send it to the character, and * then free up the space we used. */ if (d->showstr_page + 1 >= d->showstr_count) { send_to_char(d->character, "%s", d->showstr_vector[d->showstr_page]); free(d->showstr_vector); d->showstr_vector = NULL; d->showstr_count = 0; if (d->showstr_head) { free(d->showstr_head); d->showstr_head = NULL; } } /* Or if we have more to show.... */ else { diff = d->showstr_vector[d->showstr_page + 1] - d->showstr_vector[d->showstr_page]; if (diff > MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 3) /* 3=\r\n\0 */ diff = MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 3; strncpy(buffer, d->showstr_vector[d->showstr_page], diff); /* strncpy: OK (size truncated above) */ /* * Fix for prompt overwriting last line in compact mode submitted by * Peter Ajamian on 04/21/2001 */ if (buffer[diff - 2] == '\r' && buffer[diff - 1]=='\n') buffer[diff] = '\0'; else if (buffer[diff - 2] == '\n' && buffer[diff - 1] == '\r') /* This is backwards. Fix it. */ strcpy(buffer + diff - 2, "\r\n"); /* strcpy: OK (size checked) */ else if (buffer[diff - 1] == '\r' || buffer[diff - 1] == '\n') /* Just one of \r\n. Overwrite it. */ strcpy(buffer + diff - 1, "\r\n"); /* strcpy: OK (size checked) */ else /* Tack \r\n onto the end to fix bug with prompt overwriting last line. */ strcpy(buffer + diff, "\r\n"); /* strcpy: OK (size checked) */ send_to_char(d->character, "%s", buffer); d->showstr_page++; } }