#7200 The Treasury~ You are in a small but well equipped treasury. You can see some writing on the wall. The ceiling has a funny glow, which enables you to see. You can get back into the inner lair through the stone door which is east. ~ 72 cd 0 D1 You look back through the opening into the inner lair. ~ door stone~ 2 7205 7201 E door stone~ This is a heavy black stone door it looks very solid. ~ E writing~ You read the number '666'. ~ S #7201 The Inner Lair~ You are in a octagonal room with smooth purple stone walls. The floor is made from black stone. In the western wall you see a large black stone door. ~ 72 ad 0 D2 You look back through the door into the lair. ~ door wooden~ 1 -1 7202 D3 You see the treasury. ~ door stone~ 2 7205 7200 S #7202 The Lair~ On the floor you see a lot of human decay, like bones and skulls. You also see a lot of slime. On the wall is a torch sitting in its sconce. To the north is a wooden door. ~ 72 d 1 D0 You can see the inner lair. ~ door wooden~ 1 -1 7201 D1 You see another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7205 D2 You see another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7203 E skull skulls bones decay~ On all the skulls you notice that there is a three inch hole in the forehead. All the bones are broken and old. ~ E slime~ The slime is slimy and uninteresting. ~ E torch sconce~ The torch is bolted to the sconce and the sconce to the wall. ~ S #7203 The Lair~ On the floor you see a lot of human decay, like bones and skulls. You also see a lot of slime. On the wall is a torch sitting in its sconce. ~ 72 d 1 D0 You see another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7202 D1 You see another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7206 D2 You see another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7204 E skull skulls bones decay~ On all the skulls you notice that there is a three inch hole in the forehead. All the bones are broken and old. ~ E slime~ The slime is slimy and uninteresting. ~ E torch sconce~ The torch is bolted to the sconce and the sconce to the wall. ~ S #7204 The Lair~ On the floor you see a lot of human decay, like bones and skulls. You also see a lot of slime. On the wall is a torch sitting in its sconce. ~ 72 d 1 D0 You see another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7203 D1 You see another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7207 D2 You see the lair entrance. ~ door wooden~ 1 -1 7208 E skull skulls bones decay~ On all the skulls you notice that there is a three inch hole in the forehead. All the bones are broken and old. ~ E slime~ The slime is slimy and uninteresting. ~ E torch sconce~ The torch is bolted to the sconce and the sconce to the wall. ~ S #7205 The Lair~ On the floor you see a lot of human decay, like bones and skulls. You also see a lot of slime. On the wall is a torch sitting in its sconce. ~ 72 d 1 D2 You see another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7206 D3 You see another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7202 E skull skulls bones decay~ On all the skulls you notice that there is a three inch hole in the forehead. All the bones are broken and old. ~ E slime~ The slime is slimy and uninteresting. ~ E torch sconce~ The torch is bolted to the sconce and the sconce to the wall. ~ S #7206 The Lair~ On the floor you see a lot of human decay, like bones and skulls. You also see a lot of slime. On the wall is a torch sitting in its sconce. ~ 72 cd 1 D0 You see another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7205 D2 You see another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7207 D3 You see another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7203 E bones decay~ All the bones are broken and old. ~ E slime~ The slime is slimy and uninteresting. ~ E torch sconce~ The torch is bolted to the sconce and the sconce to the wall. ~ S #7207 The Lair~ On the floor you see a lot of human decay, like bones and skulls. You also see a lot of slime. On the wall is a torch sitting in its sconce. ~ 72 d 1 D0 You see another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7206 D3 You see another part of the lair. ~ ~ 1 -1 7204 E skull skulls bones decay~ On all the skulls you notice that there is a three inch hole in the forehead. All the bones are broken and old. ~ E slime~ The slime is slimy and uninteresting. ~ E torch sconce~ The torch is bolted to the sconce and the sconce to the wall. ~ S #7208 The Lair Entrance~ You are in a dry part of the sewer. To the north is a wooden door, you can see some slime at the lower part of the door. You also see some skulls and some broken bones. ~ 72 acd 2 D0 You can see the lair. ~ door wooden~ 1 -1 7204 D1 You see a crawlway. ~ ~ 0 -1 7209 E slime~ The slime is slimy and uninteresting. ~ S #7209 The Crawlway~ You are in a narrow crawlway. It is rather boring here. ~ 72 ad 3 D1 You see a four-way junction. ~ ~ 0 -1 7210 D3 You see the entrance to a lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7208 S #7210 The Four-Way Junction~ You are in a sewer junction. To the north is a small hole, to the west is a narrow crawlway and to the east and south the sewer continues. ~ 72 ad 3 D0 You can see a small cave-like room. ~ ~ 0 -1 7211 D1 You can see a sewer drain. ~ ~ 0 -1 7212 D2 You can see a sewer drain. ~ ~ 0 -1 7215 D3 You can see a narrow crawlway. ~ ~ 0 -1 7209 S #7211 The Small Cave~ You are in a collapsed sewer drain, which now is more like a small cave. ~ 72 ad 3 D2 You look back into the four-way junction. ~ ~ 0 -1 7210 S #7212 The Sewer Drain~ You are in a dry sewer drain which bends to the north. ~ 72 ad 3 D0 You can see the drain continuing north. ~ ~ 0 -1 7213 D3 You can see the four-way junction. ~ ~ 0 -1 7210 S #7213 The Sewer Drain~ You are in a dry sewer drain which bends to the east. ~ 72 ad 3 D1 You can see the drain continuing east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7214 D2 You can see the drain continuing south. ~ ~ 0 -1 7212 S #7214 The End Of The Drain~ You are at the end of the drain around you the sewer has collapsed, the only exit is west. ~ 72 ad 3 D3 You see the sewer drain. ~ ~ 0 -1 7213 S #7215 The Half-Wet Drain~ You are in a sewer drain where the floor is covered with water. To the north it looks more dry, south however the drain runs down into some water. ~ 72 ad 4 D0 To the north lies a dry four-way junction. ~ ~ 0 -1 7210 D2 To the south you see a sewer drain filled with water. ~ ~ 0 -1 7216 E water~ The water is dirty but it looks like you would be able to swim in it. ~ S #7216 Under Water In The Sewer~ You are swimming in some dirty water and are holding your breath. You'd better continue onwards before you drown. It is a good thing that you can hold your light above the water-level. ~ 72 ad 6 D0 It is hard to see, but it looks like the drain runs slightly upwards. ~ ~ 0 -1 7215 D2 It is hard to see, but it looks like the drain runs a little bit upwards. ~ ~ 0 -1 7217 S #7217 The Half-Dry Drain~ You are in a half-dry sewer drain. To the north the drain runs a little bit downwards into some water to the east you can see a small hole. To the west you see another drain. ~ 72 ad 4 D0 You see the drain running down into some water. ~ ~ 0 -1 7216 D1 Through the hole you can just make out a very small room. ~ ~ 0 -1 7218 D3 You see a drain running to the west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7219 E water~ The water is dirty but it looks like you would be able to swim in it. ~ E hole~ Through the hole you can just make out a very small room. ~ S #7218 The Very Small Room~ You are in a very small room, it is pretty uninteresting. ~ 72 ad 3 D3 Through the little hole you can see a half-dry drain. ~ ~ 0 -1 7217 S #7219 A Dry Sewer Drain~ You are in a dry but dirty sewer drain. The drain continues east and south. ~ 72 ad 3 D1 You see a half-dry drain. ~ ~ 0 -1 7217 D2 You see another boring sewer drain. ~ ~ 0 -1 7220 S #7220 A Boring Drain~ You are in yet another sewer drain. ~ 72 ad 3 D0 You see a sewer drain continuing to the north. ~ ~ 0 -1 7219 D1 You can see another drain to the east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7221 S #7221 The Sewer Drain~ You are in a sewer drain, there is nothing special in here, except for a loud echo. ~ 72 ad 3 D1 You can see another sewer drain. ~ ~ 0 -1 7222 D3 You can make out a sewer drain to the west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7220 D4 You can see a sewer line. ~ ~ 0 -1 7129 S #7222 The Sewer Drain~ You are in a drain, with some slimy water on the floor. ~ 72 ad 3 D1 You see a sewer bend. ~ ~ 0 -1 7223 D3 You see a sewer drain. ~ ~ 0 -1 7221 E slimy water~ The water floats to the east from here. ~ S #7223 The Sewer Bend~ You find yourself in an ordinary sewer bend, which bends from west to north. ~ 72 ad 3 D0 You see a sewer drain. ~ ~ 0 -1 7224 D3 You see a sewer drain. ~ ~ 0 -1 7222 S #7224 The Sewer Junction~ You stand in a junction of three sewer drains. You see some odd scratches on the pipe wall, as if from a gigantic rat. North and south the sewer continues as usual, but west it looks a little strange. ~ 72 ad 3 D0 You see nothing but a sewer drain. ~ ~ 0 -1 7225 D2 You see nothing but a sewer drain. ~ ~ 0 -1 7223 D3 You see a strange sewer pipe. ~ ~ 0 -1 7229 S #7225 The Sewer~ You are in a sewer, where the slimy water runs down through a tiny hole. You see some odd scratches on the pipe wall, as from a gigantic rat. There is a sewer drain south. ~ 72 ad 3 D2 You see a sewer drain. ~ ~ 0 -1 7224 S #7229 The Strange Sewer~ You are in a very strange sewer indeed, there are some odd scratches on the pipe wall, as from a gigantic rat. And you can see a lot of organic decay like bones from animals AND humans. West the drain runs slightly upwards. ~ 72 ad 3 D1 You see a sewer junction. ~ ~ 0 -1 7224 D3 You see a slimy sewer drain. ~ ~ 0 -1 7230 S #7230 The Damp Sewer~ You are in a sewer drain with a funny damp substance on the floor, in the substance you see a lot of decay. You see some odd scratches on the wall, as if from a gigantic rat. Both to the east and west the pipe seems to run down. ~ 72 acd 3 D1 You see a sewer. ~ ~ 0 -1 7229 D3 You see a sewer. ~ ~ 0 -1 7231 S #7231 The Strange Sewer~ You are in an ordinary sewer except for a lot of scratches on the sewer wall, and a lot of debris on the floor. ~ 72 ad 3 D1 You see a sewer. ~ ~ 0 -1 7230 D3 You see another sewer. ~ ~ 0 -1 7232 E debris~ You see a lot of organic decay on the floor. ~ S #7232 The Sewer~ You are in a sewer with more scratches on the walls. And of course a whole lot of decay. The drain runs east and north. ~ 72 ad 3 D0 You see yet another sewer line. ~ ~ 0 -1 7233 D1 You see a sewer pipe. ~ ~ 0 -1 7231 S #7233 The Sewer Drain~ You stand in a sewer drain, you are able to see some kind of cave-like room. You see some odd scratches on the drain wall, as if from a gigantic rat. The sewer leads south. ~ 72 ad 3 D1 You see a cave-like room. ~ ~ 0 -1 7234 D2 You see a sewer. ~ ~ 0 -1 7232 S #7234 The Rat's Lair~ You are in a little cave. You are able to see quite a lot of debris on the floor. There is a sewer drain west of here. ~ 72 ad 3 D3 You see the sewer system that way. ~ ~ 0 -1 7233 S #7279 The Wall Of The Abyss~ You hang onto some steps leading down into utter darkness. There is an exit leading up as well, though you'll have to open the tiny rock again to do so. ~ 72 ad 5 D4 ~ rock~ 1 -1 7111 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 7299 S #7280 The Entrance~ You are in a very dark room. You notice that some faces are staring at you from inside the walls. In the middle of the room there is a small altar. To the north there is a small round door. ~ 72 ad 1 D0 A beam of red light seeps through a hole in the door. ~ door small round~ 1 -1 7281 D4 ~ altar secret~ 1 -1 7116 E altar~ This altar is very special. Faces appear to be smiling from it. There is a triangle engraved in the top of it. ~ E triangle~ The triangle is filled with small symbols. They seem to be a language you have never seen before. ~ S #7281 The Corridor~ The corridor is glowing oppressively in a red hue. You can hear wailing through an open black hole to the east. To the south there is a round door. ~ 72 d 1 D1 The hole seems more black than the night. It is appears to be "eating" the red light around it. ~ ~ 0 -1 7282 D2 ~ door small round~ 1 -1 7280 E small round door~ The door is completely round without a keyhole. ~ E red light~ The red light glows from the walls. ~ E walls~ The walls look alive. ~ S #7282 The Realm Of Lost Souls~ You are standing in nothing. All around you there are stars. Sometimes a shadow flies closely by you, wailing very loudly. To the north there is a small bright hole. To the west there is a small red hole. ~ 72 d 0 D0 You look into a very bright hole. ~ ~ 0 -1 7283 D3 You look into a red hole. ~ ~ 0 -1 7281 E shadow~ The shadow looks like a man in great pain. ~ S #7283 The T-Crossing~ You are in a small hallway. There are doors to the east and to the west. To the south there are a black hole. There is writing in the wall. Wails can be heard from the south. ~ 72 acd 1 D1 It is too dark to tell. ~ ~ 0 -1 7286 D2 A black hole in the wall. ~ ~ 0 -1 7282 D3 You can see a big fire to the west. It looks like a unhealthy place to enter! ~ ~ 0 -1 7284 E writing~ The writing says 'The one to the east, belongs to the beast. To the west you will surely END your quest!'. ~ S #7284 The Firedeath~ This room is very hot. There are flames surrounding you. You can see no exits at all! Skeletons are lying all over the floor. ~ 72 cd 1 E skeletons~ The skeletons looks like they had suffered the death of hunger. One of them looks like he has written something at the wall. ~ E writing wall~ The writing says 'A prayer to the GODS will not be heard, though the only exit is death... Mother, I love you'. ~ S #7285 The Torture Room~ You are standing in a middle of a square room. Along the walls skeletons are hanging in rusty chains. In the middle of the room there is a big metal box, covered with dust. To the south you can just make out a small exit. ~ 72 d 1 D2 It is too dark to tell. ~ door iron~ 1 -1 7286 E skeletons~ When you look at the skeletons, you can see that they once had been in great pain. They are hanging in their arms, and some of them were killed with a sharp instrument. ~ E big metal box~ The metal box is covered with dust. You notice that it was once filled with coal, as you see some small pieces of it. ~ S #7286 The Hell Yard~ You are standing in a lot of mud. A disgusting smell surrounds the place, and makes you feel sick. Small flames sometimes shoot up from the hot mud. To the west there is a small door. To the north you can see an iron door. ~ 72 cd 5 D0 It is too dark to tell. ~ door iron~ 1 -1 7285 D3 It is too dark to tell. ~ ~ 0 -1 7283 S #7299 On The Walls Of The Abyss~ You are clutching the steps on the wall so that you don't fall to the ground down below. You cannot see anymore handholds below you and thus this stops your journey down, as the only exit is up. ~ 72 ad 5 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 7279 S #7300 Cave Entrance~ You are standing in the cave entrance. It is very dark down here. There is writing on the wall. There is an exit to the north. A stairway leads up. ~ 73 ad 1 D0 To the north you can see a small tunnel. ~ ~ 0 -1 7301 D4 You can see the stairs going up into darkness. ~ ~ 2 -1 7102 E writing wall~ The writing says 'BEWARE adventurer!' ~ S #7301 Cave Tunnel~ You are walking in a tunnel. It is very cold. You can feel the presence of a living thing... SOMEWHERE. ~ 73 ad 1 D0 To the north you can see the tunnel continuing. ~ ~ 0 -1 7302 D2 To the south tunnel continuing. ~ ~ 0 -1 7300 S #7302 Cave Room~ You are standing in a room. It is much cooler now. The walls are glowing. ~ 73 d 1 D1 To the east you see the tunnel going downwards. ~ ~ 0 -1 7303 D2 To the south you see a dark cave tunnel. ~ ~ 0 -1 7301 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7321 S #7303 The Cave T-Cross~ You are standing in a mudlike substance. The smell here is awful, it is rotten. To the west you can see some light. ~ 73 ad 2 D1 To the east the tunnel still goes downwards. ~ ~ 0 -1 7304 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7308 D3 You can see some light to the west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7302 E mud~ When you examine the mud, you notice small worms crawling around. ~ E worms~ The worms are purple. They do not look edible. ~ S #7304 The Cave Turning-Point~ The mud is getting deeper. You are wondering, 'Would it be an idea to leave, before I disappear?'. To the south you notice a flat round stone is blocking the way. To the west you can see mud. ~ 73 ad 2 D2 You can see an opening behind the stone. ~ stone flat round~ 1 -1 7305 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7303 E flat round stone~ The stone looks very uninteresting. BUT as you are about to turn away, you see a strip of light coming through a small hole. Conclusion: The stone is moveable. ~ S #7305 The Secret Room~ There is dust all over the place. It looks like nobody has been here for ages. In the middle of the room you see a socket with a crystal globe. The globe glows with a pulsing light. To the north you see a stone door. To the south you see a grey block. ~ 73 d 1 D0 You see a round stone door. ~ door round stone~ 1 -1 7304 D2 You see a grey block. ~ block grey~ 1 -1 7306 E socket~ The socket looks like the work of a dwarf. It is VERY beautiful. ~ E crystal globe~ The crystal globe is glowing with a pulsing light. It looks like there is smoke inside it. ~ S #7306 The Mudhole~ You are standing in a lot of mud. The mud goes to your chest. You feel the presence of something IN the mud. The only obvious exit is to the west. ~ 73 ad 6 D0 You can see nothing at all. ~ block grey~ 1 -1 7305 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7307 S #7307 A Tunnel~ The mud goes to your knees. Otherwise the tunnel looks very normal. ~ 73 ad 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 7308 D1 You can see a mudhole. ~ ~ 0 -1 7306 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7309 S #7308 The Long Tunnel~ Here there is almost no mud, as you stand at the top of a small rock. Just beside you there are a sign which says 'WARNING! The worms are dangerous!' ~ 73 ad 1 D0 You can see a lot of mud... Yuck! ~ ~ 0 -1 7303 D2 The tunnel goes a little downwards. ~ ~ 0 -1 7307 S #7309 The Hot Room~ You are very surprised, as this room for a change are hot instead of cold. To the north it goes downwards into some mud. There are also an exit to the west. ~ 73 ad 1 D0 You see a lot of mud. ~ ~ 0 -1 7307 D3 You see a entrance to a small room. ~ ~ 0 -1 7310 S #7310 The Small Room~ As you look around you notice a small statue. There are exits to the west and to the east. ~ 73 ad 1 D1 It is pitch dark out there. ~ ~ 0 -1 7309 D3 You see a VERY long hallway. ~ ~ 0 -1 7311 E small statue~ This is a statue of a imp, pointing to the west. The imp looks like a man with horns and a tail. ~ S #7311 The Stalagmite Cave~ You are standing in a stalagmite cave. Water is dripping from the walls. It is very cold in here. ~ 73 ad 2 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 7314 D1 You see a long hallway, and some mud. ~ ~ 0 -1 7310 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7312 E stalagmite~ The stalagmites are very tall, and looks very beautiful. ~ S #7312 The Stalagmite Tunnel~ You has entered a small tunnel. Here it is quite dry. Maybe it would be a good idea to rest here. ~ 73 ad 1 D0 You can see a small cave to the north. ~ ~ 0 -1 7311 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7313 S #7313 The Spongy Room~ You definitely do NOT like this area. It is very dank, and most of the room is wet. ~ 73 cd 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 7312 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7345 S #7314 The Stalagmite T-Cross~ You are standing in a cross. To the north you can see some light. Otherwise it is dark. ~ 73 cd 1 D0 You see some light ahead. ~ ~ 0 -1 7317 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 7315 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7311 S #7315 The Blind End Room~ This room is obviously a blind end. To the north you see a primitive picture. ~ 73 ad 1 D0 You see a primitive picture of some people dancing around a huge sun. The sun is about 7 feet in diameter, which shows the size of the picture. ~ sun~ 1 -1 7316 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7314 E primitive picture~ You see some people dancing around a huge sun. The sun is about 7 feet in diameter, which shows the size of the picture. ~ S #7316 The Treasure Room~ This room is richly ornamented. The walls have been carved to show people dancing around a moon which is drawn on the floor. It looks very old, and it is very dusty. To the south you see the back side of a secret door. ~ 73 adj 1 D2 You can see a picture with some people crawling around a huge moon. ~ moon door~ 1 -1 7315 S #7317 The Square Lair~ You are standing in the south-east part of the lair. You can see a skeleton lying in the corner. ~ 73 d 1 D0 Another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7318 D3 Another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7320 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7314 E skeleton~ It looks like a adventurer who wasn't lucky. You'd better watch out... ~ S #7318 The Square Lair~ You are standing in the north-east part of the lair. You see a sign on the wall. ~ 73 ad 1 D1 You see a wooden door. ~ door wooden~ 1 -1 7321 D2 Another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7317 D3 Another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7319 E sign wall~ The sign says 'Gods of War I call you, my sword is by my side, I seek a light free from all false pride' Reyemle Grug... ~ S #7319 The Square Lair~ You are standing in the north-west part of the lair. Here there is another sign. There is an exit from the lair to the north. ~ 73 ad 1 D0 You see a small tunnel leading north. ~ ~ 0 -1 7322 D1 Another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7318 D2 Another part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7320 E sign~ The sign says 'I'm wandering around in a everlasting tale, seeking the light to regain my pride Corama... ~ S #7320 The Lair End~ You can see a table in front of you. It is very dusty. Five skeletons are sitting around the table. Exits are north and east. ~ 73 ad 1 D0 The northern part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7319 D1 The eastern part of the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7317 E table~ On the table there is dust, in the center there is a small statue of a Dragon sleeping. ~ E skeleton skeletons~ They've obviously been killed somehow, but it doesn't look like it was by sword or club. ~ E dragon statue~ It looks like a silver dragon. It is nailed onto the table. The dragon sits on a red dragon that looks dead. But the eyes of the red dragon are glowing, pulsating red. You feel drained. ~ S #7321 The East Tunnel~ You are standing in dark tunnel, the exits are east and west. To the west you see a wooden door. ~ 73 cd 1 D3 You can see a wooden door. ~ door wooden~ 1 -1 7318 D1 You can see a muddy tunnel. ~ ~ 0 -1 7302 S #7322 The North Tunnel~ You are standing in a dark tunnel, it leads upwards. ~ 73 ad 1 D0 The dark tunnel continues. ~ ~ 0 -1 7323 D2 You can see the lair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7319 D3 You can see a cave entrance. ~ ~ 0 -1 7336 S #7323 The L-Shaped Room~ You are standing in deep darkness. To the south there is a small exit. To the east you can see a gaping hole. ~ 73 ad 1 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 7324 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7322 S #7324 The Circular Hall~ You are standing in round hall. To the north, east and south you can see a stone head hanging on the walls. ~ 73 ad 1 D0 You see a red dragon's head hanging on the wall. ~ head red~ 2 0 7324 D1 You see a green dragon's head hanging on the wall. ~ head green~ 1 -1 7325 D2 You see a blue dragon's head hanging on the wall. ~ head blue~ 2 0 7324 D3 You see a room far away. ~ ~ 0 -1 7323 E head heads~ When you study the faces of the heads you see that they are faces of dragons. The face to the north is red, the face to the east is green, and the face to the south is blue. ~ E green~ This looks like an evil dragon. ~ E red~ This looks like a neutral dragon. ~ E blue~ This looks like a good dragon. ~ S #7325 A Dusty Tunnel~ You are standing in dust. This place has not been touched for a long time. Otherwise it is quite boring here, looks like a place to rest! To the west you see the outline of a door. A tunnel leads to the east. ~ 73 cd 1 D1 You see a tunnel which leads downwards. It is quite dark. ~ ~ 0 -1 7326 D3 You can see the outline of a door. Just like in the description! ~ door~ 1 -1 7324 S #7326 The Crossing~ You are standing in a crossing of hallways. You can leave this place in every direction, except up and down. In the dust you notice strange footprints. ~ 73 ad 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 7331 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 7330 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7327 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7325 E footprints foot~ You have never seen this kind of footprint before! ~ S #7327 The L-Shaped Room~ You are standing in a L-shaped room. You can hear noises from the long tunnel to the east. You feel very afraid! A sign is hanging on the wall. ~ 73 ad 2 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 7326 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 7328 E sign~ The sign says: DANGER!! ~ S #7328 The Dragon's Lair~ You can see burned walls, the floorstones are fiery red. All kinds of bones are scattered all over the floor. On the walls you can see some burned shapes. You smell burnt flesh. Two creatures are half melted into the floor. ~ 73 d 2 D0 You can see a long tunnel. ~ ~ 0 -1 7329 D3 You can see nothing but darkness. ~ ~ 0 -1 7327 S #7329 The Burnt Room~ You are in a room, which once has at one time been quite burnt. There is writing on the wall. ~ 73 ad 1 D2 You can see a red glow... ~ ~ 0 -1 7328 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7330 E writing~ The writing says: DANGER ~ S #7330 The Windy Tunnel~ You are standing in a tunnel. Above you, you can feel a breeze. ~ 73 ad 1 D1 It is too dark to tell. ~ ~ 0 -1 7329 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7326 E breeze~ The breeze comes from a hole above you. NO way to get up there. ~ S #7331 The Glittering Room~ This room is very bright. On the walls you can see some silver. Exits are west, east and south. ~ 73 d 1 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 7332 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7326 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7333 E glitter walls silver~ The glittering silver looks like it is INSIDE the walls. ~ S #7332 The Secret Passageway~ You have entered a tiny room. There is only an exit to the west. ~ 73 ad 1 D3 You can see a light to the west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7331 S #7333 The End Of Long Tunnel~ You are at a end of a long tunnel. Right in front of you, you can see a grey mass. To the east you can see a tremendously long tunnel, but you know that, you were just there. ~ 73 ad 5 D1 A long tunnel. JUST like in the description! ~ ~ 0 -1 7331 D3 A grey mass is blocking the way. ~ mass grey~ 1 -1 7334 E grey mass~ The mass is nothing but a mass, but it is quite suspicious! ~ S #7334 The Stair-Room~ You are standing in a small room. Drawings of faces in pain are on the walls. You can feel that darkness is ruling the place. There is one exit: south. ~ 73 ad 1 D2 Nothing but darkness... ~ ~ 0 -1 7335 S #7335 A Dark Tunnel~ You are standing in a dark tunnel. It continues to the north and to the south. Bones are spread on the floor. ~ 73 ad 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 7334 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7336 E bones bone~ It looks like bones of a human. ~ S #7336 The Entrance To The Lair~ The smell here is awful. To the south you can see some smoke. A tunnel leads north and east. ~ 73 acd 2 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 7335 D2 The only thing you can see is smoke. ~ ~ 0 -1 7337 D1 A small cave is to the east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7322 S #7337 The North-Eastern Part Of The Basilisk's Cave~ It is hard to see here because of the smoke. To the north you can barely see a small tunnel. Other exits are to the south and to the west. ~ 73 ad 2 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 7336 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7338 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7339 S #7338 The South-Eastern Part Of The Basilisk's Cave~ There is a very small hole in wall from which the smoke is coming from. Otherwise it is pitch black. Exits are north and west. ~ 73 ad 2 D0 You can see nothing but smoke. ~ ~ 0 -1 7337 D3 You can see nothing but smoke. ~ ~ 0 -1 7340 E hole small~ It seems to be a small hole, about one foot in diameter. ~ S #7339 The North-Western Part Of The Basilisk's Cave~ You can see some hay spread on the floor. The smell is awful here, and it makes you feel sick. This place where the Basilisk sleeps. Watch out... maybe it is not far from here... ~ 73 ad 2 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 7337 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7340 E hay~ The hay is very dirty. The smell of it makes you feel sick. ~ S #7340 The South-Western Part Of The Basilisk's Cave~ You can see nothing but smoke. ~ 73 ad 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 7339 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 7338 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7341 S #7341 The Small Cave~ You are standing in small cave. You can see some light at the end. Exits are north and south. ~ 73 acd 2 D0 You can see only smoke. ~ ~ 0 -1 7340 D2 You can see a blue glow. And you feel a fresh breeze... ahhhh... ~ ~ 0 -1 7342 S #7342 The Northern End Of The Pool~ You have wet feet, you are standing in water. The water looks calm. You can see that it is a big lake. Light seeps from the water. ~ 73 d 4 D0 You can see a small cave. ~ ~ 0 -1 7341 D1 You can see more water. ~ ~ 0 -1 7343 D2 You can see water. ~ ~ 0 -1 7344 S #7343 The Pool~ You are swimming in water. It is getting deep here. It is also dark in this end. ~ 73 ad 6 D2 You can see some bubbles in the water. ~ ~ 0 -1 7345 D3 You see calm water. ~ ~ 0 -1 7342 S #7344 The South End Of The Pool~ You standing in water up to your neck! You can only see water. ~ 73 d 5 D0 You can see calm water. ~ ~ 0 -1 7342 D1 To dark to tell, but you can feel something nearby. ~ ~ 0 -1 7345 S #7345 The Pool~ You are swimming in DARKNESS. You feel something touching your right leg. ~ 73 ad 6 D0 To dark to tell. ~ ~ 0 -1 7343 D1 You can feel a warm breeze. ~ ~ 0 -1 7313 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7344 S $