#6200 In The Forest~ The trail ends here where the mountains begin abruptly. Looking up, you note that the climb would be rough, hazardous, and probably not worth the effort; the energy barrier continues up the mountain side out of sight. The only exit is back to the east. ~ 62 0 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6201 E barrier energy~ You can faintly see the woods continue beyond it, but it seems there's no way through. The field rises high up into the air, and seems to form a ceiling above the woods, preventing a flying entrance. You'd also bet it extends deep into the ground. ~ S #6201 In The Forest~ To the west the mountains rise high up, rocky and lifeless. The trail you are walking on heads west to the end of the forest, and back east. Each way the strange energy barrier stands just to the north, inscrutable, magical, and impenetrable. ~ 62 0 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6202 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6200 E barrier energy~ You can faintly see the woods continue beyond it, but it seems there's no way through. The field rises high up into the air, and seems to form a ceiling above the woods, preventing a flying entrance. You'd also bet it extends deep into the ground. ~ S #6202 In The Forest~ This trail runs parallel to the energy barrier to your north, seemingly all the way up to the mountains to the west that form the boundries of this valley. Walking along, you scare a small squirrel, which leaps through the barrier without a second thought! Your hand is still repulsed by the magical field, however. ~ 62 0 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6203 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6201 E barrier energy~ You can faintly see the woods continue beyond it, but it seems there's no way through. The field rises high up into the air, and seems to form a ceiling above the woods, preventing a flying entrance. You'd also bet it extends deep into the ground. ~ S #6203 In The Forest~ The northern pathway stops abruptly here, halted by some sort of glowing energy barrier running through the woods. A game trail, seemingly well traveled, runs east- west along the magical barrier's length. Very strange. ~ 62 0 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6204 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6139 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6202 E barrier energy~ You can faintly see the woods continue beyond it, but it seems there's no way through. The field rises high up into the air, and seems to form a ceiling above the woods, preventing a flying entrance. You'd also bet it extends deep into the ground. ~ S #6204 In The Forest~ The energy barrier runs through the woods on its east- west course here, just north of the trail you are walking on. A faint humming seems to eminate from the glowing field, pushing the normal sounds of the forest into the background. For a short moment, you wonder if the field is keeping something in, or you out. It makes you wonder... ~ 62 0 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6205 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6203 E barrier energy~ You can faintly see the woods continue beyond it, but it seems there's no way through. The field rises high up into the air, and seems to form a ceiling above the woods, preventing a flying entrance. You'd also bet it extends deep into the ground. ~ S #6205 In The Forest~ The energy field makes a sudden ninety-degree turn here, running to the north and west out of sight through the thickening woods. The trail you are on curves to skirt the edge of the magical barrier in either direction. Curious... who or what is keeping this field in place, and for what purpose? ~ 62 0 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6206 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6204 E barrier energy~ You can faintly see the woods continue beyond it, but it seems there's no way through. The field rises high up into the air, and seems to form a ceiling above the woods, preventing a flying entrance. You'd also bet it extends deep into the ground. ~ S #6206 In The Forest~ The woods thicken here, and surpisingly, you see a tree completely cut in half by the magical barrier running north-south here. The tree looks healthy and unaffected by the energy field passing right through its center. Odd... ~ 62 0 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6207 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6205 E barrier energy~ You can faintly see the woods continue beyond it, but it seems there's no way through. The field rises high up into the air, and seems to form a ceiling above the woods, preventing a flying entrance. You'd also bet it extends deep into the ground. ~ S #6207 In The Forest~ The magical energy barrier runs straight north-south, unaffected by dips in the grounds, intervening rocks and trees, everything. From the north, you hear a faint rushing noise above the humming of the field. The trail you are on continues to the north and south, only a few feet away from the barrier it follows. ~ 62 0 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6208 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6206 E barrier energy~ You can faintly see the woods continue beyond it, but it seems there's no way through. The field rises high up into the air, and seems to form a ceiling above the woods, preventing a flying entrance. You'd also bet it extends deep into the ground. ~ S #6208 In The Forest~ Here the field changes color, becoming almost transparent. Beyond, you think you can make out a few shapes, but nothing too terribly distinct. From the north comes the rushing sound of water, and through the trees you believe you can see a river cutting through the forest. The trail you are on leads north-south through the woods, following the energy barrier all along its length. ~ 62 0 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6209 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6207 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6210 E barrier energy~ You can see a clearing beyond, the barrier not fully blocking out the area behind. You think it might be possible to push your way through, if the damn thing doesn't kill you first. ~ S #6209 The River's Edge~ A river flows through the forest here, its water clean and clear. The energy barrier runs right out into the middle of the river, and then makes another ninety-degree turn to the west. The water seems to have no problem penetrating the magical field, however. The river seems too wide and too swift to cross here. It appears the only way to go is back to the south. ~ 62 0 3 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6208 E barrier energy~ You can faintly see the woods continue beyond it, but it seems there's no way through. The field rises high up into the air, and seems to form a ceiling above the woods, preventing a flying entrance. You'd also bet it extends deep into the ground. ~ S #6210 Just Passing Through...~ The energy barrier seems to push against you ineffectively as you shove your way through it. All your hairs stick up on your body from the static electricity, and electric shocks sting your body from every metallic piece of equipment you are carrying. You think with a final shove, you can break through to the other side... ~ 62 c 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6208 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6211 S #6211 By The Barrier~ To the west the magical energy barrier crackles and hums to itself, almost looking harmless. Almost -- all around on the ground are charred corpses and bodies. Several poles with skulls on top face to the west, warning travellers on the forest paths away from here. The air smells of death and decay, and the air is very still. You feel uncomfortable. ~ 62 c 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6210 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6212 E corpse body bodies corpses skull skulls~ Demi-human, from the size. The foreheads slop down to a blocky brow, and the braincase seems rather small. On a hunch, you check one of the feet of a torched body. Cloven, like a pig's... Orcs. ~ S #6212 A Clearing In The Forest~ Several trails in the forest intersect here in a small clearing. The dirt seems matted down, and you see many footprints in the soil. Nearby you hear a bird's chirp abruptly cut off in a loud squawk, and then silence. The paths seem well-traveled, the undergrowth matted down and the foilage hacked away to leave plenty of room or a traveller to pass in every cardinal direction, excepting the west path seems fairly overgrown... You feel watched. ~ 62 0 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6213 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6211 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6217 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6228 E foot footprint footprints print prints~ Cloven hoofs, two feet... they walk erect whatever they are. ~ S #6213 A Forest Trail~ The northern trail winds through the trees, heading from a forest clearings to the south to where there appears to be a river's edge to the north. This trail appears to be well-used and you spot many tracks in the earth. Again the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and you wonder if you're being spied upon. ~ 62 0 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6214 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6212 S #6214 The River's Edge~ A beautiful river flows swiftly by, the current looking quite dangerous in fact. Out in the center of the river you spot the energy barrier enclosure... no way out here. Looking up, you see a bird fly right through the barrier overhead and wonder as to the force field's nature. This path leads south into the forest, and westwards along the river's edge. ~ 62 0 2 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6213 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6215 S #6215 The River's Edge~ The river flows on its course, unhampered by the energy barrier passing right down its center for as far as you can see in both directions. The path you are on travels along the length of the river to the east and west inbetween the water and the forest's edge. Once again you shiver and feel that unmistakeable sense that you are being watched. Disturbing. ~ 62 0 2 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6214 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6216 S #6216 The River's Edge~ A large out-cropping of rock blocks this path along the river to the west, and you don't spot any way around it; the woods are too thick to the south, the river too swift to the north, the magical barrier above you. This is a nice area, however, as evidenced by the amount of traffic this path gets. From the marks in the grass, you guess that this is a favored resting spot. ~ 62 0 2 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6215 S #6217 A Forest Trail~ This well-used forest trail leads south. Among the foot-tracks in the dirt, you spot a few animal tracks as well, leading you to believe that these trails are used by hunters. Why would they be enclosed in this manner, however? There is a clearing to the north, and the path continues to the south. ~ 62 0 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6212 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6219 S #6218 A Forest Trail~ This trail leads north-south... obviously a gaming trail. The woods, mostly deciduous trees with the accompanying ground foilage, crowd in to either side. A shrub to your left shows a fresh cutting wound... looks like a sharp object like a knife or machete did the damage. A crackle in the leaves spins you around, to see nothing. Something is watching you, you feel it. Where? ~ 62 0 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6233 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6226 S #6219 A Forest Trail~ The trail changes direction here, turning to the north and west. A large tree to your south bears an interesting artifact; a rusty arrowhead embedded in the wood. It looks as if the arrow had been broken off at the head, the wood scratched at, and the arrowhead left behind. Otherwise, there doesn't seem to be much of interest in this particular section of the woods. ~ 62 0 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6217 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6220 S #6220 A Forest Trail~ This is a winding east-west path through the thickening forest. The grass along the path is matted down from frequent traffic. The path continues to the east, and there seems to be a small clearing to the west. A faint noise makes you stand stock still. You could have sworn you heard a voice nearby. Whatever it was, it wasn't speaking common. ~ 62 0 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6219 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6221 S #6221 A Small Clearing~ In the middle of this small clearing in the forest is a fairly large rock sticking up out of the ground. Paths lead away to the east, west, and south from here. The trees above block out the sky fairly effectively, also blotting out the glowing energy barrier above your head. ~ 62 0 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6220 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6222 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6227 E rock boulder~ There is dried blood on it. ~ S #6222 A Forest Trail~ A smaller northern path leads away from the main east- west trail here towards a clearing. The main path leads windingly around the trees to the east and west, the woods blocking out whatever may be ahead. Again you get that strange feeling of being watched. ~ 62 0 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6221 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6223 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6225 S #6223 A Forest Trail~ The trail leads east and west here through the forest. To the west you spot an area where a smaller path breaks off from the main track. Eastwards seems to be another small clearing that seems to be well used; there are many tracks leading in that direction. ~ 62 0 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6224 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6222 S #6224 The Dead End~ The ground has been cleared of vegetation in this small clearing, and several large, man-made salt licks lie on the ground and stand on poles here. There are many animal tracks in the earth -- the salt licks must attract wildlife for miles around. You think this would be a good place to hide and wait for dinner if you were a hunter... ~ 62 0 3 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6223 S #6225 A Forest Trail~ This trail leads east-west through the forest foilage, around the trees and up and down the slight rises. The area is quiet and serene, except for the energy barrier keeping you in to the south. For just a moment, you wonder if you're still being watched... ~ 62 0 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6222 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6226 S #6226 A Forest Trail~ The trail bends here, leading away to the north and east. Far off the the distance you hear the squawk of a large bird-of-prey searching the skies for a meal. The ferns around you rustle gently in the light breeze. Somehow, the threatening aura that pervades over the rest of the area seems absent here. You feel almost relaxed... ~ 62 c 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6218 S #6227 A Forest Trail~ A bend in the forest trail allows you to go east and north here. To the east you spot a small clearing, while northwards this trail seems to join a much larger one leading through the woods. On the ground is half of a broken knife handle, made of bone and dried leather, useless now. You wonder if the owner is watching you now -- something certainly is. ~ 62 0 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6232 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6221 S #6228 A Forest Trail~ This path leads from the main clearing to the west to intersect with a north-south path just to the east. A small sapling on the north side of the trail has a rope tied around one of its top branches; an unused snare evidently. You still feel as if you're being watched in the back of your mind, and adrenaline pumps into your brain like a lightning fuzz. ~ 62 0 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6212 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6229 S #6229 A Forest Trail~ A north-south trail leads through the woods here, with a small side trail leading off to the east. The trees provide adequate cover from the sky, but through a few holes in the foilage you spot the magical barrier above you, keeping you from escaping by flight. You feel slightly captured. ~ 62 0 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6228 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6230 S #6230 A Forest Trail~ Two trails come together here, a large northern path heading away from tracks leading to the east and west. The western path seems to be the most traveled, and the east hardly at all. There seems to be less trees around here... it seems as if many have been cut down by some sort of crude tools. This land clearing appears to be especially true to the east. ~ 62 0 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6229 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6231 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6232 S #6231 A Clearing~ The trees have been cut down around here, and many of the trunks hollowed out with sharp stones and lined with treated leather to make almost-waterproof tubs. A foul smelling brown fluid, tannin evidently, fills many of these, soaking into various bits and pieces of animal hides. Crude, but workable. ~ 62 0 3 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6230 S #6232 A Forest Trail~ The trail is widening to the west, where the path leads all the way up to the side of the mountains that enclose this valley. Many of the trees have been cut down around here, and it definitely looks as if the forest is ending. Eastwards the trail leads on into the thick of the forest. A small split off trail leads away to the south here. ~ 62 0 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6230 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6227 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6233 S #6233 A Forest Trail~ The ground is growing more rocky here. The trees and other foilage in the forest grow sparse here, finding it hard to find purchase in the soil. The forest ends just to the west, with the trail you are on leading right on up to the side of the mountains. A side trail leads south here, and the trail also leads back into the thick of the forest to the east. ~ 62 0 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6232 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6218 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6234 S #6234 A Rocky Trail~ The ground is getting very rocky here, causing the trees of the woods to become more sparse. Several bushes have found purchase in the soil, but not near enough to block free movement in this area. The trail leads on up to what appears to be a cave in the side of the mountain to the west, and a side trail runs along the forest's edge to the north. To the east, the trail runs deep into the forest out of sight. ~ 62 0 4 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6241 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6233 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6242 S #6235 A Forest Trail~ The trail you are on bends around a large double- trunked tree and leads away to the north and west. The green canopy of leaves overhead make this area fairly dark and ominous, and that creepy 'watched' feeling returns to hit you with full force. ~ 62 0 3 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6229 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6236 S #6236 A Forest Trail~ The trail continues here to the east and west, with a small trail splitting off towards a large clearing to the south. Two wooden poles with skulls on top warn you away from the south, and succeed in making you feel quite uncomfortable. Strange... ~ 62 0 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6235 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6237 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6238 S #6237 A Large Clearing~ The earth has been upturned many times here, and several white rocks stick up from the ground in odd positions. Graveyard. This must be where they bury their dead -- just dig a hole and throw the corpse inside, ignoring any previous occupants in the ground. How uncivilized... you hope you aren't taken care of in this matter when your time comes... ~ 62 0 2 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6236 S #6238 A Forest Trail~ The trail splits here, one fork heading north towards the rushing sounds of a river, and west where the forest seems to be thinning out a lot. A sudden motion out of the corner of your eye catches your eyes, and you turn your head. Nothing, there's nothing there at all. You wonder if you're being stalked. ~ 62 0 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6239 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6236 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6241 S #6239 A River's Edge~ The river flows swiftly on its course to the north. The trail you are on leads on by the water's edge to the west, and back into the forest to the south. A large boulder is just to the west, blocking all travel in that direction. Out in the center of the river, the 'roof' of the energy field meets the northern 'wall'. The water passes right on through the magical barrier, however... the barrier is obviously porous to some materials. ~ 62 0 2 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6238 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6240 S #6240 A River's Edge~ The river pours down the side of the mountains to the west, originating from a large hole in the face of one of the sheer rock protuberances. The energy barrier climbs right up the mountain, and seals off any means of escape by that means. The trail you are on runs by the side of the river to the east, and a path leads by the forest side to the south. ~ 62 0 2 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6239 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6241 S #6241 A Rocky Trail~ The forest is just to your west, with a side trail leading deep inside from here. The main trail you are on, however, heads north towards the river, and south near where a trail leads up to a cave in the mountain side. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot to capture your attention here... ~ 62 0 4 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6240 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6238 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6234 S #6242 A Cave Entrance~ You are half blinded by the differences of the outdoors illumination and the pure darkness of the cave. A deep, cloying stench flows out from the cave mouth; the smells of decay, unwashed bodies, and sickness in one roiling odor. Your stomach turns involuntarily, and you wonder about going back down the hill to the east, instead of going even further down the western tunnel. ~ 62 d 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6234 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6243 S #6243 A Tunnel Forking~ The tunnel forks here, one branch leading north, the other west. Additionally, you can head back outside to the east, which seems like a very good idea to your tortured nasal passages. Your eyes water from the stench, and you clench your left hand tightly to keep control of your bile. Forcing your eyes open, you notice the warning signs painted around the tunnel to the north. ~ 62 ad 4 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6255 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6242 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6244 E painting sign signs~ They are orcish, and you could swear they were all warning symbols. ~ S #6244 A Tunnel~ The floor is slick with the humidity that boils out of the lower reaches of this cave, bringing that most awful smell with it. Again, you consider saving your nose the trip west and down the tunnel, and heading back east to the cave entrance. ~ 62 ad 4 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6243 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6245 S #6245 A Tunnel~ The tunnel takes a deep dip here, and opens up into a largish cave to the west. There seems to be a few faint lights from inside, and you hear some heavy breathing and low grunts from that direction. The cave entrance to the east seems far too far away for your comfort... ~ 62 ad 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6244 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6251 S #6246 A Cave~ Heaps of rotting meat and cups of near-drinkable water sit here; the orc food stores. You stand here and wonder in near-disbelief at how the orcs could find this stuff palatable. They're orcs; its their nature and their stomachs you guess. Oddly enough, you don't even care to catalog what they have available -- there's no chance you're going to take any of this... ~ 62 d 4 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6247 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6249 S #6247 A Cave~ A single corpse lies here, well away from a pile of similars to the east. There are several sharpened stakes and rocks sitting about conveniently. The way the corpse is lying, the stone next to its hand... this is a suicide area! You look down upon the orc and comprehend its suffering in its twisted form. How sad. ~ 62 d 4 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6248 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6250 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6246 S #6248 A Cave~ There are bodies here... corpses. Orcs, the lot of them, every single one of them horribly disfigured in some senseless way; one whose arms were removed, another who lacks anything that could sensibly be called a face. A few twitch feebly with the last remains of life, the rest just decompose. The dim sense of horror budding in your head blossoms as you realize the pile in the corner consists of dead orc children awaiting burial. ~ 62 cd 4 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6251 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6247 S #6249 A Cave~ A few sleeping pallets, made of moldy straw and stinking furs are arranged around a small firepit here. A wooden cup, carved by a crude tool and cruder hands sits near the ashes filled with water you consider undrinkable. Somewhere to the east you hear an orc child's whining cry, and a voice hushes it urgently. Beware, orcs! Adventurers are here! Hide your children! ~ 62 d 4 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6246 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6250 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6252 S #6250 A Cave~ Several grass sleeping pallets are here, clustered around the remains of an old fire. The sloping of the cave's ceiling allow for smoke ventilation towards the surface in here you note, lucky for the orcs. A few strings of burnt meat still hang over the fire, untended and uneaten. On the floor near your feet you spy a small, twisted piece of wire... one orc's idea of a treasured ring, no doubt. Kicking the trinket away, you try to push the pity out of your heart for these wretches. ~ 62 d 4 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6247 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6251 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6253 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6249 S #6251 A Cave~ You are standing just inside a largish cave, about a hundred feet in diameter. A few dim make-shift lanterns burning animal fat illuminate the area, just enough so you can see the rotted food on the floor, and a few bodies sprawled throughout the whole area. Your disgust quickly turns to horror as you see a horrible creature, half... well, half something and half orc dash between two stalagmites. ~ 62 d 4 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6248 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6245 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6254 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6250 S #6252 A Cave~ This must be the orc chief's area. There's an old prize -- a stolen timeworn human armchair sitting near the south wall as a throne. A mammoth sleeping pallet made of piled furs is nearby. Next to that is the pile of orc treasure; a pile of well-polished coppers. You look at the pile of worthless coins and wonder at the image of orcish raiders. These orcs aren't raiders, they are victims. ~ 62 d 4 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6249 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6253 S #6253 A Cave~ Many sleeping pallets are arranged near the walls, each made of heavy fur padding for comfort and warmth. Many are covered with blood and other, unidentifiable substances. Looking around, your only coherent thought is, 'Don't want to know... don't want to know...' ~ 62 d 4 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6250 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6254 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6252 S #6254 A Cave~ This area of the cave is one vast orc sickroom. Mutated and mangled orcs lie on the floor, seeming quiet, lifeless. They're not even worth your time, you think, unless you've the mercy to put them out of their misery. You look at the corruption of nature's design and wonder what forces are at work here... the barrier, the orcs... What's going on here? ~ 62 d 4 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6251 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6253 S #6255 A Tunnel~ This forking off from the mail tunnel seems odd; the walls are strangely smooth, as if they were carved out by forces unknown. The end is abrupt and short, but there is a steel door inset in the wall of the west side of the tunnel. The smell from the lower tunnel doesn't seem nearly as bad here... this might be a good place to rest and catch your breath. ~ 62 acd 4 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6243 D3 A large steel door. There seems to be no hinges or knob, but there is a small keyhole in the exact center of it. ~ door steel~ 2 6200 6256 S #6256 A Tunnel~ This section of man-made tunnel heads north from here, doors on either side. A few glowing spots on the ceiling illuminate the area to almost a daylight level. From the north you hear some horrible cries of pain and anguish that make you cringe inside and think twice about heading in that direction. ~ 62 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6258 D1 ~ door steel~ 2 6200 6255 D3 This is a normal, wooden door. ~ door wooden~ 1 -1 6257 S #6257 A Bedroom~ This is a bedroom, catered to someone with a definite sense of taste. There's a chest of drawers made of a solid section of oak tree. In fact, most of the furniture here has that 'natural look' about it. The bed is filled with soft down with an ornate table lamp close by. Nice place. ~ 62 d 0 D1 A normal, wooden door. ~ door wooden~ 1 -1 6256 S #6258 A Tunnel~ This tunnel opens up into a large room to the north, and to the south, leads towards a set of doors. The light is crisp and bright, clearly showing the lack of tool marks on the hewn walls... magic? The room just ahead is large, and also well-lighted, giving it an almost clinical atmosphere. Somewhere in the recesses of that room something cries out in a horrible crackling voice. Not good. ~ 62 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6266 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6256 S #6259 The Laboratory~ A full fledge operating table is set up here, outfitted with a full set of restraints. A ledge nearby has a whole array of sterile medical equipment on it, covered over by a clear lid. There's a drain in the floor with gradients leading to it to carry away the blood. For some reason, you don't imagine this as a voluntary operating theatre... ~ 62 d 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6260 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6262 S #6260 The Laboratory~ Another table is set up will all sorts of alchemical apparatus here, vials and beakers, distillation equipment and et cetera. The stuff looks expensive, but bulky and fragile; not good treasure to cart away with you at all. ~ 62 d 0 D1 A steel cell door. ~ door steel~ 1 6200 6261 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6263 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6259 S #6261 A Cage~ This is a small, dirty cage, with only a bucket for wastes, another bucket for food, and a dirty towel for a bed. The whole room has a terrible stench about it. ~ 62 d 0 D3 A steel cell door. ~ door steel~ 1 6200 6260 S #6262 The Laboratory~ Some small cages sit here, containing many different types of rodents. Leaning down to look better, you are very surprised as a tiny, common garden mouse growls at you and tries to rip your face off through the bars. There are some bulges on its back, and it doesn't seem to be in a very good mood. It quivers some, not fully in control of its motor functions. Poor thing. ~ 62 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6259 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6263 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6265 S #6263 The Laboratory~ A rack stands near the cages on the eastern wall, filled with shackles and manacles, bullwhips and worse. They all look well-used. You give a shiver, and carry on. ~ 62 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6260 D1 A steel cell door. ~ door cell~ 1 6200 6264 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6266 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6262 S #6264 A Cage~ This is a small, dirty cage, with only a bucket for wastes, another bucket for food, and a dirty towel for a bed. The whole room has a terrible stench about it. ~ 62 d 0 D3 A steel cell door. ~ door steel~ 1 6200 6263 S #6265 The Laboratory~ This is the southwest corner of the lab. There's no equipment here, merely several pairs of heavy steel shackles on the southern wall. There's also some a few small bloodstains on the floor beneath the shackles. ~ 62 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6262 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6266 S #6266 The Laboratory~ This is a fairly roomy laboratory that extends to the north, with cages set on the east side of the room. A metal table here is empty, although you can see some outlines in the dust that suggest books had laid here once. ~ 62 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6263 D1 A steel cell door. ~ cell door~ 1 6200 6267 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6258 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6265 S #6267 A Cage~ This is a small, dirty cage, with only a bucket for wastes, another bucket for food, and a dirty towel for a bed. The whole room has a terrible stench about it. ~ 62 d 0 D3 A steel cell door. ~ door cell~ 1 6200 6266 S $