#3000 The Reading Room~ You are in a small, simple room which is mostly empty, save a few wooden desks and benches. To the east you hear the bustle of the Temple of Midgaard, a sharp contrast to the relative quiet of this peaceful room. ~ 30 cdeh 0 D1 You see the Temple of Midgaard. ~ ~ 0 -1 3001 S #3001 The Temple Of Midgaard~ You are in the southern end of the temple hall in the Temple of Midgaard. The temple has been constructed from giant marble blocks, eternal in appearance, and most of the walls are covered by ancient wall paintings picturing Gods, Giants and peasants. Large steps lead down through the grand temple gate, descending the huge mound upon which the temple is built and ends on the temple square below. To the west, you see the Reading Room. The donation room is in a small alcove to your east. ~ 30 cdeh 0 D0 At the northern end of the temple hall is a statue and a huge altar. ~ ~ 0 -1 3054 D1 In the east, you see a small alcove with a rickety wooden sign which reads "Midgaard Donation Room." ~ ~ 0 -1 3063 D2 You look down the huge stone steps at the temple square below. ~ ~ 0 -1 3005 D3 You see the Reading Room. ~ ~ 0 -1 3000 D5 You see the temple square. ~ ~ 0 -1 3005 S #3002 The Clerics' Inner Sanctum~ This is the inner sanctum. A picture of the mighty Thor, is hanging on the wall, just above the altar which is set against the western wall. A well in the middle of the floor leads down into darkness. Vile smells waft from the depths. ~ 30 cd 0 D1 You see your favorite place, the bar of divination. ~ ~ 0 -1 3003 D5 You can't see what is down there, it is too dark. Looks like it would be impossible to climb back up. ~ ~ 0 -1 7026 S #3003 The Bar Of Divination~ The bar is one of the finest in the land, lucky it is members only. Fine furniture is set all around the room. A small sign is hanging on the wall. ~ 30 cdh 0 D2 You see the entrance. ~ ~ 0 -1 3004 D3 You see the inner sanctum. ~ ~ 0 -1 3002 E sign~ The sign reads: Free instructions provided by the waiter: Buy - Buy something (drinkable) from the waiter. List - The waiter will show you all the different drinks and specialties, and tell the price of each. ~ S #3004 The Entrance To The Clerics' Guild~ The entrance hall is a small modest room, reflecting the true nature of the Clerics. The exit leads east to the temple square. A small entrance to the bar is in the northern wall. ~ 30 d 0 D0 You see the bar, richly decorated with really stylish furniture. ~ ~ 0 -1 3003 D1 You see the Temple Square. ~ ~ 0 -1 3005 S #3005 The Temple Square~ You are standing on the temple square. Huge marble steps lead up to the temple gate. The entrance to the Clerics' Guild is to the west, and the old Grunting Boar Inn, is to the east. Just south of here you see the market square, the center of Midgaard. ~ 30 0 1 D0 You see the temple. ~ ~ 0 -1 3001 D1 You see the good old Grunting Boar Inn. ~ ~ 0 -1 3006 D2 You see the Market Square. ~ ~ 0 -1 3014 D3 You see the entrance to the Clerics' Guild. ~ ~ 0 -1 3004 S #3006 The Entrance Hall Of The Grunting Boar Inn~ You are standing in the entrance hall of the Grunting Boar Inn. The hall has been wisely decorated with simple, functional furniture. The heavy smell of dust and aging paper drifts in from the Post Office to the north. A small staircase leads up to the reception and the bar is to the east. ~ 30 d 0 D0 You see the Midgaard Post Office. ~ ~ 0 -1 3062 D1 Surprise! You see the bar. ~ ~ 0 -1 3007 D3 You see the temple square. ~ ~ 0 -1 3005 D4 You see the reception. ~ ~ 0 -1 3008 S #3007 The Grunting Boar~ You are standing in the bar. The bar is set against the northern wall, old archaic writing, carvings and symbols cover its top. A fireplace is built into the western wall, and through the southeastern windows you can see the temple square. This place makes you feel like home. A small sign with big letters is fastened to the bar. ~ 30 dh 0 D3 You see the exit to the entrance hall. ~ ~ 0 -1 3006 E sign~ The sign reads: Free instructions provided by the Grunting Boar Inn. Buy - Buy something (drinkable) from the bartender. List - The bartender will show you all the different drinks and specialties, and tell the price of each. ~ E writing carving carvings symbols symbol~ Although it is very hard to understand, you think it looks a lot like beer, poems about beer, and small beer-mugs. ~ S #3008 The Reception~ You are standing in the reception. The staircase leads down to the entrance hall. An exit to the north leads to the Cryogenic Center. There is a small sign on the counter. ~ 30 d 0 D0 You see the Cryogenic Center. ~ ~ 0 -1 3064 D5 You see the entrance hall. ~ ~ 0 -1 3006 E sign~ Rooms are expensive but good! You may: Offer - get an offer on a room - Time is in real life days. Rent - Rent a room (saves your stuff, and quits the game), minimum charge is one day. MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY PAY YOUR RENT! WE WON'T THINK TWICE BEFORE KICKING YOU OUT. ~ S #3009 The Bakery~ You are standing inside the small bakery. A sweet scent of Danish and fine bread fills the room. The bread and Danish are arranged in fine order on the shelves, and seem to be of the finest quality. A small sign is on the counter. ~ 30 dh 0 D2 You see the main street. ~ ~ 0 -1 3013 E danish pastry~ You see that this is truly delicious pastry. Must be made by a Dane from Denmark (which surely is not the capital of Sweden!). Former ruler of Scandinavia, England, Northern Germany, Northern France, Russia, Greenland, Iceland, Estonia etc. etc. The sight of those large, wholesome chokoladeboller makes your mouth water and your soul sing. ~ E sign~ Free instructions provided by the store: Buy - Will buy you some bread or pastry. List - The baker will kindly tell you the price and sort of the bread in his bakery. ~ S #3010 The General Store~ You are inside the general store. All sorts of items are stacked on shelves behind the counter, safely out of your reach. A small note hangs on the wall. ~ 30 dh 0 D2 You see the main street. ~ ~ 0 -1 3015 E note~ The note reads: List - Show which various items are in the store. Buy - Buy an item. Value - The shopkeeper will (free of charge) tell how much he will pay for your item. Sell - Sell an item. ~ S #3011 The Weapon Shop~ You are inside the weapon shop. There is a small note on the counter. ~ 30 dh 0 D2 You see the main street. ~ ~ 0 -1 3016 E note~ The note reads: List - Show which various items are in the store. Buy - Buy an item. Value - The shopkeeper will (free of charge) tell how much he will pay for your item. Sell - Sell an item. ~ S #3012 Main Street~ You are at the end of the main street of Midgaard. South of here is the entrance to the Guild of Magic Users. The street continues east towards the market square. The magic shop is to the north and to the west is the city gate. ~ 30 0 1 D0 You see the magic shop. ~ ~ 0 -1 3033 D1 You see the main street. ~ ~ 0 -1 3013 D2 You see the entrance to the Guild of Magic Users. ~ ~ 0 -1 3017 D3 You see the city gate. ~ ~ 0 -1 3040 S #3013 Main Street~ You are on the main street passing through the City of Midgaard. South of here is the entrance to the Armory, and the bakery is to the north. East of here is the market square. ~ 30 0 1 D0 You see the bakery. ~ ~ 0 -1 3009 D1 You see the market square. ~ ~ 0 -1 3014 D2 You see the armory. ~ ~ 0 -1 3020 D3 You see the main street. ~ ~ 0 -1 3012 S #3014 Market Square~ You are standing on the market square, the famous Square of Midgaard. A large, peculiar looking statue is standing in the middle of the square. Roads lead in every direction, north to the temple square, south to the common square, east and westbound is the main street. ~ 30 0 1 D0 You see the temple square. ~ ~ 0 -1 3005 D1 You see the main street. ~ ~ 0 -1 3015 D2 You see the common square. ~ ~ 0 -1 3025 D3 You see the main street. ~ ~ 0 -1 3013 E statue~ What you see is the Midgaard Worm, stretching around the Palace of Midgaard. ~ S #3015 Main Street~ You are on the main street crossing through town. To the north is the general store, and the main street continues east. To the west you see and hear the market place, to the south a small door leads into the Pet Shop. ~ 30 0 1 D0 You see the general store. ~ ~ 0 -1 3010 D1 You see the main street. ~ ~ 0 -1 3016 D2 You see the Pet Shop. ~ ~ 0 -1 3031 D3 You see the market square. ~ ~ 0 -1 3014 S #3016 Main Street~ The main street, to the north is the weapon shop and to the south is the Guild of Swordsmen. To the east you leave town and to the west the street leads to the market square. ~ 30 0 1 D0 You see the weapon shop. ~ ~ 0 -1 3011 D1 You see the city gate. ~ ~ 0 -1 3041 D2 You see the swordsmen's guild. ~ ~ 0 -1 3021 D3 You see the main street leading to the market square. ~ ~ 0 -1 3015 S #3017 The Entrance To The Mages' Guild~ The entrance hall to this guild is a small, poor lighted room. ~ 30 d 0 D0 You see the main street. ~ ~ 0 -1 3012 D2 You see your favorite place, the Mages' Bar. ~ ~ 0 -1 3018 S #3018 The Mages' Bar~ The bar is one of the weirdest in the land. Mystical images float around the air. Illusions of fine furniture appear all around the room. ~ 30 cdh 0 D0 You see the lobby. ~ ~ 0 -1 3017 D1 You see the laboratory. ~ ~ 0 -1 3019 S #3019 The Mages' Laboratory~ This is the Magical Experiments Laboratory. Dark smoke-stained stones arch over numerous huge oaken tables, most of these cluttered with strange- looking pipes and flasks. The floor is covered with half-erased pentagrams and even weirder symbols, and a blackboard in a dark corner has only been partially cleaned, some painful-looking letters faintly visible. A well in the middle of the floor leads down into darkness. Vile smells waft from the depths. ~ 30 cd 0 D3 You see the bar. ~ ~ 0 -1 3018 D5 You can't see what is down there, it is too dark. Looks like it would be impossible to climb back up. ~ ~ 0 -1 7017 S #3020 The Armory~ The armory with all kinds of armors on the walls and in the window. You see helmets, shields and chain mails. To the north is the main street. On the wall is a small note. ~ 30 dh 0 D0 You see the main street. ~ ~ 0 -1 3013 E note~ You can use these commands for trading: value To get the price of an item in your possession. sell To sell something. buy To buy something (provided that the shop has it in store). list Gives you a listing of the shop's inventory. WE DON'T GIVE CREDIT; WE DON'T EXPECT TO RECEIVE CREDIT! NO HAGGLING ~ S #3021 The Entrance Hall To The Guild Of Swordsmen~ The entrance hall to the Guild of Swordsmen. A place where one has to be careful not to say something wrong (or right). To the east is the bar and to the north is the main street. ~ 30 d 0 D0 You see the main street. ~ ~ 0 -1 3016 D1 You see the swordsmen's bar, many noises comes from there. ~ ~ 0 -1 3022 S #3022 The Bar Of Swordsmen~ The bar of swordsmen, once upon a time beautifully furnished. But now the furniture is all around you in small pieces. To the south is the yard, and to the west is the entrance hall. ~ 30 cdh 0 D2 You see the practice yard. ~ ~ 0 -1 3023 D3 You see the entrance hall to the warriors' guild. ~ ~ 0 -1 3021 S #3023 The Tournament And Practice Yard~ This is the practice yard of the fighters. To the north is the bar. A well leads down into darkness. ~ 30 cd 0 D0 You see the bar. ~ ~ 0 -1 3022 D5 You can't see what is down there, it is too dark. Looks like it would be impossible to climb back up. ~ ~ 0 -1 7048 S #3024 The Eastern End Of Poor Alley~ You are at the poor alley. South of here is the Grubby Inn and to the east you see common square. The alley continues further west. ~ 30 0 1 D1 You see the common square. ~ ~ 0 -1 3025 D2 You see the Inn. ~ ~ 0 -1 3048 D3 You see the poor alley. ~ ~ 0 -1 3044 S #3025 The Common Square~ The common square, people pass you, talking to each other. To the west is the poor alley and to the east is the dark alley. To the north, this square is connected to the market square. From the south you notice a nasty smell. ~ 30 0 1 D0 You see the market square. ~ ~ 0 -1 3014 D1 You see the dark alley. ~ ~ 0 -1 3026 D2 You see the city dump. ~ ~ 0 -1 3030 D3 You see Poor Alley. ~ ~ 0 -1 3024 S #3026 The Dark Alley~ The dark alley, to the west is the common square and to the south is the Guild of Thieves. The alley continues east. ~ 30 0 1 D1 The alley continues east. ~ ~ 0 -1 3045 D2 You see the entrance to the thieves' guild. ~ ~ 0 -1 3027 D3 You see the common square. ~ ~ 0 -1 3025 E guild~ It is the thieves' guild, don't enter if you care about your health or money. ~ S #3027 The Entrance Hall To The Guild Of Thieves~ The entrance hall to the thieves' and assassins' guild. A place where you can lose both your life and your money, if you are not careful. To the north is the dark alley and to the east is the thieves' bar. ~ 30 d 0 D0 You see the alley. ~ ~ 0 -1 3026 D1 You see the thieves bar, where everything disappears. ~ ~ 0 -1 3028 S #3028 The Thieves' Bar~ The bar of the thieves. Once upon a time this place was beautifully furnished, but now it seems almost empty. To the south is the yard, and to the west is the entrance hall. (Maybe the furniture has been stolen?!) ~ 30 cdh 0 D2 You see the secret yard. ~ ~ 0 -1 3029 D3 You see the entrance hall to the thieves' guild. ~ ~ 0 -1 3027 E furniture~ As you look at the furniture, the chair you sit on disappears. ~ S #3029 The Secret Yard~ The secret practice yard of thieves and assassins. To the north is the bar. A well leads down into darkness. ~ 30 cd 0 D0 You see the bar. ~ ~ 0 -1 3028 D5 You can't see what is down there, it is too dark. Looks like it would be impossible to climb back up. ~ ~ 0 -1 7043 S #3030 The Dump~ The dump, where the people from the city drop their garbage. Through the garbage you can see a large junction of pipes, looks like the entrance to the sewer system. North of here you see the common square. ~ 30 c 2 D0 You see the common square. ~ ~ 0 -1 3025 D5 You see the sewers. ~ grate~ 2 3005 7030 S #3031 The Pet Shop~ The Pet Shop is a small crowded store, full of cages and animals of various sizes. There is a sign on the wall. ~ 30 cdh 0 D0 You see the main street. ~ ~ 0 -1 3015 E sign~ The sign reads: Use 'List' to see the available pets. Use 'Buy ' to buy yourself a pet. Instructions for having pets: You can use 'order ' to order your pets around. If you abuse your pet, it will no longer regard you as its master. If you have several pets you may use 'order followers ' You can name the pet you buy with: 'buy ' Regards, The Shopkeeper ~ S #3032 Pet Shop Store~ This is the small dark room in which the Pet shop keeps his pets. It is vital that this room's virtual number is exactly one larger than the Pet Shop number. ~ 30 dk 0 S #3033 The Magic Shop~ Behind the counter you see various items, neatly placed in racks, presumably most of them are magic. ~ 30 dh 0 D2 You see the main street. ~ ~ 0 -1 3012 S #3040 Inside The West Gate Of Midgaard~ You are by two small towers that have been built into the city wall and connected with a footbridge across the heavy wooden gate. Main Street leads east and Wall Road leads south from here. ~ 30 0 1 D1 You see Main Street. ~ ~ 0 -1 3012 D2 You see the road running along the inner side of the city wall. You notice that it is called Wall Road. ~ ~ 0 -1 3042 D3 The city gate is to the west. ~ gate~ 1 3112 3052 E bridge footbridge~ It is too high up to reach but it looks as if one easily could walk across it from one tower to the other. ~ E gate~ It is a set of very big double doors made from hard wood. They have been reinforced with large iron bands to make them even more sturdy. One of the doors is equipped with a very big lock. ~ E tower towers~ Both of the towers are built from large grey rocks that have been fastened to each other with some kind of mortar, just like the city wall. ~ E wall~ It is built from large grey rocks that have been fastened to each other with some kind of mortar. It is far too high to climb. ~ S #3041 Inside The East Gate Of Midgaard~ You are by two small towers that have been built into the city wall and connected with a footbridge across the heavy wooden gate. Main Street leads west from here. To the south you see the Water Shop. ~ 30 0 1 D1 You see the city gate. ~ gate~ 1 3112 3053 D2 You see the water shop. ~ ~ 0 -1 3058 D3 You see Main Street. ~ ~ 0 -1 3016 E bridge footbridge~ It is too high up to reach but it looks as if one easily could walk across it from one tower to the other. ~ E gate~ It is a set of very big double doors made from hard wood. They have been reinforced with large iron bands to make them even more sturdy. One of the doors is equipped with a very big lock. ~ E tower towers~ Both of the towers are built from large grey rocks that have been fastened to each other with some kind of mortar, just like the city wall. ~ E wall~ It is built from large grey rocks that have been fastened to each other with some kind of mortar. It is far too high to climb. ~ S #3042 Wall Road~ You are walking next to the western city wall. The road continues further south and the city gate is just north of here. ~ 30 0 1 D0 You see the city gate. ~ ~ 0 -1 3040 D2 The road continues further south. ~ ~ 0 -1 3043 E wall~ It is built from large grey rocks that have been fastened to each other with some kind of mortar. It is far too high to climb. ~ S #3043 Wall Road~ You are walking next to the western city wall. Wall Road continues further north and south. A small, poor alley leads east. Some letters have been written on the wall here. ~ 30 0 1 D0 The road continues further north. ~ ~ 0 -1 3042 D1 Poor Alley leads east. ~ ~ 0 -1 3044 D2 The road continues further south. ~ ~ 0 -1 3047 E wall writing letters~ It says 'Who watches the watchmen?' ~ E wall~ It is built from large grey rocks that have been fastened to each other with some kind of mortar. It is far too high to climb. ~ S #3044 Poor Alley~ You are on Poor Alley, which continues further east. You see the city wall to the west. ~ 30 0 1 D1 The alley leads east. ~ ~ 0 -1 3024 D3 The alley leads west. ~ ~ 0 -1 3043 S #3045 The Dark Alley At The Levee~ You are standing in the alley which continues east and west. South of here you see the levee. ~ 30 0 1 D1 The alley leads east. ~ ~ 0 -1 3046 D2 You see the levee. ~ ~ 0 -1 3049 D3 The alley leads west. ~ ~ 0 -1 3026 S #3046 The Eastern End Of The Alley~ You are standing at the eastern end of the alley, the city wall is just east, blocking any further movement. A small warehouse is directly south of here. ~ 30 0 1 D2 You see the warehouse. ~ ~ 0 -1 3050 D3 You see the alley. ~ ~ 0 -1 3045 S #3047 Wall Road~ You are standing on the road next to the western city wall, which continues north. South of here is a bridge across the river. ~ 30 0 1 D0 You see the road. ~ ~ 0 -1 3043 D2 You see the bridge. ~ ~ 0 -1 3051 E wall~ It is built from large grey rocks that have been fastened to each other with some kind of mortar. It is far too high to climb. ~ S #3048 Grubby Inn~ You are inside the old Grubby Inn. This place has not been cleaned for several decades; vile smells make you dizzy. ~ 30 dh 0 D0 You see the alley. ~ ~ 0 -1 3024 S #3049 The Levee~ You are at the levee. South of here you see the river gently flowing west. The river bank is very low making it possible to enter the river. ~ 30 h 1 D0 You see the alley. ~ ~ 0 -1 3045 D2 You see the river flowing west. ~ ~ 0 -1 3203 S #3050 The Deserted Warehouse~ You are inside the warehouse. The room is decorated with various old items from ships. ~ 30 d 0 D0 You see the alley. ~ ~ 0 -1 3046 S #3051 On The Bridge~ You are standing on the stone bridge crosses the river. The bridge is built out from the western city wall and the river flows west through an opening in the wall ten feet below the bridge. ~ 30 0 1 D0 You see the road. ~ ~ 0 -1 3047 D2 You see the Concourse. ~ ~ 0 -1 3100 E bridge~ It is built from large grey rocks that have been fastened to each other with some kind of mortar, just like the wall. ~ E opening~ You cannot really see it from here as it is somewhere beneath your feet. ~ E wall~ It is built from large grey rocks that have been fastened to each other with some kind of mortar. It is far too high to climb. ~ S #3052 Outside The West Gate Of Midgaard~ You are by two small towers that have been built into the city wall and connected with a footbridge across the heavy wooden gate. To the west you can see the edge of a big forest. ~ 30 0 1 D1 The city gate is to the east. ~ gate~ 1 3112 3040 D3 The forest edge is to the west. ~ ~ 0 -1 6092 E bridge footbridge~ It is too high up to reach but it looks as if one easily could walk across it from one tower to the other. ~ E gate~ It is a set of very big double doors made from hard wood. They have been reinforced with large iron bands to make them even more sturdy. One of the doors is equipped with a very big lock. ~ E tower towers~ Both of the towers are built from large grey rocks that have been fastened to each other with some kind of mortar, just like the city wall. ~ E wall~ It is built from large grey rocks that have been fastened to each other with some kind of mortar. It is far too high to climb. ~ S #3053 Outside The East Gate Of Midgaard~ You are by two small towers that have been built into the city wall and connected with a footbridge across the heavy wooden gate. To the east the plains stretch out in the distance. ~ 30 0 1 D1 You see the plains. ~ ~ 0 -1 3503 D3 You see the city gate. ~ gate~ 1 3112 3041 E bridge footbridge~ It is too high up to reach but it looks as if one easily could walk across it from one tower to the other. ~ E gate~ It is a set of very big double doors made from hard wood. They have been reinforced with large iron bands to make them even more sturdy. One of the doors is equipped with a very big lock. ~ E tower towers~ Both of the towers are built from large grey rocks that have been fastened to each other with some kind of mortar, just like the city wall. ~ E wall~ It is built from large grey rocks that have been fastened to each other with some kind of mortar. It is far too high to climb. ~ S #3054 By The Temple Altar~ You are by the temple altar in the northern end of the Temple of Midgaard. A huge altar made from white polished marble is standing in front of you and behind it is a ten foot tall sitting statue of Odin, the King of the Gods. To the north, steps lead out the back of the temple towards the countryside. ~ 30 d 0 D0 You see the vast Midgaard countryside. ~ ~ 0 -1 3059 D2 You see the southern end of the temple. ~ ~ 0 -1 3001 E altar~ Even though the altar is more than ten feet long it appears to be made from a single block of white virgin marble. ~ E statue odin king god~ The statue represents the one-eyed Odin sitting on a his throne. He has long, grey hair and beard and a strict look on his face. On top of the throne, just above his shoulders, his two ravens Hugin and Munin are sitting and at his feet are his wolves Gere and Freke. ~ S #3055 Odin's Store~ This is the small dark room in which Odin keeps the player items that he takes care of. It is vital that this room's virtual number is exactly one larger than the room by the temple altar. ~ 30 dj 0 S #3058 Ye Olde Water Shoppe~ You are standing in the center of a small wooden shop whose walls are covered with racks upon racks of water jugs. Several large barrels with spigots are stacked in the corner. ~ 30 dh 0 D0 You see the East Gate. ~ ~ 0 -1 3041 S #3059 Behind The Temple Altar~ You are on a dirt path leading away from the Temple Altar which is south of here. To the north, the path continues through the lush contryside of Midgaard towards the Dragonhelm Mountains far off to the north. ~ 30 0 1 D0 You see the lush, green countryside of Midgaard. ~ ~ 0 -1 3060 D2 You see the Temple Altar. ~ ~ 0 -1 3054 S #3060 The Great Field Of Midgaard~ You are walking on a wide dirt path through the lush, green, fresh Midgaard countryside. You can see to the horizon to the north, east, and west; the busy city of Midgaard lies to the south. All around you is healthy green grass and an occasional large oak tree. The sun feels wonderful on your face and a pleasant wind blows through your hair. Birds chirp quietly to themselves and you can smell the faint scent of flowers and freshly cut grass. You feel like you could lie down in the grass and stay here forever, surrounded by powerful beauty in all directions. The path you are on continues north through the field and south back to Midgaard. ~ 30 0 1 D0 You see more of the path through the Great Field. ~ ~ 0 -1 3061 D2 You see the path which goes back to Midgaard. ~ ~ 0 -1 3059 S #3061 The Great Field Of Midgaard~ You are walking on a wide dirt path through the lush, green, fresh Midgaard countryside. You can see to the horizon to the north, east, and west; the busy city of Midgaard lies to the south. All around you is healthy green grass and an occasional large oak tree. The sun feels wonderful on your face and a pleasant wind blows through your hair. Birds chirp quietly to themselves and you can smell the faint scent of flowers and freshly cut grass. You feel like you could lie down in the grass and stay here forever, surrounded by powerful beauty in all directions. There is a strange structure on the eastern side of the path. A small dirt path splits off of the main path and leads off to the west. ~ 30 c 1 D0 The path continues northwards bringing you ever closer to the Dragonhelm Mountains. ~ ~ 0 -1 3065 D1 There is a strange structure to the east on the edge of the trail. ~ ~ 0 -1 18600 D2 You see more of the Field. ~ ~ 0 -1 3060 D3 There is a strange path leading towards a rusty gate to the west. ~ ~ 0 -1 3066 S #3062 The Post Office~ You are in the central post office for Midgaard. Piles of assorted mail lay untouched in the corners, collecting cobwebs. Several large crates have been pried open by curious customs agents, and are now stacked along the west wall, hiding plenty of 'WANTED' posters. There is a sign posted on the wall here. ~ 30 deh 1 D2 You see the entrance to the Grunting Boar Inn and Tavern. ~ ~ 0 -1 3006 E sign~ ********************************************************** * * * Mail Instructions: * * * * To send a note to someone: * * MAIL * * * * To see if you have any mail: * * CHECK * * * * To get the Postmaster to give you your mail: * * RECEIVE * * * * Stamps cost 150 coins per letter * * Type 'HELP MAIL' for more info * ********************************************************** ~ E letters envelopes assorted~ Envelopes of all sizes are heaped into hugh piles around the room. As you look closer, you see a letter that you had posted a full week ago, laying unnoticed and slightly rat-chewed towards the bottom of the pile. ~ E cobwebs~ They seem to cover everything here, even the Postmaster himself. ~ E crates opened large~ As you know, it is illegal to send contraband items through the Midgaard Mail. The customs agents use this as a great excuse to seize liquor, rare spices, and just about anything they might find useful or profitable. ~ E WANTED posters poster wall~ Faces of various known Killers and Thieves can barely be seen behind the crates on the west wall. Some of them look quite familar, sorta like that guy who you saw in the Reception a minute ago... but then again, they are rather hard to see past the crates. ~ S #3063 The Midgaard Donation Room~ You are in a small, undecorated room just off of the main temple. There are a couple of small wooden benches here where people occasionally sit while they wait for items to appear. The temple is to the west. ~ 30 cde 1 D3 The busy temple is back west. ~ ~ 0 -1 3001 S #3064 The Cryogenic Center~ You are standing in an impossible white sterile room with cylindrical body-length canisters lined up against the walls. The Reception is to the south. ~ 30 d 1 D2 The Reception is to the south. ~ ~ 0 -1 3008 S #3065 The Great Field Of Midgaard~ You are walking on a wide dirt path through the lush, green, fresh Midgaard countryside. You can see to the horizon to the north, east, and west; the busy city of Midgaard lies to the south. All around you is healthy green grass and an occasional large oak tree. The sun feels wonderful on your face and a pleasant wind blows through your hair. Birds chirp quietly to themselves and you can smell the faint scent of flowers and freshly cut grass. You feel like you could lie down in the grass and stay here forever, surrounded by powerful beauty in all directions. The way north appears to be blocked by a large plot device and you cannot see any way around it. ~ 30 0 2 D0 Unfortunately the way north is blocked by a large plot device and there does not seem to be any way around it. ~ ~ 0 -1 -1 D2 The path continues through the field to the south past an odd structure on the eastern side of the path. ~ ~ 0 -1 3061 E plot device~ What more is a plot device than something to block a certain direction for reasons beyond your comprehension. ~ S #3066 The Dirt Path~ You are walking along a narrow dirt path through the lush, green, fresh Midgaard countryside. You can see to the horizon to the north and east; the busy city of Midgaard lies to the south. All around you is healthy green grass and an occasional large oak tree. The sun feels wonderful on your face and a pleasant wind blows through your hair. Birds chirp quietly to themselves and you can smell the faint scent of flowers and freshly cut grass. You feel like you could lie down in the grass and stay here forever, surrounded by powerful beauty in all directions. There is a large rusty gate sitting in a stone archway just to the west. ~ 30 0 2 D1 The path meets up with a larger path just to the east. ~ ~ 0 -1 3061 D3 There is a large rusty gate just to the west. ~ ~ 0 -1 3600 S $