#3300 A Scraggly Trail~ This trail slopes up and away from the main road to the west. At points the trail seems to fade into obscurity against the grey stone and near-grey mountain grass prevalent here. The trail leads generally eastward and up higher into the rocky ground. There is a sign here, seemingly out-of-place in this rough country. ~ 33 cg 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3301 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3500 E sign~ ,_____________________________. | | | Gabadiel's | | Smithery | | --------------> | | | | -- BUAG SIGNS INC.| `-----------------------------' | | | | | | | | ~ S #3301 A Scraggly Trail~ What could barely be called a trail leads west back down the mountainside, and down into a very small valley where a small house sits in the middle of a well-groomed yard. The door to the house is open and inviting, welcoming you for a visit. ~ 33 0 5 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3300 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 3302 S #3302 A Groomed Path~ You are standing in the western end of a very, very small valley, just about room enough for the one house standing to your east. You can see from here that the door to the cozy cottage is open and inviting, but the interior seems very dark. A path bordered by shrubberies leads up to the structure, and ends where you are standing; right by the easiest path back up into the mountains. ~ 33 0 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3303 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 3301 S #3303 Outside A House~ The path you are on leads from the front door of the cottage to your east, to the edge of the small valley to the west. The building seems quiet...almost too quiet. A small voice in the back of your head, the same voice that has saved your life on countless occasions, seems to be telling you that something is very, very wrong here. ~ 33 0 2 D1 It is a normal front door to a house. ~ door front~ 1 -1 3304 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3302 S #3304 The Smithery~ Devastation greets your eyes. The forge has been blasted apart, along with most of the back door. Hammers, tongs, and anvils lie about in one gigantic mess, and the smith's bed smoulders yet. This place has been utterly wrecked and blasted apart, by more than one man you would think from all the tracks in the dust... ~ 33 d 0 D1 It is a normal hole torn in the wall leading outside into a garden. ~ ~ 0 -1 3305 D3 It is a normal front door. ~ door front~ 1 -1 3303 E bed~ Ha! Lucky, you were always lucky! Under the pillow is a half-written letter, unaddressed. The bits of text that aren't smudged, burnt, and smeared tell tale of the smith/mage Gabadiel's masterwork: a sword of unequalled power, and two swords that came before, discarded as 'Not quite what I was working towards'. Looking around, you notice a distinct lack of any swords. You think you may have a motive now... ~ E tracks dust~ Three sets of prints lead out where the back door used to stand. ~ S #3305 A Small Garden~ This garden was probably once kept orderly and weedless. Unfortunately, it seems someone has been careless with a fireball. There is nothing here now but blast-marks and ashes, and the remains of a trail leading to the east edge of this tiny valley. ~ 33 0 2 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3306 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3304 E tracks track~ They lead east. ~ S #3306 Mountain Ridge~ You are standing on a ridge in the mountains, just east of a very small valley. You spot a tiny cottage sitting in the center of the valley, and the ridge continues south. Looking at the sheer drops to the north and west, you consider not taking those directions. ~ 33 0 5 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3307 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3305 E tracks track~ The tracks lead south. ~ S #3307 The Mountain Ridge~ The mountain range continues north from here, and widens out into a small plateau just to your south. Going east and west from here would be a bad idea, considering the steepness of the drop. From this height, you have a fairly good panoramic view to the south, including what appears to be a small mountain village to your south and west, and a tall, ominous peak westwards from here. ~ 33 0 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3306 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3308 E tracks track~ They lead south. ~ S #3308 The Diverging Paths~ You are standing on a small plateau in the mountains, just south of a ridge that leads northwards through the rocky area. To the east, south, and west are gentle slopes leading down into different areas of the mountains. A giant, dark peak looks down over you to the west, looking quite spooky indeed! ~ 33 0 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3307 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3341 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3309 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3359 E tracks track~ The three sets of tracks split up here, one west, one east, one south. ~ S #3309 A Steep Slope~ This slopes leads down and to the west from here. Up above, you see a plateau at the southern end of a long mountain ridge. Surpisingly, there seems to be signs of traffic in this area, leading into the large depression here. The going looks somewhat dangerous, and you decide to exercise a little caution. ~ 33 0 4 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3308 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3310 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 3308 E signs tracks~ A few boot prints lead way in the dust here. There is definitely traffic here, but this area is not what you would call well-travelled. ~ S #3310 A Small Plateau~ You are standing upon another mini-plateau, bordered by a sheer wall of rock to the north. You can climb up the slope to the east, or continue along the flat area to the west. Another slope leads downwards to the south, looking unsafe but climbable. ~ 33 0 4 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3309 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3314 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3311 S #3311 A Small Plateau~ This plateau ends here, with a steep drop-off to the south, and a solid wall of rock to the north. Eastwards the plateau continues, and you think you can climb up the steep rocky slope just west of here. You are afforded a good view of the lower regions of this depression, and you think you spot what might be a cave south and down from here... ~ 33 0 4 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3310 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3312 S #3312 A Rocky Slope~ This slope is fairly treacherous, but looks to be somewhat safer to the north. East the slope leads down to a small plateau that also looks considerably safer than your other choices. The shale under your feet slips badly, and you are almost thrown off balance; this is no place to be without mountaineering equipment. ~ 33 0 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3313 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3311 S #3313 The Overlook~ You are standing on a point outcropping with a beautiful view of the mountains to the north. Far below, you see what appears to be a foot-path climb up to the central mountain, a peak that looks dark and disturbing. You get very bad vibes from that mountain for some reason, and it doesn't seem like a very good idea to try to find a way to get there. The only safe way to leave this overlook is to the south. ~ 33 0 4 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3312 S #3314 A Rocky Slope~ You slip and slide your way across the steep ground, trying desperately to keep your balance. You can climb up to a small plateau to the north from here, or carefully head down to the floor of the depression to the west. You're not sure which is safer... ~ 33 0 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3310 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3315 S #3315 The Depression Floor~ A small path leads south here, away from the rocky slope leading up to the east. A small spring burbles here, evidently the cause of much of the traffic. Looking up, you see sheer rock walls surrounding much of the depression, making an effective fortress of this place. ~ 33 0 4 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3314 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3316 S #3316 The Depression Floor~ The small path you are standing on leads north, and east into what appears to be a large cave hollowed out of the mountainside. The whole place seems quiet, too quiet in fact. Your little adventurer's intuition is busily warning you of traps. ~ 33 0 4 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3315 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3317 S #3317 A Cave Entrance~ A cave leads into the heart of the mountainside, well- lit by sconces upon the walls. A large rock sits by the side here, near a small firepit. Debris litters the area; rabbit bones, half of a broken whetstone, and random litter. The ground is devoid of grass, and well trodden by many pairs of boots. Strange that someone should live so deep in the mountains... ~ 33 c 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3318 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3316 S #3318 A Cave Passageway~ You are near the entrance of the cave. The outside light streams in from the west, accompanied by a slight breeze, making the flames in the sconces flutter a bit and throw stange shadows upon the walls. This passageway heads north and south from here, each way seeming dark and stuffy compared to outdoors. From the tracks in the floor, you guess that the north is the more used. ~ 33 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3319 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3331 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3317 S #3319 A Cave Passageway~ The passage turns here, one end leading south, towards the cave's entrance, and east -- that much deeper into the mountain. The light sconces keep the area bright enough to see, but not nearly bright enough for you to be quite comfortable in this strange place. From far off you hear the echoes of what sound to be voices. ~ 33 d 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3320 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3318 S #3320 A Cave Passageway~ This twisty passage leads east and west from here. Eastwards you hear the unmistakable sounds of low voices. The echoes seem to be playing funny effects on you, however, and you are not sure from how far off these voices might be coming. ~ 33 d 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3321 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3319 S #3321 A Cave Passageway~ The passage you are standing in turns west and south from here. One of the sconces here is out, making this area extremely dark and hard to see in. You do see lights from the south, however, seemingly brighter than the sconces you've seen along the walls so far. ~ 33 d 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3322 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3320 S #3322 A Cave Passageway~ This is a T-intersection in the cave passageway, the north leading back towards the cave's entrance (you think!), the west leading towards a well-lighted area. Eastwards the passageway continues into the shadowy recesses of the mountain uninvitingly. The echoes of voices are confusing you a bit, and you are not sure whether you should try to remain quiet or not. ~ 33 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3321 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3324 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3323 S #3323 A Cave~ Many sconces line the walls here, casting light on some weapon racks and chests of armor. Everything is neat, orderly, and actually well-dusted. Someone cares for these items...frequently it seems. ~ 33 d 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3322 S #3324 A Cave Passageway~ The passageway you are in leads south and west from here. Many large stones and rocks are on the floor of the cave, making walking difficult in the dim light from the sconces on the walls. You hear the continued echo of voices, seemingly fainter now. Must be the strange acoustics of this place... ~ 33 d 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3325 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3322 S #3325 A Cave Passageway~ The cave twists around like a coiled snake, leading east and north from here. You begin to wonder if your orientations are still correct. That worries you for some reason. ~ 33 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3324 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3326 S #3326 A Cave Passageway~ You can head north and west through the cave passageways here, both ways dimly lit by the ever-present sconces on the walls. The echoes you heard earlier seem to be getting louder, and seem to be coming from the northern passage. You feeled a bit chilled from the cooled cave air and shiver a bit in the faint whisper of a breeze. This place is a little too eerie and dark to be comfortable in. ~ 33 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3327 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3325 S #3327 A Cave Passageway~ The echoes are growing louder, and seem to be coming from the northern end of this corridor. Southwards you see the tunnel continue right before yet another bend in the passagway. You spot a small piece of red cloth torn against a sharp rock jutting out from the passage's side. It looks like silk, very nice in fact. ~ 33 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3328 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3326 S #3328 A Cave Passageway~ The main passageway leads south from here, and a smaller cave tunnel leads away to the west. Two large boulders sit against the wall, wiped clean of dirt and grime. A paper food wrapper has been trodden under several pairs of feet here; at best guess, you'd say this would probably be a guard post. ~ 33 d 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3327 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3329 S #3329 The End Of The Passageway~ The cave passageway ends abruptly here to the north in a large wooden door set into the stone walls. The craftsmanship is superb! You can also head back to the main passage to the west, where there seems to be more light than here. An echo from down the passage makes you wonder for a moment if you are being followed, but you see nothing there... ~ 33 d 0 D0 It is a sturdy wooden door. ~ door wooden~ 1 -1 3330 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3328 S #3330 A Cavern~ This natural cavern has been turned into a combination office/storeroom. A small brook rushes through the south wall, and flows back into the west wall through a tiny hole. Boxes and crates are stacked against the walls, and a beat up oaken desk stands near the door stacked with papers written upon by an unsteady hand. Some large lanterns keep the place very well lighted. ~ 33 d 0 D2 It is a sturdy wooden door. ~ door wooden~ 1 -1 3329 S #3331 A Cave Passageway~ You are standing south of the main entrance to this cave. The passage you are in continues south, very badly lit along its length by the sconces lining the walls every fifteen feet or so. From somewhere deep in the recesses of the cave, you hear a faint, rhythmic thumping sound distorted by the passage's strange acoustics. ~ 33 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3318 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3332 S #3332 A Cave Passageway~ You are standing at the southern bend of this passage, able to head east and north from here. The rock around you echoes the sound of far-off pounding to you, making the place seem somehow alive, with a heartbeat. This place is fairly eerie, now that you come to think of it. ~ 33 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3331 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3333 S #3333 A Cave Passageway~ The passageway makes a U-turn here, heading north and westwards to the other side of the 'U'. The air seems humid and hard to breathe. Some algae grows near the floor in the slick spots, giving a definite subtle smell of rot to the air. ~ 33 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3334 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3332 S #3334 A Cave Passageway~ The tunnel twists to the south and east from here, its dark length seemingly dismal and lifeless. A faint thumping sound reverberates from the walls, making you perk your ears for the direction of the noise. ~ 33 d 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3335 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3333 S #3335 A Cave Passageway~ This area darker than the rest of the passageway, due to the fact that the sconces along the walls stop abruptly here. The way to the south is completely dark, in direct contrast to the tunnels to the west. You peer hard to the south, but can make out nothing in the impenetrable darkness. And still that distant thumping impinges on your consciousness... ~ 33 d 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3336 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3334 S #3336 A Cave Passageway~ You are standing in a north-south tunnel carved naturally through the stone of the mountain. To the north the tunnel is lighted by sconces along the wall, banishing the deep, deep darkness you now stand in. To the south you can see nothing. A deep thumping noise seems to be getting louder and louder as you stand here, coming from somewhere deep inside. ~ 33 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3335 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3337 S #3337 A Cave Passageway~ The passageway switches directions again in the dark gloom of the mountain, heading to the north and east from here. As you round the corner, a trick of the acoustics make the deep thrumming and pounding you've been hearing sound as if its coming from two feet away! Very unsettling. ~ 33 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3336 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3338 S #3338 A Cave Passageway~ The tunnel weaves around, twisting to the north and west here. The darkness around you is near total. Ahead, you hear the sounds of something metal banging against stone. Could someone be mining out the tunnel, perhaps? ~ 33 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3339 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3337 S #3339 A Cave Passageway~ A glimmer of light to the east alerts you to the fact that something is going on in the tunnel nearby. The south exit of the tunnel leads off into complete darkness. All around on the ground are piles of earth and stone, making you have to wend through the tunnel carefully. Hmm. ~ 33 ad 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3340 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3338 S #3340 The End Of The Passage~ The tunnel stops abruptly here at a fissure in the stone. All around on the ground are rocks and gravel, mined from the fissure in an attempt to widen it enough for passage. A few pieces of paper litter and wrappers tells you that the work here is relatively recent. ~ 33 d 0 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3339 S #3341 A Rocky Slope~ This treacherous slope leads ever-downward quite a ways, down to a valley where there seems to be a small village! What a village is doing this far from civilization, and how they survive you've no idea. From the smoke wafting from some of the chimneys, it looks like this place is still inhabited as well. Now if you can only get down this slope without breaking an ankle... ~ 33 0 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3342 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3308 S #3342 A Rocky Slope~ You're slipping and sliding across this slope, trying to get to your destination without breaking your leg or falling and shattering your head. Below, you spot some movement in the village, giving proof the place is not a ghost-town. The main road of the village starts at the bottom of the slope just to the east, and the slope continues west and up far, far up the mountain. ~ 33 c 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3343 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3341 S #3343 Main Road~ This place leaves you very unimpressed. And bored. You are definitely bored by this place. The people are listless, going about their daily chores with a slowness that pains your eyes. A slope to the west climbs up the mountainside, and two open shops made of wood and stone are to your north and south. East-wards this road continues. There is a small sign here. ~ 33 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3344 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3346 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3345 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3342 E sign~ ,_____________________________. | | | Stanneg by the Mountains | | | | Population: 27 | | | | -- BUAG SIGNS INC.| `-----------------------------' | | | | | | | | ~ S #3344 The Mountain Tavern~ Hmm. Looks like there's no one here, not even an bartender. Evidently you've come during off hours, since no bar could be THIS dull. The walls are decorated with mounted animal heads and arrows and longbows and other hunting equipment/trophies. All of it looks rather plain. ~ 33 d 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3343 S #3345 The General Store~ A bored shopkeeper waves an idle hand towards his stock of stuff. Browse, type list, buy, sell, whatever... ~ 33 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3343 S #3346 Main Road~ Nothing is going on in this section of village either. To the east is an actual road intersection, and to the west you see one of the ends of this road. A large grassy area to the south is fenced off for a horse corral. ~ 33 0 1 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3348 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3347 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3343 S #3347 The Corral~ Many horses look up at you when you enter this corral. The horses are kept in by a big wooden fence, which they seem quite happy to been kept in by. You don't see anyone around taking care of these horses, but someone is probably close by. ~ 33 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3346 S #3348 The Intersection~ You are standing in an intersection deep in the heart of Stanneg by the Mountains. In fact, this is the ONLY intersection anywhere in Stanneg by the Mountain it appears. There are some buildings to the north, and south, and east, and west. None particularly stand out from the others. ~ 33 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3349 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3355 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3353 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3346 S #3349 A Small Road~ This road runs north through Stanneg by the Mountains, if through would be the operative word for such a motley collection of buildings. Westwards is a small, open-roofed building that appears to be a farmer's market. The road you are on continues north, and comes to an intersection just south of here. ~ 33 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3351 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3348 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3350 S #3350 The Farmer's Market~ One farmer's wife stands here, waiting for someone to buy the food her family has grown. She looks bored, but not unhappy... no competition! ~ 33 0 1 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3349 S #3351 A Small Road~ The small, north-south road running through Stanneg by the Mountains ends here, curving to become the front walk of a private home to the east. The road runs south from this house, towards the center of the village. ~ 33 0 1 D1 A normal, wooden front door to a normal looking home. It is nothing to write home about. ~ door front~ 1 -1 3352 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3349 S #3352 A Private Home~ The interior of this home is simple and rustic. A ladder leads up to the loft, where the sleeping pallets are tucked away. A wood-burning stove keeps the place well heated and cozy. A homemade rocking chair stands crooked in the corner, draped with a old looking afghan. This home is a nice place, very comfortable. ~ 33 d 0 D3 There is a normal appearing door set in the western wall. ~ door front~ 1 -1 3351 S #3353 A Small Road~ The road ends here, leading up to a stone house to the south. Smoke rises from the chimney in a dark stream, and the windows are frosted over with humidity. North, you see the main intersection of Stanneg. ~ 33 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3348 D2 A normal looking front door made of wood serves as the entrance. ~ door front~ 1 -1 3354 S #3354 A Private Home~ This home strikes you as unbearable warm and uncomfortable. The fireplace is going at a full-bonfire, a mammoth stack of firewood beside it against the wall. The decorations seem somewhat spartan and plain; a landscape, an old hunting bow... nothing much of interest. ~ 33 d 0 D0 You see a normal looking wooden door. ~ door front~ 1 -1 3353 S #3355 Main Road~ The main road through Stanneg ends here at a large well that leads deep, deep into the earth. To the north of the well is a large building, with a large WELCOME mat outside its front door. Westwards you see the a road intersection in the center of the tiny village. Around you is a rocky terrain in the middle of this mountain range...not very many places else to go. ~ 33 0 1 D0 There is a large set of double doors, made of wood blocking the way. ~ door doors double~ 1 -1 3356 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3348 S #3356 Stanneg Inn~ This is a plainly decorated room, the main room of the Stanneg Inn. A large arch to the west leads to a common room where food and drink can be ordered, and a set of rickety wooden stairs lead up to the rooms are. A thread- bare rug lies in the middle of the floor, evidently well- loved by a cat or two from the quantity of hair on it. ~ 33 d 0 D2 There is a large set of double doors, made of wood set into the wall. ~ door doors double~ 1 -1 3355 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3357 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 3358 S #3357 The Common Room~ A large fireplace warms this room in great waves of heat, to combat the chill drafts eminating from the windows on the west and north sides of this room. A few benches and tables are clustered in the center of the room, for the use of the locals. Fairly plain, for a frequented gathering place. ~ 33 d 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3356 S #3358 The Reception~ A hall leads away to the west lined with small brown doors. A small table has a ledger on it, seemingly almost unused. The hall is plain and without any decoration, except for a nice painting of (what else) a mountain hanging above the stairs that lead back down to the inn proper. ~ 33 d 0 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 3356 S #3359 A Rocky Slope~ This slope is fairly shallow and easy to walk on, despite the loose shale and gravel. To the east is a high ridge you could stand on, and to the west is a flat area near two trails leading up and down into the mountains. High above you, to your west, is that ominous, dark peak, which seems to radiating a sense of hopelessness... ~ 33 0 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3308 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3360 S #3360 A Ledge~ This ledge overlooks a small path that leads up and down from here. Below, you see the path head down to a large flat area where a small cottage lies nestled in the mountains, smoke rising from it in a curling line. Above, the path seems to head towards that dark peak piercing the sky. You notice a few boot-tracks in the earth, seemingly to lead down towards the cottage. ~ 33 0 4 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3359 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 3363 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 3361 S #3361 Outside Of A Cottage~ Now that you approach closer to the cottage, you notice that the smoke is not coming from the chimney, but rather the gutted ruins of the building. Something torched this place, badly. You see no signs of life among the wreckage. You can enter one of the particularly large holes in the wall to the west, with caution. ~ 33 0 4 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3362 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 3360 S #3362 The Torched Cottage~ This whole place is smouldering still from whatever decided to try to burn it to the ground. On the floor near the center of the ruined structure is the burnt and dessicated corpse of a man, outstretched and blackened. There's not much to see here; whatever decided to destroy this place did it very well. ~ 33 0 1 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3361 S #3363 A Mountain Trail~ This mountain trail leads straight up into the evil looking mountains. High above you, one mountain peak seems to radiate danger and fear, and the trail seems to be leading straight up to it. You wonder if it is wise to continue this way... The trail goes even higher up to the west, and back down to the west. ~ 33 0 5 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3364 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 3360 S #3364 A Mountain Trail~ The trail leads up even higher into the mountains to the west here. You shiver as the cold mountain air washes over you, and your back prickles as you wonder if anything lives up here, or anything _dangerous_ for that matter. Maybe heading back down to the east would be a good idea... ~ 33 0 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3363 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3365 S #3365 A Mountain Trail~ The trail leads up the side of the tallest mountain in the range -- the one that sticks up into the dark sky like a monument to death and futility. The trail leads back to safety to the east, and goes even higher to the west. ~ 33 0 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3364 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3366 S #3366 Near The Peak~ This is as close to the peak as you're going to get, unless you use that tiny, tiny path leading up to your north. Up the side of the mountain you see a great cave hollowed out, the inside pitch black. The path leads down the mountains to your east, which seems to be the best place to go. ~ 33 gj 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3367 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3365 S #3367 A Small, Dangerous Path~ This path leads up, up, up the side of the mountain, to the evil-seeming cave. It also heads down to the south--a lot safer place to be. In fact, you hear footsteps above your head... ~ 33 gj 5 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3366 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 3368 S #3368 A Small, Dangerous Path~ Unfortunately, you realize too late that this bigger ledge that leads north to the darkened cave is an ideal spot for an ambush. This ledge gives you a beautiful panoramic view of the entire mountain range, however. Breathtaking! ~ 33 gj 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3369 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 3367 S #3369 The Cave Entrance~ You are standing in the entrance of a simply huge cave! The size is stunning! All around the entrance are burnt bones and various types of wooden and metal debris. Giant claw marks are all along the ground, leading back deeper into the cave. Two tunnels lead off from here, one up, one down. There are claw marks leading in either direction. ~ 33 adgj 4 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3368 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 3370 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 3373 S #3370 A Sloping Tunnel~ The tunnels slopes up to the north deeper into the mountain. A rather gusty breeze riffles your clothing from ahead somewhere. The claw marks in the stone floor continue up the passage, through the darkness. ~ 33 adgj 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3371 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 3369 S #3371 A Sloping Tunnel~ The tunnel continues its slope upwards, and the wind blows at you even stronger yet. The claw tracks in the stone stop abruptly here, where there seems to be a lot of unearthed dirt and stone around, heaped upon the floor. You feel uneasy about this place. ~ 33 adgj 4 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3372 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3370 E dirt stone~ It has been dug from somewhere, but where? ~ E claw claws track tracks mark marks~ They stop very abruptly here, right where the piles of earth begin, it seems. ~ E floor~ The floor up ahead looks... strange. You don't think going ahead would be a good idea. ~ S #3372 The Pit~ You fall through the illusionary floor. You hit the poisoned spikes below. You die very slowly of bloodloss, your head impaled at an awkward angle. ~ 33 bdgj 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3371 S #3373 A Sloping Tunnel~ This tunnel slopes deep, down into the mountain's heart. The air feels still and uncomfortably warm, despite the closeness of the cave's entrance above you. There's a deep, musky odor in the air, and the giant claw marks continue downwards. ~ 33 adgj 4 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 3369 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 3374 S #3374 A Sloping Tunnel~ A bright light greets your eyes from the north, in direct contrast to the darkness of the tunnel overhead. You break out in a sweat due to the overwhelming warmth of the air. The musky odor has grown quite intense, drowning out everything else in the air and making it hard to breathe. Something in your gut begins squirming uncomfortably as you wonder what's ahead... ~ 33 adgj 4 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3375 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 3373 S #3375 The Lair~ This place is huge!!! It should be considering the dragon's great bulk. However, instead of seeing the customary carnage and mound of gold that one is accustomed to seeing in a dragon lair, this one is decorated subtly with tapestries and drapes, and other comforts of human life. There is even a huge-dragon sized bed -- undoubtedly conjured to life by its elder dragon owner. ~ 33 dgj 4 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3374 S $