#900 key golden heavy~ a golden key~ A heavy golden key lies here.~ ~ 18 c 16385 900 0 0 0 1 0 0 #901 shield minotaur~ a dark minotaur shield~ A dark minotaur shield has been left here.~ ~ 9 dgh 513 12 0 0 0 12 5000 1350 E shield minotaur~ A strong, sturdy shield. It brings to mind legends of a shield that provided protection from poisonous gases. ~ A 23 -4 #902 potion speckled~ a speckled potion~ A speckled potion speckles here.~ ~ 10 g 1 15 15 15 15 2 1300 500 #903 gauntlets troll~ a pair of troll gauntlets~ A pair of gauntlets made from troll skin lie on the ground.~ ~ 9 g 129 5 0 0 0 8 2000 1350 #904 ring platinum~ a platinum ring~ A shining ring of platinum lies here. It has a tiny inscription.~ ~ 1 agh 16387 0 0 -1 0 1 2000 5500 E ring platinum inscription~ The inscription on the ring reads: Cursed be the gods that supply coins to mortals! And cursed be the mortal that accepts valuable gifts from the gods! Especially cursed are those who do not leave the toilet seat up! ~ A 17 10 A 18 2 #905 flail~ a flail~ A flail has been carelessly left here.~ ~ 5 fgh 8193 0 3 4 7 8 5000 3500 A 19 2 #906 coins gold treasure~ a great pile of treasure~ A great, gleaming pile of treasure lies at your feet.~ ~ 20 0 1 43500 0 0 0 20 43500 0 #907 spear heavy~ a heavy spear~ A heavy spear has been tossed on the ground here.~ ~ 5 0 8193 0 1 7 11 8 450 200 A 19 1 #908 trident~ a trident~ There is a warrior's trident here.~ ~ 5 0 8193 0 2 4 11 8 350 200 E trident~ This is a common trident, often used by gladiators or mermen. It has three sharp prongs jutting from the business end and a smooth wooden handle with two comfortable grip points. ~ #909 boots boat~ a pair of boots~ A pair of boots sit here in a puddle of water.~ ~ 22 deq 65 0 0 0 0 1 5000 1850 E boots boat~ The boots are made of a strange lightweight hide and float in a puddle of water. ~ A 14 -20 $