#6200 key~ a key~ A key sits here.~ ~ 18 cdq 16385 6200 0 0 0 1 20 0 E key~ It is a plain looking key. ~ #6201 manacles~ a set of manacles~ A set of iron manacles lie here.~ ~ 9 h 129 0 0 0 0 20 100 20 E manacles~ They're big steel cuffs, meant to be locked around the hands. ~ A 18 -20 #6202 shackles~ a set of shackles~ A set of shackles sit here, discarded.~ ~ 9 h 65 0 0 0 0 20 100 20 E shackles~ Big iron cuffs, meant to be locked around the ankles. ~ A 14 -80 #6203 Runestone rune stone~ the Runestone~ A small stone with an inscription sits here.~ ~ 1 a 16385 0 0 -1 0 1 10000 2000 E runestone rune stone~ It is a small, carved stone with a strange symbol carved upon it. Strange... ~ A 12 8 #6204 club~ a club~ A crude wooden club sits here.~ ~ 5 0 8193 0 2 2 7 12 10 2 E club~ It is a big, wooden club. ~ #6205 Starkblade knife dagger blade~ Starkblade~ A knife hums with eternal energy here.~ ~ 5 bp 8193 0 3 7 3 1 100000 20000 E starkblade knife dagger blade~ It is an odd knife, with an inset of sapphire in the pommel. It hums constantly, and your hand stings a bit when you touch it. ~ A 12 10 A 13 -20 $