#1500 scales justice scale~ the Scales of Justice~ Two beautiful plates shaped like scales have been left here.~ ~ 12 ak ao 0 0 0 0 10 15000 2200 A 3 1 A 4 2 E scales justice scale~ As you look at the scales, you notice that they seem to sway back and forth of their own accord, as if weighing something that is to you still unseen. ~ #1501 scroll parchment~ the Scroll of the Messenger~ You see a solid and silver-lined scroll resting on the ground.~ ~ 12 g ao 0 0 0 0 1 500 500 A 14 15 A 19 -1 E scroll parchment~ It seems to be some sort of spell designed to transport its user across vast distances, but how to make use of it is impossible to tell. ~ #1502 sword blazing~ a blazing sword~ You are startled by the sight of a sword that glows as you approach it.~ ~ 5 abgkn an 0 3 4 11 10 5000 900 A 13 -5 E sword blazing~ The edge of the blade is lined with writing, religious verse apparently, in a fine, silver-laced and flowing script. ~ #1503 protector faithful shield~ the Protector of the Faithful~ A weighty looking shield has been abandoned by one unworthy to hold it.~ ~ 9 kn aj 15 0 0 0 20 5000 1500 E protector faithful shield~ It evades your attempts to focus on it, deflecting your gaze as it deflects the weapons that will try to kill you. ~ #1504 armband band faded~ a faded armband~ A ragged and faded looking piece of cloth has been left here, forgotten.~ ~ 12 j ai 0 0 0 0 0 15 50 A 6 2 A 5 -1 E armband faded band~ It has some sort of militia insignia on it, perhaps an indication of a rank or award in some military order unknown to you. ~ #1505 scimitar jeweled~ a jeweled scimitar~ A stunning curved blade glistens on the ground.~ ~ 5 akn an 0 7 1 3 5 5000 500 E scimitar jeweled~ The entire rim and edge of the scimitar's handle is bedecked in a gorgeous array of stones and precious metals. ~ #1506 ember charred~ a charred ember~ You glance briefly at a smouldering ember that rests at your feet.~ ~ 1 ajnop ao 0 0 -1 0 0 5 2500 A 18 2 A 12 10 E ember charred~ It glares back at you, almost angrily. ~ #1507 ethereal flame~ an ethereal flame~ The entire room is aglow from the flame at your feet.~ ~ 1 ajkop ao 0 0 -1 0 0 5 2500 A 12 8 A 13 10 E ethereal flame~ Even being near it fills you with a peaceful and comforted feeling. ~ #1508 key gates~ the Key to the Gates~ You have found at last the Key to the Gates of eternity.~ ~ 18 aikl ao 1508 0 0 0 0 1000 500 A 3 2 E key gates~ There are no gates. They are inside of you. ~ #1509 history burnt book~ a burnt history~ You have found a burnt book, some forgotten history lying on the ground.~ ~ 13 0 ao 0 0 0 0 2 10 500 A 4 2 E history burnt book~ So this is the jester's joke. All of our works have turned to dust, and will end in nothing. It is for this that he laughs. ~ #1510 surah book~ a surah of the book~ You notice a thin parchment, with flowing script and rich decorative trim.~ ~ 1 dklmn ao 0 0 -1 0 0 500 8000 A 18 3 A 19 3 E surah book~ Al-Kafirun Say: "Oh ye that reject the Faith, I do not worship what you worship, nor do you worship what I worship. To you be your Way, and to me mine." ~ #1511 forge unity~ the Forge of Unity~ It is surely the best of men who has left these gloves to aid you.~ ~ 9 iklmn ah 5 0 0 0 5 12000 4000 A 19 2 A 13 10 #1512 ankh~ an Ankh~ You see a beautiful pendant of ancient and noble craftsmanship.~ ~ 11 al ac 0 0 0 0 3 5000 2000 A 12 10 A 12 5 E ankh~ It is an even earlier version of the old Christian cross, an oval loop above the crossed arms of white gold. ~ #1513 amulet ra~ the Amulet of Ra~ You have found a beautiful gleaming disc with a golden image of the sun god.~ ~ 11 ag ac 0 0 0 0 5 7500 1500 A 3 2 A 4 2 #1514 image azathoth graven~ a graven image of Azathoth~ You frown in disgust at the hideous icon of a false god that you have found.~ ~ 1 jlq ao 0 0 0 0 2 1000 500 A 6 2 $