#5100 longsword commoner~ a commoner's longsword~ A commoner's longsword made of adamantite has been left here.~ ~ 5 m 8193 0 1 8 3 12 1000 500 A 18 1 A 19 1 #5101 longsword noble~ a noble's longsword~ A drow noble's longsword, made of adamantite, lies here.~ ~ 5 m 8193 0 1 8 3 12 1500 800 A 18 2 A 19 2 #5102 whip snake twoheaded~ a two-headed snake whip~ A whip with two snakes heads lies here.~ ~ 5 ab 8193 0 2 6 3 12 1750 1500 A 18 2 A 19 2 #5103 whip snake threeheaded~ a three-headed snake whip~ A whip with three snake heads has been left here.~ ~ 5 ab 8193 0 2 7 3 12 5000 2300 A 18 2 A 19 2 #5104 whip snake fourheaded~ a four-headed snake whip~ A whip with four snake heads has been carelessly left here.~ ~ 5 ab 8193 0 2 8 3 12 10250 4000 A 18 2 A 19 2 #5105 longsword black~ a black longsword~ A black longsword has been carelessly left here.~ ~ 5 agm 8193 0 2 8 3 12 10250 4000 A 18 2 A 19 2 #5106 whip snake fiveheaded~ a five-headed snake whip~ A whip with 5 snake heads has been carelessly dropped here.~ ~ 5 agj 8193 0 3 6 3 12 12000 4500 A 1 -2 A 3 -2 #5107 whip snake sixheaded~ a six-headed snake whip~ A whip with six snake heads has been dropped here very carelessly.~ ~ 5 agj 8193 0 4 5 3 12 15000 8000 A 1 -3 A 3 -3 #5108 bracers iron~ a pair of bracers~ A pair of iron bracers has been dropped here.~ ~ 9 ag 257 8 0 0 0 3 2000 1000 A 18 -1 #5109 gauntlets~ a pair of gauntlets~ A pair of gauntlets is lying on the ground.~ ~ 11 a 129 0 0 0 0 2 10000 3000 A 1 2 #5110 wand blue silver~ a silvery blue wand~ A silvery blue wand has been dropped in the dirt.~ ~ 3 g 16385 10 3 3 30 1 4000 3000 #5111 helmet small~ a small helmet~ A small helmet lies up against a rock.~ ~ 9 g 17 1 0 0 0 5 6000 3000 A 3 3 #5112 ring ruby~ a small ruby ring~ A small ruby ring lies in the dirt.~ ~ 11 g 3 0 0 0 0 1 20000 8000 A 13 25 #5113 dagger sacrificial spider~ a spider shaped dagger~ A dagger with spider leg shaped blades lies on the ground.~ ~ 5 gjmnp 8193 0 3 4 11 8 12000 15000 A 18 3 A 19 3 #5114 hat green~ a small bright green hat~ A small bright green hat lies in the dirt.~ ~ 9 h 17 10 0 0 0 1 2000 600 A 9 -15 A 17 -2 #5115 key adamantite~ an adamantite key~ A key made of a strange metal is lying here.~ ~ 18 c 16385 5115 0 0 0 1 0 0 #5116 gold treasure coins~ a pile of golden coins~ A large pile of golden coins is lying here.~ ~ 20 0 1 17645 0 0 0 10 17645 0 $