# # CircleMUD Makefile for Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0, Windows 95/NT # (manually created by Jeremy Elson) # # NOTE: This Makefile is only for MSVC 4.0. If you have a different # compiler, see the file doc/README.WIN for instructions. # # This Makefile assumes that Microsoft Visual C++ v4.0 installed in # \MSDEV. If you have MSVC++ installed in a different directory, # change the CLFAGS and LIB lines to reflect the location of your # header files and standard libraries, respectively. # # Make sure that the location of your compiler, linker, and make binaries # (e.g., \msdev\bin) is in your path. # # COMPILER PARAMETERS # Name of the C compiler CC=cl # Flags to pass to the compiler CFLAGS = /nologo /I. /IC:\MSDEV\INCLUDE # LINK PARAMETERS # Name of the linker LINK=link # Directory that contains the standard libraries LIB=C:\MSDEV\LIB # Flags to pass to the linker LFLAGS=/OUT:circle.exe /nologo /subsystem:console ############################################################################## # Do Not Modify Anything Below This Line (unless you know what you're doing) # ############################################################################## MAKE = $(MAKE) /NOLOGO /S OBJFILES = comm.obj act.comm.obj act.informative.obj act.movement.obj act.item.obj \ act.offensive.obj act.other.obj act.social.obj act.wizard.obj ban.obj boards.obj \ castle.obj class.obj config.obj constants.obj db.obj fight.obj graph.obj handler.obj \ house.obj interpreter.obj limits.obj magic.obj mail.obj mobact.obj modify.obj \ objsave.obj olc.obj shop.obj spec_assign.obj spec_procs.obj spell_parser.obj \ spells.obj utils.obj weather.obj random.obj alias.obj default: circle.exe $(MAKE) circle.exe circle.exe : $(OBJFILES) set lib=$(LIB) $(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $(OBJFILES) wsock32.lib # Dependencies for the object files (automagically generated with # gcc -MM) alias.obj: alias.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h interpreter.h db.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) alias.c act.comm.obj: act.comm.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h interpreter.h \ handler.h db.h screen.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) act.comm.c act.informative.obj: act.informative.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h \ interpreter.h handler.h db.h spells.h screen.h constants.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) act.informative.c act.item.obj: act.item.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h interpreter.h \ handler.h db.h spells.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) act.item.c act.movement.obj: act.movement.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h \ interpreter.h handler.h db.h spells.h house.h constants.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) act.movement.c act.offensive.obj: act.offensive.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h \ interpreter.h handler.h db.h spells.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) act.offensive.c act.other.obj: act.other.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h interpreter.h \ handler.h db.h spells.h screen.h house.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) act.other.c act.social.obj: act.social.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h \ interpreter.h handler.h db.h spells.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) act.social.c act.wizard.obj: act.wizard.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h \ interpreter.h handler.h db.h spells.h house.h screen.h constants.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) act.wizard.c ban.obj: ban.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h interpreter.h handler.h db.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) ban.c boards.obj: boards.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h db.h boards.h \ interpreter.h handler.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) boards.c castle.obj: castle.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h interpreter.h \ handler.h db.h spells.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) castle.c class.obj: class.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h db.h utils.h spells.h interpreter.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) class.c comm.obj: comm.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h interpreter.h handler.h \ db.h house.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) comm.c config.obj: config.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) config.c constants.obj: constants.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) constants.c db.obj: db.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h db.h comm.h handler.h spells.h mail.h \ interpreter.h house.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) db.c fight.obj: fight.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h handler.h interpreter.h \ db.h spells.h screen.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) fight.c graph.obj: graph.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h interpreter.h handler.h \ db.h spells.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) graph.c handler.obj: handler.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h db.h handler.h \ interpreter.h spells.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) handler.c house.obj: house.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h comm.h handler.h db.h interpreter.h \ utils.h house.h constants.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) house.c interpreter.obj: interpreter.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h comm.h interpreter.h db.h \ utils.h spells.h handler.h mail.h screen.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) interpreter.c limits.obj: limits.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h spells.h comm.h db.h \ handler.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) limits.c magic.obj: magic.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h spells.h handler.h db.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) magic.c mail.obj: mail.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h db.h interpreter.h \ handler.h mail.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) mail.c mobact.obj: mobact.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h db.h comm.h interpreter.h \ handler.h spells.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) mobact.c modify.obj: modify.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h interpreter.h handler.h db.h \ comm.h spells.h mail.h boards.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) modify.c objsave.obj: objsave.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h comm.h handler.h db.h \ interpreter.h utils.h spells.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) objsave.c olc.obj: olc.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h interpreter.h handler.h db.h \ olc.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) olc.c random.obj: random.c $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) random.c shop.obj: shop.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h comm.h handler.h db.h interpreter.h \ utils.h shop.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) shop.c spec_assign.obj: spec_assign.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h db.h interpreter.h \ utils.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) spec_assign.c spec_procs.obj: spec_procs.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h \ interpreter.h handler.h db.h spells.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) spec_procs.c spell_parser.obj: spell_parser.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h interpreter.h \ spells.h handler.h comm.h db.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) spell_parser.c spells.obj: spells.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h spells.h handler.h \ db.h constants.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) spells.c utils.obj: utils.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h screen.h spells.h \ handler.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) utils.c weather.obj: weather.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h handler.h \ interpreter.h db.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) weather.c