#3100 The Northwest End Of The Concourse~ You are at the concourse, the city wall is just west. A small promenade goes east, and the bridge is just north of here. The concourse continues south along the city wall. ~ 31 0 1 D0 You see the Bridge. ~ ~ 0 -1 3051 D1 You see the promenade. ~ ~ 0 -1 3101 D2 The promenade continues far south. ~ ~ 0 -1 3127 S #3101 The Promenade~ The river gently flows westwards just north of here. The promenade continues further east and to the west you see the city wall. Park Road leads south from here. ~ 31 0 1 D1 The promenade continues. ~ ~ 0 -1 3102 D2 Park Road leads south. ~ ~ 0 -1 3131 D3 You see the Concourse. ~ ~ 0 -1 3100 S #3102 The Promenade~ The river gently flows westwards just north of here. The promenade continues both east and west. South of here you see the entrance to the park, and a small building seems to be just west of the entrance. ~ 31 0 1 D1 You see the promenade. ~ ~ 0 -1 3103 D2 You see the park entrance. ~ ~ 0 -1 3105 D3 You see the promenade. ~ ~ 0 -1 3101 S #3103 The Promenade~ The river gently flows westwards just north of here. The promenade continues both east and west. A small path leads south. Looking across the river you see the levee. ~ 31 0 1 D1 You see the Concourse. ~ ~ 0 -1 3104 D2 The small path leads south. ~ ~ 0 -1 3132 D3 You see the promenade. ~ ~ 0 -1 3102 S #3104 The Northeast End Of The Concourse~ You are at the Concourse. The city wall is just east and a small promenade goes west. Looking across the river you see a building that resembles a warehouse. The Concourse continues south along the city wall. ~ 31 0 1 D2 The Concourse continues south. ~ ~ 0 -1 3130 D3 You see the promenade. ~ ~ 0 -1 3103 E wall~ It is built from large grey rocks that have been fastened to each other with some kind of mortar. It is far too high to climb. ~ S #3105 The Park Entrance~ You are standing just inside the small park of Midgaard. To the north is the promenade and a small path leads south into the park. To your east is the famous Park Cafe. ~ 31 c 1 D0 You see the promenade. ~ ~ 0 -1 3102 D1 You see Park Cafe. ~ ~ 0 -1 3106 D2 You see the park. ~ ~ 0 -1 3108 S #3106 Park Cafe~ You are inside Park Cafe, a very cozy place with many tables and seats where you can relax and enjoy the view. To the east you can see the entrance to the park. ~ 31 dh 0 D3 You see the park entrance. ~ ~ 0 -1 3105 S #3107 A Small Path In The Park~ You are walking along a small path through the park. The path continues south and east. ~ 31 0 1 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3108 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3113 S #3108 A Small Path In The Park~ You are standing on a small path inside the park. The park entrance is just north of here, and Park Cafe is just east of the entrance. The path leads further east and west. ~ 31 0 1 D0 You see the northern park entrance. ~ ~ 0 -1 3105 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3109 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3107 S #3109 A Small Path In The Park~ You are on a small path running through the park. It continues west and south and just north of here you see the southern wall of Park Cafe. ~ 31 0 1 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3115 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3108 S #3110 Cityguard HeadQuarters~ You are inside a tidy office. ~ 31 d 0 D1 You see Park Road. ~ door~ 1 3105 3111 S #3111 Park Road~ The road continues north and south. A building is just west of here, you notice a sign on the door. The park entrance is to the east. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3131 D1 You see the park entrance. ~ ~ 0 -1 3112 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3118 D3 You see the Cityguard HeadQuarters. ~ door~ 1 3105 3110 E building door sign~ The sign on the door says: Cityguard HeadQuarters WARNING: Authorized Personnel Only! ~ S #3112 The Western Park Entrance~ You are standing at the western end of the park. A small path leads east into the park and going west through the entrance you will reach Park Road. ~ 31 c 1 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3113 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3111 S #3113 A Path In The Park~ You are in the park. The paths lead north and west. Westward is the park entrance and to the east you see a small pond. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3107 D1 You see the pond. ~ ~ 0 -1 3114 D3 You see the western park entrance. ~ ~ 0 -1 3112 S #3114 The Pond~ You are swimming around in the pond, feeling rather stupid. You can get back on the path from the eastern and western end of the pond. ~ 31 0 6 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3115 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3113 S #3115 A Path In The Park~ You are in the park. The paths lead north and east. Eastward is the park entrance and to the west you see a small pond. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3109 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3116 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3114 S #3116 The Eastern Park Entrance~ You are standing at the eastern end of the park. A small path leads west into the park. Going east through the entrance you will reach Emerald Avenue. ~ 31 c 1 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3117 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3115 S #3117 Emerald Avenue~ You are standing on the north end of Emerald Avenue. To the north is the promenade and to the west is the park entrance. To the east is the not very big Town Hall of Midgaard. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3132 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3137 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3119 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3116 S #3118 Park Road~ You are on Park Road which leads north and south. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3111 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3135 S #3119 Emerald Avenue~ You are standing at a bend on Emerald Avenue. The road leads north and west. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3117 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3133 S #3120 The Road Crossing~ You are in the middle of the road cross. Roads lead in all directions. A huge black iron chain as thick as a tree trunk is fastened into the ground at the center of the road cross. Its other end leads directly upwards towards the sky. A road sign is here. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3133 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3136 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3134 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3135 D4 The chain disappears in the clouds. ~ ~ 0 -1 7914 E sign~ The sign points in all directions: North - Emerald Avenue. East - Park Road. South - Emerald Avenue. West - Park Road. Someone has added the following with red paint: Up - Redferne's Flying Citadel. ~ E chain~ The chain reaches the clouds high above you. It must take some really powerful magic to hold such a chain in place. ~ S #3121 Emerald Avenue~ You are standing at a bend on Emerald Avenue. The road leads south and east. ~ 31 0 1 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3134 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3125 S #3122 Park Road~ You are on Park Road which leads south and north. Elm Street is east of here. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3136 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3123 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3126 S #3123 Elm Street~ You are on Elm street. Park Road is to the west and Elm Street continues in eastward direction. ~ 31 0 1 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3124 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3122 S #3124 The End Of Elm Street~ You are at the end of Elm Street. ~ 31 0 1 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3123 S #3125 Emerald Avenue~ You are on Emerald Avenue which continues north. The Concourse is south of here. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3121 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3128 S #3126 Park Road~ You are on Park Road which continues north. The Concourse is south of here. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3122 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3129 S #3127 On The Concourse~ You are at the southwest corner of the city wall. The Concourse leads both north and east. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3100 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3128 D3 Through the South Gate you can see a small path leading southwards. ~ ~ 0 -1 3504 S #3128 On The Concourse~ The Concourse continues both east and west. Emerald Avenue is north of here. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3125 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3129 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3127 S #3129 On The Concourse~ The Concourse continues both east and west. Park Road is north of here and an iron grate leads south to the graveyard. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3126 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3130 D2 Through the solid iron bars you see the graveyard. ~ grate~ 2 3106 3150 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3128 S #3130 On The Concourse~ You are at the southeast corner of the city wall. The Concourse leads both north and west. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3104 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3129 S #3131 Park Road~ You are at Park Road which continues north and south. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3101 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3111 S #3132 Emerald Avenue~ You are at Emerald Avenue which continues north and south. Penny Lane leads east from here. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3103 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3139 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3117 S #3133 Emerald Avenue~ You are standing at a bend on Emerald Avenue. To the east the road goes on and to the south is the Road Crossing. ~ 31 0 1 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3119 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3120 S #3134 Emerald Avenue~ You are standing at a bend on Emerald Avenue. To the west the road goes on and to the north is the Road Crossing. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3120 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3121 S #3135 Park Road~ You are at a bend on Park Road. To the north the road goes on and to the east is the Road Crossing. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3118 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3120 S #3136 Park Road~ You are at a bend on Park Road. To the south the road goes on and to the west is the Road Crossing. ~ 31 0 1 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3122 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3120 S #3137 The Waiting Room~ You are standing in the waiting room at the town hall. Wooden chairs stand along the walls and a long desk with a typewriter is placed in the middle of the room. ~ 30 d 0 D1 It looks like some kind of office. ~ ~ 0 -1 3138 D3 The exit west leads to Emerald Avenue. ~ ~ 0 -1 3117 E chair chairs~ Not the very least comfortable. ~ E desk~ An extremely heavy desk. It is so large that it doesn't even need drawers. Everything can be stored on its top. ~ E typewriter~ It is an ancient Quifatronic T-1000 mk I. These machines are known for their incredible durability, and for their even more incredible weight. They make a Cray II look like a laptop. ~ S #3138 The Mayor's Office~ You are in the not very big office of the Mayor of Midgaard. A large and polished but completely empty desk is standing in front of an armchair that looks so comfortable that it most of all resembles a bed with the head end raised slightly. ~ 30 d 0 D3 The waiting room is to the west. ~ ~ 0 -1 3137 E desk~ This desk is obviously very old. Nevertheless it looks as if has never been used. ~ E chair armchair~ This chair is really a masterpiece. A chair where one can sit as comfortably as in a bed. All auditoriums should be equipped with these things. A shame that there wouldn't be room for the students too, though. ~ S #3139 Penny Lane~ You are on Penny Lane. Emerald Avenue is to the west and Penny Lane continues in eastward direction. ~ 31 0 1 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3140 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3132 S #3140 Penny Lane~ You are on Penny Lane. The narrow road continues north and west. ~ 31 0 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3141 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3139 S #3141 The End Of Penny Lane~ You are at the end of Penny Lane. The only exit appears to be south. ~ 31 0 1 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 3140 S #3150 A Gravel Road In The Graveyard~ You are on a well-kept gravel road that leads north-south through the graveyard. On both sides of the road grow dark evergreen trees. An iron grate is to the north. ~ 31 0 2 D0 Through the solid iron bars you see the Concourse. ~ grate~ 2 3106 3129 D2 The gravel road continues southward. ~ ~ 0 -1 3151 S #3151 A Gravel Road In The Graveyard~ You are on a well-kept gravel road that leads north-south through the graveyard. On both sides of the road grow dark evergreen trees. ~ 31 0 2 D0 The gravel road continues northwards. ~ ~ 0 -1 3150 D2 The gravel road continues southward. ~ ~ 0 -1 3152 S #3152 A Gravel Road In The Graveyard~ You are on a well-kept gravel road that leads north-south through the graveyard. On both sides of the road grow dark evergreen trees. ~ 31 0 2 D0 The gravel road continues northwards. ~ ~ 0 -1 3151 D2 The gravel road continues southward. ~ ~ 0 -1 3153 S #3153 A Gravel Road In The Graveyard~ You are on a well-kept gravel road that leads north-south through the graveyard. On both sides of the road grow dark evergreen trees. ~ 34 0 1 D0 The gravel road continues northwards. ~ ~ 0 -1 3152 D2 The gravel road continues southward to an open space before a small building. ~ ~ 0 -1 3154 S #3154 In Front Of The Chapel~ You are on an open space before a small chapel. A gravel road leads north through the graveyard and the chapel entrance is to the south. ~ 31 0 2 D0 The gravel road continues northwards. ~ ~ 0 -1 3153 D2 The chapel door is made of dark wood. ~ door~ 1 -1 3155 S #3155 Inside The Chapel~ You are in a small, dark chapel. The dark brown glass in the tiny windows do not let much light through. A few rows of worn wooden benches stand here and an ancient altar sits in the middle of the floor. ~ 34 ad 0 D0 The chapel door is made of dark wood. ~ door~ 1 -1 3154 E glass windows~ The windows must be meant to be dark. At least they are completely clean. ~ E altar~ The altar looks very old... you examine the floor around the altar and notice that it seems less dusty than the rest of the room... someone must clean here regularly... maybe that old guy in Park Cafe, he looked like that sort... ~ E benches rows~ The benches are not of the comfortable kind. ~ S #3200 Under The Bridge~ The arch under the bridge is covered by seaweed about a foot above the surface of the river. The water gently flows through an opening in the lower part of the city wall. ~ 31 0 7 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3201 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 900 E wall~ It is built from large grey rocks that have been fastened to each other with some kind of mortar. Looks pretty solid. ~ S #3201 On The River~ North of here you see the miserable buildings of Poor Alley. The river flows west towards the bridge. The riverbanks are too steep to climb. ~ 31 0 7 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3202 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3200 S #3202 On The River~ North of here you see the dump. The river flows from east to west. The riverbanks are too steep to climb. ~ 31 0 7 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3203 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3201 S #3203 On The River~ The levee is directly north of here. The river flows in an east west direction. ~ 31 0 7 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 3049 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3204 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3202 S #3204 On The River~ You see the warehouse on the northern riverbank. East of here you see the city wall. The river flows west towards the levee. ~ 31 0 7 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 3205 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3203 S #3205 On The River~ The river enters from a hole in the eastern city wall. The hole has been blocked by several vertically positioned iron bars set into the wall. ~ 31 0 7 D1 The iron bars make it difficult to pass through the hole in the wall. Beyond the bars you see that the river leads into a cavern below the mountain range to the east. ~ ~ 0 -1 5001 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 3204 S $