#5001 A Long Tunnel~ You encounter some rapids as you enter this tunnel cut out of the mountains by the river. ~ 50 ad 7 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5002 D3 There appear to be some bars here, making passage to the west difficult. ~ ~ 0 -1 3205 S #5002 A Long Tunnel~ The tunnel branches off north. ~ 50 ad 7 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 5008 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5003 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5001 S #5003 A Long Tunnel~ The tunnel branches off south. ~ 50 ad 7 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5004 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 5017 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5002 S #5004 A Tunnel Intersection~ The tunnel branches off to the north and south. ~ 50 ad 7 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 5643 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5005 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 5018 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5003 S #5005 An Underground Lake~ You are floating on a jet-black underground lake fed by dripping water and lime from above. The tunnel continues to the east and the river leads back west. Leading upwards to the northwest is a roughly hewn hallway. ~ 50 ad 7 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 5671 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5006 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 5023 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5004 S #5006 A Long Narrow Tunnel~ The tunnel rises sharply to the east. Another narrow tunnel leads away to the north. ~ 50 adi 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 5016 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5007 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5005 S #5007 A Wide Tunnel~ The tunnel continues east and west. To the east the tunnel dives down into a bright light. A small passage way opens to the north. ~ 50 ad 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5026 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5006 S #5008 The Cave-In~ You stand at the edge of a large pile of rubble created from the last rockslide. ~ 50 ad 5 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 5002 D5 You can easily slide down the rocks without getting hurt. ~ ~ 0 -1 5009 S #5009 At The Foot Of The Rubble~ You are at the bottom of a large pile of rubble. A tunnel branches off to the north and east. ~ 50 ad 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 5010 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5012 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 5008 S #5010 A Cave Entrance~ You stand in the middle of a large and beautiful cave. A path leads deeper into the darkness. ~ 50 ad 5 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 5009 D5 You look down into the cave. Bones are strewn about everywhere. ~ ~ 0 -1 5011 S #5011 A Giant Cave~ This cavern overwhelms you. The walls and ceiling seem miles away. Bones of previous adventurers lie strewn on the cavern floor. There is a passage that spirals downwards in the northeast corner of the cavern. ~ 50 ad 5 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 5010 D5 The passageway spirals down into the gloom. ~ ~ 0 -1 5100 S #5012 A Narrow Bend~ The tunnel turns to the south and west. ~ 50 ad 5 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 5013 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5009 S #5013 A Large Cave~ You are standing in a large cave. Many furs are spread out on the floor. ~ 50 ad 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 5012 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5014 S #5014 A Damp Hallway~ The walls here are extremely damp, as well as the floor. ~ 50 ad 5 D1 You hear drops of water. ~ ~ 0 -1 5015 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5013 S #5015 An Underground Pool~ You are wading in a knee deep pool of lime-water. ~ 50 ad 6 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5016 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5014 S #5016 A Damp Hallway~ The walls of the tunnel are extremely damp here. The tunnel leads sharply upwards to the south as it starts to get narrow. ~ 50 ad 5 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 5006 D3 You hear drops of water. ~ ~ 0 -1 5015 S #5017 A Narrow Crawlway~ This crawlway is just big enough for a human to crawl through or a halfling to walk through. ~ 50 ad 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 5003 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5018 D2 You smell the fragrant odor of fungus. ~ ~ 0 -1 5019 S #5018 A Large Cavern~ You have entered a very large cavern. The rock formations would amaze almost any dwarf. ~ 50 ad 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 5004 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5017 S #5019 A Fungus Patch~ As you walk through the fungus patch, you are shot at by many millions of spores. You can hardly breathe. ~ 50 ad 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 5017 D1 The fragrant smell of fungus spores continues to the east. ~ ~ 0 -1 5020 S #5020 The Fungus Path~ As you walk along the path, millions of spores are shot at you. It is difficult to breathe. ~ 50 ad 5 D2 A giant mushroom temple stands to the south. ~ ~ 0 -1 5021 D3 The fragrant smell of spores continues to the west. ~ ~ 0 -1 5019 S #5021 The Fungus Temple~ You find yourself standing inside of a giant mushroom. The inside is decorated in the fashion of a temple. ~ 50 ad 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 5020 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5022 S #5022 A Sloping Passage~ You follow a path sloping down from the fungus temple. ~ 50 ad 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 5023 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 5021 S #5023 A Sloping Passage~ You are on a path that gently slopes up from the underground pool. ~ 50 ad 5 D0 You hear sounds of trickling water. ~ ~ 0 -1 5005 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 5022 S #5024 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sand constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the east and a snow-capped mountain range to the west. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5030 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5034 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5025 S #5025 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the east and a snow-capped mountain range to the west. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5024 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5031 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5026 S #5026 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the east and a snow-capped mountain range to the west. The hole which you tumbled out of is too high for you to reach. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5025 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5036 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5027 S #5027 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the east and a snow-capped mountain range to the west. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5026 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5033 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5028 S #5028 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the north-east and a snow-capped mountain range to the west. You spy a narrow dirt trail leading away to the west into the foothills. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5027 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5033 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5029 D3 A small dirt trail leads off to the west where it joins a large clay road some distance away. ~ ~ 0 -1 12068 S #5029 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the north-east and a snow-capped mountain range to the west. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5028 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5037 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5044 S #5030 A Small Oasis~ You stand beside a small pool of crystal-blue water bathed in the shade of a few scarce palm trees. To the north you see a small encampment stopped for the day. ~ 50 0 2 D0 You see three tents and some camels hitched to a stake. Shadows moving across the tents suggest activity. ~ ~ 0 -1 5056 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5036 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5032 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5025 S #5031 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the east. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5031 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5031 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5032 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5024 S #5032 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the east. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5035 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5036 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5033 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5032 S #5033 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the north-east. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5037 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5037 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5043 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5028 S #5034 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the south-east. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5038 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5035 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5034 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5035 S #5035 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the east, it looks enormous, even from this distance. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5039 D1 Even from here, you can sense a great evil residing within the pyramid protruding from the sand to the east. ~ ~ 0 -1 5300 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5032 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5034 S #5036 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the north-east. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5035 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5041 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5032 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5030 S #5037 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the north-east. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5048 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5033 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5042 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5033 S #5038 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the south. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5046 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5045 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5040 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5034 S #5039 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the south. The gates of a city lie a short distance off to the north. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Some city gates stand off to the north. ~ ~ 0 -1 5411 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5039 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5048 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5039 S #5040 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. You are standing near a gigantic pyramid located a couple hundred meters west of you. From here you can sense the great evil which resides within the massive structure. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5036 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5049 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5041 D3 The pyramid can be seen across the sands to the west. ~ ~ 0 -1 5300 S #5041 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the north. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Even from here, you can sense a great evil residing within the pyramid protruding from the sand to the north. ~ ~ 0 -1 5040 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5048 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5041 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5037 S #5042 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the north. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5049 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5055 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5043 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5041 S #5043 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the north. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5042 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5055 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5044 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5033 S #5044 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the north and a ruined city to the west. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5050 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5055 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5029 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5200 S #5045 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the south. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5045 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5052 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5045 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5038 S #5046 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the south-west. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5038 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5047 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5047 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5039 S #5047 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the west. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5046 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5051 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5053 D3 Even from here, you can sense a great evil residing within the pyramid protruding from the sand to the west. ~ ~ 0 -1 5040 S #5048 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the west. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5039 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5048 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5053 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5041 S #5049 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the north-west. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5053 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5054 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5050 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5042 S #5050 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the north. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see... and a pyramid in the distance. ~ ~ 0 -1 5300 D1 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5054 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5044 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5042 S #5051 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the south-west and a deep canyon to the east. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5051 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5052 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5047 S #5052 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the south-west and a deep canyon to the east. Just below you can make out a tiny ledge. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5051 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5053 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5045 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 5063 S #5053 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the west and a deep canyon to the east. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5052 D1 A rickety rope bridge stretches across the canyon... it doesn't look too safe. ~ ~ 0 -1 5062 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5054 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5049 S #5054 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the west and a deep canyon to the east. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5053 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5055 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5050 S #5055 The Great Eastern Desert~ A vast desert stretches for miles, the sands constantly shifting around you. A pyramid lies to the north-west and a deep canyon to the east. ~ 50 0 2 D0 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5054 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5055 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5043 S #5056 A Nomad Camp~ This small group of desert nomads has stopped for the day to rest and refresh themselves beside this beautiful oasis. Three tents and some camels make up the party. From within two of the tents you hear muffled voices, obviously surprised at your visit. ~ 50 g 2 D0 Some camels are tied up to a mass of stakes plugged into the ground. ~ ~ 0 -1 5058 D1 You see inside one of the tents a huddled mass of people, probably slaves. ~ ~ 0 -1 5057 D2 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5030 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5025 S #5057 Inside A Small Tent~ This is a small and simple tent with few possessions in sight. Lying here and there are young-looking men and women, possibly slaves to the leader of this band. ~ 50 dg 2 D3 You see the center of the nomad camp. ~ ~ 0 -1 5056 S #5058 Beside The Camels~ Here stand about ten camels, all hitched to some stakes plugged into the ground. To the east you see a small tent while to the north you see a larger, fancier tent. ~ 50 g 2 D0 This tent seems to be the temporary abode of the nomad leader. You make a mental note to visit it before you leave. ~ ~ 0 -1 5060 D1 In this tent there are very large men, all carrying weapons. ~ ~ 0 -1 5059 D2 You see the center of the nomad camp. ~ ~ 0 -1 5056 D3 Sand as far as the eye can see. ~ ~ 0 -1 5024 S #5059 The Warriors' Tent~ This tent has a few furnishings, but mainly it holds the band's protectors. They all stare at you coldly as you enter. ~ 50 dg 2 D3 Outside you see some peaceful camels. ~ ~ 0 -1 5058 S #5060 The Main Tent~ This tent is as lavishly decorated on the inside as it is on the outside. A fancy carpet lies on the sand and numerous baskets line the walls. ~ 50 dg 2 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5061 D2 You see some peaceful camels. ~ ~ 0 -1 5058 S #5061 The Main Tent~ This is where the leader of this band of nomads resides. He is definitely rich as you inspect the tapestries, baskets, and a few paintings as well. ~ 50 dg 2 D3 You see the entrance to this tent. ~ ~ 0 -1 5060 S #5062 The Rickety Rope Bridge~ You carefully begin to walk across the bridge, but suddenly the rope breaks and you fall... ... and fall and fall and fall ... to your death on the rocks below. ~ 50 bd 5 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5053 S #5063 The Wind-Swept Ledge~ Being very careful not to lose your balance, you look around and find that this canyon is about a half a kilometer deep. To the west is a dark cave leading under the desert sands and above you a rope bridge spans the gap. ~ 50 0 5 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5064 D4 The desert sands blow down in your face. ~ ~ 0 -1 5052 S #5064 The Cave Mouth~ The air in here is MUCH cooler than outside. From the west you hear strange sounds, but can see nothing. The cave slopes down into the darkness. ~ 50 ad 5 D1 Outside is lighter and very windy. ~ ~ 0 -1 5063 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5065 S #5065 The Mysterious Lair~ You have stumbled upon the home of something. From the treasure haphazardly strewn about and the rotting carcasses, you would guess that this is a dragon's lair. As to what type, you can't really say. The cave narrows out into a tunnel to the west. ~ 50 adgh 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5064 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5066 S #5066 A Wide Tunnel~ This tunnel seems to go on forever into the darkness. You carefully feel your way along the walls. ~ 50 ad 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5065 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5067 S #5067 A Narrower Tunnel~ The tunnel becomes very narrow and you fight to squeeze your way through. The floor seems to level off a little. ~ 50 ad 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5066 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 5068 S #5068 A Narrow Crack~ This part of the tunnel is the hardest to move through as the walls move in to meet you. ~ 50 adi 5 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 5067 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5069 S #5069 A Small Cavern~ It is dark and damp and bats hang from the ceiling. A narrow crack is in the east wall. The floor now slopes upwards. ~ 50 ad 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5068 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 5070 S #5070 A Small Shaft~ From within this shaft you can see a narrow hole in the roof just large enough for one person. Back east is the cavern. ~ 50 ad 5 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 5069 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 5009 S $