This directory contains documentation on various aspects of the game. Area builders will be most interested in database.doc, dbsup.doc, defs.doc, shop.doc, and values.doc. These five files can be mailed automatically with the "do_mail" script in this directory. do_mail takes the recipient as its only command-line argument. For example, to mail the documentation to CircleMUD's author, you'd type "do_mail". CONTENTS: -------- COLOR.DOC - Programmer's manual on how to use color codes COMM.DOC - The game-to-player communications system, most importantly the act() procedure DATABASE.DOC - The format of the most important data files DBSUP.DOC - Detailed information on each field in database.doc DEFS.DOC - Important document on what rules should be followed when creating a part of the world, to avoid complete chaos HACKER.DOC - Insight into the art & science of programming (courtesy MERC) HANDLER.DOC - Descriptions of most of the basic 'database handling' procedures, found in handler.c LICENSE.DOC - The conditions under which this game is distributed NOTE: THIS FILE MUST ALWAYS BE PRESENT RELEASE.DOC - CircleMUD release history RUNNING.DOC - Directions for compiling, running, and maintaining the game SHOP.DOC - Describes how to create a shop file SOCIALS.DOC - Description of the 'social action' system SPELL_INFO.DOC - Doc on spells, especially how damage is calculated SPELLS.DOC - Info on the spell/affection system TIME.DOC - How time is in DikuMud compared to real world UTILS.DOC - Description of the CircleMUD maintenance utilities VALUES.DOC - The 4 generic values for items, described in detail WIZHELP.DOC - Description of all god commands