#6500 The Path To The Dwarven Village~ You are walking down a path that leads to the dwarven village. Above you, you can see the Turning Point, and to the north the path continues toward the mountains. ~ 65 c 2 D0 The path continues. ~ ~ 0 -1 6501 D4 You can see the city of Midgaard. ~ ~ 0 -1 3502 S #6501 The Path At The Base Of The Mountain~ Now you are at the bottom of a rugged mountain. The forest around you is very dense, and it seems very dark to the north. ~ 65 0 4 D0 The path coninues up the mountain. ~ ~ 0 -1 6502 D2 The path heads toward the main city of Midgaard. ~ ~ 0 -1 6500 S #6502 The Path At The Middle Of The Mountain~ Standing on the middle of the mountain, you can easily see the city to the south, and the top of the mountain is very near to the north. ~ 65 0 5 D0 The top of the mountain is easily seen from here. ~ ~ 0 -1 6503 D2 The base of the mountain is near. ~ ~ 0 -1 6501 S #6503 The Top Of The Mountain~ You are now on the top of the mountain. To the south you see a path leading down the mountain. To the east and west you see entrances to what seems like mines. ~ 65 0 4 D1 An entrance to the mountain which seems to lead underground. ~ ~ 0 -1 6540 D2 The path leads down the mountain to the main city of Midgaard. ~ ~ 0 -1 6502 D3 There is an entrance to the mountain. ~ ~ 0 -1 6505 S #6504 The Narrow Path~ This is a narrow path leading to the Dwarven Kingdom. It looks less travelled than the others, and it is very creepy. The path opens up to the south, and continues to the north. ~ 65 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6506 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6540 S #6505 The Entrance To The Mountain~ Here is an entrance to the mountain. The door looks very well built, and you can hear noise coming from within. ~ 65 0 2 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6503 D3 ~ door~ 2 6515 6513 S #6506 A Bend In The Narrow Path~ This is a narrow path that bends to the east here. The trees hang over the path, and it is very overgrown. The narrow path continues to the south and to the east. ~ 65 d 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6507 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6504 E tree trees~ They hang over the road in the most ominous of ways. ~ S #6507 The Narrow Path~ This path is very narrow, and it continues to the north and west. ~ 65 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6508 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6506 S #6508 The Narrow North-South Path~ This path leads to the north and south. To the north you can see a door, and to the south the path continues. ~ 65 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6509 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6507 S #6509 The Door To The Kingdom~ Here the path turns to the west. You can see a door in front of you, and the path continues to the west and south. ~ 65 d 0 D0 ~ door~ 2 6503 6510 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6508 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6522 S #6510 On The Path To The Castle~ You are on a path that will eventually lead to the castle. It continues north to the castle, and there is a door in the southern wall. ~ 65 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6511 D2 ~ door~ 2 6503 6509 S #6511 Still On The Path To The Castle~ You are still on the path to the castle, or back to the Dwarven village, whichever way you wish to go. The path continues to the north and south. ~ 65 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6512 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6510 S #6512 The Door To The Castle~ Here there is a door to the castle to the east. The castle is elegantly designed, and looks much like a roll of toilet paper standing on its end. There is a sign which says: ****************************************** * WELCOME TO THE CASTLE OF STRANGELOVE * * Here, celibacy is uninvited * ****************************************** ~ 65 d 0 D1 ~ door~ 2 6503 6525 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6511 S #6513 Inside The Entrance~ Everything here is covered in soot and very grimy. The path continues to the east and north, and there is a door to the west. ~ 65 d 0 D0 The little underground path continues to the north. ~ ~ 0 -1 6514 D1 The path leads outside the entrance. ~ door~ 2 6515 6505 D3 This looks like an entrance to some type of store room. ~ ~ 0 -1 6526 S #6514 The Path~ You are on a path in the dwarven village which leads north to the shops and south to the corner of the area. ~ 65 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6515 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6513 S #6515 A Turn In The Road~ You are on a path that leads to the Hide & Tooth shop to the west, and the path continues to the south. ~ 65 d 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6514 D3 The Hide & Tooth shop can be seen to the west. ~ ~ 0 -1 6516 S #6516 The Hide & Tooth Shop~ You are in the Hide & Tooth shop. Here you may buy the finest in Dwarven weapons and armors. The path continues to the north and east. ~ 65 df 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6517 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6515 S #6517 The Path To The North Of The Shop~ You are on a path to the north of the Hide & Tooth shop. The path continues to the north, and there is Granite Head's bakery to the west. ~ 65 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6518 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6516 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6535 S #6518 North Of The Shops~ Here the path bends to the east towards the barracks. To the south you can see the shops. ~ 65 d 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6519 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6517 S #6519 A Path By The Hospital~ Here the path passes by the Hospital to the north. It continues to the east to the barracks, and to the west. ~ 65 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6534 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6520 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6518 S #6520 A Path Next To The Barracks~ Here the path continues west, and east to the barracks. ~ 65 d 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6521 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6519 S #6521 The Entrance To The Barracks~ Here there is an entrance to the barracks to the south, and the path continues to the west. ~ 65 d 0 D2 ~ door~ 1 -1 6523 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6520 S #6522 A Guard House~ You are in the guard house to the west of the entrance to the castle. There are nudie posters covering the walls. ~ 65 d 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6509 E poster~ There is a wall poster of a nude Minne Pearl. ~ S #6523 The First Barrack Room~ Here is the first of two main rooms of barracks. The barracks continue to the south, and you can leave the room to the north. ~ 65 d 0 D0 ~ door~ 1 -1 6521 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6524 S #6524 The Back Of The Barracks~ Here is the back of the dwarven barracks. There are rows of beds here, and there is a stench that is unbearable. ~ 65 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6523 S #6525 Inside Of Castle Strangelove~ You are just inside the castle. It is very tubular in shape, and it is very featureless. There is a set of stairs that lead up, and the door leads out of the castle to the west. ~ 65 d 0 D3 ~ door~ 2 6514 6512 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 6528 S #6526 A Store Room~ There is a layer of dust on the floor at least 3 inches thick! It is probable that not many people have been in here for many months. ~ 65 ad 0 D1 A lighted area that looks like a well worn path. ~ ~ 0 -1 6513 D5 After blowing all the dust off the floor, you notice a trapdoor! ~ trapdoor~ 1 -1 6527 E floor dust~ After blowing all the dust off the floor, you notice a trapdoor! ~ S #6527 The Wine Cellar~ This room smells like wine, and you can only assume it used to be a wine cellar at one time. ~ 65 ad 0 D4 ~ trapdoor~ 1 -1 6526 S #6528 On The Stairs In Castle Strangelove~ The stairs continue to circle up and down here. ~ 65 d 0 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 6529 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 6525 S #6529 On The Stairs~ You are still circling around on the stairs. You are starting to get dizzy from going around and around and around and around and around. The stairs continue up and down. ~ 65 d 0 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 6530 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 6528 S #6530 At The Top Of The Stairs~ You are at the top of the stairs in the castle. There is an exit to the east, and the stairs lead down. ~ 65 d 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6531 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 6529 S #6531 The Queen's Waiting Room~ This is the Queen's waiting room. Here the men literally 'wait' for the queen. You've heard that the queen really likes to get to 'know' her people, in the biblical sense. The Queen's bedroom is to the north, and you can see stairs to the west. ~ 65 d 0 D0 ~ door~ 1 -1 6532 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6530 S #6532 The Queen's Bedroom~ This is the Queen's bedroom. The bed is all ruffled, and there is a stack of dirty sheets piled in the corner. There is a ladder that leads down, out of the castle, and you can leave the room to the south. There is also a small wooden door to the west. There is a sign that says: ------------------------- | I'm busy right now, | | and don't know when | | Ill be back, but if | | there is a key here | | take it and PLEASE, | | try to get my birth | | control pills back! | | I've heard they can | | be found somewhere, | | deep in the mines.. | ------------------------- ~ 65 d 0 D2 ~ door~ 1 -1 6531 D3 ~ door wooden~ 2 6500 6554 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 6533 S #6533 The North Side Of Castle Strangelove~ You are standing on the north side of Castle Strangelove. You notice that you are no longer inside the mountain anymore either. Along the southern horizon you see towering mountains. The only exit, however, is back up the ladder into the Queen's Bedroom. ~ 65 0 0 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 6532 S #6534 The Hospital~ You are inside the Dwarven Hospital. It smells like rubbing alcohol, and there is blood all over the walls. ~ 65 d 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6519 S #6535 Granite Head's Bakery~ The aroma coming from this room is astonishing. You can almost taste the pastries dissolving in your mouth. ~ 65 dh 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6517 S #6540 The Dark Path~ This path is very well worn, and there is an entrance to the mines to the east, while the path continues to the north and west. ~ 65 d 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6504 D1 ~ door~ 1 6502 6541 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6503 S #6541 The Mine Entrance~ The little path here leads down toward the mines, while the worn path continues to the west. ~ 65 d 0 D3 ~ door~ 1 6502 6540 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 6542 S #6542 At The Bottom Of The Mineshaft~ You are at the bottom of the mineshaft. The air here is very sooty, and it is very hard to breath. The mineshaft leads up and east. ~ 65 ad 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6543 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 6541 S #6543 On The Path Inside The Mine~ You are deep inside the mine, and you feel very uncomfortable. The path continues to the east, and leads to the mineshaft to the west. ~ 65 ad 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6544 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6542 S #6544 The Mine Crossroad~ You are at a crossroad in the mine. There is a door to the north, and the path continues to the south, east, and west. ~ 65 ad 0 D0 ~ door~ 2 6516 6546 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6545 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6551 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6543 S #6545 The Coal Room~ You are inside the storage area for the raw materials that are found down here. The room is very unsturdy as the supports are very rickety. ~ 54 ad 0 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6544 S #6546 The Mine Maze~ You have entered the maze of the mines. To the east you can see some inscriptions, and you can exit to the south. ~ 65 ad 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6547 D2 ~ door~ 2 6516 6544 S #6547 At The Maze Inscription~ You are inside the maze, but not far enough in that you could get lost. There is an enscription on the wall which says: 1 3 2 4 N W N S This isn't too tough, so don't take it so rough. ~ 65 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6548 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6544 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6546 S #6548 The Maze~ You are in a maze. ~ 65 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6549 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6547 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6548 S #6549 The Maze~ You are in a maze. ~ 65 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6548 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6548 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6550 S #6550 The Maze~ You are in a maze. ~ 65 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6549 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 6549 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6552 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 6548 S #6551 The Mining Equipment Room~ This is the storage room for equipment used by the Dwarven miners. It is very small, and you can tell that not many miners actually use equipment. ~ 65 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6544 S #6552 The End Of The Maze~ You have solved the maze. You can tell by the last few moves that there is no way that a dumb worker could have figured that out. It seems pretty desolate here. To the south is a bleak room. To the north, you see the maze. There is a sign above the south exit: THOSE WHO ENTER, PLAN ON A TIMELY DEATH. (ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE LOYAL TO THE QUEEN) ~ 65 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6550 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 6553 S #6553 The Mazekeeper's Room~ You have entered the Mazekeeper's room. There are pictures of the Queen with darts thrown at it. Spraypainted on the wall are things like 'the queen shall suffer' and 'Catholics Rule'. ~ 65 ad 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 6552 S #6554 The Treasury~ This room appears to be the Queen's Treasury. There is one exit, back to the east. ~ 65 dj 1 D1 ~ door~ 2 6500 6532 S $