#7000 The Fissure Under The Ledge~ This is a small fissure in the solid rock. Under you lies the deep dark pool. The water trickles quietly down from the ledge above you. The water smells like the water in a sewer. ~ 70 acd 5 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 7070 D5 The water's edge. ~ ~ 0 -1 7100 S #7001 The Muddy Sewer~ You are standing in mud to your knees. This is not the kind of place for a picnic. The muddy sewer stretches further into the south. ~ 70 ad 5 D2 You see the muddy sewer continuing into the darkness to the south. ~ ~ 0 -1 7002 E mud~ It is as dark as tar and looks like something out of a toilet, on top of that, the smell is absolutely overwhelming. ~ S #7002 The Muddy Sewer Junction~ The muddy sewer stretches into the dark to the south. It looks as if no person has ever put his foot here before. It is too muddy for that anyway. The sewer leads north, south and east from here. ~ 70 ad 5 D0 The muddy sewer stretches into the dark to the north. ~ ~ 0 -1 7001 D2 South. The muddy sewer ends in a mudhole that way. ~ ~ 0 -1 7003 D1 East. The muddy sewer leads into a bend that goes south. ~ ~ 0 -1 7007 E mud~ It is as dark as tar and looks like something out of a toilet, on top of that, the smell is absolutely overwhelming. ~ S #7003 The Mudhole~ You stand in mud all the way up to your thighs and it is not too comfortable since you are used to a somewhat different environment. The sewer leads to the north of here. In the middle you can just make out an enormous drainpipe leading down. ~ 70 acd 5 D0 North. The muddy junction lies in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 7002 D5 The muddy drainpipe leads down through the mud, otherwise it is utterly dark. ~ ~ 0 -1 7101 E mud~ It is as dark as tar and looks like something out of a toilet, on top of that, the smell is absolutely overwhelming. ~ S #7004 The Dark Pit~ You are standing by the edge of a dark pit that leads down into even deeper darkness. >BWWAAADDRR< - The smell from down there is unbearable. The sewer stretches into the darkness to the east. ~ 70 ad 0 D1 East. The sewer leads into the sewer junction. ~ ~ 0 -1 7009 D5 The Dark Pit leads down and down and down... well you can't see the bottom anyway. There are bars that could function as a ladder on the side. ~ ~ 0 -1 7102 S #7005 The Muddy Sewer~ You are standing in the middle of a bend of the sewer pipe. It is very dark around here and the mud is sticking to your legs, not very pleasant. The pipe leads east and south from here. ~ 70 ad 4 D1 East. The mud stretches on into the darkness. ~ ~ 0 -1 7011 D2 South. There is even more mud in that direction than where you are now. Incredible. ~ ~ 0 -1 7006 E mud~ It is as dark as tar and looks like something out of a toilet, on top of that, the smell is absolutely overwhelming. ~ S #7006 The Muddy Sewer~ You are standing in something that reminds you very much of porridge, this has the advantage that it is not hot, it is rather cold actually. The pipe bends to the north and east. ~ 70 ad 5 D1 The pipe leads into a bend that goes south. Interesting, there is mud on the ground there as well. ~ ~ 0 -1 7012 D0 The muddy sewer pipe leads into a bend that goes east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7005 E mud~ It is as dark as tar and looks like something out of a toilet, on top of that, the smell is absolutely overwhelming. ~ S #7007 The Muddy Sewer Bend~ This isn't your idea of a place to stay too long. You're in up to your knees in something that resembles mud, but you're not quite sure. The bend in which you stand leads west and south. ~ 70 ad 5 D3 The pipe (still filled with mud) leads into a intersection that goes north and south. Interesting. ~ ~ 0 -1 7002 D2 The pipe leads into a intersection that goes south and east. The floor here is still covered in mud. ~ ~ 0 -1 7008 E mud~ It is as dark as tar and looks like something out of a toilet, on top of that, the smell is absolutely overwhelming. ~ S #7008 A Muddy Intersection~ You have both your feet safely stuck in mud. It isn't the mud that is wrong it is the smell, the sounds, the total darkness that surrounds you. Everything here is so depressing. The pipe leads on with a trail of thick mud to the north, east and south. ~ 70 ad 4 D0 North. The pipe goes into a bend with a load of mud all the way up the walls. The bend leads west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7007 D1 East. This way looks like a place for the annual mud festival, although the stench wouldn't allow any happiness at all. The pipe leads into a bend that leads north. ~ ~ 0 -1 7014 D2 South. There is much less mud in that direction. Your light doesn't uncover enough space for you to see much more than that it leads into some sort of junction. ~ ~ 0 -1 7009 E mud~ It is as dark as tar and looks like something out of a toilet, on top of that, the smell is absolutely overwhelming. ~ S #7009 The Sewer Junction~ You stand in the middle of a huge junction of sewer pipes right under what you'd think was an air shaft. The sewer pipes lead to the north, south, east and west. It look quite impossible to force your way up. ~ 70 ad 3 D0 North. Mud is the floor basis in that direction. Yummy. ~ ~ 0 -1 7008 D1 YYEEUUCH! BOOH! THAT looks like a nice place for creepy crawlies. ~ ~ 0 -1 7017 D2 South. This direction looks quite nice actually. The pipe leads into a bend that goes east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7010 D3 A few yards ahead - away from this junction - there is a pit leading down, but the smell from there...>PHEWW<. ~ ~ 0 -1 7004 E mud~ It is as dark as tar and looks like something out of a toilet, on top of that, the smell is absolutely overwhelming. ~ S #7010 A Bend In The Sewer Pipe~ You are in a bend in the sewer pipe. A strong smell seeps in from the north. The sewer goes north and east. ~ 70 ad 2 D0 North. You are staring into a huge junction with exits in all directions. ~ ~ 0 -1 7009 D1 East. The Pipe leads into utter darkness that way. ~ ~ 0 -1 7018 S #7011 The Muddy Sewer Pipe~ You have entered a kind of tube intersection that leads south, west and east. Your legs are covered in mud up to the knees. REAL yucky! ~ 70 ad 5 D1 East. There is less mud in that direction, or that's your impression. ~ ~ 0 -1 7024 D2 That way is lost in darkness, though you sense less mud in that direction, perhaps even a complete end to this sludge that surrounds you. ~ ~ 0 -1 7021 D3 West. The mud reaches that way too, all the way up the walls. ~ ~ 0 -1 7005 E mud~ It is as dark as tar and looks like something out of a toilet, on top of that, the smell is absolutely overwhelming. ~ S #7012 The Bend In The Muddy Sewer~ This is not your idea of a holiday. You stand in mud up to your knees. It is absolutely inconceivable how all this mud could have been placed here. The pipe leads to the west and south. ~ 70 ad 5 D2 South. There is even more mud that way, incredible! Although it looks like an intersection in the sewer system that leads east and south. ~ ~ 0 -1 7013 D3 West. All you can see, is that the pipe leads into a bend that goes north. But there is less mud in that direction, however odd that sounds. ~ ~ 0 -1 7006 E mud~ It is as dark as tar and looks like something out of a toilet, on top of that, the smell is absolutely overwhelming. ~ S #7013 A Muddy Intersection~ You wouldn't want to know the true feeling of standing in this mud up to your hips. >BWAADR<. All that fills your mind right now is the dream of a hot bath. This is NOT very clean mud you know, remember you're in the sewer! The pipes leads north, south and east. ~ 70 ad 5 D0 North. Sludge and sediment fills this corridor of the sewer that leads into a bend going west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7012 D1 East. You can see absolutely nothing of interest in that direction (Maybe that is why it is so damn interesting...) There is no mud in that direction either, GREAT! ~ ~ 0 -1 7026 D2 South. All you can see is more mud! Although the pipe goes into a bend leading west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7014 E mud~ It is as dark as tar and looks like something out of a toilet, on top of that, the smell is absolutely overwhelming. ~ E sediment~ It is NOT the kind of matter that would concern you too much, normally, but as you are in the middle of it, it just might become your main concern. REAL YUCKY! ~ S #7014 The Muddy Sewer~ You stand in a bend of the pipe system of the sewer with mud up to your thighs. Contemplating a higher level of existence here would be utterly inappropriate, as the smell would keep any intelligent creature from even thinking of anything but getting away from this foul end of the WORLD. The bend goes from north to west. ~ 70 ad 5 D0 North. Filled with mud, that place looks like an impassable intersection with pipes leading north and east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7013 D3 West. There is less mud that way, maybe you're on your way out of this foul place. ~ ~ 0 -1 7008 E mud~ It is as dark as tar and looks like something out of a toilet, on top of that, the smell is absolutely overwhelming. ~ S #7015 The Old Well~ You are standing by an old and worn well from before this century. The sewer leads to the east from here and the well leads down into darkness. Metal bars implanted in the side of the well lead down as a ladder. ~ 70 ad 3 D1 East. You see, because of the utter darkness that surround you, absolutely nothing. Your light isn't of much use for that kind of distance. ~ ~ 0 -1 7028 D5 Down the well there is even less light than up here, so... sorry, you can't see a thing. There are metal bars in the side leading down into the darkness. ~ ~ 0 -1 7105 E bars~ These look like they're pretty slippery, and not very safe, but perhaps safe enough for you to climb down, WITH both hands on them. ~ S #7016 The Ordinary Bend~ You are in the middle of a bend in the pipe system of the sewer system, WHAT a place!!! The pipe leads to the south and the east. ~ 70 ad 1 D2 South. You see nothing at all in that direction it is too dark anyway. ~ ~ 0 -1 7017 D1 East. What a quiet place you've found there. It is an intersection that has pipeways going north and east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7021 S #7017 The Sewer Junction~ You are in a junction that leads north, west and south. ~ 70 ad 1 D0 North. You see a bend. ~ ~ 0 -1 7016 D3 West. There is a junction with four pipelines in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 7009 D2 South. It looks like a pipe junction just like this one. Only that one leads east and west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7018 S #7018 The Ordinary Junction~ This looks like an ordinary junction, actually it seems very quiet here. The pipelines lead west, east and north. ~ 70 acd 1 D0 To the north you can see a junction like this one, leading north and west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7017 D1 To the east there is nothing of particular interest, though there is a junction with pipelines leading north and east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7031 D3 There is a bend to the west leading north. ~ ~ 0 -1 7010 S #7021 A Quiet Pipe Junction~ This is the kind of place to rest, though the smell could be a LOT better than this. The sewer goes east, north and west from here. ~ 70 acd 1 D0 In that direction, you can't see anything. It is just too dark. ~ ~ 0 -1 7011 D1 There is an ordinary junction in the pipe system to the east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7029 D3 West. There is an ordinary bend leading south into the sewer system in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 7016 S #7022 The Odd Room With Smooth Walls~ As you enter you hear a loud click from one of the walls... and you fall and fall and fall... . . . . ... And come to an abrupt end. THIS is strange indeed. There is an arched entryway leading down. ~ 70 ad 5 D5 Down. It is utterly dark that way, though you can make out an intersection of sewer pipes leading west, north and east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7112 S #7024 The Sewer~ You are standing in mud up to your ankles. This is an intersection with sewer pipes leading east, south and west. ~ 70 acd 1 D1 To the east there is a peculiar looking round room. ~ ~ 0 -1 7037 D2 To the south there is another intersection with pipes going south and east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7025 D3 To the west there is another intersection like this one, with sewer pipes leading south and west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7011 S #7025 Another Intersection~ You have never seen anything so BORING... This is an intersection with pipes leading north, south and east. ~ 70 ad 1 D0 To the north there is an intersection, where the pipes are leading west and east. You notice that the floor to the west is covered in mud. ~ ~ 0 -1 7024 D1 East. You see nothing of interest in that direction, just another intersection. This one leads east and south. ~ ~ 0 -1 7038 D2 Another intersection lies to the south. It leads west and south. ~ ~ 0 -1 7026 S #7026 A Junction~ This one seems interesting, a big difference from all the other junctions. It seems cleaner than the rest of them. Weird. Something that looks like an air shaft leads upwards, but it looks far too slippery to climb. The pipes lead to the south, west and north. ~ 70 acd 0 D0 North. You see an intersection there, leading north and east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7025 D2 To the south there is ANOTHER junction leading west and east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7028 D3 To the west you see a load of mud and sediment in the sewer. That should be an intersection there but you're not quite sure. ~ ~ 0 -1 7013 E mud~ It is as dark as tar and looks like something out of a toilet, on top of that, the smell is absolutely overwhelming. ~ S #7028 The Sewer Junction~ You stand in a junction of sewer pipes leading north, east and west. ~ 70 ad 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 7026 D1 To the east you can see a bend in the pipe going south. ~ ~ 0 -1 7034 D3 To the west you can just make out an old well. ~ ~ 0 -1 7015 S #7029 The Triple Junction~ You stand in the middle of a huge junction of concrete sewer pipes. The pipes lead into three different directions: east, south and west. ~ 70 ad 1 D1 East. You can see a bend in the sewer pipe leading north. ~ ~ 0 -1 7035 D2 To the south there is an ENORMOUS quadruple sewer junction, all lit up by an odd light. ~ ~ 0 -1 7030 D3 To the west you can just make out another junction similar to the one you are standing in. ~ ~ 0 -1 7021 S #7030 The Quadruple Junction Under The Dump~ You are standing in something that reminds you of an entry to an ant hive. There are enormous concrete pipes leading north, south, east and west. There is also a metal ladder built into the concrete wall leading up through a layer of garbage. ~ 70 acd 1 D0 To the north you can see a huge triple junction with sewer pipes leading west and east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7029 D1 East. You can see a pit in the floor. ~ ~ 0 -1 7036 D2 To the south there is a huge junction with pipes leading east and west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7031 D3 To the west there is an odd looking room with totally smooth walls. ~ ~ 0 -1 7022 D4 Up through the garbage you can just make out what looks like the dump in Midgaard. ~ ~ 2 3005 3030 E ladder~ It looks as if it is made of stainless steel, and it would function as a club of considerable power, but alas... You can't take at all since it is firmly set into the concrete wall. ~ S #7031 A Triple Junction~ You stand in a junction with pipes leading west, north and east. ~ 70 ad 1 D0 To the north there is an ENORMOUS quadruple sewer junction, all lit up by an odd light. ~ ~ 0 -1 7030 D1 East. You can just make out a triple junction leading north and east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7044 D3 West. You can just make out a triple junction leading north and west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7018 S #7034 A Bend In The Sewer Pipe~ You can look in two directions where the pipe leads: south and west. ~ 70 ad 2 D3 West. You can just make out a triple junction leading north and west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7028 D2 To the south you can see another bend leading west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7035 S #7035 The Sewer Pipe Bend~ You can look in two different directions where the pipe goes: west and north. ~ 70 ad 2 D0 North. You see another bend leading west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7034 D3 You can see another junction although this one is a triple one with pipes going south and west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7029 S #7036 The Pit~ You stand in a section of a pipe that leads to a dead end. In the floor there is a pit leading down. There are bars set in the side of the pit wall functioning as a ladder. ~ 70 ad 5 D3 West. You can see a dimly lit quadruple junction with an exit up. ~ ~ 0 -1 7030 D5 Down the pit it is so utterly dark that you can't see a thing. ~ ~ 0 -1 7122 S #7037 The Round Room~ As you enter the room it starts rotating - at first slowly, then faster and faster - You get totally confused as to where up and down is, but you are certain that the doorway is in the opposite direction of what it was when you entered. It now leads east. There is only this one exit. ~ 70 ad 1 D1 You can just make out a smaller room with a chair. ~ ~ 0 -1 7050 S #7038 The Three Way Junction~ You are standing in a junction of pipes that lead west, east and south. ~ 70 ad 1 D1 East. You can make out a dimly lit Guard Room. ~ ~ 0 -1 7045 D2 To the south you can see what looks like a store room. ~ ~ 0 -1 7039 D3 West. You see another junction similar to this one leading north and south. ~ ~ 0 -1 7025 S #7039 The Sewer Store Room~ You stand in a small room lit by a single torch set in the wall. The only way out of here is to the north. ~ 70 d 1 D0 To the north you see a pipe junction. ~ ~ 0 -1 7038 S #7041 The Shaft~ You are standing by the edge of a deep, dark shaft leading down. A single ladder is your tool to work your way down if you so wish. The sewer pipe leads south from here. ~ 70 ad 1 D2 To the south you can see the pipe leading further south into darkness. ~ ~ 0 -1 7043 D5 Down and utter darkness. There is absolutely nothing to be seen in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 7123 E ladder~ Firmly set into the wall of the shaft it is impossible to even move, in your estimate. ~ S #7043 The Sewer Entrance~ You stand in the middle of a pipe that leads from north to south. Above you an air shaft leads up into sunlight. It seems totally impossible to go up that way. ~ 70 ad 1 D0 To the north you can just make out a huge shaft leading down. ~ ~ 0 -1 7041 D2 To the south you can see a triple junction leading west and east. ~ ~ 0 -1 7044 S #7044 The Junction Going Three Ways~ You are in a passageway in the pipes of the sewer system leading north, east and west. ~ 70 ad 1 D0 You see a sewer pipe leading north. ~ ~ 0 -1 7043 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 7049 D3 West. You see another junction very similar to this one that leads north and west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7031 S #7045 The Sewer Room~ You are standing in a large room with chairs set in the walls. You have the feeling of being watched. To the south there is an entrance to a larger room. The room is lit by five torches, also set in the walls. To the west there is a doorway leading out to the sewers. ~ 70 d 1 D2 You can see an even larger room than this one, filled with light. ~ ~ 0 -1 7046 D3 To the west you can see the sewers. ~ ~ 2 -1 7038 S #7046 The Sewer Room~ This is a Room with walls that glitters like gold though not quite like it. This is strange as it looks as if the glitter lights the whole room. It looks very bright. To the south the floor is covered with yucky water. The north leads to a sort of a guard room. ~ 70 d 1 D0 To the north you can see the guard room. ~ ~ 0 -1 7045 D2 To the south there is nothing but water and an exit leads east from there. ~ ~ 0 -1 7047 S #7047 The Pool In The Sewer~ You stand in water to your waist. To the north is the entrance to this room. A single door leads east. ~ 70 d 1 D0 To the north you see the entrance to this room. ~ ~ 0 -1 7046 D1 You can see an enormous hall through the doorway. ~ door~ 1 -1 7053 S #7048 The Sewers~ You stand in a dead end of the sewer. The only way out is south. You can see a shaft leading up but it looks too difficult to go up that way. ~ 70 ad 1 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 7049 S #7049 The Junction~ You stand in a junction leading north, west and east. ~ 70 ad 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 7048 D1 Darkness has closed in on that part of the sewer system, you can't see a thing in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 7060 D3 West. You see another junction very similar to this one that leads north and west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7044 S #7050 The Small Room~ The only thing in this room of interest is a chair, and that appears to have been bolted to the rock floor. A doorway leads south and another leads east into darkness. ~ 70 ad 1 D1 Utter darkness... ~ ~ 0 -1 7055 D2 You can see a room with a lot of light in it. You can't make out any details. ~ ~ 0 -1 7051 S #7051 The Sewer Pipe~ You are in what reminds you of a foul sewer, as if you liked being here! You can see two exits leading either north or south. ~ 70 d 1 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 7050 D2 To the south you can see a strange light flowing from there. ~ ~ 0 -1 7052 S #7052 The Grand Sewer~ You are in a grand sewer pipe. This stretches toward the south. It is large indeed! A doorway leads to the east from here. ~ 70 d 1 D0 To the north you can see a doorway. ~ ~ 0 -1 7051 D1 You can't see anything in that darkness. ~ ~ 0 -1 7056 D2 In the south end of the pipe the "floor" is completely covered with water. ~ ~ 0 -1 7053 S #7053 The South End Of The Grand Pipe~ You stand in water to your knees. A doorway leads west from here. The pipe stretches north. ~ 70 d 1 D0 You see a lot of pictures decorating the walls. ~ ~ 0 -1 7052 D3 ~ door~ 1 -1 7047 S #7055 The Edge Of The Water Sewer~ You stand in a room where half of the floor is covered in water. The water leads east and a doorway leads west. ~ 70 ad 3 D1 You can hardly make out much more than that the next place is in a pipe with more water. ~ ~ 0 -1 7061 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 7050 E water~ It looks dark and murky, and emanates a foul stench. ~ S #7056 The Dark Hallway~ You can't see much of this, even with a light. The hallway goes into a passageway to the south. A doorway leads west. ~ 70 ad 1 D2 You can see nothing at all because it is completely dark in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 7057 D3 You see a lot of light, bright as daylight, but nothing of interest. ~ ~ 0 -1 7052 S #7057 The Dark Passageway~ You can't see anything but the ground where you put your feet. The passageway seems to continue south and north. ~ 70 ad 1 D0 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7056 D2 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7058 S #7058 The Dark Passageway~ You can't see anything but the ground where you put your feet. The passageway seems to continue south and north. ~ 70 ad 1 D0 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7057 D2 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7059 S #7059 The Dark Passageway~ You can't see anything but the ground where you put your feet. The passageway seems to continue south and north. ~ 70 ad 1 D0 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7058 D2 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7060 S #7060 The Dark Passageway~ You can't see anything but the ground where you put your feet. The passageway seems to continue west and north. To the east there is water covering the floor and that leads through an arched entry to a watery sewer. ~ 70 ad 1 D0 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7059 D1 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7068 D3 You can just make out a triple junction leading north and west. ~ ~ 0 -1 7049 E water~ It looks dark and murky, and emanates a foul stench. ~ S #7061 The Watery Sewer Bend~ You can't see anything but the water you're in up to your hips. The sewer seems to bend and lead south and west. ~ 70 ad 5 D2 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7062 D3 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7055 E water~ It looks dark and murky, and emanates a foul stench. ~ S #7062 The Watery Sewer~ You can't see anything but the water you're in up to your hips. The sewer seems to lead south and north. ~ 70 ad 5 D0 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7061 D2 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7063 E water~ It looks dark and murky, and emanates a foul stench. ~ S #7063 The Watery Sewer~ You can't see anything but the water you're in up to your hips. The sewer seems to lead south and north. ~ 70 ad 5 D0 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7062 D2 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7064 E water~ It looks dark and murky, and emanates a foul stench. ~ S #7064 The Watery Sewer Junction~ You can't see anything but the water you're in up to your hips. The sewer seems to lead into a junction going south, north and east. ~ 70 ad 5 D0 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7063 D1 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7069 D2 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7065 E water~ It looks dark and murky, and emanates a foul stench. ~ S #7065 The Watery Sewer~ You can't see anything but the water you're in up to your hips. The sewer seems to lead south and north. ~ 70 ad 5 D0 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7064 D2 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7066 E water~ It looks dark and murky, and emanates a foul stench. ~ S #7066 The Watery Sewer Junction~ You can't see anything but the water you're in up to your hips. The sewer seems to lead into a junction that goes north, south and east. ~ 70 ad 5 D0 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7065 D1 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7070 D2 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7067 E water~ It looks dark and murky, and emanates a foul stench. ~ S #7067 The Watery Sewer~ You can't see anything but the water you're in up to your hips. The sewer seems to lead south and north. ~ 70 ad 5 D0 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7066 D2 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7068 E water~ It looks dark and murky, and emanates a foul stench. ~ S #7068 The Watery Sewer Bend~ You can't see anything but the water you're in up to your hips. The sewer seems to bend and lead west and north. ~ 70 ad 5 D0 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7067 D3 You can't see anything in that direction and your light isn't enough to light that far. ~ ~ 0 -1 7060 E water~ It looks dark and murky, and emanates a foul stench. ~ S #7069 A Ledge By A Dark Pool~ You can't see much here but the echo tells you that there is quite a drop down. You can just make out a huge dark pool out there in the darkness, mostly because of the trickling of water. The water from the sewer actually washes over this ledge and makes it quite slippery. From here it drops, like a waterfall, into the pool far down. ~ 70 ad 5 D2 You can't see a thing. It is too dark. ~ ~ 0 -1 7070 D3 You can't see a thing. It is too dark. ~ ~ 0 -1 7064 E water~ It looks dark and murky, and emanates a foul stench. ~ S #7070 A Ledge By A Dark Pool~ You can't see much here but the echo tells you that there is quite a drop down. You can just make out a huge dark pool out there in the darkness, mostly because of the trickling of water. The water from the sewer actually washes over this ledge and makes it quite slippery. From here it drops, like a waterfall, into the pool far down. Under you there is a small fissure in the rock. It seems big enough to contain a few people. ~ 70 ad 5 D0 You can't see a thing. It is too dark. ~ ~ 0 -1 7069 D3 You can't see a thing. It is too dark. ~ ~ 0 -1 7066 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 7000 E water~ It looks dark and murky, and emanates a foul stench. ~ S $