#12001 The Judging Booth~ You stand in the midst of a small room with windows on the east and south walls. These windows provide a complete view of the competition fields. There are several scorecards, pencils and other items that are used by the judges sitting on a table. The only exit is a trapdoor leading down. ~ 120 d 0 D5 There is a rickety ladder leading down. ~ trapdoor~ 1 12033 12002 E scorecards~ The cards all have been filled in with the judges evaluations of today's combatants. It seems that Sparticus is having a good day. ~ E pencils pencil~ An ordinary #2 lead pencil. Judging by the teeth marks on the shaft, the user should see a dentist very soon! ~ S #12002 Caesar's Private Box~ This is the best view in the house! You can see gladiators fighting or the chariot races with an unobstructed view. The seats are upholstered in red velvet and are in top-notch condition. There is a rickety ladder leading up and a marble staircase leading down. ~ 120 cd 0 D4 You see a rickety ladder with a trapdoor leading up. ~ trapdoor~ 1 12033 12001 D5 There is a marble staircase leading down. ~ ~ 0 -1 12003 S #12003 The West Side Of The Commoner's Seating Area~ This is the western side commoner's seating area. There are row upon row of rough wooden benches bolted to the floor. There is stadium garbage everywhere and the smell makes you want to puke. Stairs lead up to Caesar's private box, a small ramp leads down to the playing field and a hallway leads south. ~ 120 0 1 D2 You see a small hallway that leads to a larger area. ~ ~ 0 -1 12004 D4 Watch your step! ~ ~ 0 -1 12002 D5 Watch your step! ~ ~ 0 -1 12010 E seats benches~ The benches are made of rough cut lumber that has dried and split over time. You would probably get splinters if sat on them. The words 'BURT WAS HERE' have been carved into one of the benches with exquisite care. ~ S #12004 The Southern Commoner's Seats~ This is the southeastern part of the common seating areas. The benches here are made of stone and are probably centuries old. A few scratches on one of the benches catch your eye. An acrid smell is coming from the east and a tunnel leads off to the north. ~ 120 0 1 D0 The tunnel looks like it leads to another seating area. ~ ~ 0 -1 12003 D1 There is an acrid smell coming from that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12011 E marks scratches~ They look like they form the words "Onivel Cinemod Semaj" But you could be mistaken. ~ S #12005 The Abandoned Gate~ This used to be a gateway to and from western Rome. There is an iron gate blocking your way and judging by the amount of rust and foliage growing on the bars, it hasn't been open for years. Looking through the gate at the barren landscape that lies beyond, you can see why. A dirt road leads off to the east, and a store is directly south. ~ 120 0 1 D1 Through the clouds of dust, you can make out a passable road. ~ ~ 0 -1 12012 D2 You can barely make out a storefront through the foliage. ~ ~ 0 -1 12006 D3 The gate has been permanently rusted shut and is further secured by a large chain and padlock. Don't even bother THINKING about trying to open it. ~ gate~ 2 -1 -1 E gate~ The gate has been permanently rusted shut and is further secured by a large chain and padlock. Don't even bother THINKING about trying to open it. ~ S #12006 Swords 'R Us~ Welcome to the weaponshop of Titus Andronicus!! Rare halberds, whips, swords and other instruments of death are proudly displayed on the walls and in gleaming glass cases. More common weapons are stacked like wood on the floor. To the north you can barely make out a gate. There is a very secure looking door to the south. ~ 120 dh 0 D0 You can see a city gate to the north. ~ ~ 0 -1 12005 D2 There is a very secure looking door blocking your progress. ~ door~ 2 12034 12007 E swords weapons armor halberds whips~ Titus has enough hardware in here to outfit a large army. Maybe that's why he has a lucrative contract to sell weapons to the Emperor's armies for outrageous prices. ~ S #12007 The Back Room~ If you thought that there were a lot of weapons in the front of the store, you haven't seen anything yet!! There is barely enough room to walk amongst the crates of armor and swords. No wonder Rome will stand for a thousand years. The only exit is through a door to the north. ~ 120 ad 0 D0 Through the piles of weapons, you can see a door leading north to the rest of the store. ~ door~ 2 12034 12006 E weapons swords crates armor weapon sword crate~ There are literally thousands of each. Take your pick. ~ S #12008 Peanut Heaven~ You are now so high up that you begin to feel lightheaded and your nose feels like it is going to start bleeding. There aren't even benches to sit on here; just bare dirty stone. The view of the surrounding country is spectacular. Unfortunately you can barely see the playing field. There is a set of steps here, leading down. ~ 120 0 1 D5 Watch your step! ~ ~ 0 -1 12015 E landscape country~ You can see the entire city of Rome from here. The buildings housing the Roman government are to the east. To the south east, off in the distance, is the massive aqueduct and further in that direction lies the Mountain of the Gods. ~ S #12009 The Practice And Warm-up Area~ There are many gladiators, chariot drivers and their coaches here, warming up in preparation for the games. The dust rising from the parched earth makes you want to sneeze. A short tunnel leads east and the thunder of pounding hooves and the clash of weapons can be heard coming from the south. ~ 120 0 2 D1 There is a large oval dirt-track in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12016 D2 You can hear the clash of weapons and the thunder of hooves in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12010 E gladiator~ He is a big muscular man with lots of armor. He sizes you up and decides that you aren't worth his time or trouble. ~ E driver~ The driver is too busy changing a wheel on his chariot to notice you. ~ E chariot~ You see a two wheeled open cart which is obviously meant to be pulled by horses. The flaming paint-job and the large '01' stenciled on the side identify the chariot as belonging to Drucilis 'Lightning-whip' Octavious, a favorite driver of the masses. ~ E coach trainer~ The coach tell you "Stop bothering my athletes and get lost!" ~ S #12010 The Jousting Arena~ This is a wide open grassy plane... LOOK OUT!!!! You are almost skewered by a gladiator's lance as he makes his charge. A practicing area is due north. ~ 120 c 2 D0 Through a small tunnel you can see athletes stretching and warming up for the games. ~ ~ 0 -1 12009 D4 You see a set of steps leading up into the spectator stands. ~ ~ 0 -1 12003 E gladiator~ He is in the final stages of a charge against his opponent... THUD! CLANG! CRASH!!!!... judging from the blood and the amount of distance that now separates the gladiators head from the rest of his body, you can safely assume that this was the final combat of his life. ~ S #12011 The First-Aid Station~ This is the place to come to if one is overcome by the heat and gore. (Or if a lion gets loose) You see a jar of live leeches and other barbaric medical apparati lying about here. From the west comes the roar of the crowd, and a hall leads east. The healer will be with you shortly. ~ 120 cd 0 D1 You see hundreds, perhaps thousands of people. ~ ~ 0 -1 12018 D3 Rows of stone bleachers lie to the west. ~ ~ 0 -1 12004 E leech leeches~ DISGUSTING! Each is about the size of matchbox and very slimy. You are VERY glad that you have access to a cleric! ~ S #12012 A Dirt Road~ You are on a parched and dusty rural road which runs east and west. There is a structure lying to the south. ~ 120 0 2 D1 Through the dust, you see a paved road. ~ ~ 0 -1 12019 D2 It is difficult to see through the haze and dust. ~ ~ 0 -1 12013 D3 It is difficult to see through the haze and dust. ~ ~ 0 -1 12005 S #12013 The Commoner's House~ You are standing in the main living quarters of a common Roman citizen. The furnishings are sparse and it is warm here. A putrid odor is coming from the east and passages lead north and south. ~ 120 d 0 D0 A dusty road lies to the north. ~ ~ 0 -1 12012 D1 What is that smell??!!! It is enough to make a yak gag!!! ~ ~ 0 -1 12020 D2 You hazard a guess that a bedroom lies in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12014 E furnishings furniture~ The furniture that you see is very simple and plain. It is made of rough hewn wood and fastened together with nails. It looks very uncomfortable. ~ S #12014 The Bedchamber~ This is the bedroom. There is a hard and lumpy bed in the far corner. It looks like the commoner's wife has been shirking her duties lately, as there is a big pile of soiled laundry here. The only way out is from where you came. ~ 120 cd 0 D0 You see the living quarters to the north. ~ ~ 0 -1 12013 E laundry wash clothing~ It smells of sweat and is covered with mud. ~ S #12015 The Noblemans' Box~ These are the 'better' seats used primarily by the upper class of Rome. There is a large seating area to the east and a staircase leading up here. The view of the chariot track is pretty good. ~ 120 0 0 D1 Rows upon rows of bleachers lie to the east. ~ ~ 0 -1 12022 D4 The stairs look safe enough. ~ ~ 0 -1 12008 S #12016 The Race Track~ This is a hard dirt track about a quarter of a mile long. There are hoof prints everywhere, and you see a large cloud of dust approaching. You had better move before you get run over. A small tunnel leads west, you can see the crowd to the east. You can hear loud snarls and roars coming from below. ~ 120 0 2 D3 You see athletes warming up and stretching. ~ ~ 0 -1 12009 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 12023 D5 Do you like lots of live lions that haven't been fed for a few days? ~ ~ 0 -1 12017 S #12017 The Lion Pit~ As you land at the bottom of this dirt-walled pit, the realization that a pit full of lions is NOT a good thing to be hanging around in. Several of the gladiators gather around the edge of the pit to watch your demise. You look around you, and all you see is tawny fur and gaping jaws... it is too late to run, too late to hide. Twelve lions rip you and your belongings into a gory mass of bloodied leather, bronze, and bone. What's that old saying? Cats killed the curious? Something like that, I'm sure... ~ 120 bd 0 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 12010 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 12016 S #12018 The South Entrance To The Coliseum~ You are standing at the south entrance to the Coliseum. There are citizens of Rome everywhere, apparently in a mad rush to get in. A statue of Caligula the Mad Emperor overlooks the area. There are long lines standing to the east, and an acrid smell is coming from the west. A busy road lies to the south. ~ 120 c 1 D1 The lines are very long and people look impatient. ~ ~ 0 -1 12025 D2 A road lies in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12019 D3 An acrid, almost medicinal smell is coming from that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12011 E statue caligula~ A larger than life stone statue of Caligula, the Mad Emperor, looks at you. It looks like it is holding a phallus. He has got a grin on his face that seems to say 'My horse would like you, I bet...' ~ S #12019 The Main Highway~ This is a well built and heavily traveled road running from east to west and there is a large structure built entirely of stone to the north. ~ 120 0 1 D0 You can hear the roar of a large crowd of people coming from that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12018 D1 The highway continues to the east. ~ ~ 0 -1 12026 D3 The highway continues to the west. ~ ~ 0 -1 12012 S #12020 The Outhouse~ PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-YEEEEEWWWWWWWW!!!!! Boy does it stink in here!!! You taste bile in your mouth and your eyes begin to water. As you wipe away your tears, you see that this is a small room, in the far corner of which a hole is dug. The odor intensifies as you move closer and there is a roll of toilet paper sitting on the ground. The only exit is to the west and your nose and stomach are strongly suggesting that you use it. ~ 120 d 0 D3 The living quarters lie in that direction. Why don't you stop pussyfooting around and go that way??!! Please? ~ ~ 0 -1 12013 E hole toilet~ You walk over to the hole and see that there is a large turd floating in a pool black water about 2 feet below the surface of the ground. As you lean closer to get a better look, your nose catches a concentrated dose of the fragrant aroma wafting upwards. Your stomach decides that it has had enough of this shoddy treatment and you puke until it is empty. ~ E roll paper~ Hey!! This is first-class stuff!! - White Cloud brand with lotion. The roll is about half-used. ~ S #12021 The Slave Quarters~ This is where the slaves sleep. There are hard boards set out for use as beds and not much else. The only exit is to the east. ~ 120 d 0 D1 To the east, a well manicured path winds through the nobleman's estate. ~ ~ 0 -1 12027 S #12022 The Common Seating~ This is where many of the common Roman citizens are seated during the games. These are the cheapest seats in the house, as glare from the sun is usually a problem during the afternoon. Like the other common seating areas, this place could stand extensive renovation and a thorough cleaning. This area extends to the south and a much more elegant seating area can be seen to the west. ~ 120 0 1 D3 The seating gets much fancier and elegant in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12015 D2 The common seating area continues. ~ ~ 0 -1 12023 S #12023 The Common Seating~ This is where many of the common Roman citizens are seated during the games. Like the other commoners' areas in the coliseum, it could use extensive renovation and cleaning. This area extends to the north and lots of noise can be heard coming from the south. ~ 120 0 1 D0 The common seating area continues. ~ ~ 0 -1 12022 D2 You see hundreds, perhaps thousands of people. ~ ~ 0 -1 12024 S #12024 The East Entrance To The Coliseum~ You are standing at the east entrance to the Coliseum. There are people everywhere, apparently in a mad rush to get in. A statue of Tiberius, an Emperor of a time long since passed, stands here looking out over the crowd. There is a passage to the north, the ticket booth is to the south and a gate opening to the city lies to the east. ~ 120 c 1 D0 You see rows upon rows of dilapidated wooden bleachers. ~ ~ 0 -1 12023 D2 There are VERY long lines standing outside the ticket booth. ~ ~ 0 -1 12025 D1 Nero Drive lies in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12031 E statue tiberius~ The statue of Tiberius, made of iron, stands here. ~ S #12025 The Ticket Booth~ Long lines are standing here, waiting to buy tickets. There are three vendors working furiously. Ticket stubs litter the ground and you can see that the people are getting very impatient. There is a large, open cashbox here. Main entrances to the Coliseum are to the north and west. ~ 120 d 0 D0 You see hundreds, if not thousands of people. ~ ~ 0 -1 12024 D3 You see hundreds, if not thousands of people. ~ ~ 0 -1 12018 E cashbox~ It is a shame that the exchange rate for Roman money is so low. What amounts to a fortune in Rome isn't even worth one gold coin. The contents of the box add up to about... well forget it. It isn't worth your time or trouble to carry it around. ~ S #12026 A Paved Road~ You are on a paved road that runs east to west. You can see an elaborate looking estate to the south and to the north-west, off in the distance, you can see a very large stone structure. ~ 120 0 1 D1 The road leads off to the east. ~ ~ 0 -1 12033 D2 It looks like a Nobleman's estate. We are talking RICH nobleman's estate. ~ estate house~ 0 -1 12027 D3 The road leads west towards the highway. ~ ~ 0 -1 12019 E structure~ That would probably be the Coliseum. There are a few good matches scheduled for today. ~ S #12027 A Noble Estate~ You are on the grounds of a nobleman's estate which is hundreds of times the size and splendor of anything that a common citizen of Rome would ever hope to own. Everything is lush and green. The grass is perfectly manicured and the trees are all bearing fruit. Ornamental plants are in perfectly situated to enhance and adorn the three statues of dedicated to gods Jupiter, Venus and Neptune. A tranquil path leads east and west, there is a paved road to the north and an extravagant house lies to the south. ~ 120 0 2 D0 You see a paved road in the distance. ~ ~ 0 -1 12026 D1 The path leads east through the estate. ~ ~ 0 -1 12034 D2 You see an incredible house off in the distance. ~ ~ 0 -1 12028 D3 Off through the trees, you see a small, plain hut. ~ ~ 0 -1 12021 E Venus~ Venus, the Roman goddess of beauty and knowledge is displayed in a all of her splendor. ~ E Jupiter~ A statue made of pure gold depicts Jupiter sitting on his throne. The throne looks like it is made of silver. ~ E Neptune~ The statue of Neptune is made of pure jade and is holding a crystal trident. It is sitting in the center of a small pond which has hundreds of beautiful fish swimming in it. ~ E trees tree shrubs shrub plants plant~ All of the plants, trees and shrubs are perfectly trimmed, without so much as a dead leaf anywhere to be seen. You welcome the shade that they give from the harsh sun above. ~ S #12028 An Opulent House~ You stand in a house, the size and splendor of which almost defies the imagination. The floor is done with hand crafted marble tile with silver and jeweled inlays. The light coming through the exquisitely crafted stained glass windows bathes the room in splendor and the furniture looks as though it was made by master craftsmen from all over the empire. A path through the estate is north of here. ~ 120 cd 0 D0 You see a well manicured path that winds through the estate. ~ ~ 0 -1 12027 E floor tile~ Very expensive! A lot of master craftsmen labored long and hard to produce such a work of art. ~ E windows~ They are intricate and the scenes that they depict cast honor on several of the gods. ~ E furniture~ You hope to eventually be able to own a piece of furniture just like these someday. These are only dreams, of course. ~ S #12029 The Great North Gate~ This is the northern gateway to the city of Rome. The huge gate appears to be closed and locked against intrusion. A large road muddy road runs through the gate and into the countryside. Nero Drive runs south from here. ~ 120 0 1 D0 The gate is made of solid iron and is well maintained. ~ gate~ 2 -1 -1 D2 Nero Drive continues in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12030 E gate~ The gate is made of solid iron and is well maintained. ~ E road~ The road is wide and very muddy. ~ S #12030 Nero Drive~ You are walking on a paved road that runs south through the city of Rome. A great gate is directly north of here. The Roman citizens are very friendly and tip their hats or say hello as you pass. ~ 120 0 1 D0 To the north, you can see a gate leading out of the city. ~ ~ 0 -1 12029 D2 Nero Drive continues in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12031 D3 You see the bakery of Rome. ~ ~ 0 -1 12062 S #12031 Nero Drive~ You are walking on a great paved road that runs north and south through the city. People are hurrying from one place to another, but always stop to say hello. Most of the people are either coming from or going to the town square. Nero Drive continues to the north, and you can see a large open area to the south. ~ 120 0 1 D0 Nero drive continues in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12030 D2 It looks like the town square. ~ ~ 0 -1 12032 D3 You see the an opulent estate. ~ ~ 0 -1 12024 S #12032 The Town Square~ You are standing in the middle of a large open area which is the common area of Rome. During the day, this place is alive with the hustle and bustle of all of the citizens of Rome and everyone in the city is sure to stop by at some time or another. There are several street vendors peddling their wares and the overall atmosphere is carnival-like in nature. To the southeast, off in the distance, you can see the aqueduct and the buildings of the Roman government lie to the northwest. Nero Drive leads north and south from here and Clay Avenue runs east. ~ 120 0 1 D0 Nero Drive heads in the direction of the northern gate. ~ ~ 0 -1 12031 D2 A street made of hard packed clay runs in that direction towards the aqueduct and buildings of the Roman government. ~ ~ 0 -1 12033 D1 Nero Drive heads in the direction of the south gate. ~ ~ 0 -1 12039 E vendor vendors~ There are several sidewalk vendors here, selling fresh fruits and vegetables, home baked goods, fine jewelry and other items. Most of the items for sale are of very high quality. ~ E aqueduct~ To the southeast, off in the distance, stands a large stone structure that is used to channel water into the city. ~ S #12033 Nero Drive~ You are walking on a paved road that runs north and south through the city of Rome. There are many people here, as polite as always. Most of them are either coming from or going to the town square which lies to the north. Nero Drive continues to the south. There is an observation area overlooking the aqueduct to the east and a paved road leads west. ~ 120 0 1 D0 The town square lies in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12032 D1 The aqueduct and mountain of the gods are in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12040 D2 Nero Drive continues toward the South Gate. ~ ~ 0 -1 12034 D3 A paved road runs west through the city. ~ ~ 0 -1 12026 S #12034 Nero Drive~ This is a busy paved road that runs north through the city. The people of Rome are very friendly and say hello as you pass. A gate leading out of the city lies to the south and a small path goes west towards a nobleman's estate. To the east, off in the distance, lies the great mountain. It is rumored that the Gods watch over and protect the empire from there. ~ 120 0 1 D0 Nero Drive leads in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12033 D2 You see many people entering and leaving the city through a large gate in the walls protecting the city. ~ ~ 0 -1 12035 D3 It looks like a nobleman's estate. We are talking RICH nobleman's estate. ~ ~ 0 -1 12027 S #12035 The South Gate~ This is the southern gateway to the city of Rome. The bronze gate is closed and locked. Looking through the bars, you see a heavily traveled road leading out of the city. Nero Drive starts here and runs north and a wizard's shop lies to the east. ~ 120 0 1 D0 Nero Drive leads towards the center of town. ~ ~ 0 -1 12034 D1 A small store, from which an occasional detonation can be heard, lies off in that direction. It appears to be surrounded by a rolling pink mist. ~ ~ 0 -1 12042 D2 The gate appears to be closed and locked against intruders. ~ gate~ 2 -1 -1 E gate~ The gate appears to be closed and locked against intruders. ~ S #12036 The Emperor's Private Office~ You are standing in the Emperor's private office. The room is richly furnished with the finest of the loot brought back from conquests of far away lands. There is a massive, intricately carved desk here, upon which are important documents, decrees and other paperwork involved in running the empire. On the far wall, there is a marble bookcase that is well stocked with the works of Homer, Plato, Socrates and other wise men. Further, it seems that the current Emperor likes flowers as there are many potted and cut specimens throughout the room. There is a french door leading to the waiting room and a wooden door to the south. ~ 120 d 0 D1 Through the door, you see a waiting room. ~ doors french~ 2 12035 12043 D2 The south door leads directly to the senate chambers. ~ door wooden~ 2 12035 12037 E desk~ The desk is made of solid walnut and gold inlay. It is exquisitely carved with superior craftsmanship, the likes of which has rarely been seen. It was probably brought to Rome from Gaul. ~ E documents decrees paperwork document decree papers paper~ The documents are all written on reed scrolls made in Egypt and have been sealed with wax. ~ E bookcase books~ The books are very old and contain the wisdom of wise men from throughout the entire Roman empire. They appear to be collecting dust. ~ E flowers plants flower plant~ The plants contribute to a very relaxing atmosphere. ~ S #12037 The Senate Chambers~ This is the working room where elected senators from all over the empire gather to advise the Emperor. An official seal of the Emperor is hanging on the far wall. There is a wooden door to the north and a bronze door to the east and doublehung door to the south. ~ 120 d 0 D0 The door is made of thick walnut. ~ door wooden~ 2 12035 12036 D1 The door leads to the foyer. ~ door bronze~ 1 12036 12044 D2 ~ door doublehung~ 1 12037 12038 S #12038 The House Of Commons~ This is the lower house of the advising body to the Emperor. Common men from all parts of Rome work here to further assist the senators in advising the Emperor on critical matters of state. The seal of the Emperor is painted on the far wall. The only exit is to the north. ~ 120 d 0 D0 You see that the doublehung door leads to the senate chambers. ~ door doublehung~ 1 12104 12037 S #12039 Clay Avenue~ You are on a wide well traveled road running east and west through the heart of Rome. There are large crowds of people to the west and the road continues to the east. The aqueduct is directly south of here. ~ 120 0 1 D1 Clay Avenue continues in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12046 D2 You see an entrance to the aqueduct. ~ ~ 0 -1 12041 D3 There are large crowds of people in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12032 E crowds people~ It looks like some kind of bizarre or festival is occurring to the west. There are hundreds of people of all classes shopping, talking or eating. ~ S #12040 The Observation Lookout~ You are on a platform overlooking a massive aqueduct. There is a telescope mounted to the railing that surrounds the area and you can hear the gurgle of water as it is channeled into the city. Off in the distance, you can see the Mountain of the Gods. There is a sign mounted to the railing and a ramp leads west. ~ 120 0 1 D3 You can see a busy street in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12033 E telescope~ If it were operational, it would offer a spectacular view of the Mountain of the Gods. Unfortunately, it appears to have been vandalized. ~ E aqueduct~ The aqueduct is a massive stone structure that channels water into Rome from the Mountain of the Gods. During the rainy season, it is filled to the top. However, due to recent drought, the water level appears to be very low. ~ E sign~ ******************************************** * * * The Roman Aquarian and Mountain * * Observation Platform * * * * Designed and built by the Froboz * * Magic Platform Company * * * ******************************************** ~ S #12041 The Aqueduct~ You are in a massive stone structure that has been designed to channel water into the city of Rome. Due to the recent drought, the water level is low, allowing passage without a boat. The walls and floor are covered with algae and slime producing treacherous footing conditions. There are exits to the north, south and east. ~ 120 cd 6 D0 You can see a wide street to the north. ~ ~ 0 -1 12039 D1 You see more aqueduct. ~ ~ 0 -1 12048 D2 You see more aqueduct. ~ ~ 0 -1 12041 D3 You see more aqueduct. ~ ~ 0 -1 12054 E slime algae~ Due to the availability of moisture and nutrients, a green, viscous slime has grown and covered everything with a slippery coating. It seems to go out of its way to drip on you. ~ S #12042 The Mage's Shop~ You are standing in the mage's shop. Magical ointments, charms and potions are sitting on shelves and behind a glass counter. There is a dense neon blue fog hugging the floor here, making it impossible to see below your knees. You suddenly hear mutterings coming from the back room, possibly from... KKKKKAAAAAABBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! You are deafened by the noise from a tremendous explosion and the concussion from the blast staggers you! The shopkeeper seems to pay no heed to this. The door to the back room opens and an older man, wearing a pointed hat, whose face is smudged with soot sticks his head out. 'Is everyone alright? Sorry about that. I was testing a new spell. I'll try to give advance notice next time.', he says. The door then closes. ~ 120 d 0 D1 The door is reinforced with steel and looks VERY sturdy. Considering the 'test' that you just witnessed, you are glad that it stands between you and whatever is going on in the back room. ~ door~ 2 12038 12049 D3 You see the south gate through the door. ~ ~ 0 -1 12035 E fog mist~ This is some really strange stuff! You have never seen anything this color before. Your legs are totally obscured from the knee down. ~ S #12043 The Waiting Room~ You are standing in a very large room with a high ceiling and there are a few people waiting here to see the Emperor on urgent matters. The master scheduler tells you to have a seat and sends a page to inform the his highness of your arrival. There are large doors to the east and west and an exit leads south to the foyer. ~ 120 d 0 D1 There is a sign on the door that says: MUNICIPAL COURT OF ROME. It appears to be open. ~ ~ 0 -1 12050 D2 The foyer is directly to the south. ~ ~ 0 -1 12044 D3 There is a large door to the west. ~ door~ 2 12035 12036 S #12044 The Entrance Foyer~ You have just entered the main government building of the Roman Empire and are standing in a massive room with an elaborately decorated domed roof. There are many people here; messengers and senators being the most numerous. There is a large, ornate door to the west, a hallway leads north and marble stairs that lead out of the building are to the south. ~ 120 d 0 D0 You see a hallway leading north to what looks like a waiting room. ~ ~ 0 -1 12043 D3 There is a large door to the west that blocks your path. ~ door~ 1 12036 12037 D5 You see a stairway leading out of the building. ~ ~ 0 -1 12045 S #12045 Outside The Capitol Building~ You stand on white marble steps that lead up and into the Capitol Building. There are several statues, none of any real significance, at the entrance to the building. The main entrance to the building is at the top of the steps. ~ 120 0 1 D4 The steps lead into the Capitol Building. ~ ~ 0 -1 12044 D5 The steps terminate onto Clay Avenue. ~ ~ 0 -1 12046 E stairs stairway steps~ The stairs are immaculately polished and made of white marble. ~ E statue statues~ There is really nothing noteworthy about them. ~ S #12046 Clay Avenue~ You are standing on a wide, heavily traveled road that runs east and west through the heart of the city. There are marble steps leading up. To the south, off in the distance, you can see a large stone structure and a mountain that is partially obscured by the haze. There is a general store to the north. ~ 120 0 1 D0 The general store lies in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12063 D1 There is what appears to be a large gate in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12051 D3 Clay Avenue continues. ~ ~ 0 -1 12039 D4 There are some white marble steps leading up. ~ ~ 0 -1 12045 E stone structure aqueduct~ You see a massive stone structure, built several centuries ago, that is used to channel water into the city. ~ E mountain~ Off to the southwest, you can see a huge mountain that is partially obscured by the haze. It is rumored that the gods reside there and protect the city. ~ S #12047 The Summit Of The Mountain Of The Gods~ You are at the summit of a very high mountain and are standing above the clouds. The sun is shining brilliantly here and the clouds below look like balls of cotton. The path that you have been walking on is damp and the scent of lilac is in the air. ~ 120 0 5 D5 You see a damp path leading back down the mountain. ~ ~ 0 -1 12052 S #12048 The Aqueduct~ You are in a massive stone structure that has been designed to channel water into the city of Rome. Due to the recent drought, the water level is low, allowing passage without a boat. The walls and floor are covered with algae and slime, producing treacherous footing conditions. There are exits in all four cardinal directions. ~ 120 d 6 D0 The aqueduct continues. ~ ~ 0 -1 12057 D1 The aqueduct continues. ~ ~ 0 -1 12041 D2 The aqueduct continues. ~ ~ 0 -1 12041 D3 The aqueduct continues. ~ ~ 0 -1 12048 E slime algae~ Due to the availability of moisture and nutrients, a green viscous slime has grown and covered everything with a slippery coating. It seems to go out of its way to drip on you. ~ S #12049 Froboz's Workshop~ You are standing in the workshop of Froboz the Great, the most powerful and famous mage that Rome has ever known. Workbenches line the walls and are covered with various test tubes, beakers, petri dishes and crucibles and there is an odor in here that can best be described as a combination of old sweat socks and burning tires. The only exit is back through the door through which you came. In the middle of the room, you see a pile of ashes that looks like it once was a body and Froboz is is busy making adjustments on a new type of magic wand... possibly the one responsible for the explosion a few minutes ago. He removes a jeweler's loupe from his eye as he turns around. 'How in the name of Merlin did you get in here??!!' he asks. 'Oh, nevermind! Since you are here, you can serve as witnesses to the final test of the new mages' spell: "ectowatt".' With this he makes a magical gesture and a paladin appears. Crossing his fingers, Froboz waves the wand his direction and what happens next is incredible! The Paladin is enveloped in what appears to be a small, well contained, thermonuclear explosion. When the smoke clears you can see that the paladin and all of equipment has been reduced to a large pile of flaming cinders. Froboz throws his head back and cackles with insane glee. 'Now, my young friends, what can I do for you?', he asks. ~ 120 d 0 D3 There is a door, reinforced with steel, in that direction. ~ door~ 2 12038 12042 E workbench workbenches tubes beakers crucibles dishes~ These are all tools of great power. You cannot even begin to understand what any of this stuff does. ~ E cinders ashes pile~ The ashes are a very fine grayish white powder that seems to be the only worldly remains of Froboz's "test specimens". ~ S #12050 The Courtroom~ You stand inside of a large courtroom in which common civil disputes and criminal matters are decided. There is a judge's bench and a witness stand on the far side of the room and a jury's box along side. The Emperor's seal is prominently displayed on the wall behind the judge's stand, reminding all who enter that he is an extension of his highness. There is a door, possibly leading to the judge's chambers, to the east and the waiting room is to the west. ~ 120 d 0 D1 The door might lead into the judge's private chambers. ~ door~ 1 12039 12055 D2 The holding cells lie in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12060 D3 The waiting room lies in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12043 E bench stand box jury~ You see large wooden structures that are designed to separate the judge, jury and witnesses from the rest of the courtroom. They are made of polished oak and are strictly functional. ~ E seal~ The seal of the Emperor is mounted above the judge's stand. ~ S #12051 The East Gate Of Rome~ You are standing inside of the eastern gate of Rome. There are two tall spires built into the city wall, from which the guards can see the whole eastern side of the city. The gate is currently open and to the east, there is a heavily used road, made of packed clay, that leads out of Rome. Another road leads westward into the city. ~ 120 0 1 D1 The clay road heads eastwards. ~ gate~ 1 -1 12064 D3 The clay street leads into the city. ~ ~ 0 -1 12046 E spires towers~ There are two tall spires on either side of the gate and are constantly manned by the city guards. They are made of stone and stand about 40 feet tall. ~ E gate~ The gate is fabricated from iron and has been designed to keep intruders out of the city. ~ S #12052 A Mountain Path~ You stand on a small trail that leads up and down. It has recently been raining and there are small puddles everywhere. You are just below the clouds and the view of the surrounding countryside is breathtaking. ~ 120 0 5 D4 The trail leads up and enters the clouds. ~ ~ 0 -1 12047 D5 The trail leads down. ~ ~ 0 -1 12056 E trail~ The mountain trail is a little muddy, due to the recent rains. ~ S #12054 The Aqueduct~ You are in a massive stone structure that has been designed to channel water into the city of Rome. Due to the recent drought, the water level is low, allowing passage without a boat. The walls and floor are covered with algae and slime, producing treacherous footing conditions. There are exits in all four cardinal directions. ~ 120 d 6 D0 The aqueduct continues. ~ ~ 0 -1 12041 D1 The aqueduct continues. ~ ~ 0 -1 12054 D2 The aqueduct continues. ~ ~ 0 -1 12057 D3 The aqueduct continues. ~ ~ 0 -1 12048 E slime algae~ Due to the availability of moisture and nutrients, a green, viscous slime has grown and covered the everything with a slippery coating. It seems to go out of its way to drip on you. ~ S #12055 The Judge's Chambers~ You are in a small room that is filled with legal tombs. There is a small desk here, literally buried under legal documents. There is also a small window overlooking the northern part of the city. ~ 120 d 0 D3 The courtroom lies in that direction. ~ door~ 1 12039 12050 E tombs books~ The books are very large and filled with Roman legal precedent. ~ E papers documents~ There are hundreds of pages of petitions, lawsuits and court orders sitting on the desk. One particularly interesting case involves a nobleman, a slave and a roll of toilet paper. ~ S #12056 A Mountain Path~ You are standing on a small trail that leads through a grove of trees. Every thing is lush and green here and it appears to have been raining recently. 'This would be an ideal place for a picnic.' , you think to yourself. ~ 120 0 5 D4 You see a small trail leading further up the mountain. ~ ~ 0 -1 12052 D5 You see a small trail, leading down. ~ ~ 0 -1 12059 E tree trees vegetation~ All of the vegetation is lush, green and in full bloom. You wish that you could take the time to stop and enjoy it properly. ~ E trail path~ The path is a little muddy, possibly due to a recent thundershower. ~ S #12057 The Aqueduct~ You are in a massive stone structure that has been designed to channel water into the city of Rome. Due to a recent drought, the water level is low, allowing passage without a boat. The walls and floor are covered with algae and slime, producing treacherous footing conditions. A valley lies to the south and the other cardinal directions lead further into the aqueduct. ~ 120 d 6 D0 The aqueduct continues. ~ ~ 0 -1 12054 D1 The aqueduct continues. ~ ~ 0 -1 12054 D2 You see a gorgeous valley. ~ ~ 0 -1 12058 D3 The aqueduct continues.... ~ ~ 0 -1 12041 E slime algae~ Due to the availability of moisture and nutrients, a green, viscous slime has grown and covered everything with a slippery coating. It seems to go out of its way to drip on you. ~ S #12058 The Valley Of The Gods~ You stand in a tranquil valley at the base of a large mountain. A quiet stream, with fruit trees growing along its banks, winds its way peacefully through the valley and enters a large stone structure that lies to the west. There are birds singing and every now and then a ripple breaks the surface of the stream. You can see a path leading through the trees to the up. ~ 120 0 4 D0 A small path winds its way through the trees. ~ ~ 0 -1 12057 D4 You see a path leading up the mountain. ~ ~ 0 -1 12059 E stream brook~ A stream of the clearest, cleanest water that you have ever seen winds its way through the valley. ~ E fish~ A variety of species swims peacefully in the cool, clear water. ~ E trees fruit~ The fruit trees, nourished by the fertile ground at the edge of the stream and sustained by the brilliant sunshine, line the banks of the stream and are laden with fruit. ~ S #12059 A Mountain Path~ You are standing on a path that leads up through a stand of large trees. Everything is green and it seems like eternal spring - this is Mother Nature at her finest. It is possible to descend into a tranquil valley from here. ~ 120 0 5 D4 The path leads further up the mountain. ~ ~ 0 -1 12056 D5 The path widens out into a tranquil valley. ~ ~ 0 -1 12058 E trees~ The trees are old and tower hundreds of feet above the ground. If you stand still and listen carefully, you can hear the birds singing. ~ S #12060 The Holding Cells~ You are standing in the holding cell area, just off of the cortroom. Those who are recently convicted of serious crimes are brought here, pending torture and execution. The courtroom lies to the north and another exit goes east. ~ 120 d 0 D0 The courtroom lies to the north. ~ ~ 0 -1 12050 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 12061 E cells cell~ You can see small and very cramped cells which are filthy. You shiver and vow to never do anything that would cause you to become a resident. ~ S #12061 The Torture Chamber~ You are standing in a very small room in which there are many tools designed specifically for inflicting pain and suffering. Some of them are familiar, such as the rack and the iron maidens. Others, you have never seen before and they make you wonder about the kind of sadistic mind that dreamt them up. The only exit is to the west. ~ 120 d 0 D3 The holding cells lie in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12060 S #12062 The Roman Bakery~ You are standing in the bakery of Rome and your mouth waters at the delicious aromas wafting from the kitchen. The only exit is to the east. ~ 120 d 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 12030 S #12063 The General Store~ You are standing in the only general store of Rome. The walls and shelves are covered with all of the various items required by Roman citizens and stalwart adventurers. Clay Avenue lies to the south. ~ 120 d 0 D2 Clay Avenue lies in that direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12046 S #12064 Before Rome~ You travel upon an East-West road wide enough for 30 men to march abreast. It is packed hard through heavy use. To the west stands the Gates of Rome inviting you to enter and partake of all the glory and splendor that is Rome. ~ 120 d 1 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 12065 D3 ~ gate~ 1 -1 12051 S #12065 Clay Road~ You travel upon an East-West road wide enough for 30 men to march abreast. It is packed hard through heavy use. To the west, your eyes catch the splendors of a mighty city. ~ 120 d 1 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 12066 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 12064 S #12066 Clay Road~ You travel upon an East-West road wide enough for 30 men to march abreast. ~ 120 d 1 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 12067 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 12065 S #12067 The End Of The Clay Road~ The mighty clay road turns into lesser, but still well traveled roads here. You feel a surge run through your body as you look East into the lands that Rome turned into its mighty empire. ~ 120 d 1 D1 A dirt trail leads towards the desert to the east. ~ ~ 0 -1 12068 D3 The mighty clay road leads off in this direction. ~ ~ 0 -1 12066 S #12068 A Small Dirt Trail~ This small dirt path seems to be a joint between a large clay road located a short distance to the west and the expanse of sand which opens up before you to the east. The clay road appears to lead through the foothills towards the snowcapped mountain chain to the west. Perhaps there is a city or settlement in that direction. You cannot see any breaks in the horizon of the sand which fills your vision as you look to the east, it seems to stretch forever. ~ 120 c 1 D1 The expanse of the Great Eastern Desert opens up before you. ~ ~ 0 -1 5028 D3 A large clay road begins a short distance to the west. ~ ~ 0 -1 12067 S $