/* ************************************************************************ * File: spells.c Part of CircleMUD * * Usage: Implementation of "manual spells". Circle 2.2 spell compat. * * * * All rights reserved. See license.doc for complete information. * * * * Copyright (C) 1993, 94 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University * * CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991. * ************************************************************************ */ #include "conf.h" #include "sysdep.h" #include "structs.h" #include "utils.h" #include "comm.h" #include "spells.h" #include "handler.h" #include "db.h" #include "constants.h" #include "interpreter.h" /* external variables */ extern room_rnum r_mortal_start_room; extern int mini_mud; extern int pk_allowed; /* external functions */ void clearMemory(struct char_data *ch); void weight_change_object(struct obj_data *obj, int weight); int mag_savingthrow(struct char_data *ch, int type, int modifier); void name_to_drinkcon(struct obj_data *obj, int type); void name_from_drinkcon(struct obj_data *obj); int compute_armor_class(struct char_data *ch); /* * Special spells appear below. */ ASPELL(spell_create_water) { int water; if (ch == NULL || obj == NULL) return; /* level = MAX(MIN(level, LVL_IMPL), 1); - not used */ if (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj) == ITEM_DRINKCON) { if ((GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 2) != LIQ_WATER) && (GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1) != 0)) { name_from_drinkcon(obj); GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 2) = LIQ_SLIME; name_to_drinkcon(obj, LIQ_SLIME); } else { water = MAX(GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 0) - GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1), 0); if (water > 0) { if (GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1) >= 0) name_from_drinkcon(obj); GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 2) = LIQ_WATER; GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1) += water; name_to_drinkcon(obj, LIQ_WATER); weight_change_object(obj, water); act("$p is filled.", FALSE, ch, obj, 0, TO_CHAR); } } } } ASPELL(spell_recall) { if (victim == NULL || IS_NPC(victim)) return; act("$n disappears.", TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); char_from_room(victim); char_to_room(victim, r_mortal_start_room); act("$n appears in the middle of the room.", TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); look_at_room(victim, 0); } ASPELL(spell_teleport) { room_rnum to_room; if (victim == NULL || IS_NPC(victim)) return; do { to_room = rand_number(0, top_of_world); } while (ROOM_FLAGGED(to_room, ROOM_PRIVATE | ROOM_DEATH | ROOM_GODROOM)); act("$n slowly fades out of existence and is gone.", FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); char_from_room(victim); char_to_room(victim, to_room); act("$n slowly fades into existence.", FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); look_at_room(victim, 0); } #define SUMMON_FAIL "You failed.\r\n" ASPELL(spell_summon) { if (ch == NULL || victim == NULL) return; if (GET_LEVEL(victim) > MIN(LVL_IMMORT - 1, level + 3)) { send_to_char(ch, "%s", SUMMON_FAIL); return; } if (!pk_allowed) { if (MOB_FLAGGED(victim, MOB_AGGRESSIVE)) { act("As the words escape your lips and $N travels\r\n" "through time and space towards you, you realize that $E is\r\n" "aggressive and might harm you, so you wisely send $M back.", FALSE, ch, 0, victim, TO_CHAR); return; } if (!IS_NPC(victim) && !PRF_FLAGGED(victim, PRF_SUMMONABLE) && !PLR_FLAGGED(victim, PLR_KILLER)) { send_to_char(victim, "%s just tried to summon you to: %s.\r\n" "%s failed because you have summon protection on.\r\n" "Type NOSUMMON to allow other players to summon you.\r\n", GET_NAME(ch), world[IN_ROOM(ch)].name, (ch->player.sex == SEX_MALE) ? "He" : "She"); send_to_char(ch, "You failed because %s has summon protection on.\r\n", GET_NAME(victim)); mudlog(BRF, LVL_IMMORT, TRUE, "%s failed summoning %s to %s.", GET_NAME(ch), GET_NAME(victim), world[IN_ROOM(ch)].name); return; } } if (MOB_FLAGGED(victim, MOB_NOSUMMON) || (IS_NPC(victim) && mag_savingthrow(victim, SAVING_SPELL, 0))) { send_to_char(ch, "%s", SUMMON_FAIL); return; } act("$n disappears suddenly.", TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); char_from_room(victim); char_to_room(victim, IN_ROOM(ch)); act("$n arrives suddenly.", TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); act("$n has summoned you!", FALSE, ch, 0, victim, TO_VICT); look_at_room(victim, 0); } ASPELL(spell_locate_object) { struct obj_data *i; char name[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; int j; /* * FIXME: This is broken. The spell parser routines took the argument * the player gave to the spell and located an object with that keyword. * Since we're passed the object and not the keyword we can only guess * at what the player originally meant to search for. -gg */ strlcpy(name, fname(obj->name), sizeof(name)); j = level / 2; for (i = object_list; i && (j > 0); i = i->next) { if (!isname(name, i->name)) continue; send_to_char(ch, "%c%s", UPPER(*i->short_description), i->short_description+1); if (i->carried_by) send_to_char(ch, " is being carried by %s.\r\n", PERS(i->carried_by, ch)); else if (IN_ROOM(i) != NOWHERE) send_to_char(ch, " is in %s.\r\n", world[IN_ROOM(i)].name); else if (i->in_obj) send_to_char(ch, " is in %s.\r\n", i->in_obj->short_description); else if (i->worn_by) send_to_char(ch, " is being worn by %s.\r\n", PERS(i->worn_by, ch)); else send_to_char(ch, "'s location is uncertain.\r\n"); j--; } if (j == level / 2) send_to_char(ch, "You sense nothing.\r\n"); } ASPELL(spell_charm) { struct affected_type af; if (victim == NULL || ch == NULL) return; if (victim == ch) send_to_char(ch, "You like yourself even better!\r\n"); else if (!IS_NPC(victim) && !PRF_FLAGGED(victim, PRF_SUMMONABLE)) send_to_char(ch, "You fail because SUMMON protection is on!\r\n"); else if (AFF_FLAGGED(victim, AFF_SANCTUARY)) send_to_char(ch, "Your victim is protected by sanctuary!\r\n"); else if (MOB_FLAGGED(victim, MOB_NOCHARM)) send_to_char(ch, "Your victim resists!\r\n"); else if (AFF_FLAGGED(ch, AFF_CHARM)) send_to_char(ch, "You can't have any followers of your own!\r\n"); else if (AFF_FLAGGED(victim, AFF_CHARM) || level < GET_LEVEL(victim)) send_to_char(ch, "You fail.\r\n"); /* player charming another player - no legal reason for this */ else if (!pk_allowed && !IS_NPC(victim)) send_to_char(ch, "You fail - shouldn't be doing it anyway.\r\n"); else if (circle_follow(victim, ch)) send_to_char(ch, "Sorry, following in circles can not be allowed.\r\n"); else if (mag_savingthrow(victim, SAVING_PARA, 0)) send_to_char(ch, "Your victim resists!\r\n"); else { if (victim->master) stop_follower(victim); add_follower(victim, ch); af.type = SPELL_CHARM; af.duration = 24 * 2; if (GET_CHA(ch)) af.duration *= GET_CHA(ch); if (GET_INT(victim)) af.duration /= GET_INT(victim); af.modifier = 0; af.location = 0; af.bitvector = AFF_CHARM; affect_to_char(victim, &af); act("Isn't $n just such a nice fellow?", FALSE, ch, 0, victim, TO_VICT); if (IS_NPC(victim)) REMOVE_BIT(MOB_FLAGS(victim), MOB_SPEC); } } ASPELL(spell_identify) { int i, found; size_t len; if (obj) { char bitbuf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; sprinttype(GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj), item_types, bitbuf, sizeof(bitbuf)); send_to_char(ch, "You feel informed:\r\nObject '%s', Item type: %s\r\n", obj->short_description, bitbuf); if (GET_OBJ_AFFECT(obj)) { sprintbit(GET_OBJ_AFFECT(obj), affected_bits, bitbuf, sizeof(bitbuf)); send_to_char(ch, "Item will give you following abilities: %s\r\n", bitbuf); } sprintbit(GET_OBJ_EXTRA(obj), extra_bits, bitbuf, sizeof(bitbuf)); send_to_char(ch, "Item is: %s\r\n", bitbuf); send_to_char(ch, "Weight: %d, Value: %d, Rent: %d\r\n", GET_OBJ_WEIGHT(obj), GET_OBJ_COST(obj), GET_OBJ_RENT(obj)); switch (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj)) { case ITEM_SCROLL: case ITEM_POTION: len = i = 0; if (GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1) >= 1) { i = snprintf(bitbuf + len, sizeof(bitbuf) - len, " %s", skill_name(GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1))); if (i >= 0) len += i; } if (GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 2) >= 1 && len < sizeof(bitbuf)) { i = snprintf(bitbuf + len, sizeof(bitbuf) - len, " %s", skill_name(GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 2))); if (i >= 0) len += i; } if (GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 3) >= 1 && len < sizeof(bitbuf)) { i = snprintf(bitbuf + len, sizeof(bitbuf) - len, " %s", skill_name(GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 3))); if (i >= 0) len += i; } send_to_char(ch, "This %s casts: %s\r\n", item_types[(int) GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj)], bitbuf); break; case ITEM_WAND: case ITEM_STAFF: send_to_char(ch, "This %s casts: %s\r\nIt has %d maximum charge%s and %d remaining.\r\n", item_types[(int) GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj)], skill_name(GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 3)), GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1), GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1) == 1 ? "" : "s", GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 2)); break; case ITEM_WEAPON: send_to_char(ch, "Damage Dice is '%dD%d' for an average per-round damage of %.1f.\r\n", GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1), GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 2), ((GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 2) + 1) / 2.0) * GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1)); break; case ITEM_ARMOR: send_to_char(ch, "AC-apply is %d\r\n", GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 0)); break; } found = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJ_AFFECT; i++) { if ((obj->affected[i].location != APPLY_NONE) && (obj->affected[i].modifier != 0)) { if (!found) { send_to_char(ch, "Can affect you as :\r\n"); found = TRUE; } sprinttype(obj->affected[i].location, apply_types, bitbuf, sizeof(bitbuf)); send_to_char(ch, " Affects: %s By %d\r\n", bitbuf, obj->affected[i].modifier); } } } else if (victim) { /* victim */ send_to_char(ch, "Name: %s\r\n", GET_NAME(victim)); if (!IS_NPC(victim)) send_to_char(ch, "%s is %d years, %d months, %d days and %d hours old.\r\n", GET_NAME(victim), age(victim)->year, age(victim)->month, age(victim)->day, age(victim)->hours); send_to_char(ch, "Height %d cm, Weight %d pounds\r\n", GET_HEIGHT(victim), GET_WEIGHT(victim)); send_to_char(ch, "Level: %d, Hits: %d, Mana: %d\r\n", GET_LEVEL(victim), GET_HIT(victim), GET_MANA(victim)); send_to_char(ch, "AC: %d, Hitroll: %d, Damroll: %d\r\n", compute_armor_class(victim), GET_HITROLL(victim), GET_DAMROLL(victim)); send_to_char(ch, "Str: %d/%d, Int: %d, Wis: %d, Dex: %d, Con: %d, Cha: %d\r\n", GET_STR(victim), GET_ADD(victim), GET_INT(victim), GET_WIS(victim), GET_DEX(victim), GET_CON(victim), GET_CHA(victim)); } } /* * Cannot use this spell on an equipped object or it will mess up the * wielding character's hit/dam totals. */ ASPELL(spell_enchant_weapon) { int i; if (ch == NULL || obj == NULL) return; /* Either already enchanted or not a weapon. */ if (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj) != ITEM_WEAPON || OBJ_FLAGGED(obj, ITEM_MAGIC)) return; /* Make sure no other affections. */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJ_AFFECT; i++) if (obj->affected[i].location != APPLY_NONE) return; SET_BIT(GET_OBJ_EXTRA(obj), ITEM_MAGIC); obj->affected[0].location = APPLY_HITROLL; obj->affected[0].modifier = 1 + (level >= 18); obj->affected[1].location = APPLY_DAMROLL; obj->affected[1].modifier = 1 + (level >= 20); if (IS_GOOD(ch)) { SET_BIT(GET_OBJ_EXTRA(obj), ITEM_ANTI_EVIL); act("$p glows blue.", FALSE, ch, obj, 0, TO_CHAR); } else if (IS_EVIL(ch)) { SET_BIT(GET_OBJ_EXTRA(obj), ITEM_ANTI_GOOD); act("$p glows red.", FALSE, ch, obj, 0, TO_CHAR); } else act("$p glows yellow.", FALSE, ch, obj, 0, TO_CHAR); } ASPELL(spell_detect_poison) { if (victim) { if (victim == ch) { if (AFF_FLAGGED(victim, AFF_POISON)) send_to_char(ch, "You can sense poison in your blood.\r\n"); else send_to_char(ch, "You feel healthy.\r\n"); } else { if (AFF_FLAGGED(victim, AFF_POISON)) act("You sense that $E is poisoned.", FALSE, ch, 0, victim, TO_CHAR); else act("You sense that $E is healthy.", FALSE, ch, 0, victim, TO_CHAR); } } if (obj) { switch (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj)) { case ITEM_DRINKCON: case ITEM_FOUNTAIN: case ITEM_FOOD: if (GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 3)) act("You sense that $p has been contaminated.",FALSE,ch,obj,0,TO_CHAR); else act("You sense that $p is safe for consumption.", FALSE, ch, obj, 0, TO_CHAR); break; default: send_to_char(ch, "You sense that it should not be consumed.\r\n"); } } }