/* ************************************************************************ * File: magic.c Part of CircleMUD * * Usage: low-level functions for magic; spell template code * * * * All rights reserved. See license.doc for complete information. * * * * Copyright (C) 1993, 94 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University * * CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991. * ************************************************************************ */ #include "conf.h" #include "sysdep.h" #include "structs.h" #include "utils.h" #include "comm.h" #include "spells.h" #include "handler.h" #include "db.h" #include "interpreter.h" #include "constants.h" /* external variables */ extern int mini_mud; extern int pk_allowed; extern struct spell_info_type spell_info[]; /* external functions */ byte saving_throws(int class_num, int type, int level); /* class.c */ void clearMemory(struct char_data *ch); void weight_change_object(struct obj_data *obj, int weight); /* local functions */ int mag_materials(struct char_data *ch, int item0, int item1, int item2, int extract, int verbose); void perform_mag_groups(int level, struct char_data *ch, struct char_data *tch, int spellnum, int savetype); int mag_savingthrow(struct char_data *ch, int type, int modifier); void affect_update(void); /* * Saving throws are now in class.c as of bpl13. */ /* * Negative apply_saving_throw[] values make saving throws better! * Then, so do negative modifiers. Though people may be used to * the reverse of that. It's due to the code modifying the target * saving throw instead of the random number of the character as * in some other systems. */ int mag_savingthrow(struct char_data *ch, int type, int modifier) { /* NPCs use warrior tables according to some book */ int class_sav = CLASS_WARRIOR; int save; if (!IS_NPC(ch)) class_sav = GET_CLASS(ch); save = saving_throws(class_sav, type, GET_LEVEL(ch)); save += GET_SAVE(ch, type); save += modifier; /* Throwing a 0 is always a failure. */ if (MAX(1, save) < rand_number(0, 99)) return (TRUE); /* Oops, failed. Sorry. */ return (FALSE); } /* affect_update: called from comm.c (causes spells to wear off) */ void affect_update(void) { struct affected_type *af, *next; struct char_data *i; for (i = character_list; i; i = i->next) for (af = i->affected; af; af = next) { next = af->next; if (af->duration >= 1) af->duration--; else if (af->duration == -1) /* No action */ af->duration = -1; /* GODs only! unlimited */ else { if ((af->type > 0) && (af->type <= MAX_SPELLS)) if (!af->next || (af->next->type != af->type) || (af->next->duration > 0)) if (spell_info[af->type].wear_off_msg) send_to_char(i, "%s\r\n", spell_info[af->type].wear_off_msg); affect_remove(i, af); } } } /* * mag_materials: * Checks for up to 3 vnums (spell reagents) in the player's inventory. * * No spells implemented in Circle use mag_materials, but you can use * it to implement your own spells which require ingredients (i.e., some * heal spell which requires a rare herb or some such.) */ int mag_materials(struct char_data *ch, int item0, int item1, int item2, int extract, int verbose) { struct obj_data *tobj; struct obj_data *obj0 = NULL, *obj1 = NULL, *obj2 = NULL; for (tobj = ch->carrying; tobj; tobj = tobj->next_content) { if ((item0 > 0) && (GET_OBJ_VNUM(tobj) == item0)) { obj0 = tobj; item0 = -1; } else if ((item1 > 0) && (GET_OBJ_VNUM(tobj) == item1)) { obj1 = tobj; item1 = -1; } else if ((item2 > 0) && (GET_OBJ_VNUM(tobj) == item2)) { obj2 = tobj; item2 = -1; } } if ((item0 > 0) || (item1 > 0) || (item2 > 0)) { if (verbose) { switch (rand_number(0, 2)) { case 0: send_to_char(ch, "A wart sprouts on your nose.\r\n"); break; case 1: send_to_char(ch, "Your hair falls out in clumps.\r\n"); break; case 2: send_to_char(ch, "A huge corn develops on your big toe.\r\n"); break; } } return (FALSE); } if (extract) { if (item0 < 0) extract_obj(obj0); if (item1 < 0) extract_obj(obj1); if (item2 < 0) extract_obj(obj2); } if (verbose) { send_to_char(ch, "A puff of smoke rises from your pack.\r\n"); act("A puff of smoke rises from $n's pack.", TRUE, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM); } return (TRUE); } /* * Every spell that does damage comes through here. This calculates the * amount of damage, adds in any modifiers, determines what the saves are, * tests for save and calls damage(). * * -1 = dead, otherwise the amount of damage done. */ int mag_damage(int level, struct char_data *ch, struct char_data *victim, int spellnum, int savetype) { int dam = 0; if (victim == NULL || ch == NULL) return (0); switch (spellnum) { /* Mostly mages */ case SPELL_MAGIC_MISSILE: case SPELL_CHILL_TOUCH: /* chill touch also has an affect */ if (IS_MAGIC_USER(ch)) dam = dice(1, 8) + 1; else dam = dice(1, 6) + 1; break; case SPELL_BURNING_HANDS: if (IS_MAGIC_USER(ch)) dam = dice(3, 8) + 3; else dam = dice(3, 6) + 3; break; case SPELL_SHOCKING_GRASP: if (IS_MAGIC_USER(ch)) dam = dice(5, 8) + 5; else dam = dice(5, 6) + 5; break; case SPELL_LIGHTNING_BOLT: if (IS_MAGIC_USER(ch)) dam = dice(7, 8) + 7; else dam = dice(7, 6) + 7; break; case SPELL_COLOR_SPRAY: if (IS_MAGIC_USER(ch)) dam = dice(9, 8) + 9; else dam = dice(9, 6) + 9; break; case SPELL_FIREBALL: if (IS_MAGIC_USER(ch)) dam = dice(11, 8) + 11; else dam = dice(11, 6) + 11; break; /* Mostly clerics */ case SPELL_DISPEL_EVIL: dam = dice(6, 8) + 6; if (IS_EVIL(ch)) { victim = ch; dam = GET_HIT(ch) - 1; } else if (IS_GOOD(victim)) { act("The gods protect $N.", FALSE, ch, 0, victim, TO_CHAR); return (0); } break; case SPELL_DISPEL_GOOD: dam = dice(6, 8) + 6; if (IS_GOOD(ch)) { victim = ch; dam = GET_HIT(ch) - 1; } else if (IS_EVIL(victim)) { act("The gods protect $N.", FALSE, ch, 0, victim, TO_CHAR); return (0); } break; case SPELL_CALL_LIGHTNING: dam = dice(7, 8) + 7; break; case SPELL_HARM: dam = dice(8, 8) + 8; break; case SPELL_ENERGY_DRAIN: if (GET_LEVEL(victim) <= 2) dam = 100; else dam = dice(1, 10); break; /* Area spells */ case SPELL_EARTHQUAKE: dam = dice(2, 8) + level; break; } /* switch(spellnum) */ /* divide damage by two if victim makes his saving throw */ if (mag_savingthrow(victim, savetype, 0)) dam /= 2; /* and finally, inflict the damage */ return (damage(ch, victim, dam, spellnum)); } /* * Every spell that does an affect comes through here. This determines * the effect, whether it is added or replacement, whether it is legal or * not, etc. * * affect_join(vict, aff, add_dur, avg_dur, add_mod, avg_mod) */ #define MAX_SPELL_AFFECTS 5 /* change if more needed */ void mag_affects(int level, struct char_data *ch, struct char_data *victim, int spellnum, int savetype) { struct affected_type af[MAX_SPELL_AFFECTS]; bool accum_affect = FALSE, accum_duration = FALSE; const char *to_vict = NULL, *to_room = NULL; int i; if (victim == NULL || ch == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < MAX_SPELL_AFFECTS; i++) { af[i].type = spellnum; af[i].bitvector = 0; af[i].modifier = 0; af[i].location = APPLY_NONE; } switch (spellnum) { case SPELL_CHILL_TOUCH: af[0].location = APPLY_STR; if (mag_savingthrow(victim, savetype, 0)) af[0].duration = 1; else af[0].duration = 4; af[0].modifier = -1; accum_duration = TRUE; to_vict = "You feel your strength wither!"; break; case SPELL_ARMOR: af[0].location = APPLY_AC; af[0].modifier = -20; af[0].duration = 24; accum_duration = TRUE; to_vict = "You feel someone protecting you."; break; case SPELL_BLESS: af[0].location = APPLY_HITROLL; af[0].modifier = 2; af[0].duration = 6; af[1].location = APPLY_SAVING_SPELL; af[1].modifier = -1; af[1].duration = 6; accum_duration = TRUE; to_vict = "You feel righteous."; break; case SPELL_BLINDNESS: if (MOB_FLAGGED(victim,MOB_NOBLIND) || mag_savingthrow(victim, savetype, 0)) { send_to_char(ch, "You fail.\r\n"); return; } af[0].location = APPLY_HITROLL; af[0].modifier = -4; af[0].duration = 2; af[0].bitvector = AFF_BLIND; af[1].location = APPLY_AC; af[1].modifier = 40; af[1].duration = 2; af[1].bitvector = AFF_BLIND; to_room = "$n seems to be blinded!"; to_vict = "You have been blinded!"; break; case SPELL_CURSE: if (mag_savingthrow(victim, savetype, 0)) { send_to_char(ch, "%s", NOEFFECT); return; } af[0].location = APPLY_HITROLL; af[0].duration = 1 + (GET_LEVEL(ch) / 2); af[0].modifier = -1; af[0].bitvector = AFF_CURSE; af[1].location = APPLY_DAMROLL; af[1].duration = 1 + (GET_LEVEL(ch) / 2); af[1].modifier = -1; af[1].bitvector = AFF_CURSE; accum_duration = TRUE; accum_affect = TRUE; to_room = "$n briefly glows red!"; to_vict = "You feel very uncomfortable."; break; case SPELL_DETECT_ALIGN: af[0].duration = 12 + level; af[0].bitvector = AFF_DETECT_ALIGN; accum_duration = TRUE; to_vict = "Your eyes tingle."; break; case SPELL_DETECT_INVIS: af[0].duration = 12 + level; af[0].bitvector = AFF_DETECT_INVIS; accum_duration = TRUE; to_vict = "Your eyes tingle."; break; case SPELL_DETECT_MAGIC: af[0].duration = 12 + level; af[0].bitvector = AFF_DETECT_MAGIC; accum_duration = TRUE; to_vict = "Your eyes tingle."; break; case SPELL_INFRAVISION: af[0].duration = 12 + level; af[0].bitvector = AFF_INFRAVISION; accum_duration = TRUE; to_vict = "Your eyes glow red."; to_room = "$n's eyes glow red."; break; case SPELL_INVISIBLE: if (!victim) victim = ch; af[0].duration = 12 + (GET_LEVEL(ch) / 4); af[0].modifier = -40; af[0].location = APPLY_AC; af[0].bitvector = AFF_INVISIBLE; accum_duration = TRUE; to_vict = "You vanish."; to_room = "$n slowly fades out of existence."; break; case SPELL_POISON: if (mag_savingthrow(victim, savetype, 0)) { send_to_char(ch, "%s", NOEFFECT); return; } af[0].location = APPLY_STR; af[0].duration = GET_LEVEL(ch); af[0].modifier = -2; af[0].bitvector = AFF_POISON; to_vict = "You feel very sick."; to_room = "$n gets violently ill!"; break; case SPELL_PROT_FROM_EVIL: af[0].duration = 24; af[0].bitvector = AFF_PROTECT_EVIL; accum_duration = TRUE; to_vict = "You feel invulnerable!"; break; case SPELL_SANCTUARY: af[0].duration = 4; af[0].bitvector = AFF_SANCTUARY; accum_duration = TRUE; to_vict = "A white aura momentarily surrounds you."; to_room = "$n is surrounded by a white aura."; break; case SPELL_SLEEP: if (!pk_allowed && !IS_NPC(ch) && !IS_NPC(victim)) return; if (MOB_FLAGGED(victim, MOB_NOSLEEP)) return; if (mag_savingthrow(victim, savetype, 0)) return; af[0].duration = 4 + (GET_LEVEL(ch) / 4); af[0].bitvector = AFF_SLEEP; if (GET_POS(victim) > POS_SLEEPING) { send_to_char(victim, "You feel very sleepy... Zzzz......\r\n"); act("$n goes to sleep.", TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); GET_POS(victim) = POS_SLEEPING; } break; case SPELL_STRENGTH: if (GET_ADD(victim) == 100) return; af[0].location = APPLY_STR; af[0].duration = (GET_LEVEL(ch) / 2) + 4; af[0].modifier = 1 + (level > 18); accum_duration = TRUE; accum_affect = TRUE; to_vict = "You feel stronger!"; break; case SPELL_SENSE_LIFE: to_vict = "Your feel your awareness improve."; af[0].duration = GET_LEVEL(ch); af[0].bitvector = AFF_SENSE_LIFE; accum_duration = TRUE; break; case SPELL_WATERWALK: af[0].duration = 24; af[0].bitvector = AFF_WATERWALK; accum_duration = TRUE; to_vict = "You feel webbing between your toes."; break; } /* * If this is a mob that has this affect set in its mob file, do not * perform the affect. This prevents people from un-sancting mobs * by sancting them and waiting for it to fade, for example. */ if (IS_NPC(victim) && !affected_by_spell(victim, spellnum)) for (i = 0; i < MAX_SPELL_AFFECTS; i++) if (AFF_FLAGGED(victim, af[i].bitvector)) { send_to_char(ch, "%s", NOEFFECT); return; } /* * If the victim is already affected by this spell, and the spell does * not have an accumulative effect, then fail the spell. */ if (affected_by_spell(victim,spellnum) && !(accum_duration||accum_affect)) { send_to_char(ch, "%s", NOEFFECT); return; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_SPELL_AFFECTS; i++) if (af[i].bitvector || (af[i].location != APPLY_NONE)) affect_join(victim, af+i, accum_duration, FALSE, accum_affect, FALSE); if (to_vict != NULL) act(to_vict, FALSE, victim, 0, ch, TO_CHAR); if (to_room != NULL) act(to_room, TRUE, victim, 0, ch, TO_ROOM); } /* * This function is used to provide services to mag_groups. This function * is the one you should change to add new group spells. */ void perform_mag_groups(int level, struct char_data *ch, struct char_data *tch, int spellnum, int savetype) { switch (spellnum) { case SPELL_GROUP_HEAL: mag_points(level, ch, tch, SPELL_HEAL, savetype); break; case SPELL_GROUP_ARMOR: mag_affects(level, ch, tch, SPELL_ARMOR, savetype); break; case SPELL_GROUP_RECALL: spell_recall(level, ch, tch, NULL); break; } } /* * Every spell that affects the group should run through here * perform_mag_groups contains the switch statement to send us to the right * magic. * * group spells affect everyone grouped with the caster who is in the room, * caster last. * * To add new group spells, you shouldn't have to change anything in * mag_groups -- just add a new case to perform_mag_groups. */ void mag_groups(int level, struct char_data *ch, int spellnum, int savetype) { struct char_data *tch, *k; struct follow_type *f, *f_next; if (ch == NULL) return; if (!AFF_FLAGGED(ch, AFF_GROUP)) return; if (ch->master != NULL) k = ch->master; else k = ch; for (f = k->followers; f; f = f_next) { f_next = f->next; tch = f->follower; if (IN_ROOM(tch) != IN_ROOM(ch)) continue; if (!AFF_FLAGGED(tch, AFF_GROUP)) continue; if (ch == tch) continue; perform_mag_groups(level, ch, tch, spellnum, savetype); } if ((k != ch) && AFF_FLAGGED(k, AFF_GROUP)) perform_mag_groups(level, ch, k, spellnum, savetype); perform_mag_groups(level, ch, ch, spellnum, savetype); } /* * mass spells affect every creature in the room except the caster. * * No spells of this class currently implemented. */ void mag_masses(int level, struct char_data *ch, int spellnum, int savetype) { struct char_data *tch, *tch_next; for (tch = world[IN_ROOM(ch)].people; tch; tch = tch_next) { tch_next = tch->next_in_room; if (tch == ch) continue; switch (spellnum) { } } } /* * Every spell that affects an area (room) runs through here. These are * generally offensive spells. This calls mag_damage to do the actual * damage -- all spells listed here must also have a case in mag_damage() * in order for them to work. * * area spells have limited targets within the room. */ void mag_areas(int level, struct char_data *ch, int spellnum, int savetype) { struct char_data *tch, *next_tch; const char *to_char = NULL, *to_room = NULL; if (ch == NULL) return; /* * to add spells to this fn, just add the message here plus an entry * in mag_damage for the damaging part of the spell. */ switch (spellnum) { case SPELL_EARTHQUAKE: to_char = "You gesture and the earth begins to shake all around you!"; to_room ="$n gracefully gestures and the earth begins to shake violently!"; break; } if (to_char != NULL) act(to_char, FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR); if (to_room != NULL) act(to_room, FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); for (tch = world[IN_ROOM(ch)].people; tch; tch = next_tch) { next_tch = tch->next_in_room; /* * The skips: 1: the caster * 2: immortals * 3: if no pk on this mud, skips over all players * 4: pets (charmed NPCs) */ if (tch == ch) continue; if (!IS_NPC(tch) && GET_LEVEL(tch) >= LVL_IMMORT) continue; if (!pk_allowed && !IS_NPC(ch) && !IS_NPC(tch)) continue; if (!IS_NPC(ch) && IS_NPC(tch) && AFF_FLAGGED(tch, AFF_CHARM)) continue; /* Doesn't matter if they die here so we don't check. -gg 6/24/98 */ mag_damage(level, ch, tch, spellnum, 1); } } /* * Every spell which summons/gates/conjours a mob comes through here. * * None of these spells are currently implemented in CircleMUD; these * were taken as examples from the JediMUD code. Summons can be used * for spells like clone, ariel servant, etc. * * 10/15/97 (gg) - Implemented Animate Dead and Clone. */ /* * These use act(), don't put the \r\n. */ const char *mag_summon_msgs[] = { "\r\n", "$n makes a strange magical gesture; you feel a strong breeze!", "$n animates a corpse!", "$N appears from a cloud of thick blue smoke!", "$N appears from a cloud of thick green smoke!", "$N appears from a cloud of thick red smoke!", "$N disappears in a thick black cloud!" "As $n makes a strange magical gesture, you feel a strong breeze.", "As $n makes a strange magical gesture, you feel a searing heat.", "As $n makes a strange magical gesture, you feel a sudden chill.", "As $n makes a strange magical gesture, you feel the dust swirl.", "$n magically divides!", "$n animates a corpse!" }; /* * Keep the \r\n because these use send_to_char. */ const char *mag_summon_fail_msgs[] = { "\r\n", "There are no such creatures.\r\n", "Uh oh...\r\n", "Oh dear.\r\n", "Gosh durnit!\r\n", "The elements resist!\r\n", "You failed.\r\n", "There is no corpse!\r\n" }; /* These mobiles do not exist. */ #define MOB_MONSUM_I 130 #define MOB_MONSUM_II 140 #define MOB_MONSUM_III 150 #define MOB_GATE_I 160 #define MOB_GATE_II 170 #define MOB_GATE_III 180 /* Defined mobiles. */ #define MOB_ELEMENTAL_BASE 20 /* Only one for now. */ #define MOB_CLONE 10 #define MOB_ZOMBIE 11 #define MOB_AERIALSERVANT 19 void mag_summons(int level, struct char_data *ch, struct obj_data *obj, int spellnum, int savetype) { struct char_data *mob = NULL; struct obj_data *tobj, *next_obj; int pfail = 0, msg = 0, fmsg = 0, num = 1, handle_corpse = FALSE, i; mob_vnum mob_num; if (ch == NULL) return; switch (spellnum) { case SPELL_CLONE: msg = 10; fmsg = rand_number(2, 6); /* Random fail message. */ mob_num = MOB_CLONE; pfail = 50; /* 50% failure, should be based on something later. */ break; case SPELL_ANIMATE_DEAD: if (obj == NULL || !IS_CORPSE(obj)) { act(mag_summon_fail_msgs[7], FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR); return; } handle_corpse = TRUE; msg = 11; fmsg = rand_number(2, 6); /* Random fail message. */ mob_num = MOB_ZOMBIE; pfail = 10; /* 10% failure, should vary in the future. */ break; default: return; } if (AFF_FLAGGED(ch, AFF_CHARM)) { send_to_char(ch, "You are too giddy to have any followers!\r\n"); return; } if (rand_number(0, 101) < pfail) { send_to_char(ch, "%s", mag_summon_fail_msgs[fmsg]); return; } for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (!(mob = read_mobile(mob_num, VIRTUAL))) { send_to_char(ch, "You don't quite remember how to make that creature.\r\n"); return; } char_to_room(mob, IN_ROOM(ch)); IS_CARRYING_W(mob) = 0; IS_CARRYING_N(mob) = 0; SET_BIT(AFF_FLAGS(mob), AFF_CHARM); if (spellnum == SPELL_CLONE) { /* Don't mess up the prototype; use new string copies. */ mob->player.name = strdup(GET_NAME(ch)); mob->player.short_descr = strdup(GET_NAME(ch)); } act(mag_summon_msgs[msg], FALSE, ch, 0, mob, TO_ROOM); add_follower(mob, ch); } if (handle_corpse) { for (tobj = obj->contains; tobj; tobj = next_obj) { next_obj = tobj->next_content; obj_from_obj(tobj); obj_to_char(tobj, mob); } extract_obj(obj); } } void mag_points(int level, struct char_data *ch, struct char_data *victim, int spellnum, int savetype) { int healing = 0, move = 0; if (victim == NULL) return; switch (spellnum) { case SPELL_CURE_LIGHT: healing = dice(1, 8) + 1 + (level / 4); send_to_char(victim, "You feel better.\r\n"); break; case SPELL_CURE_CRITIC: healing = dice(3, 8) + 3 + (level / 4); send_to_char(victim, "You feel a lot better!\r\n"); break; case SPELL_HEAL: healing = 100 + dice(3, 8); send_to_char(victim, "A warm feeling floods your body.\r\n"); break; } GET_HIT(victim) = MIN(GET_MAX_HIT(victim), GET_HIT(victim) + healing); GET_MOVE(victim) = MIN(GET_MAX_MOVE(victim), GET_MOVE(victim) + move); update_pos(victim); } void mag_unaffects(int level, struct char_data *ch, struct char_data *victim, int spellnum, int type) { int spell = 0, msg_not_affected = TRUE; const char *to_vict = NULL, *to_room = NULL; if (victim == NULL) return; switch (spellnum) { case SPELL_HEAL: /* * Heal also restores health, so don't give the "no effect" message * if the target isn't afflicted by the 'blindness' spell. */ msg_not_affected = FALSE; /* fall-through */ case SPELL_CURE_BLIND: spell = SPELL_BLINDNESS; to_vict = "Your vision returns!"; to_room = "There's a momentary gleam in $n's eyes."; break; case SPELL_REMOVE_POISON: spell = SPELL_POISON; to_vict = "A warm feeling runs through your body!"; to_room = "$n looks better."; break; case SPELL_REMOVE_CURSE: spell = SPELL_CURSE; to_vict = "You don't feel so unlucky."; break; default: log("SYSERR: unknown spellnum %d passed to mag_unaffects.", spellnum); return; } if (!affected_by_spell(victim, spell)) { if (msg_not_affected) send_to_char(ch, "%s", NOEFFECT); return; } affect_from_char(victim, spell); if (to_vict != NULL) act(to_vict, FALSE, victim, 0, ch, TO_CHAR); if (to_room != NULL) act(to_room, TRUE, victim, 0, ch, TO_ROOM); } void mag_alter_objs(int level, struct char_data *ch, struct obj_data *obj, int spellnum, int savetype) { const char *to_char = NULL, *to_room = NULL; if (obj == NULL) return; switch (spellnum) { case SPELL_BLESS: if (!OBJ_FLAGGED(obj, ITEM_BLESS) && (GET_OBJ_WEIGHT(obj) <= 5 * GET_LEVEL(ch))) { SET_BIT(GET_OBJ_EXTRA(obj), ITEM_BLESS); to_char = "$p glows briefly."; } break; case SPELL_CURSE: if (!OBJ_FLAGGED(obj, ITEM_NODROP)) { SET_BIT(GET_OBJ_EXTRA(obj), ITEM_NODROP); if (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj) == ITEM_WEAPON) GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 2)--; to_char = "$p briefly glows red."; } break; case SPELL_INVISIBLE: if (!OBJ_FLAGGED(obj, ITEM_NOINVIS | ITEM_INVISIBLE)) { SET_BIT(GET_OBJ_EXTRA(obj), ITEM_INVISIBLE); to_char = "$p vanishes."; } break; case SPELL_POISON: if (((GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj) == ITEM_DRINKCON) || (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj) == ITEM_FOUNTAIN) || (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj) == ITEM_FOOD)) && !GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 3)) { GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 3) = 1; to_char = "$p steams briefly."; } break; case SPELL_REMOVE_CURSE: if (OBJ_FLAGGED(obj, ITEM_NODROP)) { REMOVE_BIT(GET_OBJ_EXTRA(obj), ITEM_NODROP); if (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj) == ITEM_WEAPON) GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 2)++; to_char = "$p briefly glows blue."; } break; case SPELL_REMOVE_POISON: if (((GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj) == ITEM_DRINKCON) || (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj) == ITEM_FOUNTAIN) || (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj) == ITEM_FOOD)) && GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 3)) { GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 3) = 0; to_char = "$p steams briefly."; } break; } if (to_char == NULL) send_to_char(ch, "%s", NOEFFECT); else act(to_char, TRUE, ch, obj, 0, TO_CHAR); if (to_room != NULL) act(to_room, TRUE, ch, obj, 0, TO_ROOM); else if (to_char != NULL) act(to_char, TRUE, ch, obj, 0, TO_ROOM); } void mag_creations(int level, struct char_data *ch, int spellnum) { struct obj_data *tobj; obj_vnum z; if (ch == NULL) return; /* level = MAX(MIN(level, LVL_IMPL), 1); - Hm, not used. */ switch (spellnum) { case SPELL_CREATE_FOOD: z = 10; break; default: send_to_char(ch, "Spell unimplemented, it would seem.\r\n"); return; } if (!(tobj = read_object(z, VIRTUAL))) { send_to_char(ch, "I seem to have goofed.\r\n"); log("SYSERR: spell_creations, spell %d, obj %d: obj not found", spellnum, z); return; } obj_to_char(tobj, ch); act("$n creates $p.", FALSE, ch, tobj, 0, TO_ROOM); act("You create $p.", FALSE, ch, tobj, 0, TO_CHAR); }